S3-M10: Unfinished Business

Started by Kirok, October 02, 2021, 07:57:01 AM

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James Carter

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 12, 2021, 03:59:50 AM

"Erhm.. so yer after bringing a thing on the station and ye dinnae know what it is?" he asked, looking from the object back up to Carter. "And it's us yer telling of it.. and not the Captain or First Officer?"

[Docking Ring 1]

For a moment James stared complete bewildered by Mackenzie. It was almost impressive the man had the guts to speak to a Vice Admiral that way. Almost. for a moment he contemplated how to respond. While the security chief certainly didn't know what the object was, Carter did. The assumption he didn't was...odd. "Who said I didn't know what this was?" He asked calmly. From his own days as head of security he recognized Mackenzie also sizing him up with healthy skepticism. "I know exactly what this is and what it does. Which is why I want it looked at so in the future we have a way to prevent more of these from doing what they do." Silently Carter looked back at the sphere and rolled it in his hand until the interface port was facing up. He contemplated if he should even mention what it does at this point, but then decided that while he shouldn't, he was going to anyways. "Not that far away from here there are two sister species. The T'Sari and the T'Kori. They've been locked in conflict for millenia. While investigating spacial anomalies only about 3 days from here at warp the Athena under my command encountered the T'Sari. Unfortunately our peaceful relations to the T'Sari meant the T'Kori immediately treated the Federation as if we had joined a side of the conflict in opposition to them. This small unassuming trinket is the trigger to a weapon of mass destruction the T'Kori attempted to use against us. The EMP that was used against Risa about a year and a half ago? That was the T'Kori. The weapon this was made to trigger however was far more dangerous. While we were able to stop it from being used that time, they could build more. Don't worry though, no Federation species can use this because of the unique way T'Sari and T'Kori evolved along side their technology and interact with it. We were hoping a defector that converted to the T'Sari's side could assist us in reverse engineering this." It was a lot of information that he was sure likely would have lost a couple people along the way. But then he continued. "Unfortunately...they're gone now due to the specifics of my last mission." Carter added gravely. His eyes stared into Mackenzie's intensely for a moment before moving off of them.

"Now does anyone else have any questions, comments, assumptions, or emotional outbursts that we can get out of the way now?" While his tone was dry it was obvious what he was saying was likely intended as a joke.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Gideon Drake

Quote from: James Carter on October 12, 2021, 03:35:53 AM

[Docking Ring 1]

James shook his head slightly as he listened to Drake speak. "Dear old dad and I haven't been on the same page for most of my life. Not even the same book. He left Starfleet weeks after I out ranked him the petty old..." Carter cut himself off before he could speak any farther. Part of being an Admiral was being diplomatic...admittedly that was the weakest point for him. "As for comfort, just a bed will do thank you."

James' eyes turned to the doctor a moment as she spoke. She was right of course. He should rest and have a full medical check. But yet... "I can rest when death finally sticks for once." He replied softly. "Until then..." Carter froze a moment as his mind flashed to the moment passing through the wormhole only for his shuttle to be hit by the shock wave of some kind of explosion behind him.  He remembered his head smashing into the console as his shuttle was shaken from it's flight path. He remembered regaining consciousness as the wormhole closed behind him to see his own blood spilling onto the console. To this day he'd never known what that explosion was. He always feared the worst though. His flashbacks had become a semi-regular occurrence since his isolation. While to most people the pause would have seemed like a few seconds, to James it felt like an eternity. "Uh..." He began as his mind returned to reality. "Sorry. I mean until then, we should assemble a meeting."

Carter turned back to the shuttle and moved to re-enter it. The officer paused a moment as he opened a storage compartment and grabbed a small ornate blue and gold spherical trinket from the shuttle. It was no bigger than a baseball but had vast inscriptions on it from a language that was largely unknown to the Federation. He returned to the crowd holding it in his right palm. "We need scientific and engineering minds primarily. But we should also rope in security. Doc, think you can do your full medical work up from outside of the med bay?" He asked softly. He knew that without a medical workup he simply couldn't be returned to duty. That didn't stop him from wanting to do said check up while already working however.

