Season 1 - Mission 3: No Good Deed

Started by Kirok, July 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

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Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on July 30, 2016, 08:17:51 PM


"Very well, Dr. Kintiss.  As soon as we can beam her up, we will get her to a quarantine chamber.  If you wish to go ahead to Sickbay, you are free to go" Kirok said.

When the communication link was established with the Away Team Kirok said =/\=Bridge to Away Team.  We have destroyed an enemy ship and are ready to lend you aid.  Please give us an update on your status.=/\=

As the captain's call came through Julia kept her eyes fixated on the group leader standing across from her. =/\="Captain, it's good to hear your voice. I believe we can render aid. But we've had a run in with a group of locals. Can you please get a lock on Commander T'Koris and beam her to a quarantined area?"=/\=

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 28, 2016, 11:26:40 PM


Ashley stood silently for a moment her phaser still trained on the leader of the group. Her eyes slowly scanned the room looking for either a stretcher or a way too rig one. Once she had spotted one she quickly moved over to it still without speaking or moving her phaser off of the leader.

Reaching the stretcher she came to a squat, moved her left hand off of the phaser,  and grabbed the stretcher before coming back to a stand. Still completely silent she moved over to where the XO now was.

Hospital - Planetside

Hrafn was relieved that Ashley moved so quickly, it was a new side to the girl that she was liking, more confidence coming through, though it was a given fact that necessity and in this case... Hrafn wasn't sure but she could have sworn she saw a look of anger come across the features of the young woman.  And Hrafn knew well what anger could do.  She'd almost given up her marriage on a fit of anger.

She manoeuvred the stretcher so it was parallel to Archangel.  "You take her feet Ashley and I'll take her shoulders, on three we'll move her onto the stretcher as gently as we can.  1...2... THREE...!"  on '...three.' she lifted the commander a few inches of the ground and across onto the waiting stretcher.

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 29, 2016, 08:39:17 PM

[Hospital - Planetside]

The leader of the away team couldn't help the smirk that crawled up one side of his face.  It would seem that these officers weren't as stupid as they looked.  He stepped forward, getting closer to Rellek and Falleg, stepping over the prone form of the half Romulan on the ground.  A year of planning had gone into this project.  The colony was the first test run of the virus.  Isolated enough to be safe in the event that something went wrong, but still close enough to see the damage wrought.  And the damage was glorious.

"Yes, we're responsible," he remarked.  "Wonderful, isn't it?  Only attacks alien blood with the same virulence as smallpox was in Earth's history.  Your pet Trill there?  She's already infected just by being here and breathing the same air.  In a week or so, she'll be dead, just like this one will be."  He nudged Archangel with the toe of his boot.

Deciding that the look of the security officer was definitely more threatening than he was comfortable with.  He raised his phaser rifle in to a more ready position, keeping an eye on him.

Just that small effort had Hrafn feeling dizzy.  Rubbing her eyes and shaking her head she knew she had an important job but she felt that she should at least let Julia be aware that it was likely that she did have the virus.

"Commander Rellek, the gentleman..." she said the word as if anything could be further from the truth. " correct that I obviously have Trill heritage.  However, I'll probably last a while longer than that since my father was human.  And since Humans are obviously a much superior race, I'm sure I can at least assist in administering the aid to these civilians."

While Julia was far from being a Betazoid, it didn't take an doctor to work out that Hrafn's normally pale skin was both flushed slightly and a more puce colour than normal as she felt sick and had beads of sweat almost as plentiful as the Trill markings dotting her brow.

She rubbed her back as it was starting to feel extremely painful.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 30, 2016, 06:20:03 AM


"That's disgusting." Julia couldn't hold back. "Who do you think you are? Here on an alien world... You don't get to play god!" She raised her weapon and paused for a moment. The officer struggled to find her words while remaining diplomatic. Julia wasn't one who was typically quick to anger but in this moment; she had to fight the urge.

It didn't take long for Ashley to fill the void. She was surprised to see her take such a strong defensive posture. In the short time she had known the young woman, Ashley hadn't generally been the first to speak up in any situation. "Thank you ensign." She looked back to the groups leader. "All of this posturing wont fix anything." In, what Julia considered,  a risky move she holstered her weapon and gave a slight nod to the team indicating that they should do the same. "There has to be a better way to solve this. Who engineered this virus and did they create a cure? Would you let us beam our colleague back to the ship?" Julia asked without a single note of hesitation in her voice. Her call for a peaceful resolution was genuine and it was up to the opposition to make the next move.

