....Arrives in the Sky

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 07:03:17 AM

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[Space where probes were placed]

There is no air in space for sound to travel.  No air to be disturbed by a pulsing vibrations.  But that was exactly what was happening, nonetheless, in subspace where snake was expected to come from.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Sirol sat on the co-pilot seat, looking through some readings, with the unnamed Uropygi on her lap and one of her arms loosely wrapped around it in a protective manner.
She almost even looked like a parent taking their child onto the first shuttle ride.

Once the probes had been placed, the calibrations could be started, and slowly but surely the first bits of data began to seep through.
How very much Sirol enjoyed calibrations!
It almost even reminded her of her old days on patrol duty.
What an irony though, that Sirol used a mechanism once invented to spy on the Federation back then"¦ To assist the Federation today"¦

"œCalibrating elements at 23%...
...With our probes placed at the marked coordinates we should be able to fully use the sensory grid in roughly 39 minutes. I calculated some"¦. "˜Wiggle Room'...."
She internally shuddered as she was speaking this word"¦ "œ...For potential interference and probe movement, yet all in all we need to take care of the probes to stay within their marked areas to guarantee flawless scan coverage and recording of potential spacial ripples and their live movement throughout the vicinity..."

With that she leaned back in her chair again, taking in the situation for a second before once more looking over her shoulder towards Xasik and to her left towards Zex.

"œ...Anything worth taking care of or discussing while we wait?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on June 04, 2021, 06:27:38 PM

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Sirol sat on the co-pilot seat, looking through some readings, with the unnamed Uropygi on her lap and one of her arms loosely wrapped around it in a protective manner.
She almost even looked like a parent taking their child onto the first shuttle ride.

Once the probes had been placed, the calibrations could be started, and slowly but surely the first bits of data began to seep through.
How very much Sirol enjoyed calibrations!
It almost even reminded her of her old days on patrol duty.
What an irony though, that Sirol used a mechanism once invented to spy on the Federation back then"¦ To assist the Federation today"¦

"œCalibrating elements at 23%...
...With our probes placed at the marked coordinates we should be able to fully use the sensory grid in roughly 39 minutes. I calculated some"¦. "˜Wiggle Room'...."
She internally shuddered as she was speaking this word"¦ "œ...For potential interference and probe movement, yet all in all we need to take care of the probes to stay within their marked areas to guarantee flawless scan coverage and recording of potential spacial ripples and their live movement throughout the vicinity..."

With that she leaned back in her chair again, taking in the situation for a second before once more looking over her shoulder towards Xasik and to her left towards Zex.

"œ...Anything worth taking care of or discussing while we wait?"

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site  -- Zex>

Zex was in the pilot seat.  Setting up all of the probes had been a long process.  But soon they would have results.

"I don't have anything top of mind.  What about you Xasik?  We didn't get much of a chance to do full introduction or that fun tell us about yourself thing when we first met" the Deltan suggested with a smile.

She turned back to the space in front of them.  Not trying to be rude, just focused on the job.  "What should we expect to see?" she asked Sirol curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

[Medbay | Katra Station]

Kal had been back aboard the station for two standard hours before the medical starbase transport crew had gotten him onto their transport and away. She hoped they wouldn't run into any trouble but had been increasingly nervous as they moved off into the space between the stars. She hadn't any right to promise he'd be alright but she'd tried her best and now it was time for other people to do their best.

They'd let her know what was going on, though there might be a delay due to the wormhole but it was all she could ask. She frowned a little, working on her second raktajino since they'd come back, still staring out at the stars and wishing Kal the best. Her diagnostician's sense told her things she didn't want to hear but there was always a small chance she was wrong. He could still make it, if they were quick, if the transport wasn't delayed, if the surgeons were at the best point in their careers, if they had replacements for the technology that had been keeping him alive.

If, if, if.

