S3 - M2 The Butterfly Effect Pt. II

Started by Solluk, February 02, 2021, 12:16:37 AM

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Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja took the offered berries and ate them. They oddly reminded her a bit of the prune juice, that she loved so much. The half bitter half sour taste was appealing for sure. Meridian had quite a bit of wildlife that she needed to learn more about. Especially now with the wildlife center quarantining some of their local species, in order to keep them from being wiped out with the virus running through the planet.

Beja happily hugged Adryel back, "œThank you for your kind words. My house is viewed honorably in the Republic of Kahless. I hope one day my people will be united again, and together we will forge a better future for the Klingons. Much like you are all doing here."

Tell me Adryel, are you married? Do you have any children? Is your family here with you?" Beja realized that she had been lax in really making sure that the Etrosians made a smooth transition to their new homes. No excuses to be made, as the people who had to leave everything they had ever known behind, would of course need support. No wonder they had felt that they were just being enslaved by new masters!

Rayek trLhoell


Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]  (Near the former site of the Bajoran Wormhole) [DAY THREE]

Quote from: Solluk on March 07, 2021, 03:06:02 PM

USS Healy - Near the former site of the Bajoran Wormhole

Solluk's face softened with sadness as his First Officer made the request to send a message.

"There is no way to get a subspace message through the interference in this sector.  Not until it clears up.  But we could load a communications probe with our logs and any messages you wish to send.  Katra would get it in about a week.  I'll include a request that the USS Mughi be dispatched to this location, if she hasn't already gotten underway.  We'll need her to tow this material to New Bajor."

A week!?  Rayek schooled his expression not to show his disappointment at the Captain's stating of the time needed.  Rayek knew these time factors himself; but he'd been hoping that there would be some inexplicable exception to the laws of physics and subspace so that he could be able to not make his wife worry.

He eventually nodded.  "I'll arrange for the crew to record brief messages so that the probe can be sent off within the hour."

A little later, while on a brief 'tea' break, Rayek took a moment to record his own visual message to his wife. He chose a visual message so that she could see for herself that he was uninjured.  Sitting in the officer's lounge with his PADD propped up on the table facing him, he began his recording.

I hope this message finds you and Fvienn doing well.  The Healy's mission was a success in retrieving Saxon, and a bit of a disappointment when it came to collapsing the conduit.   But you'll have read about that in Solluk's update.   So instead, I will simply remind you of how much you and Fvienn mean to me.  I miss you both and will continue recording messages like this daily until I can make my way back home to you.   Remind me once I'm home to think hard on ever volunteering again."
  Though he said this, his facial expression was smiling ruefully at his teasing remark.

I jol-au, e'lev"

Fvienn, the rest of this message is for you.  I'm sorry that I'm missing a large portion of  childhood milestones - though I hope your mother is recording them for me.  Please know that I would be there with you if I could.

I thought perhaps I would use up my remaining few minutes of recording time... by reading you something that has given me strength during my absence from you and your mother.

"Hold him a little longer, rock him a little more.
Read him another story, you've already read him four.
Let him sleep on your shoulder, rejoice in his happy smile.
He is only a little boy for such a little while."

I plan to do all this and more as soon as I am home.  So for my sake don't grow up too fast.
And more to the point, my son...

"No matter how near or far apart
I am always right there in your heart."

I jol au, Fvienn"

With his message recorded, Rayek saved his recording and sent it along with the others to be added to the communications probe.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

Adryel of Etros
[Planet Meridian - Emerald Peninsula - Ihmana Refugee Camp]

Quote from: Beja on March 07, 2021, 03:53:24 PM

Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja took the offered berries and ate them. They oddly reminded her a bit of the prune juice, that she loved so much. The half bitter half sour taste was appealing for sure. Meridian had quite a bit of wildlife that she needed to learn more about. Especially now with the wildlife center quarantining some of their local species, in order to keep them from being wiped out with the virus running through the planet.

Beja happily hugged Adryel back, "œThank you for your kind words. My house is viewed honorably in the Republic of Kahless. I hope one day my people will be united again, and together we will forge a better future for the Klingons. Much like you are all doing here."

Tell me Adryel, are you married? Do you have any children? Is your family here with you?" Beja realized that she had been lax in really making sure that the Etrosians made a smooth transition to their new homes. No excuses to be made, as the people who had to leave everything they had ever known behind, would of course need support. No wonder they had felt that they were just being enslaved by new masters!

Hearing Beja saying that her house was viewed honorably in the Republic of Kahless made Adryel happy. He smiled at her and then slowly resumed walking.

On the way he continued to pick berries to share them with Beja all the while he told her about his life and his family and with growing interest returned the questions to the Klingon to hear more about her story.

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 11 - Dord Embassy]

The story Director Boz told them was not as shockingly new as it might have been without knowledge of the message Boz had sent to the Obsidian Lord. She listened and nodded her head now and then in understanding as he tried to explain the situation. It would have been better of course if they had known about this beforehand.

"Thank you for being so open with us, Director", Tess said with genuine appreciation. "Now that I know that there is means to suppress this virus, a huge weight falls off my shoulders." She smiled. "I would like to take you up on your offer so this illness can be stopped."

[Katra Station - OCC]

Station Commander's Log

We have successfully modified the viral suppressant to have a more enduring effect, permanently preventing the bacteriophage from reproducing. I suspect that within a year, there will be no trace anymore of the bacteriphage on Meridian.

Up until now, we have not received word from the Healy. That alone worries me. All the more so because our rong-range sensors have picked up a massive energy disturbance in the vicinity of the subspace conduit the Healy was tasked with closing. Since that event, all communication from the Bajoran wormhole has ceased. I'm concerned that energy outburst might have damaged the Healy. Or worse. I know the possibilities are various why there is silence, so I hope every day to hear from them and that my husband, and everyone else on baord will return to Katra safely.

End log.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Solluk on March 06, 2021, 03:31:20 PM

USS Healy - At the site of the former Bajoran Wormhole

Solluk checked his PADD, and then turned to look at Hrafn.

"Based on the lack of communications coming this way through the relay, I don't think we can count on the fact that any of our transmissions are going out through the wormhole, Lieutenant.  The aperture seems to be completely disrupted.  It is like the wormhole has become a tunnel with no entrance and no exit.  It's there, but we can't access it to pass through."

He paused, delivering other hard news, "New Bajor has the closest Starfleet facilities, and probably the most important ones, with the Starfleet Academy Auxiliary being there.  We'll be heading there first.  Frankly, I'm not even convinced the Healy could make it all the way back to Katra in her current state.

However, New Bajor was a staging ground for ships preparing to have upgrades at Katra's drydock.  There may be other ships there.  And if nothing else, I know there is an old Aquila class ship there being used to train cadets.  The USS Aquila herself, if I'm not mistaken."

