Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Julia Rellek

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 04, 2016, 11:29:59 AM


Stellar Cartography was Hrafn's second string so to speak, but with so much translation being taken out of her hands by Universal Translators, she had had most of her scientific 'excitement' from Stellar Cartography.

So, like Julia, it was like 'a kid in a candy store' that she poured over the information.  "Indeed, Julia....this is going to be bedtime reading for a while.  Well, my bedtime reading, I think the twins might find it a bit highbrow as yet!  Ruthie would probably enjoy it however, she's got the makings of a little scientist already!"

She smiled at Julia, you never ever stopped being a scientist.  "Oh and when you contact Dr. Johnson, please give him my regards.  Met him once at a science conference, a most fascinating speaker!"


Julia laughed at the notion of the report being appropriate bed time reading for Fallegs children. "Then you're raising those kids right." She picked up her PADD after the download completed. "I will certainly send him your regards. Hey! I have an idea, Lieutenant. Why don't I forward your report onto him. He's been a friend since my early days in research. I am technically listed as an advisor on several of his projects from my academy days. He taught stellar cartography and mapping, in those days. Let me know when it's written up. I'll put you in contact and let you tell him all about it." She gave Falleg a slight pat on the shoulder as she stood from the console. "Looks like we wont be standing around here long. Julia said motioning towards Kachina.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on August 04, 2016, 07:15:14 PM

Katcha smiled at the words.

"I hope she gets better soon and can join us." She replied with a smile. Then her PADD beeped and she looked down.

Katcha looked back at Hrafn.

"Excuse me." She said as she made her way over to the secondary communications console. She quickly isolated all those on the Bridge and sent out another ship-wide communication.

=/\=Filitov to all hands. Please report to the mess hall immediately. An explanation will be given when everyone is assembled.=/\= she typed and transmitted it.

Once she was done she restored the channels and turned to the PADD.

=/\=Captain. I have sent the communication to all the crew except those on the Bridge that they should gather in the mess hall.=/\=

She sent the message and waited for the Captain to make the announcement.


=/\=Well done, Ms. Filitov.  We will meet you down there.  Kiork out=/\= Kirok replied.

"Ms. Rellek, you have the Bridge" Kirok said.  He stood and headed to his Ready Room.  While there, he retrieved something from his desk.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 04, 2016, 08:04:39 PM


Julia laughed at the notion of the report being appropriate bed time reading for Fallegs children. "Then you're raising those kids right." She picked up her PADD after the download completed. "I will certainly send him your regards. Hey! I have an idea, Lieutenant. Why don't I forward your report onto him. He's been a friend since my early days in research. I am technically listed as an advisor on several of his projects from my academy days. He taught stellar cartography and mapping, in those days. Let me know when it's written up. I'll put you in contact and let you tell him all about it." She gave Falleg a slight pat on the shoulder as she stood from the console. "Looks like we wont be standing around here long. Julia said motioning towards Kachina.


After a few minutes passed and more people had exited the Bridge, Kirok finally emerged from his Ready Room.   He approached the small group that remained.   "I was thinking that I might get a beverage from the mess hall.  Could I get you all to join me?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 04, 2016, 08:04:39 PM


Julia laughed at the notion of the report being appropriate bed time reading for Fallegs children. "Then you're raising those kids right." She picked up her PADD after the download completed. "I will certainly send him your regards. Hey! I have an idea, Lieutenant. Why don't I forward your report onto him. He's been a friend since my early days in research. I am technically listed as an advisor on several of his projects from my academy days. He taught stellar cartography and mapping, in those days. Let me know when it's written up. I'll put you in contact and let you tell him all about it." She gave Falleg a slight pat on the shoulder as she stood from the console. "Looks like we wont be standing around here long. Julia said motioning towards Kachina.


"Well, you know, we Scientists have to keep up the gene pool!" Hrafn laughed.  "And of course you can forward my report to Dr. Johnson, I would welcome his thoughts on it!"

Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2016, 09:30:26 PM


=/\=Well done, Ms. Filitov.  We will meet you down there.  Kiork out=/\= Kirok replied.

"Ms. Rellek, you have the Bridge" Kirok said.  He stood and headed to his Ready Room.  While there, he retrieved something from his desk.


After a few minutes passed and more people had exited the Bridge, Kirok finally emerged from his Ready Room.   He approached the small group that remained.   "I was thinking that I might get a beverage from the mess hall.  Could I get you all to join me?" he asked.

