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S3-M10: Unfinished Business

Started by Kirok, October 02, 2021, 07:57:01 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: James Carter on October 17, 2021, 04:49:58 AM

[Docking Ring 1]

A sour look overtook James' face for a moment as Mackenzie interrupted the two's conversation. Whatever this was that had the man hovering around had to stop. "The trigger stays with me until I've had time to explain how it works. You are dismissed L-T." Spite was hidden behind professionalism. While Carter never liked addressing people by rank, in times like this it called for him to be a little more strict. His eyes became like daggers as he waited for the man to leave before he picked up his conversation again.

Oh so this is how it was going to be? Kyan thought to himself as Carter stared at him. For all the talk about "Oh just call me James. I'm a normal guy." he seemed to snap back into pompous Admiral mode fairly quickly. That actually caused Kyan to lean toward Carter being who he said he was more than before. After all, if there was one thing you could count on from an Admiral, it was the entire tree that they carried around in their backsides. However....he was awful protective of his bomb trigger thing... especially after saying that he wanted Science to get a look at it. Oh well, Kyan mused inwardly. The truth will out. He simply shrugged and smiled up at Carter, putting on the cherubic "innocent little boy" face that never failed to produce candy from an old lady.

"Sure sure... Whatever yer sayin... Admiral." Kyan chirped happily. "I'll just be off tae the briefing then."

Kyan considered giving him a bow on his way out, but figured that he'd just get more pissy about it. And pissy Admirals were worse by alot than even pissy Captains or Commanders. No one had time for that level of nonsense. So he just turned around and walked toward the doors.

Quote from: James Carter on October 17, 2021, 04:49:58 AM

James milled on the words for a moment as he let them process. "I'm going to make you a promise." Carter's eyes turned to meet hers for a moment. The spiteful look he'd given Mackenzie had seemed to entirely disappear and be replaced now with a sympathetic determination. "Once I have my reach back as Vice Admiral I will spare no resource to find your sister." A soft smile appeared on his lips as he continued. "I've been lost and I have lost. I don't know which is worse truly. But if I can help find her and bring her home I'll stop at nothing to do so." His tone was filled with a sincere optimism as he spoke.

The Admiral's eyes seemed to drift back into space for a moment as his mind returned to his daughter. He just knew it, she was still out there. He'd split the heaven to reunite with his family. Then he remembered the promise he'd just made. Another family that needed reunited. He of course wouldn't fight any less hard for her than he did himself. "Thank you Doctor." Carter said warmly. "7 months of complete's hard. This is the first time in a long time I've felt...normal and outside of the whole calling me sir thing you've treated me completely normal. The truth is since I moved up the ladder everyone's treated me different. They either walk on eggshells thinking I'm there for their job or blame me for the bad things that happen to them. Everyone else here so far has either treated me as the intrigue of the day of some hostile threat they need to size up. It's been really nice to just be treated like a normal human."

Now, Kyan was all set to leave. He was. Carter was finished with him. He was finished with Carter. There was no further cause for them to speak to one another. The doors were even open in front of him, but he stopped. He had good hearing. Not like a Vulcan or a Ferengi or anything, but it was good. "Ears of a ten year old", so to speak. And truthfully he'd tuned most of what he was saying to Doctor Xiiv out. But he did catch the last bit. Especially the pity party bit about being treated like a hostile threat, and how she was treating him like a human.

The devil on his shoulder then proceeded to choke slam the angel on his other shoulder and Sparta kick him out of the picture. Kyan turned back around. Now he was staring daggers. After all, Carter had brushed him off and dismissed him. So... really, he kinda had a dressing down coming. That devil was a persuasive one when he wanted to be. "Hey." the little Miran called out accross the docking bay. "I'm the gods damned Chief of Security. It's me fookin job tae be treatin Admirals what supposedly come back from the dead with secret alien devices like hostile threats. And if ye dinnae like it, then take yer grup arse to another station where they'll kiss it more tae yer liking." he then promptly turned and walked out the doors.

Welp, he thought as he walked down the corridor, if he's a real Admiral, it's pretty soon that I'll be fired. But at least then we'll know for sure!



< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Quote from: Eli Ferris on October 10, 2021, 10:51:08 PM

=/\= I hope I am not interrupting anything. I am looking in to upgrading the communications system so we can avoid further blackouts in the future. I believe that the Tholians were of significant assistance in the last crisis. Is it possible we can replicate their communication means in some way?  =/\=

Sirol's smile persisted as she was following Commander Ferris' explanation before she eventually leaned a little forwards in her chair, still gently rocking Emerald in their environmental protection sphere.
=/\="œYou are correct Commander, and I understand.
The question of whether it is possible to replicate Tholian networking is a tricky challenge, as they utilise abilities of various layers and the boundaries between innate and artificial blur in their case."
She paused for a moment, wondering how much information would be appropriate to share before she would potentially bore him with xeno- biological-, -technological, and even -anthropological details here.
=/\="œTholian linking and networking is rightfully praised as a conscious construct designed for efficiency. I can compile an entire dissertation on that very subject in under a week if you are interested in how they came to be what they are.
The true question here though is not whether it can be done, but whether and how to approach that subject.
I will certainly assist you in any way I can, but I think the first step here is to include the Tholians themself into such an idea.
As non-Federation party they are not automatically part of the UFP's information sharing policy, a matter which could evoke all sorts of unintended diplomatic- and legal issues without their participation.
Captain Eydis is the highest authority representing the Tholian Assembly aboard the station.
Would you like me to contact hir and suggest a meeting to discuss the idea?"

She took a little sip of her coffee, with the pause giving her a moment to look at Emerald again.
Giving the little hatching a wide smile, she once more reached out to them with the emotional and mental equivalent of a warm hug.
Her senses were still with them, and open as a book to everyone else capable of linking, but her happiness also was to be heard in the tone of her voice.

