S3-M11: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Started by Jettis Jyur, November 01, 2021, 07:11:08 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

:: Docking Ring | Katra Station ::


First Officer's Log, LTCDR Kyan Mackenzie, Stardate 76844.8

Hey Computer, So a broken down Romulan freighter is about to dock here the now with refugees seekin asylum from the Romulan Free State. Apparently, they ran out of fuel. The Flatwoods said that it looks like they've got some damage too, likely from Romulan disruptor fire. If it's me yer after asking, things might get spicy over this. The Romulan Free State isn't really all that free, so they prolly aren't after letting their people just watlz away onto a Federation space station. I've told security to keep a close eye on things when they get here.

Not being the diplomatic type, Kyan was happy to have the stations new Diplomatic Officer, Ensign Pev, here. And as he'd never met a St'ia'tch prior to the little blue Ensign's arrival, was also eager to get to know him. But as was all to often the case, other things took priority. Specifically the arrival of Romulan refugees. When Jyur had briefed him on the matter, his first thought was to ask why they hadn't gone to a more... centrally located Federation facility, like Starbase 375, which was closer to Romulan territory. But the answer to that could only be provided by the people on the frieghter, which was just finishing it's docking procedures.

As he looked around at the assembled Katra crew in the docking bay, Kyan picked out the different departments. There were two from Security, and also a contingent from Medical. He didn't know if there were any wounded Romulans aboard, but it was always best to cover the bases. He hadn't seen anyone from Engineering yet, or Operations.. but Pev could probably get them into some guest quarters easily enough.


Without instructions, she happened to wander into the docking bays to do some maintenance checks, wondering why there was a crowd. "Uh... Hello."

At the sound of Maxwell's voice, the little Miran turned to look up at the engineer. He recognized her from the transfer roster. "Ah! Merry Met Ensign Maxwell!" he offered with a smile. "It's good you're here so it is. These Romulans are about to dock and they may be needin our help tae fix their ship so."

as he was talking to Claire, the airlock doors whisked open and a contingent of Romulans began to emerge from the gangway. At the whine of the door servos, Kyan turned back around to greet the newcomers. Welp, he thought, It's time tae be diplomatic. If only Captain Peers could see me the now!

"Merry Met and welcome tae Katra Station!" he spoke up to all of them, not knowing which was the leader. "I'm Commander Mackenzie and this here is Ensign Pev, our diplomatic officer." Then, "And this behind me is Ensign Maxwell, from engineering. She can help with your repairs."

Jettis Jyur

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As a small team filed out of the freighter, one distinctly lead the group, and was quickly identifiable as the Captain of the ship. The four approached Kyan, once they correctly identified him a the 'welcoming committee. "Commander Mackenzie. I am Captain Satar. This is Lieutenant Sirris, and my engineering experts Jorruk and Tarar. We appreciate Starfleet's assistance in our plight thus far. As I'm sure you're aware, our freighter was stranded after we ran out of fuel, and damages to our system were too severe. Your runabout was able to help us enough to get to this station, but I'm afraid our ship will need further repairs, and our injured tended to."

"We are outcasts from our home, ones who don't believe in this 'Free Romulan State'. When individuals disagree with the Government's methods... they tend to disappear one day. We only narrowly escaped with our ship intact, and many injured or lost. Stumbling across your station was an coincidence that just may have saved our lives, Commander. We will cooperate in any way that we can."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 05, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As a small team filed out of the freighter, one distinctly lead the group, and was quickly identifiable as the Captain of the ship. The four approached Kyan, once they correctly identified him a the 'welcoming committee. "Commander Mackenzie. I am Captain Satar. This is Lieutenant Sirris, and my engineering experts Jorruk and Tarar. We appreciate Starfleet's assistance in our plight thus far. As I'm sure you're aware, our freighter was stranded after we ran out of fuel, and damages to our system were too severe. Your runabout was able to help us enough to get to this station, but I'm afraid our ship will need further repairs, and our injured tended to."

"We are outcasts from our home, ones who don't believe in this 'Free Romulan State'. When individuals disagree with the Government's methods... they tend to disappear one day. We only narrowly escaped with our ship intact, and many injured or lost. Stumbling across your station was an coincidence that just may have saved our lives, Commander. We will cooperate in any way that we can."

Amarande joined the welcoming committee just as the Romulan captain spoke, her case of medical equipment set in front of her as she quickly scanned the Romulans with a soft, short introduction. Best to get to the business of things and her business was getting people well enough to go bother other people. She didn't dislike them, not at all, she just had twenty other things running in her lab and needed to get back to them. The station was always busy when it came to medical problems, that was for sure, and while she was not the only doctor on staff, she always seemed to find herself in the middle of some crisis or another.

"We can have your injured transported to Medby, it'll be easier to triage that way," she said with a nod. "Or I can triage here first, which ever is your preference."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Claire Maxwell

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 05, 2021, 10:36:41 AM

:: Docking Ring | Katra Station ::

Not being the diplomatic type, Kyan was happy to have the stations new Diplomatic Officer, Ensign Pev, here. And as he'd never met a St'ia'tch prior to the little blue Ensign's arrival, was also eager to get to know him. But as was all to often the case, other things took priority. Specifically the arrival of Romulan refugees. When Jyur had briefed him on the matter, his first thought was to ask why they hadn't gone to a more... centrally located Federation facility, like Starbase 375, which was closer to Romulan territory. But the answer to that could only be provided by the people on the frieghter, which was just finishing it's docking procedures.

