S1- M6 - Under a Killing Holodeck

Started by James A. Hawke, July 01, 2017, 10:09:02 PM

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Kira Wyman

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on July 27, 2017, 11:01:52 PM

[Drawing room.]

Ardyn nodded as she pored through the notebooks. Pages upon pages of some rather dangerous medical practices. Putting Steve into her bag for the moment, she looked at the rest of the crew. "I'm going to ask this Adams what's going on. He knows something we don't."

Walking up to the assistant, she grabbed his tie and looked him in the eyes. "what's your deal in all this, Adams? We found some notes that say you've helped with some questionable surgeries. Tell me. What's your relationship with the dear departed doctor?"

The man gulped as he was suddenly interrogated by this woman. "I liked Drury. Don't get me wrong. But his methods were always a bit on the experimental side. Not very good in the operating room. I just don't know who would want to kill him."

Ardy lessened her grip on the man's tie. "Alright.  But I'm keeping an eye on you."

NPC - William Adams

Adams was quite taken back by the woman when she grabbed his tie and gave him a cold stare. "My deal in all this..." Adams paused for a moment and swallowed hard. "My relationship with Drury? I was his personal assistant." Adams paused for a moment and took a deep breath. The woman was close to him and Adams felt uneasy about the situation. "His studies were questionable, but you take risks to get results and that's what I liked about him. Always trying to further himself."

The man gulped again as he continued to receive a grilling from the woman who still had a tight grip on his tie. "He was a good man, even if his ideas were dangerous and not very good in the operating room. He was always very nice to me." He paused as Ardyn explained her confusion as to why someone would kill him. "Perhaps that's why someone wanted to kill him... I mean, uh... Maybe someone connected to one of his departed patients."

As Ardy loosened her grip, the man gave a small sigh of relief. "Yes ma'am, let me help in anyway I can." William finished. Staying seated to keep out of the way unless he was needed.

Click Image to view Bio!
'Discipline strengthens the mind so that it becomes impervious to the corroding influence of fear.' - Bernard Montgomery


[Time Ship]

The Vulcan doctor approached Kirok.  He placed his right hand on Kirok's face.  Then he began to chant 'My mind to your mind...."

Kirok fell into a deed deep meditative state.  At one point, he completely lost consciousness.  Then minutes later he came awake as Agent Ferguson was calling out to him.

"Wake up, Admiral.  The doctor said that the treatment was successful.  You should be able to walk now" he said.

"I will return you to your ship.  Then I will be off.  Thank you for cooperating with us" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Miriam HÁƒ¤llstrom on July 28, 2017, 07:19:33 PM

NPC - William Adams

Adams was quite taken back by the woman when she grabbed his tie and gave him a cold stare. "My deal in all this..." Adams paused for a moment and swallowed hard. "My relationship with Drury? I was his personal assistant." Adams paused for a moment and took a deep breath. The woman was close to him and Adams felt uneasy about the situation. "His studies were questionable, but you take risks to get results and that's what I liked about him. Always trying to further himself."

The man gulped again as he continued to receive a grilling from the woman who still had a tight grip on his tie. "He was a good man, even if his ideas were dangerous and not very good in the operating room. He was always very nice to me." He paused as Ardyn explained her confusion as to why someone would kill him. "Perhaps that's why someone wanted to kill him... I mean, uh... Maybe someone connected to one of his departed patients."

As Ardy loosened her grip, the man gave a small sigh of relief. "Yes ma'am, let me help in anyway I can." William finished. Staying seated to keep out of the way unless he was needed.

[ Drawing room]

Ardyn eyed the man. "I'll keep an eye on you, though."  Motioning over Kay and Caelene, she whispered. "Let's go search the rooms here. Maybe we can find the poison. See if we can trace it. And while we're at it, let's try to find the knife that got James. The person who stabbed James probably was in on the poison too

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Caelene Tam on July 27, 2017, 08:10:37 PM

[Holodeck 1, Victorian London, Dorchester House, Green Drawing Room]
Margaret (NPC) paused, considering the question and how best to answer it. Chuckling slightly to lighten her response, she said, "There was a young woman I knew who started...well...she started hearing things. Voices mostly. I suggested she speak with Edward (NPC) to see if he could help. He likes, err...liked challenging cases and no other doctors seemed to be able to help. I'm afraid I'm not well-versed in medical matters, but he performed a procedure on her to try to help and she died a few days later. He felt so horrible about it, after I had sent her to him, but all doctors lose patients from time to time."

