Season 1 - Mission 3: No Good Deed

Started by Kirok, July 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on July 27, 2016, 02:19:56 AM


Tritter looked towards the female briefly, before he would reply with "Generally speaking, no. I was born in Stuttgart", his heavily accented voice was oddly calm, as if he felt right and comfortable in this situation. He looked around once again and saw the indications of transporters arriving, his blood pressure rised, heart rate increased and his senses sharpened. He would than raise his phaser rifle, pointing right at who he assumes to be the "Leader" of their new challengers, he remained focused on them, but the large man did not speak, he left that for the Commander to handle that.


Hrafn nodded at Tritter and muttered "Freut mich Dir kennenzulernen, aber... Vielleicht kÁƒ¶nnten wir spÁƒ¤ter reden?" with a half grin indicating that indeed, now wasn't exactly the time to be having chitchat but it was her way of saying 'If you need to relay something that might not automatically get picked up by the translators....'

She vaguely wondered if the people in front of them might think that the video recorder was some kind of weapon, or if they recognised it for what it was, would they realise that it was transmitting to the ship?

(OOC: German reads: Nice to meet you, perhaps we could talk later?!)

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Archangel Koris


The sudden appearance of a group of armed humans was not helping Archangel's already pinging sense of paranoia, but she put it to the back of her mind and stepped forward, keeping her hands in view and empty of weapons.  The armed group bristled slightly at the motion.  She stopped, not wanting to be the cause for their opening fire on the away team.

"We were dispatched to deliver medical supplies and picked up a distress call from the colony.  We're here to render aid where needed," she explained calmly.  Although the guards didn't seem particularly convinced by the explanation, they nodded and lowered their weapons slightly, although not completely.  The two subordinates looked to the leader, who answered: "You'll want the hospital then.  This way."

With the three guards bringing up the rear, a position they seemed more comfortable with, (and Archangel wasn't about to argue about it, given the tensions already rife in the colony), the away team was escorted to the hospital, where they were greeted with a scene of chaos:

The hospital was indeed more of a clinic, completely out of its depth with the amount of sick colonists it had been forced to deal with.  Pallets had been haphazardly put together in the corridors, halls and waiting rooms, each one bearing a humanoid in advanced stage of disease.  Old, young and juvinile all together, staring, glassy eyes bright with fever, skin inflamed and covered in pustules that seeped septic fluid, coughing weakly while a handful of humans in stained scrubs flitted between them in an effort to alleviate the suffering.  The sheer smell of the clinic nearly had Archangel retching.  The stench of disease and necrosis mixed with sweat and desperation.  Turning to the three guards that had escorted them to the clinic, she asked in a tone of faint exasperation:

"Why didn't you say it was this bad?"

The leader grinned and stepped up to be just out of arms length of the Romulan.  "Earth First," he hissed, and shot her from point blank range.

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 27, 2016, 08:37:44 PM


The sudden appearance of a group of armed humans was not helping Archangel's already pinging sense of paranoia, but she put it to the back of her mind and stepped forward, keeping her hands in view and empty of weapons.  The armed group bristled slightly at the motion.  She stopped, not wanting to be the cause for their opening fire on the away team.

"We were dispatched to deliver medical supplies and picked up a distress call from the colony.  We're here to render aid where needed," she explained calmly.  Although the guards didn't seem particularly convinced by the explanation, they nodded and lowered their weapons slightly, although not completely.  The two subordinates looked to the leader, who answered: "You'll want the hospital then.  This way."

With the three guards bringing up the rear, a position they seemed more comfortable with, (and Archangel wasn't about to argue about it, given the tensions already rife in the colony), the away team was escorted to the hospital, where they were greeted with a scene of chaos:

The hospital was indeed more of a clinic, completely out of its depth with the amount of sick colonists it had been forced to deal with.  Pallets had been haphazardly put together in the corridors, halls and waiting rooms, each one bearing a humanoid in advanced stage of disease.  Old, young and juvinile all together, staring, glassy eyes bright with fever, skin inflamed and covered in pustules that seeped septic fluid, coughing weakly while a handful of humans in stained scrubs flitted between them in an effort to alleviate the suffering.  The sheer smell of the clinic nearly had Archangel retching.  The stench of disease and necrosis mixed with sweat and desperation.  Turning to the three guards that had escorted them to the clinic, she asked in a tone of faint exasperation:

"Why didn't you say it was this bad?"

