Season 1 - Mission 4: The Spider’s Web

Started by Kirok, August 02, 2016, 11:39:44 PM

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Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 17, 2016, 11:09:41 PM


"Yes sir, I'll get onto it!" Hrafn answered.  Opening a channel to the Bruegel she spoke to Jiseth.

=/P\=Bridge to Shuttle Bruegel, we are sending you the co-ordinates of some non-Phoenix lifesigns, Captian Kirok indicates you may be able to get a closer look at them.  If you are able to please do so if it does not endanger the shuttle or it's inhabitants. Bridge out=/P\=

She then took a look at the readout from the commbadge scan.

"Sir, three of the commbadges are not Phoenix crew and they are on that damaged ship from the indicators on this report.  By the names they are all...non-human too.  Going on my linguistics knowledge I'd say a Ferengi, a Vulcan and a Bolian...but that is just educated guessing.  After all I'm Falleg-Tekin.  I'm a Trill, but I have a Humanoid Viking-Bajoran name!" she offered a small smile to the Captain trying to break the tension a little.


"Good job, Ms. Falleg.  Let's beam them into the main Transporter Room.  Have Medical and a Security detail meet them" Kirok replied.

Quote from: Ashley Weir on August 18, 2016, 06:58:23 AM


Ashley gave a small understanding nod before she finally spoke up. "Ey sir. Moving the ship into position now. I'm going to send both engineering and the away team both debriefs of the plan." Even though she used a past tense, she had already drafted a small brief. All she had do was send it which she did as soon as she was done speaking. Slowly the ship's pitch moved up to a near precise 13 degrees.


"Thank you, Ms. Weir" Kirok replied.  As the ship turned, the damaged ship came into view.  Kirok magnified the image.

Two major impact points could be seen.  One on the lower port side.  The other on the higher starboard side.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 18, 2016, 01:58:33 PM


"Good job, Ms. Falleg.  Let's beam them into the main Transporter Room.  Have Medical and a Security detail meet them" Kirok replied.


Hrafn gave a nod to the Captain by way of acknowledgement then opened a communication channel.

=/\=Falleg to Medical and Security.  Please have someone report to Transporter Room one immediately to receive incoming potential casualties from the ship.  Please let me know when you are in place so that I can beam them aboard. Falleg out =/\=

She then opened a blank message and sent it to Dr. Kintiss.

TO: Dr. Kintiss, CMO
FROM: Lt. Falleg, CSO

Based on the information from the scan conducted the persons about to be beamed aboard are non-human.  I am estimating them to be a Vulcan, a Ferengi and a Bolian going on the names collected from their commbadges.  However, that is not to say that the commbadges once belonged to someone else and have been utilised.  All are judged to currently be alive but since they were not moving, unconscious/stunned.

I trust this information may be of some use to you.



Hrafn locked onto the 3 lifesigns and waited for a response from Medical and Security, ready to beam them aboard at a moments notice.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 17, 2016, 11:09:41 PM

=/P\=Bridge to Shuttle Bruegel, we are sending you the co-ordinates of some non-Phoenix lifesigns, Captian Kirok indicates you may be able to get a closer look at them.  If you are able to please do so if it does not endanger the shuttle or it's inhabitants. Bridge out=/P\=

[Shuttle Bruegel]

=/\= Jiseth, here. Acknowledged. We'll bring them home as long as they don't bite. Bruegel out. =/\=

Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 18, 2016, 07:27:50 AM

"I gave my word on that to Ms. T'Koris.  I give it to you all as well.  Let's get going.  Lieutenant Commander, if you please, final crosscheck and takeoff."

"About that... It's going to be a little weird in here."

She waited until the probes launched and cleared the ship before setting to work. She plotted a trajectory based on the information she received and inched the shuttle beyond the force field. Now they were essentially going in reverse relative to the Phoenix, which had just pitched up and away, as she cut the impulse engines. A few taps later the view ports became obscured by a rush of red gas, the hydrogen exhaust being blown through the bussard collectors. The same trick the Enterprise-D pulled off on the Pakleds, except soon the cloud of trailing gases turned white as she powered everything down after letting out a gentle burst from the forward RCS units. The shuttle then began to tumble end over end about once every minute to keep her passengers from getting motion sick.

