Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 11, 2016, 07:58:45 PM


As she watched the events unfolding on the bridge, Archangel couldn't help but smile to herself as her gaze turned to each of her officers in turn.  She had a good crew here, sharp and bold, exactly the way she would have wanted them to be.  As each point was brought up, she nodded, having been thinking along the same lines as some of them.

"Thankfully, we are not a science vessel, and we have advance warning that something out there isn't friendly.  If it doesn't look like a asteroid or quack like an asteroid, we should be ready to defend ourselves against it.  Lieutenant Arthur, Ensign Tritter, we're also going to need an engineering- and security-heavy away team.  I appreciate your suggestions for volunteers."

Tritter was stationed at the Tactical Console for the time being, he had been focused on what was going on around them. He would than be caught slightly off guard when Archangel addressed him. He shifted a bit to face the female who spoke to him, he would than reply with "Naturally I can only volunteer myself, but I am ready to go if needed" His gaze locked on the female, there was a certain intensity in his gaze that could be scary to someone not strong enough to be around him.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 11, 2016, 03:06:56 PM


Hrafn grinned at Gabe, he was probably correct.  Vulcans were good at logical problems so chess was probably something that they did for what passed as fun for them.

"In all likelihood, Sir, if she's a Science vessel, then power would have been routed mostly to sensors, scans etc.  So I agree totally with Mr. Buris. Yes, any captain worth the title would have enough power in reserve to put the shields up but unless you are expecting an attack, routine Science operations they wouldn't be thinking 'I'm going to be attacked' and, if like the report says they were attacked out of the blue, randomly and quickly, shields would not have been up."

Hrafn pondered the statement about the asteroids.  "I have no clue but I can certainly scan the asteroid field and see if we can deduce anything useful from it.  Oh and thank you for the compliment, Sir.  I have a few friends in Security and Tactical, we've had some interesting discussions, obviously their lessons have borne fruit!"


Kirok nodded his head in agreement to Falleg's assumption.  "That would be a logical assumption, Ms. Falleg.  One that their enemies may have made as well" he said.

"Torpedoes is the answer I was looking for" Kirok said to the group.  "They will dramatically reduce the mass of any asteroid they hit.  Thereby reducing the effectiveness of a mass drive attack" he explained.

"The compliment was well earned, Ms. Falleg.  Thank you for participating in this discussion.  Thank you all" Kirok said and then turned to T'Koris.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 11, 2016, 10:40:02 PM


Hrafn nodded at the XO "Well Lisa and I can at least make sure it's Asteroid through and through and not some nasty bug on the windshield, which is what it will be if it tries to mess with the Phoenix!" she said grinning at Tritter, Gabe and Buris, all of whom together with the brains of Kirok and Archangel  behind them and a bit of help from Science and one kick-ass helm made for a great team... if anyone attacked them and lived to tell the tale they'd be dining out on it for years to come.

She looked between the husband and wife and wondered what Nevir was doing right now.  Sometimes it was easier not having to put yourself through the 'here and now' pain, but least you were on hand if anything happened and the children would hopefully be cared for.  Now that they were back to being lovers and the idea of divorce dropped, Hrafn seriously missed her husband.  'Soon... maybe, I'll think of getting back on the same ship with him, but he's going to be mad at me again,... so be it!'

"If I can be of help put me where you best need me, be it on Bridge or away team... dunno that you'll need Science, maybe Vasilisa would be better as she can patch you up being of a medical background and do any Science stuff?" Hrafn offered.

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 12, 2016, 01:35:19 AM

Tritter was stationed at the Tactical Console for the time being, he had been focused on what was going on around them. He would than be caught slightly off guard when Archangel addressed him. He shifted a bit to face the female who spoke to him, he would than reply with "Naturally I can only volunteer myself, but I am ready to go if needed" His gaze locked on the female, there was a certain intensity in his gaze that could be scary to someone not strong enough to be around him.