As he looked around at the assembled Katra crew in the docking bay, Kyan picked out the different departments. There were two from Security, and also a contingent from Medical. He didn't know if there were any wounded Romulans aboard, but it was always best to cover the bases. He hadn't seen anyone from Engineering yet, or Operations.. but Pev could probably get them into some guest quarters easily enough.

At the sound of Maxwell's voice, the little Miran turned to look up at the engineer. He recognized her from the transfer roster. "Ah! Merry Met Ensign Maxwell!" he offered with a smile. "It's good you're here so it is. These Romulans are about to dock and they may be needin our help tae fix their ship so."

as he was talking to Claire, the airlock doors whisked open and a contingent of Romulans began to emerge from the gangway. At the whine of the door servos, Kyan turned back around to greet the newcomers. Welp, he thought, It's time tae be diplomatic. If only Captain Peers could see me the now!

"Merry Met and welcome tae Katra Station!" he spoke up to all of them, not knowing which was the leader. "I'm Commander Mackenzie and this here is Ensign Pev, our diplomatic officer." Then, "And this behind me is Ensign Maxwell, from engineering. She can help with your repairs."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 05, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As a small team filed out of the freighter, one distinctly lead the group, and was quickly identifiable as the Captain of the ship. The four approached Kyan, once they correctly identified him a the 'welcoming committee. "Commander Mackenzie. I am Captain Satar. This is Lieutenant Sirris, and my engineering experts Jorruk and Tarar. We appreciate Starfleet's assistance in our plight thus far. As I'm sure you're aware, our freighter was stranded after we ran out of fuel, and damages to our system were too severe. Your runabout was able to help us enough to get to this station, but I'm afraid our ship will need further repairs, and our injured tended to."

"We are outcasts from our home, ones who don't believe in this 'Free Romulan State'. When individuals disagree with the Government's methods... they tend to disappear one day. We only narrowly escaped with our ship intact, and many injured or lost. Stumbling across your station was an coincidence that just may have saved our lives, Commander. We will cooperate in any way that we can."

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on November 05, 2021, 01:18:18 PM

Amarande joined the welcoming committee just as the Romulan captain spoke, her case of medical equipment set in front of her as she quickly scanned the Romulans with a soft, short introduction. Best to get to the business of things and her business was getting people well enough to go bother other people. She didn't dislike them, not at all, she just had twenty other things running in her lab and needed to get back to them. The station was always busy when it came to medical problems, that was for sure, and while she was not the only doctor on staff, she always seemed to find herself in the middle of some crisis or another.

"We can have your injured transported to Medby, it'll be easier to triage that way," she said with a nod. "Or I can triage here first, which ever is your preference."

[Katra Station | Docking Ring]


Claire had given a crooked smile and a mildly nervous whimper. Why is everyone being so nice to me? The crew of the Parramatta barely talked to me... "Commander, I'm honoured." She managed without stammering, making as much polite introductions to Pev, Xiiv and the rest of the team as she could muster. The smartest kid in the class who tries never to get called upon, indeed!

When the Romulan delegation stepped out, she was listening with half an ear. That wasn't her problem. In her own little world, she forgot not to make any sudden moves as she stepped past the Romulans. Immediately, she saw their freighter was old. Not quite decrepit, but there were enough patchwork repairs and jury rigging to... Even systems were bolted on- were those rivets atop gamma welding?! Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out a gold-metal rimmed monocle that she popped on her left eye and made a circuit around the ship while the introductions were being made.

Eventually she ended up back at the group. With her typical lack of social grace and tact, she nodded. "Commander, the repairs are going to be extensive and handled with care. I've got a few educated guesses, we'd have to figure out how this ship works first. But we'd better inform Starfleet. Politics!" She shook her head slightly and, suddenly aware that her left eye was magnified to odd proportions, she popped the monocle back into its pouch but completely ignorant of the fact she might've insulted the Romulans she was standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder with,


Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 03, 2021, 09:16:26 AM

"Sir, the freighter and runabout are requesting to dock now." Jettis nodded absently at the report, turning to back to Kyan. "Mr. Mackenzie, I'd like you to greet them. Take Pev and someone from Engineering, Medical and Science, as injuries were reported. Try to gather what information you can. Once you're done, I'll call a conference to get everyone's thoughts." He hoped this wouldn't turn out as it had on the Challenger, and this crew was who they said they were. Sighing, he took his seat again to play the waiting game. "The security detail will already be waiting there. Dismissed."

< Katra Station / Docking Ring >

Being back in the Docking Ring made her nervous.
Last time she had been here, a terrorist attack had almost killed her; left her buried under debris and crushed the lower half of her body.
Even nowadays she could still sometimes feel the aching phantom (?) pain in her bones and joints"¦
However, she did her best to not let any of her personal emotions seep through.
Her hand reached up to her chest, where she could feel the dagger Eydis had gifted her poking out from the inside of her lab coat's pocket.
Touching it she took a deep breath. Her friend's gift helped calm her; steer her focus away from her near-death-memory.
Narrowing her eyes she focused on her colleagues, as well as the newly arrived ship.
She was here to work and not to have feelings.