The leader grinned and stepped up to be just out of arms length of the Romulan.  "Earth First," he hissed, and shot her from point blank range.


Julia had placed her weapon back in it's holster when the strangers appeared to be an escort. Upon entering the clinic Julia was overwlmed with the sights and sounds that surrounded her patients seemed to be stacked atop each other in a confined space. As she looked around the room. She heard the unmistakable sound of phaser fire. In an instant she watched Archangel fall to the floor. Timed seemed to slow for a moment. She instinctively pulled her phaser and pointed it at the leader of the group. She kept her eye on the individual as she knelt down to T'Koris and checked for a pulse. She was alive. Julia surmised that the weapon was set to a high stun setting.

"What the..." She pulled herself back. "Why would you do that?"

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on July 26, 2016, 04:08:42 PM

[Main Engineering]

Biting off another curse, Gabriel took a little half-breath, let it out, and replied, his voice an even keel.  Or, at least, he assumed it was so.

=^="Acknowledged, Captain...though I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't remind you that taking to warp with multiple hull breaches is an extremely, extremely bad idea.  I'm routing every scrap of power to the structural field...we'll get on patching those holds.  Engineering out."=^=

Starship captains.  What can ya do?  Gabriel thought, returning his attention to the situation monitor and the main computer.  Fortunately, none of the five SIF generators had been destroyed, though he presumed the next hour or so would put a major amount of stress on them.  Quickly entering commands, Gabe reinforced the layers of emergency forcefielding around the major breaches.  That should allow them a pocket of relative safety in which to perform the manual work.

"Rocky," Gabriel said, turning and nearly running directly into the wall of white fur.  "Just the man I'm looking for.  Get suited up."  He looked over at Kale.  "Same to you, let's go."  He quickly dispatched ERTs two through four to the injured decks.  Although the major fabrications could be transported into place, it still required maintenance teams to be there in person to complete the proper hull seal.  "Structural field should hold, but we're not taking chances, especially if the Bridge is hell-bent on using warp speed.  Pressure suits for everyone.  Meet me on Deck 27."

[Main Engineering]

Rock looked at the Chief Engineer and blinked a few times,

"Yeah boss?" He said, not really believing that he was being sent on a mission. He had a specially made pressure suit that he recovered quickly and got on. It took him a bit to get fitted- his spines sticking out but pressure sealed around them. He got his engineering kit with him and added a hand-power cleaner to his belt. Never knew when you'd need to clean something up.

He managed to make his way to deck 27, a look of concern on his alien face.

"Wudda' you want us ta' do boss?"

PO3 Rocky
Sanitation Technician, Starbase Columbus
Played By: Snowflake the albino Gorilla from the Barcelona Zoo

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on July 26, 2016, 11:01:57 PM


=/\=Understood, Mr. Arthur.  If there was any other way to accomplish our goal I would take it.  Kirok out =/\= Kiork replied and then terminated the link.

"Good, Ms.Filitov, full speed ahead.  At the point of impact, you will veer up and go to warp.  Then you will do another 90 degree turn and come out of warp.  We should then be facing their stern.  I'll take it from there" Kirok called out, one hand poised to energize weapons again.

With the other he opened a hale.  =/\= All hands, prepare for potential impact.  Strap yourselves into your safety devices now. =/\= he said and then ended the transmission.


Katcha nodded again.

"Aye Keptin!" She said again as she activated the restraints in her seat. She then proceeded to monitor the distance as she prepared to activate the short Warp jump.

