Season 1 - Mission 3: No Good Deed

Started by Kirok, July 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

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Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on July 24, 2016, 10:53:48 PM

[Main view screen]


The massive ship stared them down.  It was enormous in comparison to the Phoenix.  It was biblical Goliath to the ship's David.

On the side that could be seen were written the words 'Earth First.'  Below the words where what appeared to be hash marks that had been etched into its outer hull.  There were 53 has marks in all.

"Good job, Ms. Filitov" Kirok replied.  'Set us eye to eye with the.  But keep some distance between us" he said.

Kirok then started a scan of the massive ship and charged the weapons.  Given the size of the vessel before them, he doubted their torpedoes or phasers would do much damage but he had to give them a change.   "Opening a hale" he called out before he stepped from behind the console but well enough in reach of the fire weapons buttons.


Katcha nodded, manoeuvring the ship within weapons range.

"Aye Keptin." She replied, worried by what she saw.

'Great, Earth First! Just what they needed.' she thought as she read the marks on the hull.

Quote from: Kirok on July 25, 2016, 09:50:17 PM


The main view screen was filled with an image of a Human man. From the look of him, he had seen battle and plenty of it.  The people surrounding him were all Human.  All of them poised to attack.

"My name is Kirok of the USS Phoenix.   This region is protected by the United Federation of Planets.  Your attack on us could be considered an act of war.  Power down your weapons and will allow you to leave peacefully" Kiork said, looking the man in his eye.

"That's some mighty big talk from such a little ship, Vulcan.  You ain't got no chance in beating us in a fight.  So, do the 'logical' thing and turn your little ship around before we blow you to smithereens" the man replied.

Katcha turned to the Captain.

"Keptin?" She asked, waiting for instructions.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on July 25, 2016, 10:18:09 PM


Katcha nodded, manoeuvring the ship within weapons range.

"Aye Keptin." She replied, worried by what she saw.

'Great, Earth First! Just what they needed.' she thought as she read the marks on the hull.

Katcha turned to the Captain.

"Keptin?" She asked, waiting for instructions.


"He is right, Ms. Filitov.  We have no chance of damaging his ship with out weapons.  The logical thing to do would be leave as he has suggested" Kirok replied.  His words were meant for her as much as they were meant for the man on the ship facing them.

With that said, Kirok lowered his head.  As if shamed by his decision.  Then he turned to the Sec/Tec console and ended the transmission and powered down the weapons as a sign of good faith.

"But it is not always possible to do the logical thing.  Not when we have people on the planet who are relying on us" the Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid said.  "So we will need to use our speed and our wit to best him and an adaptation of the Picard Maneuver" he added pensively.

Kirok opened a hale to Engineering.  =/\=Bridge to engineering.  I need all the power you can spare to propulsion.  And I would suggest buckling into your safety devices.  Kirok out =/\=.

Then he tapped at the console and activated the red alert klaxon.  "Kajel, we need full power to warp.  Ms. Filitov, we need you to take us a close to their bow as possible.  Close enough for their collision alarms to go off and for them to shift all power to their bow shields" he said, laying out a portion of his plan.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Transporter Room]

Rocky watched as all the of away team walked by and were sent out, off the ship somewhere. He didn't really know what was going on- save for the occasional static-filled message he heard. Something about a planet or something. No one paid attention to crewmen cleaning up messes- even if they were the size of a small car. He was pondering this but eventually was shook out of this when the ship began to shake.

Reports to all departments started to come out.

"Red alert... where was I supposed to go again?" He said, mostly to himself.

"Oh yeah." He finally remembered he was assigned to main engineering, though he wasn't quite sure what good he could do. They'd assigned him to auxiliary security duty once or twice, mostly because he looked big and imposing.

He walked, well tempered quickly, to the Engineering bay. There wasn't a whole lot for him to do other than monitor levels and... check his power cleaner? He kept an eye on several non-essential power level readouts, trying to ensure that his bulk was out of the way more than anything.

PO3 Rocky
Sanitation Technician, Starbase Columbus
Played By: Snowflake the albino Gorilla from the Barcelona Zoo

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 25, 2016, 09:24:10 PM


Hearing the report coming in from the Phoenix, Archangel couldn't help but feel a flash of fear for the ship that held her family aboard.  She only allowed it to last for a moment however.  Kirok was an able captain and Gabriel would take care of the girls before any harm could come to them.  She had to focus on keeping the away team safe, especially now that they couldn't rely on the Phoenix to provide any back up.