Quote from: Xasik on October 12, 2021, 11:03:22 PM

When she lifted the bubble up and looked at them, Emerald felt the surge of her emotions, like a warm embrace that they had never experienced before. It was exciting. What they could feel was distinct, distinctly her. "œMother," they reached out to her again. "œFirst Mother." The Soft One (Sirol) was First Mother.

For a moment Sirol just stared at the child, full of surprise, joy and bliss, yet ultimately unable to form an immediate reaction.
Still linked with them, she was aware that Emerald was not yet capable of precise speech and explanations of their thoughts, yet she was well aware of the meaning behind their relayed emotions.
The flavour of Emerald reaching her echoed through her mind and for a moment almost even brought tears to her eyes before she could collect herself enough to control herself.
Without breaking both, her mental-, as well as her eye contact with Emerald, she began to free one hand, reaching out and trying to find a nearby, unbreakable object, yet when she had no success with that, she remembered the second gym ball near her.
Reaching out for it, she kicked it towards Xasik to wake him up without hurting him, interrupting the call with Commander Ferris or disturbing the connection with the child.
"œWake up..." She whispered towards her recharging subordinate. "œEm is reaching out!"
Quote from: Eli Ferris on October 10, 2021, 10:51:08 PM

=/\= Sirol, I'll need to follow up with you in a moment. I would like to meet together to discuss further communication options, especially in an emergency.  =/\=

Sirol tilted her head at the sudden shift in pace from his side, yet assumed that Ferris was processing a more relevant task, hence Sirol kept her reply short.
Still, her euphoric tone was impossible to miss.
=/\="œOf course Commander. I will be looking forward to it. Sirol out." =/\=

Placing both hands on Emerald's ECS again, Sirol slowly stood up, giving off what could only be interpreted as a confused, joyful laugh at the movements she could sense.
As she began to realise that Emerald not just reached out to her, but also to other Tholians aboard; those Sirol had had the closest contact with.
Emerald remembered!

"˜Yes! Dearie, move forward"¦.' She speechlessly relayed to them. "˜Welcome home...'

Quote from: Xasik on October 12, 2021, 11:03:22 PM

But suddenly it dawned on them that something was missing. The Sharp One had never hummed but still Emerald reached out for him. It was no surprise when he did not hum back.
"œPeep squeak!" Emerald called out to him, allowing their confusion to seep into their humming.
The Sharp One was different, not a mother, so what was he? Emerald turned their attention to First Mother as if to ask her this question.

Sirol tilted her head as she began to realise that Emerald too tried to reach out for Xasik, yet could not sense him.
She instantly walked over to the awakening scientist, and placed the ECS in his arms, to assure the hatchling of his presence, while Sirol already worked hard to formulate a plan in her head as to how to explain to a child that their parent was incapable of one of their own essential ways of communication.
Would she explain it to Emerald like a disability?
Like a gap in grasp?
Like a blind spot that vulcanoids normally were incapable of entering?

No... She was the unusual one as in, her being one of the few, if not even only vulcanoid people fortunate to be linked"¦
She postponed that thought, wondering whether maybe Xasik, Peylix or Eydis would be able to find a suitable strategy to approach this in a way a child of Emerald's age would be able to understand"¦
There would be plenty of content all of them would have to discuss soon one way or another"¦

With a smile she cuddled Emerald's ECS once more before she looked at Xasik.
"œSmart little forerunner figured out how to reach out to me and the others all by themself!
I was about to compile a learning plan for them, based on average Tholian child development statistics. It appears as if I need to speed up to keep up with them!"
She chuckled and inhaled deeply as a sudden green blip on her wrist mounted PDA caught her attention.

A message had arrived!
Opening it quickly, the holographic interface unfolded around the top half of her left lower arm, covering it in a semi-transparent rich green glow.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 16, 2021, 06:19:00 PM

To: Lieutenant Sirol

We require a science officer or two to join us in the briefing room right away. Preferences are on xenolingustics and xenobiology. Regardless of whom else you send, I need you present as well.

Commander Kyle Briggs

Work! Finally work and orders!

She once again smiled and exchanged goofy looks with Xasik and Emerald.
Xenolinguistics even! It had been way too long since she had had the chance or permission to perform her actual duties, and while neither she nor Xasik were specialised biologists, the basic knowledge was there, and additionals obtainable.

"œCommander Briggs requests my presence with preference of someone versed on xenolinguistics and xenobiology.
That being said, I have not received any information on our new addition Reisen's special fields. If he arrives here, would you be so kind as to ask him about it, and - in case he happens to be a xenobiologist - send him my way so we have both requested fields entirely covered?"

She gave him and Emerald a friendly smile, then instantly began to type a response to the Commander.

To: Commander Briggs

I will be on may way momentarily, primarily filling the role of xenolinguist.
- Lieutenant Sirol

With that she gave her colleague a gentle bow, then hunkered down and placed a hand on both, Aeryn's head and Emerald's bubble, once more reaching out to both, sharing a bright and dense shimmer of love with them, before she then quietly turned around and scampered out of the lab.

< Katra Station / Briefing Room >

Once Sirol stepped out of the turbolift, she quickly adjusted her uniform and her lab coat, before she then entered the briefing room.
Her gaze met that of Commander Briggs first whom she greeted with her signature formal bow, followed by her repeating the gesture towards everyone else who was already gathered in the room at that time.

"œHow may I be of assistance, Commander?"
She asked in a polite and formal tone, by now having reduced her earlier openly shared joy about the child's progress with everyone in the room, although, to a skilled empath or telepath her bright aura was still noticeable...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


[Katra station - security]

Balan had received the message from Ensign Nonam E'yellashyrt that Chief Mackenzie had requested that himself and a second should report to the briefing room. It seemed the Admiral had wanted security to be there. He was unsure that was for the Admiral safety.