Initially the slender scientist had been surprised about Kyan"¦ Commander Mackenzie"¦ Requesting her presence at the docking ring.
Many Romulan ships tended to occasionally come and go, and - despite her own background - her assistance was usually not required when it came to serve as a mediator.
Only ever as she was briefed by Mackenzie, the special nature of this particular meeting gained shape.
Deserters from the Free State requesting asylum"¦
Sirol was not yet sure what to think of it, yet the situation had her undivided attention.

She had not been aware of deserters to even be a specific issue, but then again she was stationed far away from her own people, and news only ever seeped through sporadically, as well as - supposedly - pre-selected by the official channels...
Just like in the old days of the Empire, she assumed...
She stood there, behind two security officers, observing and listening and quietly taking her notes on the situation.
Sirol had decided that it was the wisest strategy to not be among the first row of persons they would see upon disembarking.
As the daughter of a renowned Free States Senator, Sirol was not sure whether any of them would recognise her face or her name, and as a result potentially question Starfleet's neutrality

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 05, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

"We are outcasts from our home, ones who don't believe in this 'Free Romulan State'. When individuals disagree with the Government's methods... they tend to disappear one day. We only narrowly escaped with our ship intact, and many injured or lost. Stumbling across your station was an coincidence that just may have saved our lives, Commander. We will cooperate in any way that we can."

Sirol internally cringed at the Captain's words, yet remained calm and quiet on the outside.
She remembered the policy of having people disappear very well; better than she cared to admit, and while her own experiences had dated back to the time of the Star Empire, she still acknowledged the possibility of the same tactics being still used nowadays.
People hardly ever changed in less than one generation after all...
She and her father were privileged and in a good standing among the houses of the Free State, and Sirol was well aware of that, but she was also willing to hear out another perspective.
There was more than just one story behind the Captain's statement, and she was cautiously curious to understand it"¦

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Claire Maxwell

Quote from: Sirol on November 06, 2021, 04:00:34 AM

< Katra Station / Docking Ring >

Being back in the Docking Ring made her nervous.
Last time she had been here, a terrorist attack had almost killed her; left her buried under debris and crushed the lower half of her body.
Even nowadays she could still sometimes feel the aching phantom (?) pain in her bones and joints"¦
However, she did her best to not let any of her personal emotions seep through.
Her hand reached up to her chest, where she could feel the dagger Eydis had gifted her poking out from the inside of her lab coat's pocket.
Touching it she took a deep breath. Her friend's gift helped calm her; steer her focus away from her near-death-memory.
Narrowing her eyes she focused on her colleagues, as well as the newly arrived ship.
She was here to work and not to have feelings.

Initially the slender scientist had been surprised about Kyan"¦ Commander Mackenzie"¦ Requesting her presence at the docking ring.
Many Romulan ships tended to occasionally come and go, and - despite her own background - her assistance was usually not required when it came to serve as a mediator.
Only ever as she was briefed by Mackenzie, the special nature of this particular meeting gained shape.
Deserters from the Free State requesting asylum"¦
Sirol was not yet sure what to think of it, yet the situation had her undivided attention.

She had not been aware of deserters to even be a specific issue, but then again she was stationed far away from her own people, and news only ever seeped through sporadically, as well as - supposedly - pre-selected by the official channels...
Just like in the old days of the Empire, she assumed...
She stood there, behind two security officers, observing and listening and quietly taking her notes on the situation.
Sirol had decided that it was the wisest strategy to not be among the first row of persons they would see upon disembarking.
As the daughter of a renowned Free States Senator, Sirol was not sure whether any of them would recognise her face or her name, and as a result potentially question Starfleet's neutrality

Sirol internally cringed at the Captain's words, yet remained calm and quiet on the outside.
She remembered the policy of having people disappear very well; better than she cared to admit, and while her own experiences had dated back to the time of the Star Empire, she still acknowledged the possibility of the same tactics being still used nowadays.
People hardly ever changed in less than one generation after all...
She and her father were privileged and in a good standing among the houses of the Free State, and Sirol was well aware of that, but she was also willing to hear out another perspective.
There was more than just one story behind the Captain's statement, and she was cautiously curious to understand it"¦

[Katra Station | Docking Ring]


Claire was muttering to herself, patting herself down and seeming to reach into invisible pockets as if looking for something when she started pacing. To an outside observer, she appeared to be reading an invisible book, holding an invisible pen and writing. The freighter was indeed old, but something wasn't adding up. "This ship seems more Pakled or Borg, given the technologies involved, unless they really are free bartering on the black market. But that presupposes this was planned in advance, resources husbanded. Mind you, this could all be a cover for an elaborate ruse..."

Claire's mutterings and pacing brought her randomly to... Two security personnel and a Starfleet Lieutenant wearing blue. Claire looked up briefly, locked eyes at Sirol, but kept muttering and wandering. "I started out with no path in mind, I was young to the world, how was I"...to"...know better? I started"...out with no path in mind, free"...to make all mistakes, Gotta bleed to get better. And I will not wait this life out, I will not carry the weight of the world."

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Claire Maxwell on November 05, 2021, 05:01:33 PM

[Katra Station | Docking Ring]


Claire had given a crooked smile and a mildly nervous whimper. Why is everyone being so nice to me? The crew of the Parramatta barely talked to me... "Commander, I'm honoured." She managed without stammering, making as much polite introductions to Pev, Xiiv and the rest of the team as she could muster. The smartest kid in the class who tries never to get called upon, indeed!