When the ship was mere meters from the Earth First vessel, she initiated the pre-programmed Warp jump. Keeping the ship at warp for only 10 seconds. She then dropped out of Warp long enough to perform a 90 degree turn before engaging the Warp drive again for the exact same amount of time. The ship dropped out of Warp exactly where they intended, right at the stern of the Earth First vessel.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on July 27, 2016, 11:21:18 PM


Katcha nodded again.

"Aye Keptin!" She said again as she activated the restraints in her seat. She then proceeded to monitor the distance as she prepared to activate the short Warp jump.

When the ship was mere meters from the Earth First vessel, she initiated the pre-programmed Warp jump. Keeping the ship at warp for only 10 seconds. She then dropped out of Warp long enough to perform a 90 degree turn before engaging the Warp drive again for the exact same amount of time. The ship dropped out of Warp exactly where they intended, right at the stern of the Earth First vessel.


"Great job, Ms. Filitov" Kiork called out.  When they dropped out of warp the Vulcan/Betazoid charged weapons.  Then launched the torpedoes in pairs at tail end of the freighter.

Kirok deliberately spaced the pairs out, maximizing the effect of the attack.  Just as planned, the freighter has dropped their shields to their stern to protect their bow.  Three of the torpedoes hit and exploded against the outer hull while three punctured the hull.

The freighter, in Kirok's eyes had been defeated.  But still he felt the need to speak to them.  "T'Lara, please open a hale" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 27, 2016, 08:37:44 PM


The sudden appearance of a group of armed humans was not helping Archangel's already pinging sense of paranoia, but she put it to the back of her mind and stepped forward, keeping her hands in view and empty of weapons.  The armed group bristled slightly at the motion.  She stopped, not wanting to be the cause for their opening fire on the away team.

"We were dispatched to deliver medical supplies and picked up a distress call from the colony.  We're here to render aid where needed," she explained calmly.  Although the guards didn't seem particularly convinced by the explanation, they nodded and lowered their weapons slightly, although not completely.  The two subordinates looked to the leader, who answered: "You'll want the hospital then.  This way."

With the three guards bringing up the rear, a position they seemed more comfortable with, (and Archangel wasn't about to argue about it, given the tensions already rife in the colony), the away team was escorted to the hospital, where they were greeted with a scene of chaos:

The hospital was indeed more of a clinic, completely out of its depth with the amount of sick colonists it had been forced to deal with.  Pallets had been haphazardly put together in the corridors, halls and waiting rooms, each one bearing a humanoid in advanced stage of disease.  Old, young and juvinile all together, staring, glassy eyes bright with fever, skin inflamed and covered in pustules that seeped septic fluid, coughing weakly while a handful of humans in stained scrubs flitted between them in an effort to alleviate the suffering.  The sheer smell of the clinic nearly had Archangel retching.  The stench of disease and necrosis mixed with sweat and desperation.  Turning to the three guards that had escorted them to the clinic, she asked in a tone of faint exasperation:

"Why didn't you say it was this bad?"

The leader grinned and stepped up to be just out of arms length of the Romulan.  "Earth First," he hissed, and shot her from point blank range.

Tritter remained calm as he watched the Commander, he kept his rifle focused on their armed interlopers. He noticed the Interlopers lower their weapons and he lowered his weapon to a low ready, as he didn't trust them at all. He heard the Commander's request to go to the hospital, and the man would follow the Commander's request, he didn't like the vulnerable position he was left in due to having someone at his back with a rifle in hand. He followed the group towards the hospital. He took a look around the hospital, he noticed the sick and looked things over, he had a fairly decent idea of what was going on, but he would keep focused on the potential danger of the situation of what they are in.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Gabriel Arthur

[Deck 27 - Enviro Support]

It's beautiful, was the firs thing Gabriel thought, arriving with one of his dispatched teams.  The view from the hull breach was second-to-none - cold, deadly space, as seen through the softly-translucent, bluish-tinged emergency forcefields.  Stunning.

