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S1E7 Under the Sea

Started by Dylan Torngate, October 29, 2017, 10:05:17 PM

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Quote from: Dylan Torngate on November 30, 2017, 08:51:33 PM

[USS Excalibur- Engineering]

Mulchano pondered the question. To be honest, he'd never thought of it much. He thought and replied carefully and cautiously before replying.

"Well, yes, we had to get used to what we had. But I can't say I enjoyed seeing what happened to the Cardassians in the Dominion war. During the occupation? Sure. I hated them as much as the next Bajoran. But I never took pleasure in watching them suffer. They were my enemy and needed to die. Simple as that."

He sighed as he heard the alarm fade away. "But during the war, they didn't deserve the treatment they got. They were the ultimate losers." he rearranged the dials once more, and clarified his statements. "That doesn't mean I don't still hate them. They ruined and savaged my planet and even today we're still not free of the effects. But I can remember each one of them I killed. Guess that kind of makes sense." he said. In truth, even he didn't know fully. Morality and conscious thought had taken a backseat for the viscous fight that he partook in. It was a just fight, but had a high cost.

"It's not my place to pray to the Prophets. It is as they will, and my prayers and supplications will not sway them." he said, a finite tone to his voice.


Dylan watched as the sun began to shine down through the surface of the water. They had less than five hundred meters to go, and they'd be on the surface. He keyed the comms. =/\= All hands, brace for surfacing. =/\= he said, thankful the Kraken had turned back.

Mere moments later, though they felt like an eternity, the Saucer breached the water, a plume of water erupting as the breaching saucer went almost vertical before splashing down, sending another shockwave of water across the ocean, slowly going out from the center. It appeared they'd surfaced right next to, or rather in the middle of, their shuttles, with two already in the air, probably the shuttles coming to find out what was wrong, buzzing around their heads.

[USS Excalibur Engineering]

Lek pondered the Chief's response and found it to be surprisingly well thought out and forgiving of an enemy he wasn't so sure he could forgive. Before he could respond, the saucer breached the surface.

"Route all power not going to life support to downward thrust from the impulse. We don't have thrusters for stationkeeping, so we are going to drift. Standby to secure operations, the old girl has done her last duty."

Lek stood and walked over to the exposed components of the impulse engines and caressed them with genuine affection.

"Thank you."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kyle Briggs

Kyle grabbed a hold of the Captain's seat and the railing behind him as the old ship burst through the surface. Two consecutive missions involving being under water and now a damn giant freaking octopus thing.

Why did I come back? he thought to himself.

As they began to settle, several of the station personnel started to applaud and cheer.

Oh yeah. To help others.

He turned his attention to Liv to make sure she was okay. He gave a her a reassuring wink that also asked if she was good to go? He had no doubt she'd have a few bruises from being tossed around. He surveyed the Bridge. Everyone seemed to be doing fine all things considered.

"I got to be honest, Sir. I had my doubts sometimes about that plan." he said to the CO with a smile. "You've got one hell of a crew here. I'm truly honored to be part of it."

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell on November 30, 2017, 08:58:30 PM

PO3 Rayek
[USS Excalibur - Bridge]

Rayek continued to track the course of the Á¢â,¬Ëœkraken' - ready to fire- as ithe creature descended passing underneath the climbing saucer section.  Up and further up they rose.  Soon reaching 500m, at which point another chime on his console drew his attention yet again.  This time the news was better.

"Captain, the surface is showing debris.  Including several shuttles."


Dylan nodded to the Petty Officer. "Understood." he said. "Helm, try to avoid the debris... those are our own shuttles after all." he said, before the ship surfaced.

