S1-M8 Crackpot of the Empire

Started by T'Ra Jones, September 03, 2017, 12:56:43 AM

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T'Ra Jones

First Officer's Log, stardate 72670.7

What should have been a simple inspection of a civilian research station wound up as a mass evacuation of all the personnel there due to an AI system that took over the outpost as well as infecting a few of our systems as well. We were successfully able to ferry the outpost crew to a new, temporary settlement, and now the Shran is en route to the beta quadrant for a routine patrolling mission in the Beta quadrant. Though after our last Á¢â,¬Ëœroutine' assignment, I am not entirely certain that this will provide any relief for my crew.

End Log.


T'Ra had taken a seat to the right of the captain's chair, musing over recent events. She watched as the stars raced by, entering and exiting the main view screen in linear fashions at incredible speeds, completely at odds with the thoughts rattling around her head, plodding along in slow, fruitless circles. Hoping to break this cycle, T'Ra tapped her comm badge.

=/\=Bridge to Engineering, how are things shaping up down there? Any lingering effects from the outpost's AI program?=/\=

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 03, 2017, 12:56:43 AM

First Officer's Log, stardate 72670.7

What should have been a simple inspection of a civilian research station wound up as a mass evacuation of all the personnel there due to an AI system that took over the outpost as well as infecting a few of our systems as well. We were successfully able to ferry the outpost crew to a new, temporary settlement, and now the Shran is en route to the beta quadrant for a routine patrolling mission in the Beta quadrant. Though after our last Á¢â,¬Ëœroutine' assignment, I am not entirely certain that this will provide any relief for my crew.

End Log.


T'Ra had taken a seat to the right of the captain's chair, musing over recent events. She watched as the stars raced by, entering and exiting the main view screen in linear fashions at incredible speeds, completely at odds with the thoughts rattling around her head, plodding along in slow, fruitless circles. Hoping to break this cycle, T'Ra tapped her comm badge.

=/\=Bridge to Engineering, how are things shaping up down there? Any lingering effects from the outpost's AI program?=/\=


Ardy sighed in annoyance and picked up Steve from the replicator again. He had cleverly taught himself how to use the replicator to get his new favorite snack: orange Jello. Apparently, he had gotten a taste for it while she was gone doing inspections, though that wasn't the only change in the Little Velociraptor. A smattering of iridescent green feathers on the scruff of his neck that he wouldn't let Ardy change back to their original brown.

Steve squeaked sadly, disappointed that he wasn't able to get his 3rd helping of the jiggling dessert. "Yeah yeah, buddy. That's enough for you." She said as she placed him down on the scratching tower she had gotten him so she could keep an eye on him while she was piloting. Turning back to her seat at the helm console, she rechecked her coordinates. It wasn't as if she had to, as the ship was going rather smoothly. Kicking her feet up on the console, she saw Steve perk up, then hop over to the command chair where T'Ra was sitting. He cocked his head curiously, then perched himself on T'Ra's lap, like he had an instinctive purpose to what he was up to.

"I think he likes you." Ardyn said to T'Ra with a wry grin. "Though, If you ever need me to take him, just tell me."

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison


[Crew Quarters]

After the frustration of the last mission, Zex decided to make the best of her time off.  She slept in as late as she could.  And enjoyed the comfort of her warm bed.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Fala Awen

[Engineering, Chief Engineering Officer's Office]

Caelene had been incredibly busy - actually 'busy' was an understatement. Just before they'd finally gotten the last of the away team and station personnel on board the Shran, their systems seemed to start responding better. After hearing the away team's report, the system issues they'd been experiencing finally made more sense and without further interference from Cara, they'd been able to start untangling the mess.

Since the incident, the Engineering staff had been pulling quite a few double shifts to get the ship's systems restored. Now that they were on their way to their next assignment, Caelene hoped things would calm down and she could let some of her staff get some much deserved R&R time - as much as they could considering they were still on a mission, anyway.

The Trill sat at her desk, eyeing the hot mocha steaming in a mug next to her stack of PADDs. She needed to sign off on the various reports and tests that had been done; it seemed daunting considering the sheer size of the stack, but she would methodically make her way through. As she reached for another PADD, she paused as she heard T'Ra's voice.