When the Romulan delegation stepped out, she was listening with half an ear. That wasn't her problem. In her own little world, she forgot not to make any sudden moves as she stepped past the Romulans. Immediately, she saw their freighter was old. Not quite decrepit, but there were enough patchwork repairs and jury rigging to... Even systems were bolted on- were those rivets atop gamma welding?! Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out a gold-metal rimmed monocle that she popped on her left eye and made a circuit around the ship while the introductions were being made.

Eventually she ended up back at the group. With her typical lack of social grace and tact, she nodded. "Commander, the repairs are going to be extensive and handled with care. I've got a few educated guesses, we'd have to figure out how this ship works first. But we'd better inform Starfleet. Politics!" She shook her head slightly and, suddenly aware that her left eye was magnified to odd proportions, she popped the monocle back into its pouch but completely ignorant of the fact she might've insulted the Romulans she was standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder with,

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on November 05, 2021, 01:18:18 PM

Amarande joined the welcoming committee just as the Romulan captain spoke, her case of medical equipment set in front of her as she quickly scanned the Romulans with a soft, short introduction. Best to get to the business of things and her business was getting people well enough to go bother other people. She didn't dislike them, not at all, she just had twenty other things running in her lab and needed to get back to them. The station was always busy when it came to medical problems, that was for sure, and while she was not the only doctor on staff, she always seemed to find herself in the middle of some crisis or another.

"We can have your injured transported to Medby, it'll be easier to triage that way," she said with a nod. "Or I can triage here first, which ever is your preference."

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

Whether they were insulted or not, none of them displayed it. Jorruk stepped out from the group to join Maxwell first, motioning toward the ship. "I'm sure the schematics will be of more use to you. There's just enough power to access the ship's systems, you can start there."

"I can show you where the civillians are, and you can have the transported out." Sirris was the one to speak this time, turning toward Xiiv. As she did, a figure hiding in the back of the group caught her eye. Immediately, she seemed a bit more skittish, shooting a look towards the Captain, before turning back to Xiiv. "Right this way, please."


Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]


While he was very focused on his work, every now and then Xasik could hear Sirol reading and explaining things to Emerald. It made him smile to himself. Emerald enjoyed these one on one times with Sirol and would squeak their enjoyment for the world to hear. Occasionally he did have to wear a headset to cut the squeaking out so he could concentrate but mostly it warmed his heart to hear his child so happy.  One day he hoped to be able to share his love of geology with his child when they were a bit older, but for now he was simply happy to see and hear them being so happy.
With his work now finished though, Xasik was content to simply relax a little. As he tapped his badge to ask Reisen to grab some coffee he had to hold back a snort of laughter as Sirol whispered at him.

Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >
"œYou should  not use our new colleague as errand boy.
Not while we have Crewman Connor - He still has Twelve days making up for the incident with the glue and the doughnuts to work off..."

While it was meant as an attempt at practising humour, Sirol's calm and serious tone made it sound like an actual practise.

Xasik couldn't help but chuckle at his colleague's attempt at humour. She was trying and that was all that mattered. He appreciated the effort. He could tell that despite her calm and serious tone, she had meant it as a joke.
Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

"œ...At least tell him to get himself something too. Strengthen the morale of the collective while taking care of everyone's physical needs."

He nodded to her in agreement before addressing Reisen again.
=/\="œMake sure to get yourself one as well. We can all have a coffee drinking session." =/\= Xasik made sure to sound as friendly as possible. He didn't want to come across as intimidating and scary, especially to Reisen who was new to the team.
Quote from: Reisen on November 02, 2021, 12:20:15 AM

The young male Romulan would answer the hail from Xasik in a warm demeanor and respectful infliction to his voice.

Yes I could do that. I believe coffee is a good way to make new friends on this station.  Science officer Sirol needing coffee as well. How do you like the coffee to be Scientist freeman ?

=/\="œSirol always needs coffee, she's become a bit of an addict. She has hers strong and sweet, no cream. I take mine weak with cream. I've got some small cookies here that we can have with our coffees. Thanks again Reisen. We'll see you soon." =/\=

Xasik once again looked to Sirol and smirked as Emerald peeped up and squeaked at them both. He had felt them both in the Lattice but he hadn't been able to understand them properly. He appreciated the feelings behind it though. He hoped that soon he would be able to understand and utilize the Lattice well enough to be able to communicate fluently.

He looked up the comm pad on the door chimed and as the door to the lab opened. He nodded his head politely as Eydis walked in.

Quote from: Eydis on November 02, 2021, 12:52:52 AM

Shi would hit the comm pad of the door to announce her arrival offical and then entered into the lab. Shi would find Sirol after giving the room a slight nod of her head.

Shi would head over to Sirol and take out the small white dagger from its sheath. It was as sharp as obsidian yet had no visible jagged edge but smooth. The dagger had  a swirling white almost snowy appearance to it. Flipping the dagger around so shi held the dagger between hir blue digits. As she did so a faint wisp of bluish energy transfer from hir crystalline structure into the blade itself. Now a faint spidery blue line could be seen in the swirling white crystal blade.

For you my friend Sirol.

Xasik soon emerald will need to have her caste role imprint. You will be allowed to come back with emerald. We should not delay, her connection to the assembly for much longer. We need to leave before her next molting.

