Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Christopher McIntyre

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 10, 2016, 11:52:43 PM


Paige barely had time to nod to Lizzie when she exited.  But she knew that the CMO trusted her to look after things.  For all she was only an Ensign, that was merely her Starfleet rank, she was a fully trained doctor in her own right and Lizzie knew this.

"Feeling better now Mr McIntyre?" she asked of Chris, "You're free to go if you like but take it steady!"

She turned to Carter and said "I do apologise, it's either like a crypt or a Ferengi market where they've just announced free gold-pressed Latinum free for all!" she said with a wink.  "Ah you've got a drink, sorry I had to rush off."


Chris hadn't realized he had Paige talking to him until she finished talking. "I am feeling better, thank you". He gave a groggy nod as he stood up slowly "I guess I better head up to my duty post now." He slowly made his way from the Biobed to the door, stopping just short of leaving. "Thanks again doc." He said with the faintest hint of a smile as he left.

Chris arrived and silently made his way to the Ops Station where he resumed the duty the Ensign was doing. He noticed a cipher had been inputted along with other parameters for an unknown message. He was unsure what was going on but he wasn't sure he really cared to know either. He'd rather just do what he's told. Less likely to get noticed that way.

James Carter

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 10, 2016, 06:44:39 PM


Lizzie turned to Carter and lowered her voice.

"She usually drinks coffee too, though not as strong as mine. Though if you know of any food Betazoid drinks, she'll probably like that." She replied, smiling at him for being so thoughtful.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 10, 2016, 09:46:46 PM


Lizzie had just taken her cup when the call from the Captain came through. She immediately tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to the Bridge. On my way. Out.=/\= She turned to the others.

"Duty calls. Paige, please can you look after things down here." She said with a nod.

Getting up she took a medical kit from the shelf and exited Sickbay. She then made her way to the turbolift and took it to the Bridge.


Lizzie stepped out of the turbolift onto the Bridge. She saw the Captain standing over by the viewscreen and made her way over to her.

"You called for a consult Captain" She enquired.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 10, 2016, 11:52:43 PM


Paige barely had time to nod to Lizzie when she exited.  But she knew that the CMO trusted her to look after things.  For all she was only an Ensign, that was merely her Starfleet rank, she was a fully trained doctor in her own right and Lizzie knew this.

"Feeling better now Mr McIntyre?" she asked of Chris, "You're free to go if you like but take it steady!"

She turned to Carter and said "I do apologise, it's either like a crypt or a Ferengi market where they've just announced free gold-pressed Latinum free for all!" she said with a wink.  "Ah you've got a drink, sorry I had to rush off."


James offered a warm smile and an inaudible airy laugh. "You don't ever need to apologize to me love." James quickly replied in a friendly tone. After a brief moment James extended the hand he had been holding the woman's drink in. "Duty always seems to come at the most inconvenient times huh? It's like people wait until you're about to relax and boom....THAT'S when it happens."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Levinia Black

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 10, 2016, 11:59:52 PM


Lizzie listened in amazement at the Captain's words.

"A sentient planet!" She breathed, her brain working overtime. She turned to the science station and saw that Levinia was manning it.

"What sort of readings are we getting?" She asked Vinny, needing more information.


"A sentient planet?"  Levinia echoed Lizzie's amazement.  She looked at Lizzie, "All our readings are for planets."  The CSO turned to Cadet Rennston, "Run bio scans, wide, start at the top pole and work your way down."  She returned to Lizzie and the captain, "The bio scans will work similar to what a biobed does for a patient, but I do suggest some probes, Captain; and perhaps some samples."   She grinned, "How I would love to get my hands on that thing, I just hope its not hostile."   

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 10, 2016, 09:07:12 PM


"Mr. Stafford. I believe we can delay the need for a yellow alert. I believe this has just become a medical mission."


"Understood, captain." The commander said with a calm he didn't quite feel.

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 10, 2016, 09:52:35 PM


Constance turned to address the Doctor on the bridge.

