Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Kejal Buris



Quote from: Archangel T'Koris

Stepping up to him, so that they were almost toe-to-toe, she narrowed her eyes dangerously.  "You'd better make sure that you look after them if you're going to be in command of the away team.  Everyone goes out, and everyone comes back alive."

Buris met her glare with equal force, and lifted his chin slightly as he focused on her.  He knew that look from others - she was a mother, and that instinct was turned on both her family and her crew.  His invocation of her family had drawn it from her, perhaps more strongly than expected.  Still, Bajoran fury was a reasonable match to Romulan fury - just as cold, just as calculating, and just as ready with the blade when the time came to strike.  "You have my word on that, Captain."

There was a strong respect the two of them - something very like family.  Yes, they butted heads, but if there were two among this crew who could be expected to defend the rest with all the passion a mortal soul could summon, it was T'Koris and Kejal.  When he gave his word on something, it happened - there had been no exceptions.  The only possible exceptions were the fact that Ilana Telak and Nelkar Epath still lived - and in the eyes of Starfleet, that was a net positive.  Still, he didn't give it lightly, or lay down an oath where duty would suffice.  The idea of an Away team member dying was anathema to him - if it happened, it would be his own life that was lost.  When he looked at T'Koris limping off, his tone softened.

"Please, do go to Sickbay.  Doctor Kintiss wouldn't just request your presence pointlessly.  He knows your preferences."

He turned back to Jiseth and the newly arrived T'Lara.

Quote from: "Jiseth"

"Given the current situation, I'd much rather have that Warbird..."

"Indeed.  A Romulan D'Deridex-class warbird is far more resistant to kinetic attack than a Nebula, thanks to hull design if nothing else.  But we work with what we have.  And congratulations on the promotion.  I trust you've settled back into the Phoenix with due alacrity?"

He ignored the smoldering hatred of him that was in her tone for one simple reason - he really didn't much like her either.  Still, they were Starfleet officers; and she had saved the ship at least once with a malfunctioning helm console to argue with.  Still, to have both Jiseth and Gul Epath on a shuttlecraft with him was a highly uncomfortable situation.  He had to try and forget everything but Starfleet - in hopes that the other two would do the same.

Her report was complete, and covered everything that could have been expected in an FCO after a shuttle handoff.  That much he respected immediately, and he nodded.  "Thank you.  As soon as everyone's actually gathered, please get aboard and prepare for final cross-checks.  I'd also like for you to stay aboard the shuttle if or when we perform EVA into the wreckage, in case we do have to make one of the quick escapes you've planned.  Everyone will be wearing emergency transport beacons, the frequencies are already pushed from the main computer to the shuttle; you'll be able to beam us out should anything at all go wrong."

He turned to T'Lara.  "Lieutenant.  According to Lieutenant Commander Jiseth's report, we're going to be loaded with several probes.  I'd like you to prepare one for remote monitoring of the wreckage, in case beaming in, even in EV suits, proves extremely hazardous."

He tapped his comm again.  "Kejal to Bridge. Please repeat the message directing the Away team to the shuttlebay, because they're not all here yet.  Thank you, Kejal out."


Quote from: Jiseth on August 13, 2016, 05:00:05 AM


Making her way to the Bruegel, a Type 9 shuttle, she recalled how the class had the dubious honor of being the first she crash-landed in the dry lake beds of western North America. It was small and she knew her passengers would be less than happy about the cramped space, but after reading the mission dossier on her PADD during the walk over, the small of the craft and its ample agility might just keep them alive.

=/\= Jiseth to Bridge. I would like for you to keep your distance from the objective and provide overwatch support. After I drop off the away team, I'll scout around the asteroid field for anything hostile and provide targeting data to Tactical. =/\=


Kirok opened the hale from the Sec/Tac Console.  =/\=Acknowledged.  We will send pertinent data along as we get it.  Bridge out=/\= the Vulcan hybrid replied.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 14, 2016, 11:01:14 PM


Hrafn sitting at the science station, started scanning for lifeforms, grateful to give T'Lara the experience of the away team.  The last mission had shaken Hrafn more than she had thought.  She sent a silent imploring to the Prophets to keep her fellow Scientist and the rest of the crew safe, especially those on the away team, '...and not just because Jiseth is piloting that shuttle!' she added to herself giggling in her mind.  'They'd best buckle up!'.  From what she'd heard, the second officer was an excellent pilot but wasn't one to take such little things as g-force hamper her flying style!

