Season 1 - Mission 3: No Good Deed

Started by Kirok, July 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

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Ashley Weir

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 28, 2016, 09:16:07 PM

[Planetside - Hospital]

The leader didn't holster his weapon, simply lowered it a little as he smirked slightly at the group, completely ignoring the Romulan on the ground.  He didn't see the others on the away team as a threat.  They were humans.  They would soon see his point of view, the glorious purpose he was burdened with, the need to make sure that Earth was returned to the way it used to be, before all of the filthy alien influence.

He sneered at the group of Star Fleet officers.  They never saw how the alien influence was ruining the Human race.  "You Star Fleeters.  You just don't see it, do you?  Ever since the aliens came to Earth, humans have lost everything it means to be human.  Once we get rid of them, we can make the Human race great again!"

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 28, 2016, 10:17:09 PM

In that moment everything seemed to come together for Julia. She looked around the room at all of the sick and dying. "Did you do this? This isn't a random outbreak, is it?" Julia blurted out. She looked back to Ashley and Hrafn. "Ensign, Lieutenant, please tend to the Commander." Julia stood up and stepped out of the way so they could take care of Archangel.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 28, 2016, 10:35:46 PM

Hospital - Planetside

Hrafn walked around slowly deliberately when they got to the hospital, taking it all in but not going far from the rest of the Away party.  To the Earth First people she would just look like she was frightened and/or agitated.  Hopefully enough of the footage of how awful it was would get back to the doctor up on the Phoenix.

She finally came to face Archangel who was now lying on the floor and looked to Julia.

Thankfully it seemed that Archangel was alive.  Hrafn too wanted to know why, but assumed it was a matter of take out the leader and '...divided we fall...'

Hrafn wasn't sure if she should motion for Ash to put the weapon down, she wanted cover but she didn't want Ashley to be the next one to be shot.  Then it occurred to her, '...these are Humans... wholly humans, like the Nazis and Aryans... they wanted Earth to be pure.  The leader's next words confirmed this.

Hrafn now felt fearful for herself and more for her twins up on the ship who, with an absent father, although all it would take was one message and he'd be there to pick them up like a shot, and a dead mother would not be happy children.  Nor would her newly found daughter Ruthie, currently in the base hospital recovering for a while after her extraction.

Knowing her spots could put her in danger she decided to take a bold move and stepped forward.  Being a half Trill had never felt so frightening.

"Will you allow us to contact our ship to have the... body of Ms T'Koris beamed back so that she may have a decent..."

She swallowed, trying to make it look as if she genuinely believed that Archangel was dead and she was upset at the loss of her friend.

"...funeral.  It's the least you can do.  You've eliminated one more non-human." she added with a bitter snarl.

"Now if you're quite finished you can either shoot me, talk to me but either way let us get on and administer the medical treatments to these people before any more are sick or die."

"Yes Ma'am." Hrafn said flashing Ms Rellek a look to say 'Play this one along please, Archangel is out of this away mission one way or another, we may as well get at least one of us to safety.'

She looked at Ashley. "We might need a stretcher, let's see if we can find one close, Ms T'Koris isn't going anywhere."

Really she wanted to pan the camcorder around a bit more and hopefully someone up on the Phoenix would pick up on the situation.


Ashley stood silently for a moment her phaser still trained on the leader of the group. Her eyes slowly scanned the room looking for either a stretcher or a way too rig one. Once she had spotted one she quickly moved over to it still without speaking or moving her phaser off of the leader.

Reaching the stretcher she came to a squat, moved her left hand off of the phaser,  and grabbed the stretcher before coming back to a stand. Still completely silent she moved over to where the XO now was.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 28, 2016, 10:17:09 PM

In that moment everything seemed to come together for Julia. She looked around the room at all of the sick and dying. "Did you do this? This isn't a random outbreak, is it?" Julia blurted out. She looked back to Ashley and Hrafn. "Ensign, Lieutenant, please tend to the Commander." Julia stood up and stepped out of the way so they could take care of Archangel.

Tritter shifted his focus on the Leader who had shot the Commander, he knew what he wanted to do... But he lacked the backup to do it and he decided to make a smarter decision. He knew he he wasn't the best for medical things, he left that to the Medical Officer, but he would be damned if there would be anyone else harmed on his watch. He kept his eyes on their attackers... As if waiting for an opportune moment to return the favor. He would cover the downed XO, as the Medical Officer would move in.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on July 28, 2016, 09:42:08 PM


Katcha's hands had already began to move at the sight of the countdown clock. So by the time the Captain had given his order she was already manoeuvring the ship away from the Earth First vessel at full impulse.