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 03, 2017, 12:56:43 AM

=/\=Bridge to Engineering, how are things shaping up down there? Any lingering effects from the outpost's AI program?=/\=

=/\=Tam here, Bridge. I think we have finally untangled our systems from the ordeal, but I wouldn't rule out lingering residual issues. We're monitoring the ship's systems from here and are running additional diagnostics. The worst of it should be over, but if something comes up let us know. There is one replicator that seems to be stubbornly refusing to make anything other than the orange Jell-o, but I have Petty Officer Lestrade (NPC) looking into it.=/\=

It seemed odd that there was just one replicator refusing to cooperate, but if that was the only problem they still had to contend with, Caelene would simply be grateful. Luckily, it seemed they wouldn't need to continue working double shifts anymore. Or at least the others wouldn't...she might need to pull another just to get through all the reports. The Trill frowned, eyeing the stack of PADDs resignedly.  Back to work.

OFF: Tag T'Ra

Species: Bajoran- Click on ID for bio
USS Shran Commanding Officer, Academy Operations Instructor

We go from zero to Velociraptor very quickly...

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on September 03, 2017, 05:07:45 PM


Steve squeaked sadly, disappointed that he wasn't able to get his 3rd helping of the jiggling dessert. "Yeah yeah, buddy. That's enough for you." She said as she placed him down on the scratching tower she had gotten him so she could keep an eye on him while she was piloting. Turning back to her seat at the helm console, she rechecked her coordinates. It wasn't as if she had to, as the ship was going rather smoothly. Kicking her feet up on the console, she saw Steve perk up, then hop over to the command chair where T'Ra was sitting. He cocked his head curiously, then perched himself on T'Ra's lap, like he had an instinctive purpose to what he was up to.

"I think he likes you." Ardyn said to T'Ra with a wry grin. "Though, If you ever need me to take him, just tell me."


T'Ra arched a brow in mild amusement as the little raptor waddled over and crawled into her lap, snuggling her his head against her belly, his romp halfway into the captain's chair beside her. "You know what," she replied, scratching the top of Steve's head so that he started to purr, "I like him too, even if Evan is a little terrified of him." She laughed. Maybe that was part of what she found so endearing about the little guy. As much as she loved the lopsided that was usually spread across his face, it was occasionally funny to see him squirm. Poor guy. The rest of the crew seemed to love the holographic dinosaur.

Quote from: Caelene Tam on September 03, 2017, 11:19:34 PM

=/\=Tam here, Bridge. I think we have finally untangled our systems from the ordeal, but I wouldn't rule out lingering residual issues. We're monitoring the ship's systems from here and are running additional diagnostics. The worst of it should be over, but if something comes up let us know. There is one replicator that seems to be stubbornly refusing to make anything other than the orange Jell-o, but I have Petty Officer Lestrade (NPC) looking into it.=/\=

Steve perked his head up at the mention of orange jello, but he soon nestled his head back down, where T'Ra rubbed it with one hand, reaching for her comm badge with the other. =/\=Acknowledged, Engineering. And keep up the good work, Miss Tam. I'm sure you and your team will have everything sorted in no time. Keep us apprised. Bridge out.=/\=

In that time, Steve seemed to have nestled even more into her tunic and fallen asleep. Good thing for him that she didn't really have to get up any time soon, and for the young one growing within, who seemed to be soothed by the raptor's presence. "What's our ETA, Miss Jaeger?" T'Ra called out.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler


Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 04, 2017, 02:28:14 AM


T'Ra arched a brow in mild amusement as the little raptor waddled over and crawled into her lap, snuggling her his head against her belly, his romp halfway into the captain's chair beside her. "You know what," she replied, scratching the top of Steve's head so that he started to purr, "I like him too, even if Evan is a little terrified of him." She laughed. Maybe that was part of what she found so endearing about the little guy. As much as she loved the lopsided that was usually spread across his face, it was occasionally funny to see him squirm. Poor guy. The rest of the crew seemed to love the holographic dinosaur.