As Hrafn's fingers flew almost dancing over the keys she initiated the scans for biosigns...and frowned.

"That Sir, would be an excellent idea for one reason. We'd know where everything was.  I've just done the first wave of scans... we have 2 lifesigns, both human at 049 mark 27 and 288 mark 17 also 3 in one area, possibly a larger vessel? at 314 mark 58 these are...."

Hrafn re-ran the scan and intensified the power to the scan of the three. "... it seems to be a bit of a motley crew, 3 of them but I can't get a lock on what other than they are different and non-human.  I'll try again when we get closer.  The single human entities are about 1 click away at our current speed.  If you plot them on the star map I'd say they were 'hiding'... like I was saying about the don't have a good feeling about this!"


Kirok's right eyebrow rose slightly.  "I'm just starting to scan for power signatures now.  It will be a moment before I have any information" he said.

"Five life signs" Kirok echoed.  There had been 78 people aboard the damaged ship.  Could any of them have survived this long in open space?

"If any of them our ours, one would think that they would have com badges with them.  Correct.  Let's send out a signal and see if we get a reply" he said.

Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 15, 2016, 05:42:13 AM


"I can bring us in closer on your order captain." Ashley quickly interjected. "Just say the word sir and I can get as close as science requires." When she was at the helm of any type of starship her anxieties always seemed to fade away into the background. It's where she felt most at home. Even though she was an even more gifted translator, a helm always made her comfortable. She'd been flying since she could walk, her older brother had made a point of teaching her. One of her earliest memories before loosing her hearing was of herself and her brother in a small runabout shuttlecraft on the way back to the starbase he was stationed at. A small smile flashed across her face as the memory came back across her mind.


"Acknowledged, Ms. Weir" Kirok replied.  "Let's hold stead at this position for now.  If you see any projectiles coming our way, call out" he said.

Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 15, 2016, 10:05:43 AM


Buris met her glare with equal force, and lifted his chin slightly as he focused on her.  He knew that look from others - she was a mother, and that instinct was turned on both her family and her crew.  His invocation of her family had drawn it from her, perhaps more strongly than expected.  Still, Bajoran fury was a reasonable match to Romulan fury - just as cold, just as calculating, and just as ready with the blade when the time came to strike.  "You have my word on that, Captain."

There was a strong respect the two of them - something very like family.  Yes, they butted heads, but if there were two among this crew who could be expected to defend the rest with all the passion a mortal soul could summon, it was T'Koris and Kejal.  When he gave his word on something, it happened - there had been no exceptions.  The only possible exceptions were the fact that Ilana Telak and Nelkar Epath still lived - and in the eyes of Starfleet, that was a net positive.  Still, he didn't give it lightly, or lay down an oath where duty would suffice.  The idea of an Away team member dying was anathema to him - if it happened, it would be his own life that was lost.  When he looked at T'Koris limping off, his tone softened.

"Please, do go to Sickbay.  Doctor Kintiss wouldn't just request your presence pointlessly.  He knows your preferences."

He turned back to Jiseth and the newly arrived T'Lara.

"Indeed.  A Romulan D'Deridex-class warbird is far more resistant to kinetic attack than a Nebula, thanks to hull design if nothing else.  But we work with what we have.  And congratulations on the promotion.  I trust you've settled back into the Phoenix with due alacrity?"

He ignored the smoldering hatred of him that was in her tone for one simple reason - he really didn't much like her either.  Still, they were Starfleet officers; and she had saved the ship at least once with a malfunctioning helm console to argue with.  Still, to have both Jiseth and Gul Epath on a shuttlecraft with him was a highly uncomfortable situation.  He had to try and forget everything but Starfleet - in hopes that the other two would do the same.

Her report was complete, and covered everything that could have been expected in an FCO after a shuttle handoff.  That much he respected immediately, and he nodded.  "Thank you.  As soon as everyone's actually gathered, please get aboard and prepare for final cross-checks.  I'd also like for you to stay aboard the shuttle if or when we perform EVA into the wreckage, in case we do have to make one of the quick escapes you've planned.  Everyone will be wearing emergency transport beacons, the frequencies are already pushed from the main computer to the shuttle; you'll be able to beam us out should anything at all go wrong."

