Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Lizzie Vaughan


Lizzie listened to the comments and to Vinny's theory on how to prevent the white blood cells, or the planet's equivalent, from attacking the vessel as a disease or some other foreign object.

"That's a good thought Lieutenant." She replied, addressing Vinny formally as they were in a command situation. "We need to get to the site of the clot as soon as possible and this would seem the best way. But we can't do that if the planet is trying to either destroy us or eject us from it's system. We need to get the modification in place before we even try to remove the clot. I would also recommend we coat the torpedo as well. We don't want to risk it being taken off target and causing further damage." She finished indicating the schematic. 

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Rachel Deacon

[Bridge - Secondary tactical station]

With everyone else focusing on the immediate attack and how to cure the planet, Rachel quietly focused on keeping the defensive shielding in place around the ship, fighting against the onslaught of what appeared to be some kind of immune system.  There was no point in exacerbaing an already agonising headache by trying to understand what was happening out there.  Her focus was a lot more immediate.  With her hands splayed out on the console, her pale grey, unseeing eyes staring straight ahead, she made adjustments to the shields depending on which side needed power more, or which sides needed a little boost to keep them strong and operational.  The science side was far beyond her, but shields?  Those she understood.  Those she could control even without her sight.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix


[Security Office]

Quote from: James Carter on August 19, 2016, 08:42:56 AM



=/\= Ah, yes, Ezac. I need you to rig up a torpedo for me. I'll send over specifications to a PADD. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. =/\=


=/\= Copy, Carter. I have received the specifications, and I will-- =/\=

Ezac lost his train of thought as the specifications for the torpedo showed up on his PADD. What could he have in mind with modifications such as these, he considered to himself as he perused the words on the screen.

=/\= I will immediately begin making the modifications and report to you when they are complete. =/\=

He allowed his focus to return to his PADD as he finished reading up on all of the modifications that he was to make. He understood the red alert, but had no idea about what was happening or what was causing the Athena to rock and shake. Nonetheless, he set out to complete the task at hand.

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Leonard T. Scott


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."


Lizzie picked herself up from where she had fallen. She dusted herself down, making sure she was unhurt.

"Is everyone else ok?" She asked, looking round at the rest of the Bridge crew. she turned to Rachael at the secondary tactical station.

"Are there any reports of injuries Ensign?" She asked.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."


Sitting up at the Science station Paige was grateful that she was sitting down as the ship rocked to the right.  She still found herself on the deck but she'd not had as far to fall.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 20, 2016, 03:42:39 PM


Lizzie picked herself up from where she had fallen. She dusted herself down, making sure she was unhurt.

"Is everyone else ok?" She asked, looking round at the rest of the Bridge crew. she turned to Rachael at the secondary tactical station.

"Are there any reports of injuries Ensign?" She asked.

"Since no one will ask you, they never do, not in a nasty way just, we're the ones to heal not be injured ourselves, are you OK Dr. Vaughan?!"

Turning to Vinnie she said "What about you Lieutenant?"  She also was waiting on Rachel's report on any casualties.  With all the emotions and feelings flying around the Bridge in the moment of confusion she wasn't sure what feelings belonged to whom with the exception of Rachel's excruciating headache and the pain of the planet.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 20, 2016, 03:55:27 PM


Sitting up at the Science station Paige was grateful that she was sitting down as the ship rocked to the right.  She still found herself on the deck but she'd not had as far to fall.

"Since no one will ask you, they never do, not in a nasty way just, we're the ones to heal not be injured ourselves, are you OK Dr. Vaughan?!"

Turning to Vinnie she said "What about you Lieutenant?"  She also was waiting on Rachel's report on any casualties.  With all the emotions and feelings flying around the Bridge in the moment of confusion she wasn't sure what feelings belonged to whom with the exception of Rachel's excruciating headache and the pain of the planet.


Lizzie turned to Paige with a smile.

"I'm fine as far as I can tell. I have no pain aside from a bruise or two." She replied.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Levinia Black

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."


Fortunately, Levinia was at the seat in front of the science console when the ship rocked.  It prevented a worse fall but she still managed to get knocked off.   The fall wasn't too hard what gave her pain was that she hit her head against the panel which caused her to see little sparkles.  The only thing she could think of at the time was her son and hoped that he was okay.  The urge to run to him and leave her station was great but she stifled it, knowing that his babysitter was more than capable of taking care of him.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 20, 2016, 03:55:27 PM


Sitting up at the Science station Paige was grateful that she was sitting down as the ship rocked to the right.  She still found herself on the deck but she'd not had as far to fall.

