Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 05, 2016, 09:24:54 PM

Ashley gave a small but warm smile to great Kintiss. "Uh...ever since I came back from the planet I've felt like my hearing was I don't know how to explain it, but things just feel different. Thought I'd come and get it checked out."


Kintiss listened patiently. He was sure it wasn't the virus, since it only affected non-humans, but it was still worth considering.

"Well, you take a bio-bed, and I'll ssssee what'sss what," he said, gesturing to the nearest bio-bed. He picked up a PADD and pulled up her file, reminding himself of the specifics of her hearing troubles.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 05, 2016, 12:46:12 AM

Tritter was in his least favorite place and he had no qualms about telling the Medical Staff about it. The man would also have an interesting medical background for those who cared to look into it, a history full of injuries and pain would wait for anyone who was interested in looking. The muscular man was obviously not wanting to be here, he choose to stand up instead of sit or lay down on the cot. The man was obviously not appearing nor feeling sick, and if he was, he would not tell anyone.

This one looked uncomfortable. Perhaps, like the former Captain, he wasn't exactly comfortable in sickbay. Speaking of Commander T'Koris, he had yet to reprimand her for messing with the quarantine protocols. She was supposed to make the running of the ship go smoothly, not mess with it. There would indeed be consequences for that, but never mind it now. He had two patients to see to.

"Can I help you, ensssign?" he asked, trying to look as approachable as a humanoid cobra possibly could.

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2016, 07:43:04 PM


Kirok's left eyebrow arched slightly as it often did when he was puzzled.  She had not answered in a direct fashion.  But the only option was for him to press on whether she was ready or not.

"Star Fleet is launching a new ship this week.  It can actually be seen from our Bridge.  She needs a Commanding Officer and your name is at the top of the list for the assignment" the Vulcan/Betazed said.

"Accepting the assignment will come with a promotion.  But it will mean you will have to transfer off the ship.  Today" he added and then revealed the pip box that he had until now kept hidden.


Julia looked away from her Captain for a moment and gazed off into the distance, through the window in the Bridge. Off in the distance she could see a shiny, recently refit, Galaxy Class starship. The worker bees and Sphinx pods were swarming the ship, presumably putting the finishing touches on the updates. She found herself flooded with emotions as Kirok made her the offer. If you had asked a 21 year old Julia, this would have been the furthest thing from her mind. Her goals in those days consisted on unlocking the mysteries of the universe and it's origin. She always considered that to be a higher calling, however, fate had other plans for her life's trajectory. Every promotion she had received had been thrust upon her and this one was no different. She couldn't help but to think the same of this assignment. Here she was, on the precipice of accepting the assignment a thousand officers would die for and all she could do was dream of the career that could have been.

A small light illuminated the black pain on the ships hull. 'USS Tempest,' it read. As the name revealed itself to her the concerns she had had seemed to drift to the back of her mind. She didn't let the irony escape her. All the storms she had weathered to find herself in this moment. It had been a long journey from the day she was nearly ushered from Starfleet in a blaze of whispers and in a shroud of mystery. Luckily, T'Koris had rescued her from the particular fate.

Her gears churned, weighing the pros and cons. How do you say no. Its the dream of ten thousand kids all throughout the Federation. She turned back to Kirok and flashed a slight smile. "How can I say no. Of course i'll do it. I am flattered to be offered, Captain. Although I cant say I'm excited about the prospect of packing my belongings."

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 06, 2016, 01:36:37 AM


Julia looked away from her Captain for a moment and gazed off into the distance, through the window in the Bridge. Off in the distance she could see a shiny, recently refit, Galaxy Class starship. The worker bees and Sphinx pods were swarming the ship, presumably putting the finishing touches on the updates. She found herself flooded with emotions as Kirok made her the offer. If you had asked a 21 year old Julia, this would have been the furthest thing from her mind. Her goals in those days consisted on unlocking the mysteries of the universe and it's origin. She always considered that to be a higher calling, however, fate had other plans for her life's trajectory. Every promotion she had received had been thrust upon her and this one was no different. She couldn't help but to think the same of this assignment. Here she was, on the precipice of accepting the assignment a thousand officers would die for and all she could do was dream of the career that could have been.

A small light illuminated the black pain on the ships hull. 'USS Tempest,' it read. As the name revealed itself to her the concerns she had had seemed to drift to the back of her mind. She didn't let the irony escape her. All the storms she had weathered to find herself in this moment. It had been a long journey from the day she was nearly ushered from Starfleet in a blaze of whispers and in a shroud of mystery. Luckily, T'Koris had rescued her from the particular fate.

