S3:M2 There is Always Soma

Started by Michael Ferdinand, August 27, 2018, 07:07:49 PM

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Djann Tempest

Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 01, 2018, 03:00:18 PM

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Michael said. "Please notify me when we have arrived." He moved his right hand from the arm rest and pressed his commbadge.

=/\=Ferdinand to Garrison and Tempest: Please report to the bridge.=/\=

He turned to Ops, glad to see that during the commotion, Pepper had been escorted out of her station and replaced by one Mr. Waring. He didn't initially regard it, but now that he thought of it, the air quality of the bridge seemed to have increased exponentially since Pepper had left. "Mr. Waring, scan for any other ships in the vacinity." Turning his head to the tactical station, he said "Prepare to go to Red Alert if Ops picks up anything hostile."

[ USS Shran - Deck 7 ]

The comm came in while Djann and the Commander were already in route to the bridge luckily. He looked over at Kinley to see if she may know what was going on but she looked just as intrigued as he did. He picked up the walking pace to get to the nearest turbolift.

The turbolift doors waited a moment to open although he could hear a car slowing down. It seemed to be reverberating with some sort of deep, repetitive sound and when it did arrive a smell poured out that almost made Djann outwardly retch. He looked inside to see Commander Smith seemingly asleep and snoring loudly, half standing/half slouched over the small rail around the turbolift car.

Tempest looked to Garrison. "I think we should wait for the next one". With that he pressed the activator and called out "Deck 24" and sent the car along. Another one showed up in a brief moment.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The bridge was humming with activity when Tempest stepped off the lift. They had increased speed beyond their standard operational rate so they must be on the way somewhere. Ensign Leighton was at the main science station.

"Report" he said approaching the crewman in blue.

"We're responding to a distress call sir" she replied. "The SS uh.. Good Vibes was apparently attacked by Orion pirates and in bad shape".

"Thank you Ensign. You can take Science station 2" he replied.

Tempest logged into the console and for the first time noticed there was a new face on the bridge and an Admiral at that. Admiral Adeyemi he recognized. He didn't know the man but had seem him at a Daystrom reception a few years ago and knew him by reputation since. He was known as a reasonable but decisive officer. An Admiral working a bridge console...this ship never ceases to amaze he thought to himself.

The thought did leave him wondering if the flag officer's presence was related to their last mission's outcome or perhaps looking into their new Captain...

William Waring

Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 01, 2018, 03:00:18 PM

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Michael said. "Please notify me when we have arrived." He moved his right hand from the arm rest and pressed his commbadge.

=/\=Ferdinand to Garrison and Tempest: Please report to the bridge.=/\=

He turned to Ops, glad to see that during the commotion, Pepper had been escorted out of her station and replaced by one Mr. Waring. He didn't initially regard it, but now that he thought of it, the air quality of the bridge seemed to have increased exponentially since Pepper had left. "Mr. Waring, scan for any other ships in the vacinity." Turning his head to the tactical station, he said "Prepare to go to Red Alert if Ops picks up anything hostile."


Will had replaced the COO at the Primary Operations Station and had just logged into his setup when the Captain passed his orders along. "Running sensor scans now sir" he said as he pressed a few key commands and pulled up the ship's sensor network "I only detect one other vessel besides the Good Vibes. I suspect it is 'holding down the fort' so to speak. Most likely waiting to see if anyone else comes to help. Doubt they will expect the Shran though." He finished, a slight grin appearing as he imagined the faces of the Orions when a Sovereign drops from warp.


Chris Taylor

Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 01, 2018, 03:00:18 PM

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Michael said. "Please notify me when we have arrived." He moved his right hand from the arm rest and pressed his commbadge.

=/\=Ferdinand to Garrison and Tempest: Please report to the bridge.=/\=

He turned to Ops, glad to see that during the commotion, Pepper had been escorted out of her station and replaced by one Mr. Waring. He didn't initially regard it, but now that he thought of it, the air quality of the bridge seemed to have increased exponentially since Pepper had left. "Mr. Waring, scan for any other ships in the vacinity." Turning his head to the tactical station, he said "Prepare to go to Red Alert if Ops picks up anything hostile."

"Aye sir" Chris called out to the Captain, truth be known he had already put weapons on high availability without arming them and Red Alert was a button press away.

He glanced sideways at the Admiral and then returned to his work as the words of his father echoed in his mind "be ready before the Captain asks for something".

