S3-M10: Unfinished Business

Started by Kirok, October 02, 2021, 07:57:01 AM

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James Carter

[Deep Space - 1 Day Earlier]

Shuttle Redtail screeched out of warp into real space. Sparks flew on the inside of the shuttle and showered the man who had been residing within. In James' head, he heard the voice of an old friend telling him he was pushing the poor decrepit shuttle far too hard. He slammed his fists against the console in front of him out of frustration. He was so close to home. His months of isolation were finally coming to an end. But this jump was far too much for this poor shuttle. 7 months ago he found himself traversing through a wormhole to retrieve a T'Sari woman that had been entrusted with the Athena. Since then the federation had declared the admiral killed in action. Little did he know the wormhole would spit him out in an entirely different region of deep space where he'd have to slowly make his way back to society through scavenging a ship graveyard on the other side for parts so that he could survive. Now this purgatory of isolation was finally ending. He initiated the final jump to warp and the star lines bent around him. In a matter of hours, he'd have finally reconnected with Starfleet. He'd finally see his wife and child again.

[Space - Outside of Katra Station - Present]

Redtail made its final stop into real space. A smile appeared on Carter's face as the station came into view. "I did it. I'm back." He let out a sign as he keyed his comm...only to hear a chirp indicating that his comm channel wasn't working. He let out a chuckle knowing that hopefully, this would be the very end of his troubles. All that was left now was finding a way to send a message to the station so that he could board....or hope that they noticed him first.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Gideon Drake

Quote from: James Carter on October 05, 2021, 09:02:14 PM

[Space - Outside of Katra Station - Present]

Redtail made its final stop into real space. A smile appeared on Carter's face as the station came into view. "I did it. I'm back." He let out a sign as he keyed his comm...only to hear a chirp indicating that his comm channel wasn't working. He let out a chuckle knowing that hopefully, this would be the very end of his troubles. All that was left now was finding a way to send a message to the station so that he could board....or hope that they noticed him first.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Patrol Zone]

Not much for mingling, Gideon was called out for patrol duty. As usual, he took his favored craft, his beloved Squall. Besides, it would take his mind off the shock of Serena's transfer off Katra. But a while into it, suddenly he was thinking less and less of patrolling and more and more of Serena's prominent absence.

Just as he was beginning to think it was going to be a boring patrol, he picked up a craft. An shuttlecraft of sorts, with a Federation signature.

Following the usual protocol, Gideon opened hailing frequencies. "Attention shuttlecraft," he called. "This is Leftenant Drake of the Scoutship Squall, attached to Katra Station. Identify yourself."

James Carter

Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 05, 2021, 10:38:47 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Patrol Zone]

Not much for mingling, Gideon was called out for patrol duty. As usual, he took his favored craft, his beloved Squall. Besides, it would take his mind off the shock of Serena's transfer off Katra. But a while into it, suddenly he was thinking less and less of patrolling and more and more of Serena's prominent absence.

Just as he was beginning to think it was going to be a boring patrol, he picked up a craft. An shuttlecraft of sorts, with a Federation signature.

Following the usual protocol, Gideon opened hailing frequencies. "Attention shuttlecraft," he called. "This is Leftenant Drake of the Scoutship Squall, attached to Katra Station. Identify yourself."

[Shuttle Redtail]

James smiled as he heard another voice come through the comms channel through heavy static. He attempted to bodge a fix to get his signal back out. His transmission was rough...but it at least conveyed the message he was trying to relay. "Lieutenant Drake this is Admiral James William Carter formerly of the USS Athena. I have been stranded in deep space and my shuttle is in a heavy state of disrepair. I must request docking immediately." Every few words the signal seemed to cut out and be replaced with a momentary static. It was the best the man could do on short notice. After all, he was no engineer. He normally had other people do that work so that he didn't have to. That's when it hit him if he wanted to make sure the message got received he'd need to repeat it. "Lieutenant Drake of the Squall, I repeat. This is Admiral James Carter. I have been lost in deep space and my shuttle has fallen into a state of disrepair. I must request immediate docking."