The Aquila class was one of Starfleet's flirtations with a carrier, having refit antique Constellations during the Dominion war.  There had been some recent talk of the Academy using the ship to deliver Katra's new fighter squadron.  A simple but useful mission for cadet training.  Unfortunately, with emerging events, Solluk had never learned what had been decided on that front.

"I'm not sure what the quadrant command situation looks like right now.  With luck, whoever is in charge of Starfleet here will allow us the use of a ship so that we can return home.  But given the current situation, that could take weeks."  [/size]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 07, 2021, 05:57:52 AM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]  (near the Subspace conduit) [DAY THREE]

Listening to Solluk dictate his Captain's log and sum up with the concern of it possibly taking months to return home, Rayek tried to keep his grimace to himself.  When Hrafn indicated that she was wanting to return home to hold her children, he knew exactly how she felt.  He wanted to see his son AND his wife, and hated that once more he was apart from them for much longer than he intended to be.  Yet desire the situation, Rayek knew that his decision to 'volunteer for the mission' had been the right one.

The Romulan just hoped that the silence they had traveled out under would be lifted now that the conduit was down and the one known Thinker vessel dealt with.   He desperately wanted to at least be able to communicate with Tess to ensure that she and Fvienn were safe, and knew he was safe as well.  He didn't want her being overly worried about him.

Solluk's answer to Hrafn wasn't encouraging.  "Perhaps it would be good to send Katra" meaning his wife, "a mission update so that they are kept informed of the wormhole's state and aware of our delayed return."

USS Healy (Bridge) - At the site of the former Bajoran Wormhole

Hrafn shook her head sadly, she felt for Solluk delivering this news to them, she felt even more for Rayek, knowing like herself, he must be crying inwardly at not being able to get back to Tess and baby Fvienn.

She knew the younger of her 3 children would be as safe as they could be with Crista and James, Ujosso and Sirol as well as countless other people on the Station whom she knew the children relied on and considered as family but... it didn't stop her hurting, it didn't stop her wanting to be back there to hug them all.

Looking sadly across at her 'brother' the Romulan, she offered a weak smile as if to say 'Well, we know what we signed up for, least we're alive and we'll get back to them when we can.'

Offering a little comfort to the Captain she said.  "Well, at least we survived unlike others.  We'll make it home sometime, sooner rather than later I'm sure. Like the Healy, Katra endures much and stays standing."

Quote from: Solluk on March 07, 2021, 03:06:02 PM

USS Healy - Near the former site of the Bajoran Wormhole

Solluk's face softened with sadness as his First Officer made the request to send a message.

"There is no way to get a subspace message through the interference in this sector.  Not until it clears up.  But we could load a communications probe with our logs and any messages you wish to send.  Katra would get it in about a week.  I'll include a request that the USS Mughi be dispatched to this location, if she hasn't already gotten underway.  We'll need her to tow this material to New Bajor."[/size]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 08, 2021, 04:42:14 AM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]  (Near the former site of the Bajoran Wormhole) [DAY THREE]

A week!?  Rayek schooled his expression not to show his disappointment at the Captain's stating of the time needed.  Rayek knew these time factors himself; but he'd been hoping that there would be some inexplicable exception to the laws of physics and subspace so that he could be able to not make his wife worry.

He eventually nodded.  "I'll arrange for the crew to record brief messages so that the probe can be sent off within the hour."

A little later, while on a brief 'tea' break, Rayek took a moment to record his own visual message to his wife. He chose a visual message so that she could see for herself that he was uninjured.  Sitting in the officer's lounge with his PADD propped up on the table facing him, he began his recording.

I hope this message finds you and Fvienn doing well.  The Healy's mission was a success in retrieving Saxon, and a bit of a disappointment when it came to collapsing the conduit.   But you'll have read about that in Solluk's update.   So instead, I will simply remind you of how much you and Fvienn mean to me.  I miss you both and will continue recording messages like this daily until I can make my way back home to you.   Remind me once I'm home to think hard on ever volunteering again."
  Though he said this, his facial expression was smiling ruefully at his teasing remark.

I jol-au, e'lev"

Fvienn, the rest of this message is for you.  I'm sorry that I'm missing a large portion of  childhood milestones - though I hope your mother is recording them for me.  Please know that I would be there with you if I could.

I thought perhaps I would use up my remaining few minutes of recording time... by reading you something that has given me strength during my absence from you and your mother.

"Hold him a little longer, rock him a little more.
Read him another story, you've already read him four.
Let him sleep on your shoulder, rejoice in his happy smile.
He is only a little boy for such a little while."

I plan to do all this and more as soon as I am home.  So for my sake don't grow up too fast.
And more to the point, my son...

"No matter how near or far apart
I am always right there in your heart."

I jol au, Fvienn"

With his message recorded, Rayek saved his recording and sent it along with the others to be added to the communications probe.

The CSO wondered who best to address her message to and finally decided that it should be to Crista and then a general one to the kids.  Forcing back the tears (and hoping no-one noticed the tracks of them on her face) and injecting a happier note into her voice, schooling her features into a smile, she started to record.

"Crista, James... I know you have, will and always do look after the children as diligently as if they were your own.  I'm sorry but I'm having to entrust them to your care a little longer.  Healy is damaged and we are having to help around New Bajor a little more than we expected.  We're alive, and as happy as we can be away from home..."

She decided not to worry them with the fact that they couldn't get messages out to Ruthie, nor, probably their Dad, they'd find that out soon enough from the Katra end and there was no need to waste her recording space.

"Kids, you know I love you all, Crista is in charge, and Auntie Ujosso.  Be good, study hard, and be the brave children I know you are.  I'll be back before you know it, we're just doing good things and Auntie Cat and the engineers have to mend the Healy then we'll have a party when I get back, cookies and ice cream."

She decided to add a little section for Sirol in the last few seconds she had remaining.

"Ensign Sirol, please convey my greetings to the rest of the Science Crew.  Continue working on current projects in my absence. And you are welcome at my quarters and with the children any time they're not in school obviously.  Falleg-Tekin, CSO, Katra Station, currently aboard the USS Healy near New Bajor, out."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"




Eydis would see the romulans off the etain with a bow. Turning and heading back to the command console of the small frigate class warship. Shi would hold hit self up in hir personal pod on the ship waiting for the time to elapse. All the while monitoring the station and transmissions. The romulans were far more understandable then some of the other races on the station. But even so shi had a pair of the tholian shock trooper squad escort the two romulans directly from the bridge to the station.


The low lighting of the frigate was in sharp contrast to the larger tholin cruiser acrux. The darken interior illuminated mostly by the bodies of the Tholians themselves. Inside of hir pod eydis would look up at wall with a picture of hir lineage. Behind them the emblem of hir clan and caste. Shi reached out and touched the images of each tholian allowing the residual memories stored on the image.




< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Omnilab 2 >

Sirol & ch'Talvin

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 01, 2021, 04:17:54 AM

NPC Lt JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Katra Station - Deck 6 - Sciences Department - Omnilab 2] [DAY THREE]

Prior to her leaving Saqa7 smiled at Sirol's question about specific drink suggestions.  The reminder that there were species sensitivities - as well as possible individual allergies that had to be taken into consideration, was acknowledged with a nod.   "Not to worry Ensign.. we will avoid chocolate and almond liqueurs and wines.  I've been close friends with a Romulan for nearly 5 years now, and was a former CMO... so I think I'm a pretty good judge on what is safe to drink."

Sirol did a polite nod towards the Lieutenant, thankfully acknowledging her considerate attitude.
"œI appreciate both, your foresight and your insight, Lieutenant.
...I am looking forward to our meeting."
Long after Saqa7 had left the lab and Sirol was finished with the story she had been reading out to Arrhae, she eventually leaned back in her chair, and opened the news feed of Katra's science division.
Skimming through the weekly obligations, running projects and requested collaborations she raised an eyebrow.
There was not awfully much listed, yet everyone seemed exceptionally busy.
Downloading a copy of the weekly schedule onto her PDA she then turned around and looked at ch'Talvin.
"œHow long have you been working in this lab?"

The lanky Andorian in the crumpled lab coat casually shrugged. "œEh"¦ Almost a year"¦ Got transferred here upon the grand opening"¦ Well, my wives did"¦ I just tagged along...
I asked the CSO if I can use a lab while no one else needs it, and"¦ Here we are"¦
Your... Predecessor tried to annoy me out of the place"¦ But then again what's a civilian to a civilian"¦ I was the more resilient weed I suppose..."

Sirol tilted her head and acknowledged his words.
Certainly a unique way to phrase his history aboard Katra, but then again, as far as she had been able to observe, everything about this near-uncomfortably casual man was unique"¦
Do not attempt to annoy me out of this lab. I outrank you."
She just casually replied before turning around again, and looking at her screen again.
ch'Talvin once again shrugged and leaned against Sirol's console.
"œI don't think I need to"¦
Not looking for trouble with Fleeters"¦ Or Romulans"¦ Or"¦ Vulcans?... Not entirely sure what you are"¦. Sorry.

Sirol once more looked at him, not appearing particularly phased by his awkward mannerisms.
"œNo apology required.
You might like to invest your spare time by giving me some appropriate examples of "˜drinking etiquette' within Federation space instead"¦"

ch'Talvin slightly frowned at the mental image of the andriod-esque Ensign Sirol in any sort of party gathering"¦ But eventually, he exhaled and shoved his hands into the pockets of his lab coat.
Relax"¦ I suppose?
Try being a bit less robotic towards your date. Just"¦ Act like"¦ The people around you?... Maybe take a drink or two to loosen up"¦ Helps me usually when someone forces me into a party"¦"

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

As typical for the pedantic scientist, Sirol arrived roughly 10 minutes earlier; leaving some metaphorical wiggle room for all sorts of unexpected situations and encounters that might find her along the way.
Just as ch'Talvin had suggested, Sirol had invested her energy into a more casual vibe.
And she felt utterly misplaced. According to his suggestion, she - for the first time since her arrival - was not in Uniform. Instead she wore her typical civilian outfit.
A blue functional jacket, her iridescent scarf and a pair of comfortable, elastic leggins.

ch'Talvin had pointed out that the outside might seep into the inside, and that a non-formal attire might help Sirol to "˜loosen up'. The thing was though, that Sirol - although looking forward to this meeting and its opportunity to meet even more residents of Katra - did not desire to be informal...
She was willing to try it tonight, for the sake of the experiment itself, but she had her doubts about Talvin's approach"¦

Waiting for another few minutes in front of the Brauhaus, she eventually entered just on time to not stand out, and looked for the reserved group table Saqa7 had mentioned in her last message.
The location had certainly not been what Sirol expected, but then again what even did she expect?
It had been her third visit in one of the local bars aboard Katra, so she hardly had enough statistically valid experience to build expectations.
Just as everything else aboard Katra and Starfleet vessels in general, the location was of an omnipresent bue-ish colour scheme and with plenty of open space to move around.
A large windowed wall offered a fantastic view of the outside and a few of the ships currently docked at the nearest saucer pod.
It was almost even inviting to just claim a seat and watch the ships on the outside.
The view instantly helped calming her down a little, and the wide open space on the outside, with all of its busy inhabitants on either side of the window reminded Sirol without speaking, that things would... Eventually... Fall into place...

As she reached the table she noticed that Saqa7 was not yet here, which led Sirol to immediately check her PDA, wondering and worrying as to where she might have been.
Had something happened?
Did Sirol unintentionally upset the Lieutenant; causing her absence?

Looking through the holographic message index she instatly spotted the unread message.
Within the last few minutes, Saqa7 had to excuse herself...
The message did sound genuinely apologetic, yet Sirol could not help but feel her stomach cramp a little...
These sorts of spontaneous, unpredictable moments stressed Sirol...
And while she understood that it certainly was not Saqa7's intention, Sirol still had to take a moment to - once again - regain her senses and force down her own nervousness...
As she opened her eyes again, she noticed that she by now was not alone anymore.

She had company.
A mildly soothing though.
Giving the other one(s) a polite hailing nod, Sirol did an inviting gesture towards the table.

"My apologies for Lieutenant Saqa7's absence.
She had to take care of other things, but she sent her apologies and wishes every participant tonight a pleasant gathering and... 'To have fun'."

[OOC: @ the rest of Katra - Don't be shy - join us, we won't bite ;)]

The slender scientist eventually picked a place at the table - conveniently facing everyone at the table, yet also close enough to the little plates with appetisers no not be forced to constantly ask anyone to hand her something"¦
"œThis place has an excellent customer score. Lieutenant Mountain-Kahn made a good choice with this location." She commented while getting comfortable in her seat, and giving the variety of little bite sized appetisers a closer look.
"œ...I am Ensign Sirol. I was transferred here as part of the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
What are your name and function here?"


< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >

As insightful and fascinating as the night had been, the following few days slowly but steadily had taken a more"¦ Unnerving shape"¦
The radio silence regarding the senior staff"¦
The lacking communication feedback"¦
The ever so present curious feeling of falling"¦

Sirol had kept herself as busy as possible with her work.
Upon Captain Solluk's granted permission, she had begun to customise Omnilab 2 into a fully fledged Simulation Lab. Not unlike the one she used to work from back on Remus - although at this point more up-to-date of course.
Keeping ch'Talvin around - despite how irrational and occasionally exhausting he was - proved to be mutually beneficial. While software development was neither Sirol's primary, secondary nor even tertiary responsibility aboard the station, the fact that she had someone at hand who was eager and willing to stress test - even beyond LCARS boundaries - brought her the more than welcome chance of an inofficial beta tester to her very own projects...