As Emerald will have to add to the song of tholia. And I'm sure your name as her parent will become part of the song of tholia. Sung for as long as tholia prime and the tholians exist. Generations will know of you xasik and Sirol. Long after all individuals here have passed away. Long after even you own species forgets your names.

Eydis would pause and look up as Resien returned with a tray of coffees. Hir blue eyes fixed on him. More faces to remember it would seem.

Xasik nodded as Eydis addressed him. "œYes, Emerald will add to the song of Tholia soon. It would be such an honour to have my name become a part of the song."

The thought brought an unexpected tear to his eye as he thought about being immortalized in the song of Tholia. As an escaped former slave, Xasik had not really expected anyone to remember him after he was gone. If he was lucky his name would be listed in the Romulan database as a runaway, but that was all he had expected to remain of him after he was gone. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he could be honoured in such a way.

He wiped the offending tear away as Reisen entered the lab with the coffees and gave him a friendly nod of his head while fighting off a yawn.

"œThank you for grabbing coffee. Next time it'll be my turn to get it." The Reman smiled as he reached for the coffee handed to him. He was glad Sirol was making the introduction between Eydis and Reisen because he was not the best at that sort of thing.

Walking back to his desk, Xasik found the packet of cookies he had mentioned and brought them back to the area where everyone was gathered.
"œHelp yourselves," he smiled as he placed the packet on a bench before reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a chocolate bar. Carefully he unwrapped the chocolate bar and began to swirl it around in his coffee until it had melted and mixed in with his beverage. Xasik wasn't a sweet tooth but this was one indulgence that he allowed himself to enjoy.

He turned his attention back to Reisen once the chocolate had been melted into the coffee.
"œNice to officially meet you. I'm Xasik Freeman, geologist, part time palaeontologist and full time father to little Emerald there." He motioned to his bubbly bound child who had been placed on the ground and was now rolling their ECS into everyone's legs and giggling about it.



Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

"œThis one here is called Andoria. Not a planet, but a moon"¦ A moon is like... A baby planet, you know? You see it in this huge ring together with all the other baby planets, running around the parent planet"¦ That's what all planets do because they're always stuck with bigger planets or suns, like flung on an invisible rubber band..."
She smiled, looked down at them, and gently booped their cheek and [non-existent] nose before tightening her hug around them a little.

Listening to First Mother (Sirol) squeaking at them, Emerald gave her their undivided attention. They had no idea what she was squeaking about but they loved the sound of her voice and eagerly listened and watched as she showed them wonderful things. Bubble things! Emerald was delighted!

Listening to her squeak, Emerald squeaked back at her when she booped their face. They reached up and made grabby hands towards her before snuggling against her and continued to listen to her squeaking.
Getting comfortable while snuggled against her, Emerald reached out their hands for the bubbles First Mother was showing them. They looked like their favourite bubble that squeaked like they did. More than anything they wanted to squeak the bubbles that First Mother was showing them.

Eventually Emerald tried humming at The Sharp One (Xasik) and was delighted when First Mother hummed with them! It was so exciting to feel The Sharp One trying to reach out. His wobbly humming was just like Emerald's had been before. Emerald was determined to help teach him how to hum the right way.

Emerald's attention wavered as First Mother squeaked at The Sharp One as he grunted to his spot. They could feel Dear Mother (Eydis) getting closer so they hummed to hir to bring her to the den. They then decided to hum at Humming Mother (Peylix) to see if they were close by as well.

Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

"˜Who is our favourite little squeaker, huh?' She relayed via the Lattice, aimed at Emerald and closed her eyes.
As she heard the clicking of Emerald's hands touching the visor of her helmet, the scientist slightly smiled, then began to sing to the little one.

Emerald turned their attention back to First Mother when she was finished squeaking at The Sharp One. They reached up to boop her covering as her squeaking became softer and longer. They loved when she squeaked to them like this and tried to join in with squeaking of their own
"œPeep sqeeaaaak, peeeeeep, chirp!"

Emerald stayed as close to First Mother as they could, even when her soft squeaking was done. They squeaked in delight as she squeaked at them again and and booped them again with her head. They noticed Dear Mother had arrived and squeaked excitedly as First Mother put them into their bubble and took them out of the humming room to see Dear Mother.

Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

Listening to Eydis, Sirol placed Emerald's ECS on the ground, leaving the little one some time and chance to roam freely again, and roll around the lab.

As soon as First Mother placed their bubble on the ground, Emerald wasted no time. They rolled their way over to Dear Mother and booped into hir leg before rolling back to First Mother and booping her leg. They repeated the process and booped into The Sharp One's leg before booping into the leg of The New One (Reisen).
Looking up at him, Emerald chirped curiously and booped into his leg again, giggling the entire time.


[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 24 hours later]


Walking into the lab with Emerald rolling behind him in the ECS, Xasik placed the coffee he had just gotten for himself and Reisen on a desk. He looked to Sirol's work area as Emerald rolled over there looking for her.
"œShe's not here right now, Little Pebble," Xasik tried to sooth his child as they rolled back towards him.
"œShe'll be back soon. You'll see."

Emerald seemed to accept that answer even though Xasik was certain they understood none of what he had said. He watched as his child rolled their way over to Reisen and booped his leg and giggled.