Hrafn half-wished that she were the one going back to the ship.  But instead she steeled her resolve.  She wasn't a quitter.

Still crouching by Archangel she swallowed back the bile that was threatening to erupt from her throat.  She wouldn't give the Earth First people the satisfaction of definitely knowing she was ill.  She might look it but there would possibly be doubts, especially after her spiel about being half-human.

Bending so it looked like she was giving the Commander a kiss of farewell to her brow, Hrafn whispered, not knowing if Archangel would hear her or not, but on the off-chance. "...if I don't make it, look after my babies until Nevir can get them, please.  They are my life."

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 31, 2016, 06:33:58 AM

As the captain's call came through Julia kept her eyes fixated on the group leader standing across from her. =/\="Captain, it's good to hear your voice. I believe we can render aid. But we've had a run in with a group of locals. Can you please get a lock on Commander T'Koris and beam her to a quarantined area?"=/\=

"And may the blessings of the Prophets be with her!" she muttered.  She was glad that they had Julia to rely on.  Hrafn was also grateful for the very solid and dependable figure of Tritter who had barely moved a muscle but she knew would defend them with his life if necessary.  She made a mental note to buy him a beer if... no when the all got back to the ship alive... and get to know him better.

"Ash... just to let you know..." she said very quietly as if she were just having chit chat. "I'm not feeling too great.  Cover for me so they don't realise?!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on July 31, 2016, 01:02:23 AM

[Deck 27]

The work was somewhat monotonous, but still slightly pressured - Gabriel felt they were on a time-table, after all.  No matter what Kirok and Arch decided to to, it was never a good idea to leave gaping holes in the side of your ship.  That was probably covered in Engineering 101.  Gabe was glad to have Rocky working beside him, all things considered - while the transporters did most of the positioning, you never knew when you'd need something really heavy lifted.

"Ah.  Hear that, folks?" Gabriel asked, looking over his shoulder from where he was working at the assembled maintenance crew.  "Captain says we're out of it.  Risian massages for us all, I guess."  There were a few polite chuckles (and one genuine laugh - Gabe wasn't sure which ass-kisser that was...not like it was a great joke after all) as he replied to the Vulcan.

=^="Arthur here...response teams report that fabrication and fitting is on schedule, if a schedule exists...we can get her patched up, but the hull will likely require a full scan and inspection.  I know those torpedoes played hell with the structural alignment.  But we'll get it done.  Engineering out."=^=

That was certainly the truth about his crew - they would get it done.


Kirok opened a hale again.  =/\=Thank you for the update, Mr. Arthur.  Please have someone take over down there and meet Dr. Kintiss in Sickbay.  Ms. T'Koris has taken ill" he said.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 31, 2016, 06:33:58 AM

As the captain's call came through Julia kept her eyes fixated on the group leader standing across from her. =/\="Captain, it's good to hear your voice. I believe we can render aid. But we've had a run in with a group of locals. Can you please get a lock on Commander T'Koris and beam her to a quarantined area?"=/\=


=/\=Acknowledged, Ms. Rellek.  Please handle things as quickly as possible.  The longer you are down there the more likely that others on the team may be affected=/\= Kirok replied.

He left the link open.  Then he started the process of beaming T'Koris up.  A blue light surrounded her body and then the was transported to Sickbay.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Julia Rellek on July 30, 2016, 06:20:03 AM


"That's disgusting." Julia couldn't hold back. "Who do you think you are? Here on an alien world... You don't get to play god!" She raised her weapon and paused for a moment. The officer struggled to find her words while remaining diplomatic. Julia wasn't one who was typically quick to anger but in this moment; she had to fight the urge.

It didn't take long for Ashley to fill the void. She was surprised to see her take such a strong defensive posture. In the short time she had known the young woman, Ashley hadn't generally been the first to speak up in any situation. "Thank you ensign." She looked back to the groups leader. "All of this posturing wont fix anything." In, what Julia considered,  a risky move she holstered her weapon and gave a slight nod to the team indicating that they should do the same. "There has to be a better way to solve this. Who engineered this virus and did they create a cure? Would you let us beam our colleague back to the ship?" Julia asked without a single note of hesitation in her voice. Her call for a peaceful resolution was genuine and it was up to the opposition to make the next move.