Quote from: James Carter on October 12, 2021, 04:45:27 AM

Silently Carter looked back at the sphere and rolled it in his hand until the interface port was facing up. He contemplated if he should even mention what it does at this point, but then decided that while he shouldn't, he was going to anyways. "Not that far away from here there are two sister species. The T'Sari and the T'Kori. They've been locked in conflict for millenia. While investigating spacial anomalies only about 3 days from here at warp the Athena under my command encountered the T'Sari. Unfortunately our peaceful relations to the T'Sari meant the T'Kori immediately treated the Federation as if we had joined a side of the conflict in opposition to them. This small unassuming trinket is the trigger to a weapon of mass destruction the T'Kori attempted to use against us. The EMP that was used against Risa about a year and a half ago? That was the T'Kori. The weapon this was made to trigger however was far more dangerous. While we were able to stop it from being used that time, they could build more. Don't worry though, no Federation species can use this because of the unique way T'Sari and T'Kori evolved along side their technology and interact with it. We were hoping a defector that converted to the T'Sari's side could assist us in reverse engineering this." It was a lot of information that he was sure likely would have lost a couple people along the way. But then he continued. "Unfortunately...they're gone now due to the specifics of my last mission." Carter added gravely. His eyes stared into Mackenzie's intensely for a moment before moving off of them.

"Now does anyone else have any questions, comments, assumptions, or emotional outbursts that we can get out of the way now?" While his tone was dry it was obvious what he was saying was likely intended as a joke.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Scoutship Squall | Shuttle Bay | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

Gideon was a little disappointed. His uncle never said much outside Starfleet Headquarters. It was apparent the rumors are confirmed to be untrue. Pity that.

But he perked up at mention of the T'Sari and the T'Kori, that First Contact with them took place three days from Katra, and the EMP on Risa certainly got his attention.

"Ah. I heard about that," he said. "Naturally, anything to happen to Risa is bound to get attention, considering its artificial weather. Certainly had a lot of the quadrant worried. As less technologically advanced as they are, the T'Kori certainly sound like they constitute a threat. But three days from here? Surely they would've gotten the attention of the Dominion. Way they both are, I'm sure the Dominion could easily smack them down like swatting a fly with a Vauxhall - old British car - unless they were disregarded enough by the Founders to be about as threatening as a sparrow."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: James Carter on October 12, 2021, 03:35:53 AM

[Docking Ring 1]

James shook his head slightly as he listened to Drake speak. "Dear old dad and I haven't been on the same page for most of my life. Not even the same book. He left Starfleet weeks after I out ranked him the petty old..." Carter cut himself off before he could speak any farther. Part of being an Admiral was being diplomatic...admittedly that was the weakest point for him. "As for comfort, just a bed will do thank you."

James' eyes turned to the doctor a moment as she spoke. She was right of course. He should rest and have a full medical check. But yet... "I can rest when death finally sticks for once." He replied softly. "Until then..." Carter froze a moment as his mind flashed to the moment passing through the wormhole only for his shuttle to be hit by the shock wave of some kind of explosion behind him.  He remembered his head smashing into the console as his shuttle was shaken from it's flight path. He remembered regaining consciousness as the wormhole closed behind him to see his own blood spilling onto the console. To this day he'd never known what that explosion was. He always feared the worst though. His flashbacks had become a semi-regular occurrence since his isolation. While to most people the pause would have seemed like a few seconds, to James it felt like an eternity. "Uh..." He began as his mind returned to reality. "Sorry. I mean until then, we should assemble a meeting."

Carter turned back to the shuttle and moved to re-enter it. The officer paused a moment as he opened a storage compartment and grabbed a small ornate blue and gold spherical trinket from the shuttle. It was no bigger than a baseball but had vast inscriptions on it from a language that was largely unknown to the Federation. He returned to the crowd holding it in his right palm. "We need scientific and engineering minds primarily. But we should also rope in security. Doc, think you can do your full medical work up from outside of the med bay?" He asked softly. He knew that without a medical workup he simply couldn't be returned to duty. That didn't stop him from wanting to do said check up while already working however.

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"I don't see why not, sir," she said in a soft voice. No rest for this one, which was hardly a new concept for her but it was frustrating. "I'll get my equipment and we can do the workup wherever you wish. Thankfully, most of my equipment is portable. I'd rather do it in Medbay but if you insist, I suppose it can be done here or elsewhere. Just tell me where."