Of course, that was all before the ship lurched to warp.

Gabriel had never seen space warping up close.  Indeed, it wasn't really something that was intended to be witnessed in person.  The sudden jump and the subsequent bending of reality made his head spin, sending him lurching forward and gripping a bulkhead, fighting to keep breakfast down.  Fortunately for him, the jump was over and done with.  Fortunately for the ship, the integrity field had held, and the USS Phoenix did not fly apart and turn her roughly 700 occupants into a fine mist.

Quote from: Rocky on July 27, 2016, 11:02:37 PM

Rock looked at the Chief Engineer and blinked a few times,

"Yeah boss?" He said, not really believing that he was being sent on a mission. He had a specially made pressure suit that he recovered quickly and got on. It took him a bit to get fitted- his spines sticking out but pressure sealed around them. He got his engineering kit with him and added a hand-power cleaner to his belt. Never knew when you'd need to clean something up.

He managed to make his way to deck 27, a look of concern on his alien face.

"Wudda' you want us ta' do boss?"

"Rocky," Gabriel replied, smiling wanly as his head and stomach settled back into place.  "Glad to see you got into your suit with no problem."  That much was true...and it certainly explained why it had taken the Mugato a bit longer to get here.  Perhaps he should have offered to stay and help.  Might've avoided nearly hurling over the mess that's already here...  "Stand by."

=^="Chief Arthur here.  I'm uploading the coordinates to our point of potential defenestration...we're standing by for fabrication."=^=

A few moments later, large sections of hull plating materialized in the breaches, doing a fairly-decent job of sealing as the emergency shielding was pushed further outward.  Such fabrication was possible on the smaller scale, but it still required hand completion.  That was where the repair teams came in.  Reaching down, Gabriel hefted a large-scale laser welder.  "This is where we get busy, Mr. Zek."

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 27, 2016, 08:37:44 PM


The sudden appearance of a group of armed humans was not helping Archangel's already pinging sense of paranoia, but she put it to the back of her mind and stepped forward, keeping her hands in view and empty of weapons.  The armed group bristled slightly at the motion.  She stopped, not wanting to be the cause for their opening fire on the away team.

"We were dispatched to deliver medical supplies and picked up a distress call from the colony.  We're here to render aid where needed," she explained calmly.  Although the guards didn't seem particularly convinced by the explanation, they nodded and lowered their weapons slightly, although not completely.  The two subordinates looked to the leader, who answered: "You'll want the hospital then.  This way."

With the three guards bringing up the rear, a position they seemed more comfortable with, (and Archangel wasn't about to argue about it, given the tensions already rife in the colony), the away team was escorted to the hospital, where they were greeted with a scene of chaos:

The hospital was indeed more of a clinic, completely out of its depth with the amount of sick colonists it had been forced to deal with.  Pallets had been haphazardly put together in the corridors, halls and waiting rooms, each one bearing a humanoid in advanced stage of disease.  Old, young and juvinile all together, staring, glassy eyes bright with fever, skin inflamed and covered in pustules that seeped septic fluid, coughing weakly while a handful of humans in stained scrubs flitted between them in an effort to alleviate the suffering.  The sheer smell of the clinic nearly had Archangel retching.  The stench of disease and necrosis mixed with sweat and desperation.  Turning to the three guards that had escorted them to the clinic, she asked in a tone of faint exasperation:

"Why didn't you say it was this bad?"

The leader grinned and stepped up to be just out of arms length of the Romulan.  "Earth First," he hissed, and shot her from point blank range.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 27, 2016, 10:21:25 PM


Julia had placed her weapon back in it's holster when the strangers appeared to be an escort. Upon entering the clinic Julia was overwlmed with the sights and sounds that surrounded her patients seemed to be stacked atop each other in a confined space. As she looked around the room. She heard the unmistakable sound of phaser fire. In an instant she watched Archangel fall to the floor. Timed seemed to slow for a moment. She instinctively pulled her phaser and pointed it at the leader of the group. She kept her eye on the individual as she knelt down to T'Koris and checked for a pulse. She was alive. Julia surmised that the weapon was set to a high stun setting.

