S3:M2 There is Always Soma

Started by Michael Ferdinand, August 27, 2018, 07:07:49 PM

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Mondo'li Nari

The Checkerboard Bar

Mondo's brow lifted in mild surprise when Waring tossed him a tip, but his time in the Ferengi Alliance did not have him questioning the gesture for overlong.   The strip of latinum disappeared into his pocket, and he resumed his silent standing by.

A drunkard approached his Mistress, apparently seeking a sexual experience.   Mondo eyed the man without a word as the fellow exchanged greetings with Kinley.  He would not intervene unless the encounter displeased her, or the drunkard deigned to lay hands upon her.  She was a party girl, after all.  A professional dancer and kept woman, letting off some steam while her wealthy mate made business deals or had affairs elsewhere.  It was a common arrangement for a man who liked to keep a woman, but not in too tight a grasp.  And a woman who liked to be kept, but not held too closely.

At least, that was the cover.

Waring, in his apparent role of bodyguard, stepped forward and initiated a loud challenge.   As the pair made their exchange of words, Mondo glanced around the room.   A Nausicaan entered, and stepped into a side space.  The likelihood of illicit activities was high.

But then, that was to be expected in a place like this.

At the bar, Filitov was interacting with her contact.  She seemed to be a competent operative.

Returning his attention to the drunkard who was speaking with Kinley and Waring, he watched impassively.

It seemed unlikely that any violence was going to develop.

At least, not yet.

Djann Tempest

[ Bridge - USS Shran ]

Tempest paced the deck in front of the command chair. It had been hours and not one but three distinct patterns had made themselves apparent. Steady streams of ships had been leaving and arriving all day but they hadn't been able to discern which of the common flight paths the Orions may be taking.

"We just need more data..." Djann said, thinking aloud. The computer had been pouring over what they had tracked so far but a major data point, like a departure vector would greatly help refine. They had set up a discreet notification for the away team but even that was a slight risk. However, the proverbial clock was ticking so he needed to hear from the away team.

Tempest tapped his commbadge. "Tempest to Garrison. Any updates? No clarity on our end" he asked. He hoped he was vague enough that he wouldn't blow their cover.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 27, 2018, 12:28:34 PM

[ Bridge - USS Shran ]

Tempest paced the deck in front of the command chair. It had been hours and not one but three distinct patterns had made themselves apparent. Steady streams of ships had been leaving and arriving all day but they hadn't been able to discern which of the common flight paths the Orions may be taking.

"We just need more data..." Djann said, thinking aloud. The computer had been pouring over what they had tracked so far but a major data point, like a departure vector would greatly help refine. They had set up a discreet notification for the away team but even that was a slight risk. However, the proverbial clock was ticking so he needed to hear from the away team.

Tempest tapped his commbadge. "Tempest to Garrison. Any updates? No clarity on our end" he asked. He hoped he was vague enough that he wouldn't blow their cover.


"Lieutenant," The admiral said abruptly, breaking the silence that had fallen across the bridge. "It occurred to me that we have only been focusing on one facility on this planet."

Adeyemi saw the what do you mean look on Tempest's face and moved to the auxiliary security station to clarify.

"If we were to attempt to contact the planetary government or a ship departing the planet we could get more generalized information." He told the science officer. "Moving closer to the planet would be advantageous in a few ways, and not appear suspicious. It may not be specifically what we need, but it would be something as opposed to sitting here and waiting."

The admiral wasn't phased about running his suggestion by a mere lieutenant. He was used to the fluid, new assignment, ship hopping command situation these last few months. The command structure of the Shran was what it was: a lot worse things would have to happen before Adeyemi stepped up and took command. He wasn't entirely free of ego, but with the situation they were in, he had it firmly curbed.

Djann Tempest

Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on September 27, 2018, 02:48:55 PM


"Lieutenant," The admiral said abruptly, breaking the silence that had fallen across the bridge. "It occurred to me that we have only been focusing on one facility on this planet."

Adeyemi saw the what do you mean look on Tempest's face and moved to the auxiliary security station to clarify.

"If we were to attempt to contact the planetary government or a ship departing the planet we could get more generalized information." He told the science officer. "Moving closer to the planet would be advantageous in a few ways, and not appear suspicious. It may not be specifically what we need, but it would be something as opposed to sitting here and waiting."

