Mission 6 : Flight of the Freighter

Started by Kirok, October 01, 2016, 03:26:36 PM

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Kirok sat in his central seat on the Bridge.  Reading over yet again the report he had received from Captain Constance Lafayette.  It was troubling to say the least and had the potential to irreparably damage Star Fleets reputation.

All because Section 31 had apparently killed the Bajorian inhabitants of Tarna and then made it look like the Cardassian Union was responsible for destruction of the Bajoran colony.  An act which resulted in the war behind Cardassian which helped to manipulate the Bajorian government to join the United Federation of Planets.  Thus giving the UFP 'control' over the wormhole, the most direct route to the Gamma Quadrant.

To think that the group Kirok had once been loyal too could do such a thing was detestable.  But even he had resigned from the group when he had learned of their deceitful, self-serving, and power-hungry driven ways.  He had even given up his secret intelligence name Jecur and left the fleet for awhile.

Perhaps the half Vulcan had been wrong to leave Section 31 and thus allow his former superiors to continue on 'unchecked.'  That would be a question Kirok would have to deal with for the rest of his life.  But with this report, he might have to opportunity to make up for that mistake in some minor way.  "Report" he called out somewhat absent-mindedly.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Steve Marshall

Star Fleet Head Quarters- Earth.

Ensign Marshall walked in to Admiralty office where a commander waived the young Ensign " The Admiral is waiting for you."  Steve checked one more time before the door to the office was open he walked in and stood to attention.

" At ease Mr Marshall and take a seat" Admiral Chris Beckett was a surly man in his mid 50s.

" Thank you for coming to see me. Your new assignment is the USS Phoenix. As a security officer. This assignment also comes with a rank increase. Its with greatest of Pleasure I promote you to the rank of Lt. JG.." The admiral handed the young man the pips and he added them to his uniform.

" Thank you sir"  Marshall said beaming. " Its a pleasure to Lt Marshall but your commanding officer is awaiting you, dismissed".
USS Phoenix Commanding Officers Ready room

Steve had been on the Phoenix for a number of hours and had been placed with quarters and he needed to see the Co He had been waiting a few seconds before he was called in.
" Excuse me sir I am Ensign Sorry I mean Lt JG Steven Marshall Ships security officer."  He stood as straight as he could...


Quote from: Steve Marshall on October 02, 2016, 01:56:24 AM

Star Fleet Head Quarters- Earth.

Ensign Marshall walked in to Admiralty office where a commander waived the young Ensign " The Admiral is waiting for you."  Steve checked one more time before the door to the office was open he walked in and stood to attention.

" At ease Mr Marshall and take a seat" Admiral Chris Beckett was a surly man in his mid 50s.

" Thank you for coming to see me. Your new assignment is the USS Phoenix. As a security officer. This assignment also comes with a rank increase. Its with greatest of Pleasure I promote you to the rank of Lt. JG.." The admiral handed the young man the pips and he added them to his uniform.

" Thank you sir"  Marshall said beaming. " Its a pleasure to Lt Marshall but your commanding officer is awaiting you, dismissed".
USS Phoenix Commanding Officers Ready room

Steve had been on the Phoenix for a number of hours and had been placed with quarters and he needed to see the Co He had been waiting a few seconds before he was called in.
" Excuse me sir I am Ensign Sorry I mean Lt JG Steven Marshall Ships security officer."  He stood as straight as he could...


Kirok put the padd down when he heard the voice off to his right.  He had been so engrossed in the report that the man at the Sec/Tac Officer basically snuck up on the half Vulcan.  And that was hard to do to a telepath.

"Mr. Marsall" Kirok said as he rose from his chair.  "It is agreeable to meet you" he added and then bowed slightly to the man.  "Pleas be ease" he added after he noticed the man's posture.

"We will be stopping off near Starbase Columbus soon.  Can you man the Sec/Tac duty station?  Perhaps later we will get a chance to speak more privately" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gabriel Arthur

[Science Labs]

It was quiet this time of shift - as it tended to be.  Actually, things had been pretty quiet over the last few days.  Engineering was practically running itself, and that was a fact for which Gabriel was rather happy.  His mind had been a million different places since the abduction of his and Archangel's children, though the girls were home and safe again.  'Safe' being the operative term, he thought, passing through the laboratory areas and making his way back to the main offices.  You're dumber than you look if you believe that for a second.