"Alright, we just put Sir Isaac Newton in the driver's seat, but I'd say it looks like the Phoenix just dodged a comet wouldn't you? We're going to overshoot the ship and from there I'll bring some of the power back and dock."

Content with her ruse, she poked at her suit's small display screen on her forearm. After selecting a tune she would like, it began playing the speakers of her helmet. A few moments later Jiseth began striking her index fingers on her console as if playing the drums of the jazz band. Her head tilted from side to side in beat as this was about as much she could dance as well while restrained in her seat.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 18, 2016, 03:50:47 PM


Hrafn gave a nod to the Captain by way of acknowledgement then opened a communication channel.

=/\=Falleg to Medical and Security.  Please have someone report to Transporter Room one immediately to receive incoming potential casualties from the ship.  Please let me know when you are in place so that I can beam them aboard. Falleg out =/\=

She then opened a blank message and sent it to Dr. Kintiss.

TO: Dr. Kintiss, CMO
FROM: Lt. Falleg, CSO

Based on the information from the scan conducted the persons about to be beamed aboard are non-human.  I am estimating them to be a Vulcan, a Ferengi and a Bolian going on the names collected from their commbadges.  However, that is not to say that the commbadges once belonged to someone else and have been utilised.  All are judged to currently be alive but since they were not moving, unconscious/stunned.

I trust this information may be of some use to you.



Hrafn locked onto the 3 lifesigns and waited for a response from Medical and Security, ready to beam them aboard at a moments notice.


Odd. The Commander hadn't walked through his door yet. While this wasn't the first time Commander T'Koris had avoided sickbay, in light of the recent events with the virus, it was important he did see her. He didn't care what it took to get her in here. If she was going to play hardball, he'd just have to adapt. He'd place her on mandatory medical leave if he had to.

When Falleg's communication came in, he halted and realised that he had more immediate matters to take care of. Chasing his former captain could wait.

=/\="Kintissss to medical, I need anyone available down in Transsssporter Room one to receive incoming patientssss."=/\= This would be a good time to get the team to stretch their legs. Not that they needed the exercise, of course. On a whole, the Phoenix's crew were exceptionally accident-prone, and that kept med on their toes all the time.

The additional information Falleg had provided certainly would prove useful. Trouble was, he didn't know what to expect. Still, knowing the patients' physiology was a good start.


Quote from: Jiseth on August 18, 2016, 06:00:37 PM

[Shuttle Bruegel]

=/\= Jiseth, here. Acknowledged. We'll bring them home as long as they don't bite. Bruegel out. =/\=

"About that... It's going to be a little weird in here."

She waited until the probes launched and cleared the ship before setting to work. She plotted a trajectory based on the information she received and inched the shuttle beyond the force field. Now they were essentially going in reverse relative to the Phoenix, which had just pitched up and away, as she cut the impulse engines. A few taps later the view ports became obscured by a rush of red gas, the hydrogen exhaust being blown through the bussard collectors. The same trick the Enterprise-D pulled off on the Pakleds, except soon the cloud of trailing gases turned white as she powered everything down after letting out a gentle burst from the forward RCS units. The shuttle then began to tumble end over end about once every minute to keep her passengers from getting motion sick.

"Alright, we just put Sir Isaac Newton in the driver's seat, but I'd say it looks like the Phoenix just dodged a comet wouldn't you? We're going to overshoot the ship and from there I'll bring some of the power back and dock."

Content with her ruse, she poked at her suit's small display screen on her forearm. After selecting a tune she would like, it began playing the speakers of her helmet. A few moments later Jiseth began striking her index fingers on her console as if playing the drums of the jazz band. Her head tilted from side to side in beat as this was about as much she could dance as well while restrained in her seat.