[Green Drawing Room]

The young woman chuckled before replying, an action that T'Ra found odd but not unusual. Humans, she mused, had the strange tendency to laugh when uncomfortable, though how that was supposed to ease the tension was beyond her. What was Miss Wright nervous about?

"Indeed, that would be most unsettling, to lose a patient," T'Ra conceded, recalling the agony in Evan's eyes when he thought he had lost her. But it felt like there was something more to it, and perhaps Miss Wright felt guilty for the part she had to play in it. If nothing else she had referred the young lady in question to see Doctor Drury

Quote from: K-5 on July 27, 2017, 02:27:42 PM

[Holodeck -Drawing Room]

The frown on her face gave away her feelings, even through her glitching systems. "I don't think that this Dr. Drury was who he said he was." At the confusion of her crew-mates, she flipped the book around and let them read a few pages. They in turn picked up their own books, eagerly dreading what was in their respective books. She stuttered again.

T'Ra fell silent, pondering what question she might pose next to the dead man's fiancée, listening and absorbing the action unfolding around her. She hadn't seen the crewman come in, but when she spoke, T'Ra couldn't help but look at the android K-5. "May I see that a moment?" T'Ra asked, approaching the security crewman. K-5 flipped through some of the pages, illustrating some of the gruesome entries within. She turned back to Miss Wright. "Did you know about this?"

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler


Quote from: T'Ra Jones on July 31, 2017, 12:03:33 AM

[Green Drawing Room]

T'Ra fell silent, pondering what question she might pose next to the dead man's fiancée, listening and absorbing the action unfolding around her. She hadn't seen the crewman come in, but when she spoke, T'Ra couldn't help but look at the android K-5. "May I see that a moment?" T'Ra asked, approaching the security crewman. K-5 flipped through some of the pages, illustrating some of the gruesome entries within. She turned back to Miss Wright. "Did you know about this?"
[Holodeck, Drawing Room]

K-5 handed her book to T'ra, and picked up another. This one had the same thing in it. She looked up when T'ra asked a heated question to Miss Wright (NPC) and watched the woman for her answer, making sure to watch for any body language detection lying.

Fala Awen

[Holodeck 1, Victorian London, Dorchester House, Green Drawing Room]

Caelene listened as Ardyn and T'Ra asked a few of the guests some questions. If Doctor Drury (NPC) truly was experimenting on patients, any of the guests could possibly be a suspect. Any of them could have a friend or loved one that was lost to an experiment. Margaret (NPC) had admitted as much. Doctor Adams (NPC) might have wanted to stop his mentor or take over his practice. Perhaps one of the staff knew someone who had died under Drury's care. So many possibilities...

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on July 30, 2017, 10:16:39 PM

Ardyn eyed the man. "I'll keep an eye on you, though."  Motioning over Kay and Caelene, she whispered. "Let's go search the rooms here. Maybe we can find the poison. See if we can trace it. And while we're at it, let's try to find the knife that got James. The person who stabbed James probably was in on the poison too

Moving over to Ardyn, Caelene leaned in to hear her and nodded. "Good idea. It could be in someone's room or even in the kitchen - plenty of people have access there, so it wouldn't necessarily point to someone in particular." She was partly surprised at how easy it was for her to jump into the investigation, but Engineering was similar - when something went wrong, you had to search for clues as to why and solve it. "I'll start in the kitchen if someone else wants to check some of the bedrooms or elsewhere."

[Green Drawing Room, Margaret Wright's (NPC) perspective]

Margaret watched as some of the new guests spoke quietly, then started to leave. Had they discovered something? Did they know who had killed Edward? She was jarred from her thoughts as the explorer woman addressed her.

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on July 31, 2017, 12:03:33 AM

T'Ra fell silent, pondering what question she might pose next to the dead man's fiancée, listening and absorbing the action unfolding around her. She hadn't seen the crewman come in, but when she spoke, T'Ra couldn't help but look at the android K-5. "May I see that a moment?" T'Ra asked, approaching the security crewman. K-5 flipped through some of the pages, illustrating some of the gruesome entries within. She turned back to Miss Wright. "Did you know about this?"

Moving closer, Margaret looked over the woman's shoulder at the book she held. As she saw the images, she gasped and quickly looked away. "I...I... Are you sure that is Edward's? Could someone have left it to make him look bad? I'm not actually knowledgeable when it comes to anything medical. Edward never explained precisely what he did. He mentioned some ground-breaking research he was doing, but not specifics..."