"I will cover the Sec/Tac station while you are gone" Kirok said.  "I could use your skills here Ms. Falleg.  But I think some one from Flight Control and Science should go" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 11, 2016, 09:20:52 PM

Along with Jiseth, Zero started to unpack their belongings, although she concentrated on Callion's affairs, getting them moved in to the tiny room on the other side of the living area to the bedroom that she and Jiseth would occupy.  Although very few people knew about the little girl, and Zero had taken pains to ensure that few people knew of her, Callion had nonetheless received many gifts from that small group.  Picking out a fluffy bear that she seemed to favour, the Augment ducked into the bedroom to tuck it under the blankets with the girl.

Returning to the living area, she had just lifted a potted plant, one of Jiseth's new hobbies, out of its protective travel case when Jiseth asked whether she wanted anything from the replicator.  An expression of sheer panic flashed across her face for a brief moment, during which the plant wobbled dangerously before Zero quickly placed it on one of the tables.

Food.  Yet another of the great barriers put in place by Admiral Corinth in her life.  While Leela and Commander T'Koris had made great efforts to help her break that barrier, she had made little progress.  On the other hand, she hadn't eaten that morning, nor particularly the night before, and she found that she too was becoming hungry.

Not looking up at the Romulan, a faint blush of pink embarrassment creeping up in her cheeks, she murmured something about one of her nutritional supplements being required at that moment in time.


The Romulan's eyes widened for a second and she hesitated to take a step forward when the vase lost balance, but seeing Zero handle it left her at ease. After moving close to it she looked the plant over and in particular focused on the bulb that had yet to blossom. Much like many things in her life, she would have to wait for it to unfold and reveal the fruit of her labor.

"...Could use more bone meal. And an increase in hydration."

Once finished with her mental notes, the replicator was her next stop. Even with her modestly superior hearing it took Jiseth a moment to figure out what Zero had been saying. Part of her wanted to remove all traces of the gruel her partner had been fed for so long, but it too seemed like a far off goal. Her choice of meal was a steak with vegetables and rice. Simple enough and smelled wonderful which she hoped would coax her partner into perhaps taking a bite.

"You sure you wouldn't want a bite? Otherwise, I can always adjust to have what you normally do."

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 11, 2016, 10:25:22 PM


Oberth?  "What were they investigating?" Gabriel murmured to himself, "an antique show?"  As an engineer, Gabriel knew well what the design life of starships was, and...well, the older ones just seemed to be built to last, as evidenced by the workhorse Excelsiors that continued to be part of the Fleet.  It did, however, give him a good idea of what they were going to be up against in the name of repairs.  While the Oberth likely had been refit and reconfigured, there were only so many ways you could stretch the metaphorical tape.

Gabe sucked on his teeth, glancing up at Archangel with a cocked eyebrow.  He already had a pretty good idea who he was going to be sending, but it still had to be asked.  "I assume that you'll be leading the away team?"


Looking to Gabriel, she gave him a curt nod, but softened it with a faint smile.  He knew as well as she did that it was the first officer's duty to lead the away teams, and that she could not shirk that duty.  It just wasn't in her nature whether in herself or as a Romulan.  "Correct, Lieutenant, I will be leading the away team."  Just don't tell Kintiss that I went out there before he had a chance to look at my knee again.  What was that human expression?  Better to ask forgivness than permission?

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on August 12, 2016, 01:35:19 AM

Tritter was stationed at the Tactical Console for the time being, he had been focused on what was going on around them. He would than be caught slightly off guard when Archangel addressed him. He shifted a bit to face the female who spoke to him, he would than reply with "Naturally I can only volunteer myself, but I am ready to go if needed" His gaze locked on the female, there was a certain intensity in his gaze that could be scary to someone not strong enough to be around him.