She had just started to - once again - re-calibrate the freshly updated holographic interface, quietly thinking by herself that the first thing ch'Talvin and Sirol needed to add was default automatic synchronisation of operator accounts per device.
Arranging the menu in front of her according to her preferences, the beeping of her com badge pulled her out of her routine.

=/\="œEnsign Sirol; There is a message for you. I transferred it to your laboratory." =/\=
The voice on the other end spoke, towards which the Roulan quietly inhaled. At this time of the night? Assuming it to be a newsletter or the weekly Ashiak protocol, she barely even flinched.
"œ...Can it wait for a bit? I am in the middle of some calibrations."
=/\="œIt is from the CSO." =/\= Came the brusk answer from the other side of the call.
Sirol instantly dropped her work and opened the message.
"œCopy." She just spoke, then leaned forward, pressed start and almost even anxiously listened to the words of her superior.
Of course she received only the parts addressed at her directly, but even those few sentences - or maybe even because it was only a tiny handful of sentences - were enough to skyrocket her thoughts and worries...

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 08, 2021, 07:24:26 AM

USS Healy (Bridge) - At the site of the former Bajoran Wormhole

She decided to add a little section for Sirol in the last few seconds she had remaining.

"Ensign Sirol, please convey my greetings to the rest of the Science Crew.  Continue working on current projects in my absence. And you are welcome at my quarters and with the children any time they're not in school obviously.  Falleg-Tekin, CSO, Katra Station, currently aboard the USS Healy near New Bajor, out."

Conveying greetings to the rest of the staff?
The otherwise legendarily casual Lieutenant signing a message in such a formal manner?

As much as Sirol appreciated seeing the face of her superior and hearing her voice, she instantly realised that something was fundamentally off.
The tone in Hrafn's voice"¦ Sirol could tell that she either was or had been close to tears"¦
The time stamp on the file itself indicated that this message had been recorded days ago, yet the reception stamp marked it as received no longer than thirty minutes ago"¦
Squinting and silently exhaling, Sirol slowly stepped back from the console, and looked through the room.
What even was happening here?
Had this been potential last words?
Where even was the Healy and why had there been no updates about her current mission?...

Now more than ever since she had arrived on Katra, she wished for a solid briefing.
For a Commander to inform her of what was happening and to tell her how to proceed, but so far it seemed like literally all senior Starfleet personnel was busy and beyond reach.
Nervously fumbling at the little Romulan insignia attacked to the collar of her teal undershirt, she eventually forced that thought aside.
Spiralling into worries was of no use to anyone.
Instead she would do as she had been told...

=/\="œSirol to Lieutenants Moreno and Mountain-Kahn; Ensign Murphy, PO Nye"¦"
She paused for a moment, looking at the empty workstation next to her desk.
"œ...Specialists ch'Talvin and Makumbasi, and Doctor S'Kesh
Please meet me in the Simulation lab at your earliest convenience.
...I have word from Lieutenant Falleg-Tekin."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on March 12, 2021, 04:32:38 AM

< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >

As insightful and fascinating as the night had been, the following few days slowly but steadily had taken a more"¦ Unnerving shape"¦
The radio silence regarding the senior staff"¦
The lacking communication feedback"¦
The ever so present curious feeling of falling"¦

Sirol had kept herself as busy as possible with her work.
Upon Captain Solluk's granted permission, she had begun to customise Omnilab 2 into a fully fledged Simulation Lab. Not unlike the one she used to work from back on Remus - although at this point more up-to-date of course.
Keeping ch'Talvin around - despite how irrational and occasionally exhausting he was - proved to be mutually beneficial. While software development was neither Sirol's primary, secondary nor even tertiary responsibility aboard the station, the fact that she had someone at hand who was eager and willing to stress test - even beyond LCARS boundaries - brought her the more than welcome chance of an inofficial beta tester to her very own projects...

She had just started to - once again - re-calibrate the freshly updated holographic interface, quietly thinking by herself that the first thing ch'Talvin and Sirol needed to add was default automatic synchronisation of operator accounts per device.
Arranging the menu in front of her according to her preferences, the beeping of her com badge pulled her out of her routine.

=/\="œEnsign Sirol; There is a message for you. I transferred it to your laboratory." =/\=
The voice on the other end spoke, towards which the Roulan quietly inhaled. At this time of the night? Assuming it to be a newsletter or the weekly Ashiak protocol, she barely even flinched.
"œ...Can it wait for a bit? I am in the middle of some calibrations."
=/\="œIt is from the CSO." =/\= Came the brusk answer from the other side of the call.
Sirol instantly dropped her work and opened the message.
"œCopy." She just spoke, then leaned forward, pressed start and almost even anxiously listened to the words of her superior.
Of course she received only the parts addressed at her directly, but even those few sentences - or maybe even because it was only a tiny handful of sentences - were enough to skyrocket her thoughts and worries...

Conveying greetings to the rest of the staff?
The otherwise legendarily casual Lieutenant signing a message in such a formal manner?

As much as Sirol appreciated seeing the face of her superior and hearing her voice, she instantly realised that something was fundamentally off.
The tone in Hrafn's voice"¦ Sirol could tell that she either was or had been close to tears"¦
The time stamp on the file itself indicated that this message had been recorded days ago, yet the reception stamp marked it as received no longer than thirty minutes ago"¦
Squinting and silently exhaling, Sirol slowly stepped back from the console, and looked through the room.
What even was happening here?
Had this been potential last words?
Where even was the Healy and why had there been no updates about her current mission?...

Now more than ever since she had arrived on Katra, she wished for a solid briefing.
For a Commander to inform her of what was happening and to tell her how to proceed, but so far it seemed like literally all senior Starfleet personnel was busy and beyond reach.
Nervously fumbling at the little Romulan insignia attacked to the collar of her teal undershirt, she eventually forced that thought aside.
Spiralling into worries was of no use to anyone.
Instead she would do as she had been told...

=/\="œSirol to Lieutenants Moreno and Mountain-Kahn; Ensign Murphy, PO Nye"¦"
She paused for a moment, looking at the empty workstation next to her desk.
"œ...Specialists ch'Talvin and Makumbasi, and Doctor S'Kesh
Please meet me in the Simulation lab at your earliest convenience.
...I have word from Lieutenant Falleg-Tekin."

[Falleg-Tekin Quarters]

[As NPCs Crista LePrant, James, Ujosso and the Tekin kids Tidu, Nerys and Lamar... plus random unnamed Ops Ensign]

Crista looked up as the console in the quarters beeped.  Hoping it was finally word from Hrafn she got up from the bed where she'd been playing a card game with the twins and Ujosso, Lamar playing with some plushies on the floor with James, and walked over.

