S3-M11: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Started by Jettis Jyur, November 01, 2021, 07:11:08 PM

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Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 04, 2022, 06:45:27 AM

Kyan neither understood, nor did he care to understand, why grups were always falling all over themselves to be someone's love interest. To his mind it was all a bit silly. So the guy's girlfriend up and left. It wasn't like there was a shortage of other females to drool after, or males either if that was the way Drake's compass pointed. Making such a spectacle of one's self wasn't going to bring Serena King back... which was a pity becayse Kyan had liked the quirk engineer.. as much as he liked any grup that is.

Well, that wasn't exactly true. He liked Xasik and Sirol more. But that was different. In any case, Serena King was gone. It was over. And in the little Miran's estimation, it was time for the silliness to end too.

"Aye and I'm glad you asked so I am." Kyan answered happily. "What I want the now is for you to get off yer arse and be useful. Yer girlfriend got reassigned. She's gone now. You threw yer tantrum like a baby and got put in here for it. But thats over too the now. It's time to get back to work." Kyan paused... perhaps to look for the right words. But since he wasn't a counselor.... "You're a Lieutenant in Starfleet." he told Drake. " Yer a good pilot and it's out there flying you aught to be, and not sulking in here. If you want to find yerself someone tae dip yer wick in, you do that on your own time, and ye don't let it interfere with yer duties. If ye want tae be gettin drunk and crying about yer bad luck with girls, ye do that after work too. But we got stuff tae be doin the now and we need you. So I'm letting you out."

Kyan eyed the depressed pilot for a moment before finishing. "And if I gotta be havin this talk with ye again, I'll have ye re-assigned to someplace where there ain't no girls tae get you in trouble... like the Tholian Embassy or something. Now, yer released. Get out of my cell and go do yer fookin job Lieutenant."

With that, Kyan opened the cell and waited for the pilot to come out.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Starbase Katra]

Gideon took a good look, rapt with attention, at Commander Mackenzie. For somebody who looked like a teenager (Cloten often called him "Baby-Face"), he sure had quite a load of wisdom about him. But the idea of him being assigned to somewhere without girls certainly was enough to rouse him. He stood at attention and stepped out of the brig.

"Yes, of course, sir," he said. "I do greatly apologize; it's just that, there was only one Serena, she's the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, in my opinion. Ah, bloody hell, there's bound to be more women out there more beautiful than she is."

He stretched and took a whiff of his own hygiene. Crikey, he must've smelled worse than Cloten's establishment.

"Right, what do you want me to do, Commander?" he asked. "Once I freshen up, of course."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Gideon Drake on January 04, 2022, 08:23:31 AM

"Right, what do you want me to do, Commander?" he asked. "Once I freshen up, of course."

Drake was right. He looked like shit and smelled worse. Ignoring the part about King being the most beautiful.. or not.. or whatever, Kyan looked up at his fellow ginger. "After you take a shower and burn that uniform, Ye can start by getting the Lirpa ready to go on patrol so ye can. If them visitors we have are telling the truth of things, then someone might be along later wantin tae be collectin them. Might be they're already out there waitin anyways."

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 04, 2022, 04:07:20 PM

Drake was right. He looked like shit and smelled worse. Ignoring the part about King being the most beautiful.. or not.. or whatever, Kyan looked up at his fellow ginger. "After you take a shower and burn that uniform, Ye can start by getting the Lirpa ready to go on patrol so ye can. If them visitors we have are telling the truth of things, then someone might be along later wantin tae be collectin them. Might be they're already out there waitin anyways."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Brig | Starbase Katra]

Gideon perked up in interest. He was to be the helmsman of the Lirpa?

"Oh, certainly!" he said. "I'll be there, I'll be there."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Once Gideon freshened up, he made his way to the new ship. He had to admit, he was looking forward to helming an actual starship, after so much time of being used to piloting smaller craft like the Squall. This was going to be a first for him.

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