In all of the noise and haste of the past days, it was easy to let things fall through the cracks.  Gabriel wasn't the only parent that suffered through taken children.  Falleg's little babies had been stolen as well, though he was glad to think that they were too small to even remember it.  Still, Gabriel knew he'd be remiss in his duties as a friend if he didn't check up on how everyone was doing, and he aimed to do just that, looking for Hrafn.  Shouldn't be hard to spot, he thought, smiling to himself.  Just look for the flash of red hair going a million miles an hour.

Kachina Filitov


Promenade - Starbase Columbus

Katcha leaned on the railing and looked out over the Promenade. She was bored, having nothing to do until the Phoenix arrived. She absently fiddled with the new half pip on her collar. While she would have preferred to stay on the Discovery, a promotion had helped soften the blow. She went over to a Cafe and ordered herself a fruit juice. She would have preferred a Vodka but she hated the Synth version and she could not drink while in uniform.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Steve Marshall

Quote from: Kirok on October 02, 2016, 02:31:08 AM


Kirok put the padd down when he heard the voice off to his right.  He had been so engrossed in the report that the man at the Sec/Tac Officer basically snuck up on the half Vulcan.  And that was hard to do to a telepath.

"Mr. Marsall" Kirok said as he rose from his chair.  "It is agreeable to meet you" he added and then bowed slightly to the man.  "Pleas be ease" he added after he noticed the man's posture.

"We will be stopping off near Starbase Columbus soon.  Can you man the Sec/Tac duty station?  Perhaps later we will get a chance to speak more privately" he said.

Steve Smiled at the Commanding Officer " Aye sir " with that he came to attention and then went to the Security station. As per Starfleet he logged his authorisation code into the ships computer and waited for a conformation from the computer. Seconds later the compute allowed him access and he started his security sweep of the ship.

Security Console- Main Bridge

The bridge as normal on a stars ship was quiet. He checked the ship security logs and there was not any thing out of the ordinary that was reported. He checked that weapons lockers access codes had been changed in the last 24 hours. Not that this was his Job but being new on the ship he wanted to be sure that things  were correct and that if asked he had the information to hand. A list of officers on duty in security listed and where the said officers were posted on the ship. external and internal sensors were working with in normally.

Steve watched the room wondering what people were thinking as they worked were they wishing they were some where else. He thought about his dad and his mum and what they were doing even his sister crossed his mind. The phoenix's mission also was at the top of his mind at the same time. He needed some action and less time to sit and think. He continued to monitor the console in front of him.


Quote from: Steve Marshall on October 02, 2016, 06:49:56 PM

Steve Smiled at the Commanding Officer " Aye sir " with that he came to attention and then went to the Security station. As per Starfleet he logged his authorisation code into the ships computer and waited for a conformation from the computer. Seconds later the compute allowed him access and he started his security sweep of the ship.


Kirok offered tat man a nod.  Then he returned to his chair and the data padd.  A data padd that held the fate of Star Fleet in its allegations and now seemed much heavier in the half Vulcan's hand.

Quote from: Steve Marshall on October 02, 2016, 06:49:56 PM

Security Console- Main Bridge

The bridge as normal on a stars ship was quiet. He checked the ship security logs and there was not any thing out of the ordinary that was reported. He checked that weapons lockers access codes had been changed in the last 24 hours. Not that this was his Job but being new on the ship he wanted to be sure that things  were correct and that if asked he had the information to hand. A list of officers on duty in security listed and where the said officers were posted on the ship. external and internal sensors were working with in normally.

Steve watched the room wondering what people were thinking as they worked were they wishing they were some where else. He thought about his dad and his mum and what they were doing even his sister crossed his mind. The phoenix's mission also was at the top of his mind at the same time. He needed some action and less time to sit and think. He continued to monitor the console in front of him.


The Ferengi Flight Control Officer turned in his seat and faced Kirok.  "We are nearing Starbase Columbus now, Captain.  We should be well with in transport rang" he said.