"What the..." She pulled herself back. "Why would you do that?"


To say that Ashley was slow to trust was somewhat of an understatement. It wasn't that she distrusted inherently, but when people had weapons drawn she tended to not just immediately start trust them. While she hadn't kept a hold on her phaser, she did keep it accessible. To her dismay she quickly learned she was right not to trust the group. Without a second thought she drew her phaser and pointed it directly at the leader of the group without saying a single word.


Quote from: Kirok on July 28, 2016, 12:09:17 AM


"Great job, Ms. Filitov" Kiork called out.  When they dropped out of warp the Vulcan/Betazoid charged weapons.  Then launched the torpedoes in pairs at tail end of the freighter.

Kirok deliberately spaced the pairs out, maximizing the effect of the attack.  Just as planned, the freighter has dropped their shields to their stern to protect their bow.  Three of the torpedoes hit and exploded against the outer hull while three punctured the hull.

The freighter, in Kirok's eyes had been defeated.  But still he felt the need to speak to them.  "T'Lara, please open a hale" he said.


"Aye, Captain." T'Lara gave a quick glance to Kirok before she focused on opening the hail. In no time at all she had it up. "The frequency is open." Somehow she felt a little uneasy, but she trusted Kirok's judgement so she quickly brushed it aside.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: T'Lara on July 28, 2016, 03:10:32 AM


"Aye, Captain." T'Lara gave a quick glance to Kirok before she focused on opening the hail. In no time at all she had it up. "The frequency is open." Somehow she felt a little uneasy, but she trusted Kirok's judgement so she quickly brushed it aside.


The main view screen was filled with a image of the Bridge on the freighter.  It was filled with smoke.  The captain was the only person remaining on the Bridge.

Kirok's right eyebrow arched, thinking that this was a bad sign.  Still he said "Power down and prepare to be boarded.  You and your crew will be taken into our custody until such time a trial by your peers and be arranged."

"Never, Vulcan" the Captain of the freighter said.  Then he pressed a large red button on his console.  A clock behind him started to count down.

"Ms. Filitov, get us out of here" Kirok said.  He grasped the arms of his seat.  Assuming that the ship would be affected by the potential shock wave that was to come.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 27, 2016, 10:21:25 PM

Julia had placed her weapon back in it's holster when the strangers appeared to be an escort. Upon entering the clinic Julia was overwlmed with the sights and sounds that surrounded her patients seemed to be stacked atop each other in a confined space. As she looked around the room. She heard the unmistakable sound of phaser fire. In an instant she watched Archangel fall to the floor. Timed seemed to slow for a moment. She instinctively pulled her phaser and pointed it at the leader of the group. She kept her eye on the individual as she knelt down to T'Koris and checked for a pulse. She was alive. Julia surmised that the weapon was set to a high stun setting.

"What the..." She pulled herself back. "Why would you do that?"

Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 28, 2016, 02:43:12 AM

To say that Ashley was slow to trust was somewhat of an understatement. It wasn't that she distrusted inherently, but when people had weapons drawn she tended to not just immediately start trust them. While she hadn't kept a hold on her phaser, she did keep it accessible. To her dismay she quickly learned she was right not to trust the group. Without a second thought she drew her phaser and pointed it directly at the leader of the group without saying a single word.

[Planetside - Hospital]

The leader didn't holster his weapon, simply lowered it a little as he smirked slightly at the group, completely ignoring the Romulan on the ground.  He didn't see the others on the away team as a threat.  They were humans.  They would soon see his point of view, the glorious purpose he was burdened with, the need to make sure that Earth was returned to the way it used to be, before all of the filthy alien influence.

He sneered at the group of Star Fleet officers.  They never saw how the alien influence was ruining the Human race.  "You Star Fleeters.  You just don't see it, do you?  Ever since the aliens came to Earth, humans have lost everything it means to be human.  Once we get rid of them, we can make the Human race great again!"

