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S3-M11: The Best Things In Life Are Free

Started by Jettis Jyur, November 01, 2021, 07:11:08 PM

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Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 08, 2021, 02:47:48 AM

Kyan nodded as the Romulan spoke. The Romulan "Free State" was a constant topic of discussion at Starfleet Intelligence, and he himself had once been made to pose as a Romulan child in order to gain intelligence on their activities. He had lived on Vvalti and become friends with the son of a prominent RFS government official. All he was able to uncover though, was that the Tal Shiar was consolidating power in the new government, which SFI already suspected. That had been off the books of course, so he couldn't mention it here, nor would he, since his suspiscions were that these Romulans had motives that they weren't sharing. But then didn't all Romulans love their secrets?

But, the Miran thought as Captain Satar made his introduction, it wouldn't be a good idea to call him out on it or to let on that he had these suspiscions. Romulans were, by their nature, very good at hiding things so he too had to keep his own thoughts close to the vest as the saying went. But if they were hiding something, sooner or later he'd find out. Romulans were devious, no doubt. But they were also a proud folk too, arrogant in most cases. And pride was often the string that unraveled them.

"Aye." he replied with a smile when Satar finished. "It's welcome ye are here, and yer crew. Sure and we're happy tae be helping ye with yer repairs and our doctor can help get yer people patched up." He decided then to cast a line and see if the fish were biting at all. "We've been wonderin ourselves after how people were getting on in the Free State, since there isn't much travel there except to the Borg Cube."

Odd duck this one., Kyan thought listening to Maxwell. And was that a... what were those things called? Kyan almost giggled. She looked like the old man with the long mustache and top hat on a board game that he had played back on his homeworld. Yup. Definitely an interesting character this one. She's got a story too no doubt!  But there wan't time to hear it now, with work still to think about.

And she was a young grup too, barely out of the Academy and still full of their brainwashing. The new ensigns always were all gung ho for protocol and procedures though. The good ones got past that quick enough though, and did what needed doing. The ones who couldn't let it go... became Admirals. "Dinnae worry Miss Maxwell." Kyan offered. "We'll fill out a right and proper report about it when we're done with the doing part of it, the which is still in progress so it is. Just let me know if you're needing anything to get this old beasty back to health!"

With that he turned back toward Satar. "If you're ready the now I can have someone take you and see our Commanding Officer, or to some quarters to rest if yer after having a nap or a shower first."

Kyan hadn't even noticed Balan come up. He was confused at first about what the Allasomporph crewman was talking about, but then it came back to him. The eye thing.. the mono something. He was happy to see Balan asking questions and being skeptical. He was going to make a good Security Officer. Kyan made a note to see about getting him promoted.

"Sure and it's just a mono-glasses thing." Kyan said to him. "It's ok if she has it. All the rich folk wore them way back in the olden days. And folks like jewelry makers and watch fixers all had them too."

[ Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As the other members of his team dispersed to escort people in his freighter, Satar remained. "Those that agree with the government are fairing well. Those that disagree either do not say anything, or find themselves in a mysterious accident. Of course, nothing can ever be proven."  He shook his head, falling silent for a moment before continuing.

"I would be appreciative if I were able to get some rest before continuing. I'm sure may of my crew would appreciate the same. It's been a lot of long hours and work since we've escaped."


Quote from: Sirol on November 02, 2021, 02:49:07 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sitting in the simulated Y-Class environment of the lab's isolation room, Sirol had taken a seat at the small table in the middle of the room, with Emerald on her lap and one arm tightly wrapped around the child. Since it was "˜her time' to spend with the little one, she had picked a few more interesting subjects to show to them. It was Tuesday Alpha shift, and Tuesday Alpha shift was Emerald/Sirol story time.
She had her holographic PDA active; showing pictures of planets and star systems, and with Emerald sitting in her lap and looseley leaning onto her arm, they had the best view imaginable onto the little holographic screen.

"œThis one here is called Andoria. Not a planet, but a moon"¦ A moon is like... A baby planet, you know? You see it in this huge ring together with all the other baby planets, running around the parent planet"¦ That's what all planets do because they're always stuck with bigger planets or suns, like flung on an invisible rubber band..."
She smiled, looked down at them, and gently booped their cheek and [non-existent] nose before tightening her hug around them a little.
She could tell that Emerald was cheerfully absorbing all the affection they could get.
They were happy to be out of their bubble, and did not mind the second layer Sirol had to wear in order to survive.
They cheerfully snuggled up in her arm and looked up to the displayed solar system.
Of course Emerald would only understand bits and bites of what Sirol explained, but they were a child, and all children were magically drawn to three things: Shiny screens, bubbly balls and familiar voices.
She was happy to see Emerald happy and used her time well to relay to Emerald that they were loved and taken care of.
The little one always managed to shoot an immeasurable amount of dopamine into her system and spending time with them brought out Sirol's almost buried bubbly and playful side. Both benefited from it, but also did it bring a sense of normalcy into the lab routine.
They felt like a family unit; a well-oiled machine that just so happened to be linked to the Lattice, which was the oil in this metaphor.