Archangel met the tactical officer's gaze with ease.  After all, one didn't deal with the Star Empire or with Starfleet's brass by not being able to meet their gaze with anything other than an impeccable poker face and, while Ensign Tritter did have an intensity about him, he had a long way to go before he got to the same level as the Praetor of the Romulan Empire.

"Your presence would no doubt be beneficial," she agreed.

Quote from: Kirok on August 12, 2016, 02:17:12 AM

"I will cover the Sec/Tac station while you are gone" Kirok said.  "I could use your skills here Ms. Ms. Falleg.  But I think some one from Flight Control and Science should go" he added.

"Agreed, sir," came the reply from the Romulan as she turned her attention to her commanding officer.  "I intend to take a shuttlecraft over in a first instance, rather than risk beaming over while we don't know the exact conditions we'll be beaming in to.  I would request Jiseth for piloting the shuttle, assuming we can tear her away from moving in to her new quarters.  Lieutenant Falleg, who would you volunteer from the science department?"

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on August 12, 2016, 05:09:25 AM


The Romulan's eyes widened for a second and she hesitated to take a step forward when the vase lost balance, but seeing Zero handle it left her at ease. After moving close to it she looked the plant over and in particular focused on the bulb that had yet to blossom. Much like many things in her life, she would have to wait for it to unfold and reveal the fruit of her labor.

"...Could use more bone meal. And an increase in hydration."

Once finished with her mental notes, the replicator was her next stop. Even with her modestly superior hearing it took Jiseth a moment to figure out what Zero had been saying. Part of her wanted to remove all traces of the gruel her partner had been fed for so long, but it too seemed like a far off goal. Her choice of meal was a steak with vegetables and rice. Simple enough and smelled wonderful which she hoped would coax her partner into perhaps taking a bite.

"You sure you wouldn't want a bite? Otherwise, I can always adjust to have what you normally do."


Knowing little about plants, Zero had left Jiseth to care for the one she had nearly dropped, instead moving on to a box that contained the various paraphenalia that came with canine ownership, unpacking Ghost's litter tray, basket, and blankets.  At least she couldn't break those.  She looked up again at the Romulan spoke and her expression turned to one of faint shame.

"I would not ask you to submit to the same limitations as I experience, Jiseth," she replied.  "I would not deprive you of what you call 'proper food' when it is one of your pleasures in life simply because I am currently unable to partake of the same."

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon


Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 12, 2016, 12:20:37 PM

Knowing little about plants, Zero had left Jiseth to care for the one she had nearly dropped, instead moving on to a box that contained the various paraphenalia that came with canine ownership, unpacking Ghost's litter tray, basket, and blankets.  At least she couldn't break those.  She looked up again at the Romulan spoke and her expression turned to one of faint shame.

"I would not ask you to submit to the same limitations as I experience, Jiseth," she replied.  "I would not deprive you of what you call 'proper food' when it is one of your pleasures in life simply because I am currently unable to partake of the same."


"Currently, but I'll hold out that it's not permanent."

The broccoli and carrots were in small enough pieces that she did not need a knife for those, just for the meat itself which she separated into many blocks with a pinkish hue in the center. One hand held the plate while the other the fork as she left the kitchenette and surveyed their work so far while eating. They had made great progress though that was the benefit of having very few personal items.

One caught her eye in particular. It was a picture they were both quite familiar with, their picnic together, but her focus was not on the smiling Romulan or the confused Augment. It was the former's legs in the background. She looked down at the metal and carbon fiber prosthetic limbs that replaced them wondered just how much farther she was willing to go for her career when it was her family that would have to cope with whatever came back.

She often had thought despair and grief were ways to keep someone from growing conceited, but it was far too late for her. The chip on her shoulder weighed so much she never really could wear heals because it would prevent her from keeping balance. Pulling from her pocket a small PADD handheld, she flicked through the list of current department and mission objectives. They were heading to a sunken ship in an asteroid field and she could only guess who would be called upon to fly a shuttle for the away team.