7 months he'd be away from everything he knew and loved. His family, his job, all of it. The federation had even declared him dead after a couple of months lost to deep space. But if James Carter had a reputation for any one thing, it was not staying dead.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Gideon Drake

Quote from: James Carter on October 06, 2021, 05:20:54 AM

[Shuttle Redtail]

James smiled as he heard another voice come through the comms channel through heavy static. He attempted to bodge a fix to get his signal back out. His transmission was rough...but it at least conveyed the message he was trying to relay. "Lieutenant Drake this is Admiral James William Carter formerly of the USS Athena. I have been stranded in deep space and my shuttle is in a heavy state of disrepair. I must request docking immediately." Every few words the signal seemed to cut out and be replaced with a momentary static. It was the best the man could do on short notice. After all, he was no engineer. He normally had other people do that work so that he didn't have to. That's when it hit him if he wanted to make sure the message got received he'd need to repeat it. "Lieutenant Drake of the Squall, I repeat. This is Admiral James Carter. I have been lost in deep space and my shuttle has fallen into a state of disrepair. I must request immediate docking."

7 months he'd be away from everything he knew and loved. His family, his job, all of it. The federation had even declared him dead after a couple of months lost to deep space. But if James Carter had a reputation for any one thing, it was not staying dead.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Patrol Zone]

Gideon heard the transmission, but it was constantly in static. Blimey, the poor bloke must have a bad shuttle to be in this condition. Ad...Carter? Of the what Thena? Then he heard it again and he realized...Rear Admiral Carter, former commanding officer of the USS Athena.

Crikey. This was the second admiral within a month or so to drop by after Admiral Relleck. But for Carter to show up in shuttle about to fall apart, he realized the poor superior was somewhat in trouble.

"Blimey!" he said. "Aye, sir, you'll have a dock immediately. I'll escort you in."

He then hurriedly opened comms with Flight Control. "Drake to Flight Control!" he called. "Priority docking required! VIP coming! Rear Admiral Carter! I repeat, VIP Rear Admiral Carter needs priority docking!"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 05, 2021, 07:41:37 PM

[CO Quarters]

Kirok called for Kyle to enter and the doors parted. He walked in and was immediately face to face with the Commanding Officer. Both men stood there looking at each other for a few seconds.

"I think you know why I'm here." Kyle said using the informality the two shared when speaking privately. "I went to my office to take care of a few things and saw the flight request for the ship. You know as First Officer, it's my job to keep you here and safe, right? Can I ask where you're headed?"

Kyle knew this was all just a formality for the record. If Kirok had set his mind to go do whatever he was planning, then Kirok was gonna go to it.

[CO Quarters]

Kirok nodded 'yes.'  His mistake had been reserving the Lirpa for an away mission in advance.  He could see that now.

But it was truth time.   Full and uncomfortable truth as it were.  So he took a small breath and prepared to do so.

"I'm going to disarm the omega particle that was located on the abandoned borg cube in the L-S system.  And before you object to me going, I will point out that should the project go badly that it will not matter if I am on the borg cube or here on the station.  Because if it explodes, it will wipe out the entire sector of space, the wormhole and possibly beyond as well.

So if a mistake of that magnitude comes to be, I want it to be on my head, by my hands.   So that it will be the last thing people remember about me.   Not you or anyone else who still has family, or loved ones, so that it will have no negative impact on our legacies or families.

Finally, besides Julie Rellek, I am now the only one in the fleet who has intimate knowledge of how to disarm the particle.  It is not written anywhere, only in my head.  So it has to be me.

