Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Rachel Deacon


Like every tactical officer, Rachel had to take her turn on the bridge even thought she would much rather have been down in the tactical office, training either with Stark or toward her speciality.  However, one didn't always have the luxury of choice.  As it was, she probably needed more time on the bridge consoles anyway to work the skills necessary there.

Although she could see the console, she still found it easier to engage the tactile interface rather than force herself to focus on the words written on the screens.  It generally made for a strange sight, since it meant that she rarely looked at the console, but kept her hands in constant contact with the screen, evaluating the shifts and changes as she monitored the ship's status.

As they approached their destination, Rachel turned her attention briefly to the viewscreen, taking in the sight that, according to the first officer, was a beautiful sight.  She'd have to take his word for it.  Dismissing the thought, she returned her focus to the ship's status.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Joran Torel


Joran was working at his workstation, monitoring the powerflow in the warp core, which was working precisely as expected. It was a delight to see his child actually working. Well it of course wasn't only his child, he was just a part of one of many teams working on it, but still, there was a part of him in this piece of engineering and he was quite proud of it. Only he was not exactly sure what to do now. The chief was expecting trouble, so he had to stay alert, but in the meantime...

James Carter

[CSO's Office]

James sat quietly. He had grown to hate his office. It was him feel like he wasn't doing enough. After a few brief moments the man stood up and headed to the shuttlebay.


"How's everything going Mr. Johnson?" James asked walking over to the probe.

"Ready to launch on your word sir." Johnson responded.

"Wonderful. Good work mate." James said tapping his comm badge. =/\= Ms. Deacon, how goes it on the bridge? =/\=

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: James Carter on August 08, 2016, 10:14:49 PM

=/\= Ms. Deacon, how goes it on the bridge? =/\=


The message from her department head came as no surprise to the young woman.  All through her Academy years, she had had to deal with her professors constantly checking up on her to make sure that she was ok and hadn't hurt herself.  Whether that was out of concern for her wellbeing or concern for what her father would do should he find out she had been hurt under their watch, she wasn't sure, but in any case, it had been an irritance.

Since she had no evidence that the call was one of that nature, she quickly put a lid on her simmering resentment toward her family and chose to regard it as simply a superior officer asking for a sitrep which, in any case, it most likely was.

=^= "Deacon to Carter:  It's currently quiet on the bridge.  Deflector shields are engaged, but there is no current need for defensive shielding.  Is there any further information you need?" =^=

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 08, 2016, 07:10:16 PM


There had been a flurry of physicals while they were on their way to the destination and both Lizzie and Paige had not had chance to catch up. So now that they had breathing room, Lizzie decided to leave the nurses to handle the regular work.

"While we have some time Paige, how about we both take the weight off our legs?" She asked, indicating her office.

CMO's Office

Paige smiled and followed Lizzie into the office.  Waiting until the door was closed she then gave her friend a hug.

"It's been a while but I was so happy when I found out I'd be serving with you again! So ... what's news?!"

Constance Lafayette

"If you apply Bayes' Theorem to the chances of all these phenomenons occurring in one place, it'd have to be in the 5th or 6th standard deviations... maybe even beyond that. While I accept that the universe is a big place Commander, I'll submit myself for psychiatric evaluation if these phenomenons are not directly correlated..."

What Constance was saying, in her normal overly analytic fashion, was that the chance of all these thing occurring at once was extremely small and she'd sooner consider herself crazy if they weren't related.

The sensors on the navigation readout in front of Leonard started saying rather weird things. They were beeping and sending back loads of feedback to the helmsman. The planet, which normally should have had a predictable course though space, was... slowing? Rogue planets couldn't put on thrusters to "stop", but... this one seemed to be.

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

James Carter

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 08, 2016, 10:30:21 PM


The message from her department head came as no surprise to the young woman.  All through her Academy years, she had had to deal with her professors constantly checking up on her to make sure that she was ok and hadn't hurt herself.  Whether that was out of concern for her wellbeing or concern for what her father would do should he find out she had been hurt under their watch, she wasn't sure, but in any case, it had been an irritance.

