Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Ashlynn Ren Morgaine on August 08, 2016, 04:34:44 AM

[Mess Hall]

As she listened to Luke speak, Ash felt her smile grow and her lingering doubts settle. "Thank you. I'll be sure to do that." An easy-going laugh bubbled out as she continued. "And if there is ever anything I can do for you within my humble domain, don't be afraid to ask. It's not a fair trade by any means, but I can provide caffeine when you need a boost at the very least." Ash took another long sip of her tea as if solidifying her point. "I do appreciate your stopping by. 'Company and conversation are always welcome.'" The phrase had always been a favorite of her mother's, and Ash found herself standing by it more and more as she spent time on the Athena.

[Mess Hall]

Stafford's tea had disappeared without his noticing it. He smiled at the young lady and placed the cup on the side of the table for easy disposal. He had known he was right about Ash. She was going to do fine.

"Likewise, contact me if you ever need anything." The XO stood and smoothed out his uniform. "And now I have to report to the captain. We are approaching an anomalous sensor reading, and unfortunately my duties as executive officer do not allow me to while away my shifts sipping tea and engaging in pleasant conversation."

Stafford nodded to Ash and began to make his way to the door. Doubtless the captain would be wondering where he was at this point, but once she knew that he had been checking up on their civilian she'd be mollified.

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 08, 2016, 12:27:05 AM


Stark had a distinctly mournful expression on his face as Paige announced that there was no chicken left, but he did at least let her have her hand back so that she could carry out the physical on his master.  For her part, Rachel was relieved that she didn't have to put herself in a vulnerable position for something so trivial.  Coming back to get her vision checked out would be an irritance, but it was a necessary one that she grudgingly underwent.  She needed the medics on the ship to be up to date on her case should anything go wrong with the device.

"I have yet to report in to my department head, but once I know my shifts, I will schedule a further appointment for my assessment," she replied, slipping off the biobed and back onto her feet.  Stark remained on the bed for a few moments longer, tail happily wagging as his ears were scratched by the nice doctor, but one click of Rachel's tongue caught his attention and he jumped down to sit at her heel, looking up at her as he waited for the next order.

"Thank you, doctor.  I will return soon."


"Thanks Ensign, you'll both be welcome here anytime.  Yes, Stark if your master permits there will be more treats!" Paige deliberately didn't mention the word 'chicken' in case the dog was intelligent enough to associate it with the morsel he'd just had.  In retrospect she probably shouldn't have said 'treat' either!

Ruffling his ears one last time she added "When I say you're welcome, I hope that your visits will be routine or social, not necessity! We prefer the prevention rather than cure method!"

Paige looked over to where Lizzie was performing a medical on what appeared to be a human male.  However her ears picked up two snippets of conversation not that she was really listening.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 07, 2016, 10:23:51 PM

"... while your white count is a little low, you are the healthiest 700 year old I have ever met."

Quote from: Joran Torel on August 08, 2016, 12:34:47 AM

"...I'm El-Aurian, start something like interrogation about the Borg, how did I survive, what I was doing during the attack, stuff like that. It's not exactly pleasant to talk about these things, you understand... So please don't discuss my species with anyone. And please instruct your personnel in this manner as well. I'd be grateful for that."[/i][/color]

Paige didn't like his tone towards Lizzie but then it was nothing that Lizzie couldn't handle.  She felt the annoyance that the El-Aurian felt when people asked about his race.  She could empathise with that, many people distrusted Betazoids assuming that they automatically used their mind reading and empathic abilities to get 'inside' people.  Most of the time it couldn't be further from the truth and Paige at least would prefer to be able to switch off the abilities sometimes, although time on Earth looking after her dying Aunt and all the emotion there had forced her into harnessing her feelings more.

Seeing that Lizzie was almost finished with her patient she crossed to the replicator and got two Ratkajinos and two sticky iced buns.  Standing just in front of the CMOs office she said "I'm ready to check in with you Dr. Vaughan as soon as you're free!" with a wide grin to her friend.