Sirol's smile widened as she sensed Emerald reaching out to Xasik, and she did the same in an encouraging manner, to help Emerald focus and reach him with clear words by performing an example.
"˜Mother!' She relayed over the Lattice to Xasik, alongside Emerald, but then strategically faded to leave the child all the platform they needed to train.
Soon, she assumed she might also train with Xasik, and she was looking forward to it.
For now she just let her mind relax and receive, catching the presence of Emerald, Xasik, but also the other Tholians, as well as Eydis approaching.
Her smile widened a little. She was always happy to see Eydis, and having hir visit their Lab was always a more than welcome surprise.

For a moment she looked over to Xasik. He was still deeply buried in his current publication. Sirol was happy to see that her colleague and friend was about to establish a platform for his own work, and she did not want to intrude unless she had to. (Plus, it meant she got to spend more time with Emerald, so it was a win-win situation).

As he raised his posture to call Reisen though, Sirol raised one eyebrow, and quietly whispered over to him.
"œYou should  not use our new colleague as errand boy.
Not while we have Crewman Connor - He still has Twelve days making up for the incident with the glue and the doughnuts to work off..."

While it was meant as an attempt at practising humour, Sirol's calm and serious tone made it sound like an actual practise. Which would not even have been too far away from the realm of her innermost thoughts only she (and all of Katra's Tholians) knew of:
What sort of insane person brought doughnuts, doughnut holes and glue to the science department's Doughnut Friday?!

As she heard Reisen's response via Xasik's communicator, the scientist tilted her head and gave Xasik a quick nod, then quietly added.
"œ...At least tell him to get himself something too. Strengthen the morale of the collective while taking care of everyone's physical needs."
He should not feel like having to earn anyone's respect.

With that she looked back at Emerald again and gave the little one a soft snuggle.
"˜Who is our favourite little squeaker, huh?' She relayed via the Lattice, aimed at Emerald and closed her eyes.
As she heard the clicking of Emerald's hands touching the visor of her helmet, the scientist slightly smiled, then began to sing to the little one.

A lullaby she remembered one of her mother's servants singing to her and her brother when they had been children; a song about the burning orange skies of Remus' twilight zone and how the metaphorical singer wandered alongside the orange skies in search of a place to settle"¦
Granted, the child would most likely neither understand the meaning, nor the words [especially considering that the song was sung in the actual Reman language], but Emerald would be able to pick up the melody, and - most importantly - the vibrations on Sirol's visor.
It was the closest thing to actual physical contact she was able to offer the child, but she gladly did it; both enjoying their little moment of serenity.

As her song was over and Sirol opened her eyes again, she smiled at Emerald still stuck to her visor, as well as - visible behind them in the M-Class main part of the lab - Eydis.
"œCome, let us go and say hello, shall we?" She quietly spoke towards Emerald, gently placed the forehead part of her helmet against the child's forehead, before she then carefully helped them back into their ECS, sealed it, and stepped through the hatch back into the main area of the laboratory, with the ECS in her arms.

"œGreetings, dear Captain."
She welcomed hir, did a friendly bow and then removed the helmet of her EV suit and placed it on one of tables..
"œI hope this morning finds you well."

Sirol tilted her head and curiously looked at Eydis, her smile awkwardly widening as she realised that the presented dagger was a gift.
It was exotic and beautiful and brought Sirol even more questions: What was the meaning behind the gift? What was the energy transfer she had just witnessed? Where did it come from? And what material was it made of?
She awkwardly cleared her throat and slowly reached out, accepting the gift.
"œThank you, Eydis. So much.
I really appreciate the gift."

She held it and gave it a closer look, running her thumb over its handle and musing for a moment.
"œI will be happy and honoured to have it by my side."

Listening to Eydis, Sirol placed Emerald's ECS on the ground, leaving the little one some time and chance to roam freely again, and roll around the lab.
Then she would look for a place to put the dagger. For now it would have to be the inside pocket of her lab coat until she adjusted her lab coat properly with a designated holding.
She carried it right next to her heart. A fitting place, she thought with a quiet smile, before then looked up to Eydis again and acknowledged hir words.
Shi was correct, and Sirol was happy that shi too was so invested in Emerald's upbringing and finding them a place in Tholian society.
Hir care for Emerald was endearing and touching and Sirol just smiled for a moment, listening to her elaboration of how Xasik and Sirol too might become part of Tholia's song as well.
A comforting thought for Sirol. A thought that filled Sirol with warmth and hope, and - if she would have been just a little less controlled  might have made her give in to her urge to give Eydis a more than deserved hug.