The admiral wasn't phased about running his suggestion by a mere lieutenant. He was used to the fluid, new assignment, ship hopping command situation these last few months. The command structure of the Shran was what it was: a lot worse things would have to happen before Adeyemi stepped up and took command. He wasn't entirely free of ego, but with the situation they were in, he had it firmly curbed.

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

The Admiral's voice piping up from behind the console was a welcome sound. Tempest wasn't insecure and was concerned with doing good work and seeming competent. Nonetheless, the suggest was more than welcome. He was lucky to have an experienced officer as a resource while on Command duty.

"Excellent suggestion Sir, perhaps I'm playing the cautionary angle a little hard. We'll pull up to a tighter orbit and get in contact with the planet's government. We'll give them some line about an emissions survey and how their planet fits the bill perfectly because of all the shipping and be able to run tight scans up close. That excuse does have the benefit of being true...in a certain light" Tempest said. He was really just talking his plan out as he was coming up with it but as he didn't hear any objections he made the choice to appear decisive.

"Helm, take us in to an equatorial orbit. Tactical and Sciences" he said as he turned to face the crew manning those stations. "Narrow band scan confinement. It's going to take a little longer but we don't have the luxury of scanning again".

Turning back to the Admiral, Djann walked up to his station. "Now comes the fun part. Would you mind hailing whatever passes for a governmental body on this planet Sir?".

William Waring

[NPC Frek]
Background: Frek is a  5'4" Romulan that has been in Starfleet for thirty years, holds the rank of Chief Petty Officer, is Will's most trusted staff member and is as no nonsense as they come. He has a double specialty in Communications Operations and Administration. Please bear this in mind if he is to be used in the future.
[Bridge - Operations]

Frek stood at his post as he had done many, many times before while Lieutenant Waring was otherwise unavailable and was more or less minding his own business until he heard Captain Tempest (while not officially captain in rank or position, he found it respectful to treat him as such) mention the possibility of contacting the Planetary Administrative Services.

"Captain, if I may take a moment of your time." He interjected "The passive scans being conducted show the traders operate on frequencies that are not the universal standard. This creates interference that will have to be removed before a stable signal can be sent. With your approval, I can begin boosting power to the communications array to remove that interference. Shall I proceed?"


Kinley Garrison

[The Checkerboard]

Internally, Kinley was mortified. Had a crewman acted so blatantly like that to her, she would have instantly demoted him to Sanitation technician, Third class. However, she kept her cool, all the while giving the best impersonation of a certain Kali Reyes as she could.

Giving Will a look to stand down just a little, she eyed the drunk man. "Normally I only perform on the stage, however, I think I can make an exception for a man of your... variety." She threw the man a smile that would melt hearts "Tell you what, after I perform, I will come look for you and then we can have all the fun you want." She gave the man a wink to signal her implied meaning which seemed to be more than enough to satisfy his urges, for now, as he simply nodded and left back into the crowd. They wouldn't have much time before he came calling again, a thought she shuddered to think about. By the time he looked for her, she hoped to be in the next quadrant by then. He gave her the creeps.

Feeling the hidden communicator vibrate in one of the folds of her dress, she subtly heard Katcha's report. So they might have a way to get there and track them. That was something. =/\= "Find out more."=/\= she murmured. Excusing herself to a darker corner of the bar, she pulled up a civilian PADD device, and messaged the Shran, forwarding Katcha's information to Tempest. Unfortunately, the others hadn't reported in yet. =/\= "Jenna, Chris, what've you found?"=/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Chris Taylor

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 28, 2018, 02:53:00 AM

[The Checkerboard]

Unfortunately, the others hadn't reported in yet. =/\= "Jenna, Chris, what've you found?"=/\=

Feeling the comm vibrate in the sleeve of his coat Chris moved away from the room and slipped back outside, checking he wasn't followed or had anyone around before he answered,   =/\=I've got a room in the south west corner, hidden behind a wall hanging and from the voices i can hear and what i've seen one maybe two Nausicaans, I think two Orions and one human female who I am pretty sure is being interrogated =/\=.

With the races he had mentioned he was sure he did not need to go into detail of how she was being interrogated. He lowered his hand once again and started walking back to the Checkerboard but not entering at first. He leaned near the door against the wall and watched the others as he waited for Jenna to answer or Kinley respond with any orders.