A security officer who was a Ferengi name Zox who had been in the station for two years service. Zox walked in the office. "œHey, is the Chief about?" he asked.

"œNo. However the Admiral wants to two security officers at the briefing meeting," he asked the short fellow.

"œYes," Zox said sounding happy to do so. Of course, this would make him be seen by the Admiral. Possible a profit in a meeting to go up in rank.

A few moments...

So Zex and Balan came outside of the Briefing room and the doors slid open for the two security guys to walk in. They saw Briggs there. And of course the two security personal had phasers for this call.

They spotted the science officer Sirol as well. They nodded to her. Then Balan had turned to Briggs, "œSir we are told to bring ourselves to the briefing room. Should we check the room and stand outside?" Balance had asked.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: James Carter on October 17, 2021, 04:49:58 AM

[Docking Ring 1]

A sour look overtook James' face for a moment as Mackenzie interrupted the two's conversation. Whatever this was that had the man hovering around had to stop. "The trigger stays with me until I've had time to explain how it works. You are dismissed L-T." Spite was hidden behind professionalism. While Carter never liked addressing people by rank, in times like this it called for him to be a little more strict. His eyes became like daggers as he waited for the man to leave before he picked up his conversation again.

James milled on the words for a moment as he let them process. "I'm going to make you a promise." Carter's eyes turned to meet hers for a moment. The spiteful look he'd given Mackenzie had seemed to entirely disappear and be replaced now with a sympathetic determination. "Once I have my reach back as Vice Admiral I will spare no resource to find your sister." A soft smile appeared on his lips as he continued. "I've been lost and I have lost. I don't know which is worse truly. But if I can help find her and bring her home I'll stop at nothing to do so." His tone was filled with a sincere optimism as he spoke.

The Admiral's eyes seemed to drift back into space for a moment as his mind returned to his daughter. He just knew it, she was still out there. He'd split the heaven to reunite with his family. Then he remembered the promise he'd just made. Another family that needed reunited. He of course wouldn't fight any less hard for her than he did himself. "Thank you Doctor." Carter said warmly. "7 months of complete's hard. This is the first time in a long time I've felt...normal and outside of the whole calling me sir thing you've treated me completely normal. The truth is since I moved up the ladder everyone's treated me different. They either walk on eggshells thinking I'm there for their job or blame me for the bad things that happen to them. Everyone else here so far has either treated me as the intrigue of the day of some hostile threat they need to size up. It's been really nice to just be treated like a normal human."

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"My scans tell me you are who you say you are. I've no reason to doubt them or you," Xiiv said with a slight nod. "We've had a bit of a rough patch what with the station being bombed. I suppose trust is running low. Give them time, sir. They'll come around. We've a good crew."


The devil on his shoulder then proceeded to choke slam the angel on his other shoulder and Sparta kick him out of the picture. Kyan turned back around. Now he was staring daggers. After all, Carter had brushed him off and dismissed him. So... really, he kinda had a dressing down coming. That devil was a persuasive one when he wanted to be. "Hey." the little Miran called out accross the docking bay. "I'm the gods damned Chief of Security. It's me fookin job tae be treatin Admirals what supposedly come back from the dead with secret alien devices like hostile threats. And if ye dinnae like it, then take yer grup arse to another station where they'll kiss it more tae yer liking." he then promptly turned and walked out the doors.

And then Kyan spoke and she wanted to crawl into the nearest hatch. The point could have been made more tactfully but she was pretty sure Kyan wouldn't know tact if it punched him in the face. That last bit hadn't been necessary at all.

She gave the Admiral an apologetic look and let out a breath as she shook her head.

"Maybe some of them need more time than others. I'm not sure how much more proof they need that you're you but I've got my proof. Everything checks out. And about my sister? Thank you. I know my family and I appreciate that more than we could ever express."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

James Carter

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on October 18, 2021, 01:05:50 AM

[Katra Station - Docking Bay 1]

"My scans tell me you are who you say you are. I've no reason to doubt them or you," Xiiv said with a slight nod. "We've had a bit of a rough patch what with the station being bombed. I suppose trust is running low. Give them time, sir. They'll come around. We've a good crew."

And then Kyan spoke and she wanted to crawl into the nearest hatch. The point could have been made more tactfully but she was pretty sure Kyan wouldn't know tact if it punched him in the face. That last bit hadn't been necessary at all.

She gave the Admiral an apologetic look and let out a breath as she shook her head.

"Maybe some of them need more time than others. I'm not sure how much more proof they need that you're you but I've got my proof. Everything checks out. And about my sister? Thank you. I know my family and I appreciate that more than we could ever express."

[Docking Ring 1]

James offered a minuscule nod as he let out a deep breath all at once. "It's my pleasure to help. And with the medical checks done I suppose I'm a Vice Admiral again so no time to waste." The moment was bittersweet. On one hand, it closed the door on one of the worst chapters of his life. On the other, he now had to readjust to life as an officer. Carter stood a moment and turned back to the doctor. "You're welcomed to join me in the meeting unless you've got other places to be. It might be nice to have a semi-familiar face in the crowd."

