S3 - M2 The Butterfly Effect Pt. II

Started by Solluk, February 02, 2021, 12:16:37 AM

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Tess' Office - Katra Station

Zanner smiled, and this time his smile was warm and open.

"I trust you.  And thank you.  Now... I won't keep you any longer.  From what I hear, you have some kind of speech to give."

He stood, "I'll see you tonight, if things don't get too crazy for you."

Katra Station - Wildlife Research & Rescue Center - Zoology Lab 3 - Day Three

Jessica and Zex had been dissecting the Honey Caper together for the past half-hour.

"So as you can see," Jessica said as she peeled back a layer of flesh, revealing the animal's secondary nerve trunk, "something caused an accretion of mineral deposits at the nerve endings, short-circuiting the entire nervous system.  It's been like this for all of them so far.  But what we can't figure out is what's causing it.

See if you can get a sample of the nerve tissue, and put it in a culture container.  If it's bacteriological, we should be able to promote multiplication of a bacteriological colony.  Most of the mineral accretion is Zinc and Copper.  Add 1% of each to the growth medium.  Maybe we'll get lucky."

She gestured to one of twenty plastic discs which had been set aside to receive samples.  It was clear that she'd been trying this for some time with no results.

She changed the subject to take her mind off of her failures, "Say, is it true you worked on the old Challenger, before it got rebuilt?"

Etrosian 'Ihmana' Refugee Camp - on Meridian's 'Emerald Peninsula'

When Beja materialized, an aged man was standing by.  He had long white hair, woven at the ends, and decorated with jewelry.  Whether this was coincidence, or he had been somehow alerted to her visit beforehand, was not clear.

"I am Revris," he said simply, seemingly unsurprised with her materialization, "elder of the Ihmana encampment.  You must be the new Starfleet Surveyor."

He peered at her.  "You people have been poking around for a while.  Now I understand we are prisoners here.  It is time that we talk, don't you think?"

He gestured to a nearby housing unit, leaning on a wooden staff.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja took a few seconds to reorient herself after she materialized down in the Etrosian refugee camp. No matter how many times she transported it was never a wholly comfortable experience. It was like her entire body was being tickled by the air molecules around it. The one good thing about it, was that it didn't last long. The transportation normally took place in a matter of seconds, it took more time to orient herself, than it did to do the actual physical transportation itself.

Hello, I am Beja. I'm Katra's Chief Diplomatic Officer and Counselor. I am sorry that you feel like a prisoner. We are concerned for your people's safety," Beja nodded over to Revris.

I will be happy to talk with you. I was hoping that perhaps Adryel would be here too. He's been my main point of contact with the Etrosians," Beja was happy to follow Revris to the housing unit where he had indicated they should go to talk. She hoped that they would be able to continue their good relations between the Etrosians and Katra. The last thing any of them needed was to have more of their relations eroded with mistrust and discord.

Rayek trLhoell

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]  [DAY THREE]

Quote from: John Saxon on February 09, 2021, 06:53:40 AM

Free from the large casing, John finally was able to look at Rayek as his senior officer was being attended to. He was about to attempt to catch his eye with an appreciative, but always-professional, nod, when the long-remembered and welcome voice of his previous Commanding Officer heralded over the intraship channel.

John didn't quite chunter verbally, but the atmosphere - already perhaps struggling with 'other matters' - may have dropped a few degrees at talk of being interviewed by the Science team, and the suggestion he'd need a nap like some . Granted, he did ache (literally) for a bed not made of duranium plate, but a sonic shower and strong caffeine intake was all he needed right now.

That and probably 500ccs of whatever anti-radiation medicine he had been recently lacking.

"Commander" he called over to Rayek in a voice not as strong has perhaps even himself was used to, while continuing to hamper the furtive ministrations of his medical shadow with co-ordinated deflections of the blades of his palms, "I'd prefer to make myself immediately available to the Bridge after some minor..." his straggled beard jigged while searching for the most civil phrase, "personal refreshment".

Rayek completely understood Saxon's reluctance to rest after everything that happened.  He doubted even a forced nap would be able to do much to restore him.  He personally was inclined to grant Saxon the opportunity to decide for himself rather than have the sleep forced on him but Padrini of course made things difficult.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on February 09, 2021, 08:31:56 AM

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

The sickbay's personnel had been informed in advance of the incoming patients so Roberto already stood ready with the nurse to assist him. Saxon was the man he wanted to focus on first because it was unknown in what condition the old man would be and how his body had taken the time on board the stranded ship.

Once the two men materialized Roberto took a glance at Rayek and the big stain of green blood immediately caught his eye. Other than that the Romulan seemed to be okay and Roberto didn't hesitate long to set Rayek back and go to check on Saxon first. "Nurse", Roberto said to her and just nodded over at Rayek before turning to John.

Taking the helmet off, the first thing that Roberto heard from the man was him snapping at him and even slapping his hands away. Roberto took a step back but kept a stern look at the century old man. "And I would like to make sure that stays that way", he commented to Saxon's comment about not being an invalid yet. Then he took a step closer again and slowly moved the tricorder over him so the device could pick up the readings. Beta radiation exposure. The suit had kept the man from suffering burns from it to his skin. The transporter had filtered out any radioactive particles so it was just Roberto's job to increase the man's general well-being. He suffered from deprivation of almost everything.