There were so many variables that could make his case go from-- Ah. Sitting here thinking too much wasn't going to get her anywhere. He was gone, bodily, from the station and there wasn't anything else she could do but stand by for word. She couldn't fix the problems herself, it had to be done elsewhere.

And she had a Medbay to run, which meant she had no business wishing she was on that transport, too, keeping him alive, somehow. Amarande sipped her raktajino and rose to stare out the plasglass window.

"Good luck, Kal," she whispered. "And safe travels."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Rinaya Riss

[Seleya, jefferies tube]

Diagnostics lit up the display on the PADD Rinaya held, curled inside the jefferies tube a position awkward and uncomfortable even for her. As suspected, there had been a variance in one particular sector of the Seleya's main power grid, specifically what drew from the primary power coupling. Rerouting energy through the weapons array, that system already fairly well equipped to handle any overload in case of feedback, was sufficient to get them back to the station, and the Caitian ensign stayed on board to ensure that there were no more incidents as the grid was reconfigured and rebooted. Now, she finished checking one last variance that had escaped notice, swapped out the offending relay, and everything was functioning within normal and expected parameters.

Slinking back out of the tube, she got to a junction and was able to comfortably stretch for a moment before inputing her report for commander Briggs. He'd be glad to know everything was back to normal on the ship.

Tucking the PADD under her arm and dusting hands on trousers, she started toward the docking port and ultimately toward main engineering of the station.

"Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Stupidity did. Curiosity was framed."


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site  -- Zex>

The space in front of the Flatwoods rippled.  Like water that had been disturbed.  "Did you see that?" she aske her shuttle mates.

"I thinks something is happening" she added.  The it rippled again.  "Yes, something is definitely happening" she announced with a bit of excitement.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[USS Flatwoods | Anomaly Site]

Quote from: Sirol on June 04, 2021, 06:27:38 PM

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Sirol sat on the co-pilot seat, looking through some readings, with the unnamed Uropygi on her lap and one of her arms loosely wrapped around it in a protective manner.
She almost even looked like a parent taking their child onto the first shuttle ride.

Once the probes had been placed, the calibrations could be started, and slowly but surely the first bits of data began to seep through.
How very much Sirol enjoyed calibrations!
It almost even reminded her of her old days on patrol duty.
What an irony though, that Sirol used a mechanism once invented to spy on the Federation back then"¦ To assist the Federation today"¦

"œCalibrating elements at 23%...
...With our probes placed at the marked coordinates we should be able to fully use the sensory grid in roughly 39 minutes. I calculated some"¦. "˜Wiggle Room'...."
She internally shuddered as she was speaking this word"¦ "œ...For potential interference and probe movement, yet all in all we need to take care of the probes to stay within their marked areas to guarantee flawless scan coverage and recording of potential spacial ripples and their live movement throughout the vicinity..."

With that she leaned back in her chair again, taking in the situation for a second before once more looking over her shoulder towards Xasik and to her left towards Zex.

"œ...Anything worth taking care of or discussing while we wait?"

Quote from: Kirok on June 05, 2021, 10:16:18 AM

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site  -- Zex>

Zex was in the pilot seat.  Setting up all of the probes had been a long process.  But soon they would have results.

"I don't have anything top of mind.  What about you Xasik?  We didn't get much of a chance to do full introduction or that fun tell us about yourself thing when we first met" the Deltan suggested with a smile.

She turned back to the space in front of them.  Not trying to be rude, just focused on the job.  "What should we expect to see?" she asked Sirol curiously.