[Briefing Room]

Ah, meetings. One of the most common parts of daily life as an admiral. James entered the room in silence for a moment and moved to the head of the table. Of course this wasn't his first stop. His first stop was the VIP quarters that had been set out for him so that he could both shower, trim his facial hair, and get a fresh new uniform. The familiar crisp feeling of the uniform was comforting to him. He realized how much he took basic comforts like being able to shower whenever he wanted before he had gotten lost. But now he was back in a familiar-looking briefing room. Though he'd never actually been in this specific briefing room. Once everyone was in and settled he began. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. This meeting is already about 7 months too late and I'd rather not waste any more time." Carter's 'meeting voice' as his wife had so teasingly named it kicked back in as he began. He sat the trigger on the table as he continued speaking. "This is the trigger to a weapon of mass destruction built by a species known as the T'Kori. It's the only piece of technology that we've managed to salvage from the species. You'll note that it looks remarkably unlike what we would dictate as a trigger. The T'Kori and their sister species the T'Sari evolved alongside their technology and interface with it directly rather than like we would with something in between that serves as an interface for us." His pointer finger pointed directly to the interface port on the surface of the device before he continued. "Both the T'Sari and T'Kori do interface with their technology differently from each other and no other species is able to interface directly with their technology. Your goal is to change that and reverse engineer the bio-mechanical trigger to build an interface for it so that we can make sure that the next time the T'Kori try to launch an attack on us we have countermeasures. I will open the floor for any questions."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Kyle Briggs

[Briefing Room (Little before meeting)]

Quote from: Sirol on October 17, 2021, 08:34:37 PM

< Katra Station / Briefing Room >

Once Sirol stepped out of the turbolift, she quickly adjusted her uniform and her lab coat, before she then entered the briefing room.
Her gaze met that of Commander Briggs first whom she greeted with her signature formal bow, followed by her repeating the gesture towards everyone else who was already gathered in the room at that time.

"œHow may I be of assistance, Commander?"
She asked in a polite and formal tone, by now having reduced her earlier openly shared joy about the child's progress with everyone in the room, although, to a skilled empath or telepath her bright aura was still noticeable...

Kyle looked up as Sirol entered. "Great. You're the first one here. Admiral Carter called this briefing so I'm not sure what it's about but before the others arrive, I wanted to get with you. Not sure if you are aware but Captain Kirok had to leave Katra and our Chief Science Officer had family matters to attend to and left as well. I'm not sure who will be taking over as commanding officer but until then, we need a department head in your area so I am making you Acting Chief Science Officer. I can't promise it will stick but for now, I know you can handle it. That's if you will accept it."

Security arrived soon after.

"I've already cleared the room." Kyle replied. "For now just stand by and await the Admiral.

They didn't have long to wait as Carter entered and they all took their seats. The admiral called the meeting to order and sat what he called a "trigger" on the table. Kyle had never seen anything like it.

"Sir." Kyle began. "You said they directly interact with the technology. Is that thing still capable of causing destruction? Is there a distance limit? And what about targets. Can they still activate it and destroy the station?" His main priority were the lives on the Katra and he wanted to make sure they were all safe.

James Carter

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 18, 2021, 06:11:13 PM

[Briefing Room (Little before meeting)]

Kyle looked up as Sirol entered. "Great. You're the first one here. Admiral Carter called this briefing so I'm not sure what it's about but before the others arrive, I wanted to get with you. Not sure if you are aware but Captain Kirok had to leave Katra and our Chief Science Officer had family matters to attend to and left as well. I'm not sure who will be taking over as commanding officer but until then, we need a department head in your area so I am making you Acting Chief Science Officer. I can't promise it will stick but for now, I know you can handle it. That's if you will accept it."

Security arrived soon after.

"I've already cleared the room." Kyle replied. "For now just stand by and await the Admiral.

They didn't have long to wait as Carter entered and they all took their seats. The admiral called the meeting to order and sat what he called a "trigger" on the table. Kyle had never seen anything like it.

"Sir." Kyle began. "You said they directly interact with the technology. Is that thing still capable of causing destruction? Is there a distance limit? And what about targets. Can they still activate it and destroy the station?" His main priority were the lives on the Katra and he wanted to make sure they were all safe.

[Briefing Room]

James shook his head before answering. "This trigger was for a weapon of mass destruction that we intervened against and destroyed. Studies of T'Sari physiology, technology, and culture indicate that most technology is made for a single purpose alone. While the two species diverged thousands of years ago and have developed differences in the years since the exile of the T'Kori early studies also seem to point to that fact being the same for them. At this point in time, this is simply a trigger without a bomb. While it may teach us much more about how the T'Kori interfaces with their technology and how to counteract some of their bigger threats, there is no reason to believe that any potential harm could still be caused by this trigger." His answer was very matter-of-fact as if the group should already know the same amount of information he does as the person that made first contact with the T'Sari. The truth was that isolation had taken its toll. To him, it almost didn't make sense that there were people that didn't know every minor detail of the twin species history both before and after meeting the Federation. Of course, that wasn't the reality he lived in. He had first-hand experience with the species and their conflicts. Most people however did not.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Sirol on October 17, 2021, 08:34:37 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sirol's smile persisted as she was following Commander Ferris' explanation before she eventually leaned a little forwards in her chair, still gently rocking Emerald in their environmental protection sphere.
=/\="œYou are correct Commander, and I understand.
The question of whether it is possible to replicate Tholian networking is a tricky challenge, as they utilise abilities of various layers and the boundaries between innate and artificial blur in their case."
She paused for a moment, wondering how much information would be appropriate to share before she would potentially bore him with xeno- biological-, -technological, and even -anthropological details here.
=/\="œTholian linking and networking is rightfully praised as a conscious construct designed for efficiency. I can compile an entire dissertation on that very subject in under a week if you are interested in how they came to be what they are.
The true question here though is not whether it can be done, but whether and how to approach that subject.
I will certainly assist you in any way I can, but I think the first step here is to include the Tholians themself into such an idea.
As non-Federation party they are not automatically part of the UFP's information sharing policy, a matter which could evoke all sorts of unintended diplomatic- and legal issues without their participation.
Captain Eydis is the highest authority representing the Tholian Assembly aboard the station.
Would you like me to contact hir and suggest a meeting to discuss the idea?"

Eli paused a moment, weighing his options with a small amount of caution but a larger interest in the station's security outweighed any diplomatic instincts. Eli was more interested in the possibility at the moment. He could explain it further to the captain.