Over-hearing John's comment to Rayek, Roberto intervened. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you do that. Captain's orders are to conduct the necessary treatment and then have you get some sleep." He looked to the nurse who just happened to approach him. "Give Mr. Saxon 50ccs of Aribrazine. And then make sure he gets proper hydration, I want him to eat something and then two hours of induced sleep. After Lt. Falleg talked to him."

"Uh, yes, doctor. Um ... Commander tr'Lhoell, he would like to have his wound being stitched." She looked at Roberto hesitantly. Roberto understood. Stitching wounds was not something that was practiced for a very long time and medical personnel, even if trained in the academy, just didn't have the experience to actually do it in their daily routine. There was much that needed to be considered, there was even a certain technique the thread needed to be knotted. Then there was the choice of what kind of thread to use. And so.

Roberto glanced past the nurse over to Rayek and shook his head to himself. He really didn't understand the man's morbid fascination with letting his body scar. Didn't he think about Tess and how she finds such ugly scars on him? Looking back to the nurse, Roberto nodded. "I will take care of it." With another look at Saxon he nodded to him and then walked over to Rayek after he had retrieved the tools he needed for hand-stitching a wound.

Roberto wore a beard, not that long yet. He claimed it was just fashionable at the moment. But since he had seen Rayek wearing one, he thought Tess might like it. Putting the utensils on a tray next to him as he stood in front of Rayek he barely glanced at him as he greeted him. "Commander." He then bent down a little to take a look at the already cleaned wound. "Do you want me to numb the area or would you miss the pain?", he asked him and was only barely able to hide the condescending tone in his voice. The sicko probably is into the pain, he thought to himself as he prepared the needle and the thread.

Rayek met John's look across the medbay.  "I'll talk to the Captain about his orders while you're talking to Lt. Falleg."

But before Rayek could do that he needed his wound treated and to his dismay, that meant Padrini taking over for the nurse after his wound had been exposed and cleaned thoroughly.   For the first time ever, Rayek almost changed his mind about getting stitches.  However, Padrini was already preparing the tools, and opting for a dermal regenerator now would be too much like admitting defeat - proving to the man just how much he got under Rayek skin.

The man's words if not his tone as he asked if Rayek would 'miss the pain' was on the verge of being disrespectful.   Well, two could play that game.

"Normally, under a high level of care, I wouldn't need such pain control measures.  Yet, in this instance, I think it might be best." The implied insult being that Padrini was inexperienced and incompetent.  Hell, Rayek wouldn't put it past Padrini to purposely make it as painful as possible for his Romulan rival.

Rayek kept a close watch on the Italian doctor as the man began the stitching.  It hadn't escaped the Romulan's notice that the man had taken to letting his facial hair grow some, in almost the exact same style as Rayek had his, not long after Rayek had returned from the LoD Qan.  He suspected the man realized how much Tess liked the appearance of Rayek's own so sought to copy him.

Rayek had heard that imitation was the highest form of flattery, yet it didn't sit well with him.  He preferred it when the man had been clean-shaven and appeared more like an unskilled cadet, rather than the experienced professional he was - which is what the beard showed.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

John Saxon


[Primary Galactic Quarter, Scientific Community Habitat #713, the Celestial Harmony]

"Lead assessor" communicated the almost-absent form of a Yxsuhlam through the vocoder, its swirling purple nihility held in place by a lightly contured manifestation suit, enabling its continued existence in this physical plane. "I have the results of the investigation of the Dimensional Incident in Katraian Space." A gaseous, even plasmid, approximation of an arm reached out, governed by the suit's gravitational fields, and handed the excelcrystal tablet to the awaiting fungus. "Your supposition was correct". Jaleniua sounded impressed with the Lead Assessor's augury. "The discontinuity was caused by a momentarily collapse of the transmaterial membrane."

The chamber it stood in was, much like all of the Harmony's aesthetics - replete with light and pristine - seemingly plastic - white moulded material.

Ssuehaugarurur, a Planessa, slowly took the proffered device through its biot's hands and the report immediately made itself available in a variety of retrieval means including optical, chemical and psionic. Ssuehaugarurur and Jaleniua, like all of the Harmony, were of course fluent in all of these - and more - communication mediums, such where the educational gifts of membership of this greatest of all galactic co-operative endeavours, and so they opted for the least obtrusive to the surrounding occupants of the chamber: chemical; the pheromones were easily translated by the Yxsuhlam vocoder into planar vibrations.

The host body of the sentient plant turned to face Jaleniua, its Courtesy Visor obscuring the lifeless eyes, which - despite even the most stringent of pedagogic discourse - perturbed the less enlightened outside the Celestial Harmony; it was a shame unconditional diversity was such a goal out of reach of most of the civilisations currently beyond the Harmony's horizon. "The Excogitation's gambit was evident. Has there been any fractural reverberation of the understructure?" it emanated from an ascocarp extrusion at the throat, as it scrolled through the various chemical tabs.

"None that are detectable, but that area of space has been subject to regular dimensional renewal for many, many cycles until the Katraian undertaking disrupted the transitional mechanism."

The occupying verdure contemplated this, the humanoid vehicle nodding on its command as it added to the report with a short burst of chemical imprinting, which Jaleniua picked up as: " I will submit to the Administrative Fora and recommend an assembled scientific expeditionary group to the locale in anticipation of the likely event of an existential collapse." The danger was quite clear - if the 'Katraian Zone' sank into the primal quantafoam, the danger of this rapidly becoming an endless chasm that the rest of reality poured, unimpeded, through, like sap down a singularity, was something the Harmony was not prepared to countenance...