And at this point in time, the risk of being attacked is at a all time low.  We have disabled the Jeb'hadar ships that came from that sector.  And according to the probe that is still active there, there has been no motion for nearly 2 weeks - so I should have not enemies to face down" the CO explained.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 06, 2021, 06:16:56 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Patrol Zone]

Gideon heard the transmission, but it was constantly in static. Blimey, the poor bloke must have a bad shuttle to be in this condition. Ad...Carter? Of the what Thena? Then he heard it again and he realized...Rear Admiral Carter, former commanding officer of the USS Athena.

Crikey. This was the second admiral within a month or so to drop by after Admiral Relleck. But for Carter to show up in shuttle about to fall apart, he realized the poor superior was somewhat in trouble.

"Blimey!" he said. "Aye, sir, you'll have a dock immediately. I'll escort you in."

He then hurriedly opened comms with Flight Control. "Drake to Flight Control!" he called. "Priority docking required! VIP coming! Rear Admiral Carter! I repeat, VIP Rear Admiral Carter needs priority docking!"

[Ops - Zex]

Though the Deltan was not the only one in Ops, she answered the call.  -//Acknowledged Mr. Drake.  We will clear docking ring 1.  I will set up VIP quarters and alter the Commander Briggs and Captain Kirok.  Please advise your ETA\\- she said over the open channel.

While waiting for a reply, Zex hailed Kyle and Kirok.  -//Ops to Commander Briggs and or Captain Kirok.   Rear Admiral Carter will be docking on docking ring 1 shortly.  I will meet him there unless you advise otherwise.  I'm setting up quarters as well\\-

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Quote from: Xasik on October 04, 2021, 08:16:45 PM

Getting excited by the squeaking of The Soft One's spot Emerald squeaked happily in reply, reaching out for the source as they did when they were excited, but when they felt the soothing warmth of The Soft One's humming, Emerald quietened down and sat happily basking, in the soothing, humming warmth. They felt connected to The Soft One and understood that she would give them attention as soon as she stopped squeaking with the squeaks of the other that they could hear.

It was downright heart warming: To see how Emerald slowly calmed down once Sirol had reached out to them utilising the Lattice link.
For a moment she wondered whether that was a strategy regular Tholian parents practised as well. Surely"¦ It was a downright procedural, emotional and logical necessity, was it? She would consult Healer Peylix about these sorts of questions later. Keeping her link to the child open, she began to gently rock their environmental containment sphere and leaned a little forward.

For now her attention was with Commander Ferris.
She was still waiting for his response of how she could assist her superior, and a small part of her wondered whether he was taken aback by hearing Emerald with her in the call.
Statistically unlikely.

The way she had gotten to know him, he was a caring and open person; an officer of high social integrity who had eagerly welcomed the new life aboard.
He was one of the best she had had the honour to get to know aboard Katra, and hearing from him was always a pleasant surprise, especially considering the fact that both of them only ever rarely had the opportunity to speak.

=/\="œI apologise"¦" =/\= She then added in a polite tone.
=/\="œ...They have a particular liking for the chirping of comm badges..." =/\=
She cleared her throat and smiled at Emerald on her lap, before she ten looked at the screen in front of her again.

=/\="œHow may I be of assistance to you today, Commander?" =/\=
She then asked once more, worrying that her first question might have been overlaid by the hatchling's squeaking.
She was desperate for work...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


[Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1500 - EQ]

As the picnic started to wind down, EQ started to clean up.  But first he was finally going to get a game of corn hole in.  Even if he had to play solo.

He picked up the bags.  Moved to one of the ends and lined up with the opposite board.  Then he took his time tossing each bag.

1, 2, then 3.  All landed in a hole.  "Yes.  Perfect score!" he exclaimed.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Balan on October 05, 2021, 03:55:26 PM

"œSo you got yeoman asking me to replace her. And what will become of you?" he asked Carter. That was a habit of Balan. He was concern of other people and who they are. This to could allow him to work closer to Kyan.

