Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 25, 2016, 04:42:24 PM


While Levinia didn't care for being laughed at, she said nothing, instead she responded evenly, "If that was indeed the case, Dr. Vaughn then the creature would have been dead already.  It is not that solidified, check the numbers...diluting the mass will take longer, but it is the safer option."  She countered and looked at the captain, waiting for her response.


Lizzie turned back to Vinny.

"With all due respect Lieutenant, I disagree with your interpretation of the data." She replied before turning back to the Captain.

"Captain, Commander, these two theories are mutually exclusive. Either I am right and we need the more powerful solvent to break down the clot so we can either break it apart or tow the reaming mass out. Or Lieutenant Black is right and it it a minor problem that we can break down using the glycerol solution. The problem being, as I read it, we do not have the capability to do both. If we do my solution and it it too powerful, it will not only break down the clot but there is a risk of us causing further damage to this creature. On the other side, if we apply Lieutenant Black's answer and the clot is not dissolved, not only do we run the risk of it dislodging and flowing down to a move vital area of the creature's system. This has a high probability of causing further pain and probably death to the creature. Also, we would be caught by the creature's natural defences and our chances of escape would be slim. We need to make a decision and as Captain, it has to be yours." Lizzie finished. Hating to place the burden in Constance's lap but since they could not agree, a choice had to be made.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Paige Wardropper


Paige looked from one to the other as the arguments flew around the Bridge, tensions were running high and for the Betazoid it was becoming rather uncomfortable feeling them all.  It wasn't that she couldn't cope with it, it wasn't overwhelming her like it had once when Ashley was ill, but more it was almost like the 'not knowing where to put oneself' when friends disagreed.

Sadly, in this case it wasn't just friends disagreeing and feathers being ruffled and the feelings that accompanied those interactions, but also the pain of the planet creature itself who was almost letting the feeling of "Well are you going to help me or not this thing hurts as does having you here in me..." travel to Paige.  She couldn't communicate telepathically with the being but she could pick up its feelings of pain and that sort of 'ennui' that one gets when waiting on something.

Catrin Maddux

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 23, 2016, 11:02:23 AM


Lizzie, noticing the slight blush, smiled again.

"Of course." She replied.

=/\=Computer, please Spring from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, one third volume.=/\= She announced.

Almost immediately, the soft violin music came through. It was one of Lizzie's favourites and one she often used to try to relax.

Lizzie then took a step towards her patient.

"Right, I'm on your left side and I'm now going to get you lying down. I need you to scoot forward a little so your head ill be on the pillow. Can you do that for me?" She asked, looking up at the scan an noticing the signs of minor neural damage. Probably caused by the sensory overload of the VISOR. Other than that and her collarbone, Rachel appeared in good shape.

"Once you are lying down, I'm going to sedate you. It won't knock you out fully but it will enable us to remove your vest and armour so we can set your collarbone. Don't worry, there will be someone with you at all times." She added and she helped Rachel shuffle a little forward and then laid her down.

"There you go, all comfortable? I'm just going to inject you with the sedative now." She loaded the hypospray with the sedative and injected it into the younger woman. Rachel soon was completely relaxed with no trace of pain showing. Turning, she put her head through the curtain and looked about. She immediately saw who she was looking for.

"Chloe, can you find Robert and then both come in here please." She asked the other duty Nurse.

"Of course Doctor." Chloe replied as she turned and went into the cupboard she had just come out from.

Lizzie turned back to monitor her patient while she waited for her two colleagues to arrive. Less than a minute later, the curtain parted and Chloe, followed by Robert, one of Medical Technicians who was half Vulcan but you could only tell because of his lack of sense of humour.

"Good, now Chloe I need you to help me remove this young woman's vest and armoured shirt so we can repair her broken collarbone. Once that is been done, I want someone to sit with her at all times as she is blind and may need help. Robert, can you get the bone repairer and the neural regenerator please.

"Yes Doctor." He replied before disappearing through the curtain.

Once he was gone. Lizzie turned to Chloe.

"Let's get Rachel here undressed and under a blanket." She said.

Chloe nodded and between the two of them they quickly removed the vest and body armour as well as Rachel's trousers and shoes. By the time Robert was back, Rachel was under a sheet and the scanner was monitoring her full readout.

"Robert, if you monitor the readout, Chloe and I will handle the repair. Please let me know if the neuro-transmitter level goes out of the green zone." Lizzie said.