"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Djann Tempest

Quote from: William Waring on September 27, 2018, 05:05:07 PM

[NPC Frek]
Background: Frek is a  5'4" Romulan that has been in Starfleet for thirty years, holds the rank of Chief Petty Officer, is Will's most trusted staff member and is as no nonsense as they come. He has a double specialty in Communications Operations and Administration. Please bear this in mind if he is to be used in the future.
[Bridge - Operations]

Frek stood at his post as he had done many, many times before while Lieutenant Waring was otherwise unavailable and was more or less minding his own business until he heard Captain Tempest (while not officially captain in rank or position, he found it respectful to treat him as such) mention the possibility of contacting the Planetary Administrative Services.

"Captain, if I may take a moment of your time." He interjected "The passive scans being conducted show the traders operate on frequencies that are not the universal standard. This creates interference that will have to be removed before a stable signal can be sent. With your approval, I can begin boosting power to the communications array to remove that interference. Shall I proceed?"

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest turned to the Romulan at the back of the bridge. He had only seen the man in passing but had heard nothing but complimentary reports on his performance. Djann wasn't sure if it was the Admiral's presence or Ferdinand's radically different command style but he briefly flashed back to the days of Alyssa sitting in the chair and being afraid to offer a suggestion to the occasionally cruel CO. He was thankful it was a different time. The memory faded quickly and he considered the recommendation in earnest.

"Excellent suggestion Mr. Frek. Take it incrementally so our change in power distribution doesn't immediately tip off anyone who may have a close sensor lock on us" he replied.

"Sir" came a voice from the comm station. "Signal from Commander Garrison coming through. Text only."

"Put it through to the Command station" the El-Aurian replied as he quickly walked to the chair and seated himself. Scanning the message a few times he sat back a moment.

"Admiral, could you get a sensor lock on Filitov now that we're in close? She's got a lead on the Syndicate and I want to know her location if she's taken to them".

Djann knew they were taking it by the book but he felt like time was slipping through his fingers. The caravan had to be in progress already and was probably in the ships floating slowly by the Shran as they hung in orbit. He stared out the viewer at the planet below and the multitude of objects in orbit.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 28, 2018, 02:37:13 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest turned to the Romulan at the back of the bridge. He had only seen the man in passing but had heard nothing but complimentary reports on his performance. Djann wasn't sure if it was the Admiral's presence or Ferdinand's radically different command style but he briefly flashed back to the days of Alyssa sitting in the chair and being afraid to offer a suggestion to the occasionally cruel CO. He was thankful it was a different time. The memory faded quickly and he considered the recommendation in earnest.

"Excellent suggestion Mr. Frek. Take it incrementally so our change in power distribution doesn't immediately tip off anyone who may have a close sensor lock on us" he replied.

"Sir" came a voice from the comm station. "Signal from Commander Garrison coming through. Text only."

"Put it through to the Command station" the El-Aurian replied as he quickly walked to the chair and seated himself. Scanning the message a few times he sat back a moment.

"Admiral, could you get a sensor lock on Filitov now that we're in close? She's got a lead on the Syndicate and I want to know her location if she's taken to them".

Djann knew they were taking it by the book but he felt like time was slipping through his fingers. The caravan had to be in progress already and was probably in the ships floating slowly by the Shran as they hung in orbit. He stared out the viewer at the planet below and the multitude of objects in orbit.


Maintaining a sensor lock on the team made a lot of sense to Adeyemi. Smoothly, the admiral called up the requisite protocols on it. He tied partial Ops control into the auxiliary security station. No small feat, but thankfully the procedures were the same in any LCARs operating system. Had it been specific to the Shran's ship class Adeyemi might have to study up on it. But no, it was all muscle memory at this point.

"Sensors locked, lieutenant." He reported. "We'll be able to know if your chief pilot has a violent sneeze."

It was a rare joke for him, but he thought the mood could use some lightening. He was also pleased to be helping out the Shran in their time of need. Too often, his visits to ships were boring and routine paperwork. Here, he was making a difference.

Kachina Filitov


The Checkerboard

Katcha had been sitting nursing the shot of dubious spirits for about 10 minutes when 3 figures entered the bar. The one in front was concealed by a hooded cloak, the two figures what walked behind them however, were clear to see. One was a Nausicaan who was heavily armed, with two distruptor pistols and a large sword strapped to its back. The other looked human but wore the ear chain of a Bajoran and carried a rifle.