"œI am up to the job," he said smiling. This could be the correct step for advancement. Starfleet recognize hard work and that was how you work your way up.

Carter raised an eyebrow, glancing for a moment over at Kyan. "Umm.. Crewman Balan I'm not a Yeoman. I'm in security just as you are. My rank is Chief Petty Officer." Having never met Balan, she wasn't aware that he was this new to Starfleet's rank structure... or that he wasn't the Human that he appeared to be. "In any event. I'm not going anywhere. My job is to oversee the enlisted Security crew and advise the Department Chief here."

Kyan nodded, quickly losing interest in the lesson on rank and position structure. "Yeah, and she's new too the now, the which is why you never saw her before." Kyan grabbed a pad off the corner of the desk. "And since you're after accepting the job, here's yer first test!" he said, offering Balan the padd. "We gotta do a review of the Hunters thing last month tae be seeing what went good and what went bad. All the team leaders need to come. And you gotta invite Briggs, and someone from Science, operations, and medical too sure, but they probably won't come. Or they will send someone who don't know anything about it so they will, the creatures! Oh well."

Carter nodded along, then spoke up at the end. "And if you need anything, just let me know. Being the yeoman for the department is a big job, but it can be a good job too.'



Eydis had been proud of the Mother Swans successfully trip back to Tholia prima and it's return to the station. Her crew had dispersed a little with some of the tholians walking on the station in fact. Some going between the embassy and the mother swan. As for the the Commander hirself shi had been absent for a few days aboard hir Romulan warbird.

Standing in hir private chambers shi studied the dagger that floated in the air before hir. A semi-transparent cloudy whitish dagger with a twisted handle grip and wide double edge spear tipped blade.  https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0874/6176/products/image_3cdaa1aa-614d-4af9-a8cf-2ee4bbe8ccb2_3024x.jpg?v=1568396297

Shi reached out and with a single digit touched the tip. A jolt of bluish energy would leap into the blade from the point of contact. Spreading like wide lightning burst that works it way down the entire blade and handle. Bluish crystal growth would now be infused in the dagger. Faint spidery lines of blue. Satisfied with it she would let the dagger gentle down to the table in front of hir.

And on the table were four galaxy roses, they only grew on Tholia prime and no other lifeforms had ever beheld them.


Golden stems and leaves with either deep ruby red tinge petals or ocean blue petals for the other two. Picking up two of the roses she would study them and then hold them both in her hand and shi would pick up the dagger as well. Placing the dagger in small pouch at hir side

And place the pair of galaxy roses inside of soften specialized case for them. One blue tinged and one red. Now with the case in hand and the dagger in a pouch at hir side. Shi made hir way off the mother swan looking for hir friends and timing hir departure to meet with hir friend zex as well.

James Carter

Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 06, 2021, 06:16:56 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Patrol Zone]

Gideon heard the transmission, but it was constantly in static. Blimey, the poor bloke must have a bad shuttle to be in this condition. Ad...Carter? Of the what Thena? Then he heard it again and he realized...Rear Admiral Carter, former commanding officer of the USS Athena.

Crikey. This was the second admiral within a month or so to drop by after Admiral Relleck. But for Carter to show up in shuttle about to fall apart, he realized the poor superior was somewhat in trouble.

"Blimey!" he said. "Aye, sir, you'll have a dock immediately. I'll escort you in."

He then hurriedly opened comms with Flight Control. "Drake to Flight Control!" he called. "Priority docking required! VIP coming! Rear Admiral Carter! I repeat, VIP Rear Admiral Carter needs priority docking!"

[Shuttle Redtail]

James paused a moment as he heard the transmission. He'd half expected to have to send short impulse bursts in morse to get a message out of this thing it was so broken. But it seemed like he was heard enough at least. "Understood Lieutenant. Let's bring this poor girl in one last time." The Redtail had been with Carter for years. The shuttle was named after him after all. It served him well aboard the Athena, and now it served him well as a temporary home for the last 7 isolated months. It was oddly bittersweet knowing that the shuttle likely wouldn't be repaired with in it's current state, but instead stripped for parts.