Quote from: William Waring on September 01, 2018, 05:41:33 PM


Will had replaced the COO at the Primary Operations Station and had just logged into his setup when the Captain passed his orders along. "Running sensor scans now sir" he said as he pressed a few key commands and pulled up the ship's sensor network "I only detect one other vessel besides the Good Vibes. I suspect it is 'holding down the fort' so to speak. Most likely waiting to see if anyone else comes to help. Doubt they will expect the Shran though." He finished, a slight grin appearing as he imagined the faces of the Orions when a Sovereign drops from warp.

After the Ops officer responded with the scan results, Chris hovered over the Red Alert. "Red Alert sir"? He queried as he also ran scans from Tactical looking for any anomalies in the results.

"Sir, the Orions do like to ambush ships and a wounded duck with one guard makes a tempting target". He awaited the Captain's response hoping the Captain didn't think he was being a smart ass.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 01, 2018, 03:41:07 PM

[ USS Shran - Deck 7 ]

The comm came in while Djann and the Commander were already in route to the bridge luckily. He looked over at Kinley to see if she may know what was going on but she looked just as intrigued as he did. He picked up the walking pace to get to the nearest turbolift.

The turbolift doors waited a moment to open although he could hear a car slowing down. It seemed to be reverberating with some sort of deep, repetitive sound and when it did arrive a smell poured out that almost made Djann outwardly retch. He looked inside to see Commander Smith seemingly asleep and snoring loudly, half standing/half slouched over the small rail around the turbolift car.

Tempest looked to Garrison. "I think we should wait for the next one". With that he pressed the activator and called out "Deck 24" and sent the car along. Another one showed up in a brief moment.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The bridge was humming with activity when Tempest stepped off the lift. They had increased speed beyond their standard operational rate so they must be on the way somewhere. Ensign Leighton was at the main science station.

"Report" he said approaching the crewman in blue.

"We're responding to a distress call sir" she replied. "The SS uh.. Good Vibes was apparently attacked by Orion pirates and in bad shape".

"Thank you Ensign. You can take Science station 2" he replied.

Tempest logged into the console and for the first time noticed there was a new face on the bridge and an Admiral at that. Admiral Adeyemi he recognized. He didn't know the man but had seem him at a Daystrom reception a few years ago and knew him by reputation since. He was known as a reasonable but decisive officer. An Admiral working a bridge console...this ship never ceases to amaze he thought to himself.

The thought did leave him wondering if the flag officer's presence was related to their last mission's outcome or perhaps looking into their new Captain...

[Science labs]
"I agree full-heartedly." Kinley said as they walked out towards  the bridge. She didn't like to not be able to trust her Commanding Officer, but it was very quickly becoming her normal mode of operating since she had been appointed to Executive Officer.
The turbolift opened, releasing a suffocating tidal wave-like stench of cigarette butts. Inside was Peppah, quite out of it. Giving a nod in approval to Djann, Kinley was quite thankful to get out of the presence of the woman. How Peppah managed to get as highly-ranked as she did still stumped Kinley, and as soon as she could find a reason, she wanted to knock the woman down a pip.
Heading onto the bridge, Kinley sat down in the chair next to Ferdinand's. Listening into the chatter on the bridge, she nodded as the ship turned toward the coordinates of the freighter. Hopefully they could get in time.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Michael Ferdinand

Quote from: Chris Taylor on September 01, 2018, 06:22:56 PM

"Aye sir" Chris called out to the Captain, truth be known he had already put weapons on high availability without arming them and Red Alert was a button press away.

He glanced sideways at the Admiral and then returned to his work as the words of his father echoed in his mind "be ready before the Captain asks for something".

After the Ops officer responded with the scan results, Chris hovered over the Red Alert. "Red Alert sir"? He queried as he also ran scans from Tactical looking for any anomalies in the results.

"Sir, the Orions do like to ambush ships and a wounded duck with one guard makes a tempting target". He awaited the Captain's response hoping the Captain didn't think he was being a smart ass.

Michael raised his hand. "Take us to yellow alert." Michael said. He wanted to be cautious. If the other ship was not an Orion vessel, he didn't want to cause an incident, especially with an Admiral on his bridge. "Can you confirm if it's an Orion vessel, Ensign?"

As he asked, he noted the XO and the CSO arrive on the bridge. "Thank you for getting here on time." Michael said. His tone was non-sarcastic. "We may have a problem. This experience may be valuable for you as you progress through your career."

Everything must be earned, for if it is given, there are no lessons learned.

Djann Tempest

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Captain's acknowledgment came just as the science's console was returning some interesting results. Antimatter particles permeated this area of space as well as a very distinct radiation field.

"Captain. I'm reading evidence of a possible warp core detonation. Antimatter particle field as well as tritanium and minute dilithium readings within 10 kilometers from the vessel in distress".