As eventually Reisen too joined them in the lab - with fresh coffee - Sirol once again did a polite hailing bow. This time to their new scientist.
"œGreetings, Reisen. I hope this morning finds you well."
For a moment she hesitated and looked at Emerald on the ground and Eydis with her.
Last time he had appeared a bit"¦ Intimidated by the Tholian presence.
She wanted to try and break the metaphorical ice as early as possible, since there would most likely always be Tholians visiting for as long as Emerald was with them. But not just that, they were Sirol's family, and she was interested in everyone around and close to her flawlessly and without fear interacting.

So she again looked at Eydis and did a friendly nod towards Reisen.
"œMeet Reisen. He is our newest addition to the science staff. And benevolent too, as I can tell by the coffee." She spoke, then looked at Reisen: "œThis is Captain Eydis, shi assists taking care of all things Emerald, and she is also my friend and very dear to me.".
Then Sirol paused and looked forth and back between the two, hoping that introducing them to one another might reduce some potential awkwardness.

Would place the rose meant for emerald a blue one over to xasik with a nod. Reaching down as the hatchling rolls up and bops and into hir leg. Shi would utter something in a series of sharp almost whale like clicks and squealing.  It almost sounded like laughter from the captain to the others but it would be that to the hatchling emerald. A bemused laugh at the playfulness of the hatchling A bold little one you are indeed little emerald perhaps you will be warrior caste member. There other rose is yours. It would allow a special lattice collection between you and your surrogate parent xasik

Eydis would nod at the new romulan male Reisen. It is a pleasure to meet more humanoids. Welcome aboard the station science caste member Reisen.

I do thank you kindly warrior caste member Eydis. I do look forward to understanding more of the tholian people from you. I have duties to attend to with the my new colleague Xasik.

Reisen would place the coffee now and hand xasik his. Looking down at the small tholian hatchling rolling around booping into the legs of others then coming towards him. He would offer a mock surprise and stand still as the little enivorment bubble bounced off his leg. Offerings warm smile down to the hatchling .

hello little rolling one

[Eydis] Could feel some of the nervousness of Sirol as shi left and went to the docking ring. It would be felt by all over the lattice, and it would be lighten a lot by the presences of the tholians on the lattice. Sending a fierceness and bold emotion of warrior over the lattice to hir friend Sirol.

Conquer and thrive Sirol friends Shi would him over the lattice

[Second in command skaldyr]

The armored evo-suit wearing tholian would be off in the corner of the docking ring receiving area and observe those coming off and those from the station interactions. And he also noticed Sirol arrive with welcoming committee. But skaldyr seemed more interested in the stations new commander. A third commander of the station was becoming a little more then bothersome to skaldyr who was more by the book so to say tholian warrior.

He would then leave the docking ring and head back to the docked mother swan. A romulan produced with tholian materials and  repurposed for tholian environments on board.

Jettis Jyur

[Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As the engineers began work on the ship, the rest of the non-essential crew were given places to rest. The process would require a lot of replicated parts, so only the most basic of repairs could be done immediately. Once Kyan had returned and reported his findings, Jettis tapped his commbadge once again.
=/\="Lieutenants Sirol, Xiiv, Ensigns Pev and Maxwell, and Crewman Balan, please report to the conference room in twenty minutes." =/\= Hopefully, that would give all of them ample time to hand off their duties to another member of their department. Moving to the conference room, he watched people file in one by one, giving a nod toward each. When the last person expected had answered, he waited for a lull in conversation to offer the issue at the table.

"As you're all aware, a freighter of Romulans have just arrived, seeking refuge on the station. Most of you have greeted them personally, so you can provide a dialogue on their behavior and apparent motives. The decision to give them refuge is a huge one, and certainly not one to be made without all of the facts. Any observations are welcome to be noted. Ensign Maxwell, what was your assessment on the state of their ship?"

[ Katra Station - Ops ]

With the Romulan's arrival on the scene, both scans, and flight patrols had been increased. Amongst the higher resolution scans, a small pocket of tetryon particles were detectable. It wasn't enough to be attributed to a cloaked ship, but was too much to have naturally occurred. No physical debris, however could be detected in or around the area, so whatever had caused it had already moved on.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 11, 2021, 07:51:46 AM

[Katra Station - Docking Ring ]

As the engineers began work on the ship, the rest of the non-essential crew were given places to rest. The process would require a lot of replicated parts, so only the most basic of repairs could be done immediately. Once Kyan had returned and reported his findings, Jettis tapped his commbadge once again.
=/\="Lieutenants Sirol, Xiiv, Ensigns Pev and Maxwell, and Crewman Balan, please report to the conference room in twenty minutes." =/\= Hopefully, that would give all of them ample time to hand off their duties to another member of their department. Moving to the conference room, he watched people file in one by one, giving a nod toward each. When the last person expected had answered, he waited for a lull in conversation to offer the issue at the table.

