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S3-M10: Unfinished Business

Started by Kirok, October 02, 2021, 07:57:01 AM

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Kyle Briggs

[Briefing Room]

Carter ended the meeting and Mackenzie's escape attempt that was foiled by Sirol did not go unnoticed. Kyle spoke to Carter one last time before making his own exit.

"If you think of anything else, Sir, don't hesitate to contact whomever you need. Hopefully, we'll be able to turn something out. And if you need anything, don't hesitate either." he said.

He left the briefing room and made his way to his office. Mackenzie arrived a moment later.

(Quote by Kyan Mackenzie)


"You needed to speak to me sir?"

Instead of offering the officer a seat, Kyle stood and walked around his desk and plopped his ass on the edge of it.

"Are you trying to get busted, Kyan?" he asked rhetorically. "I know Carter has been out of it for a bit and you probably have some of the same concerns running through that thick ass skull of yours that I do. Just give me some time to get answers. But in the mean time, if nothing else, respect the rank if not the man. Are we clear, Lieutenant?"


Once Kyan gave his reply and left the office, Kyle headed out again. His destination this time was Sickbay. Hopefully, the doctor had made her way back there. He entered and began looking around.

James Carter

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on October 31, 2021, 06:33:03 PM

[Briefing Room]

Carter ended the meeting and Mackenzie's escape attempt that was foiled by Sirol did not go unnoticed. Kyle spoke to Carter one last time before making his own exit.

"If you think of anything else, Sir, don't hesitate to contact whomever you need. Hopefully, we'll be able to turn something out. And if you need anything, don't hesitate either." he said.

He left the briefing room and made his way to his office. Mackenzie arrived a moment later.

(Quote by Kyan Mackenzie)
Instead of offering the officer a seat, Kyle stood and walked around his desk and plopped his ass on the edge of it.

"Are you trying to get busted, Kyan?" he asked rhetorically. "I know Carter has been out of it for a bit and you probably have some of the same concerns running through that thick ass skull of yours that I do. Just give me some time to get answers. But in the mean time, if nothing else, respect the rank if not the man. Are we clear, Lieutenant?"


Once Kyan gave his reply and left the office, Kyle headed out again. His destination this time was Sickbay. Hopefully, the doctor had made her way back there. He entered and began looking around.

[Briefing Room]

James noded as most of the people in the room left. Once he was alone he collapsed back into his chair and let out a long sign and placed his head in his hands. He looked carefully at the information on the PADD at the after-action report of his last mission.

=/\= Athena status: Destroyed
Casualties: 20
After-Action: T'Kori boarding party invade the Athena in an attempt to overtake it and steal the ship
Cause of destruction: Warp core detonation =/\=
So the explosion he felt was the Athena after all. When he left the Athena a boarding party invaded the ship and slaughtered many of the crew. Many however were evacuated early. Detonation. They self-destructed the warp core rather than letting the ship fall into the hands of the T'Kori. A respectable decision but now he had to track down the survivors to see if his wife and daughter were among them.


James sat alone in a hangar bay. The project he had started was complete. They finally had an interface that would allow the Federation to interface with T'Kori technology. In the name of the fallen peoples of the federation, he'd stop at nothing to make sure this conflict ended. A shuttle pulled into the Katra's hangar as the admiral's eyes turned up to meet it. He stood with a giant smile. As the doors opened he heard a soft voice call out for him. "DADDY!" The voice said as a young Mary Carter ran from the inside over to him. Without hesitation, James picked up his daughter into his arms and spun her around.

A look of pure joy spread across his face as he spoke to her. "LOOK HOW BIG YOU'VE GOTTEN!" James said emphatically as another familiar voice spoke to him.

"James. I knew you were still out there. We never stopped looking for you." The admiral's eyes turned to meet his wife's. Before him stood Tessa Elizabeth Carter.

Another giant smile appeared on his face as he looked over Tessa. "My love. I've spent every day thinking of you and fighting to come back to you. I've missed you both so much." Carter's time on the Katra was almost at its conclusion. Now began the next phase of his time with Starfleet. He finally had the ability to fight off the T'Kori attacks.


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