Her gears churned, weighing the pros and cons. How do you say no. Its the dream of ten thousand kids all throughout the Federation. She turned back to Kirok and flashed a slight smile. "How can I say no. Of course i'll do it. I am flattered to be offered, Captain. Although I cant say I'm excited about the prospect of packing my belongings."


"Very well.  You will need these additional pips to complete your uniform, Commander" Kirok said as he handed off the small box.   "We have people waiting in the Mess Hall for us" he said before turning to the turbo lift.

Once inside, he continued where they had left off.  "I would not worry about packing.  I'm sure we can find a few volunteers to assist you" he added before the doors opened onto the Mess Hall.

[Mess Hall]

"Ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to present Commander Rellek.  Commanding Officer of the USS Tempest, the newest ship in the Fleet" he said after the room feel silent.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Kintiss on August 05, 2016, 10:14:34 PM


Kintiss listened patiently. He was sure it wasn't the virus, since it only affected non-humans, but it was still worth considering.

"Well, you take a bio-bed, and I'll ssssee what'sss what," he said, gesturing to the nearest bio-bed. He picked up a PADD and pulled up her file, reminding himself of the specifics of her hearing troubles.

This one looked uncomfortable. Perhaps, like the former Captain, he wasn't exactly comfortable in sickbay. Speaking of Commander T'Koris, he had yet to reprimand her for messing with the quarantine protocols. She was supposed to make the running of the ship go smoothly, not mess with it. There would indeed be consequences for that, but never mind it now. He had two patients to see to.

"Can I help you, ensssign?" he asked, trying to look as approachable as a humanoid cobra possibly could.

Tritter's gaze shifted towards the humanoid cobra addressing him. The man looked over the Lieutenant speaking to him, he would than reply with "As I was part of the away mission, we were advised to report to sick bay" The man's tone was very matter of fact, it was obvious he didn't want to be here. The large man seemed a bit uneasy around this area, but he wasn't nervous but he wasn't one for medical areas.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2016, 02:07:47 AM


"Very well.  You will need these additional pips to complete your uniform, Commander" Kirok said as he handed off the small box.   "We have people waiting in the Mess Hall for us" he said before turning to the turbo lift.

Once inside, he continued where they had left off.  "I would not worry about packing.  I'm sure we can find a few volunteers to assist you" he added before the doors opened onto the Mess Hall.

[Mess Hall]

"Ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to present Commander Rellek.  Commanding Officer of the USS Tempest, the newest ship in the Fleet" he said after the room feel silent.


A singular tear trickled over the top of her cheek as Kirok passed her the box. "I'm sorry." She acknowledged the emotion as she wiped the tear away. "I never thought this would be such an emotional moment." She took the pip from the box and replaced the darkened third pip with a solid gold one. She placed the old one in the palm of her hand. "How does it look, sir?" She asked as she muffled the emotions and straightened her uniform.

[Mess Hall]

Julia followed Kirok into the mess hall and her face lit up as he made his grand announcement. "Thanks you." She said while giving a slight bow in his direction.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 06, 2016, 02:15:25 AM

Tritter's gaze shifted towards the humanoid cobra addressing him. The man looked over the Lieutenant speaking to him, he would than reply with "As I was part of the away mission, we were advised to report to sick bay" The man's tone was very matter of fact, it was obvious he didn't want to be here. The large man seemed a bit uneasy around this area, but he wasn't nervous but he wasn't one for medical areas.


"I sssee," Kintiss nodded. Why he didn't report to Sickbay sooner was beyond him. "I'll be with you in just a moment," he added to Ensign Weir. "This won't take long." At least, he hoped it wouldn't.

"Have you had contact with any non-human memberssss of the crew ssssince you came back on board?" He asked as he gave the other ensign a once-over with a medical tricorder. He was human, so he probably wasn't infected, but he could have accidentally spread it through contact. Kintiss was still trying to figure out exactly how the virus worked, so he had to play it safe.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2016, 02:07:47 AM

[Mess Hall]

"Ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to present Commander Rellek.  Commanding Officer of the USS Tempest, the newest ship in the Fleet" he said after the room feel silent.

Hrafn started the round of applause for her friend and stepped over to hug Julia.

"Congratulations, Commander.  She's a beauty and it's well deserved.  Safe travels and..." she shot a look at Kirok, "...I believe a Vulcan saying is very appropriate here - Live Long and Prosper."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2016, 02:07:47 AM

"Ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to present Commander Rellek.  Commanding Officer of the USS Tempest, the newest ship in the Fleet" he said after the room feel silent.

[Mess Hall]

As the Captain and their former chief of science entered the mess hall, Archangel turned away from the viewport, her eyes immediately seeking and finding the three pips on Rellek's collar, noting with some satisfaction that the third pip was the solid gold of a Commander rather than the hollow black of the rank below.  A slight, sad smile touched her lips.  I wish you all the best, Julia, and I hope you never have to see the dark side of command.