"As you're all aware, a freighter of Romulans have just arrived, seeking refuge on the station. Most of you have greeted them personally, so you can provide a dialogue on their behavior and apparent motives. The decision to give them refuge is a huge one, and certainly not one to be made without all of the facts. Any observations are welcome to be noted. Ensign Maxwell, what was your assessment on the state of their ship?"

[ Katra Station - Ops ]

With the Romulan's arrival on the scene, both scans, and flight patrols had been increased. Amongst the higher resolution scans, a small pocket of tetryon particles were detectable. It wasn't enough to be attributed to a cloaked ship, but was too much to have naturally occurred. No physical debris, however could be detected in or around the area, so whatever had caused it had already moved on.

Amarande settled into her chair with ease, quietly curious as usual. The Romulans' ailing and injured had been taken care of and those who'd suffered minor injuries had been released to join their crewmates. She drew her raktajino closer and took a sip of it, her hazel eyes travelling the length of the room and back, pausing to study her fellow officers here and there. If her opinion was needed, she'd speak, but usually, she remained quiet and observing.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Derek Rodwell


Derek had taken a diagnostic job that had required him to shimmy down a maintenance hatch just off of Engineering and he had been in there for several hours. He finally crawled back out and saw some new faces. Had there already been a shift change? Did the Katra run on a different schedule? He stood and made his way to a console.

"Holy hell." he muttered. He had completely missed the docking of a Romulan ship. And apparently, it needed repairs on it. He checked on the manifest and saw that the new officer, what was her name again? Oh yeah, Maxwell. She had been assigned. He grinned. Cool.

"If they  need me, they'll call." he said as he went to gathering his next task.


Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


Quote from: Eydis on November 11, 2021, 01:59:57 AM

Would place the rose meant for emerald a blue one over to xasik with a nod. Reaching down as the hatchling rolls up and bops and into hir leg. Shi would utter something in a series of sharp almost whale like clicks and squealing.  It almost sounded like laughter from the captain to the others but it would be that to the hatchling emerald. A bemused laugh at the playfulness of the hatchling A bold little one you are indeed little emerald perhaps you will be warrior caste member. There other rose is yours. It would allow a special lattice collection between you and your surrogate parent xasik

Eydis would nod at the new romulan male Reisen. It is a pleasure to meet more humanoids. Welcome aboard the station science caste member Reisen.

I do thank you kindly warrior caste member Eydis. I do look forward to understanding more of the tholian people from you. I have duties to attend to with the my new colleague Xasik.

Reisen would place the coffee now and hand xasik his. Looking down at the small tholian hatchling rolling around booping into the legs of others then coming towards him. He would offer a mock surprise and stand still as the little enivorment bubble bounced off his leg. Offerings warm smile down to the hatchling .

hello little rolling one

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]


Placing Emerald's ECS back on the ground, Xasik accepted the blue Galaxy Rose on Emerald's behalf. He nodded his head gratefully to Eydis and gently placed it onto the bench. He had his own red Galaxy Rose tucked into a special pocket he had made inside his lab coat. The rose rested right against his heart, the place where Emerald would always be. He had to hold back laughter as he thought about how sentimental he had become since obtaining his freedom. No longer was he seen and not heard, obedient to his death. Now he was his own person. He had experienced so much in the short time he had been free, but never did he think he would experience the joy and love of being a father and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the universe.

Enjoying the aroma of his coffee, Xasik swirled it slightly before he stirred it with his chocolate bar. Once the chocolate had melted into the beverage Xasik took a sip. He smiled as he watched Emerald interacting with both Eydis and Reisen. It brought joy to his heart to see his child having such fun. He was always proud of how creative and resourceful Emerald could be, and how quickly they warmed up to the people that they met.

Emerald was soaking up all the attention they were getting. When Eydis spoke to them they squeaked back at hir excitedly and booped their ECS into hir leg again before rolling back and booping Reisen's leg, giggling the entire time. Xasik appreciated the way Reisen reacted, pretending to be surprised and smiling at Emerald, to which the young Tholian giggled louder and then rolled back to boop Eydis.
Xasik's smile widened when he heard Eydis laughing back at Emerald's shenanigans.

"œThey are indeed a bold little Tholian. I wouldn't be surprised if they were Warrior Caste. Each day they get stronger and bolder and I couldn't be prouder."