He'd definitely insist which meant she'd get as many things together as she could for the scans needed.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Kyle Briggs

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

Kirok had made a stop on the way so Kyle reached the docking bay first. He had heard of an Admiral Carter but didn't recall ever meeting him before. Of course, the only reason he remembered hearing about him was because the man had been reported as dead. The doors parted and he walked in. He was glad to see the Admiral getting the VIP treatment but was slightly discouraged by his crews lack of procedures. He made a mental note to run drills later.

"Admiral Carter." he said as he approached and extended his hand. "I'm Commander Kyle Briggs, First Officer. It's a pleasure to have with us, Sir. If I may ask, how did you get way out here and alone?"



[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on October 10, 2021, 10:38:52 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

All of a sudden though, an unexpected, yet blissful sensation tingled in her mind.

At first she had assumed to just relive her own memories, yet suddenly it dawned on Sirol that her perception was live. She could sense Emerald reaching out for her utilising the Lattice.
She instantly stopped, almost even froze in place, just staring at the child.
Her face was unable to properly reflect the great joy she felt, yet her thoughts did"¦
Lifting the ECS a little she eventually managed to catch her breath, a wide smile showing on her face as she gently placed her forehead onto the bubble, closed her eyes and returned the thoughts and feelings of love and happiness to the little one.
It was one little perfect moment.
A moment filled with love and belonging.

Her eyes wandered over to Xasik, and her thoughts to Eydis, with Sirol being eager to wake up her co-scientist and contact the Captain.
Yet at least for the first, Sirol then hesitated; restrained herself - for now - to leave him to enjoy a few more minutes of sleep he needed so desperately before Reisen would arrive.
She would tell Xasik once he felt a little better.

With both of her hands tightly holding the ECS and her forehead still resting on it so Emerald could reach out and have the closest possible substitute for physical contact while she still smiled at them, synching her emotions with the child, she then reached out towards Eydis via the Lattice.

Full of love and what was essentially parental pride, she could not help but had to share this moment with hir; share Emerald's first attempts at communication with the same joy and adoration any biological parent would have had for their child's first words"¦
"˜Can you sense it too?! Emerald is with us!'
Sirol eagerly asked, sharing the same enthusiasm and bliss with Eydis, slowly but surely realising that she had found herself right in the middle of an important family moment.
With her family.
Even if one of them was asleep and the other one at the other end of the Station right now...


Humming at The Soft One was easier this time than it ever had been. Emerald rejoiced in the warmth of her emotions and love, and at the new feeling surging through them. They had practiced humming a lot lately, reaching out for only The Soft One, but now it felt different, like they could reach further. The love and warmth of The Soft One gave them strength and guided them. Emerald reached for her even more and tried to convey to her just how much they loved her. They reached out to her with a feeling that could only be interpreted as a child's love for their parent. "œMother"

When she lifted the bubble up and looked at them, Emerald felt the surge of her emotions, like a warm embrace that they had never experienced before. It was exciting. What they could feel was distinct, distinctly her. "œMother," they reached out to her again. "œFirst Mother." The Soft One (Sirol) was First Mother.

Although they had no concept of their own instincts, it was instinct that now guided the hatchling. Reaching out for First Mother, they followed her thoughts and feelings as she reached out to the others connected by humming. With her guidance they could feel The Humming One (Peylix) who was a humming mother, the Skittering One who was caring for The Sharp One while he rested and The New One (Eydis) who was very dear to First Mother, therefore Emerald would now refer to them as The Dear Mother. Allowing First Mother to guild them, Emerald reached out for Humming Mother and The Dear Mother and conveyed their joy, warmth and love to them. And through them they were able to feel the presence of every Other One humming together.

Emerald reached out for every humming one that they could feel, excited and curious at this brand new experience . They allowed themself to get lost in this wonderful new feeling of warmth, like an embrace that they never knew they needed.
But suddenly it dawned on them that something was missing. The Sharp One had never hummed but still Emerald reached out for him. It was no surprise when he did not hum back.
"œPeep squeak!" Emerald called out to him, allowing their confusion to seep into their humming.
The Sharp One was different, not a mother, so what was he? Emerald turned their attention to First Mother as if to ask her this question.