"Yes Doctor." Robert replied, taking up a position at was out of Dr Vaughan's way but where he could still see the readouts clearly.

"Excellent. Now let's get to it." Lizzie finished and taking the bone re-generator, she began the procedure.

About half an hour later, the Collarbone had been fully re-set and Rachel had been injected with Anti-inflammatory to aid in the recovery process. She would have to be a sling for about a week but otherwise, there would be no lasting effects. She then applied the neural regenerator to repair the damaged pathways and scanned the links where the VISOR plugged into. There was some minor scarring there, but that was to be expected.

Soon the repairs were complete and Robert returned the equipment. Lizzie then injected some more Anti-inflammatory, this time a neurological one to help with the symptoms. She then turned to Chloe.

"The dose of Sedative I gave her should keep her out for about another 2 hours. I want someone with her at all times. If she is left alone for even a minute, that person will answer to me. If you need help, call one of the scientists. Now I'll be on the Bridge if you need me."

"Not for one minute, I promise Doctor." Chloe replied, taking a seat in the chair at the head of the bed.

Satisfied, Lizzie made her way out from behind the curtain and saw a the new Councillor standing there.

"Good timing Ensign." Lizzie said, shaking hands with the new Officer. "I've just repaired a fractured Collarbone in Ensign Deacon and she will be sedated for at least another 2 hours. When she comes to, it might be a good idea if you were there for her to talk to. I'm not sure if you are aware, but Ensign Deacon is blind and normally wears a VISOR. She is not wearing it at the moment as the strain was too much. I have asked Chloe, That is Ensign Williams, who is one of our nurses, to make sure Ms Deacon is accompanied at all times. If there is anything you need to know, I'm sure Chloe can help. Once the present situation has been resolved we will have a proper sit down chat. Otherwise, if you need me I'll be on the Bridge. Lizzie smiled at the Councillor, exited sickbay and headed up to the Bridge.


Lizzie entered the Bridge and nodded at the Captain and Commander Stafford who were both fully occupied. She went straight over where Lieutenant Carter was standing.

"Just to let you know, Ensign Deacon had a fractured collarbone and rather nasty migraine. She is now resting comfortably but will not be able to return to duty for at least 48 hours and will be in a sling for a week or so. You can go and see her if you wish in a few hours." She said in a low voice with a smile. "How are things going?" She asked.


Catrin nodded but barely noticed the Doctor leave, as she was once again bombarded by the same alien emotions she had felt earlier. She could 'see' stars and the vastness of space. She thought she recognized the system they were currently in. Mainly she felt an almost indescribable feeling of largeness and a near blinding pain. She shook her head gently, trying to clear it. "Afraid... Anxious?" She said aloud, softly to no one in particular. "I just don't understand." Finally regaining her sense of self, she looked around startled. Quite sometime had passed since she first walked into Sickbay.

She then took a seat near the injured Ensign who appeared to be sleeping.

Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out...

Dylan Torngate


Dylan was concerned. He'd lost communication with his forward damage control team, and the status lights had yet to turn green on the repairs. He had gotten the bridge secured... it should be fine, but the repeated blows on the shields and hull had him concerned as another warning light appeared. He finally made up his mind, standing up and being relieved by another Engineer. "I'm going below to the repair teams." he said, not caring if anyone listened as he left the room. The turbolift first spat him out to get an EV suit, and then he worked his way to where the DC team was supposed to be, unsure of what he'd find.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Constance Lafayette


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Catrin Maddux on August 25, 2016, 05:44:18 PM


Catrin nodded but barely noticed the Doctor leave, as she was once again bombarded by the same alien emotions she had felt earlier. She could 'see' stars and the vastness of space. She thought she recognized the system they were currently in. Mainly she felt an almost indescribable feeling of largeness and a near blinding pain. She shook her head gently, trying to clear it. "Afraid... Anxious?" She said aloud, softly to no one in particular. "I just don't understand." Finally regaining her sense of self, she looked around startled. Quite sometime had passed since she first walked into Sickbay.

She then took a seat near the injured Ensign who appeared to be sleeping.


Being blind in the security and tactical field often forced an individual to hone their other senses to a point, and no decent tactical officer ever slept through a potential threat.  Hearing someone moving around the biobed, Rachel's eyes snapped open, instantly awake and struggling to sit up.  Pain instantly hit her, her shoulder and her head reminding her in no small measure just why she was lying in sickbay.