Moments later, Dylan had made contact with the two shuttles, who began hovering with tractor beams splaying forth, holding the saucer above the water. The weather had also mostly cleared- the Hurricanes could be seen in the distance, but were moving away. The weather now was simply rain, and a lot of it. The impact of the drops on the hull could be heard, reverberating throughout the whole saucer as air vents recovered fresh air and began pumping the area in earnest, feeling fresh air for the first time in ages.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 30, 2017, 09:24:20 PM

Kyle grabbed a hold of the Captain's seat and the railing behind him as the old ship burst through the surface. Two consecutive missions involving being under water and now a damn giant freaking octopus thing.

Why did I come back? he thought to himself.

As they began to settle, several of the station personnel started to applaud and cheer.

Oh yeah. To help others.

He turned his attention to Liv to make sure she was okay. He gave a her a reassuring wink that also asked if she was good to go? He had no doubt she'd have a few bruises from being tossed around. He surveyed the Bridge. Everyone seemed to be doing fine all things considered.

"I got to be honest, Sir. I had my doubts sometimes about that plan." he said to the CO with a smile. "You've got one hell of a crew here. I'm truly honored to be part of it."

Dylan's smile was broad as he saw the flotsam and water shedding off the hull, the registry number clear on the hull through the viewscreen, albeit upside down. NCC-1664. Excalibur. A rather appropriate appearance. The Excalibur was in some legends the legendary sword granted to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake, destined to do great things for her wielders. This certainly had proven true today.

"Commander, it was an honor to work with you." he said, smiling. The crew was cheering on the bridge, and elsewhere things may or may not be known. So over the intercom, he shot a message.

=/\= All Hands, Break out the beach towels and sunscreen, cuz we're at the surface! =/\=

He looked to Kyle and spoke honestly to the man. "I had more than a few doubts myself. But we made it. We're Starfleet, we defy the impossible every day of our jobs."

Quote from: Lek on November 30, 2017, 09:03:33 PM

[USS Excalibur Engineering]

Lek pondered the Chief's response and found it to be surprisingly well thought out and forgiving of an enemy he wasn't so sure he could forgive. Before he could respond, the saucer breached the surface.

"Route all power not going to life support to downward thrust from the impulse. We don't have thrusters for stationkeeping, so we are going to drift. Standby to secure operations, the old girl has done her last duty."

Lek stood and walked over to the exposed components of the impulse engines and caressed them with genuine affection.

"Thank you."


Mulchano nodded. "Understood," he said, before following through on the orders. After he had done so, he turned and stood at parade rest, arms clasped behind his back.

"Lieutenant, We are secure from dive. Secured from operations." he said, plain and simple but smiling broadly.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Silas McCreary

[USS Excalibur Bridge]

Silas was busy monitoring the thrust output from the impulse engines and doing his best to keep the ship level when the alarm bell rang.

Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell on November 30, 2017, 01:30:08 PM

PO3 Rayek
[USS Excalibur -Bridge]

A sharp chime cut across the slow crooning of the music that someone had opted to play over the Bridge speakers.  Rayek checked his console, frowned and adjusted the resolution before calling out to Captain over the music, his voice once more sounding foreign to his ears. "Captain, I have sensor readings of something large approaching from the portside which appears to be on an intercept.  Possibly an indigenous lifeform."

Rayek glanced over towards the Science station which would likely have better bio-sensors than his tactical station.  "Ensign Aldin, can you confirm?"

At hearing the report of a possible lifeform to port side Silas tensed, as if this wasn't stressful enough he thought. He checked the sensor readings coming to his station to confirm the report. A kracken they said, though Silas wasn't too sure what that was, it was enormous and it moving towards them
Quote from: Dylan Torngate on November 30, 2017, 06:04:20 PM

Dylan nodded to himself as the man cut the channel.  He didn't say it, but he thought, "Good Luck".

However, their primary mission was one of exploration and science... which is exactly what they found moments later.

