S3:M2 There is Always Soma

Started by Michael Ferdinand, August 27, 2018, 07:07:49 PM

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Djann Tempest

Quote from: Michael Ferdinand on September 24, 2018, 07:04:10 PM

[Observation Lounge]
The Orion woman looked at Tempest before looking down at her nails. The paint was chipped, and she was slowly making the chip larger. "It's quite simple." she said, annoyed at the line of questioning. "The cargo is marked for our vessel. If you do a quick scan, you can see this." she said. She turned her eyes to towards the freighter crew, a sneer coming on her face.

Michael nodded. "Very well." he said in response. "And you, sir? What's your take on all th-"

"We were attacked without provocation!" the Freighter captain shouted at the top of his lungs. "These whores had no right to attack our vessel. We did nothing to them. All we were trying to do was deliver the cargo."

"Be careful who you call a 'whore.' The syndicate's web is large."

Michael put a hand up. Obviously talks were not going to work here. "Thank you. I've heard enough. Mr. Waring, please return our guests to their quarters. We'll continue looking into this."

[5 minutes later]
=/\= Ferdinand to Garrison: Commander, please perform a scan on the cargo and inform me of the results when finished. Specifically, look to see if the cargo was designated for the Orions.=/\=

Michael walked out of the Observation Lounge, trying to keep his annoyance under wraps. "Report."

[ USS Shran - Observation Lounge ]

The Captain's quick dissolution of their talks took Djann by surprise but he stayed quiet and let the moment proceed. As soon as the Captain had left though he decided to take initiative and do a little of what the previous generation had called "cowboy diplomacy".

Tempest looked to Warring, "If you don't mind, I'll escort the freighter Captain myself if you want to...handle the Orions" he said with a wink. The Orion women definitely took advantage of their...evolutionary traits.

Walking up to the Freighter Captain, Tempest motioned toward the doors. "Right this way sir, I'll show you to your quarters" he said. Leading him down the corridor, they reached a turbo-lift. Waiting for it to open, Tempest took stock of the situation. The man's response in the meeting had been immediate, no deliberation. He was either extremely sure of himself or had rehearsed that. Djann was betting on the latter. The lift arrive and they stepped in.

The man stood across from him and looked apprehensive. Good Tempest thought, this next part will scare the hell out of him.

"Computer, stop lift and initiate suppression mode" he called out. Within a second the car jerked to a stop and a hum became apparent.

"What is the meaning of--" the Freighter Captain began to exclaim but was cut off by Tempest stepping up, inches from his face.

"No questions, only answers. What makes you stupid enough to cross the Syndicate? Your lie back there fooled no one and if you want to live through this encounter I suggest you be more forthcoming" he said evenly yet forcefully.

The Freighter Captain winced at his words but seemed defiant still, not speaking.

"Fine. We'll play it your way. I wonder how long your ship is going to last with all the damage against the Orions when we cut you free? If you're unwilling to provide information than we have no reason to offer any assistance. Plus..." he paused for effect.

"I know what the facilities in the rear compartments of your ship do. Oh yes, you've hidden the processing equipment in the walls and among standard components just in case you were ever busted like this. After all, it's one thing to be smuggling hyperzine and narcotics but a much more serious thing to be cooking it"

"You have no proof! Besides for you to know that you would have to have--" the Freighter Captain was again cut off but this time by a cybernetic hand grabbing his collar and pinning him to the wall.

"You have no idea who am I or what I have but I can tell you this; You will be a man on a derelict ship about to suck space in about twenty minutes unless I hear what I want in the next 10 seconds." he shouted. Tempest wasn't worried about being overheard because they were between decks but his suppression program was a ruse and just activated a force field. Their whole exchange was being monitored by internal sensors.

The Captain wasn't a hardered murderer and had just in fact taken over for the previous Captain upon their death and this was apparently his folding point. Struggling against the robotic hand he finally acquiesced.

