Mission 1.3: Internal Medicine

Started by Constance Lafayette, August 04, 2016, 06:25:14 PM

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Catrin Maddux

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on August 27, 2016, 11:07:03 PM


Rachel's fingers wrapped around the VISOR, but didn't put it on.  That wasn't why she had requested it, seeing as it was the reason her head felt like someone had taken several different kinds of power tools to it even with the painkillers, but to have it close at hand, in a place she knew, so that should the need arise that she would need it, it was there and ready.  Precious time could be lost by not knowing exactly where is was and she didn't have Stark there to retrieve it for her.

"Thank you," the young tactical officer murmured, turning her head in the direction of the counsellor's voice.  It was only polite to at least appear to be looking at an individual when they were talking to you.  The movement pulled a little at the inflamed muscles of her shoulder, bringing a slight grimace to her face, but the expression was quickly wiped away.  "It sounds as if you had a good relationship with your father."


Catrin could tell the Ensign still felt anxious. Hopefully a bit of chat could help put her mind at ease. "Oh, aye. Da is grand. I owe so much to him. We talk at least once a week." She grinned, the smile audible in her voice. "If we didn't, I'm pretty sure the old goat would come here himself to be knowing why. But enough about me. I could probably talk until both your ears got bored and wandered off. Do you need anything to help you feel more comfortable?"

She glanced around for the nurse she had seen earlier. "Whatever they gave you for pain seems to be either wearing off, or not very effective. I do apologize if my chatter has caused you any discomfort."

Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out...

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 28, 2016, 12:29:42 AM

"Precisely what I was thinking, Paige," Scott replied. He turned to the captain. "And before you say anything, ma'am, it's not like I'm going to suddenly disapp... Oh god, what's happening!"

He started to laugh sensing the whole bridge needed to lighten up a bit.


"Pocket of NO2 over there Mr. Scott?!" Paige smiled as Leonard started laughing, suggesting that he'd inhaled an impromptu cloud of Nitrous Oxide, or 'laughing gas'.

She sensed as he did, but on a more empathic level, that the atmosphere wasn't quite as strained as it had been, that the bridge crew was starting to pull together a little more, this probably being due to the fact that a solution, and a decision had been made and a little forward planning regarding sealing the wound.  Hopefully, in a few hours they'd be done and dusted.

Rose Grantwood

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on August 28, 2016, 12:29:42 AM

"Precisely what I was thinking, Paige," Scott replied. He turned to the captain. "And before you say anything, ma'am, it's not like I'm going to suddenly disapp... Oh god, what's happening!"

He started to laugh sensing the whole bridge needed to lighten up a bit.

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 28, 2016, 09:43:32 AM


"Pocket of NO2 over there Mr. Scott?!" Paige smiled as Leonard started laughing, suggesting that he'd inhaled an impromptu cloud of Nitrous Oxide, or 'laughing gas'.

She sensed as he did, but on a more empathic level, that the atmosphere wasn't quite as strained as it had been, that the bridge crew was starting to pull together a little more, this probably being due to the fact that a solution, and a decision had been made and a little forward planning regarding sealing the wound.  Hopefully, in a few hours they'd be done and dusted.


Seeing the mood around her relax a little, Rose released a small chuckle hearing the humorous comments being passed around. Glad that her officer wasn't as strict as her teaching officer back at the Academy. Still ready to follow any orders given, Rose watched as each department worked together to help this planet.

James Carter

Quote from: Ezac on August 27, 2016, 03:51:59 PM

[Torpedo Maintenance]

What sort of events could necessitate a torpedo being retrofitted to carry hydrochloric acid, Ezac asked himself as Carter's words sunk in. As a sign of dedication to his role, Ezac walked over to the torpedo and began removing the panel that would allow them access to the only part of the torpedo that could be used to carry any sort of a liquid payload.

"If time is of the essence, Lieutenant, then I suggest we make haste."