The attempt to sit up was quickly abandoned in favour of asking, through gritted teeth as she tried to push through the pain:  "Who's there?"

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 26, 2016, 12:16:09 AM


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."


Scott's head was spinning with this medical babble. "I'm so glad I chose flying ships than this field," he thought to himself.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Catrin Maddux

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 26, 2016, 12:54:10 AM


Being blind in the security and tactical field often forced an individual to hone their other senses to a point, and no decent tactical officer ever slept through a potential threat.  Hearing someone moving around the biobed, Rachel's eyes snapped open, instantly awake and struggling to sit up.  Pain instantly hit her, her shoulder and her head reminding her in no small measure just why she was lying in sickbay.

The attempt to sit up was quickly abandoned in favour of asking, through gritted teeth as she tried to push through the pain:  "Who's there?"


Catrin winced, seeing the pain in her expression. "Easy there, Ensign. You probably shouldn't be moving around too much this soon." She decided to backtrack, feeling an apology was due. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Catrin Maddux, ship's counsellor. The Doctor asked if I would sit with you."

She used her most calming tone of voice. "Is there anything I can do or get for you to make you more comfortable?" She'd never cut it as a nurse but maybe she could be useful.

Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out...

Levinia Black

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 26, 2016, 12:16:09 AM


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."


Levinia shrugged at the captain's decision but it in the end it was her decision.  "Aye, ma'am."  She nodded and readied the neutralization factors. 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

James Carter

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 26, 2016, 12:16:09 AM


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."


James shook his head and let out a small sigh before tapping his comm badge. =/\= Johnson to bridge. Going to have to get you up here to manage bridge duties. =/\= Johnson appeared on the bridge surprisingly quickly after he had called for him.

"Sir? Might I ask why you wanted me to take over?" Crewman Johnson asked in a confused tone.

James paused a moment looking the crewman in the eye. "Because, I refuse to put my men in harms way for this remarkably bad plan." He replied before he finally turned and left the bridge.


Once the turbolift doors had shut James reached back up and tapped his badge again. =/\= Crewman Ezac, I have another job for you. Secure another torpedo and have it ready for me. We're going to have to do some heavy retrofitting. =/\=

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 26, 2016, 12:16:09 AM


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."


Paige was incredibly grateful that the Captain was the woman that she was and wasn't one to shy away from tough decisions.  Neutralising the acidity after the torpedo and acid had done it's job was really similar to, should this have been a human patient, removing the blood clot then giving anti-coagulants to prevent more... or similar after-care at least, the procedures were of course totally different.

Smiling at the Captain and Lizzie she sat quietly waiting to see how this panned out and then she'd make her escape and go to see Stark and Rachel, probably with Stark as it would make his owner feel better knowing that he was ok and...

Paige stopped herself saying 'see' for herself.  She didn't think Ms Deacon would take offence at the term but one never knew.  Plus she really needed to make sure that Stark didn't bound all over his mistress.  She might be 'fixed' but would still be in considerable pain.  Paige hoped she would be up to holding the big dog to heal and that his training would come good there.

Feeling the atmosphere and feelings in general, with the possible exception of Mr Carter who still seemed to have his feathers ruffled, somewhat calmer, Paige relaxed some herself.

On a sudden thought Paige said to the CMO, "When we exit back through the incision we made originally to get in here, is there any way that we can seal that or are we just leaving it to the planet's natural healing abilities to sort that out by itself?"

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 26, 2016, 07:28:22 PM


Paige was incredibly grateful that the Captain was the woman that she was and wasn't one to shy away from tough decisions.  Neutralising the acidity after the torpedo and acid had done it's job was really similar to, should this have been a human patient, removing the blood clot then giving anti-coagulants to prevent more... or similar after-care at least, the procedures were of course totally different.

Smiling at the Captain and Lizzie she sat quietly waiting to see how this panned out and then she'd make her escape and go to see Stark and Rachel, probably with Stark as it would make his owner feel better knowing that he was ok and...

Paige stopped herself saying 'see' for herself.  She didn't think Ms Deacon would take offence at the term but one never knew.  Plus she really needed to make sure that Stark didn't bound all over his mistress.  She might be 'fixed' but would still be in considerable pain.  Paige hoped she would be up to holding the big dog to heal and that his training would come good there.