An Operations Ensign's face appeared on the console and she smiled looking hopeful, and hiding the disappointment that it wasn't her employer and friend.

"Yes, Ensign, can I help you?  Lt. Falleg-Tekin isn't here right now."

"We know... I have communication from the Chief of Science for you.  However, it was in a message to several people so we've transcribed the parts for you and her children, sending in a file but we felt we needed to explain a little. Some parts were only for the Science Department you understand?"

"Of course,.." Crista answered.  "But she's ok isn't she??"

"Well, she was when she sent this message over a week ago,.." the Ensign looked around where they were sitting and then dropped his voice to a whisper. "I probably shouldn't tell you this but if they're sending messages the way they did the communications are out on the Healy, it's in a bad shape, but she was alive enough to make a recording and smile while doing it.  She's a beautiful woman.  Say... doesn't she have relatives near New Bajor?  Ah.. .shouldn't have said that... But we can't get any word there or back from the Healy, likely why they sent this one through this method.  Anyhow, apologies for the rather abrupt cut off on the end, don't take it as there's anything wrong, just the next bit was to Ensign Sirol."

"Oh no worries, for all I have been her nanny for several years now I'd rather not have my head bamboozled for it.  Could I have my message now please?"

"Of course, Ms LePrant.  You might want to get the children, there's something for them on there.  I'll leave you too it and if you or they have any questions all of us in Ox are here for you."

"Thank you Ensign, we appreciate it." Crista replied, trying to remain cheerful while her heart had been towed into the pits of her stomach.

"Kids,.." she said turning back to the room at large.  She held her hand out and looked worriedly at Ujosso and James beseeching them with her eyes to come over too.

"Is there a message from Mammy?" Tidu asked with a grin on his face.

"Sort of,.."

"She's ok isn't she, not hurt?" Nerys asked a worried look on her face, putting a protective arm around her youngest brother's shoulders and slipping her hand into her twin's.

"Far as we know but we haven't seen this message yet." Crista answered honestly.  She'd long since learnt not to try and cotton wool these kids, honesty was best.

"I'm not getting my birthday party now am I?" Lamar said.  His 3rd birthday had not long passed and they'd decided to have the party on Hrafn's return.

"We'll have it Lambchops... can be extra big to celebrate Mammy coming home too!" Tidu put in.

"Shh now, let Crista get the message."  Ujosso said coming up behind the kids and encircling them like the wingspan of an eagle protectively.  The three adults in the room all looking at each other wondering if this message was going to be their last from Hrafn and if they were going to have to run damage control.

"You come and sit on my lap, Lamar will give you a little height.." James started.

"I'm a big boy, just table is bigger than me, why do they make all things bigger than me!" Lamar said a disgruntled look on his face.

"..." James opened his mouth to continue after his breath and interruption by Lamar then chuckled.  "Believe it or not this tree known as Uncle James was little as you once upon a time, so there's hope yet." seeing that Crista was now a little more composed, he gave her hand a quick squeeze and an encouraging smile.

"OK here goes..."

They saw the image of Rayek initially fad out but no audio, then the face of Hrafn faded in.


"Crista, James... I know you have, will and always do look after the children as diligently as if they were your own.  I'm sorry but I'm having to entrust them to your care a little longer.  Healy is damaged and we are having to help around New Bajor a little more than we expected.  We're alive, and as happy as we can be away from home..."

"Oh well that's good, we know they're going to be ok..." Ujosso said forcing a bright smile but noticing the tear tracks on her friend's face and wondering what the hell had gone down.

"Kids, you know I love you all, Crista is in charge, and Auntie Ujosso.  Be good, study hard, and be the brave children I know you are.  I'll be back before you know it, we're just doing good things and Auntie Cat and the engineers have to mend the Healy then we'll have a party when I get back, cookies and ice cream."

"Uncle James has to be bossed around by the women!" Nerys said with a grin. She was upset that her mother wasn't going to be around for a while but then she'd lost her twin for two months too... she knew her mother would be back when she could be, like when Lamar was missing, she could still 'feel' Hrafn in her brain, albeit only faintly. She knew her mother was alive."Poor Uncle James!"

"I WANT MAMMY!!!" Lamar suddenly sobbed.

Crista looked to James and mouthed.  "I'm going to conflab with that young Romulan girl.  See if you can get hold of Dr. Yona and get him to bring the cat... might help keep him less upset."

"Roger!" he mouthed back while hugging and shushing the young boy.

=/\=James McNeil to Dr. Yona... is there any chance you could bring your blue cat up to the Falleg-Tekin quarters, we've had some...disturbing...news and young Lamar is very upset.  If you're not available yourself would you allow one of the medics to fetch the cat, we feel it would soothe him somewhat. =/\=

He hoped in some small way that the doctor could hear the sobbing, wailing Lamar and know that things would be better with the cat.

=/\=LePrant to Sirol, are you available, we have had news from Hrafn... Ops indicated that there was a message to you too, I want you to have the rest of the message in case Hrafn was trying to send you more cryptically! =/\=

[USS Healy - New Bajor Shipyards]

The Healy had been met by the USS Mughi and towed into the Shipyards.  As yet there was no messages going in, or out of the area, she had however managed to take a short trip down to Bajor Prime from DS9 and went to see the in laws.  It had soothed her a little but she couldn't shake off the hurt that she couldn't contact the kids, any of them, or the Discovery and her husband.  Still she did at least have the comfort of some family and she knew, or at least hoped that Ruthie was safe at the Academy and the younger family members were safe with Crista and company back home.

Home... that's what Katra was for Hrafn now, and she longed to be there.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Sirol on March 12, 2021, 04:32:38 AM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

As typical for the pedantic scientist, Sirol arrived roughly 10 minutes earlier; leaving some metaphorical wiggle room for all sorts of unexpected situations and encounters that might find her along the way.
Just as ch'Talvin had suggested, Sirol had invested her energy into a more casual vibe.
And she felt utterly misplaced. According to his suggestion, she - for the first time since her arrival - was not in Uniform. Instead she wore her typical civilian outfit.
A blue functional jacket, her iridescent scarf and a pair of comfortable, elastic leggins.

ch'Talvin had pointed out that the outside might seep into the inside, and that a non-formal attire might help Sirol to "˜loosen up'. The thing was though, that Sirol - although looking forward to this meeting and its opportunity to meet even more residents of Katra - did not desire to be informal...
She was willing to try it tonight, for the sake of the experiment itself, but she had her doubts about Talvin's approach"¦

Waiting for another few minutes in front of the Brauhaus, she eventually entered just on time to not stand out, and looked for the reserved group table Saqa7 had mentioned in her last message.
The location had certainly not been what Sirol expected, but then again what even did she expect?
It had been her third visit in one of the local bars aboard Katra, so she hardly had enough statistically valid experience to build expectations.
Just as everything else aboard Katra and Starfleet vessels in general, the location was of an omnipresent bue-ish colour scheme and with plenty of open space to move around.
A large windowed wall offered a fantastic view of the outside and a few of the ships currently docked at the nearest saucer pod.
It was almost even inviting to just claim a seat and watch the ships on the outside.
The view instantly helped calming her down a little, and the wide open space on the outside, with all of its busy inhabitants on either side of the window reminded Sirol without speaking, that things would... Eventually... Fall into place...