They walked up to the bar and speak to L'ulaq. After a few moments her passed a package to the hooded figure. Then some more words were exchanged before L'ulaq nodded in Katcha's direction. The hooded figure gave a nod and the three made there way over to where Katcha was sitting.

"I hear you are looking to source some Hyperzine?" The hooded figure said softly. "I take it you have plans to sell it on?"

Katcha looked up at the hooded figure from under her hat.

"You heard right." She replied. "I've got a contact who sells the stuff and his last supplier got themselves caught. He got a message to me to see if I could get my hands on some." She continued, her voice staying level.

"Then we may have some business to discuss. There is a room upstairs that we can use!"

The three figures stepped back and the Nausicaan motioned for her to get up. Katcha did so and following the hooded figure, with a guard on each side, they headed for the stairs up to the first floor.

The Checkerboard - Upstairs

Katcha was led into a spartan room that held a table and two chairs. The hooded figure sat down in one and indicated that Katcha should take the other.

After sitting down, Katcha eyed the hooded figure, she could not see a thing under the hood.

"How do you want to work this?" She asked. "Assuming you have the quantity I am looking for. Do you want cash up front or a cut of the final selling price? If it is the former, I would normally look to pay a lesser price all the risk is mine and I have no guarantee of sale. If it is the later, what security would you be looking for?"

"Since we have never done business before, I would look for you to buy the product in cash. Bars of Latinum only! But before we start, what ship did you arrive on?" The figure asked.

"My ship is the Serenity! We arrived a few hours ago, passenger run." She replied.

The hooded figure turned to the Bajoran, who was looking at a beaten PADD. The Bajoran gave a nod and the figure turned back to Katcha.

"Very well. Assuming we can agree on price, how much product were you looking to purchase?"

"I've got space for fifty gallons in 1 gallon flasks. I would need at least 3 to cover my costs, but If you can provide more and we can agree a price, I will take as many as you've got." Katcha replied, her voice staying calm, this was the risky bit as almost no smuggler would take that many, even if they had the money to buy them.

"Your contact must have quite the business. What's his name?"

"Sorry." Katcha replied. "I've got to make a living and if you know the distributor, you could cut me out!"

The hooded figure gave a dry chuckle.

"It seems you are not as new to this business as I thought."

"I've been around a bit, though I've only had my own ship for a year or so. So do you have the amount of product I require?"

"I do. All that remains is for us to discuss price! Make me an offer?

Katcha sat and thought for a few seconds. 50 gallons of Hyperzine had a street value of about 700,000 bars of Latinum. Making it was relatively easy, it was the shipping and distribution that was hard. She looked up again and gave a feral smile.

"If you can supply all 50 gallons. I would look to pay you 250,000 bars of Latinum. If the stuffs good and my contact is happy, we could do regular business!" She had made an offer that was higher than most, to see if they still thought she was green.

The hooded figure gave another laugh.

"Your price seems fair!" The figure threw back it's hood. revealing the face of a Romulan wearing civilian garb. Though Katcha's sharp eyes recognised a military baring.

'Probably former Tal Shiar!' She thought to herself.

"Let us drink to the start of a beautiful friendship!" The Romulan declared, clearly pleased at fleecing the stranger. He puled out a bottle of what looked like Romulan Ale and poured two glasses.

Katcha took one and waited until the Romulan had taken a drink before she followed suit. Now all she had to do was wait to see if the others had a plan.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Jenna McKinson

[ The Checkerboard ]

Once the group had entered the establishment, Jenna decided to go off and find some information. She turned some parts of her brain off in order to focus. She found herself walking almost the same beat as some of the escorts. If she was going to find some answers, she would need to turn on the charm. She moved along with the crowd with a swagger. She made her way to the bar to scan the crowd. She noticed a man who seemed to fit the bill of what the team was looking for.

Jenna moved quickly and smiled widely. "Hello there sugar," She said as she channeled her best southern belle impression. She wore a wig to extend her hair. She twirled a bit of it in her left finger. She gave a smile that suggested that she was into the man. Hopefully he was easy to make putty in her hands. The man seemed to be responding to her. "I don't know about Sugar. I am more of a fan of Spice," The man replied. "Well I can show you exactly how to make things taste exactly how you like plus more," She said in reply.