[Torpedo Maintenence]

James paused a moment before offering a nod. "Right then. I will be honest with you, we don't actually have the time to do this job." He said moving over to a wall to grab protective gloves and put them on. "A thin latex lining should be able to prevent the acid from harming the torpedo. Should. I'll get started gathering the acid if you apply the lining."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]


[Torpedo Maintenance]

Quote from: James Carter on August 28, 2016, 03:54:07 PM

[Torpedo Maintenence]

James paused a moment before offering a nod. "Right then. I will be honest with you, we don't actually have the time to do this job." He said moving over to a wall to grab protective gloves and put them on. "A thin latex lining should be able to prevent the acid from harming the torpedo. Should. I'll get started gathering the acid if you apply the lining."

Ezac watched Carter don his protective gloves and explain the task at hand. Ezac set the access panel upon the floor to his side and examined the irregularly-shaped, mostly sealed, vacant cavity within the torpedo. While the space seemed capable of containing an abundance of acid, he couldn't accurately determine just how much or whether it would even be enough. The only alternative would be to remove the contents of the torpedo, line the walls with latex, and then coat every component within the torpedo with latex. Given the time constraint, however, they would have to work with what they had.

"I understand, Lieutenant. It should take longer for the latex to dry than it should for me to apply."

After searching the room for a pneumatic sprayer and a large can of liquid latex, Ezac filled the sprayer's tank to the brim with latex. He chose a nozzle that would allow for the highly viscous latex and screwed it onto the tip of the wand. He primed the pump and began spraying the latex into the torpedo, ensuring that all gaps were covered well enough to provide a liquid-tight seal. He stood up and spoke to Carter.

"Well, Lieutenant, I have prepared the torpedo as well as I can, given the time constraint. The latex should take no more than a few minutes to dry. After the acid has been deposited into the torpedo, I will use a spare piece of metal to contain the liquid within the appropriate cavity."

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Dylan Torngate

[DC Team One]

Dylan arrived at the site of the DC team. Their group leader was injured, and lying on his side with his environmental suit damaged, but intact. It appeared he'd been hit with a heavy object. He looked over to the others, and flagged down two of them. "You, You. Get him to sickbay, ASAP."

He then looked over to the work. One of the recent hits had breached the hull, and forcefields were holding the air in. He got to work, magnetizing himself to the hull and walking outside the force field, working to remove the damaged plating and putting on new plates. He checked into the bridge. =/\= DC One to Bridge, we've got a hull breach on deck six, we're working on repairing it.=/\=

He knew he likely shouldn't be heading up the away team, but he didn't really care. He also knew since he was on scene, it was unlikely he'd be pulled from the job.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Catrin Maddux on August 28, 2016, 01:03:52 AM


Catrin could tell the Ensign still felt anxious. Hopefully a bit of chat could help put her mind at ease. "Oh, aye. Da is grand. I owe so much to him. We talk at least once a week." She grinned, the smile audible in her voice. "If we didn't, I'm pretty sure the old goat would come here himself to be knowing why. But enough about me. I could probably talk until both your ears got bored and wandered off. Do you need anything to help you feel more comfortable?"

She glanced around for the nurse she had seen earlier. "Whatever they gave you for pain seems to be either wearing off, or not very effective. I do apologize if my chatter has caused you any discomfort."


Having someone talk to her, a reassurance that there was indeed someone there and not just a stanger moving around, helped Rachel to relax at least a fraction.  She knew that she wasn't actually supposed to be awake yet, but the sedative hadn't been enough to force her to sleep through the pain.

"The chatter is not causing discomfort, it appears that the sedative has worn off too quickly." she tried to reassure the counsellor.  If anything, it was helping to give her something else to focus on rather than just what she could feel in her body.  "Your father sounds similar to my own.  He's very protective."

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Levinia Black

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 26, 2016, 07:36:53 PM


Lizzie listened to Paige's question and thought for a minute before responding.

"We would be better trying to close the wound if at all possible. If this were a normal patient I would look to a dermal re-generator. However, there is no method to regenerate silicone that I'm aware of. The next best solution would be to cauterise the wound. That will prevent any infection entering or further fluid escaping. A low power phaser beam would probably do the trick. Lieutenant Black, do you have any thoughts on this?" She asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible and hoping that their disagreement had not been taken personally.