He turned to T'Lara.  "Lieutenant.  According to Lieutenant Commander Jiseth's report, we're going to be loaded with several probes.  I'd like you to prepare one for remote monitoring of the wreckage, in case beaming in, even in EV suits, proves extremely hazardous."

He tapped his comm again.  "Kejal to Bridge. Please repeat the message directing the Away team to the shuttlebay, because they're not all here yet.  Thank you, Kejal out."


Kirok looked at his board.  =/\=Acknowledged, Mr. Buris.  We'll send another hale out.  Bridge out =/\= he replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 15, 2016, 10:05:43 AM

Her report was complete, and covered everything that could have been expected in an FCO after a shuttle handoff.  That much he respected immediately, and he nodded.  "Thank you.  As soon as everyone's actually gathered, please get aboard and prepare for final cross-checks.  I'd also like for you to stay aboard the shuttle if or when we perform EVA into the wreckage, in case we do have to make one of the quick escapes you've planned.  Everyone will be wearing emergency transport beacons, the frequencies are already pushed from the main computer to the shuttle; you'll be able to beam us out should anything at all go wrong."


"Don't worry. SAR operations are my specialty."

After putting her index finger and thumb just passed her lips, a shrill and quite loud whistle echoed throughout the hangar. Her index and middle finger then came together as her hand rotated about her wrist three times above her head. Two deckhands bolted over as the alert klaxon went sounded with the rising of the massive shuttlebay door. The edges lit up in a bright blue hue from the force field that kept the atmosphere from bursting out into space. Attaching one glove to its seal at a time, Jiseth left her helmet off for the moment as she stepped into the darkened cabin of the shuttle.

"Aux power on, Bruegel. Awaken."

A quirk she had long had was to speak to the craft as if it were a person. Addressing each and everything thing as Computer felt almost rude. Holograms could adapt and have their own personalities and considering all the modifications engineers made to keep things flying with what they had on hand, few were entirely alike.

[Shuttle Bruegel]

The cabin lights came on as did the subtle hum of the generators. Sitting at the pilot seat, she set her helmet on the dashboard while her finger tapped at the LCARS screen. The deckhands removed the covers to the bussard collectors and opened the clamps that kept the craft in place when not in use. Each of the showed their fists up with thumbs pointing to each other and then moved each to face the opposite direction. Seeing them through the viewports, Jiseth in turn put her fists together and then pulled them away before acknowledging with thumbs up.

Next she opened up both hands and closed them. The two looked along the side of the spacecraft as the RCS valve check was done. From each unit came several small bursts of gas. With the deckhands giving their thumbs up, she acknowledged by flashing the beacon lights. Then they both went back, and checked the impulse engines were spooling up to idle with the exhaust grills glowing scarlet. Main power came on and she looked through all her instruments and ran the test checks to see if any failed. They did not. She reached over and put her helmet on made sure the lock seal held tight.

"Mic check, can you hear me?"

"Yep. Will you need us to marshal you out?"

"No, thank you. It's small enough to depart without pushback."

"Copy that. Have a safe flight."

Reaching back she pulled her shoulder harness over and down he chest, meeting the latch that came up from between her legs. The deckhands had cleared out and all that was left was for her passengers to board up. In the mean time, she downloaded long-range scan data from the Phoenix's computer into the Bruegel's navigation system.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 15, 2016, 06:13:37 PM


Kirok's right eyebrow rose slightly.  "I'm just starting to scan for power signatures now.  It will be a moment before I have any information" he said.

"Five life signs" Kirok echoed.  There had been 78 people aboard the damaged ship.  Could any of them have survived this long in open space?

"If any of them our ours, one would think that they would have com badges with them.  Correct.  Let's send out a signal and see if we get a reply" he said.


"One can never assume that, it's logical yes, but commbadges are prone to falling or being ripped off in a battle, left on a nightstand if someone happened to be in the shower or just got out of bed when an alarm sounded, or removed if someone is prisoner. However,  I could send a ping to all commbadges within a range on passive and see what I get back?  That would show not only to whom the commbadges belonged, but if there were any that belonged to anyone not of the crew of the Phoenix, it would show they were at least there and if we can get a more accurate pinpoint on them, we'd know if these people were wearing the badges or they were being held together say in a drawer, a bag or similar and the persons were prisoners or worse... dead.  The lifesigns don't necessarily equate to commbadges or Federation personnel."

Hrafn offered her thoughts on the subject of the lifesigns in an almost sad voice from the Science Station, she wasn't sure that anyone could survive the time they'd been out here without support.