[Asteroid Field]

As the probe passed between two of the coordinates, it set off a chain reaction of events.  First a large asteroid was launched at the point it had been from the lower port side.  Next a large asteroid was launched at the point in space it had been from the upper starboard side.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 18, 2016, 03:50:47 PM


Hrafn gave a nod to the Captain by way of acknowledgement then opened a communication channel.

=/\=Falleg to Medical and Security.  Please have someone report to Transporter Room one immediately to receive incoming potential casualties from the ship.  Please let me know when you are in place so that I can beam them aboard. Falleg out =/\=

She then opened a blank message and sent it to Dr. Kintiss.

TO: Dr. Kintiss, CMO
FROM: Lt. Falleg, CSO

Based on the information from the scan conducted the persons about to be beamed aboard are non-human.  I am estimating them to be a Vulcan, a Ferengi and a Bolian going on the names collected from their commbadges.  However, that is not to say that the commbadges once belonged to someone else and have been utilised.  All are judged to currently be alive but since they were not moving, unconscious/stunned.

I trust this information may be of some use to you.



Hrafn locked onto the 3 lifesigns and waited for a response from Medical and Security, ready to beam them aboard at a moments notice.


A moment before the asteroids started flying, the Sec/Tac duty station alerted Kirok to a quick and dramatic power source in two spots.  He opened a like to the shuttle craft.  =/\=Evasive maneuvers =/\= he called out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on August 18, 2016, 08:12:46 PM

=/\=Eva-[static]-uvers =/\=

[Shuttle Bruegel]

Jiseth hit her wrist display to silence her music and pulled out her tricorder. The gases they were churning out had just enough ionization to mess with her readings, but she was still getting some from two of the probes while the third was no longer sending any signals. The last was a proximity alert. Her attention was brought to the viewports when two dark shadows passed over them.

"Buris, we have a probe gone. The other two are still transmitting with the FOF tags of Starfleet shuttles, do you want to continue or abort?"


Quote from: Jiseth on August 17, 2016, 09:26:50 PM

[Shuttle Bruegel]

Lifting a shuttle off the deck plates was a remarkably simple affair of simply increasing the antigrav field. It was far less clumsy than directed thrust for lift when was, as far as piloting was concerned, like trying to ride an elephant while it balanced on a giant ball. Jiseth paused while they hovered and made note of the faces of those she had on board tough they were partially obscured by the helmets. Five individuals including her self left little room for coverage if one were injured or blown into space.

With her focus back on the controls, the shuttle yawed to port until it had faced the opposite direction toward the center of the shuttlebay. Floating half a meter above the hangar floot, she moved forward at a brisk walking pace and followed the lighted trail to the forcefield boundary. After flicking through different check lists, she made sure the warp core was offline and all exterior lights were off. The cabin went dark and the LCARS panels in the cabin dimmed significantly.

Turning the shuttle around again, Jiseth backed them out into space to maintain proximity with the shuttlebay. They were currently in the shadow of the large arrowhead tactical module which sat atop the dorsal pylon. Sitting here would mask them for now until she put the next part of the plan in motion.

"I'm going to hide us in the exhaust of the Phoenix's port impulse engine until we reach a trajectory to intercept under minimal power. I'll shut down our own and put is in a slow tumble to mimic the motion of local asteroids. Might want to hold onto something since I'll be turning off the artificial gravity and probably the inertial dampeners. I'll make minor corrections to make sure we get to the airlock. T'Lara, please launch the probes to the wrecked ship and have them orbit near the starboard bow. We'll come in from the port stern through an airlock in that quadrant. Call if you need help."

[Shuttle Bruegel]

As they got underway, T'Lara heard the order and didn't think to acknowledge it, since they would see the result of her work soon enough. As she had been monitoring everything from her science station, now she swiftly typed in the commands to launch the probes.

Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 18, 2016, 07:27:50 AM

[Shuttlecraft Bruegel]

After confirming quickly that the entire Away team was assembled - and quite glad for the lack of one Cardassian, honestly, Buris stepped into the small craft and looked at 'his' crew.  He heard Davis' comment and spoke in a low rumble. "I gave my word on that to Ms. T'Koris.  I give it to you all as well.  Let's get going.  Lieutenant Commander, if you please, final crosscheck and takeoff."

He quickly strapped himself into the Ops position beside her, setting the panels to their lowest illumination as he started pulling in readings from the small ship.  It was amazing to him, the fact that a single shuttle could put out such a density of data in comparison to a starship - and that it was easier to learn on the larger vessel rather than the smaller.  As they launched, he nodded. "Shuttle Ops is go.  Ensign Tritter, you're on Tactical.  Mr. Davis, take Engineering and secondary Ops.  Lieutenant T'Lara - Science."

He'd mostly pulled on his flight suit, and she might have noticed that his field-fashion securing of the suit was done a little faster than people who hadn't done EVA and Zero-G combat training.

Buris nodded at Jiseth's plan, silently giving his assent as mission commander.  "Sounds about right to me.  You sit tight and keep these engines hot.  When we dock, I'll throw transport control to your board.  Everyone's EV suit has their badge logged, and a built-in transporter beacon.  If you even think we're in trouble, pull us back - it's not like we can't go back in.  We move as a single unit, keep in visual contact with at least two team members at all times.  Ensign Tritter, I'm going to hope you have hand phasers, I want everyone carrying one.  It's not much, but it never hurt me yet.  Mr. Davis, Lieutenant T'Lara, I want to know exactly what hit this ship, how fast, and if you can figure out who did it.  Ensign, you'll focus on figuring out whether this ship even got a shot off before she was destroyed.  I'll try to get a main computer interface going.  Also, Mr. Davis, since I didn't read a subspace explosion on main Ops, or a massive vented amount of antimatter from her nacelles and core, try to find out where the ship's warp core went.  Oh, and before we do get there, T'Lara, I know it's unlikely, but are you reading life-signs over there?  Is this going to turn into search-and-rescue?"

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 17, 2016, 11:09:41 PM


"Yes sir, I'll get onto it!" Hrafn answered.  Opening a channel to the Bruegel she spoke to Jiseth.

=/P\=Bridge to Shuttle Bruegel, we are sending you the co-ordinates of some non-Phoenix lifesigns, Captian Kirok indicates you may be able to get a closer look at them.  If you are able to please do so if it does not endanger the shuttle or it's inhabitants. Bridge out=/P\=

T'Lara looked over the incoming results from the probes when the answer she was formulating was being sent from the Phoenix. There were lifesigns, three of them to be exact. But they fluctuated.

"There are three lifesigns, Commander. But I do not trust the readings from the probe to be very accurate as they are still fluctuating as they have been since shortly after I launched them."

Quote from: Jiseth on August 18, 2016, 09:04:45 PM

[Shuttle Bruegel]

Jiseth hit her wrist display to silence her music and pulled out her tricorder. The gases they were churning out had just enough ionization to mess with her readings, but she was still getting some from two of the probes while the third was no longer sending any signals. The last was a proximity alert. Her attention was brought to the viewports when two dark shadows passed over them.

"Buris, we have a probe gone. The other two are still transmitting with the FOF tags of Starfleet shuttles, do you want to continue or abort?"

The loss of the probe had an effect on the already questionable readings.

"Commander, without the third probe I am not sure we will be able to detect anything until we are in sensor range. If we encounter anything we will not know what it is until it or they has seen us."

Something had to have happened to the ship they were investigating, and T'Lara wanted to be prepared incase whatever had happened to it was still a threat. She did not have a good feeling about this situation, though she kept this feeling well hidden.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: Kintiss on August 18, 2016, 06:27:54 PM


Odd. The Commander hadn't walked through his door yet. While this wasn't the first time Commander T'Koris had avoided sickbay, in light of the recent events with the virus, it was important he did see her. He didn't care what it took to get her in here. If she was going to play hardball, he'd just have to adapt. He'd place her on mandatory medical leave if he had to.