Dylan looked up, surprised, at the talk of a Kraken. Such beasts were supposed to be mythical... or at least on Earth. He sighed. "Well, get all the sensor readings you can. Permission denied, Mister tr'Lhoell. To every force there is an equal and opposite reaction and we need all our momentum. Helm, curve us so we skim by it if you have to, but we cannot fire our torpedoes. Not that century-old weapons will still work likely." he said. "Take tricorder readings if you have to. We are still on a mission of Science, after all."

He paused, and turned to face Elijah, a carefree look on his face. "Release the Kraken, then."

"Aye Sir," Silas responded as he quickly keyed in a slight course change a little perplexed by the pitch of his voice, he had forgotten about the helium. " New course heading 015 mark 20." He elevated the pitch of the saucer by five degrees hoping it would carry them a bit further from the giant squid, any more and they would risk rising too quickly, he dared not increase the thrust for the same reasoning.
Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell on November 30, 2017, 06:32:59 PM

PO3 Rayek
[USS Excalibur - Bridge]

Rayek was disappointed about the Captain's decision to not use torpedoes but the man made a valid point so Rayek readily acknowledged the command in his chipmunk voice "Aye, Captain'

Watching his tactical screen, Rayek kept alert for sign that the helm's course correction was having any affect. So far it showed no change.  "Interception in 1 minute 45 seconds"

Silas did his best to keep the adrenaline coursing through his veins under control. So close to reaching the surface and this creature threatened to end that in less than two minutes.

"Altering course bearing 025 mark 15," Silas reported rotating the saucer to better head away from the squid leveling of a bit to better face the engines directly at the squid. Maybe all the heat will scare it away Silas hoped as the saucer continued to climb.

Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell on November 30, 2017, 07:36:24 PM

P03 Rayek
[USS Excalibur]

Still watching the approach of the creature through tactical sensors, Rayek acknowledged the Captain's order with a crisp yet child-like "Yes, sir" and readied to turn his phaser aim from directly ahead to the portside.

Then he noticed a slight change,  "Sir, the creature seems to be altering course...  Yes.  It's course has altered Á¢â,¬"œ it's going deeper sir."

Silas breathed an audible sigh of relief, i hope that's the last hurdle for today he thought, monitoring the slow climb to the surface. In minutes the saucer section would breach the surface and Silas would need to make sure the thrust was adjusted properly, lest they break the surface and launch off like a rocket.
Quote from: Dylan Torngate on November 30, 2017, 08:51:33 PM


Dylan watched as the sun began to shine down through the surface of the water. They had less than five hundred meters to go, and they'd be on the surface. He keyed the comms. =/\= All hands, brace for surfacing. =/\= he said, thankful the Kraken had turned back.

Mere moments later, though they felt like an eternity, the Saucer breached the water, a plume of water erupting as the breaching saucer went almost vertical before splashing down, sending another shockwave of water across the ocean, slowly going out from the center. It appeared they'd surfaced right next to, or rather in the middle of, their shuttles, with two already in the air, probably the shuttles coming to find out what was wrong, buzzing around their heads.

The final moments the Excalibur was underwater crept at a pace rivaled by molasses at least it seemed to Silas. Every foot the ship rose required an equal decrease in thrust keeping Silas madly tapping away at his controls. As they finally neared the surface passing 250 meters, Silas cut the power all together, their momentum was plenty enough to carry them the rest of the way to the surface. The light finally coming through the view-screen was a welcome sight and Silas felt a weight lift off his shoulders as the saucer section rose from the depths and splashed down on the surface.

"Good ride," Silas spoke to the ship, "It was a pleasure to sit your helm." He felt relieved to be sure but also strangely proud for bringing this old girl on one more flight. "Thank you," he said hand on the controls one last time.


[USS Excalibur Engineering]

Lek turned from the impulse engines and spoke to his 'staff's.

"Chief, ensign, thank you for your timely assistance. I was losing ground and you stepped in when you were needed most. We succeeded because of you."

Lek then motioned over to the ensign to where he could speak to her in private.