As he followed Drake into the hangar the realization that he was one step closer to seeing his family again began to sink in. While he didn't know where in the galaxy Tessa and Mary were, he knew he'd stop at nothing to see them again. If anyone would have continued pulling for the fact that James was still alive, it would have been Tessa. But as things stood...he was still OFFICIALLY dead. As his landing gear touched the hangar pad he took a breath of relief. He'd been making this journey slowly but surely for months now. He was finally back where he belonged. With Starfleet. He was home.

The Admiral let things sink in for a short amount of time before he finally stood to leave the shuttle. With the amount of time he'd spent in isolation couped up in this shuttle he'd have expected to flee out of it as soon as he touched down...but instead he felt hesitant to leave his temporary home.

Quote from: Kirok on October 06, 2021, 06:23:48 PM

[Ops - Zex]

Though the Deltan was not the only one in Ops, she answered the call.  -//Acknowledged Mr. Drake.  We will clear docking ring 1.  I will set up VIP quarters and alter the Commander Briggs and Captain Kirok.  Please advise your ETA\\- she said over the open channel.

While waiting for a reply, Zex hailed Kyle and Kirok.  -//Ops to Commander Briggs and or Captain Kirok.   Rear Admiral Carter will be docking on docking ring 1 shortly.  I will meet him there unless you advise otherwise.  I'm setting up quarters as well\\-

As Carter stepped out of the shuttle he was greeted by a friendly face. "You must be the lovely ops officer that handled our request. I'm Admiral James Carter. It's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed a moment as a greeting and then extended his hand for a hand shake. "As you can see, my shuttle is....well it's a little broken." As he finished his sentence he looked back at the shuttle and laughed. "Or a lot broken quite honestly."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Gideon Drake

Quote from: James Carter on October 08, 2021, 06:15:49 AM

[Shuttle Redtail]

James paused a moment as he heard the transmission. He'd half expected to have to send short impulse bursts in morse to get a message out of this thing it was so broken. But it seemed like he was heard enough at least. "Understood Lieutenant. Let's bring this poor girl in one last time." The Redtail had been with Carter for years. The shuttle was named after him after all. It served him well aboard the Athena, and now it served him well as a temporary home for the last 7 isolated months. It was oddly bittersweet knowing that the shuttle likely wouldn't be repaired with in it's current state, but instead stripped for parts.

As he followed Drake into the hangar the realization that he was one step closer to seeing his family again began to sink in. While he didn't know where in the galaxy Tessa and Mary were, he knew he'd stop at nothing to see them again. If anyone would have continued pulling for the fact that James was still alive, it would have been Tessa. But as things stood...he was still OFFICIALLY dead. As his landing gear touched the hangar pad he took a breath of relief. He'd been making this journey slowly but surely for months now. He was finally back where he belonged. With Starfleet. He was home.

The Admiral let things sink in for a short amount of time before he finally stood to leave the shuttle. With the amount of time he'd spent in isolation couped up in this shuttle he'd have expected to flee out of it as soon as he touched down...but instead he felt hesitant to leave his temporary home.

As Carter stepped out of the shuttle he was greeted by a friendly face. "You must be the lovely ops officer that handled our request. I'm Admiral James Carter. It's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed a moment as a greeting and then extended his hand for a hand shake. "As you can see, my shuttle is....well it's a little broken." As he finished his sentence he looked back at the shuttle and laughed. "Or a lot broken quite honestly."

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Scoutship Squall | Shuttle Bay | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

Gideon managed to help the shuttle into the bay and once they were in, he got out to meet the man himself. The more he looked at the shuttle, the worst it looked. Even more so on Admiral Carter.

"Blimey, sir," he said in astonishment. "How long have you been living in that little 'un?"