As Hfran addressed her, the Romulan could tell that there was some of the same tension in the lines of her stance as Archangel felt in her own.  Hfran's twins were also on the ship, also in danger from whatever was happening up there.  It's not a nice feeling, helplessness.  Best get a move on and try to occupy ourselves.

Nodding once to Julia, feeling a slight measure of relief that they had a direction to go in, Archangel quickly made the decision.  "We'll head for the hospital.  Hopefully there, we'll find someone who can answer our questions."

With that said, she took point, heading in the direction Julia had pointed out and hoping that everything was going well up in the space above the planet.


Fortunately the hospital was closer then Julia had believed. After a few minutes of strolling through the desolate environment the group stumbled onto a small building featuring the insignia for Starfleet Medical. The building was smaller than she had anticipated. With a rapid succession of beeps her tricorder began to isolate individual lifeforms. "I think we've found our hospital." Julia said with trepidation. "Or maybe clinic is a better word choice? Either way, I'm able to isolate individual lifesigns. I'm detecting approximately 175 individual in that tiny building. I think we've figured out where everyone is."

She looked to Falleg. "How's your transmission? Is the stream holding up?"

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 25, 2016, 11:54:25 PM


Fortunately the hospital was closer then Julia had believed. After a few minutes of strolling through the desolate environment the group stumbled onto a small building featuring the insignia for Starfleet Medical. The building was smaller than she had anticipated. With a rapid succession of beeps her tricorder began to isolate individual lifeforms. "I think we've found our hospital." Julia said with trepidation. "Or maybe clinic is a better word choice? Either way, I'm able to isolate individual lifesigns. I'm detecting approximately 175 individual in that tiny building. I think we've figured out where everyone is."

She looked to Falleg. "How's your transmission? Is the stream holding up?"


Hrafn had let a tight smile form around her lips to Commander T'Koris, she was a mother, and one with her family in much the position that she was in right now.  Still, a job was a job, and she'd followed putting as much thought into that job to take her mind off what was happening above them.

She was brought from her reverie by Commander Rellek.  "Yes, yes I believe so, even if they are otherwise occupied up there we still have the video footage making a permanent recording which can be played back as they need it, or at the moment can make use of it, and Dr Kintiss can hear us through the relay or should be able to, so he can ask us if he wants us to move this way or that or do this, that or the other.  Although he can only communicate the normal method via our comm links."

Hrafn checked the battery indicator was still full... it was and she had a spare just in case.  She looked at the Ensign.  "You ever been in a situation like this before Ensign?" Hrafn believed in including everyone in the away party and while she knew Archangel and Julia fairly well she wasn't familiar with the Ensign, she was hoping to break the ice a little before either had to rely on the other in potentially life threatening situations.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 26, 2016, 12:49:00 AM


Hrafn had let a tight smile form around her lips to Commander T'Koris, she was a mother, and one with her family in much the position that she was in right now.  Still, a job was a job, and she'd followed putting as much thought into that job to take her mind off what was happening above them.

She was brought from her reverie by Commander Rellek.  "Yes, yes I believe so, even if they are otherwise occupied up there we still have the video footage making a permanent recording which can be played back as they need it, or at the moment can make use of it, and Dr Kintiss can hear us through the relay or should be able to, so he can ask us if he wants us to move this way or that or do this, that or the other.  Although he can only communicate the normal method via our comm links."

Hrafn checked the battery indicator was still full... it was and she had a spare just in case.  She looked at the Ensign.  "You ever been in a situation like this before Ensign?" Hrafn believed in including everyone in the away party and while she knew Archangel and Julia fairly well she wasn't familiar with the Ensign, she was hoping to break the ice a little before either had to rely on the other in potentially life threatening situations.


Tritter followed the group, rifle in hand and scanning the area, both in-front and behind them, he knew what could happen. He heard about the attack on the ship, he was concerned about the people on-board the ship, his family was not on the ship, so that was a major relief to him.  He than heard the female near to him address him, he turned his head to face her, he would than reply with "Yes, and much worse than this, yourself?", his voice was laced with a thick German accent that made it obvious where he came from. He would than scan the area once again.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 25, 2016, 11:54:25 PM


Fortunately the hospital was closer then Julia had believed. After a few minutes of strolling through the desolate environment the group stumbled onto a small building featuring the insignia for Starfleet Medical. The building was smaller than she had anticipated. With a rapid succession of beeps her tricorder began to isolate individual lifeforms. "I think we've found our hospital." Julia said with trepidation. "Or maybe clinic is a better word choice? Either way, I'm able to isolate individual lifesigns. I'm detecting approximately 175 individual in that tiny building. I think we've figured out where everyone is."