"Thank you, Beggon.  Please hold this position until further notice" Kirok replied.  "Mr. Marshall, can you contact Starbase Columus and get permission transfer personnel?" the half Vulcan asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Steve Marshall

Quote from: Kirok on October 02, 2016, 08:35:26 PM


Kirok offered tat man a nod.  Then he returned to his chair and the data padd.  A data padd that held the fate of Star Fleet in its allegations and now seemed much heavier in the half Vulcan's hand.


The Ferengi Flight Control Officer turned in his seat and faced Kirok.  "We are nearing Starbase Columbus now, Captain.  We should be well with in transport rang" he said.

"Thank you, Beggon.  Please hold this position until further notice" Kirok replied.  "Mr. Marshall, can you contact Starbase Columus and get permission transfer personnel?" the half Vulcan asked.

Tactical Station Main Bridge

" Aye sir "

Steve Opened the coms " This is the USS Phoenix to Star Base Columbus requesting permission for all new crew to beam aboard the ship".
Marshall returned to the Commanding Officer "  Sir Communications established awaiting permission".

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 02, 2016, 08:35:26 PM


Kirok offered tat man a nod.  Then he returned to his chair and the data padd.  A data padd that held the fate of Star Fleet in its allegations and now seemed much heavier in the half Vulcan's hand.


The Ferengi Flight Control Officer turned in his seat and faced Kirok.  "We are nearing Starbase Columbus now, Captain.  We should be well with in transport rang" he said.

"Thank you, Beggon.  Please hold this position until further notice" Kirok replied.  "Mr. Marshall, can you contact Starbase Columus and get permission transfer personnel?" the half Vulcan asked.

Promenade - Starbase Columbus

Katcha had just finished her drink, when her Com-badge beeped.

=/\=Ops to Commander Filitov. The USS Phoenix has signalled her arrival. Please report to transporter room one and prepare for transfer.=/\=

She immediately tapped it to reply.

=/\=Filitov to Ops. On my vay. Out!=/\=

She picked up her bag and headed to the nearest turbolift, taking it down to transporter room one.

Transporter Room One - Starbase Columbus

Katcha walked through the door and up to the duty Chief.

"Lieutenant Commander Filitov to beam to ze USS Phoenix." She said.

"Of course Commander. If you will please wait for confirmation from Ops."

"I vill vait here." Katcha replied, giving the Chief a nod and going to stand to one side.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Steve Marshall on October 02, 2016, 09:11:05 PM

Tactical Station Main Bridge

" Aye sir "

Steve Opened the coms " This is the USS Phoenix to Star Base Columbus requesting permission for all new crew to beam aboard the ship".
Marshall returned to the Commanding Officer "  Sir Communications established awaiting permission".


"Very good, Mr. Marshall" Kirok replied.  Again his voice sounded as distant as his thoughts.  Possibly as far away as Tarna had been - before it was annihilated.  One horrible image replaced the next - depicting the carnage.

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on October 02, 2016, 09:20:07 PM

Promenade - Starbase Columbus

Katcha had just finished her drink, when her Com-badge beeped.

=/\=Ops to Commander Filitov. The USS Phoenix has signalled her arrival. Please report to transporter room one and prepare for transfer.=/\=

She immediately tapped it to reply.

=/\=Filitov to Ops. On my vay. Out!=/\=

She picked up her bag and headed to the nearest turbolift, taking it down to transporter room one.

Transporter Room One - Starbase Columbus

Katcha walked through the door and up to the duty Chief.

"Lieutenant Commander Filitov to beam to ze USS Phoenix." She said.

"Of course Commander. If you will please wait for confirmation from Ops."

"I vill vait here." Katcha replied, giving the Chief a nod and going to stand to one side.


Marshall's board rang with an incoming hale.  =/\=Starbase Columbus to Phoenix.  We have one to transport over, a Ms. Filitov.  Confirm to receive =/\= the voice said.

Kirok had actually rose slightly at hearing the name.  "You can approve the request, Mr. Marshall.  We know Ms. Filitov and welcome her" he said.  Then returned his attention to his padd.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Steve Marshall

Quote from: Kirok on October 02, 2016, 11:13:00 PM


"Very good, Mr. Marshall" Kirok replied.  Again his voice sounded as distant as his thoughts.  Possibly as far away as Tarna had been - before it was annihilated.  One horrible image replaced the next - depicting the carnage.