When Falleg's communication came in, he halted and realised that he had more immediate matters to take care of. Chasing his former captain could wait.

=/\="Kintissss to medical, I need anyone available down in Transsssporter Room one to receive incoming patientssss."=/\= This would be a good time to get the team to stretch their legs. Not that they needed the exercise, of course. On a whole, the Phoenix's crew were exceptionally accident-prone, and that kept med on their toes all the time.

The additional information Falleg had provided certainly would prove useful. Trouble was, he didn't know what to expect. Still, knowing the patients' physiology was a good start.

[Main Transport Room]

The Sec/Tac Officer arrived just minutes before the three non-human Star Fleet personal beamed aboard.  All three looked like they had survived quite a lot - even the Vulcan seems disheveled.  One of the three collapsed to the floor when the transporter process was complete.  =/\=Main Transporter to Sickbay.  Medical emergency.  We need someone here right away=/\= he said after tapping his combadge.

Archangel Koris

[En route to the bridge]

Quietly fuming, Archangel made her way back through the passages of the Phoenix, making her way back up to the bridge after being kicked off the away team.  She should have known that someone would intervene to stop her going on the detail.  She should have known that Kejal would start quoting regulations at her.

As the turbolift finally carried her up to the ship's bridge, she stepped out and limped down to the command area, nodding once to Kirok before focusing her attention on the image of the damaged ship.  It must have been quite the proud vessel in its day, but the wreck that remained was far from what it had been.  Leaning lightly on her cane, she engaged her inner engineer, starting to look over what damage there was in an effort to determine just what had happened.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 18, 2016, 08:12:46 PM


A moment before the asteroids started flying, the Sec/Tac duty station alerted Kirok to a quick and dramatic power source in two spots.  He opened a like to the shuttle craft.  =/\=Evasive maneuvers =/\= he called out.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on August 19, 2016, 08:23:46 PM

[Main Transport Room]

The Sec/Tac Officer arrived just minutes before the three non-human Star Fleet personal beamed aboard.  All three looked like they had survived quite a lot - even the Vulcan seems disheveled.  One of the three collapsed to the floor when the transporter process was complete.  =/\=Main Transporter to Sickbay.  Medical emergency.  We need someone here right away=/\= he said after tapping his combadge.


Hrafn grabbed the console in front of her when the CO called out evasive manoeuvres and looked to her screens.  Checking the lifesigns of those on the shuttle she determined they were all ok and that the 3 visitors were now in the transporter room.

"Our guests have arrived, Sir... we have Security there and medical will be en route." she reported to Kirok

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Kintiss on August 18, 2016, 06:27:54 PM

=/\="Kintissss to medical, I need anyone available down in Transsssporter Room one to receive incoming patientssss."=/\=


Despite not yet being on duty, the summoning of medical personnel still came hrough on Zero's commbadge, rousing her from the fascinating process of painstakingly alphabetising her collection of journals and textbooks.  With Callion still fast asleep and Ghost watching over her, the Augment brushed off the knees of her uniforms from the invisible dust that must have collected in the fabric while she had been kneeling on the deck, and tapped her commbadge.

=^= "Alpha to Kintiss.  I will report to the transporter room and inform you of the situation," =^= she said, pausing for a moment to pick her medkit out of one of the boxes before leaving her quarters.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on August 19, 2016, 08:23:46 PM

The Sec/Tac Officer arrived just minutes before the three non-human Star Fleet personal beamed aboard.  All three looked like they had survived quite a lot - even the Vulcan seems disheveled.  One of the three collapsed to the floor when the transporter process was complete.  =/\=Main Transporter to Sickbay.  Medical emergency.  We need someone here right away=/\= he said after tapping his combadge.

