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S3-M11: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Started by Jettis Jyur, November 01, 2021, 07:11:08 PM

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Jettis Jyur

[ Commander's Ready Room - Katra Station ]

Several days had past since Jettis and his family's arrival on the station. It was now he finally felt like he was starting to settle into the vast difference of Station-life. That said, it was anything but calm as his relocation was immediately succeeded by several changes to the station. Among the many changes, perhaps the most major was the move of the whole station. It now sat in a loose orbit around New Bajor, giving the station a good anchoring point, that still maintained the purpose of the Station. All Jettis knew, what it was a mess of paperwork, that gave him a headache.

Sighing, he lifted his coffee mug to his lips again, as he read through the general plans for the day. Standard routine for Katra, really, and he saw nothing that needed his attention or approval.  Turning instead to his computer, he made sure to complete one last task before emerging from his office.

"Commanding Officer's Log, Stardate 76833.9.

The Station's move to her new orbit is complete. We've made contact with New Bajor's inhabitants, and things have gone well. They seem to appreciate a Federation entity being stationed nearby, and have extended an offer to assist us how they can. The Station's crew seem to be adjusting well to the change, and they have all gone the extra mile to accomplish this. This has surely been an abrupt change for all of them, but they have been nothing but accommodating and welcoming. Though I hadn't seen myself ever commanding an outpost station, but with a crew as fine as this one, I think I'll grow accustomed to it.

End log."

With that over with, he tapped his commbadge, hailing someone he was more familiar with than the rest of the crew, having briefly served with him before.  =/\="Jyur to Lieutenant Mackenzie, please report to my ready room." =/\=

Claire Maxwell

[Katra Station | Main Engineering]


Claire Maxwell stood in the cavernous Main Engineering of Katra Station. The USS Parramatta had been her home for the past two years. After the ship had helped with the movement, a process that was on a massive timeline, she found herself intrigued by the events. Taking an entire station, even a modular one and shipping it across twenty light years then reassembling was a massive effort. With the loss of Meridian, the station had been orphaned. But now with a new purpose, a new mandate, things were starting to settle down...

Of course, being orphaned was something she could ironically relate to. The lonely little Engineer, quite and unassuming had suddenly found transfer orders waiting for her. No one had seen her off at the gangway except the duty officer, duffle over one shoulder she had watched as her previous assignment went off on its merry way.

To her trained Engineering eyes, the station looked nice and neat. She knew vaguely the last few months had been tough on personnel and equipment... But the past was just that. Now here she was, her gold Starfleet uniform and her access codes had allowed her access to the inner citadel. Oddly enough, she found workbenches and utility uniforms off the side corridor including what appeared to be a work cart and a small box of... Circuit boards? Claire blinked and found the contraption utterly confusing, wondering who would make such a... What even was it? With a shrug, she reentered the main hall and found herself logging in, checking maintenance requests and otherwise catching up with the logs.

The steady thrum of the Matter Antimatter reactor gave this a reassuring presence... This was Engineering. This was home.

Derek Rodwell


Derek had been transferred to the Katra along with Commander Jyur who took over as Commanding Officer. Their first duty when they arrived was to move the entire station to an orbit over New Bajor. This was his first time being stationed on a star base, and was definitely his first tome moving one, but things had went smoothly than he had thought they would. Once it was done, he had been given a day to relax and finally get settled into his new quarters. Now with his morning meal out of the way, he headed back to Engineering. He walked in to see a new face. He wasn't sure if she was new aboard the station or had already been here.

"Morning, Ensign." he said as he approached and extended a hand. "I'm Derek. I just transferred over."



[Katra Station-operations]

T'Prith was busy with analyzing and making sure that things were running smoothly at the operations side of things at the station. She was making sure that there were no problems or nothing that she missed. She knew that there was a possibility that she might have to do multiple checks with what she was analyzing. Since it was a routine maintenance she would just be fine tuning things and getting the last systems back to full specifications and recalibrating. She noticed that there were new crew members aboard. It was always good to see some fresh faces at the station. She was going to make sure that she doesn't rub them the wrong way.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Security Office, Brig | Katra Station ::

It was a slow day, relatively speaking, in Security. And on days such as this, Kyan often found himself sitting cross legged on the floor in front of Cell 5, swapping stories with one Lawrence Stone. That is of course unless Stone happened to be between trips to Katra's brig. Thankfully, the burly Human was available today. For the past half hour Kyan had caught him up on their encounter with Admiral Carter.

"Well so then, the Admiral puffs up like a Denebian balloon eel and says tae me....

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 01, 2021, 07:11:08 PM

With that over with, he tapped his comm badge, hailing someone he was more familiar with than the rest of the crew, having briefly served with him before.  =/\="Jyur to Lieutenant Mackenzie, please report to my ready room." =/\=

Kyan paused his tale and tapped the badge on his chest. =/\=On me way boss! =/\=

The Miran hopped to his feet. "Tae be continued Larry. The new boss is after seein me the now." As he was walking away, Stone called after him asking what he'd done to get called to the principal's office. Kyan feigned offense. "Nothin! It's a new boss this is, but I met him before. He's got a motorcycle I'm after takin off him at cards!"