( note -
Green - Emerald's vocal sounds
Orange - Emerald's lattice thoughts and feelings)


[Katra - security office]

Balan walked toward an open security console and sat front of it. He had opened the roster and clicked on these names.

Copy and Forward to:

Commander Kyle Briggs, Chief of Flight Lieutenant John Smith, Chief of Science Lieutenant Kybias Th'vanner, Acting Chief of Medical Amarande Xiiv

Please report on (Stardate Monday)

Location: Briefing room one
Time: 1100
Topic: Hunters and aftermath


Thank you,

Security Department Crewman Balan

Then Balan reviewed what he wrote. It was straight and simple. He felt good what he wrote. Then he pressed sent. That was a simple task. It did not take to long.

Then he felt he wanted to do something. Which he understand Kyan liked to move around. Desk work was boring. He prefer to be moving around and doing things. He tapped his fingers on the table top to figure what else he could do.

He pulled up the roster of the crew and visitors. He figured he get to read some of their profiles. Then he could use that to converse with them. Or he could get a feeling a way to talk to them.

Then he would do that until his break, or when he was called to do something else.

James Carter

Quote from: Gideon Drake on October 12, 2021, 08:56:55 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Scoutship Squall | Shuttle Bay | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

Gideon was a little disappointed. His uncle never said much outside Starfleet Headquarters. It was apparent the rumors are confirmed to be untrue. Pity that.

But he perked up at mention of the T'Sari and the T'Kori, that First Contact with them took place three days from Katra, and the EMP on Risa certainly got his attention.

"Ah. I heard about that," he said. "Naturally, anything to happen to Risa is bound to get attention, considering its artificial weather. Certainly had a lot of the quadrant worried. As less technologically advanced as they are, the T'Kori certainly sound like they constitute a threat. But three days from here? Surely they would've gotten the attention of the Dominion. Way they both are, I'm sure the Dominion could easily smack them down like swatting a fly with a Vauxhall - old British car - unless they were disregarded enough by the Founders to be about as threatening as a sparrow."

[Docking Ring 1]

James shook his head lightly. "Intel collected at the time indicated that the T'Kori likely weren't operating alone but were working with outside allies." The Admiral began remembering the first encounter with a T'Kori ship. They had cloaking tech that appeared to match romulan tech perfectly. "No one particularly knows who due to the hostile nature we've had with them. But we do know they possess stealth technology for their ships." He added bluntly. "No telling how many allies the T'Kori drummed up."

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on October 12, 2021, 02:38:30 PM

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"I don't see why not, sir," she said in a soft voice. No rest for this one, which was hardly a new concept for her but it was frustrating. "I'll get my equipment and we can do the workup wherever you wish. Thankfully, most of my equipment is portable. I'd rather do it in Medbay but if you insist, I suppose it can be done here or elsewhere. Just tell me where."

He'd definitely insist which meant she'd get as many things together as she could for the scans needed.

Carter nodded and offered a sympathetic smile. "If it helps, we can get as many scans as you can easily do on the go, and then I can meet you in the med bay after the meeting for those that are less easy to do on the go." His tone matched hers and became far softer than it was before. The Admiral didn't want to inconvenience the woman if he could avoid it of course. "There's a few items I need to check off my to do list before I rest though. I've been isolated for 7 months away from everyone I know and care about. That is something I have to attend to urgently. Then of course I have to get the ball rolling on this." He held up the trigger to put emphasis on the fact he was talking about it.
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 12, 2021, 09:26:40 PM

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

Kirok had made a stop on the way so Kyle reached the docking bay first. He had heard of an Admiral Carter but didn't recall ever meeting him before. Of course, the only reason he remembered hearing about him was because the man had been reported as dead. The doors parted and he walked in. He was glad to see the Admiral getting the VIP treatment but was slightly discouraged by his crews lack of procedures. He made a mental note to run drills later.

"Admiral Carter." he said as he approached and extended his hand. "I'm Commander Kyle Briggs, First Officer. It's a pleasure to have with us, Sir. If I may ask, how did you get way out here and alone?"