Her arrival in the transporter room was swift, and it only took a second between Zero laying eyes on the three casualties that had been beamed over from the damaged ship and her making a decision of what to do with them.

"Transport them immediately to sickbay," she told the transporter chief.  =^= "Alpha to Kintiss, I have given orders for the casualties to be beamed to you.  Prepare for their imminent arrival."=^=

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Kejal Buris on August 18, 2016, 07:27:50 AM

Buris nodded at Jiseth's plan, silently giving his assent as mission commander.  "Sounds about right to me.  You sit tight and keep these engines hot.  When we dock, I'll throw transport control to your board.  Everyone's EV suit has their badge logged, and a built-in transporter beacon.  If you even think we're in trouble, pull us back - it's not like we can't go back in.  We move as a single unit, keep in visual contact with at least two team members at all times.  Ensign Tritter, I'm going to hope you have hand phasers, I want everyone carrying one.  It's not much, but it never hurt me yet.  Mr. Davis, Lieutenant T'Lara, I want to know exactly what hit this ship, how fast, and if you can figure out who did it.  Ensign, you'll focus on figuring out whether this ship even got a shot off before she was destroyed.  I'll try to get a main computer interface going.  Also, Mr. Davis, since I didn't read a subspace explosion on main Ops, or a massive vented amount of antimatter from her nacelles and core, try to find out where the ship's warp core went.  Oh, and before we do get there, T'Lara, I know it's unlikely, but are you reading life-signs over there?  Is this going to turn into search-and-rescue?"

[Shuttlecraft Bruegel]

Lt. DC Davis
"You got it," Davis replied, giving the Bajoran a half-smile.  He refrained from calling Kejal by what half of the Engineering department called him.  'Smiley' didn't come off as very professional of a public.  While Kejal was simply just 'tolerable' as a person to be around, his skill and ability could never be doubted.  DC turned to T'Lara, shrugging slightly as he took the craft's small Engineering console.  She was cute, but she was also Vulcan.  A pretty damn deadly combination, all things considered.

He frowned, lips pursing slightly as the scan information fed back into the computer.  "Core's still there, but it's dead as Julius Caesar.  It appears to me like it was shut down."


Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on August 20, 2016, 07:16:54 PM

[Shuttlecraft Bruegel]

Lt. DC Davis
"You got it," Davis replied, giving the Bajoran a half-smile.  He refrained from calling Kejal by what half of the Engineering department called him.  'Smiley' didn't come off as very professional of a public.  While Kejal was simply just 'tolerable' as a person to be around, his skill and ability could never be doubted.  DC turned to T'Lara, shrugging slightly as he took the craft's small Engineering console.  She was cute, but she was also Vulcan.  A pretty damn deadly combination, all things considered.

He frowned, lips pursing slightly as the scan information fed back into the computer.  "Core's still there, but it's dead as Julius Caesar.  It appears to me like it was shut down."

Quote from: T'Lara on August 19, 2016, 06:08:05 AM

[Shuttle Bruegel]

As they got underway, T'Lara heard the order and didn't think to acknowledge it, since they would see the result of her work soon enough. As she had been monitoring everything from her science station, now she swiftly typed in the commands to launch the probes.

T'Lara looked over the incoming results from the probes when the answer she was formulating was being sent from the Phoenix. There were lifesigns, three of them to be exact. But they fluctuated.

"There are three lifesigns, Commander. But I do not trust the readings from the probe to be very accurate as they are still fluctuating as they have been since shortly after I launched them."

The loss of the probe had an effect on the already questionable readings.

"Commander, without the third probe I am not sure we will be able to detect anything until we are in sensor range. If we encounter anything we will not know what it is until it or they has seen us."

Something had to have happened to the ship they were investigating, and T'Lara wanted to be prepared incase whatever had happened to it was still a threat. She did not have a good feeling about this situation, though she kept this feeling well hidden.