"FINE. Fine" he gasped. Tempest dropped the man. "We lifted the cargo yeah, but it's not like the Orions have legal claim to anything right? But regardless, they have a facility. It's on Ramos but not for much longer. It's a refinement and storage facility for pretty much anything illicit and organic in nature. Drugs, bioweapons, medical grade...well you, anything with a price. They're going to be disassembling it. Seems like the heat is too much for them and it's about to go somewhere much more discreet".

Taking a moment to soak in the information he called out to the computer again; "Deck 9". He tapped his commbadge a moment later. "Tempest to Brig, be ready to receive a new resident".

The Freighter Captain looked at him mouth agape.

"You know you did just admit to outright theft and trafficking of illicit substances right?" Djann asked him. "I am willing to forget what mechanisms you have hidden in your walls for your cooperation though and that should be a much lighter sentence. Or would you like to take your chances on your ship?"

The lift stopped and opened. The Freighter Captain glared for a moment more and then moved out, seemingly capitulating.

"Good man" Tempest said and escorted him to the brig.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest walked on the Bridge as Filitov was filling in the CO on the navigation logs. Hurrying down to catch as much as possible, he spoke up as soon as he was able.

"Captain, Ms. Filitov, I think we may have an opportunity there to bust a significant smuggling and drug manufacturing operation on Ramos. The Freighter Captain had a...change of heart in the lift and confessed to stealing the cargo. He also was very forthcoming about the Syndicate having a facility that's due to be moved to another planet in a few days. It sounds like a major hub and would be effective in pulling that trade out of this sector".

Kinley Garrison

Nodding as she got the orders, Kinley did an abut face and quickly focused her attention on the scanners. "Sir, I'm getting a few hits on some addictive substances in the cargo bay and decks 4 and 5. We'll send down teams to get those. I can't quite tell, but at least one of those substances is known to react particularly well to Orion pheromones. So, there may be some evidence to back that claim up." She reported, watching as the ship sped by.

[Time skip  - Ramos, The Checkerboard ]
Kinley tried to ignore the very warm, dusty wind  blowing sand across her thighs. Maybe wearing a fringe skirt and leotard wasn't the best idea for this climate. She really wondered just how Jenna convinced her to do this, but no matter. Pulling her leather jacket down to ward off the abrasion. She looked at where the coordinates said was the front for the location; The Checkerboard. It was a dingy, worn – out building, with a cheap façade and a rumble of drunkenness coming from the halls. . looking towards Jenna, uncertainly, she straightened the fringe. Her plan was simple; Distract everyone while the rest of the gang would go underneath and nab the criminals. "See anything, Waring?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Chris Taylor

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 25, 2018, 12:31:12 AM

Nodding as she got the orders, Kinley did an abut face and quickly focused her attention on the scanners. "Sir, I'm getting a few hits on some addictive substances in the cargo bay and decks 4 and 5. We'll send down teams to get those. I can't quite tell, but at least one of those substances is known to react particularly well to Orion pheromones. So, there may be some evidence to back that claim up." She reported, watching as the ship sped by.

[Time skip  - Ramos, The Checkerboard ]
Kinley tried to ignore the very warm, dusty wind  blowing sand across her thighs. Maybe wearing a fringe skirt and leotard wasn't the best idea for this climate. She really wondered just how Jenna convinced her to do this, but no matter. Pulling her leather jacket down to ward off the abrasion. She looked at where the coordinates said was the front for the location; The Checkerboard. It was a dingy, worn – out building, with a cheap façade and a rumble of drunkenness coming from the halls. . looking towards Jenna, uncertainly, she straightened the fringe. Her plan was simple; Distract everyone while the rest of the gang would go underneath and nab the criminals. "See anything, Waring?"

==Ramos, The Checkerboard==

As the dust blew past Chris was happy he had chosen a simple but effective outfit for the mission boots, Jeans, a plain white-ish  long sleeved shirt, covered by a long coat, he wore a bandanna pulled over his mouth and a pair of glasses to keep the dust from jis eyes.