James eyes flicked to the new arrival. He made note of the pips on his uniform and knew his rank before he even spoke. "Mr. Briggs." He greeted warmly as he switched the hand the T'Kori trigger was in to return the hand shake. "Kyle Briggs 'ey? I've heard the name. I believe you served with an old friend of mine aboard the Challenger while I was still captain of the Athena. It' s a pleasure to finally have a face to the name. And it's just Carter. I didn't get where I was caring about peoples rank and I certainly am not going to start now. Especially before the doc here clears me for duty again." He smiled confidently. "It's good you're here actually. I have a briefing I need to run. We're going to need scientific minds with an emphasis on xenolingustics and xenobiology, engineers, and we should probably rope in security...just in case."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Kyle Briggs

[Docking Ring 1]

Quote from: James Carter on October 13, 2021, 04:26:26 AM

James eyes flicked to the new arrival. He made note of the pips on his uniform and knew his rank before he even spoke. "Mr. Briggs." He greeted warmly as he switched the hand the T'Kori trigger was in to return the hand shake. "Kyle Briggs 'ey? I've heard the name. I believe you served with an old friend of mine aboard the Challenger while I was still captain of the Athena. It' s a pleasure to finally have a face to the name. And it's just Carter. I didn't get where I was caring about peoples rank and I certainly am not going to start now. Especially before the doc here clears me for duty again." He smiled confidently. "It's good you're here actually. I have a briefing I need to run. We're going to need scientific minds with an emphasis on xenolingustics and xenobiology, engineers, and we should probably rope in security...just in case."

Kyle couldn't help but to smile at the mention of the Challenger. Deep down, he missed being on a ship. He quickly recovered and replied to the Admiral.

"Understood, Sir. If you'd like to accompany the doctor to Sickbay for your check up, I will assemble the required personnel and meet you in the Briefing Room just off the Command Center." Kyle suggested.

Amarande Xiiv


Carter nodded and offered a sympathetic smile. "If it helps, we can get as many scans as you can easily do on the go, and then I can meet you in the med bay after the meeting for those that are less easy to do on the go." His tone matched hers and became far softer than it was before. The Admiral didn't want to inconvenience the woman if he could avoid it of course. "There's a few items I need to check off my to do list before I rest though. I've been isolated for 7 months away from everyone I know and care about. That is something I have to attend to urgently. Then of course I have to get the ball rolling on this." He held up the trigger to put emphasis on the fact he was talking about it.

[Katra Station | Docking Bay 1]

"That sounds acceptable," she said with a nod. "If you'll excuse me, I'll start gathering my things. I'll be back shortly." With a soft smile, she turned and headed off to Medbay. It didn't take her very long to locate the equipment and she was gone no longer than fifteen minutes. Xiiv could adapt to a busy admiral in the same way she could an unruly patient, which now were essentially the same thing only the Admiral was cooperating in a way an unruly patient might not be.

Amarande began her scans as unobtrusively as possible as she could, with quiet directions issued when she needed them.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

James Carter

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 13, 2021, 01:52:26 PM

[Docking Ring 1]

Kyle couldn't help but to smile at the mention of the Challenger. Deep down, he missed being on a ship. He quickly recovered and replied to the Admiral.

"Understood, Sir. If you'd like to accompany the doctor to Sickbay for your check up, I will assemble the required personnel and meet you in the Briefing Room just off the Command Center." Kyle suggested.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on October 13, 2021, 04:37:41 PM

[Katra Station | Docking Bay 1]

"That sounds acceptable," she said with a nod. "If you'll excuse me, I'll start gathering my things. I'll be back shortly." With a soft smile, she turned and headed off to Medbay. It didn't take her very long to locate the equipment and she was gone no longer than fifteen minutes. Xiiv could adapt to a busy admiral in the same way she could an unruly patient, which now were essentially the same thing only the Admiral was cooperating in a way an unruly patient might not be.

Amarande began her scans as unobtrusively as possible as she could, with quiet directions issued when she needed them.