It was then that her communicator went off. She cursed under her breath as she pretended to drop something behind the bar. She pretended to look for it. Thankfully the bar was big enough that she couldn't be seen when she went to answer.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 28, 2018, 02:53:00 AM

=/\= "Jenna, Chris, what've you found?"=/\=

=/\= "Currently trying to charm a client with possible intel. Looks exactly like he would hang around with the same group we are looking for. If I go dark do not panic. Thankfully I had a save here, but my cover was almost blown. I will contact you back when I have more.  Jenna the Dancer out." =/\=

Jenna popped up and placed the communicator in her dress pocket. "Sorry about that. Damn communicator I swiped from a dude went off and scared me. Won't happen again. Now tell me a little about your strapping self," Jenna said with a wink to the man.

"I always try to be true to who I am and just be myself."

William Waring

Quote from: Djann Tempest on September 28, 2018, 02:37:13 PM

[ USS Shran - Bridge ]

Tempest turned to the Romulan at the back of the bridge. He had only seen the man in passing but had heard nothing but complimentary reports on his performance. Djann wasn't sure if it was the Admiral's presence or Ferdinand's radically different command style but he briefly flashed back to the days of Alyssa sitting in the chair and being afraid to offer a suggestion to the occasionally cruel CO. He was thankful it was a different time. The memory faded quickly and he considered the recommendation in earnest.

"Excellent suggestion Mr. Frek. Take it incrementally so our change in power distribution doesn't immediately tip off anyone who may have a close sensor lock on us" he replied.

"Sir" came a voice from the comm station. "Signal from Commander Garrison coming through. Text only."

"Put it through to the Command station" the El-Aurian replied as he quickly walked to the chair and seated himself. Scanning the message a few times he sat back a moment.

"Admiral, could you get a sensor lock on Filitov now that we're in close? She's got a lead on the Syndicate and I want to know her location if she's taken to them".

Djann knew they were taking it by the book but he felt like time was slipping through his fingers. The caravan had to be in progress already and was probably in the ships floating slowly by the Shran as they hung in orbit. He stared out the viewer at the planet below and the multitude of objects in orbit.

[NPC Frek - Ops]

"Aye, Captain. I will notify you when we reach adequate broadcast power." Frek said as he fiddled around with controls that weren't touched under normal circumstances.


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 28, 2018, 02:53:00 AM

[The Checkerboard]

Internally, Kinley was mortified. Had a crewman acted so blatantly like that to her, she would have instantly demoted him to Sanitation technician, Third class. However, she kept her cool, all the while giving the best impersonation of a certain Kali Reyes as she could.

Giving Will a look to stand down just a little, she eyed the drunk man. "Normally I only perform on the stage, however, I think I can make an exception for a man of your... variety." She threw the man a smile that would melt hearts "Tell you what, after I perform, I will come look for you and then we can have all the fun you want." She gave the man a wink to signal her implied meaning which seemed to be more than enough to satisfy his urges, for now, as he simply nodded and left back into the crowd. They wouldn't have much time before he came calling again, a thought she shuddered to think about. By the time he looked for her, she hoped to be in the next quadrant by then. He gave her the creeps.

Feeling the hidden communicator vibrate in one of the folds of her dress, she subtly heard Katcha's report. So they might have a way to get there and track them. That was something. =/\= "Find out more."=/\= she murmured. Excusing herself to a darker corner of the bar, she pulled up a civilian PADD device, and messaged the Shran, forwarding Katcha's information to Tempest. Unfortunately, the others hadn't reported in yet. =/\= "Jenna, Chris, what've you found?"=/\=

[Will - The Checkerboard]

It took every fiber of his being to not beat the drunk into a pulp right then a there. It was one thing to talk to Kinley but it was something else entirely to try to solicit certain services from her. Nevertheless, he stood stoic and watched as the man finished his solicitation and left back into the crowd. It appeared, however, that the man had left his 'payment' behind. Without a second thought Will picked up the Latnum and slipped it into the inside coat pocket. It would just cover the cost of watching the exchange that had just taken place.


Chris Taylor


[Checkerboard - Doorway]

Just as Chris stepped back inside he heard a shout that was almost a growl coming from very close by "Tailuh, I knew it was you" The barman was huge and with no time to get away Chris felt a massive hand grab his shoulder pulling at the duster and dragging him towards the angry barman, with a twist of his body Chris managed to slip his coat off and clear some space between them.