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on July 28, 2016, 07:06:46 PM


The main view screen was filled with a image of the Bridge on the freighter.  It was filled with smoke.  The captain was the only person remaining on the Bridge.

Kirok's right eyebrow arched, thinking that this was a bad sign.  Still he said "Power down and prepare to be boarded.  You and your crew will be taken into our custody until such time a trial by your peers and be arranged."

"Never, Vulcan" the Captain of the freighter said.  Then he pressed a large red button on his console.  A clock behind him started to count down.

"Ms. Filitov, get us out of here" Kirok said.  He grasped the arms of his seat.  Assuming that the ship would be affected by the potential shock wave that was to come.


Katcha's hands had already began to move at the sight of the countdown clock. So by the time the Captain had given his order she was already manoeuvring the ship away from the Earth First vessel at full impulse.

"Aye Keptin." She responded as she steered the Phoenix towards the far side of the planet and hopefully out of range of the explosion.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 28, 2016, 09:16:07 PM

[Planetside - Hospital]

The leader didn't holster his weapon, simply lowered it a little as he smirked slightly at the group, completely ignoring the Romulan on the ground.  He didn't see the others on the away team as a threat.  They were humans.  They would soon see his point of view, the glorious purpose he was burdened with, the need to make sure that Earth was returned to the way it used to be, before all of the filthy alien influence.

He sneered at the group of Star Fleet officers.  They never saw how the alien influence was ruining the Human race.  "You Star Fleeters.  You just don't see it, do you?  Ever since the aliens came to Earth, humans have lost everything it means to be human.  Once we get rid of them, we can make the Human race great again!"

In that moment everything seemed to come together for Julia. She looked around the room at all of the sick and dying. "Did you do this? This isn't a random outbreak, is it?" Julia blurted out. She looked back to Ashley and Hrafn. "Ensign, Lieutenant, please tend to the Commander." Julia stood up and stepped out of the way so they could take care of Archangel.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 27, 2016, 08:37:44 PM


The sudden appearance of a group of armed humans was not helping Archangel's already pinging sense of paranoia, but she put it to the back of her mind and stepped forward, keeping her hands in view and empty of weapons.  The armed group bristled slightly at the motion.  She stopped, not wanting to be the cause for their opening fire on the away team.

"We were dispatched to deliver medical supplies and picked up a distress call from the colony.  We're here to render aid where needed," she explained calmly.  Although the guards didn't seem particularly convinced by the explanation, they nodded and lowered their weapons slightly, although not completely.  The two subordinates looked to the leader, who answered: "You'll want the hospital then.  This way."

With the three guards bringing up the rear, a position they seemed more comfortable with, (and Archangel wasn't about to argue about it, given the tensions already rife in the colony), the away team was escorted to the hospital, where they were greeted with a scene of chaos:

The hospital was indeed more of a clinic, completely out of its depth with the amount of sick colonists it had been forced to deal with.  Pallets had been haphazardly put together in the corridors, halls and waiting rooms, each one bearing a humanoid in advanced stage of disease.  Old, young and juvinile all together, staring, glassy eyes bright with fever, skin inflamed and covered in pustules that seeped septic fluid, coughing weakly while a handful of humans in stained scrubs flitted between them in an effort to alleviate the suffering.  The sheer smell of the clinic nearly had Archangel retching.  The stench of disease and necrosis mixed with sweat and desperation.  Turning to the three guards that had escorted them to the clinic, she asked in a tone of faint exasperation:

"Why didn't you say it was this bad?"

The leader grinned and stepped up to be just out of arms length of the Romulan.  "Earth First," he hissed, and shot her from point blank range.

Hospital - Planetside

Hrafn walked around slowly deliberately when they got to the hospital, taking it all in but not going far from the rest of the Away party.  To the Earth First people she would just look like she was frightened and/or agitated.  Hopefully enough of the footage of how awful it was would get back to the doctor up on the Phoenix.