Steve perked his head up at the mention of orange jello, but he soon nestled his head back down, where T'Ra rubbed it with one hand, reaching for her comm badge with the other. =/\=Acknowledged, Engineering. And keep up the good work, Miss Tam. I'm sure you and your team will have everything sorted in no time. Keep us apprised. Bridge out.=/\=

In that time, Steve seemed to have nestled even more into her tunic and fallen asleep. Good thing for him that she didn't really have to get up any time soon, and for the young one growing within, who seemed to be soothed by the raptor's presence. "What's our ETA, Miss Jaeger?" T'Ra called out.


After a nice warm shower, the Deltan was ready to face the world again.  She dress quickly.  And then had some breakfast.

With that done, she headed up to the Bridge for her shift.  "Good morning, Commander.  I'm preparing to log in.  Do you need anything in particular from me at this time?" she asked before heading to her duty station.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amynta Lianez


After what had turned out to be one of the most confusing events of her life thus far, Amynta had absolutely crashed in her new bunk; she didn't even bother to unpack her things and it had taken everything she had just to change into a more suitable outfit.

After waking, though, she had immediately jumped into her duties as ship's counselor, and was surprised to find that several crew members had already made appointments with her using the digital scheduling tool. It was a busy first few days; meeting new patients and getting to know the medical staff was enough to keep her extremely busy down on Deck 9, and she hadn't had much time to spend on the bridge with those she had met during that eventful first day. She was admittedly a bit disappointed--she had enjoyed working as a team with Ardyn and Commander Jones--but there was sure to be plenty of time to make friends after things were a bit more settled.

Now they were embarking on a patrol of some kind, but she hadn't even had time to read the briefing that had been sent out very closely. As it was, she had a few things to accomplish in Sickbay first. One of the crew she had just met had been taking sleeping medication for more than six months, which had originally been prescribed by a family doctor back on Earth. For the last few weeks, though, the buildup of medication in his system had been giving him overly vivid dreams and night terrors--and he hadn't thought to share this with the medical staff until there was a counselor on board. She needed to speak with the medical staff about cancelling his prescription, and make sure that they stopped the medication in the safest way possible. It seemed that Dr. Buehler was busy with another patient, so she approached Dr. Trea instead, although he didn't seem quite as genial. She would just have to be as pleasant as possible, and try not to be intimidated.

"Hello, Dr. Trea. Do you have a moment to help me with something?"

Species: Trill (Unjoined)
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  Shakespeare (Hamlet)

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Zex on September 04, 2017, 05:33:23 PM


After a nice warm shower, the Deltan was ready to face the world again.  She dressed quickly.  And then had some breakfast.

With that done, she headed up to the Bridge for her shift.  "Good morning, Commander.  I'm preparing to log in.  Do you need anything in particular from me at this time?" she asked before heading to her duty station.


"Na'shaya, Miss Zex," T'Ra replied by way of greeting as the Deltan approached the science console. She might have been at the station herself if not for the holographic raptor still sitting on her lap. You're going to have to move at some point, you know that? she thought, but for the moment there was no pressing need. "Nothing in particular at the moment, Ensign," she added, "unless there is anything you'd specifically like to see while we're out in the beta quadrant."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 04, 2017, 02:28:14 AM


T'Ra arched a brow in mild amusement as the little raptor waddled over and crawled into her lap, snuggling her his head against her belly, his romp halfway into the captain's chair beside her. "You know what," she replied, scratching the top of Steve's head so that he started to purr, "I like him too, even if Evan is a little terrified of him." She laughed. Maybe that was part of what she found so endearing about the little guy. As much as she loved the lopsided that was usually spread across his face, it was occasionally funny to see him squirm. Poor guy. The rest of the crew seemed to love the holographic dinosaur.

Steve perked his head up at the mention of orange jello, but he soon nestled his head back down, where T'Ra rubbed it with one hand, reaching for her comm badge with the other. =/\=Acknowledged, Engineering. And keep up the good work, Miss Tam. I'm sure you and your team will have everything sorted in no time. Keep us apprised. Bridge out.=/\=

In that time, Steve seemed to have nestled even more into her tunic and fallen asleep. Good thing for him that she didn't really have to get up any time soon, and for the young one growing within, who seemed to be soothed by the raptor's presence. "What's our ETA, Miss Jaeger?" T'Ra called out.