"We're the people with the means to make sure that aliens stay off worlds that belong to Humans," the leader replied loftily.  "We're better than they are.  The original model.  Why do you think all of these... inferior species are referred to as Humanoid?"  As Archangel's body was picked up by a transporter beam, he curled one lip back in disgust.  "Even when you go back to your polluted ship, every alien you come into contact with will fall ill.  You're carriers for our virus, just like the medical personnel here found out when they went back to their disgusting alien pets and infected them with it, only to find that there is no cure for it!"  He laughed aloud, a harsh, barking sound.  "They came begging to us to give them a cure, even tried to work on one themselves, but they were too busy trying to keep their pets alive to get very far."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 31, 2016, 10:14:29 AM

"Commander Rellek, the gentleman..." she said the word as if anything could be further from the truth. " correct that I obviously have Trill heritage.  However, I'll probably last a while longer than that since my father was human.  And since Humans are obviously a much superior race, I'm sure I can at least assist in administering the aid to these civilians."

Although he didn't know that Hfran was already feeling the effects of the fast acting, poxviridae-type virus, the leader still gestured toward her with his rifle.  "I'm sure you'll all be running around like headless chickens when she comes down with it, just like your leader would have if she was still alive.  Minutes.  That's all it takes for an infection to take hold.  Minutes.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 31, 2016, 10:14:29 AM

Hospital - Planetside

Hrafn was relieved that Ashley moved so quickly, it was a new side to the girl that she was liking, more confidence coming through, though it was a given fact that necessity and in this case... Hrafn wasn't sure but she could have sworn she saw a look of anger come across the features of the young woman.  And Hrafn knew well what anger could do.  She'd almost given up her marriage on a fit of anger.

She manoeuvred the stretcher so it was parallel to Archangel.  "You take her feet Ashley and I'll take her shoulders, on three we'll move her onto the stretcher as gently as we can.  1...2... THREE...!"  on '...three.' she lifted the commander a few inches of the ground and across onto the waiting stretcher.

Just that small effort had Hrafn feeling dizzy.  Rubbing her eyes and shaking her head she knew she had an important job but she felt that she should at least let Julia be aware that it was likely that she did have the virus.

"Commander Rellek, the gentleman..." she said the word as if anything could be further from the truth. " correct that I obviously have Trill heritage.  However, I'll probably last a while longer than that since my father was human.  And since Humans are obviously a much superior race, I'm sure I can at least assist in administering the aid to these civilians."

While Julia was far from being a Betazoid, it didn't take an doctor to work out that Hrafn's normally pale skin was both flushed slightly and a more puce colour than normal as she felt sick and had beads of sweat almost as plentiful as the Trill markings dotting her brow.

She rubbed her back as it was starting to feel extremely painful.

Hrafn half-wished that she were the one going back to the ship.  But instead she steeled her resolve.  She wasn't a quitter.

Still crouching by Archangel she swallowed back the bile that was threatening to erupt from her throat.  She wouldn't give the Earth First people the satisfaction of definitely knowing she was ill.  She might look it but there would possibly be doubts, especially after her spiel about being half-human.

Bending so it looked like she was giving the Commander a kiss of farewell to her brow, Hrafn whispered, not knowing if Archangel would hear her or not, but on the off-chance. "...if I don't make it, look after my babies until Nevir can get them, please.  They are my life."

"And may the blessings of the Prophets be with her!" she muttered.  She was glad that they had Julia to rely on.  Hrafn was also grateful for the very solid and dependable figure of Tritter who had barely moved a muscle but she knew would defend them with his life if necessary.  She made a mental note to buy him a beer if... no when the all got back to the ship alive... and get to know him better.

"Ash... just to let you know..." she said very quietly as if she were just having chit chat. "I'm not feeling too great.  Cover for me so they don't realise?!"

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 31, 2016, 04:22:42 PM


"We're the people with the means to make sure that aliens stay off worlds that belong to Humans," the leader replied loftily.  "We're better than they are.  The original model.  Why do you think all of these... inferior species are referred to as Humanoid?"  As Archangel's body was picked up by a transporter beam, he curled one lip back in disgust.  "Even when you go back to your polluted ship, every alien you come into contact with will fall ill.  You're carriers for our virus, just like the medical personnel here found out when they went back to their disgusting alien pets and infected them with it, only to find that there is no cure for it!"  He laughed aloud, a harsh, barking sound.  "They came begging to us to give them a cure, even tried to work on one themselves, but they were too busy trying to keep their pets alive to get very far."

Although he didn't know that Hfran was already feeling the effects of the fast acting, poxviridae-type virus, the leader still gestured toward her with his rifle.  "I'm sure you'll all be running around like headless chickens when she comes down with it, just like your leader would have if she was still alive.  Minutes.  That's all it takes for an infection to take hold.  Minutes.