"I will keep matters brief. It seems that what we have before us is a living planet, sentient and able to communicate with us. It has, just now, requested medical aid. I will admit that I am somewhat at a loss as to how to continue."

Constance, though clearly out of her depth, still projected the same clam as normal. There was even a hint of excitement at the unknown snuck in there somewhere.

Stafford heard the murmurs from the rest of the crew, and the tiniest note of glee in Lafayette's voice when she theorized about the planet being sentient. It took all of his Starfleet training and personal discipline not to sigh. I am in the hands of a madwoman.

The medical and science departments were already tripping over one another to analyze the planet, but Lieutenant Black was at least cautious, even if she had said so jokingly.

"Tactical," Stafford said, an edge in his voice brought about by the potential danger of this situation and everyone else's obliviousness to it. "At the first sign of trouble let's raise that yellow alert, if not more. If this planet is sentient and its hostile I want to be prepared."

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Christopher McIntyre on August 11, 2016, 01:52:05 AM


Chris hadn't realized he had Paige talking to him until she finished talking. "I am feeling better, thank you". He gave a groggy nod as he stood up slowly "I guess I better head up to my duty post now." He slowly made his way from the Biobed to the door, stopping just short of leaving. "Thanks again doc." He said with the faintest hint of a smile as he left.


Paige smiled kindly at Chris and nodded "Anytime Mr. McIntyre, that's what we're here for!"

Quote from: James Carter on August 11, 2016, 03:28:05 AM


James offered a warm smile and an inaudible airy laugh. "You don't ever need to apologize to me love." James quickly replied in a friendly tone. After a brief moment James extended the hand he had been holding the woman's drink in. "Duty always seems to come at the most inconvenient times huh? It's like people wait until you're about to relax and boom....THAT'S when it happens."

"You got that right!" Paige laughed, accepting the drink gratefully.  "Ah...coffee! Thanks.  So forgive me, I've barely arrived, are you Sec/Tact, Ops or Engineering?"

Constance Lafayette


"My thoughts indeed Doctor Vaughan." She said when she noticed Lizzie's reaction.

Constance nodded when Luke gave the command to raise the yellow alert. It was a good call. Luke was much more the pessimist than she was. It was good to have an XO that balanced you out.

The planet's biology had all the same major organs (albeit in a different arrangement) as a typical humanoid. It had veins and blood. Everything you'd expect except bones (which seemed to have been replaced with the layers of the planetary crust) in an oddly balled up configuration. Near the core there seemed to be a distributed network of something akin to brain tissue. The vents they'd seen on the surface seemed to be it's breathing and the plants it's waste gases/oxygen exchange.

Again came the voice, buffeting the ship like a hailstorm of low resonance sonic energy. It wasn't dangerous or damaging by any means but it was omnipresent and would have caused a smaller ship more trouble.

Phrase 1: [Greeting Noise / Salutation / Goodbye] [small fish / boat]
Phrase 2: [Self-identifying personal designation] [Request for aid / intent to injure / threat]
Phrase 3: [Heart] [Stopped / Clogged] [Remove / Replace]
Phrase 4: [Query] [Request for aid / intent to injure / threat]
Phrase 5: [Greeting Noise / Salutation / Goodbye] [small fish / boat]

"Mr. McIntyre. Could you please assist your ensign on the cypher? There should be some language close in the database that we can use to allow the computer to give us a better translation."

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Luke Stafford on August 11, 2016, 02:32:58 PM


"Understood, captain." The commander said with a calm he didn't quite feel.

Stafford heard the murmurs from the rest of the crew, and the tiniest note of glee in Lafayette's voice when she theorized about the planet being sentient. It took all of his Starfleet training and personal discipline not to sigh. I am in the hands of a madwoman.

The medical and science departments were already tripping over one another to analyze the planet, but Lieutenant Black was at least cautious, even if she had said so jokingly.

"Tactical," Stafford said, an edge in his voice brought about by the potential danger of this situation and everyone else's obliviousness to it. "At the first sign of trouble let's raise that yellow alert, if not more. If this planet is sentient and its hostile I want to be prepared."