Levinia Black

CSO's Office

Levinia went over the rosters, which were a bit more difficult than the medical ones.  For one thing, there were different science departments, and unlike the different medical specialties, not every scientist could handle what another would do.  Still, the similarities were there, and it didn't take her long to find her rhythm.  Going back to work after a few years of family time was not as difficult as she imagined, if anything Dr. Black fell back into work quickly.

Her son did not seem to have noticed that anything was different, except for the ship and the fact that his father wasn't around.  Still, he was a perceptive child for his age and not prone to whine or complain.  If anything, Alanoth wasn't prone to doing much talking and at age three had refused to say a word.  It wasn't that he couldn't, more like he didn't want too.  As a doctor, Levinia had checked him thoroughly but he was fine and she realized that he would talk when he was good and ready to talk.   Her child was only half Romulan, but just as stubborn as his full blooded father, so for the moment she let it be.

The CSO shook her head and went back to planning the rosters and making sure that there was a scientist available if the captain ever required one.  She, on the other hand, would always be available and was just glad that she had help with her son.  Levinia got the Shift Leads worked out and now she turned to the lower ranking officers and the cadets.  So many new faces and she sighed at the thought that not long ago she was a wide eyed cadet herself.  She put those thoughts away and continued her work..

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Constance Lafayette

Time Skip: ~4 Hours

The time passed quickly. The starfields of each galaxy gave way to the next as the Athena smoothly glided by them at warp speeds. Constance retired to her ready room for part of it, reviewing the files of the new officers transferred to her ship. She'd lost several skilled officers to transfers as of late and her ship now boasted a large number of cadets. She'd need to speak with Luke about them. She wanted to ensure they got the training they required while still not impacting the performance of the ship.

When they finally arrived, and Constance returned to the bridge, she was stopped in her tracks half way though taking a seat in the Captain's chair.

The Bildergusten Cluster was a brilliant expanse of space particles and chunks of planetoids that reflected the light from nearby nebula in a spectacularly artistic space-scape. Even Constance was taken a bit aback by it. She didn't expect it to be so... beautiful.

The cluster's center, where the planet that seemed to be the source of the odd readings was located, was a mess of floating chunks of planets and moons held together by a weak gravity well, supplemented by the gravity cause by their own mass. It was a widely spread out cloud that covered several light years and the exact reason for its existence was not fully understood.

"Would you look at that Mr. Scott... that could be a painting." She said offhandedly, almost not present.

"Bring us in slowly. Lock onto that planet and set us in geosynchronous orbit." She ordered as she returned to her senses.

The plant was an M-Class, there was thick vegetation, but the anomalies in the area and frequent surface impacts would make life there impossible for settlers. It was... odd. This eden was a rogue planet- there shouldn't be a way for it to sustain itself.

"Ops. Give me a scan for any signs of communications or lifeforms."

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Dylan Torngate

[Main Engineering]

Dylan was hard at work, prepping the extra power he had on hand for the sensors, which would allow the sensors to operate without any hindrance. He had his tool belt on and was working on the ODN conduit lines, trying to track down a slight flux variance. He heard the warp core drop down in pitch, from the rapid ThwoomThwoomThwoomThwoomThwoom of warp speed to the slow Thwump... Thwump... Thwump... of sublight drive. He looked over, making sure the crew was doing the regular warp checklist, getting the drive all prepped before shunting power to the drive systems.

He finished his work and replaced the bulkhead cover, going over to one of his displays and punching up the main viewscreen feed, throwing it up on the large, bay-wide display. The display was breathtaking, to say the least. Dylan looked at it for a minute or two before returning to work, prepping all the systems that had to be done sooner rather than later.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 06:43:18 PM

Time Skip: ~4 Hours

The time passed quickly. The starfields of each galaxy gave way to the next as the Athena smoothly glided by them at warp speeds. Constance retired to her ready room for part of it, reviewing the files of the new officers transferred to her ship. She'd lost several skilled officers to transfers as of late and her ship now boasted a large number of cadets. She'd need to speak with Luke about them. She wanted to ensure they got the training they required while still not impacting the performance of the ship.