A small sympathetic frown spread across the woman's face as Hrafn spoke. She tilted her head down as she came to a whisper to speak. "You'll be okay. I promise." Ashley said in a tone that was as honest as she could achieve. Finally she came up to a stand and came just out of arms reach from the leader of the group.

"We're the 'Original Model'?"She asked with a small pause. "Vulcan's were traveling the stars before we had even built an engine. If we're so superior, why we're we so far behind huh?" The woman shook her head, her tone switching to one that carried aggression behind it. "And for the record, the term 'Humanoid' comes from humanity having always been self-centered. We're so self-involved that we can only think of things as they relate to us." She was attempting to distract the Earth First group from the rest of the away team.  Her goal was to take all their attention onto herself, whatever the cost was for her.

Michael J. Tritter


Tritter was... going to draw the line in the sand at this point, he was going to put an end to this mess. The man raised his phaser rifle, aimed directly at the leader of the attackers against them. He kept it focused on them, than the man would state, "This is very simple, we have destroyed your ship. If you are wanting to leave here alive, you let myself and my Crew Mates leave, or I make sure all of you leave in body bags" The man's heavy German accent was unwavering and strong, his gaze intent and focused. The seven foot tall man was not going to mess around anymore, this needed to stop now. His finger on the trigger of the rifle, waiting for the leader to make their decision... He was not a man to be tested and one who took these things lightly.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Kirok on July 31, 2016, 02:44:31 PM

Kirok opened a hale again.  =/\=Thank you for the update, Mr. Arthur.  Please have someone take over down there and meet Dr. Kintiss in Sickbay.  Ms. T'Koris has taken ill" he said.

[Deck 27]

=^="Uh.  Acknowledged?"=^=

Gabriel blinked once, twice, and then shook his head as a spray of ozonated blast-weld flashed in his peripheral.  Repairing the hull of a starship was not a good place to lose your concentration.  Waiting patiently, he finished off the section he and Zek were currently engaged in fixing, and then backed off, setting his torch down on the deck plating.  " have command, here."  Lieutenant DC Davis nodded, the short fireplug of an officer barking out orders in his heavy New Jersey accent.  Gabe didn't hear a word of them though, as he was already on the way to the turbolift.


As he left, it struck him then just how very...Kirok-like...the message had been.  Politely thanking the team for their work, great job, couldn't get through a crisis like this without you, and oh by the way your wife's taken ill, go see to her.  Reaching up, Gabriel pressed the hermetic release valves on his enviro-helmet, loosening it with a soft tss.  He propped the helm underneath his arm, stepping out of the turbolift and into Sickbay.


Numerous doctors and nurses moved through Sickbay, though the only sound Gabriel heard was the loud clatter of his helmet dropping to the deckplating, echoing in his ears as it fell from numbed fingers.  "Kintiss..." he said, approaching the Selay.  "What the hell's going on?"


Quote from: Kirok on July 30, 2016, 08:17:51 PM

"Very well, Dr. Kintiss.  As soon as we can beam her up, we will get her to a quarantine chamber.  If you wish to go ahead to Sickbay, you are free to go" Kirok said.


"Thank you, Captain," Kintiss replied as he left the bridge and tapped his combadge.

=/\="Kintissss to Medical, prepare for incoming quarantine. Ready the enviro-ssssuitssss and prepare for my arrival."=/\= This was his case, and he was going to see it through, to hell with the risk of infection.


After a turbolift ride that seemed to take forever, Kintiss entered Sickbay to find the commander had been placed in the quarantine chamber, and was already being seen to by some of his staff, all of them wearing their enviro-suits. Efficient workers, his lot. When this was all over, he would have to ask the Captain to give them all a raise.

"I'm going in," he told one of his more senior staff as he slipped the enviro-suit over his uniform. He had never liked the feel of these suits. They were always far too claustrophobic, but at least they did the job. That was something he was thankful for in this instance. As he prepared to enter the quarantine chamber, he set the suit for maximum sealing. Not even air could get into it now. If the virus really did infect non-humans only, he didn't want to risk becoming a carrier and infect a good chunk of the crew.

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 01, 2016, 02:02:22 AM

Numerous doctors and nurses moved through Sickbay, though the only sound Gabriel heard was the loud clatter of his helmet dropping to the deckplating, echoing in his ears as it fell from numbed fingers.  "Kintiss..." he said, approaching the Selay.  "What the hell's going on?"