"...I miss our walks on the beach. I know we can do that again whenever we want on the holodeck, but it's the... The way the sand feels so hot until you get near the water where it's damp and cool. Then the water rushes up to your ankles and splashes up your shins. Just wading in the surf and feeling it move around you. I never really understood how damaging it was to the mind to lose a part of the body, until it happened to me, because there's a part of your life that's gone with it. Something you'll want to feel yet can't."

Jiseth looked over her shoulder to Zero.

"So I thank you for the work you've put in for your research, but know that I have my own to help you as well. It's a partnership after all, is it not?"

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 12, 2016, 11:22:54 AM


Looking to Gabriel, she gave him a curt nod, but softened it with a faint smile.  He knew as well as she did that it was the first officer's duty to lead the away teams, and that she could not shirk that duty.  It just wasn't in her nature whether in herself or as a Romulan.  "Correct, Lieutenant, I will be leading the away team."  Just don't tell Kintiss that I went out there before he had a chance to look at my knee again.  What was that human expression?  Better to ask forgivness than permission?


The look Gabriel returned was rather flat and deadpan, though of course he'd known the answer.  He'd learned long ago that nothing could shame Archangel T'Koris out of doing what she considered her duty - not concerns for her own health, and he wouldn't dishonor her by appealing to her first duty to her family.  Because, honestly?  Gabriel didn't want to put her in the position where she'd have to make that decision.  He didn't want to know the outcome of it.

Actually, you know the outcome of it, don't you?

The thought had come randomly and unbidden, making him unconsciously flex the fingers of his right hand - fingers that had been medically re-attached through a rather long procedure that had robbed him of a touch of manual dexterity in his primary hand.  It was one of the main reasons why he didn't pursue his art nearly as much, anymore.  He didn't want her to see.  Gabriel didn't blame his wife for sacrificing him on the altar of duty that day on the Chin'toka, on the ship that had very nearly come as close as anything to destroying their life together.  She had made the right decision.  It was her job as a commanding officer, and the primary reason he would never hold status directly under her in the C-o-C.

But still, he didn't like to dwell on it...for this particular reason.

"Lieutenant Epath can go, as can Lieutenant Davis, at least on the initial recon," Gabriel quietly said, turning to his monitor.  "We can dispatch further repair teams from their information."  He stood, nodding to the captain.  "If you don't mind, I'll head on down and get things lined up on the belowside."


Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 12, 2016, 11:22:54 AM


Looking to Gabriel, she gave him a curt nod, but softened it with a faint smile.  He knew as well as she did that it was the first officer's duty to lead the away teams, and that she could not shirk that duty.  It just wasn't in her nature whether in herself or as a Romulan.  "Correct, Lieutenant, I will be leading the away team."  Just don't tell Kintiss that I went out there before he had a chance to look at my knee again.  What was that human expression?  Better to ask forgivness than permission?

Archangel met the tactical officer's gaze with ease.  After all, one didn't deal with the Star Empire or with Starfleet's brass by not being able to meet their gaze with anything other than an impeccable poker face and, while Ensign Tritter did have an intensity about him, he had a long way to go before he got to the same level as the Praetor of the Romulan Empire.

"Your presence would no doubt be beneficial," she agreed.

"Agreed, sir," came the reply from the Romulan as she turned her attention to her commanding officer.  "I intend to take a shuttlecraft over in a first instance, rather than risk beaming over while we don't know the exact conditions we'll be beaming in to.  I would request Jiseth for piloting the shuttle, assuming we can tear her away from moving in to her new quarters.  Lieutenant Falleg, who would you volunteer from the science department?"


T'Lara had been listening to the conversation and had agreed with everything being said. She normally did not contribute to discussion unless she had something new to add, which was not the case in this instance. But now an opportunity was posed to her to speak up. She turned and faced Hrafn.

"I volunteer, Lieutenant. If it is acceptable, of course."