She looked to Falleg. "How's your transmission? Is the stream holding up?"


Ashley had moved back to the back of the group remaining quite the whole time. She didn't feel like speaking up on anything that had been said was necessary, and on top of that she didn't think it would be her place to say anything either. She knew she was there as a translator if that became necessary. It wasn't her job to add input, but instead her job was to make sure others got to add theirs.

Archangel Koris

[NPC Post]


Only a few metres behind the small group of Starfleet officers, a group of three transporter beams materialised.  Three humans wielding phaser rifles that were rapidly brought up to be aimed at the away team.  No shots were fired (yet), but the apparent leader of the group narrowed his eyes as he took in the make up of the away team, the majority of them humans.

"What is your business here, Starfleet?" he called out, his tone clearly indicating that the wrong answer could easily spell trouble for them.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on July 26, 2016, 02:21:12 AM


Tritter followed the group, rifle in hand and scanning the area, both in-front and behind them, he knew what could happen. He heard about the attack on the ship, he was concerned about the people on-board the ship, his family was not on the ship, so that was a major relief to him.  He than heard the female near to him address him, he turned his head to face her, he would than reply with "Yes, and much worse than this, yourself?", his voice was laced with a thick German accent that made it obvious where he came from. He would than scan the area once again.

Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 26, 2016, 05:45:38 AM


Ashley had moved back to the back of the group remaining quite the whole time. She didn't feel like speaking up on anything that had been said was necessary, and on top of that she didn't think it would be her place to say anything either. She knew she was there as a translator if that became necessary. It wasn't her job to add input, but instead her job was to make sure others got to add theirs.


"A fair few Ensign!..not generally this quiet!"  She recalled her first away mission in a Ferengi night club.. what a difference! "What part of Germany are you from?" Hrafn's Xenolinguistic ears picking up on his accent immediately.

"You ok there Ms Weir?" she said looking to Ashley.  She was aware how quiet Ash could be and always tried to look out for her unobtrusively since she was a very likeable girl.

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 26, 2016, 09:37:49 AM

[NPC Post]


Only a few metres behind the small group of Starfleet officers, a group of three transporter beams materialised.  Three humans wielding phaser rifles that were rapidly brought up to be aimed at the away team.  No shots were fired (yet), but the apparent leader of the group narrowed his eyes as he took in the make up of the away team, the majority of them humans.

"What is your business here, Starfleet?" he called out, his tone clearly indicating that the wrong answer could easily spell trouble for them.

Hrafn spun round at the voice.  But left it to T'Korris or Rellek to answer.  She vaugely thought that these could be people from whatever vessel had attacked the Phoenix.  Instinctively, she stepped closer to Ashley since she was now closer to the men that had materialised.  She didn't want to appear that Ashley needed 'saving' exactly, she was sure that the girl was perfectly capable of firing a phaser if necessary, but it was just she knew she'd never forgive herself if anything happened to her.  Tritter was Security anyhow and looking at the burly form of the Ensign, she knew he could take down any one of the men now in front of them.

She worried about her semi-lame leg and if she could run fast enough, should they need to but she'd done far worse and she was sure Dr. Kintiss would forgive her if she damaged the knee a little more but saved her, or other people's lives.

She gave a mute look to both Archangel and Julia as if to say 'I've got your back but this one is yours...'

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Kirok on July 25, 2016, 11:06:48 PM

=/\=Bridge to engineering.  I need all the power you can spare to propulsion.  And I would suggest buckling into your safety devices.  Kirok out =/\=.

[Main Engineering]

Biting off another curse, Gabriel took a little half-breath, let it out, and replied, his voice an even keel.  Or, at least, he assumed it was so.

=^="Acknowledged, Captain...though I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't remind you that taking to warp with multiple hull breaches is an extremely, extremely bad idea.  I'm routing every scrap of power to the structural field...we'll get on patching those holds.  Engineering out."=^=

Starship captains.  What can ya do?  Gabriel thought, returning his attention to the situation monitor and the main computer.  Fortunately, none of the five SIF generators had been destroyed, though he presumed the next hour or so would put a major amount of stress on them.  Quickly entering commands, Gabe reinforced the layers of emergency forcefielding around the major breaches.  That should allow them a pocket of relative safety in which to perform the manual work.