"Commander T'Korisss hassss contracted the virussss, and I'm about to go operate on her." Kintiss was very much aware that he didn't have much to work on, but he had to at least try. He was very much aware of the relationship between Commander T'Koris and Lieutenant Arthur, and he could empathise with the Lieutenant. After all, who liked being told that their spouse could be deathly ill?

"Now sssstand away. I'm going in." He approached the door of the quarantine chamber, and sealed it behind him. Now the real work could begin.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on July 31, 2016, 04:22:42 PM


"We're the people with the means to make sure that aliens stay off worlds that belong to Humans," the leader replied loftily.  "We're better than they are.  The original model.  Why do you think all of these... inferior species are referred to as Humanoid?"  As Archangel's body was picked up by a transporter beam, he curled one lip back in disgust.  "Even when you go back to your polluted ship, every alien you come into contact with will fall ill.  You're carriers for our virus, just like the medical personnel here found out when they went back to their disgusting alien pets and infected them with it, only to find that there is no cure for it!"  He laughed aloud, a harsh, barking sound.  "They came begging to us to give them a cure, even tried to work on one themselves, but they were too busy trying to keep their pets alive to get very far."

Although he didn't know that Hfran was already feeling the effects of the fast acting, poxviridae-type virus, the leader still gestured toward her with his rifle.  "I'm sure you'll all be running around like headless chickens when she comes down with it, just like your leader would have if she was still alive.  Minutes.  That's all it takes for an infection to take hold.  Minutes.


Hrafn was grateful when the blue light of the transportation beam took Archangel back to the ship.

Turning to Ashley she quietly said "Do you have any water, I'm burning up here but I feel cold and I'm so thirsty.  Fish around in my pack and see if you can find a hypo of anesthizine to administer as my back is killing me.  I'm not going to back down and let that bast...."

She leaned to one side and vomited violently.  "Must be the prawns I had for lunch, they smelled a bit funny..." she said wiping her mouth with her tunic sleeve pulled down over the back of her hand.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 01, 2016, 01:56:41 AM


Tritter was... going to draw the line in the sand at this point, he was going to put an end to this mess. The man raised his phaser rifle, aimed directly at the leader of the attackers against them. He kept it focused on them, than the man would state, "This is very simple, we have destroyed your ship. If you are wanting to leave here alive, you let myself and my Crew Mates leave, or I make sure all of you leave in body bags" The man's heavy German accent was unwavering and strong, his gaze intent and focused. The seven foot tall man was not going to mess around anymore, this needed to stop now. His finger on the trigger of the rifle, waiting for the leader to make their decision... He was not a man to be tested and one who took these things lightly.

She looked towards Tritter and wished he would just pull the trigger and they could message up and just get out of there.  Hrafn's head was pounding, she was feeling worse by the second and she really just wanted to go and be treated by Dr. Kintiss.  She hoped that Commander T'Koris would survive now that she was back in his care.

Turning painfully to the leader of the rebels she said "Your ship is destroyed, I'd quit while I was ahead if I were you.  And just because you say there is no cure doesn't mean there isn't. For all you know the antidote is probably non-human antibodies!"  she swallowed hard fighting down the vomit threatening to erupt from the back of her throat.  Standing shakily she called up every ounce of reserve and started walking towards the rebels.

"And if there is no cure...if we're all affected, so are you, and you will die soon too, so either you're lying and there is a cure or you're bluffing, take your pick. Either way, if Mr Tritter there or one of my other colleagues decides to keep you here by shooting your kneecaps off and cutting off your means of communication... oh wait, I forgot, we don't need to do that, your ship has been defeated.  So at most you can have some antidote on you, or have a secret stash here, but if you want to live you have to be able to get to that supply..."

In one fluid movement she unhooked, and fired her phaser, which she always had set to stun, accurately enough to have the leaders weapon spiralling out of his hands.  She hoped that Tritter, Ashley and Julia would follow her lead and disarm the others as she suddenly bent over double with the pain in her abdomen and retched violently.

"Now, take us to the supply of anti-virus medication or tell us what we need or the next shot won't be on stun and won't be at your hands..." Hrafn pointedly readjusted her phaser and levelled it at the leaders crotch making her intentions perfectly clear.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Kintiss on August 01, 2016, 03:40:55 PM

"Commander T'Korisss hassss contracted the virussss, and I'm about to go operate on her." Kintiss was very much aware that he didn't have much to work on, but he had to at least try. He was very much aware of the relationship between Commander T'Koris and Lieutenant Arthur, and he could empathise with the Lieutenant. After all, who liked being told that their spouse could be deathly ill?