=/\= A meeting would be prudent, Lieutenant. Thnak you. Just let me know and I will coordinate accordingly. Also, it will give me time to make the argument to the captain. I am hoping the simple lattice work of silicon might be able to bypass normal communications, while giving us a back up system. But, that is only a basic understanding. Thank you.  =/\=

Eli set that task aside for the time, turning his focus to the preperations of the Lirpa. It was odd timing and he felt kind of out of timing. He must have missed the flight plan on the daily operations report. Seemed a strange request.

Eli gathered his small stack of PADDs, various assignments for his personnel along the way Testing the computer systems was his next step.

[Katra Station-OPS]

He arrived and look around. The staff were on hand, with EQ manning the OPS station.  "Good day, EQ.  How is the Lirpa coming along? I wasn't aware we had any missions going out." Eli greeted, his curiosity piqued.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Briefing Room | Katra Station ::

Kyan had arrived to the briefing just before Carter had come in and gotten things started. After the docking bay, he'd stopped by the Security Officer to look at the Starfleet Intelligence file on the T'Sari and the T'Kori. Surprisingly, there wasn't much to look at. They'd been locked in a millenias long war with one another. The T'Sari had attempted to join the Federation, who sent the Athena to make contact.

SFI thought that the T'Kori was allied themselves with the Romulans, due primarily to the fact that they had cloaking technology that matched Romulan specs, but that wasn't confirmed. Although they were aligned with someone. Or several someones. The conclusion to the SFI report gave the T'Kori a mid level threat rating due to their involvement in the attack on Risa. But once the Federation failed to follow up on it's initial contact with the T'Sari, there were no further issues. The case was put on the back burner. The agent assigned to it was even reassigned. Typical!

What was worse is that the SFI agent who made the initial report on the T'Sari and the T'Kori had mentioned that the T'Kori possessed cloaking tech that was likely not their own design, but SFI didn't feel the need to tell whomever decided to send the Athena to make contact with the T'Sari. So in effect, SFI had allowed the Athena to go into a situation where their very presence would be seen as a hostile act by the T'Kori. That raised alot of questions for Kyan, but only his former bosses could answer them. He made a note to ask at some point.

In the here and now though, Kyan listened as Carter explained the device, and what he wanted to do with it. As he spoke, Kyan began developing some questions for him. Briggs got there first though.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 18, 2021, 06:11:13 PM

"Sir." Kyle began. "You said they directly interact with the technology. Is that thing still capable of causing destruction? Is there a distance limit? And what about targets. Can they still activate it and destroy the station?" His main priority were the lives on the Katra and he wanted to make sure they were all safe.

Kyan was impressed. He'd not had much in the way of interaction with Briggs since getting here, and his initial impression had been that he's come off a Starfleet assembly line somehwere that churned out Executive Officers. But he had asked prety much the same questions that Kyan was going to... for starters. He listened again as Carter addressed the XO.
Quote from:  James Carter

"This trigger was for a weapon of mass destruction that we intervened against and destroyed. Studies of T'Sari physiology, technology, and culture indicate that most technology is made for a single purpose alone. While the two species diverged thousands of years ago and have developed differences in the years since the exile of the T'Kori early studies also seem to point to that fact being the same for them. At this point in time, this is simply a trigger without a bomb. While it may teach us much more about how the T'Kori interfaces with their technology and how to counteract some of their bigger threats, there is no reason to believe that any potential harm could still be caused by this trigger."

Again, more vagueness that they were just supposed to accept without any hard evidence. And more questions raised than answered. But the technical specifics were for the eggheads to figure out and Kyan didn't really have any interest in asking about that piece of it. He wasn't going to get an answer anyway, because it was obvious that Carter didn't know himself, hence his needing science to look at it.

What he did want to know, and what Carter could explain, was why he was so concerned with getting the thing reverse engineered so quickly. To him, it sounded like Carter was concerned about the T'Kori launching an attack. But they hadn't been aggressive at all over the past seven months, and hadn't shown any signs that they were going to be. Even SFI wasn't worried about it.

"So Admiral... " Kyan began evenly " it worried ye are about the T'Kori putting a bomb on the station or attacking some other place nearby sometime soon? The which they haven't shown any signs of doing since you saw them last. Or are ye just after being prepared for it in case they might do it sometime down the road?"

Then something else popped up in his mind. He turned toward Sirol. "An on yer reverse engineering, ye might be looking at the Xindi bio-rifle. Teh Reptilians used to used it. It had a bio lock on it what made it that only a Reptilian could use it. An if anyone else tried, it blew up. Also there was two larvae in there. A really neat weapon so it is!"

Kyan had to stop himself talking about different alien weapons lest he get off topic. Admiral "Tree up his arse" wouldn't likely care for that anyhow. So he turned back toward Carter, awaiting his response.

James Carter

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 19, 2021, 05:23:49 AM

:: Briefing Room | Katra Station ::

Kyan had arrived to the briefing just before Carter had come in and gotten things started. After the docking bay, he'd stopped by the Security Officer to look at the Starfleet Intelligence file on the T'Sari and the T'Kori. Surprisingly, there wasn't much to look at. They'd been locked in a millenias long war with one another. The T'Sari had attempted to join the Federation, who sent the Athena to make contact.

SFI thought that the T'Kori was allied themselves with the Romulans, due primarily to the fact that they had cloaking technology that matched Romulan specs, but that wasn't confirmed. Although they were aligned with someone. Or several someones. The conclusion to the SFI report gave the T'Kori a mid level threat rating due to their involvement in the attack on Risa. But once the Federation failed to follow up on it's initial contact with the T'Sari, there were no further issues. The case was put on the back burner. The agent assigned to it was even reassigned. Typical!

What was worse is that the SFI agent who made the initial report on the T'Sari and the T'Kori had mentioned that the T'Kori possessed cloaking tech that was likely not their own design, but SFI didn't feel the need to tell whomever decided to send the Athena to make contact with the T'Sari. So in effect, SFI had allowed the Athena to go into a situation where their very presence would be seen as a hostile act by the T'Kori. That raised alot of questions for Kyan, but only his former bosses could answer them. He made a note to ask at some point.