Quote from: Rocky

He walked, well tempered quickly, to the Engineering bay. There wasn't a whole lot for him to do other than monitor levels and... check his power cleaner? He kept an eye on several non-essential power level readouts, trying to ensure that his bulk was out of the way more than anything.

"Rocky," Gabriel said, turning and nearly running directly into the wall of white fur.  "Just the man I'm looking for.  Get suited up."  He looked over at Kale.  "Same to you, let's go."  He quickly dispatched ERTs two through four to the injured decks.  Although the major fabrications could be transported into place, it still required maintenance teams to be there in person to complete the proper hull seal.  "Structural field should hold, but we're not taking chances, especially if the Bridge is hell-bent on using warp speed.  Pressure suits for everyone.  Meet me on Deck 27."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on July 25, 2016, 11:06:48 PM


"He is right, Ms. Filitov.  We have no chance of damaging his ship with out weapons.  The logical thing to do would be leave as he has suggested" Kirok replied.  His words were meant for her as much as they were meant for the man on the ship facing them.

With that said, Kirok lowered his head.  As if shamed by his decision.  Then he turned to the Sec/Tec console and ended the transmission and powered down the weapons as a sign of good faith.

"But it is not always possible to do the logical thing.  Not when we have people on the planet who are relying on us" the Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid said.  "So we will need to use our speed and our wit to best him and an adaptation of the Picard Maneuver" he added pensively.

Kirok opened a hale to Engineering.  =/\=Bridge to engineering.  I need all the power you can spare to propulsion.  And I would suggest buckling into your safety devices.  Kirok out =/\=.

Then he tapped at the console and activated the red alert klaxon.  "Kajel, we need full power to warp.  Ms. Filitov, we need you to take us a close to their bow as possible.  Close enough for their collision alarms to go off and for them to shift all power to their bow shields" he said, laying out a portion of his plan.


Katcha nodded, familiar with the Picard Manoeuvre.

"Aye Keptin." She replied. Increasing the impulse drive to full and aiming the ships nose towards the bow of the Earth First vessel. "30 seconds to impact Keptin." She replied as the much larger vessel filled the viewscreen. Her hands hovered over the controls as she prepared to initiate the Warp drive for a short jump.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 26, 2016, 09:37:49 AM

[NPC Post]


Only a few metres behind the small group of Starfleet officers, a group of three transporter beams materialised.  Three humans wielding phaser rifles that were rapidly brought up to be aimed at the away team.  No shots were fired (yet), but the apparent leader of the group narrowed his eyes as he took in the make up of the away team, the majority of them humans.

"What is your business here, Starfleet?" he called out, his tone clearly indicating that the wrong answer could easily spell trouble for them.

With little thought given Julia pulled her phaser and pointed it towards the group opposite the Phoenix away team. She stood to the right T'Koris and flashed a slight glance towards Tritter. She found herself, in that moment, ready for just about anything. The scientist in her took a backseat to the Starfleet officer that T'Koris has taught her to be. She held back waiting for Commander T'Koris to take the lead.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on July 26, 2016, 04:08:42 PM

[Main Engineering]

Biting off another curse, Gabriel took a little half-breath, let it out, and replied, his voice an even keel.  Or, at least, he assumed it was so.

=^="Acknowledged, Captain...though I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't remind you that taking to warp with multiple hull breaches is an extremely, extremely bad idea.  I'm routing every scrap of power to the structural field...we'll get on patching those holds.  Engineering out."=^=

Starship captains.  What can ya do?  Gabriel thought, returning his attention to the situation monitor and the main computer.  Fortunately, none of the five SIF generators had been destroyed, though he presumed the next hour or so would put a major amount of stress on them.  Quickly entering commands, Gabe reinforced the layers of emergency forcefielding around the major breaches.  That should allow them a pocket of relative safety in which to perform the manual work.


=/\=Understood, Mr. Arthur.  If there was any other way to accomplish our goal I would take it.  Kirok out =/\= Kiork replied and then terminated the link.

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on July 26, 2016, 10:39:02 PM


Katcha nodded, familiar with the Picard Manoeuvre.