"I know I barked at you when things got tough, but even though you got off track, you regrouped and got the job done. The thing to remember is that it's not always getting thing right the first time, it's adjusting to adverse conditions and getting it right in time."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kyle Briggs


Quote from: Dylan Torngate on November 30, 2017, 09:39:50 PM

Dylan nodded to the Petty Officer. "Understood." he said. "Helm, try to avoid the debris... those are our own shuttles after all." he said, before the ship surfaced.

Moments later, Dylan had made contact with the two shuttles, who began hovering with tractor beams splaying forth, holding the saucer above the water. The weather had also mostly cleared- the Hurricanes could be seen in the distance, but were moving away. The weather now was simply rain, and a lot of it. The impact of the drops on the hull could be heard, reverberating throughout the whole saucer as air vents recovered fresh air and began pumping the area in earnest, feeling fresh air for the first time in ages.

Dylan's smile was broad as he saw the flotsam and water shedding off the hull, the registry number clear on the hull through the viewscreen, albeit upside down. NCC-1664. Excalibur. A rather appropriate appearance. The Excalibur was in some legends the legendary sword granted to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake, destined to do great things for her wielders. This certainly had proven true today.

"Commander, it was an honor to work with you." he said, smiling. The crew was cheering on the bridge, and elsewhere things may or may not be known. So over the intercom, he shot a message.

=/\= All Hands, Break out the beach towels and sunscreen, cuz we're at the surface! =/\=

He looked to Kyle and spoke honestly to the man. "I had more than a few doubts myself. But we made it. We're Starfleet, we defy the impossible every day of our jobs."

"That we do, Sir. That we do." Kyle replied as he watched the Excalibur's saucer section slightly hover above the water. "So what's the next step in this wild ride? We taking this thing home?" he asked.

Rayek trLhoell

PO3 Rayek
[USS Excalibur Á¢â,¬"œ Bridge]

Rayek secured the tactical station.  "Tactical is locked down."  He stated to no one in particular, it was just protocol to announce.   Afterwards he turned to the Commander.  "I'm going to go check on the station staff and ensure they are ready for beam out when the shuttles are ready."  Then headed down to the labs to check in on the injured, especially Mr. Cleroux.

[Deck 2 Á¢â,¬"œ Lab]
Rayek after checking on the still unconscious Lieutenant made his way to where Miss Moors and Rhymus were conversing.   He regarded them for a moment before approaching.  He offered his assistance but suspected he be turned away.

"Perhaps, sir, you and I should talk when we are back aboard the Challenger."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on November 30, 2017, 09:48:52 PM


"That we do, Sir. That we do." Kyle replied as he watched the Excalibur's saucer section slightly hover above the water. "So what's the next step in this wild ride? We taking this thing home?" he asked.


Dylan let out an incredulous laugh as he heard the man. He put an arm around the man's shoulder and looked at him. "I... I... Is that SERIOUSLY a question, Commander?" he asked, a broad smile on his face.

"We're not taking this thing home. We're taking this lady home to rest. Plus..." he said, turning around. "Nobody would believe a word of this without proof."

Quote from: Lek on November 30, 2017, 09:47:13 PM

[USS Excalibur Engineering]

Lek turned from the impulse engines and spoke to his 'staff's.

"Chief, ensign, thank you for your timely assistance. I was losing ground and you stepped in when you were needed most. We succeeded because of you."

Lek then motioned over to the ensign to where he could speak to her in private.

"I know I barked at you when things got tough, but even though you got off track, you regrouped and got the job done. The thing to remember is that it's not always getting thing right the first time, it's adjusting to adverse conditions and getting it right in time."


Hearing the words of the Lieutenant, Mulchano smiled, breaking his attention and looking around the room, surveying it. "Hundred years old and still showing up younger ships. Guess Age truly is just a number" he said, as he ran his hand down a bulkhead, before looking to Lek.