He remembered the time he had escorting Serena as slowly as possible to a destination she was going. He wouldn't have minded if he spent a four-to-five year mission in his Squall, it was designed for comfort. But a little shuttle?

He looked over and saw Zex the Deltan coming to greet him. He nodded and then looked back at the shuttle.

"Broken is an understatement, sir," he said. "Almost like one would have to get out and push if it was any worse. Or it'd fall apart at a touch. Glad you were able to make it in one piece."


Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 08, 2021, 08:38:16 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Scoutship Squall | Shuttle Bay | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

Gideon managed to help the shuttle into the bay and once they were in, he got out to meet the man himself. The more he looked at the shuttle, the worst it looked. Even more so on Admiral Carter.

"Blimey, sir," he said in astonishment. "How long have you been living in that little 'un?"

He remembered the time he had escorting Serena as slowly as possible to a destination she was going. He wouldn't have minded if he spent a four-to-five year mission in his Squall, it was designed for comfort. But a little shuttle?

He looked over and saw Zex the Deltan coming to greet him. He nodded and then looked back at the shuttle.

"Broken is an understatement, sir," he said. "Almost like one would have to get out and push if it was any worse. Or it'd fall apart at a touch. Glad you were able to make it in one piece."

[Ops - Zex]

While still in Ops, Zex did her due diligence in preparing to meet Admiral Carter.  A quick search provided her with some surprising information.  So she made an additional hail to Kyan, Chief of Sec/tac before leaving Ops, Zero, ship counselor, and Dr. Xiiv.  Asking them to meet her in docking ring 1.

As she headed to the lift with a medical tricorder, she signaled Eydis.  "Hello and welcome back.  I'm off to meet a new arrival.  But promise to meet up with you right after.  Promise" she sent over the lattice.

[Docking ring 1]

The Deltan offered a police nod to Drake.  They had not socialized much.  But had worked together for quite some.

To Carter, she returned a polite bow instead of accepting his hand.  "Thank you, Sir.  It is an honor to meet you.

Would you mind if I run a medical scan on you, Sir.  I want to check you over for any medical issues that might need immediate attention" she said.  That was the truth, but she also wanted to verify the man's identity before allowing him any further into the station.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on October 08, 2021, 03:33:02 PM

[Ops - Zex]

While still in Ops, Zex did her due diligence in preparing to meet Admiral Carter.  A quick search provided her with some surprising information.  So she made an additional hail to Kyan, Chief of Sec/tac before leaving Ops, Zero, ship counselor, and Dr. Xiiv.  Asking them to meet her in docking ring 1.

As she headed to the lift with a medical tricorder, she signaled Eydis.  "Hello and welcome back.  I'm off to meet a new arrival.  But promise to meet up with you right after.  Promise" she sent over the lattice.

[Docking ring 1]

The Deltan offered a police nod to Drake.  They had not socialized much.  But had worked together for quite some.

To Carter, she returned a polite bow instead of accepting his hand.  "Thank you, Sir.  It is an honor to meet you.

Would you mind if I run a medical scan on you, Sir.  I want to check you over for any medical issues that might need immediate attention" she said.  That was the truth, but she also wanted to verify the man's identity before allowing him any further into the station.

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office --> Docking Ring One ]

As Zero sat at his desk, his hands moved on autopilot. The same message, typed over and over, calling people to a psychological check in. With how high-stress things had been lately, it only made sense to check in with the officers, particularly those who hadn't been in for a long time. And some, he noted in records, at all. As he and the other counselor's sifted through the masses of people, he found himself saddles with a particularly large stack of officers to contact. As he hit the send button yet again, he leaned back. A bit too far. As his chair teetered, he reached out to catch himself, thankfully doing so before he hit the ground. Just then his badge pinged, and he raised a brow at the voice that came over it.  =/\="Acknowledged," =/\= he confirmed, standing up perhaps a bit too quickly. Anything that got him out of writing another email was welcome though.