In the here and now though, Kyan listened as Carter explained the device, and what he wanted to do with it. As he spoke, Kyan began developing some questions for him. Briggs got there first though.

Kyan was impressed. He'd not had much in the way of interaction with Briggs since getting here, and his initial impression had been that he's come off a Starfleet assembly line somehwere that churned out Executive Officers. But he had asked prety much the same questions that Kyan was going to... for starters. He listened again as Carter addressed the XO.

Again, more vagueness that they were just supposed to accept without any hard evidence. And more questions raised than answered. But the technical specifics were for the eggheads to figure out and Kyan didn't really have any interest in asking about that piece of it. He wasn't going to get an answer anyway, because it was obvious that Carter didn't know himself, hence his needing science to look at it.

What he did want to know, and what Carter could explain, was why he was so concerned with getting the thing reverse engineered so quickly. To him, it sounded like Carter was concerned about the T'Kori launching an attack. But they hadn't been aggressive at all over the past seven months, and hadn't shown any signs that they were going to be. Even SFI wasn't worried about it.

"So Admiral... " Kyan began evenly " it worried ye are about the T'Kori putting a bomb on the station or attacking some other place nearby sometime soon? The which they haven't shown any signs of doing since you saw them last. Or are ye just after being prepared for it in case they might do it sometime down the road?"

Then something else popped up in his mind. He turned toward Sirol. "An on yer reverse engineering, ye might be looking at the Xindi bio-rifle. Teh Reptilians used to used it. It had a bio lock on it what made it that only a Reptilian could use it. An if anyone else tried, it blew up. Also there was two larvae in there. A really neat weapon so it is!"

Kyan had to stop himself talking about different alien weapons lest he get off topic. Admiral "Tree up his arse" wouldn't likely care for that anyhow. So he turned back toward Carter, awaiting his response.

[Briefing Room]

James scowled. He'd have to have a talk with Brigg later about the way Mackenzie behaved around superior officers. "You've been reading the wrong files, Mr. Mackenzie." He began sourly. "You assume there are no attacks why? Did you read that with the incredibly limited access to the extensive files that exist on the sister species?" Carter was frustrated at best with the consistent attitude the Lieutenant had towards him. "Over just the last three months TEN different attacks have been launched on Federation starships and settlements that directly match the MO of the T'Kori. Their usual procedures are to disable and cripple before launching a direct attack. Against the T'Sari they have some kind of disabling protocol that they can launch over their comms channels. Against us, however, that usually results in launching a massive EMP before the attack. The only reason these are not confirmed attacks is because each and every time they took out long-range communications and then left no survivors. Worse so they appear to only be growing bolder and bolder with each attack. Every attack escalates beyond the last."

James inhaled deeply as his eyes turned to lock onto Mackenzie's. "While I do apologize that the topic of saving lives, potentially even your own isn't interesting enough to hold your attention, next time you decide that your topic is more important than the one the meeting is about please see yourself out. Do I make myself clear?" His words were calculated and cold as he finished the statement.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: James Carter on October 19, 2021, 05:16:54 PM

[Briefing Room]

James scowled. He'd have to have a talk with Brigg later about the way Mackenzie behaved around superior officers. "You've been reading the wrong files, Mr. Mackenzie." He began sourly. "You assume there are no attacks why? Did you read that with the incredibly limited access to the extensive files that exist on the sister species?" Carter was frustrated at best with the consistent attitude the Lieutenant had towards him. "Over just the last three months TEN different attacks have been launched on Federation starships and settlements that directly match the MO of the T'Kori. Their usual procedures are to disable and cripple before launching a direct attack. Against the T'Sari they have some kind of disabling protocol that they can launch over their comms channels. Against us, however, that usually results in launching a massive EMP before the attack. The only reason these are not confirmed attacks is because each and every time they took out long-range communications and then left no survivors. Worse so they appear to only be growing bolder and bolder with each attack. Every attack escalates beyond the last."

James inhaled deeply as his eyes turned to lock onto Mackenzie's. "While I do apologize that the topic of saving lives, potentially even your own isn't interesting enough to hold your attention, next time you decide that your topic is more important than the one the meeting is about please see yourself out. Do I make myself clear?" His words were calculated and cold as he finished the statement.

[Briefing Room]

What was Mackenzie's deal? It seemed like every time the Admiral said anything, the Miran had a counter that put his distaste or dislike of the man on display. It wasn't very professional. She'd worked with plenty of people she hadn't liked personally and she never let it get in the way of her profession. It didn't matter if the Chief was Miran or not, it was out of line. Xiiv wondered how much trouble it was going to make for Mackenzie in the long run as she quietly observed the meeting from her end of the table. They'd proved Carter was Carter, after all, and nothing in her scans had told her any differently.

She took a sip of raktajino and tried her best to remain expressionless as she listened to the Admiral. An EMP would knock out all electronics, leaving them vulnerable to attack. They needed a backup power generator of some sort if the Admiral was thinking Katra was a target. But that wasn't her area of expertise. She dealt with alien biology and medicine, so she wasn't sure exactly what she could say that might help. But this was a briefing, meant for education on this alien threat, so she did the best thing she could, she listened.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


[Katra - Briefing room]

Balan was happy to see the good doctor was in the meeting.

Then Kyan had spoken his thoughts to the Vice Admiral and then the Vice Admiral had seemed to be aggravated at Kyan. That was when Balan looked down at Zox as Zox looked up. They both were thinking "˜oh by the stars. This was not good'


[Enroute to the simulation lab]

Eydis had left the Mother swan and was heading to the simulation lab with the gifts shi had brought with hir. Shi would pause for a second as it seemed hir friends had gone to meet with this federation command caste member.