[Docking Ring 1]

James offered a small look of acknowledgment to Briggs as the man left. By the time the doctor returned the Admiral had buried his head into a PADD and was invested in whatever he was reading. His eyes glanced up at the woman once she arrived and began her tests. After another moment of reading what he had on the PADD, he let out an audible sigh and looked over to Amarande. "Doc, do you have a family? One of your own I mean. Any partner, children, etc?" He asked inquisitively. "I only ask because I do. I have a wife and daughter. My daughter was only a year and a half old when I..." He cut himself short. Technically he wasn't supposed to give the specific details of his mission away. But months of isolation would cause anyone to get chatty. His eyes drifted to the floor as he continued "She was a year and a half old when I went through the wormhole. There's something I've been seeing over and over again in my head since I got stranded in deep space. When I first passed through my shuttle was shaken from the shockwave of some kind of explosion. I blacked out after my head hit the console from the shockwave. To this day I don't know what the explosion was. In the official files there's nothing listed...but with my access to restricted files being suspended who knows." James let out another resigned sigh as his gaze returned to the doctor. "My family was on the ship that took me to the wormhole. My biggest fear for the last half-year is that I'd fight like hell to get back here and then...and then I'd find out that the explosion was that ship. That I was alone in the universe again."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Docking Bay | Katra Station ::

Kyan watched and listened as Xiiv, Drake, and eventually even Briggs came in and accepted "Carter's" story at face value. Of course he still had reservations. As he listened to the others converse, his mind wandered to some of the more likely possibilities.

The most obvious was that this person was an Alasomorph or a Changeling. This would be pretty easy for an Alasomorph or a Founder to pull off. But why? And how did he trick the scanners? Then again, id he really place too much faith in Xiiv's equipment to give the right answer anyway? But then Zero had said that was his own bias talking... on account of what had happened back on his home planet.

Stabbing Carter would prove whether he was a Changeling or not. Of course if he wasn't a Changeling... then the grups would get their starched panties in a twist and court martial him... again... and he'd get fired. So that was out.

Of course he could also be a Human who had been surgically altered to look like James Carter. There could be any number of reasons for someone to do it. After all, Carter was an Admiral and could get things done for whoever it was that was running the show. He'd have to get Xiiv to let him see the initial scans to confirm the identity.

But that brought up another possibility. What if he was a clone? Then the scans would say that he was Carter. The Romulans were good at cloning... and there had been Zhat Vash on the station prety recently too. Of all the possibilities, this one made the most sense. He definitely had to put in a call to his old co workers at Starfleet Intelligence. He still hadn't gotten the fat Admiral his report yet on the Snake thing either.

Of course... he could also be a Salt Vampire. Or he really was Carter, but an Alien Parasite had dug it's way into his ear, or something, and was controlling him. That had happened once to Ole Kirk's friends on Ceti Alpha V. They almost got away with it too, except that the aliens couldn't control them all the way.

Of course, he could also be telling the truth, Kyan thought finally. Stranger things had happened than one Admiral getting lost on a shuttle and finding his way back months later. But he still didn't believe it. With all the stuff that had gone on in the last few months, Carter telling the truth seems more far fetched than him being a Salt Vampire. No, Kyan decided that he'd have to watch him and wait for him to slip up, which of course he would. They all did. And then after they got him, Kyan would not soon let Brigs and the rest forget that they basically rolled out a red carpet for him.

And maybe he'd get those new security scanners that he saw in the Romulan Security catalogue!

For now though, he'd have to play along and wait. And so having made his decision, Kyan decided on what do do next. He looked over to where Carter was standing with Xiiv and made his way over.

"Aye Admiral, if it's getting yer bomb trigger thing scanned by the science folks yer after the now, I can take it to them in their lab. Lieutenant Sirol and Mister Xasik can get a look at it before the briefing and tell us all about it then."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: James Carter on October 14, 2021, 09:57:44 PM

[Docking Ring 1]