Eydis would nod hir head. Yes off course friend of Eydis attend to your functions. I will wait till you have finished perhaps we can even meet kal. I do believe he has left the station for the current and will be back "

The Etain was the first of its class a new frigate. Focusing on range, speed. Packing a decent punch a jack of all trades capable of performing limited functions in most all areas. Such as exploration while limited scientific facilities. A powerful tholian a.I made the ship far more efficient even with a small crew. The a.I could even run the ship without the crew if the need arises.

Placing hir bar three digit hand on the console surface Eydis would sync hir crystalline form into the ships computer on a physical level. The astounding depth and complexity of the Etain was observable to eydis.

Indeed a most capable ship you are, I'm pleased to assume my role of commander and guide us both to a glorious future. I wish for your partnership Etain

Netha-Sar Murselas

[USS HEALY | Bridge - Helm]

Quote from: Solluk on February 04, 2021, 11:09:53 PM

USS Healy - Bridge

"Never mind baking.  Perhaps you can tell us the whole story at the next officer's dinner," Solluk suggested, "I'll invite the crewman to join us.  It sounds like a harrowing tale... albeit with a happy ending."

Hopefully Saxon would be there to hear it.

A crewman invited to an officer's dinner? "It would be an honor, sir," Netha-Sar said, turning halfway in his seat to offer Captain Solluk a polite bow of his head. In Orion culture the hierarchy was very strict. Even though both of his parents had been highly ranked within the syndicate (though Netha-Sar couldn't prove that) he had never been invited to anything of the sort. The leaders stayed amongst themselves and the rest were the rest. That's just how the command structure worked.

The way in which Starfleet consistently defied his expectations was one of the many reasons Netha-Sar had come to love being a part of it. Even if thus far he had spent his Starfleet career trying his damnedest not to stand out.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 07, 2021, 07:12:11 PM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
=/\= "tr'Lhoell to USS Healy. Stand-by for transport.  Two to beam direct to Sickbay." =/\=

He looked to Saxon waiting for the man to give the okay.

There was a small cheer on the Healy and Netha-Sar clenched his fist with a smile. It was a victory, but the battle wasn't over yet. At the very least the Orion felt he could breathe again as he maintained position around the Starstalker. But the mood of the room was not to be confused for relaxation. This was only the second battle in a long war. They still had more to do and a ways to travel in a ship that had already been pushed beyond her limits with a crew that wasn't faring much better.
Quote from: Solluk on February 08, 2021, 08:31:29 PM

"Helm, keeping the Starstalker under tow, bring us to the Thinker subspace conduit, Warp 1.  We're going to have to demolish it, and there may be resistance to that notion.  Our intelligence suggests that the Thinkers have compromised the guardian installations there, so don't even assume that our own installations can be trusted in the region.  Be prepared to take evasives at the first sign of trouble."

"Yes sir," the Orion said without turning around to look at his captain this time. He had already been keeping an eye on the proximity sensors for anything that could have come at the ship as they were rescuing Century and reclaiming the Starstalker. He felt a slight twist in his stomach at the realization that though they were overjoyed to have rescued a fellow member of Starfleet, their orders had been clear. The Starstalker was the primary target. Disallowing it to fall into enemy hands was their main priority.

Yet here they were dragging it into what would probably be another conflict. Netha-Sar doubted that the formidable Thinkers were taking a holiday and might just miss the USS Healy closing the conduit with an advanced piece of spyware in tow. They had been lucky so far, but Netha-Sar wasn't one to rely on luck. "Sir," he said, his head swivelling back to Captain Solluk. "Would it be possible for me to receive a detailed damage report from engineering? I'd like to know every crack and tear on the ship to better plan for and calculate evasive maneuvers." And at warp one he would actually have the time to review it.

He couldn't help but remember the time he and his brothers had stolen one of their mother's ships and ridden around with only one engine. An oversight that had cost him greatly in his youth and had been a source of invaluable insight and experience ever since. If he was going to be expected to throw the ship around, he wanted to know where it was most vulnerable as is.

Tess tLhoell


Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Tess' office] - DAY THREE

Quote from: Solluk on February 10, 2021, 12:05:40 AM

Tess' Office - Katra Station

Zanner smiled, and this time his smile was warm and open.

"I trust you.  And thank you.  Now... I won't keep you any longer.  From what I hear, you have some kind of speech to give."

He stood, "I'll see you tonight, if things don't get too crazy for you."

"I'm looking forward to it", she said and stood up too, nodding at him. "Have a good day, Captain. I will see you tonight."

After he was gone Tess sat at her desk for a long while, just staring at a random spot in thought. The news had dismayed her. Eventually her thoughts returned to the announcement she was about to make. While she prepared roughly the words she wanted to use, she checked her PADD repeatedly, hoping any new findings came in. But that probably was more wishful thinking. She couldn't expect the team to do miracles.

As she sat there and reminisced the meeting in the bio lab, she also thought back on the brief meeting with the Dord, Depp. Cleansing ritual ...

Picking up her PADD, Tess typed a message.

To: Lieutenant Beja; Ensign Zex
From: Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell

I happened to have a brief talk with Executive Assisant Depp of the Dord. Xe mentioned something like a 'cleansing ritual' the ambassador goes through, currently. Does either of you have any information on this specific Dord ritual? If not, who could know about it? Toji perhaps?

Maybe I'm chasing a phantom here, but it kept popping up in my mind. I'll await your feedback, even if it's just a negative report.