So shi would go to the simulation lab and meet with the healer and emerald now.  Shi had been thinking a lot on what had happened on tholia prima. And the future of emerald had been weighing on the commanders thoughts. But shi kept those thoughts private as shi approached the simulation door.  Shi was going to give emerald the first of the two galaxy roses.

As the door slide open to the simulation lab


Quote from: Sirol on October 17, 2021, 08:34:37 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sirol's smile persisted as she was following Commander Ferris' explanation before she eventually leaned a little forwards in her chair, still gently rocking Emerald in their environmental protection sphere.
=/\="œYou are correct Commander, and I understand.
The question of whether it is possible to replicate Tholian networking is a tricky challenge, as they utilise abilities of various layers and the boundaries between innate and artificial blur in their case."
She paused for a moment, wondering how much information would be appropriate to share before she would potentially bore him with xeno- biological-, -technological, and even -anthropological details here.
=/\="œTholian linking and networking is rightfully praised as a conscious construct designed for efficiency. I can compile an entire dissertation on that very subject in under a week if you are interested in how they came to be what they are.
The true question here though is not whether it can be done, but whether and how to approach that subject.
I will certainly assist you in any way I can, but I think the first step here is to include the Tholians themself into such an idea.
As non-Federation party they are not automatically part of the UFP's information sharing policy, a matter which could evoke all sorts of unintended diplomatic- and legal issues without their participation.
Captain Eydis is the highest authority representing the Tholian Assembly aboard the station.
Would you like me to contact hir and suggest a meeting to discuss the idea?"

She took a little sip of her coffee, with the pause giving her a moment to look at Emerald again.
Giving the little hatching a wide smile, she once more reached out to them with the emotional and mental equivalent of a warm hug.
Her senses were still with them, and open as a book to everyone else capable of linking, but her happiness also was to be heard in the tone of her voice.

For a moment Sirol just stared at the child, full of surprise, joy and bliss, yet ultimately unable to form an immediate reaction.
Still linked with them, she was aware that Emerald was not yet capable of precise speech and explanations of their thoughts, yet she was well aware of the meaning behind their relayed emotions.
The flavour of Emerald reaching her echoed through her mind and for a moment almost even brought tears to her eyes before she could collect herself enough to control herself.
Without breaking both, her mental-, as well as her eye contact with Emerald, she began to free one hand, reaching out and trying to find a nearby, unbreakable object, yet when she had no success with that, she remembered the second gym ball near her.
Reaching out for it, she kicked it towards Xasik to wake him up without hurting him, interrupting the call with Commander Ferris or disturbing the connection with the child.
"œWake up..." She whispered towards her recharging subordinate. "œEm is reaching out!"

Sirol tilted her head at the sudden shift in pace from his side, yet assumed that Ferris was processing a more relevant task, hence Sirol kept her reply short.
Still, her euphoric tone was impossible to miss.
=/\="œOf course Commander. I will be looking forward to it. Sirol out." =/\=

Placing both hands on Emerald's ECS again, Sirol slowly stood up, giving off what could only be interpreted as a confused, joyful laugh at the movements she could sense.
As she began to realise that Emerald not just reached out to her, but also to other Tholians aboard; those Sirol had had the closest contact with.
Emerald remembered!

"˜Yes! Dearie, move forward"¦.' She speechlessly relayed to them. "˜Welcome home...'

Sirol tilted her head as she began to realise that Emerald too tried to reach out for Xasik, yet could not sense him.
She instantly walked over to the awakening scientist, and placed the ECS in his arms, to assure the hatchling of his presence, while Sirol already worked hard to formulate a plan in her head as to how to explain to a child that their parent was incapable of one of their own essential ways of communication.
Would she explain it to Emerald like a disability?
Like a gap in grasp?
Like a blind spot that vulcanoids normally were incapable of entering?

No... She was the unusual one as in, her being one of the few, if not even only vulcanoid people fortunate to be linked"¦
She postponed that thought, wondering whether maybe Xasik, Peylix or Eydis would be able to find a suitable strategy to approach this in a way a child of Emerald's age would be able to understand"¦
There would be plenty of content all of them would have to discuss soon one way or another"¦

With a smile she cuddled Emerald's ECS once more before she looked at Xasik.
"œSmart little forerunner figured out how to reach out to me and the others all by themself!
I was about to compile a learning plan for them, based on average Tholian child development statistics. It appears as if I need to speed up to keep up with them!"
She chuckled and inhaled deeply as a sudden green blip on her wrist mounted PDA caught her attention.

A message had arrived!
Opening it quickly, the holographic interface unfolded around the top half of her left lower arm, covering it in a semi-transparent rich green glow.

Work! Finally work and orders!

She once again smiled and exchanged goofy looks with Xasik and Emerald.
Xenolinguistics even! It had been way too long since she had had the chance or permission to perform her actual duties, and while neither she nor Xasik were specialised biologists, the basic knowledge was there, and additionals obtainable.

"œCommander Briggs requests my presence with preference of someone versed on xenolinguistics and xenobiology.
That being said, I have not received any information on our new addition Reisen's special fields. If he arrives here, would you be so kind as to ask him about it, and - in case he happens to be a xenobiologist - send him my way so we have both requested fields entirely covered?"

She gave him and Emerald a friendly smile, then instantly began to type a response to the Commander.

To: Commander Briggs

I will be on may way momentarily, primarily filling the role of xenolinguist.
- Lieutenant Sirol

With that she gave her colleague a gentle bow, then hunkered down and placed a hand on both, Aeryn's head and Emerald's bubble, once more reaching out to both, sharing a bright and dense shimmer of love with them, before she then quietly turned around and scampered out of the lab.

< Katra Station / Briefing Room >

Once Sirol stepped out of the turbolift, she quickly adjusted her uniform and her lab coat, before she then entered the briefing room.
Her gaze met that of Commander Briggs first whom she greeted with her signature formal bow, followed by her repeating the gesture towards everyone else who was already gathered in the room at that time.