"œYou little menace,"
Xasik laughed affectionately as he scooped the ECS up and held it securely in a hug. "œI'm sorry about that Reisen. It seems Emerald likes you."


[Katra station - cargo bay]

Balan spotted the New Ensign who was Claire Maxwell. Her department was Engineering. By her observation that the Romulan visitor's ship was held in MacGyver style: by duct tape, paper clips, coat hangers, black electric tape, and bandages. Possible plastic bags for life support.

Sirol came touching her chest. Balan stood up and was watching her a bit as he was watching everyone. His own training he learned to keep his eyes on the hands. The hands never lie. Threats can have their eyes look at one direction and their hands can pull out a weapon. Eyes are less detectable to find a threat.

Something seemed off with Sirol with the other Romulans. He knew she was injured bad when the terrorist had attack the station. Or was she in fear? Or was she feeling disconnected with the Romulans who came to hide on Starfleet Base. Who knows? Now he was curious about Romulans. He was curious about Gorns but Skarr had messed up and Balan had lost the opportunity.

There was some discomfort from everyone because the Captain was sounding like there was a warning to the Romulans. He has not say it out loud and the Captain Romulan seemed taken a bit of Doctor Xiiv scanning off the side. He could not blame the Romulans on that too. It was a sneaky way and a way to lose trust with the visitors.

Now Ckaire pulled out something that Balan was unsure of. He had to step real quick to her to see what it was. "œEnsign. Is that a Starfleet issue tool?" he had asked her.

He actually stood front of her to block her to the visitors. He had to be protective on both parties. It was his job. Hopefully it too would gain trust with the Romulans.

Claire Maxwell

Quote from: Balan on November 07, 2021, 01:59:38 AM

[Katra station - cargo bay]

Balan spotted the New Ensign who was Claire Maxwell. Her department was Engineering. By her observation that the Romulan visitor's ship was held in MacGyver style: by duct tape, paper clips, coat hangers, black electric tape, and bandages. Possible plastic bags for life support.

Sirol came touching her chest. Balan stood up and was watching her a bit as he was watching everyone. His own training he learned to keep his eyes on the hands. The hands never lie. Threats can have their eyes look at one direction and their hands can pull out a weapon. Eyes are less detectable to find a threat.

Something seemed off with Sirol with the other Romulans. He knew she was injured bad when the terrorist had attack the station. Or was she in fear? Or was she feeling disconnected with the Romulans who came to hide on Starfleet Base. Who knows? Now he was curious about Romulans. He was curious about Gorns but Skarr had messed up and Balan had lost the opportunity.

There was some discomfort from everyone because the Captain was sounding like there was a warning to the Romulans. He has not say it out loud and the Captain Romulan seemed taken a bit of Doctor Xiiv scanning off the side. He could not blame the Romulans on that too. It was a sneaky way and a way to lose trust with the visitors.

Now Ckaire pulled out something that Balan was unsure of. He had to step real quick to her to see what it was. "œEnsign. Is that a Starfleet issue tool?" he had asked her.

He actually stood front of her to block her to the visitors. He had to be protective on both parties. It was his job. Hopefully it too would gain trust with the Romulans.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 06, 2021, 09:27:24 AM

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

Whether they were insulted or not, none of them displayed it. Jorruk stepped out from the group to join Maxwell first, motioning toward the ship. "I'm sure the schematics will be of more use to you. There's just enough power to access the ship's systems, you can start there."

"I can show you where the civillians are, and you can have the transported out." Sirris was the one to speak this time, turning toward Xiiv. As she did, a figure hiding in the back of the group caught her eye. Immediately, she seemed a bit more skittish, shooting a look towards the Captain, before turning back to Xiiv. "Right this way, please."

[Katra Station | Dockin bays]


Claire's orbit eventually took her back to the main group and she looked at... Engineer Jorruk and bowed. "Thank you. It will help me understand the problem. The problem with the ship that is." She shrugged theatrically as she corrected herself.

Turning slightly to Balan, she quirked an eyebrow. "Amused. It... Helps me see better. It's not standard issue, it's my own design. Crewman, these people aren't a threat, they're refugees."


Quote from: Claire Maxwell on November 07, 2021, 03:57:25 AM

[Katra Station | Dockin bays]


Claire's orbit eventually took her back to the main group and she looked at... Engineer Jorruk and bowed. "Thank you. It will help me understand the problem. The problem with the ship that is." She shrugged theatrically as she corrected herself.

Turning slightly to Balan, she quirked an eyebrow. "Amused. It... Helps me see better. It's not standard issue, it's my own design. Crewman, these people aren't a threat, they're refugees."

[Katra - docking bay]

Balan squinted his eyes as he looked at the device. "œDoes your head of your department aware of it and was my head department notified. It is protocol of safety ," he shared to her.

Jettis Jyur

[Katra Station - Docking Ring - Freighter ]

Once Sirris had boarded the ship, triaged and transported most of the injured civilians out, only the wounded crew remained. Most had injuries minor enough to allow them continue working on the ship, and on Jorruk, Claire, and Tarar's arrival, most halted what they were doing to await orders.

"This is Ensign Maxwell, she's been assigned to assess the damage to the ship. Anything you have to report, you can report to her." A sea of engineer's heads nodded, a few uttering some form of acknowledgement, before proceeding with their work. Moving to a console, Jorruk brought up the schematics for the ship, before stepping aside. "These are all the schematics we have, it should give you a decent frame of reference, but may have some inaccuracies." Jorruk did appear slightly regretful at that, shaking his head. "It was the first ship that could be acquired on such short notice, and also allowed us to slip under the radar when departing."