He looked over at the building and remembered the last time he was here "Commander" he whispered "I might be able to help with the diversion, the owner here doesn't exactly like me, not as much as his wife anyway". He paused and took a breath "if i go in there and he sees my face then all hell will break loose".

Taylor wasn't worried he knew he could handle any trouble he just didn't want to jeopardize the mission and the others. He knew that Kinley would certainly cause a distraction and he also knew the people in the building. "How about I cover you commander from the doorway while the others get what we need"? Again he did not doubt the Commanders ability but it was his job to make sure she stayed safe.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Malcolm Adeyemi


"Lieutenant," Adeyemi said without preamble as he stepped up to Tempest, the science officer. He handed the man a PADD. "After some...digging, Commander Smith and I have overheard the Orions in their quarters. Listen."

The PADD beeped and a seedy voice said, "The caravan is leaving by 2330 hours tonight. With the timetable in place we should get to Ramos with plenty of time to spare."

"And..." Adeyemi leaned over Tempest and tapped the PADD again.

"Foolish humans! They think they've sidelined us, but it is only a minor delay."

"I think there is more going here than we originally thought, lieutenant," The admiral said quietly.

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 25, 2018, 12:31:12 AM

[Time skip  - Ramos, The Checkerboard ]
Kinley tried to ignore the very warm, dusty wind  blowing sand across her thighs. Maybe wearing a fringe skirt and leotard wasn't the best idea for this climate. She really wondered just how Jenna convinced her to do this, but no matter. Pulling her leather jacket down to ward off the abrasion. She looked at where the coordinates said was the front for the location; The Checkerboard. It was a dingy, worn – out building, with a cheap façade and a rumble of drunkenness coming from the halls. . looking towards Jenna, uncertainly, she straightened the fringe. Her plan was simple; Distract everyone while the rest of the gang would go underneath and nab the criminals. "See anything, Waring?"

Ramos, The Checkerboard

Katcha sat a little apart from the others. She had pulled out one of her old cover identities and given it a little brush up. They had 'borrowed' a highly modified and illegal tramp freighter from a Federation impound yard, and used it to get to Ramos. The others had come as her passengers and she had persuaded several of the older enlisted to pretend to be her crew. Making sure the others could see her, she walked up to the bar.

She saw L'ulaq K'gatzhark at once, the Klingon was hard to miss. There were not many bar owners that kept a bat'leth hanging on the wall behind the bar as well as a large and very nasty disruptor rifle underneath it. She was wearing her usual gear for this type of thing. A low cut, dark brown top and a pair of tight, lighter brown, trousers. She had a heavy duty disruptor pistol in a holster at her waist and a knife tucked into her just shy of knee high boots. Over the top of it all, she wore a dusty brown, calf length leather coat. She had a equally dusty broad brimmed had on her head and a pair of goggles hanging round her neck.

She had no sooner approached the bar than L'ulaq came up to her.

"Anna!" He growled. "What brings you back here?" He asked, pouring her a shot of what passed for whisky at the Checkerboard.

"I got my own ship now L'ulaq." She replied, her normal Russian accent replaced with an almost sensual one. "I had a job hauling passengers and I heard that I might be able to source some Hyperzine around here. I figured that you, being the hub 'round here, would be able to point me in the right direction and maybe put in a good word for me?" She asked, sliding 5 strips of Latinum discretely across the bar.

Without even looking at them, the large Klingon swiped them out of sight. He then gave her what, for him, passed for a smile.

"One of the Syndicate did mention that they were looking for discrete ships to move some of that stuff. For a price."

"Do you know if they are still looking?" She asked, sliding another 3 strips over to him.

"Yeah they are. Hang around for a bit, one of them will be in later and I'll point him your way."

Katcha down the shot and another was immediately poured.