"Since no one will ask you, they never do, not in a nasty way just, we're the ones to heal not be injured ourselves, are you OK Dr. Vaughan?!"

Turning to Vinnie she said "What about you Lieutenant?"  She also was waiting on Rachel's report on any casualties.  With all the emotions and feelings flying around the Bridge in the moment of confusion she wasn't sure what feelings belonged to whom with the exception of Rachel's excruciating headache and the pain of the planet.

She groaned a little as she reached up to her forehead and came back with her fingers full of blood.  Levinia didn't think it was too bad, after all the scalp is one of the most bloody places.  Still, she didn't want to go with the old analogy that doctors make the worst patience so she submitted to the truth, "I bumped my head."  The former doctor now scientist sat back down on the chair and blinked a couple of times.  She shook her head and turned to the Ensign Deacon, "How are those shield modifications?  Are they working?"   

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 20, 2016, 05:15:51 PM


Fortunately, Levinia was at the seat in front of the science console when the ship rocked.  It prevented a worse fall but she still managed to get knocked off.   The fall wasn't too hard what gave her pain was that she hit her head against the panel which caused her to see little sparkles.  The only thing she could think of at the time was her son and hoped that he was okay.  The urge to run to him and leave her station was great but she stifled it, knowing that his babysitter was more than capable of taking care of him.

She groaned a little as she reached up to her forehead and came back with her fingers full of blood.  Levinia didn't think it was too bad, after all the scalp is one of the most bloody places.  Still, she didn't want to go with the old analogy that doctors make the worst patience so she submitted to the truth, "I bumped my head."  The former doctor now scientist sat back down on the chair and blinked a couple of times.  She shook her head and turned to the Ensign Deacon, "How are those shield modifications?  Are they working?"


Lizzie pulled out her tricorder and scanned Vinnys head.

"Just a flesh wound thank goodness. I see no signs of swelling or serious head injury. I'll just close up the cut, just be sure to let us know if you experience headaches or double vision." She said, pulling out the dermal regenerator and proceeded to close the wound. Once it was done she cleaned the area.

"There you go Lieutenant. I won't give you any painkillers in case of further complications." She putting her equipment back in her case.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Dylan Torngate

Dylan was jarred as the ship struck something... solid. The shields didn't save them this time, and the hull of the ship physically hit the wall. He worked his way back to his feet, as he'd been leaning off balance already when he had been jarred. He looked at the system display, which now had a slew of red lights on the starboard side. "Hull buckling, deck 5!" He called out. It wasn't a full breach, but the hull had been impacted and could use some reenforcement.

=/\= Bridge to DC One, you've got some reenforcement to do, Bridge out.=/\= he said, isolating the DC team he wanted on the job.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

James Carter

Quote from: Ezac on August 20, 2016, 01:31:00 AM

[Security Office]

=/\= Copy, Carter. I have received the specifications, and I will-- =/\=

Ezac lost his train of thought as the specifications for the torpedo showed up on his PADD. What could he have in mind with modifications such as these, he considered to himself as he perused the words on the screen.

=/\= I will immediately begin making the modifications and report to you when they are complete. =/\=

He allowed his focus to return to his PADD as he finished reading up on all of the modifications that he was to make. He understood the red alert, but had no idea about what was happening or what was causing the Athena to rock and shake. Nonetheless, he set out to complete the task at hand.

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM


Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."


James offered a small eye roll as the ship shook. Everyone's entitled to one I suppose. He thought to himself before tapping his comm badge. =/\= If you happen to need anyone else to help out let me know and I can send out Crewman Johnson to assist. =/\=

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 20, 2016, 03:36:07 PM

Leonard continued to guide the ship through the planet's cardiovascular system. For a few of the turns, he had to rely on the sensors, but it was to be expected since they were flying partially blind.

Unexpectedly, sharp turn came into view. The ensign was unable to get the ship slowed enough to take the turn without bumping into the outside wall. The whole ship rocked violently to the right. Scott was unseated as was most of the rest of the crew.

He returned to his seat and stated, "Ooch, soory everyone," his accent slipped, "The sensors didnae register that last turn. Captain, I'm going lower our speed to one sixteenth impulse. Hopefully that will prevent further incidents like that."

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 20, 2016, 05:15:51 PM

She groaned a little as she reached up to her forehead and came back with her fingers full of blood.  Levinia didn't think it was too bad, after all the scalp is one of the most bloody places.  Still, she didn't want to go with the old analogy that doctors make the worst patience so she submitted to the truth, "I bumped my head."  The former doctor now scientist sat back down on the chair and blinked a couple of times.  She shook her head and turned to the Ensign Deacon, "How are those shield modifications?  Are they working?"