"Now sssstand away. I'm going in." He approached the door of the quarantine chamber, and sealed it behind him. Now the real work could begin.


The sound of the doors sliding back, the difference in pressurisation between the main sickbay and the quarantine room ensuring that any airborne infection didn't escape by having the quarantine area at a lower pressure, air rushing in, helped Archangel push away the last of the effects of the stun and let the bright light and pain come flooding in.  The first thing she noticed was the cold.  Why does this ship always have to be so damned cold?  The second was the pain from the phaser burn to her left shoulder.  The third was the fact that her stomach was trying to crawl up her oesophagus.

With a groan, she rolled on to her side, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, squeezing her eyes shut briefly as she fought the room spinning.  "I don't think I need to ask what happened," she grumbled, lifting one hand to rub her temple, squinting as she tried to focus on whoever was in the enviro-suit.  "Did the rest of the away team get back?"

Quote from: Ashley Weir on July 31, 2016, 06:19:26 PM

"We're the 'Original Model'?"She asked with a small pause. "Vulcan's were traveling the stars before we had even built an engine. If we're so superior, why we're we so far behind huh?" The woman shook her head, her tone switching to one that carried aggression behind it. "And for the record, the term 'Humanoid' comes from humanity having always been self-centered. We're so self-involved that we can only think of things as they relate to us." She was attempting to distract the Earth First group from the rest of the away team.  Her goal was to take all their attention onto herself, whatever the cost was for her.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 01, 2016, 01:56:41 AM

Tritter was... going to draw the line in the sand at this point, he was going to put an end to this mess. The man raised his phaser rifle, aimed directly at the leader of the attackers against them. He kept it focused on them, than the man would state, "This is very simple, we have destroyed your ship. If you are wanting to leave here alive, you let myself and my Crew Mates leave, or I make sure all of you leave in body bags" The man's heavy German accent was unwavering and strong, his gaze intent and focused. The seven foot tall man was not going to mess around anymore, this needed to stop now. His finger on the trigger of the rifle, waiting for the leader to make their decision... He was not a man to be tested and one who took these things lightly.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 01, 2016, 04:34:39 PM

She looked towards Tritter and wished he would just pull the trigger and they could message up and just get out of there.  Hrafn's head was pounding, she was feeling worse by the second and she really just wanted to go and be treated by Dr. Kintiss.  She hoped that Commander T'Koris would survive now that she was back in his care.

Turning painfully to the leader of the rebels she said "Your ship is destroyed, I'd quit while I was ahead if I were you.  And just because you say there is no cure doesn't mean there isn't. For all you know the antidote is probably non-human antibodies!"  she swallowed hard fighting down the vomit threatening to erupt from the back of her throat.  Standing shakily she called up every ounce of reserve and started walking towards the rebels.

"And if there is no cure...if we're all affected, so are you, and you will die soon too, so either you're lying and there is a cure or you're bluffing, take your pick. Either way, if Mr Tritter there or one of my other colleagues decides to keep you here by shooting your kneecaps off and cutting off your means of communication... oh wait, I forgot, we don't need to do that, your ship has been defeated.  So at most you can have some antidote on you, or have a secret stash here, but if you want to live you have to be able to get to that supply..."

In one fluid movement she unhooked, and fired her phaser, which she always had set to stun, accurately enough to have the leaders weapon spiralling out of his hands.  She hoped that Tritter, Ashley and Julia would follow her lead and disarm the others as she suddenly bent over double with the pain in her abdomen and retched violently.

"Now, take us to the supply of anti-virus medication or tell us what we need or the next shot won't be on stun and won't be at your hands..." Hrafn pointedly readjusted her phaser and levelled it at the leaders crotch making her intentions perfectly clear.


The leader of the group narrowed his eyes at Ashley and Michael, bringing his weapon around to aim at the two of them.  He considered the pair of them for a moment, his thumb on the power, pondering whether or not it would be a good move just to kill the lot of them.  That way, he would be rid of them and continue on with his task.