T'Lara felt she was well prepared for an away mission, and the chance was very appealing to her.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 12, 2016, 11:22:54 AM


"Agreed, sir," came the reply from the Romulan as she turned her attention to her commanding officer.  "I intend to take a shuttlecraft over in a first instance, rather than risk beaming over while we don't know the exact conditions we'll be beaming in to.  I would request Jiseth for piloting the shuttle, assuming we can tear her away from moving in to her new quarters.  Lieutenant Falleg, who would you volunteer from the science department?"


"An excellent plan.  And I agree that our new Chief of Flight Control is an excelling choice for the mission.  That leaves Ms. Weir with me here on the Bridge" Kirok said to Archangel.

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 12, 2016, 02:20:25 PM


The look Gabriel returned was rather flat and deadpan, though of course he'd known the answer.  He'd learned long ago that nothing could shame Archangel T'Koris out of doing what she considered her duty - not concerns for her own health, and he wouldn't dishonor her by appealing to her first duty to her family.  Because, honestly?  Gabriel didn't want to put her in the position where she'd have to make that decision.  He didn't want to know the outcome of it.

Actually, you know the outcome of it, don't you?

The thought had come randomly and unbidden, making him unconsciously flex the fingers of his right hand - fingers that had been medically re-attached through a rather long procedure that had robbed him of a touch of manual dexterity in his primary hand.  It was one of the main reasons why he didn't pursue his art nearly as much, anymore.  He didn't want her to see.  Gabriel didn't blame his wife for sacrificing him on the altar of duty that day on the Chin'toka, on the ship that had very nearly come as close as anything to destroying their life together.  She had made the right decision.  It was her job as a commanding officer, and the primary reason he would never hold status directly under her in the C-o-C.

But still, he didn't like to dwell on it...for this particular reason.

"Lieutenant Epath can go, as can Lieutenant Davis, at least on the initial recon," Gabriel quietly said, turning to his monitor.  "We can dispatch further repair teams from their information."  He stood, nodding to the captain.  "If you don't mind, I'll head on down and get things lined up on the belowside."


"That, too sounds like the logical approach" Kirok replied.  "Of course, Mr. Arthur.  But before you leave let me say to you all that I know that we face impossible odds" the Vulcan/Betazoid said with a slight raise of his right hand.

"A mass drive, if that is what the enemy is using, is not your run of the mill weapon that we encounter on a daily basis.  But it is only a machine.   One that must have a weakness we can take advantage of - if we all continue to work together and share our knowledge with one another as we are doing now" Kirok said confidently and then emphasized his point with a nod of his head.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kirok on August 12, 2016, 02:17:12 AM


Kirok nodded his head in agreement to Falleg's assumption.  "That would be a logical assumption, Ms. Falleg.  One that their enemies may have made as well" he said.

"Torpedoes is the answer I was looking for" Kirok said to the group.  "They will dramatically reduce the mass of any asteroid they hit.  Thereby reducing the effectiveness of a mass drive attack" he explained.

"The compliment was well earned, Ms. Falleg.  Thank you for participating in this discussion.  Thank you all" Kirok said and then turned to T'Koris.


"I will cover the Sec/Tac station while you are gone" Kirok said.  "I could use your skills here Ms. Falleg.  But I think some one from Flight Control and Science should go" he added.


This was one of the first times Ashley had been at the helm of the Phoenix. Before she was never really needed on the bridge. She always knew someone else could handle the duties which typically left her in the shuttlebay. But having listened to the bridge crew speak back and forth she turned to address the captain directly. "Sir, if I am required I would be more than happy to join the away team, alternatively though, you could always pick my new department for the job. I've yet to meet them, but I am sure they are more than capable." She said in a warm but official tone.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 12, 2016, 02:17:12 AM


Kirok nodded his head in agreement to Falleg's assumption.  "That would be a logical assumption, Ms. Falleg.  One that their enemies may have made as well" he said.

