....Arrives in the Sky

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 07:03:17 AM

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< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 30, 2021, 07:49:59 AM

When the XB announced Kirok's message she looked up with interest.  "Changling ship so not just Changling DNA in the area but fully fledged Founders?!  Oh my!  Sirol will be beside herself with excitement tho probably containing it better than I am!"

Sirol's head quickly poked up once she heard Hrafn over the comm channel mentioning her name.
Well, Hrafn was not wrong"¦
If the situation had been more private and less results were to be dealt with, Sirol most likely would have chuckled at the mention of her supposed excitement.
Nerys must have told her mother about Sirol's"¦ Enthusiastic interest regarding changelings and their culture"¦
They embodied many traits Sirol aspired, yet - by the end of the day - could only yearn to ever achieve. A level of stability, unity and purpose Sirol would most likely never be able to see in her lifetime, no matter how desperately she wished"¦
Situations like these made her once more think that the software of her mind must have been assigned to the hardware of a wrong species.
Despite being a loyal citizen and soldier, Sirol had always known that her destiny lay beyond the borders of the Empire and Free State alike.
Perhaps the meaning of her name had a different connotation; a different fate after all...

Looking up towards Zex and Xasik again she cleared her throat.
It was impossible that they did not hear Hrafn's words either, so she simply shrugged at them, then hunkered over her console again to follow the incoming readings.

Quote from: Kirok on June 30, 2021, 08:14:45 PM

"She should get a chance to see it and maybe him.  Just tell her to look out the shuttle window" the XB added.

Once more Sirol's eyes shifted from side to side, from colleague to Uropygi to colleague, before she eventually hesitantly leaned forwards and looked out of the window, her eyes scanning the area of space where - according to her readings - the other ship was supposed to be.

"œFascinating..." She quietly commented upon spotting the ship in the distance.
To the naked eye no remarkable features could be seen yet, it was not close enough to identify specifics of the ship's type or customisations.
It appeared merely like a vaguely reflective set of geometric shapes from this distance, yet the physical knowledge that it was out there proved surprisingly satisfying to the scientist.

Quote from: Kirok on June 30, 2021, 08:14:45 PM

"Yes, Ma'am" Zex replied.  She gave Sirol a sly smile.  Then send that data.

Sirol calmly nodded towards her colleague while internally shivering.
Ever since she had gotten to know Zex, she had never heard her being so"¦ Formal"¦ Towards Sirol. Especially not in a way that hinted at her speculation of Sirol's sex or gender.
These things were deeply uncomfortable to a Romulan (an by default most Remans too); a society that put all their emphasis on legit identifiers like titles, ranks and achievements, yet left anatomy and sex entirely out of any important equations.
Just like Vulcans, Romulans prided themselves on having left those sorts of primitive patterns behind millennia ago.
And while from the mouth of most other individuals, Sirol would have taken offense, when it came to Zex, Sirol was less offended and more"¦ Surprised"¦
She had always assumed they were on a first name basis, and she did not even know why.
Tilting her head at the other she analysed her expression.
The scientist could not gather any sort of hostility or intention to hurt Sirol from the Diplomatics officer, which led her to the conclusion that there was rather an elaborate plan; a specific strategy behind Zex's spontaneous shift of tone.
"œIf you wish to address me formally, 'Lieutenant' would be the correct term; Alternatively 'Centurion' is correct as well"¦  ...Although I am not sure whether that would auto-register within Starfleet's officer identity recognition software."
With that she leaned back in her seat again, musingly smirking at the Uropygi on her lap, wondering what her little companion would have felt and thought regarding their adventure in space...
Quote from: Kirok on June 30, 2021, 08:14:45 PM

"Thanks, shuttle.  We got it from here" came a reply over their com channel.  Then quickly thereafter the Changeling ship started emitting a harmonic frequency exactly opposite of the harmonic frequency coming from the creature.  As Ambassador Ojo said, the snake stopped moving - at least temporarily.

As she heard the message, Sirol straightened herself again and exchanged looks with both of her colleagues.
As the readings came through Sirol's eyes seemed to widen as their counter frequency emission halted the phenomenon.
The speed and precision was remarkable and Sirol could not help but admire the flawless execution of the procedure.
Like a perfect critical hit with a Aehena Mk XI causing a singularity core implosion chain reaction on a warbird in the Fleet Sim 2 Neutral Zone DLC"¦
There was aesthetic and harmony in physics just like there was in mathematics"¦

=/\=Flatwoods to Seleya.
The phenomenon's expansion rate has - at least for now - come to a halt.
I am analysing the emitted signal for later reference and sending you a copy."

She then turned around towards Zex and Xasik again and gave both of them a polite nod.
"œIt looks like we may have received some additional safety and time to run scans, but stay vigilant, we have yet to determine the longevity of the counter frequency's effect, so stay ready to fall back at any signs of instability or further expansion."
There was no need to risk their lives over additional readings, at least not the lives of Zex, the Uropygi and Xasik.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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