Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 23, 2016, 12:22:22 AM


There was no time to catch up, assuming that Zero even knew what 'catching up' meant.  The casualties from the other ship were their main priority and must take precedence over any kind of idle chit chat.  When a patient was close to crashing, any chatter outside of orders being given for drugs or recussitation had no place what so ever.

Without a word, Zero grabbed the two hyposprays, a glance indicating that the dosage on them was correct before she handed them to Kintiss before reaching for a tricorder of her own and the vascular regenerator, scanning the Vulcan in search of the source of the internal bleeding.

"I am detecting lacerations to the liver and spleen," she reported, switching on the regenerator and setting to work.


"No" the Vulcan protested.  He tried to fight the sedative.  But dropped off to sleep before he could say more.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 22, 2016, 10:06:53 PM


Archangel continued to observe the weapon as it drew another asteroid into the cusp, her upswept brows drawn together in a frown.  Something like that could certainly have caused the damage that had been seen on the derelict vessel.  It was also a rather curious device.  Her inner engineer wanted to get a hold of it and take it apart to see how it worked.

"It seems that the device uses a tractor beam to draw in its ammunition and then throws the polarity into reverse to turn the pull into a push," she observed, tilting her head to one side.  "Clever.  If we could find a way to interfere with their tractor beam, we could disable the weapon.  Lieutenant Falleg, work with Lieutenant Arthur on that one.  Ensign Weir, can you get us a better look at it without putting the ship in danger?"


Ashley flashed a small grin and offered a nod before speaking up. "Of course ma'am. I just have to alter our trajectory by a small amount and we should be good to go! Of course, we're still trying to dodge oncoming that DOES make things slightly more tricky."

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 23, 2016, 01:46:42 AM


"A good idea, Mr. Arthur" Kirok said.   "I would like to run a scan before we implement the idea though" he added.  He clacked away at his duty station and waited to Weir to get them in position.


"Scan running, Sir."  Hrafn had automatically run a scan to see what the strength of their tractor beam was, after all if they were going to try to neutralise it they needed to know what strength to set their beam at.

Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 23, 2016, 09:29:26 AM


Ashley flashed a small grin and offered a nod before speaking up. "Of course ma'am. I just have to alter our trajectory by a small amount and we should be good to go! Of course, we're still trying to dodge oncoming that DOES make things slightly more tricky."

"Hold on for a rocky ride?! Would it be wise to alert the crew to hold on to something or will it not be that violent?!" Hrafn asked

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 23, 2016, 11:09:08 AM


"Scan running, Sir."  Hrafn had automatically run a scan to see what the strength of their tractor beam was, after all if they were going to try to neutralise it they needed to know what strength to set their beam at.

"Hold on for a rocky ride?! Would it be wise to alert the crew to hold on to something or will it not be that violent?!" Hrafn asked


"Thank you, Ms. Falleg" Kirk replied.  He too started his scans as the ship started it's turn.  Something caught his eye at the start of the scan.  Something worth investigating a bit further.

"Can someone check with the shuttle to see if they have any more probes to spare.  I would like to have one launched toward the center of the field" he called out.  His attention was now focused on the scans of the instrument.  "I believe your solution will work, Mr. Arthur.  And artificial gravity should take care of us.  Correct, Ms. Weir?" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 23, 2016, 11:09:08 AM


"Scan running, Sir."  Hrafn had automatically run a scan to see what the strength of their tractor beam was, after all if they were going to try to neutralise it they needed to know what strength to set their beam at.

"Hold on for a rocky ride?! Would it be wise to alert the crew to hold on to something or will it not be that violent?!" Hrafn asked

Quote from: Kirok on August 23, 2016, 09:20:27 PM


"Thank you, Ms. Falleg" Kirk replied.  He too started his scans as the ship started it's turn.  Something caught his eye at the start of the scan.  Something worth investigating a bit further.

"Can someone check with the shuttle to see if they have any more probes to spare.  I would like to have one launched toward the center of the field" he called out.  His attention was now focused on the scans of the instrument.  "I believe your solution will work, Mr. Arthur.  And artificial gravity should take care of us.  Correct, Ms. Weir?" he added.


"We SHOULD be okay." Ashley quickly responded. "Unless the propulsion rate gets higher or more violent I'd say we'll be fine. It'll be less smooth than typical flight but nothing we can't handle." Slowly the catapult-like device came into view as the officer altered the course slightly. "There we go. I don't know how long I can keep it in view though."


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on August 23, 2016, 01:53:44 AM

"No" the Vulcan protested.  He tried to fight the sedative.  But dropped off to sleep before he could say more.