Since she had no evidence that the call was one of that nature, she quickly put a lid on her simmering resentment toward her family and chose to regard it as simply a superior officer asking for a sitrep which, in any case, it most likely was.

=^= "Deacon to Carter:  It's currently quiet on the bridge.  Deflector shields are engaged, but there is no current need for defensive shielding.  Is there any further information you need?" =^=


James offered a small and quiet nod. =/\= That's all I needed. Please let the captain know that probe is ready to launch on her mark and keep me informed. Carter out. =/\=

"Keep up the good work Johnson." James said leaving the room.


James entered quietly waiting for someone to come and address him.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 08, 2016, 10:48:32 PM

CMO's Office

Paige smiled and followed Lizzie into the office.  Waiting until the door was closed she then gave her friend a hug.

"It's been a while but I was so happy when I found out I'd be serving with you again! So ... what's news?!"

CMO's Office

Lizzie sat down in her chair with a sigh.

"Same old, Same old. Well for the most part at least. After the disaster on the Chin'toka I was eventually cleared of all charges and was appointed CMO of the Discovery. I was there for a while before being transferred here. How about you? Last I heard you had to go to Earth to take care of a Aunt. How did that go, if you don't mind me asking?"

Before Paige could reply Lizzie heard the doors open again.

Quote from: James Carter on August 08, 2016, 11:06:48 PM


James entered quietly waiting for someone to come and address him.

She looked out and saw Lieutenant Carter. She went up to him.

"Yes Lieutenant, what can I do for you?" She asked.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 08, 2016, 11:32:51 PM

CMO's Office

Lizzie sat down in her chair with a sigh.

"Same old, Same old. Well for the most part at least. After the disaster on the Chin'toka I was eventually cleared of all charges and was appointed CMO of the Discovery. I was there for a while before being transferred here. How about you? Last I heard you had to go to Earth to take care of a Aunt. How did that go, if you don't mind me asking?"

Before Paige could reply Lizzie heard the doors open again.

She looked out and saw Lieutenant Carter. She went up to him.

"Yes Lieutenant, what can I do for you?" She asked.

CMO's office

Paige opened her mouth to reply when the Lieutenant showed up.

"Never a dull moment in medical...no rest for the wicked!" she chuckled following her boss out.  She unobtrusively got on with preparing hypos and recharging the tricorders which had been used.

James Carter

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 08, 2016, 11:32:51 PM

CMO's Office

Lizzie sat down in her chair with a sigh.

"Same old, Same old. Well for the most part at least. After the disaster on the Chin'toka I was eventually cleared of all charges and was appointed CMO of the Discovery. I was there for a while before being transferred here. How about you? Last I heard you had to go to Earth to take care of a Aunt. How did that go, if you don't mind me asking?"

Before Paige could reply Lizzie heard the doors open again.

She looked out and saw Lieutenant Carter. She went up to him.

"Yes Lieutenant, what can I do for you?" She asked.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 09, 2016, 12:50:26 AM

CMO's office

Paige opened her mouth to reply when the Lieutenant showed up.

"Never a dull moment in medical...no rest for the wicked!" she chuckled following her boss out.  She unobtrusively got on with preparing hypos and recharging the tricorders which had been used.


James offered a warm and friendly smile as he saw the two women. "Ah. I do hope I'm not interrupting anything. I actually just came to welcome both of you aboard. I figured since I had a few moments to spare I'd actually come down to greet you both in person." He said happily.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 11:06:13 PM

"If you apply Bayes' Theorem to the chances of all these phenomenons occurring in one place, it'd have to be in the 5th or 6th standard deviations... maybe even beyond that. While I accept that the universe is a big place Commander, I'll submit myself for psychiatric evaluation if these phenomenons are not directly correlated..."

What Constance was saying, in her normal overly analytic fashion, was that the chance of all these thing occurring at once was extremely small and she'd sooner consider herself crazy if they weren't related.

The sensors on the navigation readout in front of Leonard started saying rather weird things. They were beeping and sending back loads of feedback to the helmsman. The planet, which normally should have had a predictable course though space, was... slowing? Rogue planets couldn't put on thrusters to "stop", but... this one seemed to be.