"œHow may I be of assistance, Commander?"
She asked in a polite and formal tone, by now having reduced her earlier openly shared joy about the child's progress with everyone in the room, although, to a skilled empath or telepath her bright aura was still noticeable...

Reisen had been delayed by the seeming increase in security and a bluish colored tholian which he had briefly caught a glimpse of as he came out of the tubrolift onto the level with simulation lab.  His eyes would catch a glimpse of a young Romulan female heading to a turbolift herself.   Then it was like the floor had been pulled out from under him.  He had missed meeting with his new Commanding officer Sirol in the lab. And he moved swiftly to try and get to the turbo lift only catching a bette glimpse of a rather attractive looking romulan female. Who had a look of utter joy or happiness etched onto hir face as the doors slide shut.

He would arch a eyebrow a bit almost like spocks famous facial expression. That look on Sirols face seem to be very nature and well suited on her.  He would turn from the missed turbo lift offering a soft smirk to no one in particular.  Happy for Sirol to wear such a expression for no other reason then Sirol was another being.  Then reisen turned and caught the  Bluish hued and without a evo suit tholian standing at the simulation lab doors. And then entering the room without a glance towards the Romulan.

His soft smirk dissolved into deer in the headlights stunned expression then to a guarded bemused expression. He would tap his com badge.
I'm so sorry I have missed you Science officer Sirol. There seems to be a heighten sense of security around the station. I'm at the Simulation lab awaiting your return. You seem to have a.

He paused as he mulled over how he wanted to word what he had just seen. Reisen had only seen tholians in video and pictures but never in the flesh. And from what he knew of them they were always in evo suits when not in their native environment.
You have a blue tholian guest who just went into the lab. I have decided to wait in the hallway unless you have need of me. Please say you need me to come. I would not like to barrage in on your tholian guest
unannounced. I remember hearing something about tholians not being particular fond of surprises with otehr species

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: James Carter on October 19, 2021, 05:16:54 PM

[Briefing Room]

"You've been reading the wrong files, Mr. Mackenzie." He began sourly. "You assume there are no attacks why? Did you read that with the incredibly limited access to the extensive files that exist on the sister species?" Carter was frustrated at best with the consistent attitude the Lieutenant had towards him. "Over just the last three months TEN different attacks have been launched on Federation starships and settlements that directly match the MO of the T'Kori. Their usual procedures are to disable and cripple before launching a direct attack. Against the T'Sari they have some kind of disabling protocol that they can launch over their comms channels. Against us, however, that usually results in launching a massive EMP before the attack. The only reason these are not confirmed attacks is because each and every time they took out long-range communications and then left no survivors. Worse so they appear to only be growing bolder and bolder with each attack. Every attack escalates beyond the last."

James inhaled deeply as his eyes turned to lock onto Mackenzie's. "While I do apologize that the topic of saving lives, potentially even your own isn't interesting enough to hold your attention, next time you decide that your topic is more important than the one the meeting is about please see yourself out. Do I make myself clear?" His words were calculated and cold as he finished the statement.

Rather than answering immediately... and with the words he wanted to use, Kyan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, like Counselor Zero had said to do. There were several different paths Kyan visualized in front of him. That was another one of Zero's counseling things. "Look at the different paths, and before you act, consider which one is right." Something about there being rocks.... or a bridge..That's what he said. truthfully, Kyan didn't remember most of it. But he did remember the paths. Today, most of them ended with Carter in sickbay and Kyan in the brig. He wanted to skip down one of those paths. He'd somersault down one of them singing a song at this point! But that was what he wanted to do.

What he knew he needed to do was a different thing altogether. He needed to figure out how to work with Admiral "Stick in His Arse" Carter so that they didn't get blown up by some T'Kori gits. An added bonus would be the the sooner they got it done, the sooner Carter would get back into a shuttle and warp away. And at the moment, that particular outcome seemed higher on the priority list if he was being honest.

The ancient boy finally opened his eyes and exhaled. As usual, the technique left him feeling still angry, but less likely to fly off the handle. After asking Olma of the Honey Tongue for her blessing and help, he found the Admirals eyes and returned his glare. "I'd have ye pardon me for sayin so... Admiral... but you were the one who was there and knows about the T'Kori the now, not us. So if ye could stop talking about it like we're just supposed tae be knowing everything already, and then getting your underwear twisted when I asks ye a question, that would be great, and no mistake."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "And I said there'd been no attacks because I dinnae have no reports of T'Kori attacks. The Sector Command dinnae put none out. Starfleet Intelligence dinnae put none out, and they have nae attacked this station, which is where I've been for the past eight months. So here we are again with you havin information that we don't, and you gettin pissy that you gotta explain it to me. I wanna help you the now Admiral, sure and I do. Like ye said about your family back home, this here is my family" he said indicating Sirol and the others. "And I'm after protecting them. So if you could quit yer whole fake "Oh I'm just another guy, Call me James, but then I'll get pissy when you question me about coming back from the dead with some crazy alien bomb trigger" thing and tell us what we need tae know and answer my questions as though I really don't know the answer already, it's grateful to ye I'd be.

He finished but then recalled Carters final jab at him. "Oh, and about me own topic. I was after telling Lieutenant Sirol here about the Xindi Bio-rifle, the which we have reverse engineered, and which uses a similar kind of thing where only the Reptilians could use it, like yer bomb trigger. So I figured it might help her. And also... I get why yer so pissy. And I'm sorry you got stranded, and if I hurt your feelings. I'm not good at being.... "What was the word that Xasik used during the IRT.... "erm... tactful. So uhh.. yeah. Anyways.. someone else can talk now."

He hoped that Carter would accept his apology and get on with it. He also wondered what had happened to Kirok. This whole day was beginning to look like it was going to be one of "those" that people were always lamenting.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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