"Good luck!" Stone laughed as Kyan walked out the door.

~ Five Minutes later, in Jettis' office

The doors swished open and Kyan walked into the new Station Commander's office. "Merry Met again boss!" he offered as greeting. "And what can I be doing for ye?"

Jettis Jyur


~ Five Minutes later, in Jettis' office

The doors swished open and Kyan walked into the new Station Commander's office. "Merry Met again boss!" he offered as greeting. "And what can I be doing for ye?"

[ Katra Station - Ready Room ]

When Kyan arrived, he immediately waved a hand for him to take a seat. He wanted to keep this meeting brief, both so he could continue on with his own duties, and so Kyan could arrange things, particularly within his department. "Good morning, Mackenzie, good to see you again." Clasping his hands together, he formulated the next sentences in his head, running through them before he spoke.

"Mr.Mackenzie, I'm sure you're aware of both Kirok, and Briggs' departure by now. The arrangements made were quite sudden, and leave a few vacancies."

Pausing, he reached into a drawer, to withdraw a small box, one that any Starfleet officer would recognize. Nudging it across the desk to Kyan, when opened it would reveal shiny new pips, bearing the rank of Lieutenant Commander. "I've reviewed your files and I would like to formally promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. I would also like to offer you a position to be Executive Officer of Katra Station, effective immediately. Of course, you'll no doubt need to make arrangements for a new security department head." The following silence would be left for Kyan to respond, whether positively or negatively.



Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


[Katra Station - Simulation Lab]


Sitting at his desk, Xasik looked at one of his terminal screens for a moment before taking some more notes on his padd. He hadn't been so focused on work in weeks and it felt good to be stretching his geologist muscles again. On the screen was a live stream of an erupting volcano on an uninhabited planet, a super volcano that had the power to change the entire planet if it's eruption was big enough. Xasik had been given access to a network of probes that had been sent to the planet to observe the event. In return he was taking notes and giving his professional opinions and observations on the event. His notes would then be used as a part of a series of geologists' works that would be used to help educate budding young geologists studying with Starfleet.
He would even be credited as Dr Xasik Freeman. The whole idea was very exciting to him. He had been watching the live stream for nearly 12 hours and had witnessed the initial eruption.

The planet itself had been flagged for potential habitation months ago. Probes had been sent to gather initial readings in the atmosphere and both on and below the surface. When the ground probes had detected harmonic tremors near one of the larger mountains, extra probes had been sent to witness the event. Xasik had received the assignment moments after the first readings had begun to pour in and he had been working hard ever since.

At first Emerald had behaved themself. They had been content to play with their toys in their EV Tank and squeak softly at him, but as the time wore on they had become more and more restless and loud.
Periodically Xasik picked up the Galaxy Rose that Eydis had gifted him and focused on trying to connect to the Lattice and with Emerald. So far he was unsuccessful at connecting himself at will and controlling his connection. He found feelings easier to express and read than words and thoughts, so he decided to start there for now.

At the moment Sirol was watching Emerald for him. The little Pebble had been getting so boisterous and loud that it had been hurting Xasik's ears. He was grateful to her for volunteering as tribute to keep Em amused just a little while longer. His shift was nearly over and with a few final sentences in his report, he read it over and submitted it. He would have fellow geologists read over his notes and recommend any changes to them before they would be published. It was all very exciting! Soon he would be a published geologist, and one of the few Remans to be published in official Starfleet material.

With his work submitted for review and his inbox clear for the moment, Xasik looked over to his red Galaxy Rose before gently running his fingers over it and picking it up. He felt a familiar warm tingling in the back of his mind as the rose granted him access to the Lattice. He tried reaching out for Emerald and Sirol first as they were closest to him. He sent them his warm, content feelings. Once he felt he had accomplished this small goal, he then expanded his attempt to include Eydis, Peylix and Skaldyr, sending them his warm feelings, gratitude and contentment.
Ever since he had received the rose, he had been making the effort to practice with it every day. It was hard and exhausted him quickly but he was determined to master it. His mind was just like a muscle, the more he exercised and worked it, the stronger he would become.
He felt almost giddy when he felt Emerald reaching back for him with their own wave of emotions and feelings. Connecting to his child in such a way was absolutely the most wholesome thing Xasik had ever experienced and he was so grateful to Eydis for giving him the opportunity to do so.

"œHello," he tried to send out over the Lattice. "œHakuna Matata?"

Xasik laughed to himself as his mind spun a little from the energy used to Lattice. Hakuna Matata? Really Freeman? He thought to himself. He needed coffee. He had been working for nearly 12 hours straight. With a smile he reached up to tap his comm badge.

=/\="Freeman to Reisen. Good morning! Just wanted to ask if you could pick up some coffee for me on the way to the lab? I might whither and fade without it. Please and thank you! Freeman out." =/\=



Every day brought new experiences to the young Tholian. No longer considered a "˜hatchling', Emerald was now in the phase known as the "˜juvenile state'. Every day they grew stronger and learned more about the world around them. Reaching this state had coincided with The Sharp One (Xasik) being able to hum for the first time. Emerald had been overjoyed to hear their grunting parent finally humming back at them. They had been so overjoyed that it had triggered a small jump in mental progress for the young Tholian that could be felt by all connected to the Lattice.