The beeping of the console brought Leonard's attention back to his station. He had never encountered such a thing. He quickly adjusted course to make sure they didn't start wandering away from the planet, or worse, falling into the atmosphere.

"It may be a wee bumpy, but nothing too bad," he said to the captain. "It may take a little bit of time to predict a pattern, but you can bet your pips I'll have us sailing smooth in no time."

He didn't want to sound too cocky, but also wanted to convey expertise.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: James Carter on August 09, 2016, 03:44:24 AM


James offered a warm and friendly smile as he saw the two women. "Ah. I do hope I'm not interrupting anything. I actually just came to welcome both of you aboard. I figured since I had a few moments to spare I'd actually come down to greet you both in person." He said happily.


"Awww how sweet is that?!" Paige said warmly.  "We don't get too many social calls Lieutenant...?  I'm sorry I don't know your name yet, I'm Ensign Wardropper, Paige Wardropper, and this lovely redhead is my boss, colleague and I'm honoured to call her my friend too, Dr. Elizabeth Vaughan.  Will you take a drink?" she said indicating the replicator.

"Lizzie and I were just catching up, we've served together before but I spent some time on Earth looking after my late Aunt..."

'...and that answers you Lizzie about how that went!' Paige thought to herself.

It wasn't meant nastily at all.  She'd gone to look after Aunt Agatha, her Dad's sister who was dying and none of the rest of the family seemed to care.

Needing a break from the Fleet and to get Akemat out of her head for good, Paige had taken the opportunity she'd always wanted to both visit her Aunt...who was also her godmother, and visit Earth.  While she hadn't done it for any reason other than family duty, her Aunt had left her entire fortune such as it was to Paige, so she really didn't need to work but being a doctor, and the only 'family' that cared to acknowledge her being people like Lizzie she'd rejoined the Fleet.

When she got Lizzie off duty, as much as a CMO ever was off-duty, she'd give her the part of her Aunt's legacy that she'd specially saved for Lizzie.  Leather bound and beautifully tooled first edition copies of the works of Shakespeare, Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle.  The complete works of each author.  Paige liked to read such things but she knew the joy that they would bring her friend, oh and the other part... access and open invite to her library filled with thousands of such volumes back home in Northumberland, England. Her aunt had left her the house too, complete with the library!

Turning back to Lt. Carter she joked "I hope your medical is up to date!"

Levinia Black

Quote from: Luke Stafford on August 08, 2016, 07:32:33 PM


"=/\=Stafford to Science department.=/\=" The commander said after having tapped his commbadge. "=/\=We have arrived at the Cluster. You may begin your analysis when ready.=/\="

Science Department

Levinia stood up at the call of the commander and responded promptly.

=^= Aye, Commander, I'm on it. =^=

"Dr. Freeman and Dr. K'Tall."  She motioned to the scientist in charge of astronomical bodies and physics.  "Start your scans from here, I'm going up to the bridge to work directly with the Bridge Crew."  She nodded and motioned for a cadet that was standing nearby.

"You, Cadet Renston?"  She hoped she had gotten his name correct.  Levinia had a very good memory but sometimes things slipped by, especially now.  "You're coming with me, cadet."


Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 08, 2016, 11:06:13 PM

"If you apply Bayes' Theorem to the chances of all these phenomenons occurring in one place, it'd have to be in the 5th or 6th standard deviations... maybe even beyond that. While I accept that the universe is a big place Commander, I'll submit myself for psychiatric evaluation if these phenomenons are not directly correlated..."

What Constance was saying, in her normal overly analytic fashion, was that the chance of all these thing occurring at once was extremely small and she'd sooner consider herself crazy if they weren't related.

The sensors on the navigation readout in front of Leonard started saying rather weird things. They were beeping and sending back loads of feedback to the helmsman. The planet, which normally should have had a predictable course though space, was... slowing? Rogue planets couldn't put on thrusters to "stop", but... this one seemed to be.

Levinia walked in when the captain was speaking.  She nodded at the assessment and quickly got to the science station where she logged in and quickly reviewed the information.
Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 09, 2016, 07:18:42 AM

The beeping of the console brought Leonard's attention back to his station. He had never encountered such a thing. He quickly adjusted course to make sure they didn't start wandering away from the planet, or worse, falling into the atmosphere.