Among the first to arrive, he gave a nod to Zex, and then a look to Carter. A brief moment of confusion passed, as the man bore the insignia of an Admiral. Another Admiral visit? It hadn't been long since the last one, and the Station didn't seem like one to attract so much attention from higher ups. It was definitely curious, but he said nothing as he waited to be acknowledged by either of them.

Amarande Xiiv


[Ops - Zex]

While still in Ops, Zex did her due diligence in preparing to meet Admiral Carter.  A quick search provided her with some surprising information.  So she made an additional hail to Kyan, Chief of Sec/tac before leaving Ops, Zero, ship counselor, and Dr. Xiiv.  Asking them to meet her in docking ring 1.

As she headed to the lift with a medical tricorder, she signaled Eydis.  "Hello and welcome back.  I'm off to meet a new arrival.  But promise to meet up with you right after.  Promise" she sent over the lattice.

[Docking ring 1]

The Deltan offered a police nod to Drake.  They had not socialized much.  But had worked together for quite some.

To Carter, she returned a polite bow instead of accepting his hand.  "Thank you, Sir.  It is an honor to meet you.

Would you mind if I run a medical scan on you, Sir.  I want to check you over for any medical issues that might need immediate attention" she said.  That was the truth, but she also wanted to verify the man's identity before allowing him any further into the station.

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]
An eyebrow raised quizzically to Zex and Drake, Xiiv met the others at the docking bay, then took in the admiral's appearance and status critically. Her head canted to the side for a moment, her eyes fairly twinkling with curiosity she kept to herself.

"Interesting travel choice, Admiral," she murmured with a formal nod. "A medical scan would definitely be appropriate under the circumstances."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

James Carter

Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 08, 2021, 08:38:16 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Scoutship Squall | Shuttle Bay | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

Gideon managed to help the shuttle into the bay and once they were in, he got out to meet the man himself. The more he looked at the shuttle, the worst it looked. Even more so on Admiral Carter.

"Blimey, sir," he said in astonishment. "How long have you been living in that little 'un?"

He remembered the time he had escorting Serena as slowly as possible to a destination she was going. He wouldn't have minded if he spent a four-to-five year mission in his Squall, it was designed for comfort. But a little shuttle?

He looked over and saw Zex the Deltan coming to greet him. He nodded and then looked back at the shuttle.

"Broken is an understatement, sir," he said. "Almost like one would have to get out and push if it was any worse. Or it'd fall apart at a touch. Glad you were able to make it in one piece."

[Shuttle Bay - Katra Station]

James shrugged lightly. "The internal clock is broken....like most things on board this shuttle. As far as I can tell, about 7 months." The Admiral replied matter-of-factly as if there was nothing abnormal about being stranded in deep space for that many months. "You must be the L-T. that brought me in 'ey? Pleased to meet you Lt. Drake. Thanks for the assist. I'm not completely convinced the shuttle would've held up much longer." The Admiral flashed a genuine smile and offered a nod to show the man his respect.

He'd only been on Katra a handful of times and never stayed here. It was simply outside of the sector of space the Athena normally patrolled. Far outside of it as a matter of fact. He'd been here maybe twice on a trip to visit people had once known aboard the station. Carter wondered a moment if those friends were still here. At the speed things moved in Starfleet he did have his doubts of course, but one could dream.

As the welcome wagon appeared James' eyes scanned over each and every one of the arrivals. Two medical crewmen which meant one was likely a CMO and another was either in training or a counselor. and an ops officer. The lack of a higher ranking official likely meant that either the command staff was busy, or they were being cautious that the admiral wasn't who he said he was. "I won't object to medical scans. Can't be too careful." As he heard Amarande's comment he offered a small chuckle. "No one has ever accused me of not knowing how to make an entrance." He replied with a wry smile. "Adventure called....and I got a bit lost."

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