James offered a small look of acknowledgment to Briggs as the man left. By the time the doctor returned the Admiral had buried his head into a PADD and was invested in whatever he was reading. His eyes glanced up at the woman once she arrived and began her tests. After another moment of reading what he had on the PADD, he let out an audible sigh and looked over to Amarande. "Doc, do you have a family? One of your own I mean. Any partner, children, etc?" He asked inquisitively. "I only ask because I do. I have a wife and daughter. My daughter was only a year and a half old when I..." He cut himself short. Technically he wasn't supposed to give the specific details of his mission away. But months of isolation would cause anyone to get chatty. His eyes drifted to the floor as he continued "She was a year and a half old when I went through the wormhole. There's something I've been seeing over and over again in my head since I got stranded in deep space. When I first passed through my shuttle was shaken from the shockwave of some kind of explosion. I blacked out after my head hit the console from the shockwave. To this day I don't know what the explosion was. In the official files there's nothing listed...but with my access to restricted files being suspended who knows." James let out another resigned sigh as his gaze returned to the doctor. "My family was on the ship that took me to the wormhole. My biggest fear for the last half-year is that I'd fight like hell to get back here and then...and then I'd find out that the explosion was that ship. That I was alone in the universe again."

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"No children yet for me, nor a partner," she murmured, taking another few scans, "I can only imagine how terrible that thought might be. I hope you and your family are reunited soon, sir. I do have family, though. Two sisters and a brother. One of my sisters is missing on an Away mission and we still haven't heard back about her whereabouts. Not knowing is the thing that's the worst, I think. It gives you equal parts terror and hope all at once. They can be difficult feelings to process."

She paused for a moment, then smiled a little.

"My adoptive mother is Vulcan, my adoptive father Trill. It made for an interesting and competitive childhood. I hope your answers come quickly, sir. Mine have yet to come but they will, one way or another. I know I must be patient."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Kyle Briggs

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1 --> Command Center/Briefing Room]

Kyle slightly nodded to the admiral before heading out. On his way to the Command center, he sent quick messages from his PADD to the required department heads.

To: Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie

Have two security personnel report to the briefing room right away. Further instructions will be given by Admiral Carter.

Commander Kyle Briggs

That took care of security. For Engineering, Kyle was technically the CEO but he sent a message to have Petty Officer Langley to join them as well. She would help cover any notes he may miss.

His next message went out to the science department.

To: Lieutenant Sirol

We require a science officer or two to join us in the briefing room right away. Preferences are on xenolingustics and xenobiology. Regardless of whom else you send, I need you present as well.

Commander Kyle Briggs

He finished with his messages just was he reached the command center. The engineering crews were finishing up the installation of the new transporter pads and all seemed to be going well. He paused for a brief update before entering the briefing room and getting it prepped. Now he waited for the others to arrive.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 16, 2021, 06:19:00 PM

To: Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie

Have two security personnel report to the briefing room right away. Further instructions will be given by Admiral Carter.

Commander Kyle Briggs

Ensign Nonam E'yellashyrt was a Security Officer in name only. First and foremost, he was a coward. He knew it. His friends knew it, and his superiors knew it. That's why he sat in the armory all day. He was meticulous though. He kept records better than anyone. Nothing in the armory was ever misplaced. All the phaser rifles always had a full charge.


Being a coward had hidden advantages though, as far as Kyan was concerned. Those hidden attributes were the sole reason that Nonam was still serving in Katra's security department. His studious nature, coupled with fact that he abhored confrontation made him trustworthy. He was afraid of betraying a superior, or taking advantage of a situation for his own benefit.

Thats why he was delegated to keep Kyan's work padd and answer his messages. He could have done any number of things with the information contained on the device. Kyan's access codes, his security authorization, and a plethora of sensitive or outright classified information was contained on the padd. Nonam had access to it all.

He'd often thought of all the things that he could do with it if he were inclined. He could get rich selling the info the the right bidder. But he wouldn't do it. He couldn't. Other than Kyan, he was the only one who had access to it. There was no way to pin it on someone else either. If the padd were stolen, it would be because he allowed it to be stolen. That would also mean that he had let slip just what the padd was to someone who would steal it.

And Kyan had told him in no uncertain terms what would happen if his information was compromised. And having seen the little Miran fight, he believed every word. And that was before he'd read the logs on the padd from when his boss had worked for Starfleet Intelligence. He sometimes wished that he hadn't read it. But he had. And now he knew.

When the padd beeped, it startled Nonam from his thoughts and he loked down to see the message from Commander Briggs. Briggs intimidated him too, but in a different way. It was more of an Alpha male thing with him. He looked like he was supposed to be in charge. Nonam had spent considerable time cataloging his levels of intimidation where his chain of command was concerned. After all... he was meticulous.