After that Tess made her way to the promenade.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Tess approached the place where Alice Dramond had prepared for her to make the announcement. Of course a crwod of journalists was already there, but also civilian population of the station just as some officers who happened to be on the break or their day off.

A surge of panic gripped Tess but she fought it down quickly by taking one or two deep breaths. "So, where are we currently?", she asked the Yeoman after Tess stopped next to her. "Everything ready?"

NPC Adryel of Etros
[Planet Meridian - Emerald Peninsula - 'Ihmana' Refugee Camp]
Quote from: Solluk on February 10, 2021, 12:05:40 AM

Etrosian 'Ihmana' Refugee Camp - on Meridian's 'Emerald Peninsula'

When Beja materialized, an aged man was standing by.  Whether this was coincidence, or he had been somehow alerted to her visit beforehand, was not clear.

"I am Revris," he said simply, seemingly unsurprised with her materialization, "elder of the Ihmana encampment.  You must be the new Starfleet Surveyor."

He peered at her.  "You people have been poking around for a while.  Now I understand we are prisoners here.  It is time that we talk, don't you think?"

He gestured to a nearby housing unit, leaning on a wooden staff.

Quote from: Beja on February 10, 2021, 03:09:04 AM

Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja took a few seconds to reorient herself after she materialized down in the Etrosian refugee camp. No matter how many times she transported it was never a wholly comfortable experience. It was like her entire body was being tickled by the air molecules around it. The one good thing about it, was that it didn't last long. The transportation normally took place in a matter of seconds, it took more time to orient herself, than it did to do the actual physical transportation itself.

Hello, I am Beja. I'm Katra's Chief Diplomatic Officer and Counselor. I am sorry that you feel like a prisoner. We are concerned for your people's safety," Beja nodded over to Revris.

I will be happy to talk with you. I was hoping that perhaps Adryel would be here too. He's been my main point of contact with the Etrosians," Beja was happy to follow Revris to the housing unit where he had indicated they should go to talk. She hoped that they would be able to continue their good relations between the Etrosians and Katra. The last thing any of them needed was to have more of their relations eroded with mistrust and discord.

Since Adryel was living on a different part of Meridian, the Operations personnel of Katra had beamed him into the Ihmana Refugee Camp on the condition that he then stayed there in quarantine with the others. When Adryel materialized, he noticed that Lieutenant Beja, the nice Klingon counselor, was already there. Adryel had talked to her a few times and had come to like the Klingon.

His glance then wandered over to Revris, one of the elders of the Ihmana clan. Adryel had learned that the Etrosians here were not happy about the quarantine. He hoped he could help to alleviate any concerns.

Approaching the pair, Adryel performed the respecful greeting gesture to both Revris and Beja. "May the Wise One Above be with you", he said. "I have been asked to attend this meeting." With that he walked into the house with them. Once inside, he looked to the elder. "Revris, I was told I should stay here for now, until the mystery of the illness is solved." It was a prompt for the elder to offer hospitality to him without Adryel having to ask for it.

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay] - DAY THREE
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on February 10, 2021, 03:30:26 AM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]  [DAY THREE]

Rayek completely understood Saxon's reluctance to rest after everything that happened.  He doubted even a forced nap would be able to do much to restore him.  He personally was inclined to grant Saxon the opportunity to decide for himself rather than have the sleep forced on him but Padrini of course made things difficult.

Rayek met John's look across the medbay.  "I'll talk to the Captain about his orders while you're talking to Lt. Falleg."

But before Rayek could do that he needed his wound treated and to his dismay, that meant Padrini taking over for the nurse after his wound had been exposed and cleaned thoroughly.   For the first time ever, Rayek almost changed his mind about getting stitches.  However, Padrini was already preparing the tools, and opting for a dermal regenerator now would be too much like admitting defeat - proving to the man just how much he got under Rayek skin.

The man's words if not his tone as he asked if Rayek would 'miss the pain' was on the verge of being disrespectful.   Well, two could play that game.

"Normally, under a high level of care, I wouldn't need such pain control measures.  Yet, in this instance, I think it might be best." The implied insult being that Padrini was inexperienced and incompetent.  Hell, Rayek wouldn't put it past Padrini to purposely make it as painful as possible for his Romulan rival.

Rayek kept a close watch on the Italian doctor as the man began the stitching.  It hadn't escaped the Romulan's notice that the man had taken to letting his facial hair grow some, in almost the exact same style as Rayek had his, not long after Rayek had returned from the LoD Qan.  He suspected the man realized how much Tess liked the appearance of Rayek's own so sought to copy him.

Rayek had heard that imitation was the highest form of flattery, yet it didn't sit well with him.  He preferred it when the man had been clean-shaven and appeared more like an unskilled cadet, rather than the experienced professional he was - which is what the beard showed.

Padrini caught the exchange between John Saxon and Rayek, the Romulan trying to change Captain Solluk's mind about his orders and putting Saxon's health back. "We will see how Mr. Saxon is doing after the hypo shot and the hydration. If Captain's orders are not sufficient I will make food and sleep doctor's orders." To Padrini's medical-minded intention to make sure Saxon was fine was probably also a hint of just pulling the doctor's card to talk back to Rayek.