He knew he couldn't get to his sidearm as he was tight against a table, So he did all he could in the situation and swung his right fist up as hard as he could landing a punch on the nose of the barman. As soon as the punch landed everyone who had been knocked or pushed in the commotion seemed to come alive and attack whoever had pushed them. Chris used the ruckus as a chance to get some room between him and the barman. He dived under the table and as he went to stand at the other side  his face came up against the tanned thighs of the legs of the barman's wife Not now Chris, they are what got you in this mess he thought as he stood up and turned to face the man mountain again only this time he had room to move and as the barman approached he swung in a perfect roundhouse that landed on the man's jaw. The impact of the kick was loud but hardly heard over the multitude of fights that had broken out. The same cannot be said however for the crash of the barman as he fell through a table. Chris grabbed Kayleah by the hand and lead her through all the fights to the side of the room near the wall hanging.

"I told you i'd come back" he smiled and then pulled her to one side as a bottle bounced off the wall where they had been standing. As the bottle impacted the curtain moved aside and the two Nausicaans strode out heading straight to the thick of things, Chris actually felt sorry for the two people they met first as one set possibly a new record for Nausicaan powered flight and the other bounced off the wall just as the bottle had..

He took Kayleah's hand and ducked behind the curtain, kissing her as he did so. As they parted he turned to see the Orions stood there "Sorry guys, didn't know this room was taken and we wanted some where private". He winked at one of the Orions and quickly scanned the room with his eyes before he added "Is it ok for us stay until the fights over"?


"Insufficient facts always invite danger."

Mondo'li Nari

Checkerboard Bar

Mondo's eye was drawn to movement near the bar.  First, when figures approached Filitov and brought her away, apparently upstairs.  He hoped that she would be all right, 'behind enemy lines' as she was without any support.  Anything could happen upstairs and in the back rooms.

Not long after, a new movement caught his attention.  This time, the movement was violence.  Ensign Taylor got into a scuffle with the barman, and this sparked violence that began to spread through the bar like a communicable disease.

Mondo wanted to shout a warning to the others, but he could not do so while maintaining his cover as a silent Hupyrian servant.  There was no point in expecting people to know that not all Hupyrians held to the Vow of Silence.  In cases like this, sticking close to stereotypes was best.

Besides, they would be able to see the danger for themselves.

Apparently, the patrons of this bar were fairly vigorous, as he saw a Nausicaan tossed about in the crowd.  He'd need more than his size to navigate this bar fight.  Reaching down to pick up a 4 foot wide round table, Mondo held it up like a Viking shield, albeit tucking its central supporting column under his left arm like a lance.  His right leg shifted to the rear, and he braced himself to fend off anyone who might threaten their group. 

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on October 01, 2018, 10:36:43 AM

Checkerboard Bar

Mondo's eye was drawn to movement near the bar.  First, when figures approached Filitov and brought her away, apparently upstairs.  He hoped that she would be all right, 'behind enemy lines' as she was without any support.  Anything could happen upstairs and in the back rooms.

Not long after, a new movement caught his attention.  This time, the movement was violence.  Ensign Taylor got into a scuffle with the barman, and this sparked violence that began to spread through the bar like a communicable disease.

Mondo wanted to shout a warning to the others, but he could not do so while maintaining his cover as a silent Hupyrian servant.  There was no point in expecting people to know that not all Hupyrians held to the Vow of Silence.  In cases like this, sticking close to stereotypes was best.

Besides, they would be able to see the danger for themselves.

Apparently, the patrons of this bar were fairly vigorous, as he saw a Nausicaan tossed about in the crowd.  He'd need more than his size to navigate this bar fight.  Reaching down to pick up a 4 foot wide round table, Mondo held it up like a Viking shield, albeit tucking its central supporting column under his left arm like a lance.  His right leg shifted to the rear, and he braced himself to fend off anyone who might threaten their group. 

[The Checkerboard]
As the reports came in, Kinley nodded, then quickly resumed her guise as the playgirl, with a playful flick of her skirt.  Seeing the way he stiffened up as she dealt with the drunkard, she rather felt sorry for Will. She knew he kinda had feelings for her, and it looked really awkward.  She didn't have time to explain before suddenly, a disturbance radiated from one end of the crowded bar, and violence ensued. It was a full-on barfight, and they were smack dab in the middle. get to the edges!" she said as she instinctively dodged out of the way of a flying bottle of vodka. She turned to Will and Mondo. "We need to get outta here."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.