[Bridge - Secondary Tactical Station]

Rachel hadn't been at all prepared, too focused on what her hands were telling her was on the console, as the ship lurched violently, sending her flying to the deck at a bad angle.  Fresh pain shot through her from her collarbone, although even that didn't quite rival her head.  Even after the few moments it took to battle down the pain, she didn't get up.  The fall had completely disorientated her.  Without any ideas on what was where, she didn't dare move in case she knocked into someone or off something.

"If..." Oh, how it galled her to have to ask for help for something like this.  By joining Starfleet, she had wanted to set the VISOR to good use, but it backfired on her at times, leaving her completely reliant on others to help her.  Gritting her teeth and feeling a deep sense of shame at having to ask, she said: "If someone can help me back to the console, I can tell you."

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 20, 2016, 08:55:36 PM

[Bridge - Secondary Tactical Station]

Rachel hadn't been at all prepared, too focused on what her hands were telling her was on the console, as the ship lurched violently, sending her flying to the deck at a bad angle.  Fresh pain shot through her from her collarbone, although even that didn't quite rival her head.  Even after the few moments it took to battle down the pain, she didn't get up.  The fall had completely disorientated her.  Without any ideas on what was where, she didn't dare move in case she knocked into someone or off something.

"If..." Oh, how it galled her to have to ask for help for something like this.  By joining Starfleet, she had wanted to set the VISOR to good use, but it backfired on her at times, leaving her completely reliant on others to help her.  Gritting her teeth and feeling a deep sense of shame at having to ask, she said: "If someone can help me back to the console, I can tell you."


Lizzie, seeing the younger woman ask for help and knowing that she did not often do so, was quick to respond. She went over to Rachel's side.

"Ensign, I am standing to your left and my right arm is about 6 inches from your left. Please take it when you are ready and we'll get you up and seated then I'll check you over." Lizzie said. making sure she offered but didn't force anything on the independent officer.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 20, 2016, 09:01:25 PM

Lizzie, seeing the younger woman ask for help and knowing that she did not often do so, was quick to respond. She went over to Rachel's side.

"Ensign, I am standing to your left and my right arm is about 6 inches from your left. Please take it when you are ready and we'll get you up and seated then I'll check you over." Lizzie said. making sure she offered but didn't force anything on the independent officer.


Hearing a voice next to her, despite having been anticipating it, still startled the blind woman somewhat.  She quickly recovered though, quickly calculating where the hand would be going on the source of the voice and the indications given.  After a moment of trying to breathe, pushing down the pain again, she reached out and took hold of the hand, letting it pull her back to her feet and to a seat.  Sitting down with a faint groan, she let go of the guiding hand, using it to cradle the elbow of her injured arm.

"Thank you," she murmured quietly, feeling the need to acknowledge the help even if she was ashamed of having accepting it.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 20, 2016, 09:51:36 PM


Hearing a voice next to her, despite having been anticipating it, still startled the blind woman somewhat.  She quickly recovered though, quickly calculating where the hand would be going on the source of the voice and the indications given.  After a moment of trying to breathe, pushing down the pain again, she reached out and took hold of the hand, letting it pull her back to her feet and to a seat.  Sitting down with a faint groan, she let go of the guiding hand, using it to cradle the elbow of her injured arm.

"Thank you," she murmured quietly, feeling the need to acknowledge the help even if she was ashamed of having accepting it.


Lizzie listened to the Ensign and pulled out her tricorder. She clearly saw that Rachel had fractured her collarbone and that due to the increased levels of dopamine and serotonin in her brain, she was clearly in a lot of pain.

"Ensign, I'm going to have to insist you come to sickbay. You have a fractured collarbone and it appears that you are in a significant amount of pain. Once there I will do what I can to repair the damage and if possible return you to duty." She gave Rachel a sympathetic smile before turning to Lieutenant Carter.

"James, can you get someone up to releave Ensign Deacon. She needs to get to Sickbay." She said with a serious expression on her face before turning to the Captain.

"Captain, if you'll excuse me, I'll take Ensign Deacon to sickbay." She said before turning to Paige.

"Paige, can you cover here?" She asked, already knowing the answer. She turned back to Rachel.

"Ensign, if you take my arm again I'll help you up and then escort you to sickbay." She said before holding her arm out again.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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