This had brought new revelations to the child as they started to process the world around them and view others differently. The Sharp One could hum now, but was still different to First Mother (Sirol), Humming Mother (Peylix) and Dear Mother (Eydis). Emerald did not know how to refer to The Sharp One anymore. He was not a mother (tholian), his humming was not that of a mother (Tholian), but he was still a parent. Emerald did not understand, but what they did understand was that they felt similar to The Sharp One in a way they didn't understand. To Emerald this strengthened their bond in a way they couldn't express. The Sharp One was a parent, but not a mother (Tholian), but Emerald felt similar to both him and the mothers (Tholians). It was all too much for the child right now so they simply focused on the love and warmth that they got from all their parents and hummed it right back at them.

Right now they were with First Mother in the nest. She was squeaking to them in nice, soft tones and although they didn't understand what those squeaks meant, they still enjoyed the soothing sound of her voice and the snuggle time they were having. The Sharp One was busy on his side of the nest and hadn't been humming for quite some time. It was unacceptable and Emerald intended to give The Sharp One a stern squeaking to.

It was then that Emerald felt The Sharp One humming again. They hummed back at him and chirped and clicked happily at the feeling of love and warmth coming from him.
"œPeep Squeak! PEEP peep peep peep!"


Quote from: Xasik on November 01, 2021, 11:36:46 PM

Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


[Katra Station - Simulation Lab]


Sitting at his desk, Xasik looked at one of his terminal screens for a moment before taking some more notes on his padd. He hadn't been so focused on work in weeks and it felt good to be stretching his geologist muscles again. On the screen was a live stream of an erupting volcano on an uninhabited planet, a super volcano that had the power to change the entire planet if it's eruption was big enough. Xasik had been given access to a network of probes that had been sent to the planet to observe the event. In return he was taking notes and giving his professional opinions and observations on the event. His notes would then be used as a part of a series of geologists' works that would be used to help educate budding young geologists studying with Starfleet.
He would even be credited as Dr Xasik Freeman. The whole idea was very exciting to him. He had been watching the live stream for nearly 12 hours and had witnessed the initial eruption.

The planet itself had been flagged for potential habitation months ago. Probes had been sent to gather initial readings in the atmosphere and both on and below the surface. When the ground probes had detected harmonic tremors near one of the larger mountains, extra probes had been sent to witness the event. Xasik had received the assignment moments after the first readings had begun to pour in and he had been working hard ever since.

At first Emerald had behaved themself. They had been content to play with their toys in their EV Tank and squeak softly at him, but as the time wore on they had become more and more restless and loud.
Periodically Xasik picked up the Galaxy Rose that Eydis had gifted him and focused on trying to connect to the Lattice and with Emerald. So far he was unsuccessful at connecting himself at will and controlling his connection. He found feelings easier to express and read than words and thoughts, so he decided to start there for now.

At the moment Sirol was watching Emerald for him. The little Pebble had been getting so boisterous and loud that it had been hurting Xasik's ears. He was grateful to her for volunteering as tribute to keep Em amused just a little while longer. His shift was nearly over and with a few final sentences in his report, he read it over and submitted it. He would have fellow geologists read over his notes and recommend any changes to them before they would be published. It was all very exciting! Soon he would be a published geologist, and one of the few Remans to be published in official Starfleet material.

With his work submitted for review and his inbox clear for the moment, Xasik looked over to his red Galaxy Rose before gently running his fingers over it and picking it up. He felt a familiar warm tingling in the back of his mind as the rose granted him access to the Lattice. He tried reaching out for Emerald and Sirol first as they were closest to him. He sent them his warm, content feelings. Once he felt he had accomplished this small goal, he then expanded his attempt to include Eydis, Peylix and Skaldyr, sending them his warm feelings, gratitude and contentment.
Ever since he had received the rose, he had been making the effort to practice with it every day. It was hard and exhausted him quickly but he was determined to master it. His mind was just like a muscle, the more he exercised and worked it, the stronger he would become.
He felt almost giddy when he felt Emerald reaching back for him with their own wave of emotions and feelings. Connecting to his child in such a way was absolutely the most wholesome thing Xasik had ever experienced and he was so grateful to Eydis for giving him the opportunity to do so.

"œHello," he tried to send out over the Lattice. "œHakuna Matata?"

Xasik laughed to himself as his mind spun a little from the energy used to Lattice. Hakuna Matata? Really Freeman? He thought to himself. He needed coffee. He had been working for nearly 12 hours straight. With a smile he reached up to tap his comm badge.

=/\="Freeman to Reisen. Good morning! Just wanted to ask if you could pick up some coffee for me on the way to the lab? I might whither and fade without it. Please and thank you! Freeman out." =/\=



Every day brought new experiences to the young Tholian. No longer considered a "˜hatchling', Emerald was now in the phase known as the "˜juvenile state'. Every day they grew stronger and learned more about the world around them. Reaching this state had coincided with The Sharp One (Xasik) being able to hum for the first time. Emerald had been overjoyed to hear their grunting parent finally humming back at them. They had been so overjoyed that it had triggered a small jump in mental progress for the young Tholian that could be felt by all connected to the Lattice.