"Thanks L'ulaq. I'll be over there for a while." She said, pointing with her head to the table where she had been sitting.

The Klingon nodded and she made her way back to her seat. Then with her back to her crewmates, she tapped a hidden com-badge and told the others what had happened in a low voice so as not to arouse suspicion.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Djann Tempest

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on September 25, 2018, 10:15:59 AM


"Lieutenant," Adeyemi said without preamble as he stepped up to Tempest, the science officer. He handed the man a PADD. "After some...digging, Commander Smith and I have overheard the Orions in their quarters. Listen."

The PADD beeped and a seedy voice said, "The caravan is leaving by 2330 hours tonight. With the timetable in place we should get to Ramos with plenty of time to spare."

"And..." Adeyemi leaned over Tempest and tapped the PADD again.

"Foolish humans! They think they've sidelined us, but it is only a minor delay."

"I think there is more going here than we originally thought, lieutenant," The admiral said quietly.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Admiral's news was surprising. "Why a caravan? More ships means more possibility of being captured..." he wondered out loud. The away team had taken their vessel to the planet directly while the Shran hung back behind a nearby asteroid belt for discretion. To act on any of this information they would have to get in a little closer though and with the Captain off duty he was hesitant to make that call alone.

"Admiral, what do you think of moving the Shran a bit closer to the planet? I want to scan for warp trails headed in the same direction and with any frequency. If they're caravanning I would bet they won't all go at once. That's too high a risk to look like a fleet. But how could they possibly break down a whole facility with what resources they have..?" he pondered to the flag officer.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 25, 2018, 04:05:33 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Admiral's news was surprising. "Why a caravan? More ships means more possibility of being captured..." he wondered out loud. The away team had taken their vessel to the planet directly while the Shran hung back behind a nearby asteroid belt for discretion. To act on any of this information they would have to get in a little closer though and with the Captain off duty he was hesitant to make that call alone.

"Admiral, what do you think of moving the Shran a bit closer to the planet? I want to scan for warp trails headed in the same direction and with any frequency. If they're caravanning I would bet they won't all go at once. That's too high a risk to look like a fleet. But how could they possibly break down a whole facility with what resources they have..?" he pondered to the flag officer.


"I think it behooves us to investigate, Lieutenant." Adeyemi answered smoothly in his accented voice. He knew right where the science officer's head was at, and that it was an action he would have taken himself.

"Any high amount of traffic, even at impulse, will leave a residual ion trail. Cumulatively, it should build up to the point where we can detect it." The admiral said.

Djann Tempest

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on September 25, 2018, 04:40:33 PM


"I think it behooves us to investigate, Lieutenant." Adeyemi answered smoothly in his accented voice. He knew right where the science officer's head was at, and that it was an action he would have taken himself.

"Any high amount of traffic, even at impulse, will leave a residual ion trail. Cumulatively, it should build up to the point where we can detect it." The admiral said.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest was relieved with the Admiral's response. "I'm glad you agree sir. Balancing caution and purpose is different when you have an entire Sovereign Class starship to consider and not just an individual operator".

Djann turned from the Admiral and stepped in front of the Captain's chair, he addressed the crewmen at the helm and tactical. "Take us within a few light minutes of the planet and began an active scan on all warp and ion trails from the surface. We'll sort the data once we have a baseline".

Hopefully they would be able to discern a pattern before it was too late, when the Syndicate wanted to disappear they usually made it happen. It had been nearly 6 hours since the away team had checked in from the planet. They had set up a relay from the borrowed undercover vessel to the Shran to transmit their "all clear" reports. Tempest had wanted to go down to the surface but the chance of him being recognized by the Orions before they located their base was too high to risk the mission on.

Being on the bridge in Command had happened rarely since his promotion to Second Officer but he was no stranger to commanding in general. He had worked with a small team...well, that was a memory for another itme. For now though he sat in the chair and waited to hear from the Commander and her crew.