As she reached the table she noticed that Saqa7 was not yet here, which led Sirol to immediately check her PDA, wondering and worrying as to where she might have been.
Had something happened?
Did Sirol unintentionally upset the Lieutenant; causing her absence?

Looking through the holographic message index she instatly spotted the unread message.
Within the last few minutes, Saqa7 had to excuse herself...
The message did sound genuinely apologetic, yet Sirol could not help but feel her stomach cramp a little...
These sorts of spontaneous, unpredictable moments stressed Sirol...
And while she understood that it certainly was not Saqa7's intention, Sirol still had to take a moment to - once again - regain her senses and force down her own nervousness...
As she opened her eyes again, she noticed that she by now was not alone anymore.

She had company.
A mildly soothing though.
Giving the other one(s) a polite hailing nod, Sirol did an inviting gesture towards the table.

"My apologies for Lieutenant Saqa7's absence.
She had to take care of other things, but she sent her apologies and wishes every participant tonight a pleasant gathering and... 'To have fun'."

[OOC: @ the rest of Katra - Don't be shy - join us, we won't bite ;)]

The slender scientist eventually picked a place at the table - conveniently facing everyone at the table, yet also close enough to the little plates with appetisers no not be forced to constantly ask anyone to hand her something"¦
"œThis place has an excellent customer score. Lieutenant Mountain-Kahn made a good choice with this location." She commented while getting comfortable in her seat, and giving the variety of little bite sized appetisers a closer look.
"œ...I am Ensign Sirol. I was transferred here as part of the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
What are your name and function here?"


Zex was not a bar fly.  But she was not a teetotaler either.  So when the general invitation to meet up at the bar came, she decided to go.

She had just the dress to wear.  Something that had been custom made for her petit little frame.  It highlighted her size 0 waist with a small belt.

Before she left her quarters she called out to Eydis over the lattis.  "Hello.  Are you coming to the bar?  Please?" she asked.

Then she found her way to the place.  It wasn't very crouded - yet.  So it was easy to spot a friendly face.

"Hi.  Just getting here?  You're Sirol?  Right?  I'm Zex" she said after walking up to her.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Quote from: Zex on March 13, 2021, 12:43:50 PM


Zex was not a bar fly.  But she was not a teetotaler either.  So when the general invitation to meet up at the bar came, she decided to go.

She had just the dress to wear.  Something that had been custom made for her petit little frame.  It highlighted her size 0 waist with a small belt.

Before she left her quarters she called out to Eydis over the lattis.  "Hello.  Are you coming to the bar?  Please?" she asked.

Then she found her way to the place.  It wasn't very crouded - yet.  So it was easy to spot a friendly face.

"Hi.  Just getting here?  You're Sirol?  Right?  I'm Zex" she said after walking up to her.

Towards the newcomer the slender scientist took a friendly, hailing bow, before she suddenly flinched.
Of course! They had met before!
For a second - due to the stress of the last couple of days as well as the fact that those two had only met once within (yet another) emergency situation - the young Diplomatic Officer's face had temporarily escaped Sirol, yet the name instantly brought back the memories. All of them.

"œGreetings! Of course! Yes! My"¦ Apologies"¦
Ensign Zex - OCC - Trialus Anomaly Resonance Cascade incident. I remember you.
I am"¦ Still reassociating all of the faces outside of the science division"¦"

Sirol gave her yet another little nod, then leaned a little forward.
Loosely placing her hands on the table, she wrapped them around one of the little candles in front of her. While her nervousness and unease regarding Saqa7s absence as well as this non-casual meeting itself seemed to slowly fade on the first glimpse, a more keen observer would be able to take the fact that Sirol squinted and warmed her freezing hands on a tiny candle as a dead giveaway, that she was not feeling entirely well - yet.

Looking up towards the Deltan, Sirol mentally rushed through all the things to do and do not say to someone new in such a situation.
When she eventually came to a decision, she tilted her head.
"œHow have you been holding up since we last met?
Did you eventually manage to track down the source of the sub-Delta-wave transmission we received on the day we met?"

< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >

A few members of the science staff as well as their civilian counterparts had been able to make their way to the lab throughout the last couple of hours.
Of course Sirol had not expected for all of them to be able to get there - hence her not even suggesting any sort of time, but just asking everyone to see her at their earliest possible convenience.
The ones that came, Sirol relayed the greetings and orders to and played the message upon request.

Of course the scientist had assumed that there might have been more and that she - due to her limited security clearance as an Ensign being sent over from a still not entirely trusted foreign faction - would only get to see the bits and bites that were deemed important.
While she had accepted this fact long before she had even signed up as an exchange officer, she still was not entirely happy with it.
After all she was curious by nature.
Curious and worried about her associates; Romulan or not.

When Crista LePrant's call reached her, Sirol immediately dropped her work once more.
Crista calling Sirol could only mean that there was a matter regarding the Falleg-children to be discussed.
A matter that Sirol - especially due to the current circumstances - considered far more important than setting up her laboratory.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 13, 2021, 10:34:18 AM

=/\=LePrant to Sirol, are you available, we have had news from Hrafn... Ops indicated that there was a message to you too, I want you to have the rest of the message in case Hrafn was trying to send you more cryptically! =/\=

Rearranging the collar of her uniform, Sirol looked at the woman's face on the holographic image in front of her and nodded.
"œYes, Ma'am. I have received my part. I assume there is more, correct?"
She paused for a moment, then nodded towards Crista's reaffirming that there indeed was more attached to Hrafn's last known message.
"œOf course.
Would you like me to meet with you at the Hrafn family quarters, ma'am?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on March 13, 2021, 01:54:11 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Towards the newcomer the slender scientist took a friendly, hailing bow, before she suddenly flinched.
Of course! They had met before!
For a second - due to the stress of the last couple of days as well as the fact that those two had only met once within (yet another) emergency situation - the young Diplomatic Officer's face had temporarily escaped Sirol, yet the name instantly brought back the memories. All of them.