Once he was then with Rayek to stitch his wound, the man's reply to his question only earned the twitch of his lips, as if he had to hold himself back to retort something promptly. So, Rayek thought he was a bad doctor? Well, he could show him what kind of a bad doctor he was. As he turned away to reach for the hypospray to apply some numbing to the area of the wound, a train of thought went through Padrini's mind ... if he made the stitches to become a really ugly scar, maybe Tess would become fed up with it and leave him ...? The grip around the hypoinjector tightened slightly before he turned back to Rayek and pressed the end of it to a spot near the open wound.

Then Roberto threaded the thread into the curved needle, making sure to have enough thread in the needle for the length of the wound. With a clamp he picked up the needle and pushed it through Rayek's skin at the edge of the wound over to the other side and pulled it through. His left hand performed the knotting motion while the other hand held the thread under tension. He then repeated that until the whole wound was closed. When he finished he cut off the ends and put the utensils aside. "Come to sickbay in three or four days to check on it", Roberto said as he took a step away.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



USS Healy - Bridge

Solluk looked towards Netha-Sar, and found himself nodding in agreement.  "An excellent suggestion."

He laid his hand upon the command-chair's LCARS interface, thumbing the icon that would once again open an intercom channel to Engineering.

"Bridge to Engineering.  As soon as it's available, please distribute a detailed damage report to all department heads."

The idea was a good one, not only for the Helm, but for every department who might need to know how far the ship could be safely stressed in its current condition, and in what ways.

Katra Station - Promenade - Main Viewport

Yeoman Dramond quickly approached Tess as she arrived.

"Everything is set up, Sir.  I think I've cracked the whip and waved the chair enough to keep the lions at bay for a moment.  So you should get to make your opening statement without interruption.  Once you're done here, I've set up a video chat with the Etrosian representatives and their Meridian minder in your ready room in two hours, so you can address them privately."

Ihmana Refugee Camp - Meridian - Elder's Shelter

No sooner had Beja mentioned Adryel, than the man himself materialized.  The expression on the elder's face was an odd one, a mixture of reverence and irritation.

"The Wise One Above walks with you, Adryel," Revris said as he bowed, "You are most honored among our people, and so I had hoped to spare you the discomfort of what I must say.  But as you are here, come in.  Be our guest, and my guest in particular."

Without further explanation, he went into the shelter.  It had been warmly decorated, both with objects the elder had brought with him from their old home, and new objects crafted from the resources on this peninsula over the past several weeks.  There were dyed fabrics hung to make the shelter seem less like a metal structure.  Knickknacks abounded: Candles, polished stones, astronomical statues, and horns from native beasts.

Revris sat on a pillow on the floor, setting his stick beside him.  He gestured an invitation for the others to join him.

There was a low table beside the pillows, with a stoppered glass bottle.  The elder reached out with wrinkled hands to take up the bottle, pouring its rose-colored contents into small ceramic cups.  These, he took and held out to his guests.  "Tromara fruit juice.  Tromara grows everywhere on this peninsula.  The peel is green, but the pulp and juice are pink.  A mixture of sweet and sour.  Much like recent events."

He looked to Adryel, "We are all grateful for what you have done.  Revealing the truth about our past and present circumstances.  Finding people who could offer us a new home, away from the control and abuse we have long suffered.  And an end to barbarity masked as devotion to our faith."

He looked down into his cup.  "It has been difficult.  Understanding that what was once considered sacred, was only a lie.  A lie perpetrated to manipulate and control us.  And a lie which caused us to harm our own people.

As we have come to understand the truth, we have matched this truth to a vow: Never Again."

He looked to Beja, who obviously could not drink without removing her helmet. and lifted up his cup.

"Now we are saved.  Moved into this land, where we can be free.  Hired as laborers by our hosts.

Until now.

Now, the work ends.

The freedom ends.

We are told that there is an illness, but none of our people are sick.

Strange people come in suits like yours.  They take animals, and ask us questions.  They imply we are a danger.

And when does this happen?

Within hours of the Dord delegation visiting us to offer their friendship and support.

Now these thoughts spring in my mind: Perhaps our hosts are merely new masters.  And perhaps they are jealous masters.."

He sipped his drink, setting it back down on the table.  Then he gestured towards Adryel.

"I would have spared Adryel such words.  It is a pain to hear them said in the presence of those to whom we are meant to be grateful.

But they must be said.  I will not see it all happen again.  Another grand lie to control and limit our people.

What say you, Beja of Starfleet?"

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra Station - Wildlife Research & Rescue Center - Zoology Lab 3 - Day Three

Zex watched the process.  It would be pretty easy to duplicate.  At least she hoped so.

"I think I have the hang of it.  How many out of how many have you done so far?   If we get the same results on a big enough sample size, we may be able to save us some time" she suggested.

The follow up question caused her to pause and think.  "Probably.  I started off on the Columbus, but jumped around to multiple ships for short assignments after that assignment.  It got to a point that I stopped unpacking my duffle.  Is there something specific you wanted to know about the Challenger?  Perhaps if you ask it will spark my memory as to if I served on her or not?" the Deltan replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja listened quietly while the elder Revris explained not just about Tromara fruit, but about the deeper issue the Etrosians were going through. The fact that the refugees were battling with their own guilt and trying to find reason in the galaxy. It was hard to deal with the fact that the Etrosians' faith had been twisted to the point that they were happily killing their own family and friends, in order to keep their slavers content. How did anyone move forward from that kind of darkness? How did the Etrosians still hold onto faith of any kind?

When Revris was done talking, Beja took a few more minutes of silence to fill up, while she got her thoughts in order. Just as the Tholian meeting had been a delicate dance, so too was this meeting. Beja hadn't realized just how delicate of a situation until she had soaked in the words, pain, and anger of Revris' words.