OFF: Tag others

Species: Bajoran- Click on ID for bio
USS Shran Commanding Officer, Academy Operations Instructor

We go from zero to Velociraptor very quickly...

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Caelene Tam on August 03, 2017, 02:27:43 PM

[Holodeck 1, Victorian London, Dorchester House, Green Drawing Room]

Moving over to Ardyn, Caelene leaned in to hear her and nodded. "Good idea. It could be in someone's room or even in the kitchen - plenty of people have access there, so it wouldn't necessarily point to someone in particular." She was partly surprised at how easy it was for her to jump into the investigation, but Engineering was similar - when something went wrong, you had to search for clues as to why and solve it. "I'll start in the kitchen if someone else wants to check some of the bedrooms or elsewhere."

[Green Drawing Room, Margaret Wright's (NPC) perspective]

Margaret watched as some of the new guests spoke quietly, then started to leave. Had they discovered something? Did they know who had killed Edward? She was jarred from her thoughts as the explorer woman addressed her.

Moving closer, Margaret looked over the woman's shoulder at the book she held. As she saw the images, she gasped and quickly looked away. "I...I... Are you sure that is Edward's? Could someone have left it to make him look bad? I'm not actually knowledgeable when it comes to anything medical. Edward never explained precisely what he did. He mentioned some ground-breaking research he was doing, but not specifics..."

OFF: Tag others

[Green Drawing Room]

T'Ra still held the journal firmly in her hand, thumbing through the pages with the other. "I would hardly dare to call myself a medical expert either, Miss Wright," she told the young woman, "but the illustrations and sketches in here don't leave much to the imagination." The images were indeed quite brutal, and she found herself sickened by a couple of them. But she managed to keep her face flat, perhaps because her train of thought had begun to derail a little, wondering if the young woman was (or would be) any relation to the marvelous Wright Brothers. T'Ra opened the book to a random page, pointing to an inscription to ask, "Can you tell me if this is your fiancé's handwriting?"

Quote from: K-5 on July 31, 2017, 04:55:02 PM

[Holodeck, Drawing Room]

K-5 handed her book to T'Ra, and picked up another. This one had the same thing in it. She looked up when T'ra asked a heated question to Miss Wright (NPC) and watched the woman for her answer, making sure to watch for any body language detection lying.

Quote from: Caelene Tam on August 03, 2017, 02:27:43 PM

[Holodeck 1, Victorian London, Dorchester House, Green Drawing Room]

Moving over to Ardyn, Caelene leaned in to hear her and nodded. "Good idea. It could be in someone's room or even in the kitchen - plenty of people have access there, so it wouldn't necessarily point to someone in particular." She was partly surprised at how easy it was for her to jump into the investigation, but Engineering was similar - when something went wrong, you had to search for clues as to why and solve it. "I'll start in the kitchen if someone else wants to check some of the bedrooms or elsewhere."

T'Ra nodded in approval at the Trill's suggestion. They needed more information, and splitting up was the best way to accomplish the task. "Just make sure no one goes anywhere alone," she cautioned. "With the safeties off, we don't want to risk anyone else getting hurt." Evan still hadn't returned from heading off to the kitchens, but in a holodeck, there was only so far he could go.

Turning to the android she added, "K-5, would you care to join me? I intend to search the Doctor's laboratory further."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler


Quote from: T'Ra Jones on August 05, 2017, 03:02:29 AM

[Green Drawing Room]

Turning to the android she added, "K-5, would you care to join me? I intend to search the Doctor's laboratory further."

[Holodeck, Green Drawing Room]

K-5 nodded solemnly, then shuddered once. She tried to hide it, but as she walked, there was a hitch in her step. A glitch in her left leg, and a slight shake in her right. She put the glitches aside and focused on the mission at hand.

They reached the Doctor's laboratory and K-5 and Commander T'Ra split to different sides of the room, searching vigorously. For what, K-5 had no clue.

After half an hour of searching with no fruit on her end, K-5 sighed and shuddered again. T'Ra noticed K-5's troubled look almost instantly. K-5 tried as hard as she could to play it down, but this glitch in the system wasn't working with her systems very well. They needed to end the system before anyone else got hurt or she shut down, or worse.

She got up and kept looking.

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