Levinia nodded, "Yes that would do it."  She responded a bit shortly.  Disagreements between professionals was not unknown to Levinia who grew up disagreeing with her brothers and parents about theories.  What she didn't like was having her opinion laughed at and she was certain Lt. Carter did not liked to be laughed at either.

"I've also ordered large amounts of Calcium Gluconate created for our crew and for the creature as well."  She turned to the captain, "It will render the acid harmless if need be.  Also the phasers are ready and have been modified according to Dr. Vaughan's latest specifications."  Again she turned to Dr. Vaughan, "Whenever you're ready, ma'am." 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 29, 2016, 12:47:00 PM


Levinia nodded, "Yes that would do it."  She responded a bit shortly.  Disagreements between professionals was not unknown to Levinia who grew up disagreeing with her brothers and parents about theories.  What she didn't like was having her opinion laughed at and she was certain Lt. Carter did not liked to be laughed at either.

"I've also ordered large amounts of Calcium Gluconate created for our crew and for the creature as well."  She turned to the captain, "It will render the acid harmless if need be.  Also the phasers are ready and have been modified according to Dr. Vaughan's latest specifications."  Again she turned to Dr. Vaughan, "Whenever you're ready, ma'am."


Lizzie noted the slightly frosty tone Vinny had used and took it to mean that she had been offended in some way. Not having the time to go into it then, she made a note to have a chat with the Science Officer once the job was done. She nodded in understanding.

"Thank you Lieutenant." She replied. "We appear to be all ready up here. We just need Lieutenant Carter to confirm that he has finished the modifications then we can proceed." She said, addressing the Captain and XO.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 29, 2016, 12:47:00 PM


Levinia nodded, "Yes that would do it."  She responded a bit shortly.  Disagreements between professionals was not unknown to Levinia who grew up disagreeing with her brothers and parents about theories.  What she didn't like was having her opinion laughed at and she was certain Lt. Carter did not liked to be laughed at either.

"I've also ordered large amounts of Calcium Gluconate created for our crew and for the creature as well."  She turned to the captain, "It will render the acid harmless if need be.  Also the phasers are ready and have been modified according to Dr. Vaughan's latest specifications."  Again she turned to Dr. Vaughan, "Whenever you're ready, ma'am."

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 29, 2016, 04:29:03 PM


Lizzie noted the slightly frosty tone Vinny had used and took it to mean that she had been offended in some way. Not having the time to go into it then, she made a note to have a chat with the Science Officer once the job was done. She nodded in understanding.

"Thank you Lieutenant." She replied. "We appear to be all ready up here. We just need Lieutenant Carter to confirm that he has finished the modifications then we can proceed." She said, addressing the Captain and XO.


Paige looked from one to the other between the CMO and the Science Officer.  Lizzie was obviously trying to get the job done as was Levinia, but Paige was getting feelings of some a less than friendly nature between them.  Had it been men she would have put it down to to ego, but these two women were professionals and in her experience not given to bouts of ego.

"Well the report write up on this is going to be interesting!" she said to no-one in particular.  "I just hope I can remember all the names of chemicals if people ask!"

Constance Lafayette


Constance sat stoically on the bridge, listening to the people around her complete their tasks. She reviewed the acids and bases suggested on her PADD and nodded in agreement once she had approved it.

A hull breach was not what Constance wanted to hear right now,
=/\="Secure the breach Mr. Torngate. If we get too much of that fluid inside we won't be able to fly right. We will need all speed to get out of here alive so make it a priority. I am dispatching Operations personnel to assist." =/\=

Once the report that torpedo was ready she gave the command to fire it and it went on it's way- striking the clot and dissolving it in a fantastic display of organic chemistry. The dose of acid was measured just right and managed to free the bloodflow.

Suddenly the ship was jarred towards the heart- the suction now becoming unbearable.

"Drop the neutralizing agent, then engines full ahead Mr. Scott. Get us out of here."