"œGreetings! Of course! Yes! My"¦ Apologies"¦
Ensign Zex - OCC - Trialus Anomaly Resonance Cascade incident. I remember you.
I am"¦ Still reassociating all of the faces outside of the science division"¦"

Sirol gave her yet another little nod, then leaned a little forward.
Loosely placing her hands on the table, she wrapped them around one of the little candles in front of her. While her nervousness and unease regarding Saqa7s absence as well as this non-casual meeting itself seemed to slowly fade on the first glimpse, a more keen observer would be able to take the fact that Sirol squinted and warmed her freezing hands on a tiny candle as a dead giveaway, that she was not feeling entirely well - yet.

Looking up towards the Deltan, Sirol mentally rushed through all the things to do and do not say to someone new in such a situation.
When she eventually came to a decision, she tilted her head.
"œHow have you been holding up since we last met?
Did you eventually manage to track down the source of the sub-Delta-wave transmission we received on the day we met?"

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Zex watched in awe as the science officer bowed to her.   She smiled and returned the formal greeting. "You remind me of someone I used to work with" she replied.

"It was a long day.  But I felt like I helped to solve the mystery of how the virus came to be on the planet below.  So that is cause for celebration" she said.  Then she nodded her head in reply to Sirol's question about the delta waves, but didn't want to spend too much time in 'office talk.'

So she turned to the being behind the bar.  "Barkeep, I'll have a strawberry daiquiri.  And please get my friend here whatever she wants" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on March 13, 2021, 01:54:11 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >

A few members of the science staff as well as their civilian counterparts had been able to make their way to the lab throughout the last couple of hours.
Of course Sirol had not expected for all of them to be able to get there - hence her not even suggesting any sort of time, but just asking everyone to see her at their earliest possible convenience.
The ones that came, Sirol relayed the greetings and orders to and played the message upon request.

Of course the scientist had assumed that there might have been more and that she - due to her limited security clearance as an Ensign being sent over from a still not entirely trusted foreign faction - would only get to see the bits and bites that were deemed important.
While she had accepted this fact long before she had even signed up as an exchange officer, she still was not entirely happy with it.
After all she was curious by nature.
Curious and worried about her associates; Romulan or not.

When Crista LePrant's call reached her, Sirol immediately dropped her work once more.
Crista calling Sirol could only mean that there was a matter regarding the Falleg-children to be discussed.
A matter that Sirol - especially due to the current circumstances - considered far more important than setting up her laboratory.

Rearranging the collar of her uniform, Sirol looked at the woman's face on the holographic image in front of her and nodded.
"œYes, Ma'am. I have received my part. I assume there is more, correct?"
She paused for a moment, then nodded towards Crista's reaffirming that there indeed was more attached to Hrafn's last known message.
"œOf course.
Would you like me to meet with you at the Hrafn family quarters, ma'am?"

[Hrafn's Quarters]

Crista was relieved to hear Sirol's calm voice.

=/\=Oh Ensign, that would be perfect, we have a rather upset little boy here, and anyone else you need to brief is perfectly welcome, we have replicators, we have chairs, a bed, pillows... we can make it work and... =/\=

"NANTIE SIROOOOOOOOOOOL!!" a wail went up.  "WANT NANTIE SIROL!!!!" a small boy sucking his thumb managed to take the plug that was his small thumb out long enough to voice his upset.

=/\=...and I think that was a special request from Master Lamar too.  We've tried the bribery track...didn't work.  Just come in when you get here. =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Quote from: Zex on March 13, 2021, 03:53:44 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Zex watched in awe as the science officer bowed to her.   She smiled and returned the formal greeting. "You remind me of someone I used to work with" she replied.

"It was a long day.  But I felt like I helped to solve the mystery of how the virus came to be on the planet below.  So that is cause for celebration" she said.  Then she nodded her head in reply to Sirol's question about the delta waves, but didn't want to spend too much time in 'office talk.'

So she turned to the being behind the bar.  "Barkeep, I'll have a strawberry daiquiri.  And please get my friend here whatever she wants" she said.

At the remark that Sirol reminded Ensign Zex of someone she worked with, the slender scientist immediately tilted her head in surprise.
By her experience (and solid statistics) there were not too many people like Sirol out there, so a thought like this one instantly caught her attention.
"œ I do? Fascinating!
Who would that be? And are they still aboard Katra?"

Maybe her inquiry was a little too fast; a little bit too hopeful, yet it was no secret that - especially after her traumatic detachment from the Trialus anomaly - Sirol felt out of place; maybe even lonely, and the thought of having a similar mind somewhere out there felt almost even like a wishful theory

When Ensign Zex told her about assisting in solving the mystery behind the recent virological crisis, Sirol once more nodded towards the young officer.
"œThat is good to hear.
I read the reports, and I am glad to know that the situation has been taken care of - even more so lives been saved, both outside and within the staff of Katra.
Celebration it is.
I think we all could use a positive reason to socialise after the recent events."

With that she did as Zex and faced the barkeeper to make her order too.
Towards Zex's remark calling Sirol "˜her friend', the scientist gave the other an awkward, yet appreciative nod, then looked at the Barkeeper again.
"œOne extra strong Raktajino for me please." She softly spoke, before retreating back to the table again and facing Zex, wondering as to whether her attempts of socialising so far were enough to keep the Diplomatic Officer's attention and interest.

< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 13, 2021, 04:18:13 PM

[Hrafn's Quarters]

Crista was relieved to hear Sirol's calm voice.

=/\=Oh Ensign, that would be perfect, we have a rather upset little boy here, and anyone else you need to brief is perfectly welcome, we have replicators, we have chairs, a bed, pillows... we can make it work and... =/\=

"NANTIE SIROOOOOOOOOOOL!!" a wail went up.  "WANT NANTIE SIROL!!!!" a small boy sucking his thumb managed to take the plug that was his small thumb out long enough to voice his upset.

=/\=...and I think that was a special request from Master Lamar too.  We've tried the bribery track...didn't work.  Just come in when you get here. =/\=

Toward's Christa's explanations, Sirol calmly nodded and folded her hands in her lap.
"œOf course, ma'am.
I will finish my shift and be with you and the children momentarily."
She spoke and let the tone of Crista's voice echo in her thoughts.
She spoke diplomatically and calmly, yet Sirol could tell that there was more to the human's words.

As she saw Lamar making his way towards the screen, the otherwise reserved scientist seemed to warm up a little and even gave the child a friendly smile.
"œHello, Little Pioneer!
No worries, Nantie Sirol will be with you soon, and I even have something you might like"¦
Listen to Crista in the meantime. I will be as fast as I can."

With that she gave both of them yet another nod, before the transmission ended.