William Waring

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 25, 2018, 12:31:12 AM

Nodding as she got the orders, Kinley did an abut face and quickly focused her attention on the scanners. "Sir, I'm getting a few hits on some addictive substances in the cargo bay and decks 4 and 5. We'll send down teams to get those. I can't quite tell, but at least one of those substances is known to react particularly well to Orion pheromones. So, there may be some evidence to back that claim up." She reported, watching as the ship sped by.

[Time skip  - Ramos, The Checkerboard ]
Kinley tried to ignore the very warm, dusty wind  blowing sand across her thighs. Maybe wearing a fringe skirt and leotard wasn't the best idea for this climate. She really wondered just how Jenna convinced her to do this, but no matter. Pulling her leather jacket down to ward off the abrasion. She looked at where the coordinates said was the front for the location; The Checkerboard. It was a dingy, worn – out building, with a cheap façade and a rumble of drunkenness coming from the halls. . looking towards Jenna, uncertainly, she straightened the fringe. Her plan was simple; Distract everyone while the rest of the gang would go underneath and nab the criminals. "See anything, Waring?"

[The Checkerboard]

Will stood ahead of Kinley. If anyone recognized him they surely wouldn't mess with Kinley who was as out of place as one could be.

"That depends hot stuff, whatcha looking for in particular. Right off the bat I notice ultimate vantage points that snipers could perch on, various cover at variable heights, possible weapons. If you are looking for some possible vices, we have prostitution up north, hard substances to the west and hardware to the east. I will leave it to you to locate where the alcohol is" He turned around to face her as he "Be warned, this ain't nothing you've seen before darling. You have to be ready for anything and no amount of prep work will prepare you for life outside the Federation."

In a quick motion he drew one of his daggers and threw it into a pest that was scurrying along, without looking at it. "You can't compete with that. The only thing that will keep you alive is your reflexes and your ability to see without your eyes. People don't analyze, they don't run simulations. They hunt and they are very very deadly. If we were going to be killed it would have happened already."

Quote from: Chris Taylor on September 25, 2018, 08:01:45 AM

==Ramos, The Checkerboard==

As the dust blew past Chris was happy he had chosen a simple but effective outfit for the mission boots, Jeans, a plain white-ish  long sleeved shirt, covered by a long coat, he wore a bandanna pulled over his mouth and a pair of glasses to keep the dust from jis eyes.

He looked over at the building and remembered the last time he was here "Commander" he whispered "I might be able to help with the diversion, the owner here doesn't exactly like me, not as much as his wife anyway". He paused and took a breath "if i go in there and he sees my face then all hell will break loose".

Taylor wasn't worried he knew he could handle any trouble he just didn't want to jeopardize the mission and the others. He knew that Kinley would certainly cause a distraction and he also knew the people in the building. "How about I cover you commander from the doorway while the others get what we need"? Again he did not doubt the Commanders ability but it was his job to make sure she stayed safe.

"You trying to change the fact we ain't dead?" Will said to the other man "You better drop that formal nonsense double time. I ain't sure if you've actually been to these parts but they will drop you just as much as look at you if you even as so much as mention any sort of rank and thats if they are in a good mood"

Picking up his dagger, he took a few steps away and muttered to himself "Bloody amateurs, at least Kachina is one less thing to worry about"

Mondo'li Nari


The Checkerboard

The Checkerboard was a disreputable establishment that clearly drew its fair share of scum and villainy from across the quadrant.  The cleanliness of the establishment was on par with the quality of its clientele:  Dirty, Rotten, and likely to give you a Disease.  In short, it was just the sort of establishment that a Hupyrian's Master might be found in.  In upper-crust parties, a Hupyrian servant was a mark of status.  In a run-down hole-in-the-wall such as this, a Hupyrian servant filled a very different function.