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

James Carter

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 30, 2016, 12:11:34 AM


Constance sat stoically on the bridge, listening to the people around her complete their tasks. She reviewed the acids and bases suggested on her PADD and nodded in agreement once she had approved it.

A hull breach was not what Constance wanted to hear right now,
=/\="Secure the breach Mr. Torngate. If we get too much of that fluid inside we won't be able to fly right. We will need all speed to get out of here alive so make it a priority. I am dispatching Operations personnel to assist." =/\=

Once the report that torpedo was ready she gave the command to fire it and it went on it's way- striking the clot and dissolving it in a fantastic display of organic chemistry. The dose of acid was measured just right and managed to free the bloodflow.

Suddenly the ship was jarred towards the heart- the suction now becoming unbearable.

"Drop the neutralizing agent, then engines full ahead Mr. Scott. Get us out of here."

[Torpedo Maintenance]

James sighed and shook his head slightly after the torpedo had been fired. "Well. Good work Ezac. Couldn't have done this alone. Also wouldn't have really wanted to do this alone either." The young officer said with a slight laugh. "Seriously, good work mate. I'm sure this is the last weird thing we'll see."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 30, 2016, 12:11:34 AM

=/\="Secure the breach Mr. Torngate. If we get too much of that fluid inside we won't be able to fly right. We will need all speed to get out of here alive so make it a priority. I am dispatching Operations personnel to assist." =/\=
"Drop the neutralizing agent, then engines full ahead Mr. Scott. Get us out of here."

=/\= Aye ma'am=/\= he said, as he looked to his team. "Alright, snap into the safety cable, I don't want anyone falling off the ship." he said, snapping a safety tether to a device he had planted on the hull. It would provide enough stability to reel him back in if he fell off the ship, which turned out to be fortunate as the ship lurched forward, almost sending an engineer out into the depths of space.

The team worked diligently on the repairs. They contained the damage, and got the hull plate ready to be installed. Fortunately, it was almost done. Unfortunately, it would require someone on the outside of the hull to install, and then a long walk to the nearest airlock. Should be a fun day.

Dylan couldn't resist. He took the lock device, and planted it on the outside of the hull, moving his tether there. He exited the workspace, now fully exposed to space and on the outside of the hull with another engineer. The bridge would now see them on their sensors, and with a camera that was installed on this angle, if they so wanted they could observe Dylan and his Engineer.

They locked the plate into place, sealing and drilling in the hull plating, before calling it good and locating the airlock. It was a long walk to come, but the view was without equal.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Paige Wardropper

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on August 30, 2016, 01:00:12 PM

Dylan couldn't resist. He took the lock device, and planted it on the outside of the hull, moving his tether there. He exited the workspace, now fully exposed to space and on the outside of the hull with another engineer. The bridge would now see them on their sensors, and with a camera that was installed on this angle, if they so wanted they could observe Dylan and his Engineer.

They locked the plate into place, sealing and drilling in the hull plating, before calling it good and locating the airlock. It was a long walk to come, but the view was without equal.


Paige looked to the viewscreen and saw Dylan doing the hull repair with an engineer she wasn't familiar with.

'I bet the view is amazing out there at times!' she thought to herself.

"Ready to get the heck outta Dodge Ms Grantwood?!" she smiled at the young helmswoman.  Turning to the CMO she stifled a yawn and commented, "Y'know, I will be glad to be back to carbon based creatures in future!" grinning.

Rose Grantwood

Quote from: Paige Wardropper on August 30, 2016, 02:01:30 PM

"Ready to get the heck outta Dodge Ms Grantwood?!" she smiled at the young helmswoman.  Turning to the CMO she stifled a yawn and commented, "Y'know, I will be glad to be back to carbon based creatures in future!" grinning.


Hearing her name being called across the bridge made Roses heart skip a beat as she replied to the doctor. "Umm... Yes.." Taking a deep breathe she attempted to reply a second time. "Yes Ma'am." Happy that her response was more confident and didn't make her seems like a child, she prepared to turn the ship around and fly out of the interior of the planet. engaging thrusters she periodically glanced at her flight officer making sure that she was making the right decisions.

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