"œSqueak peep peep chirp click squeak!" Emerald called out as they booped into Eydis' legs again, giggling and rolling away almost as if trying to tempt Eydis into chasing them.

Xasik turned his attention to Reisen. "œThe Federation has sent me a crate of artifacts from a planet that had been assumed to be uninhabited. I've been asked to clean and catalogue the items with detailed scans to be taken before sending them back. Would you be interested in taking a look at the artifacts? I'll have them here for a while so I thought I'd offer."

The Reman looked up as his terminal beeped. From across the room Emerald beeped back at it and giggled. Xasik smirked and walked over to his workstation to investigate. He had been sent some scans. Curiously he tilted his head as he looked at the information. A small pocket of tetryon particles? Too small to be a cloaked ship, but certainly not naturally occurring



Emerald was having such fun rolling around the den and booping into others! Dear Mother (Eydis) was here and so was The New One (Reisen). Emerald was extremely excited to see them both and let them know by booping into them and squeaking at them! They also made sure to hum at Dear Mother and The Sharp One (Xasik) to share their happiness and excitement with them. They missed First Mother (Sirol), but they had felt from The Sharp One that he was not worried about First Mother going missing, so Emerald was content to believe that she would return back to the den soon. "œMother," they hummed out as far as they could to try and reach her and send her their love. "œLove."

With excitement Emerald  rolled around and faced Dear Mother. "œMother," Emerald hummed at hir as shi squeaked at them. The Sharp One grunted something at Dear Mother. Emerald decided that there would be time for grunting and squeaking later. Right now they wanted to play. So with that in mind Emerald squeaked as loud as they could to get Dear Mother's attention, making sure to boop hir legs again before rolling away hoping that Dear Mother would chase them as First Mother and The Sharp One often did.

They stopped rolling briefly when The Sharp One's side of the den beeped. Emerald beeped back at it before giggling and rolling away again, looking over their shoulder to see if Dear Mother was chasing them.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Operations Center | Katra Station ::

Kyan had greeted the Romulans... without incident. Then, he'd seen to their needs vis a vis medical and housing...likewise, without incident. All in all, he thought he'd made a pretty fair accounting of himself in his inaugural go at being First Officer. This diplomacy junk isn't so hard!, he thought to himself as he stepped off the lift into Ops. As it was only the duty officer and some junior officers manning the stations, he knew that Jyur and the others were probably in the conference room already.

When the doors slid open at his approach, he took a cursory glance at everyone to see who was there. Just about everyone was already seated and as soon as he took his seat, Jettis began.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur

"As you're all aware, a freighter of Romulans have just arrived, seeking refuge on the station. Most of you have greeted them personally, so you can provide a dialogue on their behavior and apparent motives. The decision to give them refuge is a huge one, and certainly not one to be made without all of the facts. Any observations are welcome to be noted. Ensign Maxwell, what was your assessment on the state of their ship?"

Kyan looked over at the new engineer, who he half expected to be wearing her mono glass thing, or some other contraption. Waiting for her to speak up, he allowed his mind to wonder what other odd devices she had, or possibly invented. He made a note to ask after it when there was time.

Orum N'Jeer

[ Katra Station - Ops ]

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 11, 2021, 07:51:46 AM

=/\="Lieutenants Sirol, Xiiv, Ensigns Pev and Maxwell, and Crewman Balan, please report to the conference room in twenty minutes." =/\= Hopefully, that would give all of them ample time to hand off their duties to another member of their department. Moving to the conference room, he watched people file in one by one, giving a nod toward each.

=/\="Acknowledged," =/\= replied the newly-installed ensign, pausing in his scan of the Romulan ship. The blue, four-armed alien grinned as his dropped from his station seat and headed for the turbolift. He still hadn't gotten used to the smell of his new cabin, and already he was being brought in to hopefully leverage his diplomatic training, though he was sure to tuck a PADD under his lower left arm in the event what the CO was seeking was scan data from the ship.
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 11, 2021, 07:51:46 AM

"As you're all aware, a freighter of Romulans have just arrived, seeking refuge on the station. Most of you have greeted them personally, so you can provide a dialogue on their behavior and apparent motives. The decision to give them refuge is a huge one, and certainly not one to be made without all of the facts. Any observations are welcome to be noted. Ensign Maxwell, what was your assessment on the state of their ship?"

Pev waited quietly for the engineer to give her report, taking in the room, trying not to make his excitement noticible. This was what he'd worked for for so long. This was the dream. Starfleet.

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Jettis Jyur

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

"The ship was in...a surprising state of disrepair. Even for how long they've been drifting. There is a possibility it was self sabotage... but there would have been no way for the to know this station was here."