When they finally arrived, and Constance returned to the bridge, she was stopped in her tracks half way though taking a seat in the Captain's chair.

The Bildergusten Cluster was a brilliant expanse of space particles and chunks of planetoids that reflected the light from nearby nebula in a spectacularly artistic space-scape. Even Constance was taken a bit aback by it. She didn't expect it to be so... beautiful.

The cluster's center, where the planet that seemed to be the source of the odd readings was located, was a mess of floating chunks of planets and moons held together by a weak gravity well, supplemented by the gravity cause by their own mass. It was a widely spread out cloud that covered several light years and the exact reason for its existence was not fully understood.

"Would you look at that Mr. Scott... that could be a painting." She said offhandedly, almost not present.

"Bring us in slowly. Lock onto that planet and set us in geosynchronous orbit." She ordered as she returned to her senses.

The plant was an M-Class, there was thick vegetation, but the anomalies in the area and frequent surface impacts would make life there impossible for settlers. It was... odd. This eden was a rogue planet- there shouldn't be a way for it to sustain itself.

"Ops. Give me a scan for any signs of communications or lifeforms."


There had been a flurry of physicals while they were on their way to the destination and both Lizzie and Paige had not had chance to catch up. So now that they had breathing room, Lizzie decided to leave the nurses to handle the regular work.

"While we have some time Paige, how about we both take the weight off our legs?" She asked, indicating her office.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Susan Venator

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 08, 2016, 06:53:46 PM

[Main Engineering]

Dylan was hard at work, prepping the extra power he had on hand for the sensors, which would allow the sensors to operate without any hindrance. He had his tool belt on and was working on the ODN conduit lines, trying to track down a slight flux variance. He heard the warp core drop down in pitch, from the rapid ThwoomThwoomThwoomThwoomThwoom of warp speed to the slow Thwump... Thwump... Thwump... of sublight drive. He looked over, making sure the crew was doing the regular warp checklist, getting the drive all prepped before shunting power to the drive systems.

He finished his work and replaced the bulkhead cover, going over to one of his displays and punching up the main viewscreen feed, throwing it up on the large, bay-wide display. The display was breathtaking, to say the least. Dylan looked at it for a minute or two before returning to work, prepping all the systems that had to be done sooner rather than later.

Main Engineering

Suzie had just finished some routine maintenance on some of the shuttlecraft and returned to Main Engineering. She looked around and saw Lieutenant Torngate over by the viewscreen. She went over to him.

"I've finished the maintenance on the Type 9's Chief. Anything else on the list?"

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 06:43:18 PM

Time Skip: ~4 Hours

The time passed quickly. The starfields of each galaxy gave way to the next as the Athena smoothly glided by them at warp speeds. Constance retired to her ready room for part of it, reviewing the files of the new officers transferred to her ship. She'd lost several skilled officers to transfers as of late and her ship now boasted a large number of cadets. She'd need to speak with Luke about them. She wanted to ensure they got the training they required while still not impacting the performance of the ship.

When they finally arrived, and Constance returned to the bridge, she was stopped in her tracks half way though taking a seat in the Captain's chair.

The Bildergusten Cluster was a brilliant expanse of space particles and chunks of planetoids that reflected the light from nearby nebula in a spectacularly artistic space-scape. Even Constance was taken a bit aback by it. She didn't expect it to be so... beautiful.

The cluster's center, where the planet that seemed to be the source of the odd readings was located, was a mess of floating chunks of planets and moons held together by a weak gravity well, supplemented by the gravity cause by their own mass. It was a widely spread out cloud that covered several light years and the exact reason for its existence was not fully understood.