Hrafn raised an eyebrow but smiled at Kirok.  "Of course Captain!" she said following.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Klabax Cottle

[Mess Hall]

Klabax walked into the mess hall, looking around the new ship. The Denobulan wandered the halls, recalling the layout from memory almost perfectly. It was a Nebula class, and he knew them well. He'd served on one during the Dominion war. The lines on his face from the war and the accumulated stresses of the years, all forty-odd of them, weighed on him. He had no more than gotten onboard the ship, having met it on it's way to Starbase Columbus, than he was instructed to report to the Mess. He didn't know why but expected it wasn't good.

He hoped his reputation hadn't caught up with him. Through the war, and beyond due to the effects of the war, he'd gained a reputation for being gruff, sarcastic, and having a terrible bedside manner. Thankfully, to counter that, he also had the reputation of being efficient and being able to see through B.S. pretty well. He though back to the last time he'd been to his home planet, but he wouldn't loose sleep over it. In fact, he had no need to sleep most of the year, as he only needed about four days a year which he kept spread apart through the calendar. He took more if he felt like it, but he could stay on duty without fatigue for weeks on end. It made him a great wartime doc, but in between events he could get bored.

He walked in and took up post on the wall. He didn't know anyone here and had little interest for social gatherings. He was here because he was ordered to, and Klabax was above all a good follower of his orders.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Michael J. Tritter


Tritter was in his least favorite place and he had no qualms about telling the Medical Staff about it. The man would also have an interesting medical background for those who cared to look into it, a history full of injuries and pain would wait for anyone who was interested in looking. The muscular man was obviously not wanting to be here, he choose to stand up instead of sit or lay down on the cot. The man was obviously not appearing nor feeling sick, and if he was, he would not tell anyone.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2016, 09:30:26 PM


=/\=Well done, Ms. Filitov.  We will meet you down there.  Kiork out=/\= Kirok replied.


Katcha nodded in response and exited the Bridge, taking the turbolift down to the mess hall. By the time she arrived, the rest of the crew had already started to gather. She was asked several questions but advised the crew to wait for the Captain.

She went over to a replicator and get herself a fruit juice and waited for whatever the Captain had planed to begin.

A few minutes later the Door opened and the rest of the Bridge officers entered.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on August 05, 2016, 01:00:11 AM


Katcha nodded in response and exited the Bridge, taking the turbolift down to the mess hall. By the time she arrived, the rest of the crew had already started to gather. She was asked several questions but advised the crew to wait for the Captain.

She went over to a replicator and get herself a fruit juice and waited for whatever the Captain had planed to begin.

A few minutes later the Door opened and the rest of the Bridge officers entered.

Mess Hall

Hrafn went over to a replicator and got herself a Ratkajino, it wasn't often that the opportunity presented itself to grab a drink while she was on duty but since they had the Captain's express permission, she did so.  In fact she could only remember one occurrence other than departmental head meetings where she'd actually been allowed to drink on duty and that was when she was pregnant with the twins.

She sidled over to Katcha and said "Guess you've got as much clue about this as the rest of us?! Still I'm sure Kirok is about to tell all!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 04, 2016, 10:36:26 PM


"Well, you know, we Scientists have to keep up the gene pool!" Hrafn laughed.  "And of course you can forward my report to Dr. Johnson, I would welcome his thoughts on it!"

Hrafn raised an eyebrow but smiled at Kirok.  "Of course Captain!" she said following.


"Please go ahead of us, Ms. Falleg" Kirok said.  "I have something to discuss with Ms. Rellek before we join you.  We won't be long" he said.

Once the terminals were powered down and all but Kirok and Julia remained, he had her full attention.  He tugged down on his shirt and remained standing to set a more formal tone.  "Ms. Rellek, you have been a fine officer and it has been acceptable getting to know you over the past few weeks.  You knowledge of Science is impressive and everyone that I have meet likes you.  You are a leader in ever since of the word" Kirok said straight forwardly.

"I am going to make you an offer and your first instinct will be to deny the offer.  I need you to fully suppress that instinct and to accept the offer.  Are you prepared for me to proceed?" the Vulcan/Betazed asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2016, 12:41:46 PM

Mess Hall

Hrafn went over to a replicator and got herself a Ratkajino, it wasn't often that the opportunity presented itself to grab a drink while she was on duty but since they had the Captain's express permission, she did so.  In fact she could only remember one occurrence other than departmental head meetings where she'd actually been allowed to drink on duty and that was when she was pregnant with the twins.