I wish to assure you that the Federation did not assist the Etrosians for your people's gratitude. We did so because it was the right thing to do. It is what the Federation is built upon, helping other people, doing what is right in the face of adversity," Beja said to both Revris and Adryel.

Beja paused before she continued, "œI am sorry that your people have gone through such darkness. But I do hope that you and yours never truly lose the most precious of all gifts: hope. Hope that your future generations are able to put the darkness truly behind them, and embrace the light and warmth of acceptance here in Meridian. Or if you chose to go out in the galaxy and find somewhere else to land."

Right now, there is a sickness that is destroying the wildlife on the planet. It is possibly a virus that is dormant in the Etrosians right now, and that we are trying to make sure does not waken. Neither I nor Federation wish to see your people suffer any longer. It has killed bees, butterflies, honey capers, and we are doing our best to find the cause so we can synthesis an antidote for it," Beja explained.

Then Beja reached up and took off her helmet and placed it on the ground, before she lifted up the cup that had been given to her and took a deep drink from it. The human saying came to her mind that sometimes it was better to show with a person's actions rather than words.

I will share in your hardships with you. Together we shall forge a friendship between our peoples. I am happy to establish an Etrosian embassy on Katra. We would be honored to have your ambassador help to bridge a better understanding of your people and mine. Perhaps we can discover the light together," Beja looked over at Revris as she placed her cup down on the table.

What say you, Revris elder of the Etrosians?"


Ihmana Refugee Camp - Meridian - Elder's Shelter

Revris' mouth opened in surprise as Beja removed her helmet.  He looked to Adryel for a moment in shock, as if asking, is this occurring right now?

But yet, it was clear that it had.  Under the rules of the quarantine, Beja had just condemned herself to imprisonment here with the Etrosians.  It was not something one would do except as an expression of trustworthiness and solidarity.  It was placing one's life and freedom in alignment with their words.

"I am sorry I doubted the veracity of your people, Beja of Starfleet.  Tell us what you need of us, and we shall do our best to end this disease emergency."

He looked to Adryel again and added, "I think I can safely share the sentiment of all our people:  We will want Adryel to speak for us.  There is no figure more respected among us.  None more trusted.  He risked everything, gained us all we now have.  He alone was brave enough to unflinchingly look at the truth, and to do what needed to be done.

And, as you have just demonstrated... his judgment of friends is unimpeachable."

Katra Station - Wildlife Research & Rescue Center - Zoology Lab 3 - Day Three

"Wow," Jessica said, surprised, "it sounds like they shuffled you around quite a bit.  I never understand how Starfleet does things.  Sometimes, someone might stay at a post for twenty years.  Other times, they get moved every six months.  It's wild."

She used a laser-scalpel to slice off a selection of tissue.

"I know the old Challenger was an Excelsior class, before they retired it and cannibalized the old Excelsiors for parts to make the Trailblazers we're using now.  But I just thought... it must have been something to serve on an original Excelsior.  Like living in a museum."

She smiled wistfully at that thought for a moment, and then gestured to the carcass they'd been cutting open.

"This is my fifth necropsy.  I think we still have a couple-dozen left to go.  You're right, finding similarities will help to solve the riddle.  I'm hoping the bacteriologists and virologists will turn up something.  I honestly don't think this could be caused by environmental factors, even if it kills as quickly as a poison."

She sighed, "Well, if you think you're ready... I'll miss the company, but Zoology lab three is open."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

John Saxon

[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay] - DAY THREE

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on February 10, 2021, 12:48:40 PM


NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)

Padrini caught the exchange between John Saxon and Rayek, the Romulan trying to change Captain Solluk's mind about his orders and putting Saxon's health back. "We will see how Mr. Saxon is doing after the hypo shot and the hydration. If Captain's orders are not sufficient I will make food and sleep doctor's orders." To Padrini's medical-minded intention to make sure Saxon was fine was probably also a hint of just pulling the doctor's card to talk back to Rayek.

The look Saxon gave this whippersnapper - noticed or not - was hot enough to melt neutronium. He'd like to see anyone force him to sleep. But, keeping his tongue as he was just a guest these days aboard his old ship, John instead glanced over to Rayek with an appreciative nod at the offer to speak to Captain Solluk on his behalf. Yet all that melted away when Hrafn Falleg was mentioned - she was aboard too? Had there been any personnel changes while he had been...on medical leave? He wondered how those energetic kids were doing. He smiled despite himself: Falleg and her spirited gaggle, now Tess and Rayek with their own. What other staff developments had he missed? Had Senior Chief Jada returned from her Outer Dark and struck up with the Captain, finally?

He almost choked on the stifled chuckle, and glared at any medical personnel that looked like they were coming over to check he was alright. Instead, he smacked his broken lips and allowed some of his impatient tone creep in like an ablative shell obscuring his deeper joy. "Well? Does anyone have some water in this damn place? I've been sipping radioactive fuel for days!"

Tess tLhoell

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Promenade - Main Viewport]

Quote from: Solluk on February 11, 2021, 03:07:14 AM

Katra Station - Promenade - Main Viewport

Yeoman Dramond quickly approached Tess as she arrived.

"Everything is set up, Sir.  I think I've cracked the whip and waved the chair enough to keep the lions at bay for a moment.  So you should get to make your opening statement without interruption.  Once you're done here, I've set up a video chat with the Etrosian representatives and their Meridian minder in your ready room in two hours, so you can address them privately."