Xasik looked up from the work he was doing at Sirol and Zex's questions. He mused for a moment and considered how he could answer without bitterness. It wouldn't help in this situation after all.
"œAbout myself?" It was kind of hard to talk about himself if he was completely honest. "œWell, I left Remus with a handful of other"¦..liberated Remans." He eyed Sirol for any kind of reaction to his vague statement. He also eyed the strange creature she was holding and was ashamed when his stomach rumbled slightly. It reminded him of some of the things he had eaten while living in the mines of Remus. He quickly pushed the thought aside and continued "œWe went our separate ways when we felt the time was right. I haven't heard from any of them since but I hope they are well and found what they were looking for." It was much safer for them all to cut ties in case some of them were found. With no knowledge of their fellow escapees, those captured could not betray those still running, he thought sadly. "œAfter that I moved from ship to ship, paying my way with whatever work was thrown my way. My love of geology was quickly embraced and that became my primary employment and eventually I found myself working with the Federation in dismantling black market operations involving the smuggling of Horta eggs. I came to the Gamma Quadrant to find a little peace and quiet and to explore all the exciting new rocks." That was all he was willing to share with the two relative strangers he had just met. Hopefully it would be enough to satisfy curiosity for now. He shifted the container on his back into a more comfortable position and continued with his work. He would have to tell them eventually what he was toting around, but he wasn't quite ready for the questions that would follow just yet.


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Quote from: Kirok on June 06, 2021, 06:43:04 PM

The space in front of the Flatwoods rippled.  Like water that had been disturbed.  "Did you see that?" she aske her shuttle mates.

"I thinks something is happening" she added.  The it rippled again.  "Yes, something is definitely happening" she announced with a bit of excitement.

Sitting in her chair, hunkered over and studying the readings on the console in front of her, the scientist slowly tilted her head.
There it was"¦ Exactly what she had been hoping for!

Predicted would have been too much, but she certainly had considered and hoped to find spacial movements like these"¦
"œNetwork calibration at 87%...
Readings incoming"¦."

It was not idea, she had hoped for all of the probes to be properly adjusted and calibrated in their respective coordinates, but the three would have to do with what was given; hoping that the ripples' course would be a convenient one alongside the already calibrated areas"¦

Suddenly though, a spike of sensation tingled her mind; nothing that belonged here"¦ Appetite?!
Turning around towards Zex and Xasik, she could spot; sense the new science officer eyeballing the Uropygi as if it was a snack.
(Of course she did not judge him for it, Sirol after all was very well aware of the neglect and shortage Reman slaves had to face when it came to proper nourishment, leading to them more often than not having to catch whatever they could find..)
Still though, Sirol was not amused.
Wrapping her arms protectively around the Uropygi she squinted at Xasik, nonverbally telling him to not even think of it! Before she turned around again, and nodded towards the visualisation on the screen in front of them.

The spherical probe network was displayed as little blue dots; each time they would pick up fresh readings their respective dots flashing up, leading to an animation akin to waved of water; the visual representation of the anomaly intensifying and moving throughout three dimensional space.

"œNetwork calibration 92%...
Readings incoming"¦
Triangulating point of origin"¦"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site  -- Zex>

Zex listened to the new comer introduce himself.  The only other time she had heard the word 'liberated' with a species was with the borg.  So she instinctively thought of EQ.

"I'm from Delta IV, but my story in not as interesting as yours.  I started out as a medical coroner on the Columbus startbase.  But recently retained and am a diplomatic officer now.

I have a rock in our quarters.  I glows, but I not sure what type it is.  If I brought it to you do you think you can identify it? she asked curiously.

Then her attention was focused on Sirol again.  It was kind of exciting watching the science work.  "Should we move back a bit or remain here?" she asked the duo.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

The scientist internally chuckled when she heard Zex asking/offering Xasik to identify the unknown glowing bathroom rock they had in their quarters.
Truth be told, Sirol was not entirely sure how a geologist would be of much practical use on a Starbase (aside from away missions of course), but she would certainly find a way to integrate him into the staff as soon as they had the time.

There were no useless assets after all, only insufficient management.

As Zex asked whether they should stay or retreat, Sirol looked at her and Xasik again and tilted her head a little.
"œThe Flatwoods as she is does not have any effect on the phenomenon itself or vice versa.
However, we might want to have a close eye on potential intensifying of spacial and phasic movements in the future.
If Alpha is to be believed - unlike the anomaly - the snake itself may be able to cause damage."