Lizzie's head shot up at the mention of hostility.

"Have there been any actions apart from the message Commander?" She queried. "Because I'm reluctant to assume hostility until we have some evidence of it." She turned back to the science station and looked at the readings that were coming in. She gasped in amazement.

"I don't believe it." She said in shock, recognising what she saw but not really believing it. She looked up at the viewscreen then at the Captain. "Captain there is evidence of a network of what appear to be electrolytic strands that connect he majority if not all of the flora and fauna of the planet. The way it's arranged, it looks like a primitive brain."  She stared at the display not really believing her own eyes.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Susan Venator

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 11, 2016, 07:23:55 PM


Lizzie's head shot up at the mention of hostility.

"Have there been any actions apart from the message Commander?" She queried. "Because I'm reluctant to assume hostility until we have some evidence of it." She turned back to the science station and looked at the readings that were coming in. She gasped in amazement.

"I don't believe it." She said in shock, recognising what she saw but not really believing it. She looked up at the viewscreen then at the Captain. "Captain there is evidence of a network of what appear to be electrolytic strands that connect he majority if not all of the flora and fauna of the planet. The way it's arranged, it looks like a primitive brain."  She stared at the display not really believing her own eyes.


Suzie had been sitting quietly at the engineering station as nothing that was going on had anything to do with her. She did gasp in shock when the doctor mentioned a primitive brain. This caused her to wonder if this planet had emotions and not just primitive responses. Without thinking too much or really considering the risks, she started to open up her mind. What she felt made her head hurt. Pain, if there was one way to describe it, it would be pain and a great deal of it.

"Captain." She called out in a slightly weak voice. "I don't feel any hostility but whatever this creature is, it is in a great deal of pain. I've never felt so much pain come from one creature before. We need to help it Captain, we can't allow it to continue to suffer." She finished, trying to get her mental barriers back up and only just managing it.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Susan Venator on August 11, 2016, 07:33:21 PM


Suzie had been sitting quietly at the engineering station as nothing that was going on had anything to do with her. She did gasp in shock when the doctor mentioned a primitive brain. This caused her to wonder if this planet had emotions and not just primitive responses. Without thinking too much or really considering the risks, she started to open up her mind. What she felt made her head hurt. Pain, if there was one way to describe it, it would be pain and a great deal of it.

"Captain." She called out in a slightly weak voice. "I don't feel any hostility but whatever this creature is, it is in a great deal of pain. I've never felt so much pain come from one creature before. We need to help it Captain, we can't allow it to continue to suffer." She finished, trying to get her mental barriers back up and only just managing it.


Lizzie saw the pain on the Ensign's face. "Of course. She thought to herself. She's a Betazoid, she probably struggling to keep herself from passing out. She ran over to her.

"Are you alright Ensign?" She queried as she pulled out her tricorder and passed the probe over the young woman. "Hmm, elevated neuro-transmitter levels. Not a good sign. She heeded assistance. She tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Wardropper. Please report to the Bridge, we have a compatriot of yours who is in need of care.=/\=

She turned back to the Captain.

"She'll be alright as long as she has managed to keep the emotions out. If not, then I may have to resort to a neuro-suppressant. Something I don't want to have to do."

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

James Carter

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 11, 2016, 05:16:12 PM


Paige smiled kindly at Chris and nodded "Anytime Mr. McIntyre, that's what we're here for!"

"You got that right!" Paige laughed, accepting the drink gratefully.  "Ah...coffee! Thanks.  So forgive me, I've barely arrived, are you Sec/Tact, Ops or Engineering?"


James offered a small smile pausing a moment before speaking. "You've got to stop apologizing to me." He offered a small friendly laugh before continuing. "I'm the chief of Sec-." Right as he went to finish the sentence they were interrupted.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 11, 2016, 07:40:09 PM


Lizzie saw the pain on the Ensign's face. "Of course. She thought to herself. She's a Betazoid, she probably struggling to keep herself from passing out. She ran over to her.