Hfran's shot was accurate even though her thoughts about the virus weren't.  As his rifle went spinning to the ground, he looked up at Hfran and narrowed his eyes  While it was true that one dead martyr was worth one hundred living protestors, he didn't have any intentions of becoming that dead martyr today.  Making a quick signal to his two friends, they quickly scarpered out of the hospital.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 01, 2016, 08:15:38 PM


The leader of the group narrowed his eyes at Ashley and Michael, bringing his weapon around to aim at the two of them.  He considered the pair of them for a moment, his thumb on the power, pondering whether or not it would be a good move just to kill the lot of them.  That way, he would be rid of them and continue on with his task.

Hfran's shot was accurate even though her thoughts about the virus weren't.  As his rifle went spinning to the ground, he looked up at Hfran and narrowed his eyes  While it was true that one dead martyr was worth one hundred living protestors, he didn't have any intentions of becoming that dead martyr today.  Making a quick signal to his two friends, they quickly scarpered out of the hospital.

Tritter pondered his recourse for a moment, but he saw the opponents scamper away from them, he kept his rifle trained on the two attackers. He covered the other two crew members until they were gone. He than pondered for a moment, and took a look around, he than looked towards Hrafn, he than said, "We should get back, this area is not safe for us, I can't validate that the medications and such here are safe" His heavily accented voice was firm and assertive. He kept his head on a swivel and watched for anything adverse to happen.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Kintiss on August 01, 2016, 03:40:55 PM

"Commander T'Korisss hassss contracted the virussss, and I'm about to go operate on her." Kintiss was very much aware that he didn't have much to work on, but he had to at least try. He was very much aware of the relationship between Commander T'Koris and Lieutenant Arthur, and he could empathise with the Lieutenant. After all, who liked being told that their spouse could be deathly ill?

"Now sssstand away. I'm going in." He approached the door of the quarantine chamber, and sealed it behind him. Now the real work could begin.


The virus?  What the hell are these people talking about?  Gabriel knew that, being cloistered away in Engineering made it so he rarely had first-hand knowledge of what the Bridge crew got up to.  Most of the time, that was a blessing.  He should have known, however, that if there was to be an away team, Archangel would be on it.  That was a reality of her new position as First Officer.  He also knew that she hated being confined by the rank of Captain...but, deep down, he'd always appreciated the fact that someone else had to go down into firefights and man-killing primordial slugs or whatever the hell else awaited Starfleet officers on remote planets in the ass-end of space.

Or viruses.

"Let me know as soon as something changes, doc," he told Kintiss as the Selay fastened on his protective suit.  Gabriel glanced down at the one he wore himself, not having had the time to take it off before bolting down here.  He'd made record time, do what?  He couldn't help Kintiss in any way.  He couldn't even give Arch blood, if she needed it.  Why had Kirok sent him down here?  All he could do was get in the way.

Moving off to the side, Gabriel made himself not look away from the containment area.  His wife, his e'lev, the mother of his girls...she was in there, fighting off something.  The least he could do was support her, even if she didn't know it and couldn't feel it.

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 01, 2016, 04:34:39 PM


Hrafn was grateful when the blue light of the transportation beam took Archangel back to the ship.

Turning to Ashley she quietly said "Do you have any water, I'm burning up here but I feel cold and I'm so thirsty.  Fish around in my pack and see if you can find a hypo of anesthizine to administer as my back is killing me.  I'm not going to back down and let that bast...."

She leaned to one side and vomited violently.  "Must be the prawns I had for lunch, they smelled a bit funny..." she said wiping her mouth with her tunic sleeve pulled down over the back of her hand.

She looked towards Tritter and wished he would just pull the trigger and they could message up and just get out of there.  Hrafn's head was pounding, she was feeling worse by the second and she really just wanted to go and be treated by Dr. Kintiss.  She hoped that Commander T'Koris would survive now that she was back in his care.

Turning painfully to the leader of the rebels she said "Your ship is destroyed, I'd quit while I was ahead if I were you.  And just because you say there is no cure doesn't mean there isn't. For all you know the antidote is probably non-human antibodies!"  she swallowed hard fighting down the vomit threatening to erupt from the back of her throat.  Standing shakily she called up every ounce of reserve and started walking towards the rebels.

"And if there is no cure...if we're all affected, so are you, and you will die soon too, so either you're lying and there is a cure or you're bluffing, take your pick. Either way, if Mr Tritter there or one of my other colleagues decides to keep you here by shooting your kneecaps off and cutting off your means of communication... oh wait, I forgot, we don't need to do that, your ship has been defeated.  So at most you can have some antidote on you, or have a secret stash here, but if you want to live you have to be able to get to that supply..."