"If they are however, then I will be more than happy to send out a hail to them."  Something just didn't feel right to Hrafn and she was playing it safe.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: T'Lara on August 14, 2016, 03:21:21 PM

Entering at a quick pace she was just in time to hear Jiseth's briefing. Her eyes looked over the other members of the away team. She had served with most of them and she trusted them to perform admirably.

NPC: Lt. DC Davis

Flight suits?  Well.  The captain seemed to be expecting maybe an ugly situation if they all had to suit up over their regular uniforms.  Like we're flying in the friggin' dark ages or something, Davis thought, taking a seat next to a rather proper-looking Vulcan.  Was there any other kind?  "Another day in paradise, huh?" he said, giving her a cockeyed grin and offering a hand in his usual ebullient manner.  Some people thought DC Davis talked too much, but those people were prigs, and definitely not proper Italians.  "Lieutenant Davis, Engineering.  Here's to hopin' we make it back in one piece."

Michael J. Tritter

Tritter had received directions to meet the rest of the away team at the Shuttlebay, the man had picked up some extra... hardware, as he knew it would be needed. The man picked up a hand phaser and a phaser rifle, as he knew it was his job to keep the others safe and he took that seriously. He would than make his way to the turbo lift nearby, he walked up and entered the lift, keying in for the shuttle bay. He tapped foot as he waited impatiently for the lift to slide to a stop and the doors to open. He would duck slightly and exit the lift, he was intimidating figure with a phaser rifle at the low ready, a hand phaser on his right side and a gaze that could scare maggots off a gut pile.

He looked about for the shuttle he knew the away team would be using, he found it and made his way over. He nodded slightly towards the others, once the rest had gathered, they would be instructed to board the shuttle, which he would do, having to duck through the door as Starfleet things were not designed for one his size. He would pick a spot to take a seat, and get as comfortable as the large man could get.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 15, 2016, 11:55:06 PM


"One can never assume that, it's logical yes, but commbadges are prone to falling or being ripped off in a battle, left on a nightstand if someone happened to be in the shower or just got out of bed when an alarm sounded, or removed if someone is prisoner. However,  I could send a ping to all commbadges within a range on passive and see what I get back?  That would show not only to whom the commbadges belonged, but if there were any that belonged to anyone not of the crew of the Phoenix, it would show they were at least there and if we can get a more accurate pinpoint on them, we'd know if these people were wearing the badges or they were being held together say in a drawer, a bag or similar and the persons were prisoners or worse... dead.  The lifesigns don't necessarily equate to commbadges or Federation personnel."

Hrafn offered her thoughts on the subject of the lifesigns in an almost sad voice from the Science Station, she wasn't sure that anyone could survive the time they'd been out here without support.

"If they are however, then I will be more than happy to send out a hail to them."  Something just didn't feel right to Hrafn and she was playing it safe.


Kirok started the scan for power signatures but came up empty.  Not the results he expected.  His right eyebrow rose slightly.

"Please do so, Ms. Falleg" Kirok replied.  "Ms. Weir after the away team departs, can we angel the ship to get a better view of the damaged ship.  Maybe we can do some analysis before the reach it" he called out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 16, 2016, 09:35:16 PM


Kirok started the scan for power signatures but came up empty.  Not the results he expected.  His right eyebrow rose slightly.

"Please do so, Ms. Falleg" Kirok replied.  "Ms. Weir plot a course that will place us near the center point where the three coordinates intersect.  I have a hunch I wish to play out" he called out.


Hrafn nodded assent to the Captian and sent out a passive ping to all commbadges in the largest radius she could muster.  Once the results were in she set the computer to filtering out any that were not Phoenix crew.  It would take some time.

"Commbadge scan results will be forthcoming, Sir, but there is a lot of data to run through." she reported.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kirok on August 16, 2016, 09:35:16 PM


Kirok started the scan for power signatures but came up empty.  Not the results he expected.  His right eyebrow rose slightly.

"Please do so, Ms. Falleg" Kirok replied.  "Ms. Weir after the away team departs, can we angel the ship to get a better view of the damaged ship.  Maybe we can do some analysis before the reach it" he called out.


Ashley gave a small nod as she ran over the math in her head before she spoke. "Ey sir. If I tilt the ship by about 13 degrees we should be able to get a clear and unobstructed view of the wreckage. From there we should be able to get an idea of how to proceed. I've also gone ahead and plotted a course to the ship if we decide to go that route."


Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 15, 2016, 10:05:43 AM


Buris met her glare with equal force, and lifted his chin slightly as he focused on her.  He knew that look from others - she was a mother, and that instinct was turned on both her family and her crew.  His invocation of her family had drawn it from her, perhaps more strongly than expected.  Still, Bajoran fury was a reasonable match to Romulan fury - just as cold, just as calculating, and just as ready with the blade when the time came to strike.  "You have my word on that, Captain."

There was a strong respect the two of them - something very like family.  Yes, they butted heads, but if there were two among this crew who could be expected to defend the rest with all the passion a mortal soul could summon, it was T'Koris and Kejal.  When he gave his word on something, it happened - there had been no exceptions.  The only possible exceptions were the fact that Ilana Telak and Nelkar Epath still lived - and in the eyes of Starfleet, that was a net positive.  Still, he didn't give it lightly, or lay down an oath where duty would suffice.  The idea of an Away team member dying was anathema to him - if it happened, it would be his own life that was lost.  When he looked at T'Koris limping off, his tone softened.

"Please, do go to Sickbay.  Doctor Kintiss wouldn't just request your presence pointlessly.  He knows your preferences."

He turned back to Jiseth and the newly arrived T'Lara.

"Indeed.  A Romulan D'Deridex-class warbird is far more resistant to kinetic attack than a Nebula, thanks to hull design if nothing else.  But we work with what we have.  And congratulations on the promotion.  I trust you've settled back into the Phoenix with due alacrity?"

He ignored the smoldering hatred of him that was in her tone for one simple reason - he really didn't much like her either.  Still, they were Starfleet officers; and she had saved the ship at least once with a malfunctioning helm console to argue with.  Still, to have both Jiseth and Gul Epath on a shuttlecraft with him was a highly uncomfortable situation.  He had to try and forget everything but Starfleet - in hopes that the other two would do the same.

Her report was complete, and covered everything that could have been expected in an FCO after a shuttle handoff.  That much he respected immediately, and he nodded.  "Thank you.  As soon as everyone's actually gathered, please get aboard and prepare for final cross-checks.  I'd also like for you to stay aboard the shuttle if or when we perform EVA into the wreckage, in case we do have to make one of the quick escapes you've planned.  Everyone will be wearing emergency transport beacons, the frequencies are already pushed from the main computer to the shuttle; you'll be able to beam us out should anything at all go wrong."

He turned to T'Lara.  "Lieutenant.  According to Lieutenant Commander Jiseth's report, we're going to be loaded with several probes.  I'd like you to prepare one for remote monitoring of the wreckage, in case beaming in, even in EV suits, proves extremely hazardous."

He tapped his comm again.  "Kejal to Bridge. Please repeat the message directing the Away team to the shuttlebay, because they're not all here yet.  Thank you, Kejal out."


"Aye, Commander," T'Lara said as she gave him a nod before she suited up with the rest. She would prepare the probe as soon as she got on the shuttle. It wouldn't take very long.

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 16, 2016, 12:52:28 AM

NPC: Lt. DC Davis

Flight suits?  Well.  The captain seemed to be expecting maybe an ugly situation if they all had to suit up over their regular uniforms.  Like we're flying in the friggin' dark ages or something, Davis thought, taking a seat next to a rather proper-looking Vulcan.  Was there any other kind?  "Another day in paradise, huh?" he said, giving her a cockeyed grin and offering a hand in his usual ebullient manner.  Some people thought DC Davis talked too much, but those people were prigs, and definitely not proper Italians.  "Lieutenant Davis, Engineering.  Here's to hopin' we make it back in one piece."

[Shuttle Bruegel]

T'Lara had boarded the shuttle and had just finished up preparing the probe when a yellow-shirted lieutenant sat next to her and offered her a  friendly greeting accompanied by an outstretched hand. She raised an eyebrow and chose to give him a nod instead. Obviously this man hadn't been around Vulcans very much and didn't know handshakes were not...appreciated.

"Paradise," she said dryly, "compared to some places it may be, despite the impossibility of such a concept as a perfect environment," she continued with a distracted air as she double-checked the probe's readiness. She then gave him her full attention. "I am Lieutenant T'Lara. Science officer." Choosing to give in and accept this popular human saying she simply nodded. "That is always the intended outcome, Lieutenant."