"Torpedoes is the answer I was looking for" Kirok said to the group.  "They will dramatically reduce the mass of any asteroid they hit.  Thereby reducing the effectiveness of a mass drive attack" he explained.

"The compliment was well earned, Ms. Falleg.  Thank you for participating in this discussion.  Thank you all" Kirok said and then turned to T'Koris.


"I will cover the Sec/Tac station while you are gone" Kirok said.  "I could use your skills here Ms. Falleg.  But I think some one from Flight Control and Science should go" he added.


"Either myself or Ms. T'Lara are at your disposal, Captain.  Like I said, Lisa can also be of use with her more logical approach, but whomever you prefer.  I'm happy to co-ordinate from the Bridge, Sir." Hrafn answered with a smile.

Given the last away mission she was on she was in no hurry to get off ship again, but it was her duty to go wherever the Captain ordered her.... and do it to the best of her ability.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on August 12, 2016, 02:05:35 PM


"Currently, but I'll hold out that it's not permanent."

The broccoli and carrots were in small enough pieces that she did not need a knife for those, just for the meat itself which she separated into many blocks with a pinkish hue in the center. One hand held the plate while the other the fork as she left the kitchenette and surveyed their work so far while eating. They had made great progress though that was the benefit of having very few personal items.

One caught her eye in particular. It was a picture they were both quite familiar with, their picnic together, but her focus was not on the smiling Romulan or the confused Augment. It was the former's legs in the background. She looked down at the metal and carbon fiber prosthetic limbs that replaced them wondered just how much farther she was willing to go for her career when it was her family that would have to cope with whatever came back.

She often had thought despair and grief were ways to keep someone from growing conceited, but it was far too late for her. The chip on her shoulder weighed so much she never really could wear heals because it would prevent her from keeping balance. Pulling from her pocket a small PADD handheld, she flicked through the list of current department and mission objectives. They were heading to a sunken ship in an asteroid field and she could only guess who would be called upon to fly a shuttle for the away team.

"...I miss our walks on the beach. I know we can do that again whenever we want on the holodeck, but it's the... The way the sand feels so hot until you get near the water where it's damp and cool. Then the water rushes up to your ankles and splashes up your shins. Just wading in the surf and feeling it move around you. I never really understood how damaging it was to the mind to lose a part of the body, until it happened to me, because there's a part of your life that's gone with it. Something you'll want to feel yet can't."

Jiseth looked over her shoulder to Zero.

"So I thank you for the work you've put in for your research, but know that I have my own to help you as well. It's a partnership after all, is it not?"


Picking up the tall glass of unappetising grey gruel that was her only source of nutrition, Zero tried not to pull a face as she took a mouthful of the gritty liquid.  Leela and Archangel had worked hard before her brief transfer to the Discovery to get her to eat properly, and she had even managed to eat a human breakfast food caled 'porridge' a few times, but the fear always had her coming back to the supplement Corinth had programmed for her.

As the conversation turned to the largely inadequate prosthetics Jiseth was forced to endure, the Augment actually managed a faint smile.  "I have made progress with my research," she replied.  "I require more time yet, but I have discovered two promising avenues that may yield adequate results."  Another mouthful of supplement was swallowed.  It was always easier to eat/drink it when she was distracted.   

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 12, 2016, 02:20:25 PM


The look Gabriel returned was rather flat and deadpan, though of course he'd known the answer.  He'd learned long ago that nothing could shame Archangel T'Koris out of doing what she considered her duty - not concerns for her own health, and he wouldn't dishonor her by appealing to her first duty to her family.  Because, honestly?  Gabriel didn't want to put her in the position where she'd have to make that decision.  He didn't want to know the outcome of it.

Actually, you know the outcome of it, don't you?