As the Vulcan patient drifted off to sleep, Kintiss raised a scaled eyebrow. Vulcans, by and large, didn't complain about medical procedures unless they were criticising the doctor (something he found they did a lot). What cause could he have to resist being treated? It had to be important, or he wouldn't have tried to resist the sedative. Good thing the dosage was specially increased for Vulcan physiology, or he would have probably had to deal with a barrage of criticism while he tried to concentrate. He'd had enough of that at the Academy.

As he applied the hyposprays to the Vulcan, the patient's breathing became regular. That would probably, he reckoned, make it easier for Alpha to do her work. He left her to work on the Vulcan and examined the Bolian. While not as badly injured as the Vulcan, the Bolian also carried third-degree burns and their arm was at an odd angle. They all needed a lot of work done.

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Kintiss on August 24, 2016, 12:11:54 AM


As the Vulcan patient drifted off to sleep, Kintiss raised a scaled eyebrow. Vulcans, by and large, didn't complain about medical procedures unless they were criticising the doctor (something he found they did a lot). What cause could he have to resist being treated? It had to be important, or he wouldn't have tried to resist the sedative. Good thing the dosage was specially increased for Vulcan physiology, or he would have probably had to deal with a barrage of criticism while he tried to concentrate. He'd had enough of that at the Academy.

As he applied the hyposprays to the Vulcan, the patient's breathing became regular. That would probably, he reckoned, make it easier for Alpha to do her work. He left her to work on the Vulcan and examined the Bolian. While not as badly injured as the Vulcan, the Bolian also carried third-degree burns and their arm was at an odd angle. They all needed a lot of work done.


Zero wasn't having the same thoughts of concern as Kintiss about their patient, more concerned with the repairs of the internal lacerations before the Vulcan bled out.  As far as she was concerned, all humanoids acted strangely.  She still had problems figuring out what was normal for them and what wasn't.

The vascular regenerator made quick work of healing the Vulcan, but she still ran a tricorder scan over him once more to ensure that she hadn't missed anything.  Vital signs were regular, although blood pressure was low and the heart rate was high, but she expected to see that after a haemorrage.  Keying a few commands in to the biobed, she set up the automatic scanners to take continuous readings and sound an alarm should they vary from her specific parametres.

Moving over to Kintiss and the Bolian, she asked:  "Do you require assistance?"

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 24, 2016, 01:25:20 AM


Zero wasn't having the same thoughts of concern as Kintiss about their patient, more concerned with the repairs of the internal lacerations before the Vulcan bled out.  As far as she was concerned, all humanoids acted strangely.  She still had problems figuring out what was normal for them and what wasn't.

The vascular regenerator made quick work of healing the Vulcan, but she still ran a tricorder scan over him once more to ensure that she hadn't missed anything.  Vital signs were regular, although blood pressure was low and the heart rate was high, but she expected to see that after a haemorrage.  Keying a few commands in to the biobed, she set up the automatic scanners to take continuous readings and sound an alarm should they vary from her specific parametres.

Moving over to Kintiss and the Bolian, she asked:  "Do you require assistance?"


"My arm.  I think it's broken" the blue faced Bolian replied.  "The Vulcan, I think he may have seen or noticed something out there" he added cryptically.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 23, 2016, 09:20:27 PM


"Thank you, Ms. Falleg" Kirk replied.  He too started his scans as the ship started it's turn.  Something caught his eye at the start of the scan.  Something worth investigating a bit further.

"Can someone check with the shuttle to see if they have any more probes to spare.  I would like to have one launched toward the center of the field" he called out.  His attention was now focused on the scans of the instrument.  "I believe your solution will work, Mr. Arthur.  And artificial gravity should take care of us.  Correct, Ms. Weir?" he added.


Hrafn jumped into action.

=/\=Tempest to Shuttlecraft Bruegel, if you still have a probe remaining, please launch probe at the centre of the asteroid belt. Authorisation Kirok 4478 Gamma. =/\=

She hoped it would have the desired affect.  Jiseth was a class pilot as well as being a decent second officer, and she had some prime members of the crew on board the shuttle to guide that missile.  'Of course it will work...' she said to herself.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Sandy Moreau

[Ensign Sandy Moreau's Quarters]

Lying on her bed Sandy had been half listening to music from the 1980s era of the 20th century on Earth and yet at the same time was managing to be deeply in thought.  The call for any and all medical personnel immediately pulling her from her reverie.

Even so, blue eyes continued to remain fixated on the ceiling just as they had for the past several hours. And continued to do so as the young woman began to speak. "Sandy girl, any and all medical personnel includes you now. Up and at it."