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 16, 2016, 10:04:44 PM


Hrafn nodded assent to the Captian and sent out a passive ping to all commbadges in the largest radius she could muster.  Once the results were in she set the computer to filtering out any that were not Phoenix crew.  It would take some time.

"Commbadge scan results will be forthcoming, Sir, but there is a lot of data to run through." she reported.


Kirok looked down at his board again.  It was odd that no power signatures were showing up.  Odd, indeed.

"Thank you for the report, Ms. Falleg.  Please let me know when we have the information.  Also, lets go ahead and share the life sign coordinates with Jiseth on the away team.  After she has deposited the team, perhaps she can get a closer look at the three spots" he said.

Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 17, 2016, 05:31:58 AM


Ashley gave a small nod as she ran over the math in her head before she spoke. "Ey sir. If I tilt the ship by about 13 degrees we should be able to get a clear and unobstructed view of the wreckage. From there we should be able to get an idea of how to proceed. I've also gone ahead and plotted a course to the ship if we decide to go that route."


"13 degrees should be sufficient, Ms. Weir.  I assume we will working on impulse engines.  Let's go ahead and let engineering know our plans just in case" Kirok replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Shuttle Bruegel]

Lifting a shuttle off the deck plates was a remarkably simple affair of simply increasing the antigrav field. It was far less clumsy than directed thrust for lift when was, as far as piloting was concerned, like trying to ride an elephant while it balanced on a giant ball. Jiseth paused while they hovered and made note of the faces of those she had on board tough they were partially obscured by the helmets. Five individuals including her self left little room for coverage if one were injured or blown into space.

With her focus back on the controls, the shuttle yawed to port until it had faced the opposite direction toward the center of the shuttlebay. Floating half a meter above the hangar floot, she moved forward at a brisk walking pace and followed the lighted trail to the forcefield boundary. After flicking through different check lists, she made sure the warp core was offline and all exterior lights were off. The cabin went dark and the LCARS panels in the cabin dimmed significantly.

Turning the shuttle around again, Jiseth backed them out into space to maintain proximity with the shuttlebay. They were currently in the shadow of the large arrowhead tactical module which sat atop the dorsal pylon. Sitting here would mask them for now until she put the next part of the plan in motion.

"I'm going to hide us in the exhaust of the Phoenix's port impulse engine until we reach a trajectory to intercept under minimal power. I'll shut down our own and put is in a slow tumble to mimic the motion of local asteroids. Might want to hold onto something since I'll be turning off the artificial gravity and probably the inertial dampeners. I'll make minor corrections to make sure we get to the airlock. T'Lara, please launch the probes to the wrecked ship and have them orbit near the starboard bow. We'll come in from the port stern through an airlock in that quadrant. Call if you need help."

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 17, 2016, 08:28:50 PM


Kirok looked down at his board again.  It was odd that no power signatures were showing up.  Odd, indeed.

"Thank you for the report, Ms. Falleg.  Please let me know when we have the information.  Also, lets go ahead and share the life sign coordinates with Jiseth on the away team.  After she has deposited the team, perhaps she can get a closer look at the three spots" he said.


"13 degrees should be sufficient, Ms. Weir.  I assume we will working on impulse engines.  Let's go ahead and let engineering know our plans just in case" Kirok replied.


"Yes sir, I'll get onto it!" Hrafn answered.  Opening a channel to the Bruegel she spoke to Jiseth.

=/P\=Bridge to Shuttle Bruegel, we are sending you the co-ordinates of some non-Phoenix lifesigns, Captian Kirok indicates you may be able to get a closer look at them.  If you are able to please do so if it does not endanger the shuttle or it's inhabitants. Bridge out=/P\=

She then took a look at the readout from the commbadge scan.

"Sir, three of the commbadges are not Phoenix crew and they are on that damaged ship from the indicators on this report.  By the names they are all...non-human too.  Going on my linguistics knowledge I'd say a Ferengi, a Vulcan and a Bolian...but that is just educated guessing.  After all I'm Falleg-Tekin.  I'm a Trill, but I have a Humanoid Viking-Bajoran name!" she offered a small smile to the Captain trying to break the tension a little.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kirok on August 17, 2016, 08:28:50 PM


Kirok looked down at his board again.  It was odd that no power signatures were showing up.  Odd, indeed.