Jenna McKinson

[ Medical Bay - Lab 1 ]

Jenna made sure she was alone as she pulled out the tissue samples she received. She had her PADD on the table in front of her and she began to record. "Log entry one. This is Doctor Jenna McKinson and the following log is classified information. The tissue samples given to me are from one subject who progressed through the condition described to me at an earlier time. The condition, which is currently unnamed, eventually claimed the life of the patient. I am attempting to determine the symptoms in order to construct a model of the disease as it progressed through the patient in the hopes of finding a reversal of the disease." After Jenna spoke, she began to run a few scans. The yellow alert was triggered and Jenna rolled her eyes. She was thankful she was not video recording for her reaction. As each sample was scanned, a map of the creature was being created on her PADD.

The creature know as the Voon stood proud on her small hologram she created. The tall creature had two heads and pale blue skin. The Voon named Kalinor was the one to approach her. He was a guest at the Brighton's wedding. She had heard Caleb speak of him, but to meet him was another thing. It was also a blessing to meet his second named Kator. The subject was a close friend to Kalinor and Krator. They were named Abbis and Ayla.

Jenna's eyes stayed glued as they disease progressed. She knew that her PADD was taking notes, but she needed to observe. Part of her stomach churned to see the Voon suffer. It was in her nature to care for living things;which is why she studied to become a doctor. Other patients she had the potential to save, this one was already gone. This would more than likely eat away at her one day. If she was to help, she would need to quell emotions to help the Voon.

"I always try to be true to who I am and just be myself."

William Waring

Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 03, 2018, 02:19:17 PM

Michael raised his hand. "Take us to yellow alert." Michael said. He wanted to be cautious. If the other ship was not an Orion vessel, he didn't want to cause an incident, especially with an Admiral on his bridge. "Can you confirm if it's an Orion vessel, Ensign?"

As he asked, he noted the XO and the CSO arrive on the bridge. "Thank you for getting here on time." Michael said. His tone was non-sarcastic. "We may have a problem. This experience may be valuable for you as you progress through your career."


A few moments after the Captain issued Yellow Alert, some of the lighting and wall mounted screens illuminated in the yellow distinct to such an alert while readiness reports began coming in. "All deck report they are standing by" he reported as both the CSO and XO entered the Bridge.

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 03, 2018, 03:21:15 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Captain's acknowledgment came just as the science's console was returning some interesting results. Antimatter particles permeated this area of space as well as a very distinct radiation field.

"Captain. I'm reading evidence of a possible warp core detonation. Antimatter particle field as well as tritanium and minute dilithium readings within 10 kilometers from the vessel in distress".

Will pulled up his own readings that came in and looked them over "Readings confirmed Captain. I'd put money on that its their Warp Core." He said as he queued up more detailed sensor scans "Tempest, sensors are running a subspace scan. If it was a core detonation, there should be a big disruption in subspace."

It wasn't the most common of knowledge, hence why he ran a scan looking just for such a disruption. While nowadays most Federation Ships have modern Warp Cores that don't damage subspace, the older freighters either can't afford or can't handle the newer cores. This means a distinct mark would show up on scans in the subspace bands if an older core was detonated.


Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Chris Taylor on September 01, 2018, 06:22:56 PM

"Aye sir" Chris called out to the Captain, truth be known he had already put weapons on high availability without arming them and Red Alert was a button press away.

He glanced sideways at the Admiral and then returned to his work as the words of his father echoed in his mind "be ready before the Captain asks for something".

After the Ops officer responded with the scan results, Chris hovered over the Red Alert. "Red Alert sir"? He queried as he also ran scans from Tactical looking for any anomalies in the results.

"Sir, the Orions do like to ambush ships and a wounded duck with one guard makes a tempting target". He awaited the Captain's response hoping the Captain didn't think he was being a smart ass.


From the auxillary security station, Adeyemi could almost sense the young officer's nerves. To put him at ease, he began to run a preliminary, identifying scan on the Orion vessel.

"Looks like a standard ship of theirs, ensign," The admiral said in a quiet tone. "Can you get any more specific readings on them?"

Kinley Garrison

Kinley nodded in agreement as they got closer to the damaged freighter. "Steady as she goes, Filitov." She murmured as the ship winded it's way closer. As soon as we're in range, try to send a message to the freighter. See if there is any survivors we can beam aboard."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Mondo'li Nari

Corridor outside of the Medbay

Mondo had just left the medbay when the yellow alert tone sounded, and the yellow indicator lights flashed throughout the ship on every major wall panel.   This week, his post in the event of an alert was the primary transporter room.  He began making his way there, stopping briefly to arm himself with a Type II hand phaser from a corridor weapons locker.  In addition to the main armory, these weapons lockers were distributed throughout the vessel so that personnel could quickly ready themselves for potential combat during alert conditions.  Yellow wasn't Red, but it did require the activation of additional security personnel in anticipation of further alert conditions.