This had brought new revelations to the child as they started to process the world around them and view others differently. The Sharp One could hum now, but was still different to First Mother (Sirol), Humming Mother (Peylix) and Dear Mother (Eydis). Emerald did not know how to refer to The Sharp One anymore. He was not a mother (tholian), his humming was not that of a mother (Tholian), but he was still a parent. Emerald did not understand, but what they did understand was that they felt similar to The Sharp One in a way they didn't understand. To Emerald this strengthened their bond in a way they couldn't express. The Sharp One was a parent, but not a mother (Tholian), but Emerald felt similar to both him and the mothers (Tholians). It was all too much for the child right now so they simply focused on the love and warmth that they got from all their parents and hummed it right back at them.

Right now they were with First Mother in the nest. She was squeaking to them in nice, soft tones and although they didn't understand what those squeaks meant, they still enjoyed the soothing sound of her voice and the snuggle time they were having. The Sharp One was busy on his side of the nest and hadn't been humming for quite some time. It was unacceptable and Emerald intended to give The Sharp One a stern squeaking to.

It was then that Emerald felt The Sharp One humming again. They hummed back at him and chirped and clicked happily at the feeling of love and warmth coming from him.
"œPeep Squeak! PEEP peep peep peep!"

The young male Romulan would answer the hail from Xasik in a warm demeanor and respectful infliction to his voice.

Yes I could do that. I believe coffee is a good way to make new friends on this station.  Science officer Sirol needing coffee as well. How do you like the coffee to be Scientist freeman ?   He would let the comm go and then look at the map on his handheld device as he stood in the hallway looking down one corridor then back the way he came.

He released a soft sigh of resignation to having to learn the stations layout more efficiently.  Running a hand through his black hair. His chocolate brown eyes found the turbo lift and he made his way there. Entering the lift and entering the level with the location where coffee could be procured for consumption 

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Cloten's Pub | Promenade | Katra Station]

Gideon appreciated the promotion. He really did. It was probably one of the last things Captain Kirok did before he left the station. However, it didn't matter. Not with Serena with him. Serena practically left a void in him. Left him heartbroken. Lovesick. Promotion notwithstanding, the best he could do to compensate for Serena's loss would be to do the next best thing: Get sozzled.

That's exactly what he had been doing since Serena left. Gone. Didn't give a [spoiler]shite [/spoiler]about the promotion. Didn't give a [spoiler]shite [/spoiler]that Admiral Carter came and went. He was miserable without Serena. He was getting himself sozzled. And he did it in the best place possible: Cloten's pub. Perfect for going out of the way.

Cloten, of course, kept the juice coming. Especially Romulan Ale. Didn't matter if it was illegal; half the bugger all in Cloten's pub was illegal anyway. But it didn't matter. Gideon was there to drown his sorrows.

Cloten, naturally, recognized Gideon's heartsickness and tried to compensate with alluring girls. Naturally, every time he tried to bring one, from dabo girl to waitress, he'd take one look at her and mutter "[spoiler]Piss[/spoiler] off."

Today, Cloten was scowling. The flyboy was draining his wine cellar dry. None of his girls seem to do a blasted thing. Of course, he didn't want Flyboy to have too much prominence, just to be less of a threat.

Of course, he didn't mind if he became a regular, but he did mind if he started becoming a Morn, and boy, he was turning mournful indeed. He certainly hoped he wasn't going to get as fat as Morn himself, down to the jowls. What the hell did this sucker need?


Eydis would already be arriving at the lab with hir finally gift for Sirol in hand. Shi felt both emerald and xasik over the lattice and responded and acknowledge them both. As did skaldyr her second in command. There was the presence of the mothers swan crew small  crew that could also be felt over the lattice. And Eydis thoughts were all on the sudden change of command staff on the station. Her third experience with what was apparently a high turn over for command caste individuals. Shi would sooner or later have to meet with the new commander and personnel.

Shi would hit the comm pad of the door to announce her arrival offical and then entered into the lab. Shi would find Sirol after giving the room a slight nod of her head.

Shi would head over to Sirol and take out the small white dagger from its sheath. It was as sharp as obsidian yet had no visible jagged edge but smooth. The dagger had  a swirling white almost snowy appearance to it. Flipping the dagger around so shi held the dagger between hir blue digits. As she did so a faint wisp of bluish energy transfer from hir crystalline structure into the blade itself. Now a faint spidery blue line could be seen in the swirling white crystal blade.

For you my friend Sirol.

Xasik soon emerald will need to have her caste role imprint. You will be allowed to come back with emerald. We should not delay, her connection to the assembly for much longer. We need to leave before her next molting.

As Emerald will have to add to the song of tholia. And I'm sure your name as her parent will become part of the song of tholia. Sung for as long as tholia prime and the tholians exist. Generations will know of you xasik and Sirol. Long after all individuals here have passed away. Long after even you own species forgets your names.

Eydis would pause and look up as Resien returned with a tray of coffees. Hir blue eyes fixed on him. More faces to remember it would seem.



< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sitting in the simulated Y-Class environment of the lab's isolation room, Sirol had taken a seat at the small table in the middle of the room, with Emerald on her lap and one arm tightly wrapped around the child. Since it was "˜her time' to spend with the little one, she had picked a few more interesting subjects to show to them. It was Tuesday Alpha shift, and Tuesday Alpha shift was Emerald/Sirol story time.
She had her holographic PDA active; showing pictures of planets and star systems, and with Emerald sitting in her lap and looseley leaning onto her arm, they had the best view imaginable onto the little holographic screen.

"œThis one here is called Andoria. Not a planet, but a moon"¦ A moon is like... A baby planet, you know? You see it in this huge ring together with all the other baby planets, running around the parent planet"¦ That's what all planets do because they're always stuck with bigger planets or suns, like flung on an invisible rubber band..."
She smiled, looked down at them, and gently booped their cheek and [non-existent] nose before tightening her hug around them a little.
She could tell that Emerald was cheerfully absorbing all the affection they could get.
They were happy to be out of their bubble, and did not mind the second layer Sirol had to wear in order to survive.
They cheerfully snuggled up in her arm and looked up to the displayed solar system.
Of course Emerald would only understand bits and bites of what Sirol explained, but they were a child, and all children were magically drawn to three things: Shiny screens, bubbly balls and familiar voices.
She was happy to see Emerald happy and used her time well to relay to Emerald that they were loved and taken care of.
The little one always managed to shoot an immeasurable amount of dopamine into her system and spending time with them brought out Sirol's almost buried bubbly and playful side. Both benefited from it, but also did it bring a sense of normalcy into the lab routine.
They felt like a family unit; a well-oiled machine that just so happened to be linked to the Lattice, which was the oil in this metaphor.

Quote from: Xasik on November 01, 2021, 11:36:46 PM

Right now they were with First Mother in the nest. She was squeaking to them in nice, soft tones and although they didn't understand what those squeaks meant, they still enjoyed the soothing sound of her voice and the snuggle time they were having. The Sharp One was busy on his side of the nest and hadn't been humming for quite some time. It was unacceptable and Emerald intended to give The Sharp One a stern squeaking to.

It was then that Emerald felt The Sharp One humming again. They hummed back at him and chirped and clicked happily at the feeling of love and warmth coming from him.
"œPeep Squeak! PEEP peep peep peep!"

Sirol's smile widened as she sensed Emerald reaching out to Xasik, and she did the same in an encouraging manner, to help Emerald focus and reach him with clear words by performing an example.
"˜Mother!' She relayed over the Lattice to Xasik, alongside Emerald, but then strategically faded to leave the child all the platform they needed to train.
Soon, she assumed she might also train with Xasik, and she was looking forward to it.
For now she just let her mind relax and receive, catching the presence of Emerald, Xasik, but also the other Tholians, as well as Eydis approaching.
Her smile widened a little. She was always happy to see Eydis, and having hir visit their Lab was always a more than welcome surprise.

For a moment she looked over to Xasik. He was still deeply buried in his current publication. Sirol was happy to see that her colleague and friend was about to establish a platform for his own work, and she did not want to intrude unless she had to. (Plus, it meant she got to spend more time with Emerald, so it was a win-win situation).

As he raised his posture to call Reisen though, Sirol raised one eyebrow, and quietly whispered over to him.

Quote from: Xasik on November 01, 2021, 11:36:46 PM

=/\="Freeman to Reisen. Good morning! Just wanted to ask if you could pick up some coffee for me on the way to the lab? I might whither and fade without it. Please and thank you! Freeman out." =/\=

"œYou should  not use our new colleague as errand boy.
Not while we have Crewman Connor - He still has Twelve days making up for the incident with the glue and the doughnuts to work off..."

While it was meant as an attempt at practising humour, Sirol's calm and serious tone made it sound like an actual practise. Which would not even have been too far away from the realm of her innermost thoughts only she (and all of Katra's Tholians) knew of:
What sort of insane person brought doughnuts, doughnut holes and glue to the science department's Doughnut Friday?!
Quote from: Reisen on November 02, 2021, 12:20:15 AM

Yes I could do that. I believe coffee is a good way to make new friends on this station.  Science officer Sirol needing coffee as well. How do you like the coffee to be Scientist freeman ?

As she heard Reisen's response via Xasik's communicator, the scientist tilted her head and gave Xasik a quick nod, then quietly added.
"œ...At least tell him to get himself something too. Strengthen the morale of the collective while taking care of everyone's physical needs."
He should not feel like having to earn anyone's respect.

With that she looked back at Emerald again and gave the little one a soft snuggle.
"˜Who is our favourite little squeaker, huh?' She relayed via the Lattice, aimed at Emerald and closed her eyes.
As she heard the clicking of Emerald's hands touching the visor of her helmet, the scientist slightly smiled, then began to sing to the little one.

A lullaby she remembered one of her mother's servants singing to her and her brother when they had been children; a song about the burning orange skies of Remus' twilight zone and how the metaphorical singer wandered alongside the orange skies in search of a place to settle"¦
Granted, the child would most likely neither understand the meaning, nor the words [especially considering that the song was sung in the actual Reman language], but Emerald would be able to pick up the melody, and - most importantly - the vibrations on Sirol's visor.
It was the closest thing to actual physical contact she was able to offer the child, but she gladly did it; both enjoying their little moment of serenity.