Her cane tapped against the deck plates again as she made her way over to the pair, waiting for Hfran to deliver her congratulations before offering her own to the newly promoted officer:

"Glohhaasi' mnekha, Julia.  Now you get to take your own ship out to prod strange and wonderful things," she said warmly.


Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 06, 2016, 04:37:00 AM


A singular tear trickled over the top of her cheek as Kirok passed her the box. "I'm sorry." She acknowledged the emotion as she wiped the tear away. "I never thought this would be such an emotional moment." She took the pip from the box and replaced the darkened third pip with a solid gold one. She placed the old one in the palm of her hand. "How does it look, sir?" She asked as she muffled the emotions and straightened her uniform.

[Mess Hall]

Julia followed Kirok into the mess hall and her face lit up as he made his grand announcement. "Thanks you." She said while giving a slight bow in his direction.

[Mess Hall]

"It has been appropriately applied" Kirok replied in his typical Vulcan manner.  "And suits your well" he added with the slightest of smiles.  The Vulcan/Betazoid return the bow.  Then he moved himself off to the side near Klabex, Rocky, and Filitov.

"Thank your for helping to arrange this, Ms. Filtov" Kiork said.  "It is good to see you here, Rocky" he added.  "And you must be our newest shipmate.  Welcome aboard" he said to Klabax.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Mess Hall]

As the Captain and their former chief of science entered the mess hall, Archangel turned away from the viewport, her eyes immediately seeking and finding the three pips on Rellek's collar, noting with some satisfaction that the third pip was the solid gold of a Commander rather than the hollow black of the rank below.  A slight, sad smile touched her lips.  I wish you all the best, Julia, and I hope you never have to see the dark side of command.

Her cane tapped against the deck plates again as she made her way over to the pair, waiting for Hfran to deliver her congratulations before offering her own to the newly promoted officer:

"Glohhaasi' mnekha, Julia.  Now you get to take your own ship out to prod strange and wonderful things," she said warmly.

[Mess Hall]

The doors swished shut behind T'Lara as she walked silently into the Mess. Another gathering was not something she had been expecting, but like she always did with such things she 'made the best of it.' After the last mission she had kept mostly to herself. Though she was only half Vulcan, the illness had had a slight effect on her. Not noticeable symptoms, but she could feel that something was off. Choosing only to go to sickbay once she mainly devised her own cure through meditation.

Noticing that everyone had already divided themselves into groups she glanced at Julia and saw the three shiny gold pips on her collar. Yet another promotion. It seemed that there was always something to celebrate nowadays, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Joining her, Hrafn, and Archangel she waited for the others to finish before offering her own congratulations. Giving a low bow she looked up at Julia.

"A well-deserved promotion, Commander. I know you will succeed in your future endeavors." 

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Kintiss on August 06, 2016, 11:55:50 AM


"I sssee," Kintiss nodded. Why he didn't report to Sickbay sooner was beyond him. "I'll be with you in just a moment," he added to Ensign Weir. "This won't take long." At least, he hoped it wouldn't.

"Have you had contact with any non-human memberssss of the crew ssssince you came back on board?" He asked as he gave the other ensign a once-over with a medical tricorder. He was human, so he probably wasn't infected, but he could have accidentally spread it through contact. Kintiss was still trying to figure out exactly how the virus worked, so he had to play it safe.

Tritter looked over the Lieutenant once again as the man spoke to him. It took a moment for him to process the cobra humanoid's statement to him, he would than reply with "No", his eyes closely followed the tricoder, the man was not a fan of medical things after all. He would than add "I have shown no signs of infection, whereas other members of the away team have" His heavily accented voice was calm, although it was somewhat obvious by his body language and how he leaned heavily on his left side that he didn't want to be here.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2016, 03:23:49 PM

[Mess Hall]

"It has been appropriately applied" Kirok replied in his typical Vulcan manner.  "And suits your well" he added with the slightest of smiles.  The Vulcan/Betazoid return the bow.  Then he moved himself off to the side near Klabex, Rocky, and Filitov.

"Thank your for helping to arrange this, Ms. Filtov" Kiork said.  "It is good to see you here, Rocky" he added.  "And you must be our newest shipmate.  Welcome aboard" he said to Klabax.

With all of the warm wishes being sent her way, Julia realized that this was the appropriate time for an impromptu speech. She obviously hadn't prepared any remarks but she decided to give it a try.

"Thank you. Thank you my friends. I cant describe what it has been like to serve with you fine people. We've been through so much together. From encounters with Vidiians to our encounters with small green lifeforms. It has been said that nobody does it alone; and those words have never felt truer than at this moment. I would also like to take a moment to personally thank Archangel." Somehow, in that moment, using her first name just felt right. "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't put your unyielding faith in my abilities. I arrived here fearful of the journey I was embarking on and now I depart a strong, confident individual. And I feel like I owe you a debt that cannot be re-paid."