"Aye Keptin." She replied. Increasing the impulse drive to full and aiming the ships nose towards the bow of the Earth First vessel. "30 seconds to impact Keptin." She replied as the much larger vessel filled the viewscreen. Her hands hovered over the controls as she prepared to initiate the Warp drive for a short jump.

"Good, Ms.Filitov, full speed ahead.  At the point of impact, you will veer up and go to warp.  Then you will do another 90 degree turn and come out of warp.  We should then be facing their stern.  I'll take it from there" Kirok called out, one hand poised to energize weapons again.

With the other he opened a hale.  =/\= All hands, prepare for potential impact.  Strap yourselves into your safety devices now. =/\= he said and then ended the transmission.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 26, 2016, 09:37:49 AM

[NPC Post]


Only a few metres behind the small group of Starfleet officers, a group of three transporter beams materialised.  Three humans wielding phaser rifles that were rapidly brought up to be aimed at the away team.  No shots were fired (yet), but the apparent leader of the group narrowed his eyes as he took in the make up of the away team, the majority of them humans.

"What is your business here, Starfleet?" he called out, his tone clearly indicating that the wrong answer could easily spell trouble for them.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 26, 2016, 12:48:04 PM


"A fair few Ensign!..not generally this quiet!"  She recalled her first away mission in a Ferengi night club.. what a difference! "What part of Germany are you from?" Hrafn's Xenolinguistic ears picking up on his accent immediately.

"You ok there Ms Weir?" she said looking to Ashley.  She was aware how quiet Ash could be and always tried to look out for her unobtrusively since she was a very likeable girl.

Hrafn spun round at the voice.  But left it to T'Korris or Rellek to answer.  She vaugely thought that these could be people from whatever vessel had attacked the Phoenix.  Instinctively, she stepped closer to Ashley since she was now closer to the men that had materialised.  She didn't want to appear that Ashley needed 'saving' exactly, she was sure that the girl was perfectly capable of firing a phaser if necessary, but it was just she knew she'd never forgive herself if anything happened to her.  Tritter was Security anyhow and looking at the burly form of the Ensign, she knew he could take down any one of the men now in front of them.

She worried about her semi-lame leg and if she could run fast enough, should they need to but she'd done far worse and she was sure Dr. Kintiss would forgive her if she damaged the knee a little more but saved her, or other people's lives.

She gave a mute look to both Archangel and Julia as if to say 'I've got your back but this one is yours...'


Ashley opened her mouth to respond to Hrafn as the three men materialized behind her. She twirled around and gripped onto the phaser she had brought. Instead of raising it she kept it down at her side, she didn't want to fire it, but she kept her phaser at the ready just in case.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 26, 2016, 12:48:04 PM


"A fair few Ensign!..not generally this quiet!"  She recalled her first away mission in a Ferengi night club.. what a difference! "What part of Germany are you from?" Hrafn's Xenolinguistic ears picking up on his accent immediately.

"You ok there Ms Weir?" she said looking to Ashley.  She was aware how quiet Ash could be and always tried to look out for her unobtrusively since she was a very likeable girl.

Hrafn spun round at the voice.  But left it to T'Korris or Rellek to answer.  She vaugely thought that these could be people from whatever vessel had attacked the Phoenix.  Instinctively, she stepped closer to Ashley since she was now closer to the men that had materialised.  She didn't want to appear that Ashley needed 'saving' exactly, she was sure that the girl was perfectly capable of firing a phaser if necessary, but it was just she knew she'd never forgive herself if anything happened to her.  Tritter was Security anyhow and looking at the burly form of the Ensign, she knew he could take down any one of the men now in front of them.

She worried about her semi-lame leg and if she could run fast enough, should they need to but she'd done far worse and she was sure Dr. Kintiss would forgive her if she damaged the knee a little more but saved her, or other people's lives.

She gave a mute look to both Archangel and Julia as if to say 'I've got your back but this one is yours...'


Tritter looked towards the female briefly, before he would reply with "Generally speaking, no. I was born in Stuttgart", his heavily accented voice was oddly calm, as if he felt right and comfortable in this situation. He looked around once again and saw the indications of transporters arriving, his blood pressure rised, heart rate increased and his senses sharpened. He would than raise his phaser rifle, pointing right at who he assumes to be the "Leader" of their new challengers, he remained focused on them, but the large man did not speak, he left that for the Commander to handle that.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

🡱 🡳

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