"Aye Keptin." She responded as she steered the Phoenix towards the far side of the planet and hopefully out of range of the explosion.


The ship got away quickly just in the nick of time.  An massive explosion was heard.  Then a shock wave shook the ship a bit.

"Excellent work, Ms. Filitov" Kirok said by way of complement.  "Place us back in orbit if you will.  Then I would like to here your thoughts on a name for the new maneuver" he added and then tapped his combadge.

=/\=Kirok to Engineering.  We are no longer in danger.  Thanks for your assistance=/\= Kirok said.

Then the Vulcan/Betazoid turned the Kintiss.  "Dr. Kintiss, we can now aid the away team.  Can you give us an update?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 28, 2016, 10:17:09 PM

In that moment everything seemed to come together for Julia. She looked around the room at all of the sick and dying. "Did you do this? This isn't a random outbreak, is it?" Julia blurted out. She looked back to Ashley and Hrafn. "Ensign, Lieutenant, please tend to the Commander." Julia stood up and stepped out of the way so they could take care of Archangel.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 28, 2016, 10:35:46 PM

"Will you allow us to contact our ship to have the... body of Ms T'Koris beamed back so that she may have a decent..."  She swallowed, trying to make it look as if she genuinely believed that Archangel was dead and she was upset at the loss of her friend.  "...funeral.  It's the least you can do.  You've eliminated one more non-human." she added with a bitter snarl.  "Now if you're quite finished you can either shoot me, talk to me but either way let us get on and administer the medical treatments to these people before any more are sick or die."

"Yes Ma'am." Hrafn said flashing Ms Rellek a look to say 'Play this one along please, Archangel is out of this away mission one way or another, we may as well get at least one of us to safety.'

She looked at Ashley. "We might need a stretcher, let's see if we can find one close, Ms T'Koris isn't going anywhere."

Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 28, 2016, 11:26:40 PM

Ashley stood silently for a moment her phaser still trained on the leader of the group. Her eyes slowly scanned the room looking for either a stretcher or a way too rig one. Once she had spotted one she quickly moved over to it still without speaking or moving her phaser off of the leader.

Reaching the stretcher she came to a squat, moved her left hand off of the phaser,  and grabbed the stretcher before coming back to a stand. Still completely silent she moved over to where the XO now was.

[Hospital - Planetside]

The leader of the away team couldn't help the smirk that crawled up one side of his face.  It would seem that these officers weren't as stupid as they looked.  He stepped forward, getting closer to Rellek and Falleg, stepping over the prone form of the half Romulan on the ground.  A year of planning had gone into this project.  The colony was the first test run of the virus.  Isolated enough to be safe in the event that something went wrong, but still close enough to see the damage wrought.  And the damage was glorious.

"Yes, we're responsible," he remarked.  "Wonderful, isn't it?  Only attacks alien blood with the same virulence as smallpox was in Earth's history.  Your pet Trill there?  She's already infected just by being here and breathing the same air.  In a week or so, she'll be dead, just like this one will be."  He nudged Archangel with the toe of his boot.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on July 29, 2016, 01:11:27 AM

Tritter shifted his focus on the Leader who had shot the Commander, he knew what he wanted to do... But he lacked the backup to do it and he decided to make a smarter decision. He knew he he wasn't the best for medical things, he left that to the Medical Officer, but he would be damned if there would be anyone else harmed on his watch. He kept his eyes on their attackers... As if waiting for an opportune moment to return the favor. He would cover the downed XO, as the Medical Officer would move in.

Deciding that the look of the security officer was definitely more threatening than he was comfortable with.  He raised his phaser rifle in to a more ready position, keeping an eye on him.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on July 29, 2016, 04:34:53 PM


The ship got away quickly just in the nick of time.  An massive explosion was heard.  Then a shock wave shook the ship a bit.

"Excellent work, Ms. Filitov" Kirok said by way of complement.  "Place us back in orbit if you will.  Then I would like to here your thoughts on a name for the new maneuver" he added and then tapped his combadge.

=/\=Kirok to Engineering.  We are no longer in danger.  Thanks for your assistance=/\= Kirok said.