"Roger that sir"


Marshall's board rang with an incoming hale.  =/\=Starbase Columbus to Phoenix.  We have one to transport over, a Ms. Filitov.  Confirm to receive =/\= the voice said.

Kirok had actually rose slightly at hearing the name.  "You can approve the request, Mr. Marshall.  We know Ms. Filitov and welcome her" he said.  Then returned his attention to his padd.

Marshall contacted the station " Phoenix to Columbus we are ready to receive the commander. Phoenix out". Cutting of the communications he returned to his own his own job " Sir Commander Filitov is aboard the phoenix."

Ashley Weir


A soft repeating beep filled the room as she laid quietly in her bed. It took a little while, but eventually she woke up. Slowly she slunk out of bed and moved into the restroom so that she could get ready for the day ahead. After a quick shower she threw on her uniform and left the room.

[Mess Hall]

After she'd entered the room she glanced around and looked over everyone. There was no one she knew, so once she grabbed food and sat alone trying to not to disturb any of the crew. It wasn't that she was trying to be unsocial, she wouldn't tell anyone to go away but she was way too shy for anyone to tell HER to go away.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Steve Marshall on October 03, 2016, 01:06:31 AM


Marshall contacted the station " Phoenix to Columbus we are ready to receive the commander. Phoenix out". Cutting of the communications he returned to his own his own job " Sir Commander Filitov is aboard the phoenix."

Transporter Room One - USS Phoenix

Katcha stepped off the Padd and wend straight over the the duty Chief.

"Zank you Chief." She said as she headed to the turbolift and up to the Bridge.


Katcha stepped out of the Turbolift onto the familiar Bridge. She went straight over to where Captain, now Admiral, Kirok sat.

"Lieutenant Kommander Filitov reporting on board Admiral." She said, standing smartly but not at full attention.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Kejal Buris


This was not a major personnel transfer, and so Buris was on the Bridge rather than the airlock or transporter room. Still, it irked him that Kirok was one of those commanders who wanted everything Operations-related routed through Tactical. It was old-fashioned, to say the least.

Still, it gave him time to consider the information he'd gained from that terrorist woman. And to be glad that the children were, for the moment at least, safe and sound.

He looked back at Kirok, trying to figure out the man's expression with the PADD in hand. With Archangel, he knew her looks.  He knew when she was concerned, and how ready to be. He and the Admiral still hadn't found their beat. But it was better safe than sorry, really; they weren't on shore duty, and so Buris was ready for anything.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on October 02, 2016, 11:57:36 AM

[Science Labs]

It was quiet this time of shift - as it tended to be.  Actually, things had been pretty quiet over the last few days.  Engineering was practically running itself, and that was a fact for which Gabriel was rather happy.  His mind had been a million different places since the abduction of his and Archangel's children, though the girls were home and safe again.  'Safe' being the operative term, he thought, passing through the laboratory areas and making his way back to the main offices.  You're dumber than you look if you believe that for a second.

In all of the noise and haste of the past days, it was easy to let things fall through the cracks.  Gabriel wasn't the only parent that suffered through taken children.  Falleg's little babies had been stolen as well, though he was glad to think that they were too small to even remember it.  Still, Gabriel knew he'd be remiss in his duties as a friend if he didn't check up on how everyone was doing, and he aimed to do just that, looking for Hrafn.  Shouldn't be hard to spot, he thought, smiling to himself.  Just look for the flash of red hair going a million miles an hour.

Science Labs - Botany

Hrafn was checking some plants she had started by way of apology to the T'Koris-Arthur girls but she wasn't sure if either the parents or the children were even speaking to her at the moment.

As if  conjured up by her thoughts Gabe crossed her vision going towards her office.

"Gabe, hey Gabe!  Wait up, I'm over here!" Hrafn waved a trowel in his general direction to attract attention.

'Well, let's get this over with.' she thought.

The twins were fine, she wasn't, and she hadn't spoken to either Gabe, Archangel or the girls nor her husband in the intervening time, so she hadn't had any vent.  Hence she was in the botany labs, if she broke down she knew the plants wouldn't care, and most of her staff were far too polite to mention the tear streaks on her face.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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