"With your permission sir, I'll be returning to my duties." he said, waiting before exiting the room and walking down the corridor, the red alert lights fading to standby lighting.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Kyle Briggs


Quote from: Dylan Torngate on November 30, 2017, 09:56:33 PM

Dylan let out an incredulous laugh as he heard the man. He put an arm around the man's shoulder and looked at him. "I... I... Is that SERIOUSLY a question, Commander?" he asked, a broad smile on his face.

"We're not taking this thing home. We're taking this lady home to rest. Plus..." he said, turning around. "Nobody would believe a word of this without proof."

Kyle returned the Captain's smile. "I stand corrected, Sir." he began. "This Lady."

He looked around he Bridge again wondering what it would have been like. Out there with the technology of that time. They were freaking spoiled nowadays compared to how this ship had to handle things.

He watched as some of the crew began going about prepping for evacuation. He saw Liv stand up out the corner of his eye. They had a few minutes before everything started to get hectic again with said evacuation so he made his way over to her and took her into his arms again. "You okay?" he asked.

"I want to see Elijah." was all she said.

Catrin Maddux

[Pre-Saucer Separation - Engineering Office]

Catrin jabbed at the button again but it seemed the door was either stuck, or locked from the outside. The air stank wetly of decay and she thought she could hear a faint squelching noise coming from somewhere in the pitch black. The hyperspanner she held only gave off enough light to illuminate her hand and not much beyond it. She tried to take deep calming breaths, but the fetid odor of the trapped air nearly gagged her. Something faintly tugged at the edge of her mind, but in her rising panic, she didn't quite register it at first. She banged at the door, but the sound seemed to rouse whatever was causing the squelching. The noise grew louder as she had to assume it was moving closer.

"Please somebody, anybody! Get this door open! There's something else in here!"

Cat rammed her shoulder into the door, only for it to slide open and she fell through the doorway into the arms of a somewhat surprised Lt. Orkan Tzak.

"Well I was looking for you, Curious Cat, but I didn't expect you to be falling for me so soon," said the Andorian pilot with a chuckle, as he helped her straighten up. The counselor was in no state to appreciate his humor just yet. She scrabbled for the door panel, closing the office off once more.

"There's something in there, Orkan. I dunno what it is, but it's... hungry." With a shiver, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the door.

Orkan draped an arm around her shoulders and gently steered her away. "Whatever beastie you found, it's not our problem now. We need to get to the saucer section. That's actually why I came around looking for you."

Cat mutely nodded and let him guide her away. Her thoughts still remained on her encounter in the darkness.

[Post Saucer Separation/Resurfacing - Bridge]

The journey to the surface had been eventful, but Catrin had remained uncharacteristically quiet. The motion through the water threatened to bring on a renewal of her dreaded seasickness. However Lt. Tzak had quietly chatted to her, doing a great job of keeping her mind off things. The pair of them had strapped in at the back of the bridge, in an unclaimed set of chairs. It seemed he was actually an old friend of her own Leo Scott. Once he realized they knew each other, he couldn't resist telling her of some of their Academy exploits. The ginger lightly patted his hand, the gesture conveying the gratitude that she didn't quite have the words for.

Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out...

Dylan Torngate

Captain's Log, Stardate 71057.7

The Challenger has had quite the interesting month. From our arrival to the end, the mission was... unorthodox. I rest comfortably knowing the crew has responded at every turn with enthusiasm, determination, and the dedication I've come to expect from them.

After our surfacing, we were able to get in contact with the Challenger and are safely home, with all our shuttles home as well. The crew of the science station has been able to finalize their research- their scientists tell me we were able to save 93% of their research.

As for the Excalibur... I've decided not to inform starfleet of our haul quite yet. The final status report of the Excalibur I want done in person. Our shuttles have retrieved her from the ocean, and our engineering crews have made her space worthy again. We'll be towing her back to Deep Space Nine, for final dispensation and to finally close this particular chapter in Starfleet history.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

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