Feeling the atmosphere and feelings in general, with the possible exception of Mr Carter who still seemed to have his feathers ruffled, somewhat calmer, Paige relaxed some herself.

On a sudden thought Paige said to the CMO, "When we exit back through the incision we made originally to get in here, is there any way that we can seal that or are we just leaving it to the planet's natural healing abilities to sort that out by itself?"


Lizzie listened to Paige's question and thought for a minute before responding.

"We would be better trying to close the wound if at all possible. If this were a normal patient I would look to a dermal re-generator. However, there is no method to regenerate silicone that I'm aware of. The next best solution would be to cauterise the wound. That will prevent any infection entering or further fluid escaping. A low power phaser beam would probably do the trick. Lieutenant Black, do you have any thoughts on this?" She asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible and hoping that their disagreement had not been taken personally.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Catrin Maddux on August 26, 2016, 01:21:38 AM

Catrin winced, seeing the pain in her expression. "Easy there, Ensign. You probably shouldn't be moving around too much this soon." She decided to backtrack, feeling an apology was due. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Catrin Maddux, ship's counsellor. The Doctor asked if I would sit with you."

She used her most calming tone of voice. "Is there anything I can do or get for you to make you more comfortable?" She'd never cut it as a nurse but maybe she could be useful.


Ship's counsellor.  Rachel had been expecting Nurse Williams to still be there, but she had no way of knowing how long she had been unconscious and it could simply be that there had been a change of shift in terms of who was supposed to sit with her.  It had been a source of some humiliation to have to have someone constantly at her side, but it did hold a certain logic that she couldn't argue with.

The music was still playing gently in the background, a soothing element to focus her hearing on as she considered Catrin's question.  She considered asking the counsellor to go and get Stark, but quickly dismissed that thought.  Stark hadn't met the counsellor, nor had the counsellor met Stark and, even though he was normally a sweet canine, he remained one trained for tactical operations.

There was one thing that occured to her though.  "I would appreciate it if you could find my VISOR.  Dr Vaughan may have put it with the rest of my affairs."

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 26, 2016, 07:36:53 PM


Lizzie listened to Paige's question and thought for a minute before responding.

"We would be better trying to close the wound if at all possible. If this were a normal patient I would look to a dermal re-generator. However, there is no method to regenerate silicone that I'm aware of. The next best solution would be to cauterise the wound. That will prevent any infection entering or further fluid escaping. A low power phaser beam would probably do the trick. Lieutenant Black, do you have any thoughts on this?" She asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible and hoping that their disagreement had not been taken personally.


"Yes I was thinking along the same lines, but as to how that was the bit I was getting stumped on.  Lt. Black's input is invaluable here.  I'd say Mr. Carter's too, at least if we go down the phaser cauterization route, for exactly how much power we'd need.  We can liaise with him about that when we get closer to doing it I suppose!" Paige commented.

Catrin Maddux

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 26, 2016, 10:49:26 PM


Ship's counsellor.  Rachel had been expecting Nurse Williams to still be there, but she had no way of knowing how long she had been unconscious and it could simply be that there had been a change of shift in terms of who was supposed to sit with her.  It had been a source of some humiliation to have to have someone constantly at her side, but it did hold a certain logic that she couldn't argue with.

The music was still playing gently in the background, a soothing element to focus her hearing on as she considered Catrin's question.  She considered asking the counsellor to go and get Stark, but quickly dismissed that thought.  Stark hadn't met the counsellor, nor had the counsellor met Stark and, even though he was normally a sweet canine, he remained one trained for tactical operations.

There was one thing that occured to her though.  "I would appreciate it if you could find my VISOR.  Dr Vaughan may have put it with the rest of my affairs."


The young counsellor didn't need any extra abilities to sense her charge felt ill at ease. "I can tell you value your independence. I'll have your VISOR ready for you presently." A quick scan around the room revealed the object in question on the bedside tray. "It seems the Doctor realized you'd like to have it close at hand."

Catrin swiftly stood, retrieving the VISOR. "I'm placing it in your right hand now."  She didn't want to startle her and cause her pain again. "You may find this a bit odd, but you remind me a little of my Da, when he broke his arm. He's an artist and quite possibly the most stubborn being in the universe so it nearly killed him not being able to do for himself." She smiled to herself, remembering. "But I told him, as hard as it is to let yourself be taken care of, everyone needs a little help from time to time. Then he tossed a paintbrush at me and asked if he was raising me or I was raising him."

Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out...

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