Sirol had been meaning to give it to Lamar and the other children anyways"¦ It had not been entirely finished yet, but considering the recent situation, the scientist figured that right now especially the younger children could find use and distraction in something positive"¦
Activating the holographic PDA on her wrist, she accessed one of her WIP files - a zero-gravity holo-game she had been working on throughout the last few weeks.
Lamar might find fun in the zero gravity sandbox element, and Tidu and Nerys were old enough to likely enjoy the (originally intended) parkour- and racing elements"¦
Once she copied the contents onto a fresh padd, she shut down the terminals in the Simulation lab, headed out and began to make her way to the Falegg Family quarters...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

[Flight Control Office]
Eli had been sulking. Not even the junior officers would bother him any more with the small stuff. They relied on the junior Flight Control officers, even as Eli maintained the routine patrols. It simply was going through the motions. Depression but so unacknowledged that it was just background noise, like the humming of the shuttle engines being reworked in the main bay.

"Sir, shift change." Eli looked up as his assistant department head. Eli stood, sighed and simply handed over the PADD.

"A list of maintenance and operating system updates, plus patrol routes."

"No problem, sir. Go get some rest. You look tired."

Eli felt as tired as described and gave a slight nod. "Carry on."

"Aye, sir."

Eli left, heading up to the promenade with the various restaurants. His quarters seemed largely unappealing. So, with a brief turbolift ride he stepped out. He found a nearby eatery, the Gamma Brauhaus, and headed in.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on March 13, 2021, 05:10:54 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

At the remark that Sirol reminded Ensign Zex of someone she worked with, the slender scientist immediately tilted her head in surprise.
By her experience (and solid statistics) there were not too many people like Sirol out there, so a thought like this one instantly caught her attention.
"œ I do? Fascinating!
Who would that be? And are they still aboard Katra?"

Maybe her inquiry was a little too fast; a little bit too hopeful, yet it was no secret that - especially after her traumatic detachment from the Trialus anomaly - Sirol felt out of place; maybe even lonely, and the thought of having a similar mind somewhere out there felt almost even like a wishful theory

When Ensign Zex told her about assisting in solving the mystery behind the recent virological crisis, Sirol once more nodded towards the young officer.
"œThat is good to hear.
I read the reports, and I am glad to know that the situation has been taken care of - even more so lives been saved, both outside and within the staff of Katra.
Celebration it is.
I think we all could use a positive reason to socialise after the recent events."

With that she did as Zex and faced the barkeeper to make her order too.
Towards Zex's remark calling Sirol "˜her friend', the scientist gave the other an awkward, yet appreciative nod, then looked at the Barkeeper again.
"œOne extra strong Raktajino for me please." She softly spoke, before retreating back to the table again and facing Zex, wondering as to whether her attempts of socialising so far were enough to keep the Diplomatic Officer's attention and interest.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on March 14, 2021, 12:19:50 AM

[Flight Control Office]
Eli had been sulking. Not even the junior officers would bother him any more with the small stuff. They relied on the junior Flight Control officers, even as Eli maintained the routine patrols. It simply was going through the motions. Depression but so unacknowledged that it was just background noise, like the humming of the shuttle engines being reworked in the main bay.

"Sir, shift change." Eli looked up as his assistant department head. Eli stood, sighed and simply handed over the PADD.

"A list of maintenance and operating system updates, plus patrol routes."

"No problem, sir. Go get some rest. You look tired."

Eli felt as tired as described and gave a slight nod. "Carry on."

"Aye, sir."

Eli left, heading up to the promenade with the various restaurants. His quarters seemed largely unappealing. So, with a brief turbolift ride he stepped out. He found a nearby eatery, the Gamma Brauhaus, and headed in.

[Brauhaus Gamma]

[AS NPC Anth McCutcheon - Daystrom Scientist]

Anth had, due to recent events and hold ups on getting reports to and from Earth, plus the wealth of available research on Katra, remained on the station and made it his home.  Since Sally his sister was good friends with the CSO's daughter, and the Sigurdsdottir twins he figured between Hrafn and Ruth wherever she intended spending her vacation she'd be safe from her father in law.

He wandered into the pub remembering the jolly atmosphere they'd had there at Yuletide doing the Julbukking.  That had been fun.  He spotted two members of what he hoped were the Science Team and went over.

"Hi, I don't think we've met yet.  I'm nominally part of the Science Department in that I answer to Lt. Falleg-Tekin, but I'm here undertaking research for the Daystrom Institute.  Am I to understand you're Sciences?  Anth McCutcheon.  May I sit with you?  I'm open to chat about anything, including most scientific subjects."

Anth noticed the Romulan Flight Chief walk in and beckoned him over, it would be good to have another male to talk to and get the opinion of other departments.

"Care to join us, Sir?  We may be a motley crew of diplomats and Scientists but... we're all Starfleet!"

Quote from: Sirol on March 13, 2021, 05:10:54 PM

< Katra Station / Deck 6 / Simulation Lab >

Toward's Christa's explanations, Sirol calmly nodded and folded her hands in her lap.
"œOf course, ma'am.
I will finish my shift and be with you and the children momentarily."
She spoke and let the tone of Crista's voice echo in her thoughts.
She spoke diplomatically and calmly, yet Sirol could tell that there was more to the human's words.

As she saw Lamar making his way towards the screen, the otherwise reserved scientist seemed to warm up a little and even gave the child a friendly smile.
"œHello, Little Pioneer!
No worries, Nantie Sirol will be with you soon, and I even have something you might like"¦
Listen to Crista in the meantime. I will be as fast as I can."

With that she gave both of them yet another nod, before the transmission ended.

Sirol had been meaning to give it to Lamar and the other children anyways"¦ It had not been entirely finished yet, but considering the recent situation, the scientist figured that right now especially the younger children could find use and distraction in something positive"¦
Activating the holographic PDA on her wrist, she accessed one of her WIP files - a zero-gravity holo-game she had been working on throughout the last few weeks.
Lamar might find fun in the zero gravity sandbox element, and Tidu and Nerys were old enough to likely enjoy the (originally intended) parkour- and racing elements"¦
Once she copied the contents onto a fresh padd, she shut down the terminals in the Simulation lab, headed out and began to make her way to the Falleg Family quarters...

[Falleg Quarters]

"Nantie Sirol,..."  Lamar sniffed so loudly that the quantities of mucus would have made about a million snails jealous.  He put his hand out towards the screen as if to touch it, just wanting to be closer.  He did know better so Crista was gentle in taking it before he got finger prints all over it.  She didn't even chide him.

"We'll see you soon, Sirol!" Crista said with a sad smile.  "C'mon kids, your Auntie, sorry Nantie Sirol is coming to see you, let's get this place tidied up a little bit!"

It wasn't particularly untidy but it would take their minds off things for a little while until the young Romulan arrived.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Would you like a little bailies mixed it.  They call it irish coffee.  Just enough to add flavor.  Not enough to make you dizzy?" Zex asked her new gal pal.

"He's Vulcan too" she relied.  Before she could explain further more people arrive.  "Eli.  Over here" she called out the the Flight Control Officer.

"Oh hi.  I'm Zex.  This is Eli.  And this is Sirol" she said to the newcomer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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