Mondo was garbed in the traditional servant robes of his people.  The outfit had only been worn one time, for a diplomatic overture to the Garfeni.  The Garfeni had claimed to desire exposure to a variety of cultures, and his orders had encouraged him to dress in traditional attire.  Otherwise, he kept the robes as a remembrance of his culture.  Today was the first day he had worn it since the Garfeni expedition.  Hopefully, this mission would go more smoothly.

The drinks he'd ordered- in writing, and upon a commercially popular datapad- were passed to him across the bar by a server who seemed put out at having to read.  Mondo brought them to Kinley and Waring.  He took a sip of Kinley's drink before handing it to her with a slight bow.  Waring's was passed to him without such precautions.  In this scenario, it was Kinley who was his Mistress.  Waring was clearly the bodyguard, if anyone had eyes to see.

And Mondo?  What was the term humans used for exceptionally foul gaseous emissions?

Silent but deadly.  The Hupyrian stereotype.

He stood nearby.  Said nothing.  Did nothing of note.

A statue.

Until and unless he was needed to do more.

Chris Taylor

Quote from: William Waring on September 25, 2018, 08:22:38 PM

[The Checkerboard]

"You trying to change the fact we ain't dead?" Will said to the other man "You better drop that formal nonsense double time. I ain't sure if you've actually been to these parts but they will drop you just as much as look at you if you even as so much as mention any sort of rank and thats if they are in a good mood"

Picking up his dagger, he took a few steps away and muttered to himself "Bloody amateurs, at least Kachina is one less thing to worry about"
The talking down from Will made Chris snap back at him "Yeah I've been here before" He commented and at the same time drew one of his own knives and threw it into a wooden beam just in front of Waring's head "But like you said we'd be dead already if they knew". He walked over and retrieved the knife. "But if I walk in there and show my face you better be ready for a massive bar fight". He walked back wiping his knife on his sleeve "Jerk" He said mainly to himself but loud enough for Waring to hear.

"Ready when you are Kinley" He winked as he said it although he didn't agree with the way Waring spoke to her he could see his point about how they acted. He reached down and checked the Klingon Disruptor strapped to his right thigh, it was strange not to have a Star fleet phaser but the disruptor felt good.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Jenna McKinson

[ Checkerboard ]

Jenna silently followed behind Kinley. She was deep in thought. The clothing she wore was a perfect disguise. When she was called in via Kinley, her heart sank. "Just when I thought I was out...They pull me back "She thought when she got the call. She needed to focus at the task at hand. Her eyes silently scanned the establishment."All this holes are the same," She thought. She knew she would possibly need to be a distraction and as the passing looks of those outside the party would suggest, her outfit was perfect. "Remeber to use your stage name when addressing one another," Jenna said thinking out loud. She was nearest to Kinley.

"I always try to be true to who I am and just be myself."

Kinley Garrison

[The Checkerboard – Bar]
Kinley nodded to Jenna gratefully as she made her finishing touches to her costume,  before giving Chris and Will a hiss of warning underneath her charming smile. "Guys! We might be undercover, but I will not have you two clawing at each other's throats! You still are Starfleet officers, is that clear? Just disperse, and don't  make any more trouble than necessary."  With that, she took Mondo and Will and with a flick of her fringed dress, they went inside.

It was dark and crowded inside, with the smell of alcoholic beverages, both synthetic and real, permeating the air in a miasma of odors. The beads on the bottom of her dress tinkled ever so softly against each other, though it was hard to hear from inside the crowded bar. She stood out like a sore thumb, but that didn't matter. That's what she was supposed to do.  Mondo came up to her, drinks already in hand. Nodding her appreciation to the Hupyrean, she sat down at the raised table and scanned the room, all the while sipping and watching. A man came up to the barstool, just inebriated enough to not be fazed by Mondo and Will standing close at hand. "Heyyyy Sweetheart, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a hole like here?" he asked, the alcohol clearly on his breath. "Just having a little fun," Kinley remarked as she played with one of the cherries in her drink. "I'm thinking about doing a little dancing tonight, if you're lucky."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