Striding to the transporter room after taking his weapon, he ruminated on his experience in Sickbay.  He'd been cleared for duty, but only provisionally.  The Doctor had required him to make an appointment with the ship's Counselor to discuss his experiences.   Apparently, it was a mandatory process following an on-duty killing, justified or not.

Well, it was best to resolve such red-tape quickly.  He tapped his badge.  "Crewman Nari to Ship's Computer, Please set a schedule with the first available Counselor during a time outside of my sleep cycle, at some point over the next three days."

The badge chirped and the computer responded, "Acknowledged.  Scheduling in progress.  Your PADD will be updated with the appointment as soon as it is confirmed."

Mondo nodded and stepped through the transporter room door.  Crewman Toddok, a surly Tellarite, was already on post.  In the event that someone needed to be beamed in, they would secure the arrival.  If a team needed to be beamed out, they would be available to provide protection.

Usually, nothing at all was needed.   Security work involved long periods of boredom punctuated by brief frenzies of violence.

Mondo preferred the boredom.

"You are characteristically unattractive today, Toddok," Mondo remarked to his fellow security crewman.

"Really?  You are uglier than usual," Toddok replied.

Both of them exchanged smiles, and stood at attention on either side of the transporter operator.  That officer- a young human woman Mondo had never met- did not deign to join their greetings.

Chris Taylor

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on September 04, 2018, 09:16:22 AM


From the auxillary security station, Adeyemi could almost sense the young officer's nerves. To put him at ease, he began to run a preliminary, identifying scan on the Orion vessel.

"Looks like a standard ship of theirs, ensign," The admiral said in a quiet tone. "Can you get any more specific readings on them?"

At the sound of the voice next to him Chris snapped out of his momentary daze "erm confirmed Admiral" he relaxed a little knowing the Admiral was helping him. "From the shape and size of the ship combined with the warp traces, It would appear to be an Interceptor class Sir".

It was a relief they weren't up against a Frigate or Cruiser and Chris glanced quickly at the Admiral, nodding his head in thanks to Malcolm.

He quickly adjusted the scans to the surrounding area attempting to verify no one else was hiding in ambush.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 05, 2018, 01:00:32 AM

Kinley nodded in agreement as they got closer to the damaged freighter. "Steady as she goes, Filitov." She murmured as the ship winded it's way closer. As soon as we're in range, try to send a message to the freighter. See if there is any survivors we can beam aboard."


Katcha nodded.

"Da Kommander." She replied. "Ve vill be dropping out of Varp in less zan two minutes." She reported.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Jed Newton


The patient needing to be cleared for something exited the medical suite before Jed could figure out what exactly was going on... and almost immediately, the alerts began flashing. Yellow.

It could be worse. Yellow just meant the command crew wanted the rest of us prepared for possible danger.

Jed watched the medical crew spring into motion, preparing for potential casualties of any action, and he tried not to get in their way. Seeing a break in their pattern, he stepped in, and took over preparing emergency first aid kits that could be rushed anywhere on the ship. While his primary practice had been psychology, he did have a doctorate in psychiatry too, so he'd studied general medicine and was licensed to practice on Luna, Terra, and Bajor.

He explained as much to Doctor Xoran, who pointed to a specific station and told him to wait there for further instructions.

So Jed waited.

Dr. Jed Newton
Civilian Psychiatric Consultation

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Chris Taylor on September 05, 2018, 06:51:25 AM

At the sound of the voice next to him Chris snapped out of his momentary daze "erm confirmed Admiral" he relaxed a little knowing the Admiral was helping him. "From the shape and size of the ship combined with the warp traces, It would appear to be an Interceptor class Sir".

It was a relief they weren't up against a Frigate or Cruiser and Chris glanced quickly at the Admiral, nodding his head in thanks to Malcolm.

He quickly adjusted the scans to the surrounding area attempting to verify no one else was hiding in ambush.


"That's a combat vessel, if this old memory serves correct," The admiral commented. The younger man's frayed nerves amused him slightly, or perhaps he was alleviating his own anxiety by a bit of friendly teasing.

"i do hope you plan on raising shields and adopting a defensive posture when we exit warp, son," Adeyemi said with a heavy handed attempt at a fatherly tone."

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