Mission 6: Flight of the Freighter

Started by Kirok, October 06, 2016, 03:00:56 PM

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Steve Marshall

Quote from: Kirok on October 14, 2016, 07:02:36 PM


"Thank you, Mr. Marshall.  Yes, please" he said.  "Helm, as soon as Mr. Marshall has accomplished this task, please get us our to here" he added.

Steve quickly arranged for the supplies to transport to cargo bay 3 and as soon as this was accomplished he turned to the boss " Sir supplies aboard we are ready to depart".

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on October 14, 2016, 07:02:36 PM


"Thank you, Mr. Marshall.  Yes, please" he said.  "Helm, as soon as Mr. Marshall has accomplished this task, please get us our to here" he added.

Posting as PO Franks, Relief Helmsman

As soon as Marshall acknowledged everything was on board and with the Knowledge that his Boss and the Admiral were both observing him he had never been more nervous.

"Aye Admiral." He replied in his broad Glaswegian accent as he activated the Warp Drive. Once they were on course he turned to the Admiral.

"We're on course for Starbase Columbus at Warp 6 Admiral. ETA 36 hours." He reported.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

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