"Are you alright Ensign?" She queried as she pulled out her tricorder and passed the probe over the young woman. "Hmm, elevated neuro-transmitter levels. Not a good sign. She heeded assistance. She tapped her com-badge.

=/\=Vaughan to Wardropper. Please report to the Bridge, we have a compatriot of yours who is in need of care.=/\=

She turned back to the Captain.

"She'll be alright as long as she has managed to keep the emotions out. If not, then I may have to resort to a neuro-suppressant. Something I don't want to have to do."

"You know what they say, 'no rest for the wicked.'" He said with a small laugh. "C'mon. I'll walk you to the bridge. I'd like to get a check of what is going on up there myself. I take a minute off and they always seem to find themselves in trouble." The officer joked motioning to the exit.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Luke Stafford on August 11, 2016, 02:32:58 PM

"Understood, captain." The commander said with a calm he didn't quite feel.

Stafford heard the murmurs from the rest of the crew, and the tiniest note of glee in Lafayette's voice when she theorized about the planet being sentient. It took all of his Starfleet training and personal discipline not to sigh. I am in the hands of a madwoman.

The medical and science departments were already tripping over one another to analyze the planet, but Lieutenant Black was at least cautious, even if she had said so jokingly.

"Tactical," Stafford said, an edge in his voice brought about by the potential danger of this situation and everyone else's obliviousness to it. "At the first sign of trouble let's raise that yellow alert, if not more. If this planet is sentient and its hostile I want to be prepared."


Rachel was uneasy at the prospect any further investigation of this planet.  Even through the viewscreen, her VISOR was giving her very odd readings that she didn't know how to interpret and which came close to overwhelming her inputs.  As it was, she had a major headache brewing because of it.  Had they not been in such a tense situation, she might have considered taking the device off altogether and relying on the tactile interface as she had trained herself to do, but she didn't yet know her commanding officers well enough to predict how they would react to that.

"Acknowledged, Commander," she replied to the orders, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to focus through the confusing images and watch out, through her fingers on the console and what she could make out through the VISOR, for any signs that could indicate that the ship was in danger.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 11, 2016, 07:40:09 PM

=/\=Vaughan to Wardropper. Please report to the Bridge, we have a compatriot of yours who is in need of care.=/\=

Quote from: James Carter on August 11, 2016, 08:12:48 PM


James offered a small smile pausing a moment before speaking. "You've got to stop apologizing to me." He offered a small friendly laugh before continuing. "I'm the chief of Sec-." Right as he went to finish the sentence they were interrupted.

"You know what they say, 'no rest for the wicked.'" He said with a small laugh. "C'mon. I'll walk you to the bridge. I'd like to get a check of what is going on up there myself. I take a minute off and they always seem to find themselves in trouble." The officer joked motioning to the exit.


"You got that one right Mr. Carter.  I'll pick up my horns and pitchfork en route!" Paige joked trying to keep the tone light.

The CMO had indicated 'compatriot' she assumed by that, that Lizzie meant a Betazoid.  She was slightly puzzled in one way, knowing that her boss knew the incident with Ashley Weir where she'd had to pull out of the situation due to to much emotion, that the doctor would put her in another similar position.  However, on the other hand it was a compliment to how much she'd grown that she thought Paige could handle the situation, plus having someone else there that understood might help...or it could just be like being trapped in mirrors.

"Lead on McDuff!" she said to Carter following him to the Bridge.  Hitting her commbadge she said =/\=On my way, Wardropper out =/\=, she'd be up there in the next few minutes anyhow, it wouldn't need more said.


It didn't take a genius to work out, nor did it need any of her Betazoid abilities to suss out which crewmember was suffering.

Nodding to the Captain who had been so kind to her earlier, she went straight past Lizzie just giving her a puzzled look as if to say 'You sent for a Betazoid to treat a Betazoid?! You've had some crazy but brilliant ideas before, let's try this one out!' and went straight to the Engineering Ensign who was evidently only just holding it together.