Tess nodded at her. "Thank you." She then stepped up to the podium and immediately the murmurs went quiet. Tess waited a second longer before she started to speak the words she had prepared. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand here today to give out information about the measures the Command staff of Katra has implemented in the past 26 hours. Biologists of our Wildlife and Research Center have discovered that there is a disease rampant among certain animals on the planet Meridian. That disease affects the nervous system. Humanoids are not affected. However, Starfleet hygiene and protection procedures dictate certain measures we must follow in such a situation. One of these measures is to quarantine the area where the disease has occurred. Therefore, visits to the Emerald Peninsula are not permitted for the next two weeks. Visitors who have been at this location in the last two weeks will be contacted by our medical and scientific staff to gather information that may help us in our search for the possible origin of the outbreak."

She stopped there and looked over the gathered people. She really had made it through the announcemnet without interruptions. A mild smile appeared on her face. "Thank you for your attention. I will now take on any questions that might have raised."

Adryel of Etros
[Planet Meridian - Emerald Peninsula - Ihmana Refugee Camp - Elder's shelter]

Quote from: Solluk on February 10, 2021, 03:28:27 PM

Ihmana Refugee Camp - Meridian - Elder's Shelter

No sooner had Beja mentioned Adryel, than the man himself materialized.  The expression on the elder's face was an odd one, a mixture of reverence and irritation.

"The Wise One Above walks with you, Adryel," Revris said as he bowed, "You are most honored among our people, and so I had hoped to spare you the discomfort of what I must say.  But as you are here, come in.  Be our guest, and my guest in particular."

Without further explanation, he went into the shelter.  It had been warmly decorated, both with objects the elder had brought with him from their old home, and new objects crafted from the resources on this peninsula over the past several weeks.  There were dyed fabrics hung to make the shelter seem less like a metal structure.  Knickknacks abounded: Candles, polished stones, astronomical statues, and horns from native beasts.

Revris sat on a pillow on the floor, setting his stick beside him.  He gestured an invitation for the others to join him.

There was a low table beside the pillows, with a stoppered glass bottle.  The elder reached out with wrinkled hands to take up the bottle, pouring its rose-colored contents into small ceramic cups.  These, he took and held out to his guests.  "Tromara fruit juice.  Tromara grows everywhere on this peninsula.  The peel is green, but the pulp and juice are pink.  A mixture of sweet and sour.  Much like recent events."

He looked to Adryel, "We are all grateful for what you have done.  Revealing the truth about our past and present circumstances.  Finding people who could offer us a new home, away from the control and abuse we have long suffered.  And an end to barbarity masked as devotion to our faith."

He looked down into his cup.  "It has been difficult.  Understanding that what was once considered sacred, was only a lie.  A lie perpetrated to manipulate and control us.  And a lie which caused us to harm our own people.

As we have come to understand the truth, we have matched this truth to a vow: Never Again."

He looked to Beja, who obviously could not drink without removing her helmet. and lifted up his cup.

"Now we are saved.  Moved into this land, where we can be free.  Hired as laborers by our hosts.

Until now.

Now, the work ends.

The freedom ends.

We are told that there is an illness, but none of our people are sick.

Strange people come in suits like yours.  They take animals, and ask us questions.  They imply we are a danger.

And when does this happen?

Within hours of the Dord delegation visiting us to offer their friendship and support.

Now these thoughts spring in my mind: Perhaps our hosts are merely new masters.  And perhaps they are jealous masters.."

He sipped his drink, setting it back down on the table.  Then he gestured towards Adryel.

"I would have spared Adryel such words.  It is a pain to hear them said in the presence of those to whom we are meant to be grateful.

But they must be said.  I will not see it all happen again.  Another grand lie to control and limit our people.

What say you, Beja of Starfleet?"[/size]

Quote from: Beja on February 11, 2021, 12:23:37 AM

Katra Station - Etrosian Refugee Camp

Beja listened quietly while the elder Revris explained not just about Tromara fruit, but about the deeper issue the Etrosians were going through. The fact that the refugees were battling with their own guilt and trying to find reason in the galaxy. It was hard to deal with the fact that the Etrosians' faith had been twisted to the point that they were happily killing their own family and friends, in order to keep their slavers content. How did anyone move forward from that kind of darkness? How did the Etrosians still hold onto faith of any kind?

When Revris was done talking, Beja took a few more minutes of silence to fill up, while she got her thoughts in order. Just as the Tholian meeting had been a delicate dance, so too was this meeting. Beja hadn't realized just how delicate of a situation until she had soaked in the words, pain, and anger of Revris' words.

I wish to assure you that the Federation did not assist the Etrosians for your people's gratitude. We did so because it was the right thing to do. It is what the Federation is built upon, helping other people, doing what is right in the face of adversity," Beja said to both Revris and Adryel.

Beja paused before she continued, "œI am sorry that your people have gone through such darkness. But I do hope that you and yours never truly lose the most precious of all gifts: hope. Hope that your future generations are able to put the darkness truly behind them, and embrace the light and warmth of acceptance here in Meridian. Or if you chose to go out in the galaxy and find somewhere else to land."

Right now, there is a sickness that is destroying the wildlife on the planet. It is possibly a virus that is dormant in the Etrosians right now, and that we are trying to make sure does not waken. Neither I nor Federation wish to see your people suffer any longer. It has killed bees, butterflies, honey capers, and we are doing our best to find the cause so we can synthesis an antidote for it," Beja explained.