With that she turned around again, looking at the readings in front of her, gently patting the Uropygi on her lap and attentively watching the calibration and triangulation process progress.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on June 06, 2021, 02:02:40 PM

[Medbay | Katra Station]

Kal had been back aboard the station for two standard hours before the medical starbase transport crew had gotten him onto their transport and away. She hoped they wouldn't run into any trouble but had been increasingly nervous as they moved off into the space between the stars. She hadn't any right to promise he'd be alright but she'd tried her best and now it was time for other people to do their best.

They'd let her know what was going on, though there might be a delay due to the wormhole but it was all she could ask. She frowned a little, working on her second raktajino since they'd come back, still staring out at the stars and wishing Kal the best. Her diagnostician's sense told her things she didn't want to hear but there was always a small chance she was wrong. He could still make it, if they were quick, if the transport wasn't delayed, if the surgeons were at the best point in their careers, if they had replacements for the technology that had been keeping him alive.

If, if, if.

There were so many variables that could make his case go from-- Ah. Sitting here thinking too much wasn't going to get her anywhere. He was gone, bodily, from the station and there wasn't anything else she could do but stand by for word. She couldn't fix the problems herself, it had to be done elsewhere.

And she had a Medbay to run, which meant she had no business wishing she was on that transport, too, keeping him alive, somehow. Amarande sipped her raktajino and rose to stare out the plasglass window.

"Good luck, Kal," she whispered. "And safe travels."

Posting as for Kal

Kal was in poor shape which nobody had no control over. His pacemaker was like an old heart. Somehow of the great blessings of the doctor's faith the man was going to survive but his health was diminished. They have a serious illness. You don't heal a hundred percent but you lose health.

The other complication was the man took many beatings and his body had dealt with stress over many years. He was going to be forced to step down and take things easy. That was his life. These events in ways of life seem to be out of science and medical hands. Death does come but this time it kissed Kal on the cheek. Wishing it could take him but it had spared his life. Perhaps death had seen the small ones eyes and knew they were heartbroken. That could have been why death walked away leaving the man to survive.

Kal had felt weakened as he was getting himself back but he knew he was going to accept a retirement but he had stayed on the Katra. They had made him feel like they were part of his family. And he could always assist them when hell comes again and he will risk his life to be an extra person. That would be his dying wish. So death you need to wait. Who knows how long but I assure you there are plenty to claim in your gathering. Why not get to a war where you can harvest the souls you want. But today Kal survives.


Quote from: Sirol on June 08, 2021, 08:17:37 PM

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

The scientist internally chuckled when she heard Zex asking/offering Xasik to identify the unknown glowing bathroom rock they had in their quarters.
Truth be told, Sirol was not entirely sure how a geologist would be of much practical use on a Starbase (aside from away missions of course), but she would certainly find a way to integrate him into the staff as soon as they had the time.

There were no useless assets after all, only insufficient management.

As Zex asked whether they should stay or retreat, Sirol looked at her and Xasik again and tilted her head a little.
"œThe Flatwoods as she is does not have any effect on the phenomenon itself or vice versa.
However, we might want to have a close eye on potential intensifying of spacial and phasic movements in the future.
If Alpha is to be believed - unlike the anomaly - the snake itself may be able to cause damage."

With that she turned around again, looking at the readings in front of her, gently patting the Uropygi on her lap and attentively watching the calibration and triangulation process progress.

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

"Alright" Zex replied.  Still she kept her hand on the reverse mechanism.  With the snake emerging, she wanted to be on the ready - just in case.