"Ensign, I'm Ensign Paige Wardropper, and for all my name is terran, I'm half-Betazoid, and, I feel your pain. I'm not sure I can help that much but...OUCH!"

She too got a blast from the planet at that moment.  Thankfully her time on Earth looking after and the ultimate death of her Aunt Agatha had left her able to handle the emotions of others rather better than her personal emotions now, she was stronger.  Even so, she could see why her fellow Betazoid was at the edge of her well of resources.

"Tell me how I can help if I can." Turning to Lizzie she said "I don't know how much longer she can hold on to be honest, I know she might not feel any better in sickbay or her quarters but to be honest she's not going to be able to perform her duty much longer, no offense Ensign," she said turning back to the Betazoid, "...but you can't argue with that one you're in agony here."

Trying to absorb as much of the planets anguish for herself rather than her compatriot, not that it seemed to be working, she said through gritted teeth.  "Not much easier for me but I'm stronger since my time on Earth, explain later.  I'm not going to do what I did when I was last in this situation Dr. Vaughan!" she remembered she was on the Bridge and her boss commanded respect as well as it being Bridge etiquette.  Calling her 'Lizzie' in the Sickbay was one thing, but she knew who was boss.

"Incidentally, has anyone tried erm... I know it sounds weird... but talking to the planet if it is a planet we're talking about here?!"

It sounded far-fetched even to Paige who had seen and done many things.  "Someone fill me in?!  Easy, easy..." she said to the gold-shirted Ensign as she felt another wave go through them both.

"Take your mind off it, you know I'm Paige and for ease at the moment let's go with that rather than the mouthful my surname is... What's your name?!"

Susan Venator

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 11, 2016, 10:22:58 PM


"You got that one right Mr. Carter.  I'll pick up my horns and pitchfork en route!" Paige joked trying to keep the tone light.

The CMO had indicated 'compatriot' she assumed by that, that Lizzie meant a Betazoid.  She was slightly puzzled in one way, knowing that her boss knew the incident with Ashley Weir where she'd had to pull out of the situation due to to much emotion, that the doctor would put her in another similar position.  However, on the other hand it was a compliment to how much she'd grown that she thought Paige could handle the situation, plus having someone else there that understood might help...or it could just be like being trapped in mirrors.

"Lead on McDuff!" she said to Carter following him to the Bridge.  Hitting her commbadge she said =/\=On my way, Wardropper out =/\=, she'd be up there in the next few minutes anyhow, it wouldn't need more said.


It didn't take a genius to work out, nor did it need any of her Betazoid abilities to suss out which crewmember was suffering.

Nodding to the Captain who had been so kind to her earlier, she went straight past Lizzie just giving her a puzzled look as if to say 'You sent for a Betazoid to treat a Betazoid?! You've had some crazy but brilliant ideas before, let's try this one out!' and went straight to the Engineering Ensign who was evidently only just holding it together.

"Ensign, I'm Ensign Paige Wardropper, and for all my name is terran, I'm half-Betazoid, and, I feel your pain. I'm not sure I can help that much but...OUCH!"

She too got a blast from the planet at that moment.  Thankfully her time on Earth looking after and the ultimate death of her Aunt Agatha had left her able to handle the emotions of others rather better than her personal emotions now, she was stronger.  Even so, she could see why her fellow Betazoid was at the edge of her well of resources.

"Tell me how I can help if I can." Turning to Lizzie she said "I don't know how much longer she can hold on to be honest, I know she might not feel any better in sickbay or her quarters but to be honest she's not going to be able to perform her duty much longer, no offense Ensign," she said turning back to the Betazoid, "...but you can't argue with that one you're in agony here."

Trying to absorb as much of the planets anguish for herself rather than her compatriot, not that it seemed to be working, she said through gritted teeth.  "Not much easier for me but I'm stronger since my time on Earth, explain later.  I'm not going to do what I did when I was last in this situation Dr. Vaughan!" she remembered she was on the Bridge and her boss commanded respect as well as it being Bridge etiquette.  Calling her 'Lizzie' in the Sickbay was one thing, but she knew who was boss.