Then the Vulcan/Betazoid turned the Kintiss.  "Dr. Kintiss, we can now aid the away team.  Can you give us an update?" he asked.


"Aye Keptin." Katcha responded again as she turned the ship around and placed it back in geo-stationary orbit.

"Ve are now back in orbit Ketin. Vould you like me to hail ze away team?" She asked.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 29, 2016, 08:39:17 PM

[Hospital - Planetside]

The leader of the away team couldn't help the smirk that crawled up one side of his face.  It would seem that these officers weren't as stupid as they looked.  He stepped forward, getting closer to Rellek and Falleg, stepping over the prone form of the half Romulan on the ground.  A year of planning had gone into this project.  The colony was the first test run of the virus.  Isolated enough to be safe in the event that something went wrong, but still close enough to see the damage wrought.  And the damage was glorious.

"Yes, we're responsible," he remarked.  "Wonderful, isn't it?  Only attacks alien blood with the same virulence as smallpox was in Earth's history.  Your pet Trill there?  She's already infected just by being here and breathing the same air.  In a week or so, she'll be dead, just like this one will be."  He nudged Archangel with the toe of his boot.

Deciding that the look of the security officer was definitely more threatening than he was comfortable with.  He raised his phaser rifle in to a more ready position, keeping an eye on him.


Ashley finally dropped the stretcher next to her returning her left hand to the phaser. Finally she spoke up. "Drop your weapon. Now." She said in a demanding and surprisingly confident tone.


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on July 29, 2016, 08:59:49 PM


"Aye Keptin." Katcha responded again as she turned the ship around and placed it back in geo-stationary orbit.

"Ve are now back in orbit Ketin. Vould you like me to hail ze away team?" She asked.


"Proceed" Kirok said.  While she was haling the away team, the Vulcan/Betazoid started scanning the area.  Sadly, he saw a second warp path that lead away from the wreckage.  Suggesting that the Earth First crew may have somehow escaped.

He started scanning for other ships in the area.  He found none, but continued looking.  "I think the Phoenix Maneuver would be an appropriate name.  What about you, Ms. Filitov?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 29, 2016, 04:34:53 PM


The ship got away quickly just in the nick of time.  An massive explosion was heard.  Then a shock wave shook the ship a bit.

"Excellent work, Ms. Filitov" Kirok said by way of complement.  "Place us back in orbit if you will.  Then I would like to here your thoughts on a name for the new maneuver" he added and then tapped his combadge.

=/\=Kirok to Engineering.  We are no longer in danger.  Thanks for your assistance=/\= Kirok said.

Then the Vulcan/Betazoid turned the Kintiss.  "Dr. Kintiss, we can now aid the away team.  Can you give us an update?" he asked.


Still shaken from the...unorthodox maneuver Captain Kirok had just pulled off, Kintiss stumbled to a console. Ever since the away team had beamed down, he had been monitoring their vitals to make sure they were safe on the planet. He was shocked to discover that his former Captain's vitals had destabilised suddenly.

"Capta...Commander T'Korisss' vitalsss are unssstable," he said, pausing to correct himself. It was going to take a while to get over that. "Sssshe may have contracted the illnessss."


Quote from: Kintiss on July 29, 2016, 10:08:41 PM


Still shaken from the...unorthodox maneuver Captain Kirok had just pulled off, Kintiss stumbled to a console. Ever since the away team had beamed down, he had been monitoring their vitals to make sure they were safe on the planet. He was shocked to discover that his former Captain's vitals had destabilised suddenly.

"Capta...Commander T'Korisss' vitalsss are unssstable," he said, pausing to correct himself. It was going to take a while to get over that. "Sssshe may have contracted the illnessss."


"Let's beam her out of there.  We can get her into a quarantined room.  Or we can beam her to a shuttle.  Whichever you believe will be safest for the crew" Kirok replied.

"Ms. Rellek will need to take over command of the away team if she has not done so already" Kirok said to Filitov.  "Let us know if they have completed their objective.  If not please let us know if additional support" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on July 28, 2016, 02:01:01 AM

[Deck 27 - Enviro Support]

It's beautiful, was the firs thing Gabriel thought, arriving with one of his dispatched teams.  The view from the hull breach was second-to-none - cold, deadly space, as seen through the softly-translucent, bluish-tinged emergency forcefields.  Stunning.