Jettis frowned slightly at this assessment, recognizing just how true it was. The station was as new here as he was, so the Romulans counting on them being here would be...odd. And fast - they would have had to be on route almost as soon as the Station began to move. "Noted. I would be inclined to treat them as any other refugees, until there's tangible reason for suspicion. Ensign Pev, what do you make of the situation?"

[ Katra Station - Labs ]

The small pocket of particles was rapidly fading, but there was enough of a footprint to make some assumptions. The well was just large enough to disrupt the shields of a small ship, though neither the Runabout, nor the Freighter had reported such a disturbance. The fact that it was discovered, meant that it was created relatively recently, and should be further investigated. Where to begin the investigation however, was up to Xasik.

Orum N'Jeer

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 15, 2021, 04:07:22 PM

Jettis frowned slightly at this assessment, recognizing just how true it was. The station was as new here as he was, so the Romulans counting on them being here would be...odd. And fast - they would have had to be on route almost as soon as the Station began to move. "Noted. I would be inclined to treat them as any other refugees, until there's tangible reason for suspicion. Ensign Pev, what do you make of the situation?"

"It is curious that they have invited us to go through a schematic of their ship," offered the S'ti'ach. "If they are indeed spies, the first thing they would do would be to keep us from accessing their databases and hiding any information that may give us insight as to the inner workings." He glanced down at the PADD he'd set on the table. "If they are allowing us access, I recommend running a level three diagnostic scan and sensor sweep, to look for both hidden information and anything malicious a Romulan may wish to introduce into our own computer systems. A security check for explosive devices might also be beneficial, just to keep on the safe side. Given the... what is the Human phrase? Jerrybuilt?... state of the ship, it certainly does give the impression that they have had to make due with what little they could find, which in itself gives cause for erring on the side of caution."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Pev on November 15, 2021, 05:06:10 PM

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

"It is curious that they have invited us to go through a schematic of their ship," offered the S'ti'ach. "If they are indeed spies, the first thing they would do would be to keep us from accessing their databases and hiding any information that may give us insight as to the inner workings." He glanced down at the PADD he'd set on the table. "If they are allowing us access, I recommend running a level three diagnostic scan and sensor sweep, to look for both hidden information and anything malicious a Romulan may wish to introduce into our own computer systems. A security check for explosive devices might also be beneficial, just to keep on the safe side. Given the... what is the Human phrase? Jerrybuilt?... state of the ship, it certainly does give the impression that they have had to make due with what little they could find, which in itself gives cause for erring on the side of caution."

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

Jettis' eyes turned to Pev - the new diplomatic officer. He was especially interested in what he had to say on the matter. "I agree, it is odd  that they've been so willing to allow us access to their systems, but I believe it's a show of good faith." His reasoning made sense, the real difficulty was navigating the emotions, and not offending them as well. "Very well. I will speak to the Captain and see if he would consent to a further search of their systems. The repairs of their ship will take at least a few days, that will buy us enough time to investigate thoroughly." Turning then to Sirol, he gave a nod to the new chief science officer.

"Unless you have any objections, I'm going to place you in charge of the investigation. Work with Ensign Pev, and Lieutenant Rodwell to check out the systems fully. Balan, you can manage the physical check for any explosive, or otherwise dangerous devices. If nobody has any other additions.. then you are all dismissed."

He waited a moment to see if anyone had any concerns to bring up. Once all questions had been addressed, and everyone had scattered from the room, he headed back to his ready room to read any reports made so far.

Orum N'Jeer

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 17, 2021, 10:40:13 AM

"Unless you have any objections, I'm going to place you in charge of the investigation. Work with Ensign Pev, and Lieutenant Rodwell to check out the systems fully. Balan, you can manage the physical check for any explosive, or otherwise dangerous devices. If nobody has any other additions.. then you are all dismissed."

He waited a moment to see if anyone had any concerns to bring up. Once all questions had been addressed, and everyone had scattered from the room, he headed back to his ready room to read any reports made so far.

"Sir, if I may," interjected Pev, "It might be beneficial for me to speak to one of the lower-ranking Romulans that have come aboard the station in a more relaxed environment, to see if they might be forthcoming with any information they might not reveal in a larger group or in front of superior officers, either their own or ours."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Pev on November 17, 2021, 12:31:01 PM

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]
"Sir, if I may," interjected Pev, "It might be beneficial for me to speak to one of the lower-ranking Romulans that have come aboard the station in a more relaxed environment, to see if they might be forthcoming with any information they might not reveal in a larger group or in front of superior officers, either their own or ours."

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

"I think that could be beneficial. You can seek them out at one of the lounges or restaurants, I imagine most of them could be found there." He gave Pev a nod. "Many of them are low rank, but there are also civilians as well. Either one could aid your search." It was a good thought, one that might prove useful to them.