"Would you look at that Mr. Scott... that could be a painting." She said offhandedly, almost not present.

"Bring us in slowly. Lock onto that planet and set us in geosynchronous orbit." She ordered as she returned to her senses.

The plant was an M-Class, there was thick vegetation, but the anomalies in the area and frequent surface impacts would make life there impossible for settlers. It was... odd. This eden was a rogue planet- there shouldn't be a way for it to sustain itself.

"Ops. Give me a scan for any signs of communications or lifeforms."


Stafford had rose from the executive officer's chair the instant the Bildergusten Cluster had leaped into view. Like the captain, the XO was moved by its prettiness, but with him it was a bit more open and not so unusual.

But unlike the captain, Stafford was a bit more wizened, wary, and not so excited by these phenomenons. To him, although beautiful, it represented not a challenge to be overcome or something to explore like it did to Lafayette, but a potential hazard.

He found himself moving to his usual place, just behind the captain and to the side, so he could have her ear.

"It's pretty just like a lady wearing her finest dress," Stafford said in a low voice. "But it's just as dangerous and liable to cut your throat."

He cleared his throat. "I've, uh, had shore leave in some interesting places, Captain."

"=/\=Stafford to Science department.=/\=" The commander said after having tapped his commbadge. "=/\=We have arrived at the Cluster. You may begin your analysis when ready.=/\="

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Susan Venator on August 08, 2016, 07:31:19 PM

Main Engineering

Suzie had just finished some routine maintenance on some of the shuttlecraft and returned to Main Engineering. She looked around and saw Lieutenant Torngate over by the viewscreen. She went over to him.

"I've finished the maintenance on the Type 9's Chief. Anything else on the list?"


Dylan turned as one of his engineers... Ensign Venator... approached him. He smiled as she reported the completion of maintenance, pulling out a PADD and checking that job off. "Excellent work, Ensign." he said, smiling.

"How much experience do you have at bridge stations?"

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Susan Venator

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 08, 2016, 07:36:55 PM


Dylan turned as one of his engineers... Ensign Venator... approached him. He smiled as she reported the completion of maintenance, pulling out a PADD and checking that job off. "Excellent work, Ensign." he said, smiling.

"How much experience do you have at bridge stations?"

Main Engineering

Suzie smiled.

"I've had my share. Whether it's just maintenance, fixing a problem or practically rebuilding them, I up to it." She replied.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Susan Venator on August 08, 2016, 07:42:02 PM

Main Engineering

Suzie smiled.

"I've had my share. Whether it's just maintenance, fixing a problem or practically rebuilding them, I up to it." She replied.


Dylan smiled, making up his mind. "Alright then... we need someone up top on the bridge. We're heading into a relatively unknown area and we don't know what we're gonna be encountering as to hull stresses, anomalies, or any other circumstances. Report to Engineering Station One on the Bridge." he said, tapping his PADD a few times.

"We'll be down here if you need us. Dismissed." he said, a friendly smile on his face as he sent her off. He knew she'd do just fine, but it was always good to get different people time in different areas.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 06:43:18 PM

Time Skip: ~4 Hours

The time passed quickly. The starfields of each galaxy gave way to the next as the Athena smoothly glided by them at warp speeds. Constance retired to her ready room for part of it, reviewing the files of the new officers transferred to her ship. She'd lost several skilled officers to transfers as of late and her ship now boasted a large number of cadets. She'd need to speak with Luke about them. She wanted to ensure they got the training they required while still not impacting the performance of the ship.

When they finally arrived, and Constance returned to the bridge, she was stopped in her tracks half way though taking a seat in the Captain's chair.

The Bildergusten Cluster was a brilliant expanse of space particles and chunks of planetoids that reflected the light from nearby nebula in a spectacularly artistic space-scape. Even Constance was taken a bit aback by it. She didn't expect it to be so... beautiful.