After taking a few breaths, he tapped his com badge. =/\= E'yellashyrt to Mackenzie. =/\=

He waited. Mackenzie's voice sounded so innocent on the com badge. Nonam almost forgot what he knew sometimes.

=/\= Hi Nonam. What d'ya need the now? =/\=

=/\= Commander Briggs wants two Security Officers to go to the briefing room for a briefing by an Admiral. =/\=

After a brief pause Kyan answered. =/\= Ok. tell Balan to go. D'you wanna go too? =/\=

Nonam almost laughed. Of course he didn't want to go. An Admiral? Plus Briggs? And no doubt Kyan would be there in person, and that half Romulan Commander... Ferris. No thank you. =/\= No. =/\= he replied simply.

=/\= Ok, suit yerself. Tell Balan tae pick someone else and meet me there in a few minutes then. Mackenzie out. =/\=

Nonam sent a message to Balan on the padd from Kyan's ID. Then he switched the padd back off and picked up another one. He settled back into his chair and began reading where he'd left off in Aesop's fable about the Fawn and it's mother.

"A young fawn once said to his Mother, "œYou are larger than a dog, and swifter, and more used to running, and you have your horns as a defense; why, then, O Mother! do the hounds frighten you so?" She smiled, and said: "œI know full well, my son, that all you say is true. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear even the bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away as fast as I can."

"Mmm hmm" Nonam murmered aloud to himself. "You and me both momma deer! You and me both."

James Carter

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 15, 2021, 04:26:31 AM

"Aye Admiral, if it's getting yer bomb trigger thing scanned by the science folks yer after the now, I can take it to them in their lab. Lieutenant Sirol and Mister Xasik can get a look at it before the briefing and tell us all about it then."

[Docking Ring 1]

A sour look overtook James' face for a moment as Mackenzie interrupted the two's conversation. Whatever this was that had the man hovering around James...it had to stop. "The trigger stays with me until I've had time to explain how it works. You are dismissed L-T." Spite was hidden behind professionalism. While Carter never liked addressing people by rank, in times like this it called for him to be a little more strict. His eyes became like daggers as he waited for the man to leave before he picked up his conversation again.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on October 15, 2021, 04:29:09 PM

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"No children yet for me, nor a partner," she murmured, taking another few scans, "I can only imagine how terrible that thought might be. I hope you and your family are reunited soon, sir. I do have family, though. Two sisters and a brother. One of my sisters is missing on an Away mission and we still haven't heard back about her whereabouts. Not knowing is the thing that's the worst, I think. It gives you equal parts terror and hope all at once. They can be difficult feelings to process."

She paused for a moment, then smiled a little.

"My adoptive mother is Vulcan, my adoptive father Trill. It made for an interesting and competitive childhood. I hope your answers come quickly, sir. Mine have yet to come but they will, one way or another. I know I must be patient."

James milled on the words for a moment as he let them process. "I'm going to make you a promise." Carter's eyes turned to meet hers for a moment. The spiteful look he'd given Mackenzie had seemed to entirely disappear and be replaced now with a sympathetic determination. "Once I have my reach back as Vice Admiral I will spare no resource to find your sister." A soft smile appeared on his lips as he continued. "I've been lost and I have lost. I don't know which is worse truly. But if I can help find her and bring her home I'll stop at nothing to do so." His tone was filled with a sincere optimism as he spoke.

The Admiral's eyes seemed to drift back into space for a moment as his mind returned to his daughter. He just knew it, she was still out there. He'd split the heaven to reunite with his family. Then he remembered the promise he'd just made. Another family that needed reunited. He of course wouldn't fight any less hard for her than he did himself. "Thank you Doctor." Carter said warmly. "7 months of complete isolation...it's hard. This is the first time in a long time I've felt...normal and outside of the whole calling me sir thing you've treated me completely normal. The truth is since I moved up the ladder everyone's treated me different. They either walk on eggshells thinking I'm there for their job or blame me for the bad things that happen to them. Everyone else here so far has either treated me as the intrigue of the day of some hostile threat they need to size up. It's been really nice to just be treated like a normal human."

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