Julia stepped towards Archangel and handed her a small wooden box containing her old darkened pip. "Here, I want you to have this. Consider it a reminder of the time we've spent together."

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kintiss on August 05, 2016, 10:14:34 PM


Kintiss listened patiently. He was sure it wasn't the virus, since it only affected non-humans, but it was still worth considering.

"Well, you take a bio-bed, and I'll ssssee what'sss what," he said, gesturing to the nearest bio-bed. He picked up a PADD and pulled up her file, reminding himself of the specifics of her hearing troubles.

This one looked uncomfortable. Perhaps, like the former Captain, he wasn't exactly comfortable in sickbay. Speaking of Commander T'Koris, he had yet to reprimand her for messing with the quarantine protocols. She was supposed to make the running of the ship go smoothly, not mess with it. There would indeed be consequences for that, but never mind it now. He had two patients to see to.

"Can I help you, ensssign?" he asked, trying to look as approachable as a humanoid cobra possibly could.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 06, 2016, 02:15:25 AM

Tritter's gaze shifted towards the humanoid cobra addressing him. The man looked over the Lieutenant speaking to him, he would than reply with "As I was part of the away mission, we were advised to report to sick bay" The man's tone was very matter of fact, it was obvious he didn't want to be here. The large man seemed a bit uneasy around this area, but he wasn't nervous but he wasn't one for medical areas.

Quote from: Kintiss on August 06, 2016, 11:55:50 AM


"I sssee," Kintiss nodded. Why he didn't report to Sickbay sooner was beyond him. "I'll be with you in just a moment," he added to Ensign Weir. "This won't take long." At least, he hoped it wouldn't.

"Have you had contact with any non-human memberssss of the crew ssssince you came back on board?" He asked as he gave the other ensign a once-over with a medical tricorder. He was human, so he probably wasn't infected, but he could have accidentally spread it through contact. Kintiss was still trying to figure out exactly how the virus worked, so he had to play it safe.

Ashley gave a small nod and quickly moved over to a biobed not very far from where Tritter was.
Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 07, 2016, 02:56:22 AM

Tritter looked over the Lieutenant once again as the man spoke to him. It took a moment for him to process the cobra humanoid's statement to him, he would than reply with "No", his eyes closely followed the tricoder, the man was not a fan of medical things after all. He would than add "I have shown no signs of infection, whereas other members of the away team have" His heavily accented voice was calm, although it was somewhat obvious by his body language and how he leaned heavily on his left side that he didn't want to be here.

Ashley's head tilted slightly as she observed the man. When she was deaf, the only gauge she had for emotion was body language. She was still prone to reading it over vocal tones or anything else for that matter. "Hey, I get not wanting to be in sickbay." She started softly. "You're probably thinking that you have other things you could be doing, or maybe you just don't like medical....stuff. I really do understand that. So to help the time pass while the doctor helps you, tell me your story. What brought you to Starfleet?" She asked, she figured if she could lighten the mood the whole situation could just move by faster for not just them, but the doctor as well.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 07, 2016, 03:36:39 AM

Ashley gave a small nod and quickly moved over to a biobed not very far from where Tritter was.

Ashley's head tilted slightly as she observed the man. When she was deaf, the only gauge she had for emotion was body language. She was still prone to reading it over vocal tones or anything else for that matter. "Hey, I get not wanting to be in sickbay." She started softly. "You're probably thinking that you have other things you could be doing, or maybe you just don't like medical....stuff. I really do understand that. So to help the time pass while the doctor helps you, tell me your story. What brought you to Starfleet?" She asked, she figured if she could lighten the mood the whole situation could just move by faster for not just them, but the doctor as well.

Tritter shifted his gaze towards the female who addressed him, he looked her over, his gaze was intent and focused as he studied her. When she mentioned not liking medical stuff, his blood pressure spiked slightly and his adrenaline started pumping. He pondered her question, before he replied with "To be honest, it was making sure that there is some place for my children and partner to call home" His voice was unwaveringly strong, as he knew the decision he made was right for him and his family.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Hrafn Falleg

Mess Hall

Hrafn listened to Julia's speech and then rotated back to Katcha.  "So we loose a fine officer but she deserves it.  We've still got you though, I'm glad of that.  The Phoenix is literally in safe hands when it comes to flying her!  And Kirok is... well he's Kirok but he's a damn fine CO we know that much!" she smiled.

"And you're kinda stuck with me as the CSO so if there are any hobgoblins out there then I'll be happy to poke and prod them!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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