"You can report to Sirol with your findings after. Dismissed."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: CO's Ready Room | Katra Station ::

Kyan had been quiet during the meeting. It was unusual for him, as he usually had something to say on most topics. However, the incident with Admiral Carter had taught the Miran something about dealing with unknown Comanders which was; play it close to the vest until you know who you're dealing with. He had his opinions of course, and his suspicions about their Romulan guests. But at the moment, that's al they were. Opinions and suspicions. And since there was nothing concrete to base them on, he'd decided to keep them to himself.

And it wasn't that Jettis was entirely unknown to him, but he was also not well known. Kyan was still figuring the El-Aurian out and vice versa. Things like that took time, which was on thing that the both of them had in spades.

He'd hung back when Jettis was talking to their new Diplomatic Officer, Pev, and followed the new Commander into his Ready Room. Once inside, he deposited himself into one of the chairs across from Jetis at the desk.

"So boss," he began casually.. "Whaddya think on these Romulans the now? Think they're up to something?"


< Katra Station / Docking Ring >

As she folded her arms behind her back, Sirol could suddenly sense a gaze on her. Not by any of their visitors, but actually by one of the gathered Starfleet officers..
Sirol slightly turned around, and spotted an Ensign wearing gold and what she assumed to be a HUD eyepiece. She did neither recall her face nor her aura, but something about her was keeping her attention: The way she conducted herself, seemingly interacting with non-existent objects, audibly thinking.
Sirol recalled what she did there with her hands. It was a visualisation technique used in some meditation exercises.
She smirked a little as she watched her for a second until she was addressed by one of the visitors, leading to both discussing the current state and need of repairs of the Romulan ship, leading Sirol to focus on the subject matter again, and trade her smile for professional vigilance.
For a second she looked over her shoulder, exchanging glances with Skaldyr at the other end of the room and giving him a gentle nod, before she then focused Captain Satar again and took in his words.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 09, 2021, 10:34:08 AM

"Those that agree with the government are fairing well. Those that disagree either do not say anything, or find themselves in a mysterious accident. Of course, nothing can ever be proven."  He shook his head, falling silent for a moment before continuing.

Quote from: Eydis on November 11, 2021, 01:59:57 AM

[Eydis] Could feel some of the nervousness of Sirol as shi left and went to the docking ring. It would be felt by all over the lattice, and it would be lighten a lot by the presences of the tholians on the lattice. Sending a fierceness and bold emotion of warrior over the lattice to hir friend Sirol.

Conquer and thrive Sirol friends Shi would him over the lattice

Once more Sirol internally flinched at Satar's statement.
The Captain was correct, and a part of Sirol despised that fact.
Not that he was correct of course, but that certain things simply never seemed to change"¦
Every world and every society carried their very own demons from the past - some more present than others - and Sirol was painfully aware of it.
Only ever the little spikes of Emerald's playful happiness and the soothing presence of Eydis and the surrounding resident Tholians Sirol was able to sense kept up the scientist's mood in the face of this unexpectedly personal meeting.
Their; hir presence strengthened and stabilised Sirol in ways she had yet to understand, but she relished it.
All of them were there; she was not alone.
A comforting thought. One she mirrored and layered in her relayed gratitude and love.
< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

The break had been short, almost even too short, although the scientist of course more than welcomed every drop of duty she could get her hands on.
There was just enough time to greet everyone in the simulation lab, give a well deserved snuggle to patient little Emerald, whom she had not been able to give their daily dose of snuggles before, as well as the more mature part of her lab family: Xasik, Eydis and Reisen, whom she all bad an overdue, warm greeting and thanks in person, followed by her quickly glossing over the daily schedule for the department.
"œI am looking forward to see what you two will manage to learn about the artefacts. What is their planet of origin?" She asked towards Xasik and Reisen, taking a sip of her own coffee while watching Emerald playfully bumping into Eydis' leg and the Captain gently picking them up.
A musing smile was to be seen on the scientist's face.
Was she not the luckiest one in the galaxy to be amidst those endearing individuals she had chosen as her new family?

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 11, 2021, 07:51:46 AM

=/\="Lieutenants Sirol, Xiiv, Ensigns Pev and Maxwell, and Crewman Balan, please report to the conference room in twenty minutes." =/\=

The call pulled her out of her thoughts for a second, before she then quickly tapped her comm badge to respond.
=/\="œOf course, Commander." =/\=
She calmly spoke, then glanced over to Xasik and Reisen.
"œI have to excuse myself once more it seems, my apologies for that.
In my absence please stay in contact with the OPS and Engineering in case one of them needs assistance with Roluman language and/or customs.
But I have to ask you to refrain from personally contacting our refugees until we know more about the situation. Having us three combined might be perceived as threatening..."
< Katra Station / Conference Room >
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 11, 2021, 07:51:46 AM

"As you're all aware, a freighter of Romulans have just arrived, seeking refuge on the station. Most of you have greeted them personally, so you can provide a dialogue on their behavior and apparent motives. The decision to give them refuge is a huge one, and certainly not one to be made without all of the facts. Any observations are welcome to be noted. Ensign Maxwell, what was your assessment on the state of their ship?"