As her song was over and Sirol opened her eyes again, she smiled at Emerald still stuck to her visor, as well as - visible behind them in the M-Class main part of the lab - Eydis.
"œCome, let us go and say hello, shall we?" She quietly spoke towards Emerald, gently placed the forehead part of her helmet against the child's forehead, before she then carefully helped them back into their ECS, sealed it, and stepped through the hatch back into the main area of the laboratory, with the ECS in her arms.

"œGreetings, dear Captain."
She welcomed hir, did a friendly bow and then removed the helmet of her EV suit and placed it on one of tables..
"œI hope this morning finds you well."

Quote from: Eydis on November 02, 2021, 12:52:52 AM

Shi would head over to Sirol and take out the small white dagger from its sheath. It was as sharp as obsidian yet had no visible jagged edge but smooth. The dagger had  a swirling white almost snowy appearance to it. Flipping the dagger around so shi held the dagger between hir blue digits. As she did so a faint wisp of bluish energy transfer from hir crystalline structure into the blade itself. Now a faint spidery blue line could be seen in the swirling white crystal blade.

For you my friend Sirol.

Sirol tilted her head and curiously looked at Eydis, her smile awkwardly widening as she realised that the presented dagger was a gift.
It was exotic and beautiful and brought Sirol even more questions: What was the meaning behind the gift? What was the energy transfer she had just witnessed? Where did it come from? And what material was it made of?
She awkwardly cleared her throat and slowly reached out, accepting the gift.
"œThank you, Eydis. So much.
I really appreciate the gift."

She held it and gave it a closer look, running her thumb over its handle and musing for a moment.
"œI will be happy and honoured to have it by my side."
Quote from: Eydis on November 02, 2021, 12:52:52 AM

Xasik soon emerald will need to have her caste role imprint. You will be allowed to come back with emerald. We should not delay, her connection to the assembly for much longer. We need to leave before her next molting.

As Emerald will have to add to the song of tholia. And I'm sure your name as her parent will become part of the song of tholia. Sung for as long as tholia prime and the tholians exist. Generations will know of you xasik and Sirol. Long after all individuals here have passed away. Long after even you own species forgets your names.

Eydis would pause and look up as Resien returned with a tray of coffees. Hir blue eyes fixed on him. More faces to remember it would seem.

Listening to Eydis, Sirol placed Emerald's ECS on the ground, leaving the little one some time and chance to roam freely again, and roll around the lab.
Then she would look for a place to put the dagger. For now it would have to be the inside pocket of her lab coat until she adjusted her lab coat properly with a designated holding.
She carried it right next to her heart. A fitting place, she thought with a quiet smile, before then looked up to Eydis again and acknowledged hir words.
Shi was correct, and Sirol was happy that shi too was so invested in Emerald's upbringing and finding them a place in Tholian society.
Hir care for Emerald was endearing and touching and Sirol just smiled for a moment, listening to her elaboration of how Xasik and Sirol too might become part of Tholia's song as well.
A comforting thought for Sirol. A thought that filled Sirol with warmth and hope, and - if she would have been just a little less controlled  might have made her give in to her urge to give Eydis a more than deserved hug.

As eventually Reisen too joined them in the lab - with fresh coffee - Sirol once again did a polite hailing bow. This time to their new scientist.
"œGreetings, Reisen. I hope this morning finds you well."
For a moment she hesitated and looked at Emerald on the ground and Eydis with her.
Last time he had appeared a bit"¦ Intimidated by the Tholian presence.
She wanted to try and break the metaphorical ice as early as possible, since there would most likely always be Tholians visiting for as long as Emerald was with them. But not just that, they were Sirol's family, and she was interested in everyone around and close to her flawlessly and without fear interacting.

So she again looked at Eydis and did a friendly nod towards Reisen.
"œMeet Reisen. He is our newest addition to the science staff. And benevolent too, as I can tell by the coffee." She spoke, then looked at Reisen: "œThis is Captain Eydis, shi assists taking care of all things Emerald, and she is also my friend and very dear to me.".
Then Sirol paused and looked forth and back between the two, hoping that introducing them to one another might reduce some potential awkwardness.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


[Katra station - School rooms]

It was a volunteer sacrifice that Balan had agreed to show up in a class to show his true form as a Allomorphs: as another changling species. The truth was he was constant was being asked to show up. Deep down he felt unsure to show the young students. Imagine as you will. The habit wearing a baseball hat all the time. Now imagine not wearing the hat on your head. You felt naked. That was exactly how Balan felt.

"œUhm...hello, students," he said holding his hand up and doing a small wave. "œI am an Allomorph. My species can change shape. We choose to change to a design we make."

A child interrupts with a hand in the air. Which Balan paused. He turned to the teacher to see what she want to do.

"œJosh..." the teacher smiled as she turned to Balan. "œAre you comfortable to take questions?" the teacher asked Balan. She to was curious and excited like the students.

"œYes. I think it a good way to learn. What do you want to know?" he asked the young boy who had his legs tuck under his butt. "œAre you related to the changings? And can you change in a dragon for us?"

The whole class room made a cool ahhhh signed and was very excited to see dragon in the room.