"Thank you for the report, Ms. Falleg.  Please let me know when we have the information.  Also, lets go ahead and share the life sign coordinates with Jiseth on the away team.  After she has deposited the team, perhaps she can get a closer look at the three spots" he said.


"13 degrees should be sufficient, Ms. Weir.  I assume we will working on impulse engines.  Let's go ahead and let engineering know our plans just in case" Kirok replied.


Ashley gave a small understanding nod before she finally spoke up. "Ey sir. Moving the ship into position now. I'm going to send both engineering and the away team both debriefs of the plan." Even though she used a past tense, she had already drafted a small brief. All she had do was send it which she did as soon as she was done speaking. Slowly the ship's pitch moved up to a near precise 13 degrees.

Kejal Buris

[Shuttlecraft Bruegel]

After confirming quickly that the entire Away team was assembled - and quite glad for the lack of one Cardassian, honestly, Buris stepped into the small craft and looked at 'his' crew.  He heard Davis' comment and spoke in a low rumble. "I gave my word on that to Ms. T'Koris.  I give it to you all as well.  Let's get going.  Lieutenant Commander, if you please, final crosscheck and takeoff."

He quickly strapped himself into the Ops position beside her, setting the panels to their lowest illumination as he started pulling in readings from the small ship.  It was amazing to him, the fact that a single shuttle could put out such a density of data in comparison to a starship - and that it was easier to learn on the larger vessel rather than the smaller.  As they launched, he nodded. "Shuttle Ops is go.  Ensign Tritter, you're on Tactical.  Mr. Davis, take Engineering and secondary Ops.  Lieutenant T'Lara - Science."

He'd mostly pulled on his flight suit, and she might have noticed that his field-fashion securing of the suit was done a little faster than people who hadn't done EVA and Zero-G combat training.

Quote from: "Jiseth"

[Shuttle Bruegel]

Lifting a shuttle off the deck plates was a remarkably simple affair of simply increasing the antigrav field. It was far less clumsy than directed thrust for lift when was, as far as piloting was concerned, like trying to ride an elephant while it balanced on a giant ball. Jiseth paused while they hovered and made note of the faces of those she had on board tough they were partially obscured by the helmets. Five individuals including her self left little room for coverage if one were injured or blown into space.

With her focus back on the controls, the shuttle yawed to port until it had faced the opposite direction toward the center of the shuttlebay. Floating half a meter above the hangar floot, she moved forward at a brisk walking pace and followed the lighted trail to the forcefield boundary. After flicking through different check lists, she made sure the warp core was offline and all exterior lights were off. The cabin went dark and the LCARS panels in the cabin dimmed significantly.

Turning the shuttle around again, Jiseth backed them out into space to maintain proximity with the shuttlebay. They were currently in the shadow of the large arrowhead tactical module which sat atop the dorsal pylon. Sitting here would mask them for now until she put the next part of the plan in motion.

"I'm going to hide us in the exhaust of the Phoenix's port impulse engine until we reach a trajectory to intercept under minimal power. I'll shut down our own and put is in a slow tumble to mimic the motion of local asteroids. Might want to hold onto something since I'll be turning off the artificial gravity and probably the inertial dampeners. I'll make minor corrections to make sure we get to the airlock. T'Lara, please launch the probes to the wrecked ship and have them orbit near the starboard bow. We'll come in from the port stern through an airlock in that quadrant. Call if you need help."

Buris nodded at Jiseth's plan, silently giving his assent as mission commander.  "Sounds about right to me.  You sit tight and keep these engines hot.  When we dock, I'll throw transport control to your board.  Everyone's EV suit has their badge logged, and a built-in transporter beacon.  If you even think we're in trouble, pull us back - it's not like we can't go back in.  We move as a single unit, keep in visual contact with at least two team members at all times.  Ensign Tritter, I'm going to hope you have hand phasers, I want everyone carrying one.  It's not much, but it never hurt me yet.  Mr. Davis, Lieutenant T'Lara, I want to know exactly what hit this ship, how fast, and if you can figure out who did it.  Ensign, you'll focus on figuring out whether this ship even got a shot off before she was destroyed.  I'll try to get a main computer interface going.  Also, Mr. Davis, since I didn't read a subspace explosion on main Ops, or a massive vented amount of antimatter from her nacelles and core, try to find out where the ship's warp core went.  Oh, and before we do get there, T'Lara, I know it's unlikely, but are you reading life-signs over there?  Is this going to turn into search-and-rescue?"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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