"Incidentally, has anyone tried erm... I know it sounds weird... but talking to the planet if it is a planet we're talking about here?!"

It sounded far-fetched even to Paige who had seen and done many things.  "Someone fill me in?!  Easy, easy..." she said to the gold-shirted Ensign as she felt another wave go through them both.

"Take your mind off it, you know I'm Paige and for ease at the moment let's go with that rather than the mouthful my surname is... What's your name?!"


Suzie barely noticed what was going on as she was concentrating too hard on keeping the powerful but primitive emotions out. Soon however a familiar feeling, on top of the others came over her. It was the same feeling she got whenever she met another Betazoid. She focused her attention on what this person was saying.

"My....my name is Suzie. That is Ensign Susan Venator." She managed to get out.

Species: Betazoid
Bio: Susan Venator Bio Alt of Lizzie Vaughan

Ashlynn Ren Morgaine

[Mess Hall]

For the second time that day, Ashlynn found herself sitting at a table with too much time on her hands. Dishes done, tables cleaned, everything's ready for the next meal, inventory logs up to date...Either I have become far more efficient at my job, or the mess hall is akin to a ghost town today. She mulled this over as she looked at the practically empty room, laughing to herself. Definitely the latter... I could actually read a bit of my book if I want.

Yet, despite this opportunity, Ash found herself thinking back to the commander's visit earlier. It had been a very pleasant change to sit and chat with another member of the crew. She hadn't been on the Athena that long, and what little time she had spent had been absorbed in quickly adjusting to her new position. Combine that with the recent crew reassignments, and it was painfully obvious that she had very few friends she could speak of. Perhaps now's the time to change that... But where to start?. After a moment in thought, she decided to try sickbay. Since we're early into this mission, it'll probably be just as empty there, and they might appreciate the conversation as much as I would... Plus, I could probably use some more burn salve.


Ash cautiously stepped into the ward, feeling slightly awkward and out of place. But, after a quick glance around, it became obvious that the new transfers she had heard about were not in. She thought about looking around a bit longer in hopes someone might show up, but quickly decided against it after imagining the awkward situation that might create. Maybe I should walk around for a bit. I haven't exactly explored that much of the ship... Or perhaps I could stop by the bridge and see where we're headed... I could see if anyone up there wants me to bring them something. It seems like they don't get much time to venture down to the mess hall for themselves. If all goes well, I'll meet some new faces - and at the very least that'll give me something to do.


Ash slipped relatively undetected into the bridge and stood in the background, attempting to make sense of the unexpected excitement she found up there. She could tell that two of the crew members were Betazoid - and obviously in distress. Before she could focus too much on this, however, her attention was quickly stolen by the discussion of the approaching planet. Alive?! Is that even possible?! A soft (but colorful) exclamation of surprise escaped under her breath, causing her to blush as she realized that the other crew members near her likely heard that.

James Carter

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 11, 2016, 10:22:58 PM


"You got that one right Mr. Carter.  I'll pick up my horns and pitchfork en route!" Paige joked trying to keep the tone light.

The CMO had indicated 'compatriot' she assumed by that, that Lizzie meant a Betazoid.  She was slightly puzzled in one way, knowing that her boss knew the incident with Ashley Weir where she'd had to pull out of the situation due to to much emotion, that the doctor would put her in another similar position.  However, on the other hand it was a compliment to how much she'd grown that she thought Paige could handle the situation, plus having someone else there that understood might help...or it could just be like being trapped in mirrors.

"Lead on McDuff!" she said to Carter following him to the Bridge.  Hitting her commbadge she said =/\=On my way, Wardropper out =/\=, she'd be up there in the next few minutes anyhow, it wouldn't need more said.


James offered a small grin as the two of them left the room and headed to the bridge.


As the two of them entered the bridge James stayed back for a moment watching as Paige walked off over to Susan. Quickly after he made his way over to the tactical station quietly standing silent nearby for a brief moment. "Report?" He finally asked Rachel in a hushed tone so as not to disturb anyone else on the bridge.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

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