This had made Balan take a step back from the kids. He was feeling nervous and truly was wishing he was not here. He cast his eyes down to the floor. They wanted him to change into a dragon.

"œJosh!" the teacher snapped. "œIt is consider not polite to ask...a shapechanger to change in a form."

"œBut we want to see him change into a dragon!!!" Josh pleaded with his teacher. Then everyone was chanting dragon, dragon, dragon.

"œYou all got to stop. What have I told you!" she scolded them.

Balan did take a step forward and decided to answer a question. "œNo. We believe we are not related to the changlings," he said. When he mentioned Changling there was a tone of disgust in his wording.

"œI saw Ambassador got more detail them him. And I saw pictures of other Changlings which looked like one of us....if one chooses someone like me..."

"œYou can be one," one female student said.

"œI am not...test me," Josh challenged the other student.

"œJosh, Felina stop....we got a guest here," the teacher was ordering her students to calm down.

"œSo?" Josh piped up and stop when the teacher glared at him.

Balan was hating this spot light on him. He thought he was able to talk to the students and not hearing them bicker to the teacher.

"œI do change..but I prefer not to do it," he said to the group of students. Which was made by different species and ages.

There was a giggle from one of the girls. Now Balan was believing she was laughing at him.

"œI seen you many times when you ok duty but I never seen you look different," one student asked. Balan was thinking they don't believe him. More they pressure more he wanted to walk away and forget it. But he made a commitment to be here. Why did he agree?

"œCan you have babies?" one female teenager asked as she was giving side looks to the girl next to her. The girl next to her glared at the girl who asked if Balan can be babies.

Balan face cringed. They asking left field questions. He tilted his head a bit and sort of blush. This was awkward for him.

"œYou see Sue has a crush on you!" she blurted out. Sue stood up fast and ran out of the class room. The whole class was laughing.

Balan was now not liking this. They seem to testing him by asking he was a changing, and see he can be a dragon. And then a girl took a stab to embarrass one of their own kind.

"œClass!!! I explained to you and but you still acting rude...." the teacher was very angry. "œI am sorry, crewman Balan. I am not sure what got into them."

"œForgive me... I am sorry," Balan had walked out on the class room.

Then the teacher turned to them. "œYou all going to have to do extra work now..." and she goes on telling them more which one can imagine.

There was a few students did watch Balan walk out and they realize they acted wrong.

[a few moments later]

Balan was in the corridor where be knew a small indent in the wall were he can stop in and hide. He placed his back on the wall and looked up at ceiling as be closed his eyes. He should declined but he thought that was a good thing. They seem to dislike him cause he was not brave enough to speak fast enough to them. If he was on duty on security he would be more bolder. But when he was off duty or when things come to personal matters who he is or what he can do with his morphing.

Deep inside he wanted to morph into his bear form with long claws which was like a beast version of him. However he can control himself from slipping in that form. Being a shape changer was hard because the changelings from the dominion war made it hard.

And what joke was that he was cute looking. That was joke they played on him. They are young people. To young for love. He needed to avoid them if be has to do unless he was on duty. Funny. Avoiding the young folk.

Then he turned his head to see New Bajor in the window across from where he was. Even the Bajors had a distrust with him too. When he was with Xiiv he felt less dislike when he was with her. They must had figured it was okay he was with a star fleet officer who had not problem with him.

He reckon the teacher will discipliine her students but they still going to see him as a changeling or look at him as a fake or a wanna be. Even the teacher had files to teach about his own kind. And they were not showing it.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 01, 2021, 11:07:38 PM

[ Katra Station - Ready Room ]

"Mr.Mackenzie, I'm sure you're aware of both Kirok, and Briggs' departure by now. The arrangements made were quite sudden, and leave a few vacancies."

As soon as Jettis had uttered the words, Kyan assumed the worst. They wanted him to switch positions. Or transfer off the station! Or he was getting demoted! It was probably that. Had to be. Admiral Carter and his gods be damned ego. Kyan didn't figure he'd heard the last of Admiral Tree Butt. However he also didn't think he'd move against him this quickly. Well that was it then! If ole Carter wanted it this way, then so mote it be! Kyan would just resign from Starfleet, find Carter, and they could have it out properly!

Afterwards, he could get on with a freighter crew or something. Or he'd buy his own ship. Cloten could probably tell him who had one for sale. He supposed if all else failed, nicking one from one of the suplus depots would work. Yeah, that would be more fun anyways. No stupid stuffy grups telling him what to do all the time, and no Admirals! Of course he'd miss Sirol... and Xasik... and Emmy. He'd even miss Larry Stone and his people in Security. And thn there were his new friends from the school, and the Scout Troop. He'd really been looking forward to the camping trip to Bajor. Getting a holo pic of Xasik in the Scout leader's uniform was going to be classic! But now thanks to Tree Butt... it wasn't going to happen!

Screw him anyways, Kyan thought.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 01, 2021, 11:07:38 PM

"........ formally promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. I would also like to offer you a position to be Executive Officer of Katra Station, effective immediately. Of course, you'll no doubt need to make arrangements for a new security department head." The following silence would be left for Kyan to respond, whether positively or negatively.