The thought had come randomly and unbidden, making him unconsciously flex the fingers of his right hand - fingers that had been medically re-attached through a rather long procedure that had robbed him of a touch of manual dexterity in his primary hand.  It was one of the main reasons why he didn't pursue his art nearly as much, anymore.  He didn't want her to see.  Gabriel didn't blame his wife for sacrificing him on the altar of duty that day on the Chin'toka, on the ship that had very nearly come as close as anything to destroying their life together.  She had made the right decision.  It was her job as a commanding officer, and the primary reason he would never hold status directly under her in the C-o-C.

But still, he didn't like to dwell on it...for this particular reason.

"Lieutenant Epath can go, as can Lieutenant Davis, at least on the initial recon," Gabriel quietly said, turning to his monitor.  "We can dispatch further repair teams from their information."  He stood, nodding to the captain.  "If you don't mind, I'll head on down and get things lined up on the belowside."

Quote from: Kirok on August 12, 2016, 09:17:28 PM


"An excellent plan.  And I agree that our new Chief of Flight Control is an excelling choice for the mission.  That leaves Ms. Weir with me here on the Bridge" Kirok said to Archangel.


The faint smile she had given her husband hadn't been returned.  Instead, his features took on an indifferent expression that troubled Archangel greatly and her own fled behind the reliability of a poker face.  There was something wrong there, something she couldn't figure out by sight alone.  He wasn't happy about her leading the away team, that much was clear, but he never was.  Unfortunately, it came with the position of first officer.  It was her duty.

Time wouldn't allow her to go after him at that point and find out what was wrong, but she made a mental note to address it as soon as she could after the away mission was over.  And the sooner they went, the sooner they would come back.

Pushing that particular problem to the back of her mind with all the precision of a Vulcan, she turned her attention back to the away team.  "Those on the away team, report to the shuttle bay," she ordered, heading toward the turbolift.  "Lets get out there and figure out what happened."  As she moved, she tapped her commbadge:  =^= "T'Koris to Jiseth, Epath and Davis, report to the shuttlebay for away detail."

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 12, 2016, 10:57:04 PM


The faint smile she had given her husband hadn't been returned.  Instead, his features took on an indifferent expression that troubled Archangel greatly and her own fled behind the reliability of a poker face.  There was something wrong there, something she couldn't figure out by sight alone.  He wasn't happy about her leading the away team, that much was clear, but he never was.  Unfortunately, it came with the position of first officer.  It was her duty.

Time wouldn't allow her to go after him at that point and find out what was wrong, but she made a mental note to address it as soon as she could after the away mission was over.  And the sooner they went, the sooner they would come back.

Pushing that particular problem to the back of her mind with all the precision of a Vulcan, she turned her attention back to the away team.  "Those on the away team, report to the shuttle bay," she ordered, heading toward the turbolift.  "Lets get out there and figure out what happened."  As she moved, she tapped her commbadge:  =^= "T'Koris to Jiseth, Epath and Davis, report to the shuttlebay for away detail."

Tritter nodded slightly to the female once the comment  was made about reporting to the Shuttlebay. After he nodded slightly, the man would exit the Bridge and make his way towards another Turbolift, the man was not comfortable being in crowded spaces with people he did not know nor was comfortable around. He stopped for some... hardware before reporting to the Shuttlebay. Picking up both a traditional hand phaser and a phaser rifle, as he felt that more than enough was better than not enough. Once he grabbed the weapons, he would return to the turbo lift and make his way down to the Shuttlebay, where he would greet the rest of the Away Team.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Kejal Buris

Buris shook his head, watching what happened around the Bridge as he tried to run just the basic calculations in his head about what the damage a mass driver could do.  He had a terrifyingly complete knowledge of it, thinking about what he'd done to Hideki-class vehicles; not considering what he'd done to a Galor - but that was pure luck.  His voice was a deep rumble.

"Captain - I suggest we move the ship close to the wreckage before deploying a shuttlecraft, and equip the Away team with emergency transport beacons - as well as rerouting almost all of the shuttle's power to shields."

He was uneasy about letting anyone leave the ship.

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