The first thing that Maxwell would notice, is the variety in parts of the ship. It was no wonder the schematics weren't entirely accurate, there was no telling how many scrap parts were put on just because it was convenient. But aside from that, it would complicate repairs, having to match it to several different ship parts. It would take several days with all hands on deck to accomplish.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 05, 2021, 12:33:18 PM

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As a small team filed out of the freighter, one distinctly lead the group, and was quickly identifiable as the Captain of the ship. The four approached Kyan, once they correctly identified him a the 'welcoming committee. "Commander Mackenzie. I am Captain Satar. This is Lieutenant Sirris, and my engineering experts Jorruk and Tarar. We appreciate Starfleet's assistance in our plight thus far. As I'm sure you're aware, our freighter was stranded after we ran out of fuel, and damages to our system were too severe. Your runabout was able to help us enough to get to this station, but I'm afraid our ship will need further repairs, and our injured tended to."

"We are outcasts from our home, ones who don't believe in this 'Free Romulan State'. When individuals disagree with the Government's methods... they tend to disappear one day. We only narrowly escaped with our ship intact, and many injured or lost. Stumbling across your station was an coincidence that just may have saved our lives, Commander. We will cooperate in any way that we can."

Kyan nodded as the Romulan spoke. The Romulan "Free State" was a constant topic of discussion at Starfleet Intelligence, and he himself had once been made to pose as a Romulan child in order to gain intelligence on their activities. He had lived on Vvalti and become friends with the son of a prominent RFS government official. All he was able to uncover though, was that the Tal Shiar was consolidating power in the new government, which SFI already suspected. That had been off the books of course, so he couldn't mention it here, nor would he, since his suspiscions were that these Romulans had motives that they weren't sharing. But then didn't all Romulans love their secrets?

But, the Miran thought as Captain Satar made his introduction, it wouldn't be a good idea to call him out on it or to let on that he had these suspiscions. Romulans were, by their nature, very good at hiding things so he too had to keep his own thoughts close to the vest as the saying went. But if they were hiding something, sooner or later he'd find out. Romulans were devious, no doubt. But they were also a proud folk too, arrogant in most cases. And pride was often the string that unraveled them.

"Aye." he replied with a smile when Satar finished. "It's welcome ye are here, and yer crew. Sure and we're happy tae be helping ye with yer repairs and our doctor can help get yer people patched up." He decided then to cast a line and see if the fish were biting at all. "We've been wonderin ourselves after how people were getting on in the Free State, since there isn't much travel there except to the Borg Cube."

Quote from: Claire Maxwell

"Commander, I'm honoured."
"Commander, the repairs are going to be extensive and handled with care. I've got a few educated guesses, we'd have to figure out how this ship works first. But we'd better inform Starfleet. Politics!"

Odd duck this one., Kyan thought listening to Maxwell. And was that a... what were those things called? Kyan almost giggled. She looked like the old man with the long mustache and top hat on a board game that he had played back on his homeworld. Yup. Definitely an interesting character this one. She's got a story too no doubt!  But there wan't time to hear it now, with work still to think about.

And she was a young grup too, barely out of the Academy and still full of their brainwashing. The new ensigns always were all gung ho for protocol and procedures though. The good ones got past that quick enough though, and did what needed doing. The ones who couldn't let it go... became Admirals. "Dinnae worry Miss Maxwell." Kyan offered. "We'll fill out a right and proper report about it when we're done with the doing part of it, the which is still in progress so it is. Just let me know if you're needing anything to get this old beasty back to health!"

With that he turned back toward Satar. "If you're ready the now I can have someone take you and see our Commanding Officer, or to some quarters to rest if yer after having a nap or a shower first."

Quote from: Balan

"œDoes your head of your department aware of it and was my head department notified. It is protocol of safety ," he shared to her.

Kyan hadn't even noticed Balan come up. He was confused at first about what the Allasomporph crewman was talking about, but then it came back to him. The eye thing.. the mono something. He was happy to see Balan asking questions and being skeptical. He was going to make a good Security Officer. Kyan made a note to see about getting him promoted.

"Sure and it's just a mono-glasses thing." Kyan said to him. "It's ok if she has it. All the rich folk wore them way back in the olden days. And folks like jewelry makers and watch fixers all had them too."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 08, 2021, 02:47:48 AM

Kyan nodded as the Romulan spoke. The Romulan "Free State" was a constant topic of discussion at Starfleet Intelligence, and he himself had once been made to pose as a Romulan child in order to gain intelligence on their activities. He had lived on Vvalti and become friends with the son of a prominent RFS government official. All he was able to uncover though, was that the Tal Shiar was consolidating power in the new government, which SFI already suspected. That had been off the books of course, so he couldn't mention it here, nor would he, since his suspiscions were that these Romulans had motives that they weren't sharing. But then didn't all Romulans love their secrets?

But, the Miran thought as Captain Satar made his introduction, it wouldn't be a good idea to call him out on it or to let on that he had these suspiscions. Romulans were, by their nature, very good at hiding things so he too had to keep his own thoughts close to the vest as the saying went. But if they were hiding something, sooner or later he'd find out. Romulans were devious, no doubt. But they were also a proud folk too, arrogant in most cases. And pride was often the string that unraveled them.