As Jettis' words hit him, Kyan's reverie went very quickly the way of the proverbial fart in the wind. Was he..... Well there was a box on the desk. Kyan recognized it. It was a pip box. But probably a foam snake is gonna come out! he thought, and then the others would come out and they would all laugh at the joke. Wordlessly, Kyan plucked the box up and opened it, wincing slightly in anticipation of the foam snake or whatever. But it never came. Instead, two shining pips and a third hollow one stared back at him. This was probably the last thing he's expected. And Jettis had said Executive Officer?

He'd graduated Starfleet Academy in 2350. In 6 more months, Kyan would have fifty years in Starfleet. Most of the people he'd gone to the Academy with were either dead, retired, or close to one or both. Kyan hadn't seriously thought about getting promoted, much less holding a command position in... years. Not since the Ticonderoga anyway. And now that it was in front of him, really in front of him.... literally on the table.. he had to admit to himself that the prospect was a little daunting. The responsibility was greater. The paperwork too. But if he was being honest, Security was pretty ho hum these days, except of course when there were Hunters trying to kill everyone, or some other alien. But still, being XO? Actually being in charge of people other than Security types? Yeah. Daunting was the right word.

But then again, Kyan Mackenzie had been doing things that were daunting for centuries now. He made up his mind. He was going to do the same thing he did when confronted with all the other "daunting" things in his life. Looking down again at the box, Kyan picked up the hollow one and put it on his jacket.

"Comandr Jyur." he answered with a grin. "I accept yer offer!"

Claire Maxwell

Quote from: Derek Rodwell on November 01, 2021, 09:17:16 PM


Derek had been transferred to the Katra along with Commander Jyur who took over as Commanding Officer. Their first duty when they arrived was to move the entire station to an orbit over New Bajor. This was his first time being stationed on a star base, and was definitely his first tome moving one, but things had went smoothly than he had thought they would. Once it was done, he had been given a day to relax and finally get settled into his new quarters. Now with his morning meal out of the way, he headed back to Engineering. He walked in to see a new face. He wasn't sure if she was new aboard the station or had already been here.

"Morning, Ensign." he said as he approached and extended a hand. "I'm Derek. I just transferred over."

[Katra Station | Main Engineering]


Claire blinked at the new arrival and stared at the outstretched hand and held it awkwardly, unsure how long a handshake should go for. "Claire... Maxwell." She shrugged as she nodded at the next console. "I just got here myself. I don't think we'll get rosters until we know who else is coming." Glancing at the fortified entrance, she raised an eyebrow slightly. "There's a bunch of maintenance jobs in the queue and I'm just checking in and about to start on a few, Lieutenant."

Gideon Drake


[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Cloten's Pub | Promenade | Katra Station]

Cloten dropped off his latest drink for Flyboy and proceeded to get another ready when a particularly beautiful Orion dancing girl approached.

"You called for me, Mister Cloten?"

Cloten nodded. "That chump over there?" he said. "He needs a woman in his life. Go get him."

Gideon just stared at his glass as the woman showed up. Her sultry tone actually caused him to look up. A very inciting smile...

"[spoiler]Sod [/spoiler]off," he snapped.

"Oh, now, how can I show you a good time with that attitude?" asked the Orion woman.

"How can I have a good time when there is no other bloody woman like the one I had?" snarled Gideon.

Cloten watched briefly before going back to his drink and could see it was becoming another failure. He had been sending his dancing girls and even his Dabo girls to flirt with Flyboy and he rejected them all. Even the Orions, who were famous for their alluring pheromones. Maybe he was too drunk to be affected.

"I don't..."

"No! Of course not! I was the flirtatious type. I actually did the right way with the most beautiful woman in this quadrant! And she BREAKS my bloody heart! And why do the most beautiful tend to BREAK SOME HEARTS?"

A few patrons actually heard that. Heads were turning. The dancing girl was becoming aware of eyes turning and anxiously wanted to take the conversation to more privacy.

"I'm not sure, but please..."


The entire establishment heard that. Even Cloten, who wasn't giving much thought as he was getting a Romulan Ale cocktail ready, not giving him much thought until his shout actually caused him to flinch. As he looked up and saw Flyboy ranting and verbally attacking, he decided enough was enough, and that was saying a lot.

He poured the whole bottle down the drain and then pushed a typical button summoning his bouncers and bodyguards. They all stood at attention and they understood his lighting message - humans would call it Morse Code - and they soon began wandering the crowds, circling like vultures, ready to throw him out of the bar. Cloten, however, stared on with the crowd, seeing as Flyboy was on a roll.


And as he said the last like a guttural roar he smashed glasses and pounded the table in a rage. Cloten gave the word.

He was quite surprised to find that Flyboy was so drunk he actually began fending them off. All of them. All while ranting about his girlfriend. It was a one-man bar brawl. But he couldn't last like this forever. He couldn't believe he was about to look into the slave market again, mostly to liberate any beauties to entice Flyboy. Now he was starting to think about calling Security...but decided against it. Knowing the noise, they're like going to come calling eventually. Instead, he opened a channel to somewhere else.

=/\="Cloten to Infirmary," =/\= he said.  =/\="I think there's going to likely expect some incoming soon." =/\=

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