The cluster's center, where the planet that seemed to be the source of the odd readings was located, was a mess of floating chunks of planets and moons held together by a weak gravity well, supplemented by the gravity cause by their own mass. It was a widely spread out cloud that covered several light years and the exact reason for its existence was not fully understood.

"Would you look at that Mr. Scott... that could be a painting." She said offhandedly, almost not present.

"Bring us in slowly. Lock onto that planet and set us in geosynchronous orbit." She ordered as she returned to her senses.

The plant was an M-Class, there was thick vegetation, but the anomalies in the area and frequent surface impacts would make life there impossible for settlers. It was... odd. This eden was a rogue planet- there shouldn't be a way for it to sustain itself.

"Ops. Give me a scan for any signs of communications or lifeforms."

"Aye, it is magnificent," Scott replied. "Establishing a geosynchronous orbit now."

The planet did seem quite out of place, but was there and perfect nonetheless. He did find the view breathtaking.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Susan Venator

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 08, 2016, 07:50:39 PM


Dylan smiled, making up his mind. "Alright then... we need someone up top on the bridge. We're heading into a relatively unknown area and we don't know what we're gonna be encountering as to hull stresses, anomalies, or any other circumstances. Report to Engineering Station One on the Bridge." he said, tapping his PADD a few times.

"We'll be down here if you need us. Dismissed." he said, a friendly smile on his face as he sent her off. He knew she'd do just fine, but it was always good to get different people time in different areas.

Main Engineering

Suzie nodded.

"Aye Sir." She replied before heading over to the locker to stow her tools. She then made her way to the turbolift and up to the Bridge.


Suzie stepped out onto the Bridge and took up position at Engineering Station One.

"Engineering station manned and ready Captain." She reported, making sure all the information was coming through.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Constance Lafayette

Constance registered but did not react to Luke's comment about women in pretty dresses. She had her own run in with non-regulation attire recently and she was trying to keep that out of her mind.

She turned her attention back to the planet. The planet was densely vegetated but even just using her eyes she could see an almost rhythmic venting of plumes every few minutes. It was all at once in very short bursts on multiple parts of the continents. The planet was about the side of Earth but had very little surface water- only shallow lakes and rivers. No oceans covered the planet's surface- most of it seemed to stay mobile in the atmosphere or be absorbed by the planets. Very strange indeed.

"What do you make of that?" She asked Luke offhandedly, mostly as a rhetorical question.

When Susan entered Constance shot her an approving look and gave a stiff little nod.

Unbeknownst to Constance there was a subspace communication, impossibly deep, reaching the ship. It was like spoken word or long distance whale song and the ship hardly registered it- but it was there all right.

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 09:07:23 PM

Constance registered but did not react to Luke's comment about women in pretty dresses. She had her own run in with non-regulation attire recently and she was trying to keep that out of her mind.

She turned her attention back to the planet. The planet was densely vegetated but even just using her eyes she could see an almost rhythmic venting of plumes every few minutes. It was all at once in very short bursts on multiple parts of the continents. The planet was about the side of Earth but had very little surface water- only shallow lakes and rivers. No oceans covered the planet's surface- most of it seemed to stay mobile in the atmosphere or be absorbed by the planets. Very strange indeed.

"What do you make of that?" She asked Luke offhandedly, mostly as a rhetorical question.


"I think it's the grouping of so many phenomena that's throwing us," Stafford said. "Micro-volcanoes, probably, the unusual denseness of the flora, and the stellar characteristics of the system itself. It'd be like seeing a patient with albinism, total alopecia, and two extra, completely formed ring fingers. In and of themselves it's not wholly unusual, but all at once? That's one for the books."

He didn't mean to dismiss the captain's concerns, but rather to reassure her.

"The galaxy is a big place." The commander finished lamely, smiling a little sheepishly. "This kind of planet and system was bound to happen eventually. I am just glad we are the first here to see it."

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