Season 1 - Mission 3: No Good Deed

Started by Kirok, July 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2016, 02:01:43 PM


=/\=Acknowledged, Ms. Rellek.  Standby=/\= Kirok replied.  He took a moment to set up the transport.  Then the group was beamed to the ship.


Hrafn was about to the point of collapsing when the blue light of the transporter beam took them.

As the ship materialised around them she grasped Ashley's arm and pulled her close.  "I know you won't be to leave here yet bu-but get a mess-age to Evie.  My-my nanny.... ask..."  Hrafn was fighting the waves of unconsciousness overtaking her.

"...ask her to look babies.  Tell Gabriel too.  He'll look after them.  Pl...Please... Ash..."

She slid down to the floor then, message delivered and trusted that Ashley would get the message to Evie and Gabe so that the twins would be well looked after while she was treated and... if she recovered.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Kintiss on August 02, 2016, 01:12:13 PM


"Lie back down, Commander," Kintiss said brusquely, his voice muffled slightly by the enviro-suit. "Try not to worry about them for now." Out of all the away team that could have brought the virus on board, it had to be the one who had the most trouble co-operating with doctors. He wasn't too worried about that, though. If she refused to co-operate, he had a hypospray loaded with sedatives standing by.

First thing he had to do was figure out what the virus was doing to her.

Using a medical tricorder, he took a scan of her vitals, blood toxicity, anything that might give him some clue as to how the virus worked.

[Sickbay - Quarantine]

"I'm fine, Kintiss, it was only a phaser on high stun!" Archangel protested, slipping off the biobed and onto her feet before realising that it was rather a bad idea.  Her head spun dangerously and she sat down again, squeezing her eyes shut.  Her head ached, as did her back.  Her skin felt itchy and inflamed.  And the stomach situation wasn't doing any better.

Cracking one eye open to look at Kintiss, she sighed slightly.  "It just feels like a bad flu.  I don't need to lie down, but I do need to talk to Julia and find out what happened down there."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2016, 02:01:43 PM


=/\=Acknowledged, Ms. Rellek.  Standby=/\= Kirok replied.  He took a moment to set up the transport.  Then the group was beamed to the ship.

Tritter remained at the ready until the transport process began, moments later, he would be aboard the USS Phoenix, his rifle kept at the low ready, looking about the transport pad making sure the area is safe. Tritter noticed the female was sick and knew that she was in need of medical attention, he than tapped his comm badge and said "Tritter to sick bay, medical needed at the transporter pad" His heavy German accent was calm and focused, he seemed oddly relaxed despite what was going on.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog


Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 02, 2016, 08:55:32 PM

[Sickbay - Quarantine]

"I'm fine, Kintiss, it was only a phaser on high stun!" Archangel protested, slipping off the biobed and onto her feet before realising that it was rather a bad idea.  Her head spun dangerously and she sat down again, squeezing her eyes shut.  Her head ached, as did her back.  Her skin felt itchy and inflamed.  And the stomach situation wasn't doing any better.

Cracking one eye open to look at Kintiss, she sighed slightly.  "It just feels like a bad flu.  I don't need to lie down, but I do need to talk to Julia and find out what happened down there."


"Who'ssss the doctor?" Kintiss asked in the same way a teacher might remind a rebellious student of who held the real authority. "The captain will take care of it. Right now I really need you to co-operate." He was sorely tempted to use the sedative, but it would sit better with him if he could convince the commander to go along with him.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 02, 2016, 11:37:44 PM

Tritter remained at the ready until the transport process began, moments later, he would be aboard the USS Phoenix, his rifle kept at the low ready, looking about the transport pad making sure the area is safe. Tritter noticed the female was sick and knew that she was in need of medical attention, he than tapped his comm badge and said "Tritter to sick bay, medical needed at the transporter pad" His heavy German accent was calm and focused, he seemed oddly relaxed despite what was going on.

"Ssssomeone take care of that!" he barked. Why they hadn't followed procedure and transported them to quarantine immediately, he had no idea. "Get them to do a ssssite-to-ssssite into quarantine chamber B!"

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Kintiss on August 03, 2016, 10:35:20 AM

"Who'ssss the doctor?" Kintiss asked in the same way a teacher might remind a rebellious student of who held the real authority. "The captain will take care of it. Right now I really need you to co-operate." He was sorely tempted to use the sedative, but it would sit better with him if he could convince the commander to go along with him.

[Sickbay - Quarantine]

Being caught between her sense of duty and her absolute phobia of anything to do with seeking treatment for whatever injury or ill was one of the hardest things Archangel had ever done.  On one hand, she was faced with a doctor armed with a hypospray.  On the other hand, escaping from the quarantine chamber as she would do under normal circumstances would put the rest of the ship at risk of being infected with the same thing currently laying siege on her immune system.

With a groan, she ground the heel of her palm into her brow ridges and brought her legs up to cross them into a child-like position on the biobed.  "Fine, but I'm not lying down."

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