She finally came to face Archangel who was now lying on the floor and looked to Julia.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 27, 2016, 10:21:25 PM


Julia had placed her weapon back in it's holster when the strangers appeared to be an escort. Upon entering the clinic Julia was overwlmed with the sights and sounds that surrounded her patients seemed to be stacked atop each other in a confined space. As she looked around the room. She heard the unmistakable sound of phaser fire. In an instant she watched Archangel fall to the floor. Timed seemed to slow for a moment. She instinctively pulled her phaser and pointed it at the leader of the group. She kept her eye on the individual as she knelt down to T'Koris and checked for a pulse. She was alive. Julia surmised that the weapon was set to a high stun setting.

"What the..." She pulled herself back. "Why would you do that?"

Thankfully it seemed that Archangel was alive.  Hrafn too wanted to know why, but assumed it was a matter of take out the leader and '...divided we fall...'
Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 28, 2016, 02:43:12 AM


To say that Ashley was slow to trust was somewhat of an understatement. It wasn't that she distrusted inherently, but when people had weapons drawn she tended to not just immediately start trust them. While she hadn't kept a hold on her phaser, she did keep it accessible. To her dismay she quickly learned she was right not to trust the group. Without a second thought she drew her phaser and pointed it directly at the leader of the group without saying a single word.

Hrafn wasn't sure if she should motion for Ash to put the weapon down, she wanted cover but she didn't want Ashley to be the next one to be shot.  Then it occurred to her, '...these are Humans... wholly humans, like the Nazis and Aryans... they wanted Earth to be pure.  The leader's next words confirmed this.

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 28, 2016, 09:16:07 PM

[Planetside - Hospital]

The leader didn't holster his weapon, simply lowered it a little as he smirked slightly at the group, completely ignoring the Romulan on the ground.  He didn't see the others on the away team as a threat.  They were humans.  They would soon see his point of view, the glorious purpose he was burdened with, the need to make sure that Earth was returned to the way it used to be, before all of the filthy alien influence.

He sneered at the group of Star Fleet officers.  They never saw how the alien influence was ruining the Human race.  "You Star Fleeters.  You just don't see it, do you?  Ever since the aliens came to Earth, humans have lost everything it means to be human.  Once we get rid of them, we can make the Human race great again!"

Hrafn now felt fearful for herself and more for her twins up on the ship who, with an absent father, although all it would take was one message and he'd be there to pick them up like a shot, and a dead mother would not be happy children.  Nor would her newly found daughter Ruthie, currently in the base hospital recovering for a while after her extraction.

Knowing her spots could put her in danger she decided to take a bold move and stepped forward.  Being a half Trill had never felt so frightening.

"Will you allow us to contact our ship to have the... body of Ms T'Koris beamed back so that she may have a decent..."

She swallowed, trying to make it look as if she genuinely believed that Archangel was dead and she was upset at the loss of her friend.

"...funeral.  It's the least you can do.  You've eliminated one more non-human." she added with a bitter snarl.

"Now if you're quite finished you can either shoot me, talk to me but either way let us get on and administer the medical treatments to these people before any more are sick or die."

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 28, 2016, 10:17:09 PM

In that moment everything seemed to come together for Julia. She looked around the room at all of the sick and dying. "Did you do this? This isn't a random outbreak, is it?" Julia blurted out. She looked back to Ashley and Hrafn. "Ensign, Lieutenant, please tend to the Commander." Julia stood up and stepped out of the way so they could take care of Archangel.

"Yes Ma'am." Hrafn said flashing Ms Rellek a look to say 'Play this one along please, Archangel is out of this away mission one way or another, we may as well get at least one of us to safety.'

She looked at Ashley. "We might need a stretcher, let's see if we can find one close, Ms T'Koris isn't going anywhere."

Really she wanted to pan the camcorder around a bit more and hopefully someone up on the Phoenix would pick up on the situation.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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