Of course, that was all before the ship lurched to warp.

Gabriel had never seen space warping up close.  Indeed, it wasn't really something that was intended to be witnessed in person.  The sudden jump and the subsequent bending of reality made his head spin, sending him lurching forward and gripping a bulkhead, fighting to keep breakfast down.  Fortunately for him, the jump was over and done with.  Fortunately for the ship, the integrity field had held, and the USS Phoenix did not fly apart and turn her roughly 700 occupants into a fine mist.

"Rocky," Gabriel replied, smiling wanly as his head and stomach settled back into place.  "Glad to see you got into your suit with no problem."  That much was true...and it certainly explained why it had taken the Mugato a bit longer to get here.  Perhaps he should have offered to stay and help.  Might've avoided nearly hurling over the mess that's already here...  "Stand by."

=^="Chief Arthur here.  I'm uploading the coordinates to our point of potential defenestration...we're standing by for fabrication."=^=

A few moments later, large sections of hull plating materialized in the breaches, doing a fairly-decent job of sealing as the emergency shielding was pushed further outward.  Such fabrication was possible on the smaller scale, but it still required hand completion.  That was where the repair teams came in.  Reaching down, Gabriel hefted a large-scale laser welder.  "This is where we get busy, Mr. Zek."

[Deck 27 - Enviro Support]
Rocky was mesmerized for a long moment by the effects of visually seeing the warp. He wasn't scared- though he knew he probably should have been.


Rocky said gruffly as he began to affix the plates to the edges of hull breach and use sealant to secure it. He'd been trained on this, but not to the extent of some others. Still- it didn't take a rocket scientists to do it and he enjoyed manual labor to technical thinking.

He would hold and seal it and the Lt. would be able to laser weld it in place. He was actually quite astoundingly good at repetitive tasks, even ones requiring attention to detail like this. Wind him up and this monkey would clap all day. The process would take some time but if they worked together it would go quick.

PO3 Rocky
Sanitation Technician, Starbase Columbus
Played By: Snowflake the albino Gorilla from the Barcelona Zoo

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 29, 2016, 08:39:17 PM

[Hospital - Planetside]

The leader of the away team couldn't help the smirk that crawled up one side of his face.  It would seem that these officers weren't as stupid as they looked.  He stepped forward, getting closer to Rellek and Falleg, stepping over the prone form of the half Romulan on the ground.  A year of planning had gone into this project.  The colony was the first test run of the virus.  Isolated enough to be safe in the event that something went wrong, but still close enough to see the damage wrought.  And the damage was glorious.

"Yes, we're responsible," he remarked.  "Wonderful, isn't it?  Only attacks alien blood with the same virulence as smallpox was in Earth's history.  Your pet Trill there?  She's already infected just by being here and breathing the same air.  In a week or so, she'll be dead, just like this one will be."  He nudged Archangel with the toe of his boot.

Deciding that the look of the security officer was definitely more threatening than he was comfortable with.  He raised his phaser rifle in to a more ready position, keeping an eye on him.


"That's disgusting." Julia couldn't hold back. "Who do you think you are? Here on an alien world... You don't get to play god!" She raised her weapon and paused for a moment. The officer struggled to find her words while remaining diplomatic. Julia wasn't one who was typically quick to anger but in this moment; she had to fight the urge.

Quote from: Ashley weir


Ashley finally dropped the stretcher next to her returning her left hand to the phaser. Finally she spoke up. "Drop your weapon. Now." She said in a demanding and surprisingly confident tone.

It didn't take long for Ashley to fill the void. She was surprised to see her take such a strong defensive posture. In the short time she had known the young woman, Ashley hadn't generally been the first to speak up in any situation. "Thank you ensign." She looked back to the groups leader. "All of this posturing wont fix anything." In, what Julia considered,  a risky move she holstered her weapon and gave a slight nod to the team indicating that they should do the same. "There has to be a better way to solve this. Who engineered this virus and did they create a cure? Would you let us beam our colleague back to the ship?" Julia asked without a single note of hesitation in her voice. Her call for a peaceful resolution was genuine and it was up to the opposition to make the next move.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 30, 2016, 06:20:03 AM


"That's disgusting." Julia couldn't hold back. "Who do you think you are? Here on an alien world... You don't get to play god!" She raised her weapon and paused for a moment. The officer struggled to find her words while remaining diplomatic. Julia wasn't one who was typically quick to anger but in this moment; she had to fight the urge.