Her hands folded, with her index fingers and thumbs meeting and forming a little triangle on the table, the scientist calmly sat in her chair and let her glances wander through the room.
Her focus got stuck on the two new officers: Maxwell and Pev for a moment, bidding both of them a welcoming nod, before she then focused Commander Jyur again, listening to his words.

This indeed had not been a situation she had expected.
Romulan divergents were not unheard of, but few ever obtained the number and means to make it to the Gamma Quadrant, although she could see the logic in their plan.
The further away from the government, the better...

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 15, 2021, 04:07:22 PM

"The ship was in...a surprising state of disrepair. Even for how long they've been drifting. There is a possibility it was self sabotage... but there would have been no way for the to know this station was here."

Sirol quietly raised an eyebrow, then - as was tradition - she activated her wrist mounted holographic PDA and began to take notes to be able to put both, observations and facts into proper perspective.
Their knowledge of Katra's location was indeed a great intriguing detail, but then again, there were Romulan civilians aboard, so the possibility of some of them sharing the course and/or new location of the station with their peers and family members was not impossible to happen and might as well be nothing more than harmless sharing of updates.
In either case, further investigation would be mandatory.
Quote from: Pev on November 15, 2021, 05:06:10 PM

[ Katra Station - Conference Room ]

"It is curious that they have invited us to go through a schematic of their ship," offered the S'ti'ach. "If they are indeed spies, the first thing they would do would be to keep us from accessing their databases and hiding any information that may give us insight as to the inner workings."

Once more the scientist nodded - this time towards the new diplomatics officer - and took some more notes.
The reasons for this behaviour could stem from multiple matters, ranging from them trying to prove their trustworthiness over attempting to speed up repairs down to them using this as a diversionary tactic to keep Katra's eyes off of something else"¦
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 17, 2021, 10:40:13 AM

Turning then to Sirol, he gave a nod to the new chief science officer.

"Unless you have any objections, I'm going to place you in charge of the investigation. Work with Ensign Pev, and Lieutenant Rodwell to check out the systems fully. Balan, you can manage the physical check for any explosive, or otherwise dangerous devices. If nobody has any other additions.. then you are all dismissed."

The scientist calmly nodded towards the Commander then leaned a little forward in her chair.
Everyone except Kyan and her had spoken up so far.
It was unusual to see the tiny Commander not freely voice his thoughts and she gave him a quick inquisitive glance, wondering whether he was alright, before she then eventually looked at Commander Jyur.
"œNo objections from my part, Commander.
Although I recommend making use of Ensign Pev as Katra's direct means of communication and representation with Captain Satar and his crew, as they and the refugees might perceive me as the child of a known Free States Senator visibly "˜investigating them' as a gesture of Katra being politically biased.
Within Romulan culture almost everything said and done has additional layers of meaning and representation: Not just the words we speak, but also the manifold of nonverbal gestures shown."
Quote from: Pev on November 17, 2021, 12:31:01 PM

"Sir, if I may," interjected Pev, "It might be beneficial for me to speak to one of the lower-ranking Romulans that have come aboard the station in a more relaxed environment, to see if they might be forthcoming with any information they might not reveal in a larger group or in front of superior officers, either their own or ours."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 20, 2021, 08:53:20 AM

"I think that could be beneficial. You can seek them out at one of the lounges or restaurants, I imagine most of them could be found there." He gave Pev a nod. "Many of them are low rank, but there are also civilians as well. Either one could aid your search." It was a good thought, one that might prove useful to them.

Sirol nodded towards Pev's suggestion in acknowledgement and agreement before she then focused Jyur again.
"œA profound strategy, although I recommend asking for Captain Satar's permission first.
With the things we seem to know so far, he will undoubtedly be distrustful of our motives and we should avoid appearing as if we were "˜spying behind his back'.
The way he will react to such a request will already teach us a great deal about how genuine and open he is in what he states to be..."

She then looked at Pev, once more with a nod, before she pressed a few buttons on her holographic PDA, offering a direct comm link to him.
"œI will provide you with all I can when it comes to Romulan culture and customs from an insider point of view. But we both need to be aware that news of sudden shifts and changes in political situations might not have reached Katra yet, so we will need to put great care into being vigilant and flexible with our communication and information intake.
I already deputised my staff in assisting OPS and Engineering with their expertise on Romulans, but your and my focus will predominantly lie on Satar, his crew and the civilians aboard."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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