[Asteroid field]

If the two asteroids that flew overhead was not evidence enough of what happened to the destroyed vessel, what happened next should be.   From the left and from the right, motion could be detected.  On both sides a blue light caught onto a nearby asteroid and started to move it from one place to another.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 19, 2016, 10:10:54 PM


Hrafn grabbed the console in front of her when the CO called out evasive manoeuvres and looked to her screens.  Checking the lifesigns of those on the shuttle she determined they were all ok and that the 3 visitors were now in the transporter room.

"Our guests have arrived, Sir... we have Security there and medical will be en route." she reported to Kirok

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on August 19, 2016, 09:50:56 PM

[En route to the bridge]

Quietly fuming, Archangel made her way back through the passages of the Phoenix, making her way back up to the bridge after being kicked off the away team.  She should have known that someone would intervene to stop her going on the detail.  She should have known that Kejal would start quoting regulations at her.

As the turbolift finally carried her up to the ship's bridge, she stepped out and limped down to the command area, nodding once to Kirok before focusing her attention on the image of the damaged ship.  It must have been quite the proud vessel in its day, but the wreck that remained was far from what it had been.  Leaning lightly on her cane, she engaged her inner engineer, starting to look over what damage there was in an effort to determine just what had happened.


Kiork's left eyebrow rose when T'Koris walked onto the Bridge.  He was about to ask her how the visit with Kintiss had gone, but was interrupted by the activity on the Sec/Tac Duty station.  "There is another power build up, 049 mark 27 and 288 mark 17."

Kirok tapped some buttons.  The image on one side appeared on the screen.  It looked like an asteroid was being loaded into a launching device.  "What do you make of this?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 19, 2016, 10:47:56 PM


Despite not yet being on duty, the summoning of medical personnel still came hrough on Zero's commbadge, rousing her from the fascinating process of painstakingly alphabetising her collection of journals and textbooks.  With Callion still fast asleep and Ghost watching over her, the Augment brushed off the knees of her uniforms from the invisible dust that must have collected in the fabric while she had been kneeling on the deck, and tapped her commbadge.

=^= "Alpha to Kintiss.  I will report to the transporter room and inform you of the situation," =^= she said, pausing for a moment to pick her medkit out of one of the boxes before leaving her quarters.


The sound of Alpha's voice made him do a double-take. So, the Augment was back on the ship. It only now occurred to him that he had never told Alpha that he knew what she was. She'd left before he had a chance. Maybe, when the opportunity presented itself, he would let her know, but right now he had to focus on the incoming patients.

Quote from: Zero Alpha on August 19, 2016, 10:47:56 PM

=^= "Alpha to Kintiss, I have given orders for the casualties to be beamed to you.  Prepare for their imminent arrival."=^=

=/\="Acknowledged, Alpha,"=/\= Kintiss replied as he and two other medical crewmen began to program biobeds for the patients, taking particular care to increase the sensitivity of the bio-scanners. He wanted them to pick up any sort of anomaly, including any trace of Earth First's viral agent, since the patients were apparently non-human.

Ashley Weir

Quote from: Kirok on August 18, 2016, 08:12:46 PM

[Asteroid Field]

As the probe passed between two of the coordinates, it set off a chain reaction of events.  First a large asteroid was launched at the point it had been from the lower port side.  Next a large asteroid was launched at the point in space it had been from the upper starboard side.


A moment before the asteroids started flying, the Sec/Tac duty station alerted Kirok to a quick and dramatic power source in two spots.  He opened a like to the shuttle craft.  =/\=Evasive maneuvers =/\= he called out.


This wasn't quite the first bridge shift she had imagined. As a matter of fact that was a bit of an understatement. She always assumed that her first shift on the bridge would be nice and relaxed. But unfortunately, it seemed anytime she got near the command staff for missions something dramatic happened. Although, an asteroid field was absolutely nothing for her. This was the easy part of her job. Even if they WERE being moving in their direction. She moved the ship with "ease" although, it probably wasn't all that fun for the ships passengers. But still, the ship was repetitively safe at her control.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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