"It may be a wee bumpy, but nothing too bad," he said to the captain. "It may take a little bit of time to predict a pattern, but you can bet your pips I'll have us sailing smooth in no time."

He didn't want to sound too cocky, but also wanted to convey expertise.

"Captain."  Levinia chimed in, "I wouldn't get too close...it's not acting properly."  She licked her lips in thought, "Perhaps sending some probes would be best for now.  It's actually slowing down and I don't mean in the regular millions of years way either.  Technically speaking it's jerking, as much as a thing that big can jerk."

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

James Carter

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 09, 2016, 01:51:07 PM


"Awww how sweet is that?!" Paige said warmly.  "We don't get too many social calls Lieutenant...?  I'm sorry I don't know your name yet, I'm Ensign Wardropper, Paige Wardropper, and this lovely redhead is my boss, colleague and I'm honoured to call her my friend too, Dr. Elizabeth Vaughan.  Will you take a drink?" she said indicating the replicator.

"Lizzie and I were just catching up, we've served together before but I spent some time on Earth looking after my late Aunt..."

'...and that answers you Lizzie about how that went!' Paige thought to herself.

It wasn't meant nastily at all.  She'd gone to look after Aunt Agatha, her Dad's sister who was dying and none of the rest of the family seemed to care.

Needing a break from the Fleet and to get Akemat out of her head for good, Paige had taken the opportunity she'd always wanted to both visit her Aunt...who was also her godmother, and visit Earth.  While she hadn't done it for any reason other than family duty, her Aunt had left her entire fortune such as it was to Paige, so she really didn't need to work but being a doctor, and the only 'family' that cared to acknowledge her being people like Lizzie she'd rejoined the Fleet.

When she got Lizzie off duty, as much as a CMO ever was off-duty, she'd give her the part of her Aunt's legacy that she'd specially saved for Lizzie.  Leather bound and beautifully tooled first edition copies of the works of Shakespeare, Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle.  The complete works of each author.  Paige liked to read such things but she knew the joy that they would bring her friend, oh and the other part... access and open invite to her library filled with thousands of such volumes back home in Northumberland, England. Her aunt had left her the house too, complete with the library!

Turning back to Lt. Carter she joked "I hope your medical is up to date!"


James offered another warm smile before he finally spoke up again. "I'm James Carter, it's a pleasure to meet you both." He replied in a soft and kind tone. "My medical history might be up to date. I don't get a lot of free time to come round so...it is entirely possible I'm wrong." He added in a joking tone with a small smirk.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Joran Torel on August 08, 2016, 09:48:56 PM


Joran was working at his workstation, monitoring the powerflow in the warp core, which was working precisely as expected. It was a delight to see his child actually working. Well it of course wasn't only his child, he was just a part of one of many teams working on it, but still, there was a part of him in this piece of engineering and he was quite proud of it. Only he was not exactly sure what to do now. The chief was expecting trouble, so he had to stay alert, but in the meantime...


Dylan looked around the bay. Most of the crew was at their duty stations, and others were keeping themselves similarly occupied. He walked over to Crewman Torel, who he had done some research on. He knew the man had been on the Intrepid Class Design Project subset of the Advanced Starship Design Bureau. He also knew that he had worked on the warp propulsion team, and so likely knew a lot about these engines forward and back. Mulchano was a warp propulsion specialist, he knew, so he thought those two might have things in common to talk about. Regardless, the man looked occupied admiring the engines.

Dylan smiled at that, knowing the pride it must bring the man to see his creation at work. He also smirked a little at how things had changed from the original design, especially a mid-range phase adjuster, which re calibrated some of the engine power transfer stats and gave it a slight boost, a technology which so many Engineers used but no designers ever did, as it was passed by word of mouth and there were no scientific results on it- only practical ones.

Content with this knowledge, Dylan began a lap of Engineering, checking in with different stations and helping out where he was needed, proud of his department for finally almost recovering from the attack two missions ago.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

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