Straightening herself up, Ardy looked at the navigation panel. "It should take us half an hour at our current speed to get us there, but I can easily speed us up a notch or two higher if you want." She said, nonchalantly pressing some more buttons and adjusting the impulse thrusters a few degrees.

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison


[Crewman's quarters]

After her ordeal starring as Cara, K-5 had been absolutely exhausted. Figuring out a relationship and a bunch of new emotions with it proved to be it's own challenge. Takur seemed laid back enough, even if he could get a little uptight every once in a while. He'd insisted on trying to keep the relationship as modest as possible. His people weren't known for their promiscuity.

His room was directly beside hers and she was fine with that. Maybe it was all the new changes and moving too fast? Whatever the reason, she was glad they had decided to take everything slow. K-5 pulled on her tank top and uniform shirt and made sure her comm badge was pinned firmly in place. She left he room and went into Takur's to grab her hair tie. Even If they had decided to take things slow, didn't mean they couldn't have a little fun every once in a while. She grabbed her hair tie off the bedside table and placed a kiss on Takur's sleeping forehead. She smiled fondly and left to put her hair in a ponytail and get to the bridge for work.


Everything was going lowly, which could get interesting sometimes but he knew Kay, as she'd told him to call her, would appreciate the slowness. He could understand that she was, in fact, not a completely biological form of life, and her programming could overload with all the new things and still needing minor resetting from Cara's leftovers. After he heard the doors open and close, he knew Kay had dropped by. He smiled and started to do his morning routine. Another day, another dollar.


Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 04, 2017, 11:54:30 PM


"Na'shaya, Miss Zex," T'Ra replied by way of greeting as the Deltan approached the science console. She might have been at the station herself if not for the holographic raptor still sitting on her lap. You're going to have to move at some point, you know that? she thought, but for the moment there was no pressing need. "Nothing in particular at the moment, Ensign," she added, "unless there is anything you'd specifically like to see while we're out in the beta quadrant."


Zex watched as the hologram sat on the Commander's lap.  It was quite an odd experience.  Like a mother somehow caring for a child, but she tried to keep that idea to herself.

She shook her head.  "No ma'am.   I will start a diagnostic when I log in.  I just hope to not have the same problem as my last shift.  That was awful" she said with a slight smile.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Zex on September 05, 2017, 06:54:24 PM


Zex watched as the hologram sat on the Commander's lap.  It was quite an odd experience.  Like a mother somehow caring for a child, but she tried to keep that idea to herself.

She shook her head.  "No ma'am.   I will start a diagnostic when I log in.  I just hope to not have the same problem as my last shift.  That was awful" she said with a slight smile.


T'Ra could sense a thought stirring within the Deltan's mind, noting the way the ensign's eyes moved across the central dais on the bridge. Even as the science officer turned back towards her station, the sentiment lingered, making T'Ra wonder just how much the crew knew about her condition. "A repeat occurrence would be highly unlikely," she replied. "Tam and her engineers have been working non-stop to bring the systems back up to peak performance. But I do agree, that was most unpleasant."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on September 05, 2017, 01:51:17 AM

Straightening herself up, Ardy looked at the navigation panel. "It should take us half an hour at our current speed to get us there, but I can easily speed us up a notch or two higher if you want." She said, nonchalantly pressing some more buttons and adjusting the impulse thrusters a few degrees.

"Thank you, Miss Jaeger," she said in response to flight lieutenant. Ardyn was an excellent pilot and would certainly get them there in no time at all. Though it was just to be a routine patrol, T'Ra was grateful to have an agile pair of hands at the helm. "I do have one question in the meantime," she added after a moment. "Does he always do this?"

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Fala Awen

[Engineering, Chief Engineering Officer's Office]

As she awaited a response from the bridge, Caelene frowned as an Ensign dropped off another small stack of PADDs. He shrugged and offered an apologetic smile before leaving her office quickly. At this rate, there was no way she wouldn't be pulling a second shift unless some of these reports were a lot more succinct than she feared.