In one fluid movement she unhooked, and fired her phaser, which she always had set to stun, accurately enough to have the leaders weapon spiralling out of his hands.  She hoped that Tritter, Ashley and Julia would follow her lead and disarm the others as she suddenly bent over double with the pain in her abdomen and retched violently.

"Now, take us to the supply of anti-virus medication or tell us what we need or the next shot won't be on stun and won't be at your hands..." Hrafn pointedly readjusted her phaser and levelled it at the leaders crotch making her intentions perfectly clear.


Julia was slowly coming to the realization that it was a distinct possibility that the sick individual that harnessed the power of this virus never bothered to developed a cure. Her patience was beginning to wear thin and with members of the team starting to fall victims to the effects she knew time was her enemy. "You'll be okay, Lieutenant." Julia reassured the science officer. She was careful not to take her eyes from their adversary.

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris


The leader of the group narrowed his eyes at Ashley and Michael, bringing his weapon around to aim at the two of them.  He considered the pair of them for a moment, his thumb on the power, pondering whether or not it would be a good move just to kill the lot of them.  That way, he would be rid of them and continue on with his task.

Hfran's shot was accurate even though her thoughts about the virus weren't.  As his rifle went spinning to the ground, he looked up at Hfran and narrowed his eyes  While it was true that one dead martyr was worth one hundred living protestors, he didn't have any intentions of becoming that dead martyr today.  Making a quick signal to his two friends, they quickly scarpered out of the hospital.

Quote from: Michael Tritter

Tritter pondered his recourse for a moment, but he saw the opponents scamper away from them, he kept his rifle trained on the two attackers. He covered the other two crew members until they were gone. He than pondered for a moment, and took a look around, he than looked towards Hrafn, he than said, "We should get back, this area is not safe for us, I can't validate that the medications and such here are safe" His heavily accented voice was firm and assertive. He kept his head on a swivel and watched for anything adverse to happen.

Julia reached for her phaser as the leader beckoned for his partners. She glanced back to the security officer. "Ensign, that may be the best idea I've heard all day. We'll have to send resources back down once we have a cure."

She tapped on her communicator and opened a channel. =/\="Rellek to Phoenix, I think it's time to get us out of here. Please transport us to the quarantined area and have medical staff standing by. We'll explain when we're back aboard."=/\=

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 01, 2016, 08:15:38 PM


The sound of the doors sliding back, the difference in pressurisation between the main sickbay and the quarantine room ensuring that any airborne infection didn't escape by having the quarantine area at a lower pressure, air rushing in, helped Archangel push away the last of the effects of the stun and let the bright light and pain come flooding in.  The first thing she noticed was the cold.  Why does this ship always have to be so damned cold?  The second was the pain from the phaser burn to her left shoulder.  The third was the fact that her stomach was trying to crawl up her oesophagus.

With a groan, she rolled on to her side, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, squeezing her eyes shut briefly as she fought the room spinning.  "I don't think I need to ask what happened," she grumbled, lifting one hand to rub her temple, squinting as she tried to focus on whoever was in the enviro-suit.  "Did the rest of the away team get back?"


"Lie back down, Commander," Kintiss said brusquely, his voice muffled slightly by the enviro-suit. "Try not to worry about them for now." Out of all the away team that could have brought the virus on board, it had to be the one who had the most trouble co-operating with doctors. He wasn't too worried about that, though. If she refused to co-operate, he had a hypospray loaded with sedatives standing by.

First thing he had to do was figure out what the virus was doing to her.

Using a medical tricorder, he took a scan of her vitals, blood toxicity, anything that might give him some clue as to how the virus worked.


Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 02, 2016, 06:15:25 AM


Julia was slowly coming to the realization that it was a distinct possibility that the sick individual that harnessed the power of this virus never bothered to developed a cure. Her patience was beginning to wear thin and with members of the team starting to fall victims to the effects she knew time was her enemy. "You'll be okay, Lieutenant." Julia reassured the science officer. She was careful not to take her eyes from their adversary.

Julia reached for her phaser as the leader beckoned for his partners. She glanced back to the security officer. "Ensign, that may be the best idea I've heard all day. We'll have to send resources back down once we have a cure."

She tapped on her communicator and opened a channel. =/\="Rellek to Phoenix, I think it's time to get us out of here. Please transport us to the quarantined area and have medical staff standing by. We'll explain when we're back aboard."=/\=


=/\=Acknowledged, Ms. Rellek.  Standby=/\= Kirok replied.  He took a moment to set up the transport.  Then the group was beamed to the ship.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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