She sidled over to Katcha and said "Guess you've got as much clue about this as the rest of us?! Still I'm sure Kirok is about to tell all!"

Mess Hall

Katcha smiled as he friend walked up carrying a cup that  by the smell, could only contain Ratkajino. She had never been able to stand the smell or taste of the drink. But she kept from saying so as her friend enjoyed the beverage.

"I haven't a clue." She replied. " But votever it is ve vill find out soon." She remarked.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2016, 01:39:25 PM


"Please go ahead of us, Ms. Falleg" Kirok said.  "I have something to discuss with Ms. Rellek before we join you.  We won't be long" he said.

Once the terminals were powered down and all but Kirok and Julia remained, he had her full attention.  He tugged down on his shirt and remained standing to set a more formal tone.  "Ms. Rellek, you have been a fine officer and it has been acceptable getting to know you over the past few weeks.  You knowledge of Science is impressive and everyone that I have meet likes you.  You are a leader in ever since of the word" Kirok said straight forwardly.

"I am going to make you an offer and your first instinct will be to deny the offer.  I need you to fully suppress that instinct and to accept the offer.  Are you prepared for me to proceed?" the Vulcan/Betazed asked.

[Mess Hall]

Julia gave Falleg a smile as she moved ahead of herself and Kirok. "I'll catch back up with you soon Hrfan." She re-assured. Julia was eager to finish her conversation. The mess hall was a buzz of activity. It hadn't taken long for the captains request to be heeded by the crew of the Phoenix. They certainly had a knack for showing up to a gathering. This crew had grown to be more tight knit than Julia ever expeted.

Kirok's approach caught Julia off guard. She took a sip of her coffee, hiding a moment of hesitation as she formulated her reply. "Well... those... those are very kind words." She commented, unable to hide her skepticism. Throughout her career she had been pushed into one role after another and Kirok was aware of this. She was convinced that nothing good could come from the tone in his voice. She brought her coffee down from her face and nestled her PADD into the cup of her left hand. "I promise to keep an open mind. What can I do for your, sir?"

Julia purposefully didn't answer his question directly. She wasn't certain of what to say. The fact of the matter was, she wasn't entirely convinced that she was prepared to launch herself into another chapter of her unexpected career.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


[Mess Hall]

The giant shaggy beast known as Rocky was working the mess hall today. He was scrubbing what appeared to be a crusty green substance that had begun to... resperate. It was not a sentient creature but something, probably mixed with some goo from the science labs, had started to grow and it was up to Rocky and his trusty power cleaner to exterminate it. Oh the glory of enlisted janitorial service.

The great Mugato, grumbling in a deep baritone, approached Klabax with a space-age energy-spewing vacuum in hand. He'd been scrubbing as he walked along the edge of the wall.

"Sorry boss. Mind if I git' Á¢â,¬Ëœda gunk behind you?" He said conversationally, indicating to a thin crust of resperating green ooze behind Klabax.

He seemed to ignore the bridge officers. This probably didn't involve him so he learned how to make himself deaf to conversations he was not supposed to hear.

PO3 Rocky
Sanitation Technician, Starbase Columbus
Played By: Snowflake the albino Gorilla from the Barcelona Zoo


Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 05, 2016, 04:04:25 PM

[Mess Hall]

Julia gave Falleg a smile as she moved ahead of herself and Kirok. "I'll catch back up with you soon Hrfan." She re-assured. Julia was eager to finish her conversation. The mess hall was a buzz of activity. It hadn't taken long for the captains request to be heeded by the crew of the Phoenix. They certainly had a knack for showing up to a gathering. This crew had grown to be more tight knit than Julia ever expeted.

Kirok's approach caught Julia off guard. She took a sip of her coffee, hiding a moment of hesitation as she formulated her reply. "Well... those... those are very kind words." She commented, unable to hide her skepticism. Throughout her career she had been pushed into one role after another and Kirok was aware of this. She was convinced that nothing good could come from the tone in his voice. She brought her coffee down from her face and nestled her PADD into the cup of her left hand. "I promise to keep an open mind. What can I do for your, sir?"

Julia purposefully didn't answer his question directly. She wasn't certain of what to say. The fact of the matter was, she wasn't entirely convinced that she was prepared to launch herself into another chapter of her unexpected career.


Kirok's left eyebrow arched slightly as it often did when he was puzzled.  She had not answered in a direct fashion.  But the only option was for him to press on whether she was ready or not.