William Waring

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 27, 2018, 01:34:06 AM

[The Checkerboard – Bar]
Kinley nodded to Jenna gratefully as she made her finishing touches to her costume,  before giving Chris and Will a hiss of warning underneath her charming smile. "Guys! We might be undercover, but I will not have you two clawing at each other's throats! You still are Starfleet officers, is that clear? Just disperse, and don't  make any more trouble than necessary."  With that, she took Mondo and Will and with a flick of her fringed dress, they went inside.

It was dark and crowded inside, with the smell of alcoholic beverages, both synthetic and real, permeating the air in a miasma of odors. The beads on the bottom of her dress tinkled ever so softly against each other, though it was hard to hear from inside the crowded bar. She stood out like a sore thumb, but that didn't matter. That's what she was supposed to do.  Mondo came up to her, drinks already in hand. Nodding her appreciation to the Hupyrean, she sat down at the raised table and scanned the room, all the while sipping and watching. A man came up to the barstool, just inebriated enough to not be fazed by Mondo and Will standing close at hand. "Heyyyy Sweetheart, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a hole like here?" he asked, the alcohol clearly on his breath. "Just having a little fun," Kinley remarked as she played with one of the cherries in her drink. "I'm thinking about doing a little dancing tonight, if you're lucky."

[The Checkerboard - Bar]

Will didn't bother responding to Chris although he did raise an eyebrow as he answered Kinley with "As you wish". His cover was that he was willing to take any job, which is what he had actually done prior to Starfleet service, so being disobedient wouldn't fit if Kinley truly own his contact for protect, which she did.

Will took the drink from Mondo and eyed it suspiciously. In places like this one would never accept drinks without the expectation that they were poisoned. Never the less he reached into the pocket of his long coat and threw Mondo a slip of Latnium but stayed silent until he noticed an obvious drunk making a beeline towards Kinley.

"Oi!" He said as he stepped forward and stopped the man's advance with a palm to the chest "You make a step closer and it'll be a mistake only you'll regret" he sneered at the man.

"Just chill out man! You like her boyfriend or something?" the man gave a series of giggles like he had just made a bring insult or something.

"Something like that" he said, still holding the man back "You want to talk to her, fine but you do it from here." He pointed to the floor where the man currently stood "Any closer and I step in. Is that clear?"

"Yeah, like totally" he drunk man responded to which Will removed his hand from the man and was glad to see the man stood where he was supposed to.

"So like, what dancing do you do. Is it like *hic* fun for all or are you a mature woman. I mean *hic* I can pay if its the later." the man pulled out a few bar of Latnium and placed it on the bar.

Will surveyed the man. He was wealthy or at least threw his money around like he was. He appeared to be harmless but was ready in case of otherwise. It wasn't his place to speak up so he didn't. Kinley could certainly this fool by herself.


Chris Taylor

Kinley and the others seemed to be in control of what they were doing so Chris looked around the room, still in his bandanna and goggles as he looked he saw a few faces he knew and then as he looked to the back of the room he spotted Harlen the wife of the owner and saw as ever she was flirting with the customers.

A shadow fell over him as a large Nausicaan entered through the door, It was a race Chris knew well and wherever they were shady deals and trouble usually followed. He followed the eyes of the Nausicaan who was staring in the direction of his colleagues.

His hand slipped under his long duster coat to the holster on his hip, slipping off the strap that held the Disruptor in place. The Nausicaan then changed direction and headed into a room to the side of the main room, Chris followed hoping to get a better look in the room but it was shut off by a hanging curtain but as it swayed he could see green flesh.

He looked back towards the others, trying to decide whether to take a chance or not. As he waited he heard a weak voice say "I know nothjing else". followed by a gasp that made Chris think whoever it was, they were being tortured.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

🡱 🡳

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