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 04, 2017, 02:28:14 AM

Steve perked his head up at the mention of orange jello, but he soon nestled his head back down, where T'Ra rubbed it with one hand, reaching for her comm badge with the other. =/\=Acknowledged, Engineering. And keep up the good work, Miss Tam. I'm sure you and your team will have everything sorted in no time. Keep us apprised. Bridge out.=/\=

It was good to hear that T'Ra had faith in her and her team. After the fiasco with the ship's systems, the Trill had wondered if she would get demoted since it had happened on her watch. At the very least, she assumed she wouldn't be asked to be in charge of the bridge any time soon.

However, the opposite had actually been the case. It seemed that James and T'Ra felt she had handled a difficult situation well under pressure; they had not only promoted her to Lieutenant Commander, but also Second Officer of the Shran. Caelene had been completely shocked and just barely managed to thank them as she had been at a loss for words. Even now she found it hard to believe, but her slender fingers moved up to her collar and brushed over the new third half-pip.

Picking up the next PADD, she carefully read through the report regarding the main power system. A level one diagnostic had been completed and they found a few remnants of the rogue coding that Cara had used to disable the system. It had then been removed and a second diagnostic turned up no additional anomalies. Even with that in mind, Caelene had already decided that Gamma shift would regularly run level 5 diagnostics - or higher level ones when they could - just to be certain that nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

[30 minutes later]

After wading through several more reports, she was growing restless and felt the need to do something. Her eyes moved to her toolkit, which she quickly picked up and headed for the door. Caelene looked around Main Engineering until she spotted the person she was looking for. "Lieutenant Revan (NPC), I'm going to take a look at that replicator with Lestrade (NPC) and the holodeck systems. Until I return, you're in charge. If something comes up, contact me."

Seeing him nod in the affirmative, she gave him a small encouraging smile before she turned to the doors and left. It would be good to do some real work. The reports were necessary of course, especially since she was the department head, but that didn't mean she couldn't or shouldn't get involved. And it would give her a chance to see how Gabriel was coming along.

Species: Bajoran- Click on ID for bio
USS Shran Commanding Officer, Academy Operations Instructor

We go from zero to Velociraptor very quickly...

Kira Wyman


The journey over to the quadrant had been a quiet one and Miriam's job had become somewhat quiet. She did her best to help out in engineering with anything which needed doing and had been doing her duties in ops, helping with basic repairs and also doing any admin which needed doing.

Miriam looked down at the console and noticed Starfleet Command had hailed them. She looked up towards T'Ra. "Commander, we have an incoming hail from Starfleet command." Miriam finished.

Click Image to view Bio!
'Discipline strengthens the mind so that it becomes impervious to the corroding influence of fear.' - Bernard Montgomery

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on September 06, 2017, 02:34:24 AM


T'Ra could sense a thought stirring within the Deltan's mind, noting the way the ensign's eyes moved across the central dais on the bridge. Even as the science officer turned back towards her station, the sentiment lingered, making T'Ra wonder just how much the crew knew about her condition. "A repeat occurrence would be highly unlikely," she replied. "Tam and her engineers have been working non-stop to bring the systems back up to peak performance. But I do agree, that was most unpleasant."

"Thank you, Miss Jaeger," she said in response to flight lieutenant. Ardyn was an excellent pilot and would certainly get them there in no time at all. Though it was just to be a routine patrol, T'Ra was grateful to have an agile pair of hands at the helm. "I do have one question in the meantime," she added after a moment. "Does he always do this?"

Ardyn paused a moment from  her adjusting the Warp drive as she glanced over to where Steve was snugly asleep on T'Ra's lap "Come to think of it, no, he hasn't. He's a cuddly little guy, but he hasn't fallen asleep on anyone else's lap before. If he does take a nap, it's usually on me." She mused curiously. "Maybe it's because of the baby. You know how he really likes kids. I don't know half of what he can do, but maybe he can sense it, and this is his way of being protective." She had to smile at that thought. "By the way, I'm going to shift us into Warp 6, if no one minds. I'm getting bored of going slower."

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

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