"Star Fleet is launching a new ship this week.  It can actually be seen from our Bridge.  She needs a Commanding Officer and your name is at the top of the list for the assignment" the Vulcan/Betazed said.

"Accepting the assignment will come with a promotion.  But it will mean you will have to transfer off the ship.  Today" he added and then revealed the pip box that he had until now kept hidden.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Klabax Cottle

Quote from: Rocky on August 05, 2016, 06:00:24 PM

[Mess Hall]

The giant shaggy beast known as Rocky was working the mess hall today. He was scrubbing what appeared to be a crusty green substance that had begun to... resperate. It was not a sentient creature but something, probably mixed with some goo from the science labs, had started to grow and it was up to Rocky and his trusty power cleaner to exterminate it. Oh the glory of enlisted janitorial service.

The great Mugato, grumbling in a deep baritone, approached Klabax with a space-age energy-spewing vacuum in hand. He'd been scrubbing as he walked along the edge of the wall.

"Sorry boss. Mind if I git' Á¢â,¬Ëœda gunk behind you?" He said conversationally, indicating to a thin crust of resperating green ooze behind Klabax.

He seemed to ignore the bridge officers. This probably didn't involve him so he learned how to make himself deaf to conversations he was not supposed to hear.

[Mess Hall]

Klabax was looking around, clear disdain for being here on his face. But, orders were orders and Klabax followed them. He sighed as he got a beverage, sipping it as he continued looking around. He saw many different species, and, surprisingly, didn't recognize one of them immediately. The doctor in him got to evaluating, acting as he would if he found a species as of yet unbeknownst to the Federation, thinking of how all the internal systems of the being worked, before finally recognizing it as Mugato.

He observed the being, Being both parts impressed and intrigued as to how a Mugato got into Starfleet. Unfortunately, he appeared to be relegated to a simple  janitor. Typical. Starfleet enlists a new being, one of a very few to join the ranks of Starfleet, and they make him a maid.

"Of course." he said, his voice gravely, no particular emotions in his voice. He stood aside, watching the creature. He shook his head. Not a creature... he reminded himself. He tried to be dispassionate, but he had come to sometimes go too far and dehumanize... Debeingize... people and beings he met.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kintiss on August 04, 2016, 07:01:49 PM


Kintiss found that, over the last couple of days, he had been getting antsy. That was never a good sign. It meant he had overworked and under-slept for a while. It was for a good cause, though. The work he'd been putting in in quarantine had been extensive and exhausting for everyone involved. Still, he and his team were definitely making some headway. Through some not-insignificant effort on his part, he'd managed to isolate a sample of the virus and, whenever he had a moment away from working quarantine, had been examining it. A crafty little virus, it was. It must have taken someone with an unprecedented knowledge of viral engineering to create something that targeted specific elements in a living creature's blood.

The sound of the door opening caught his attention. It was the ensign from before, the one with the hearing troubles.

"Back again?" he asked. "What can I do for you, enssssign?"


Ashley gave a small but warm smile to great Kintiss. "Uh...ever since I came back from the planet I've felt like my hearing was I don't know how to explain it, but things just feel different. Thought I'd come and get it checked out."

Archangel Koris

[Mess Hall]

The tap of Archangel's cane on the deck plates wasn't a new sound on the Phoenix, but one that hadn't been heard for a long time.  The expression on her face should deterr anyone from asking her why she felt the need to use it again.  Already weakened by her own refusal to seek treatment for an old injury, the virus had then done a number on it as well as the rest of her articulations.  At least the rest of my joints have gone back to normal.  If only the inflammation in this damned knee would go down!

Her release from sickbay had come only a few moments prior, meaning that the doctor had informed her that she no longer posed a threat to the crew and she had promptly rewired the quarantine protocols and escaped.  Her dislike for sickbay was well known, even if it wasn't the first line in her medical file, written in bold.

Stepping in to the mess hall as ordered, she leaned on her cane and looked around, taking in the crew members already there.  They seemed to be gathered in little groups of their own, quite happily talking to each other.  There was no point in interrupting them, that was for sure.  The appearance of a command officer tended to throw a bucket of cold water over any conversation.  Instead, she limped over to one of the large viewports that ran the length of the bulkhead, looking across to the adjoining docking port and the ship occupying it.  Newly refitted, by the name of the USS Tempest.  She thought back to the conversation she had had with Kirok through the quarantine field about that ship, and its command team.  Resting both hands on the top of her cane, she ran an engineer's eye over the lines of the vessel.  Beautiful, yes, but she had to remain loyal to her Phoenix.

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