Just then, EQ called to set up the open link. -//We read you loud and clear buddy.  I mean Mr. Kimball\\-the Deltan said by way of answering the XB.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[USS Flatwoods | Anomaly Site]

He couldn't hold it in. A snort-type chuckle escaped from Xasik as Sirol wrapped her arms around the creature to protect it from him. He noticed that she had apparently picked up on his momentary lapse of control over his thoughts and was not amused by it. He wasn't even embarrassed that they had heard him snort. He wouldn't harm the creature, he had no need to. These days he had all the nutrition that he needed and had no need to supplement his diet with whatever he could catch.

He looked to Zex with an uncharacteristic smile still on his face as she told him her story. He smiled again when she told him of the rock in their quarters and the offer to identify it.
"œI could certainly try. Once I'm all set up I'd be glad to take a look at it."

This assignment was certainly a fascinating one. He felt out of place but was determined to at least be useful however he could.


[USS Flatwoods | Anomaly Site]

"Thank you" Zex replied.  She dipped her head and smiled.   Then returned to her piloting duties.

Before she know it she could hear a noise threw the audio imput from the probes.  It was eerie and nothing like anything she had ever heard before.  "Is that the snake?" she asked.

[Its the first wave file on the left side 0.59 second long]

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Quote from: Kirok on June 09, 2021, 06:48:57 PM

Just then, EQ called to set up the open link. -//We read you loud and clear buddy.  I mean Mr. Kimball\\-the Deltan said by way of answering the XB.

As the scientist heard the voice of the OPS worker, she quickly looked up and looked at Zex.
Her way of addressing him was surprisingly informal. Sirol could not help but wonder as to what sort their past and relationship might have been.
Putting that thought aside for later processing though, she instead added:

=/\="œThe network calibration just finished and we are currently analysing the reading. You should be able to follow the feed"¦ Now...=/\=
With that she relayed the readings towards the station, giving Kimball and the others a live insight.

Quote from: Xasik on June 11, 2021, 12:22:29 AM

He couldn't hold it in. A snort-type chuckle escaped from Xasik as Sirol wrapped her arms around the creature to protect it from him. He noticed that she had apparently picked up on his momentary lapse of control over his thoughts and was not amused by it. He wasn't even embarrassed that they had heard him snort. He wouldn't harm the creature, he had no need to. These days he had all the nutrition that he needed and had no need to supplement his diet with whatever he could catch.

Xasik's chuckle distracted Sirol enough for her to quickly turn around and give him a confused look. Raising one eyebrow at him it took her a second to piece together what just happened, yet once she had found her solution, the scientist squinted, shook her head and turned around towards her console again.

Was he really amused by her trying to protect the Uropygi?

She could not sense any sort of hostility from him, so she decided to not comment on it.
Instead she leaned a little forward, gently stroking the Uropygi's head and mumbling towards it:
"œNo worries, dearie. I will not let the hungry man hurt you..."

Quote from: Kirok on June 11, 2021, 06:02:41 PM

Before she know it she could hear a noise threw the audio imput from the probes.  It was eerie and nothing like anything she had ever heard before.  "Is that the snake?" she asked.

[Its the first wave file on the left side 0.59 second long]

As she heard the noise, Sirol's expression seemed to light up with what could be only described as vocational excitement; almost even joy.
Moments like these were why she had studied xeno languages and cryptography!

Attentively following the noises she (barely noticeably) seemed to nod with each audible wave; visualising the structures that sounded like tightly knit circles; trying to distinguish whether what they heard was of natural or artificial origin.
A little smile could be seen on her face and she took in the noise a few more seconds before she straightened her posture again and looked towards Zex to answer her question.

"œIt is"¦ Possible"¦ This frequency range is certainly nothing common for acoustic formatting of conventional space, nor any phasic phenomenon I have ever worked with..."
She looked at her readings, only to see that the source triangulation itself was not yet concluded.
"œI recommend gathering as much recording as we can to determine the origin and whether it is a natural phenomenon or not."
She leaned back again, still stroking the little creature on her lap.
"œThe acoustic symmetry though"¦ The picture painted"¦ Is very captivating...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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