"Aye." he replied with a smile when Satar finished. "It's welcome ye are here, and yer crew. Sure and we're happy tae be helping ye with yer repairs and our doctor can help get yer people patched up." He decided then to cast a line and see if the fish were biting at all. "We've been wonderin ourselves after how people were getting on in the Free State, since there isn't much travel there except to the Borg Cube."

Odd duck this one., Kyan thought listening to Maxwell. And was that a... what were those things called? Kyan almost giggled. She looked like the old man with the long mustache and top hat on a board game that he had played back on his homeworld. Yup. Definitely an interesting character this one. She's got a story too no doubt!  But there wan't time to hear it now, with work still to think about.

And she was a young grup too, barely out of the Academy and still full of their brainwashing. The new ensigns always were all gung ho for protocol and procedures though. The good ones got past that quick enough though, and did what needed doing. The ones who couldn't let it go... became Admirals. "Dinnae worry Miss Maxwell." Kyan offered. "We'll fill out a right and proper report about it when we're done with the doing part of it, the which is still in progress so it is. Just let me know if you're needing anything to get this old beasty back to health!"

With that he turned back toward Satar. "If you're ready the now I can have someone take you and see our Commanding Officer, or to some quarters to rest if yer after having a nap or a shower first."

Kyan hadn't even noticed Balan come up. He was confused at first about what the Allasomporph crewman was talking about, but then it came back to him. The eye thing.. the mono something. He was happy to see Balan asking questions and being skeptical. He was going to make a good Security Officer. Kyan made a note to see about getting him promoted.

"Sure and it's just a mono-glasses thing." Kyan said to him. "It's ok if she has it. All the rich folk wore them way back in the olden days. And folks like jewelry makers and watch fixers all had them too."

[Katra station - Docking ring]

Balan had looked down at Kyan as he was explaining that Clair Maxwell had these mono-glasses on. He had figured why rich people wear them. Don't Starfleet have one of the best medicine technology to fix things. He recalled cured powerful disease and lesser ones. Like the common cold.

"œOh I see," he replied. Now, Balan had said funny things or toss a line with calm look. Something like Data being funny without knowing it. He blinked his eyes which does a double blink. That was one of the bad flaws of his design. There was another of his kind had failed liked him with the eyes. That one had the lower eye lip go up as they blink.

Balan had waited to see if there was any orders that he needed to do, if not he went back standing were he was. As he was doing that few Romulans had looked at Balan because they knew about his species. They were not sure how to feel about Balan.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 08, 2021, 02:47:48 AM

Kyan nodded as the Romulan spoke. The Romulan "Free State" was a constant topic of discussion at Starfleet Intelligence, and he himself had once been made to pose as a Romulan child in order to gain intelligence on their activities. He had lived on Vvalti and become friends with the son of a prominent RFS government official. All he was able to uncover though, was that the Tal Shiar was consolidating power in the new government, which SFI already suspected. That had been off the books of course, so he couldn't mention it here, nor would he, since his suspiscions were that these Romulans had motives that they weren't sharing. But then didn't all Romulans love their secrets?

But, the Miran thought as Captain Satar made his introduction, it wouldn't be a good idea to call him out on it or to let on that he had these suspiscions. Romulans were, by their nature, very good at hiding things so he too had to keep his own thoughts close to the vest as the saying went. But if they were hiding something, sooner or later he'd find out. Romulans were devious, no doubt. But they were also a proud folk too, arrogant in most cases. And pride was often the string that unraveled them.

"Aye." he replied with a smile when Satar finished. "It's welcome ye are here, and yer crew. Sure and we're happy tae be helping ye with yer repairs and our doctor can help get yer people patched up." He decided then to cast a line and see if the fish were biting at all. "We've been wonderin ourselves after how people were getting on in the Free State, since there isn't much travel there except to the Borg Cube."

Odd duck this one., Kyan thought listening to Maxwell. And was that a... what were those things called? Kyan almost giggled. She looked like the old man with the long mustache and top hat on a board game that he had played back on his homeworld. Yup. Definitely an interesting character this one. She's got a story too no doubt!  But there wan't time to hear it now, with work still to think about.

And she was a young grup too, barely out of the Academy and still full of their brainwashing. The new ensigns always were all gung ho for protocol and procedures though. The good ones got past that quick enough though, and did what needed doing. The ones who couldn't let it go... became Admirals. "Dinnae worry Miss Maxwell." Kyan offered. "We'll fill out a right and proper report about it when we're done with the doing part of it, the which is still in progress so it is. Just let me know if you're needing anything to get this old beasty back to health!"

With that he turned back toward Satar. "If you're ready the now I can have someone take you and see our Commanding Officer, or to some quarters to rest if yer after having a nap or a shower first."

Kyan hadn't even noticed Balan come up. He was confused at first about what the Allasomporph crewman was talking about, but then it came back to him. The eye thing.. the mono something. He was happy to see Balan asking questions and being skeptical. He was going to make a good Security Officer. Kyan made a note to see about getting him promoted.

"Sure and it's just a mono-glasses thing." Kyan said to him. "It's ok if she has it. All the rich folk wore them way back in the olden days. And folks like jewelry makers and watch fixers all had them too."

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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