It didn't take long for Ashley to fill the void. She was surprised to see her take such a strong defensive posture. In the short time she had known the young woman, Ashley hadn't generally been the first to speak up in any situation. "Thank you ensign." She looked back to the groups leader. "All of this posturing wont fix anything." In, what Julia considered,  a risky move she holstered her weapon and gave a slight nod to the team indicating that they should do the same. "There has to be a better way to solve this. Who engineered this virus and did they create a cure? Would you let us beam our colleague back to the ship?" Julia asked without a single note of hesitation in her voice. Her call for a peaceful resolution was genuine and it was up to the opposition to make the next move.


Ashley held her weapon in place for a very brief moment. Finally she let out a sigh and brought it down and put it back in it's holster. To say she wasn't of the SO's unspoken order was beyond an understatement. She understood the play the commander was attempting, but thought leaving themselves defenseless was the worst idea possible. After all, these people shot their XO in cold blood and were clearly murdering others. It was times like this that she wished more people understood sign so she could tell the commander just how bad an idea she thought this plan was without the groups leader understanding as well, so instead the young woman quickly shot Julia a look in hopes that she would understand just how she felt.


Quote from: Kirok on July 29, 2016, 10:42:44 PM

"Let's beam her out of there.  We can get her into a quarantined room.  Or we can beam her to a shuttle.  Whichever you believe will be safest for the crew" Kirok replied.


"My people already have the quarantine chamberssss sssset up. Put her in there sssso I can treat her." Even if they had their differences, Kintiss still respected Commander T'Koris, and he just knew he'd blame himself if she died on his watch. That was the unfortunate disposition that came with being Chief Med.


Quote from: Kintiss on July 30, 2016, 09:26:01 AM


"My people already have the quarantine chamberssss sssset up. Put her in there sssso I can treat her." Even if they had their differences, Kintiss still respected Commander T'Koris, and he just knew he'd blame himself if she died on his watch. That was the unfortunate disposition that came with being Chief Med.


"Very well, Dr. Kintiss.  As soon as we can beam her up, we will get her to a quarantine chamber.  If you wish to go ahead to Sickbay, you are free to go" Kirok said.

When the communication link was established with the Away Team Kirok said =/\=Bridge to Away Team.  We have destroyed an enemy ship and are ready to lend you aid.  Please give us an update on your status.=/\=

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rocky on July 29, 2016, 11:11:16 PM

[Deck 27 - Enviro Support]
Rocky was mesmerized for a long moment by the effects of visually seeing the warp. He wasn't scared- though he knew he probably should have been.


Rocky said gruffly as he began to affix the plates to the edges of hull breach and use sealant to secure it. He'd been trained on this, but not to the extent of some others. Still- it didn't take a rocket scientists to do it and he enjoyed manual labor to technical thinking.

He would hold and seal it and the Lt. would be able to laser weld it in place. He was actually quite astoundingly good at repetitive tasks, even ones requiring attention to detail like this. Wind him up and this monkey would clap all day. The process would take some time but if they worked together it would go quick.

[Deck 27]

The work was somewhat monotonous, but still slightly pressured - Gabriel felt they were on a time-table, after all.  No matter what Kirok and Arch decided to to, it was never a good idea to leave gaping holes in the side of your ship.  That was probably covered in Engineering 101.  Gabe was glad to have Rocky working beside him, all things considered - while the transporters did most of the positioning, you never knew when you'd need something really heavy lifted.

Quote from: Kirok

=/\=Kirok to Engineering.  We are no longer in danger.  Thanks for your assistance=/\= Kirok said.

"Ah.  Hear that, folks?" Gabriel asked, looking over his shoulder from where he was working at the assembled maintenance crew.  "Captain says we're out of it.  Risian massages for us all, I guess."  There were a few polite chuckles (and one genuine laugh - Gabe wasn't sure which ass-kisser that was...not like it was a great joke after all) as he replied to the Vulcan.

=^="Arthur here...response teams report that fabrication and fitting is on schedule, if a schedule exists...we can get her patched up, but the hull will likely require a full scan and inspection.  I know those torpedoes played hell with the structural alignment.  But we'll get it done.  Engineering out."=^=

That was certainly the truth about his crew - they would get it done.

🡱 🡳

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