Quickly getting to her feet then taking a moment to give a quick tug of her tunic Sandy Beth headed out.


Arriving in Sickbay and with the situation appearing to be under control, Sandy stayed to the perimeter of the room, quietly  watching the expert care being given the wounded.

It wasn't that she was hesitant. As a matter of fact, Sandy Beth was any but. It was that life had taught her to be cautious, sometimes a little too cautious...


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on August 24, 2016, 07:28:00 PM

"My arm.  I think it's broken" the blue faced Bolian replied.  "The Vulcan, I think he may have seen or noticed something out there" he added cryptically.


"Yesss, he mentioned a "graveyard"," Kintiss replied as he gently held the Bolian's broken arm. It was quite badly broken. Something must have landed on it and crushed the bone, or maybe it was the Bolian himself that did that. "Thisss'll hurt for a moment." Gripping the Bolian's arm tightly, he bent the limb back into its proper place with a heavy crunch.

"I think I've got a handle on it," he said to Alpha. "The Vulcan'ssss the priority patient. Keep treating him." If, as the Bolian said, the Vulcan did see something, they needed him conscious and coherent. "And you," he added, looking over at the ensign in the corner "I need you on the Ferengi."

Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Kintiss on August 25, 2016, 03:18:05 PM


"Yesss, he mentioned a "graveyard"," Kintiss replied as he gently held the Bolian's broken arm. It was quite badly broken. Something must have landed on it and crushed the bone, or maybe it was the Bolian himself that did that. "Thisss'll hurt for a moment." Gripping the Bolian's arm tightly, he bent the limb back into its proper place with a heavy crunch.

"I think I've got a handle on it," he said to Alpha. "The Vulcan'ssss the priority patient. Keep treating him." If, as the Bolian said, the Vulcan did see something, they needed him conscious and coherent. "And you," he added, looking over at the ensign in the corner "I need you on the Ferengi."


"Ouch, dammit" the Bolian yelled before the bone crunched into places.  "Thank you, doctor.  Sorry about earlier" he added a few moment later with much less distress.  "I though he was mad at first, but he kept repeating 'distress call, discovered, graveyard.'  Certainly it must be a message of some type" he pointed out.

Quote from: Sandy Moreau on August 25, 2016, 04:08:44 AM

[Ensign Sandy Moreau's Quarters]

Lying on her bed Sandy had been half listening to music from the 1980s era of the 20th century on Earth and yet at the same time was managing to be deeply in thought.  The call for any and all medical personnel immediately pulling her from her reverie.

Even so, blue eyes continued to remain fixated on the ceiling just as they had for the past several hours. And continued to do so as the young woman began to speak. "Sandy girl, any and all medical personnel includes you now. Up and at it."

Quickly getting to her feet then taking a moment to give a quick tug of her tunic Sandy Beth headed out.


Arriving in Sickbay and with the situation appearing to be under control, Sandy stayed to the perimeter of the room, quietly  watching the expert care being given the wounded.

It wasn't that she was hesitant. As a matter of fact, Sandy Beth was any but. It was that life had taught her to be cautious, sometimes a little too cautious...


The Ferengi had been unconscious up to now.  His eyes fluttered open.  "Am I alive.  Where am I" he asked as he looked around wildly.


Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 24, 2016, 12:01:24 AM


"We SHOULD be okay." Ashley quickly responded. "Unless the propulsion rate gets higher or more violent I'd say we'll be fine. It'll be less smooth than typical flight but nothing we can't handle." Slowly the catapult-like device came into view as the officer altered the course slightly. "There we go. I don't know how long I can keep it in view though."


"Mr. Arthur, I believe that is your que" Kirok said.  "Ops, please shift power from weapon to the deflectors.  Ms. Weir, hold your position" he called out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kirok on August 25, 2016, 11:11:05 PM


"Mr. Arthur, I believe that is your que" Kirok said.  "Ops, please shift power from weapon to the deflectors.  Ms. Weir, hold your position" he called out.


Ashley gave a small nod as she gracefully, but swiftly brought the Phoenix to a halt. "Ey captain." She quickly replied attempting to look over the device with her eyes just to see what should could see. Quickly she spoke up again, her face not moving from the viewscreen."Standing by for further orders sir."


Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 26, 2016, 08:42:21 AM


Ashley gave a small nod as she gracefully, but swiftly brought the Phoenix to a halt. "Ey captain." She quickly replied attempting to look over the device with her eyes just to see what should could see. Quickly she spoke up again, her face not moving from the viewscreen."Standing by for further orders sir."


"Thank you, Ms. Weir" Kirok replied.  "Ms. Falleg, will you please execute the command.  When you are ready" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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