Then Beja reached up and took off her helmet and placed it on the ground, before she lifted up the cup that had been given to her and took a deep drink from it. The human saying came to her mind that sometimes it was better to show with a person's actions rather than words.

I will share in your hardships with you. Together we shall forge a friendship between our peoples. I am happy to establish an Etrosian embassy on Katra. We would be honored to have your ambassador help to bridge a better understanding of your people and mine. Perhaps we can discover the light together," Beja looked over at Revris as she placed her cup down on the table.

What say you, Revris elder of the Etrosians?"

Quote from: Solluk on February 11, 2021, 03:07:14 AM

Ihmana Refugee Camp - Meridian - Elder's Shelter

Revris' mouth opened in surprise as Beja removed her helmet.  He looked to Adryel for a moment in shock, as if asking, is this occurring right now?

But yet, it was clear that it had.  Under the rules of the quarantine, Beja had just condemned herself to imprisonment here with the Etrosians.  It was not something one would do except as an expression of trustworthiness and solidarity.  It was placing one's life and freedom in alignment with their words.

"I am sorry I doubted the veracity of your people, Beja of Starfleet.  Tell us what you need of us, and we shall do our best to end this disease emergency."

He looked to Adryel again and added, "I think I can safely share the sentiment of all our people:  We will want Adryel to speak for us.  There is no figure more respected among us.  None more trusted.  He risked everything, gained us all we now have.  He alone was brave enough to unflinchingly look at the truth, and to do what needed to be done.

And, as you have just demonstrated... his judgment of friends is unimpeachable."

Adryel stepped into the elder's home. Right at the entrance was a niche with a small shrine in it. Every Etrosian home had one of those. He stopped in front of it, remained there with a bowed head for a second or two and then moved further inside. He sat down on one of the pillows on the floor and happily accepted the Tromara fruit juice. That fruit didn't grow where Adryel lived on Meridian and he was quite curious to try it. He took a sip. At first he thought it was too sour for him. But then the sweetness washed it away and he found it really tasty.

He listened as Revris told Beja about the suffering the Etrosian people had gone through and telling them how the Etrosians here on the Peninsula felt about the quarantine. They feared that the Starfleet people might turn out to be the same like the Atrosians had.  Adryel didn't want to believe that. Part of the problem surely was that they didn't understand much of technology. So they could be fooled easily. While Adryel mulled over the possibilities to reassure Revris and the whole Ihmana clan, Beja already lay the foundation to a more trusted relationship by her actions. He smiled over to her. "The Starfleet people I have met always have been nice and open, they are not like our Atrosian brothers. Up there at their place among the stars, there are many different races ... joined and living together. Their ways are different than ours, but I'm sure they use their power for good things."

That Revris approved of him to be the speaker of the whole Etrosian nation pleased Adryel so much. The man was literally the eldest of the elders, the clan heads. Becoming old had not been that of a common thing among the Etrosian population due to the Atrosian ruse. The population, including many the elders, were quite young in comparison. Age, and experience that age brought along, was high valued and so Revris' words held a lot of weight. That was part of why Adryel felt honored that the man approved of him. And why the decision to make him the ambassador, as Klingon Beja had called it, was pretty much set while normally decisions of that magnitude were made by the clan head council in a big meeting. Given the circumstances that wasn't possible anyways.

"I will not disappoint the trust that has been put in me", Adryel declared solemnly.

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]
Quote from: John Saxon on February 11, 2021, 08:29:24 AM

[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay] - DAY THREE

The look Saxon gave this whippersnapper - noticed or not - was hot enough to melt neutronium. He'd like to see anyone force him to sleep. But, keeping his tongue as he was just a guest these days aboard his old ship, John instead glanced over to Rayek with an appreciative nod at the offer to speak to Captain Solluk on his behalf. Yet all that melted away when Hrafn Falleg was mentioned - she was aboard too? Had there been any personnel changes while he had been...on medical leave? He wondered how those energetic kids were doing. He smiled despite himself: Falleg and her spirited gaggle, now Tess and Rayek with their own. What other staff developments had he missed? Had Senior Chief Jada returned from her Outer Dark and struck up with the Captain, finally?

He almost choked on the stifled chuckle, and glared at any medical personnel that looked like they were coming over to check he was alright. Instead, he smacked his broken lips and allowed some of his impatient tone creep in like an ablative shell obscuring his deeper joy. "Well? Does anyone have some water in this damn place? I've been sipping radioactive fuel for days!"

The fire that still blazed in the eyes of this haggard man made him pause for a moment and stare back in amazement. Jutting his chin forward a bit, Roberto withstood the staring attack - barely.

At the man's impatient question Roberto looked back to the nurse. "Give him an IV of poly-nutrient and hydration solution."

The nurse nodded and after a moment returned with a hovering drip stand that held an infusionbag. "Mr. Saxon, I need to roll up your sleeve there to set the IV needle", she explained and would disinfect the spot where she intended to puncture his skin if he allowed.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon


[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on February 11, 2021, 09:05:16 AM

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)

The fire that still blazed in the eyes of this haggard man made him pause for a moment and stare back in amazement. Jutting his chin forward a bit, Roberto withstood the staring attack - barely.

At the man's impatient question Roberto looked back to the nurse. "Give him an IV of poly-nutrient and hydration solution."

The nurse nodded and after a moment returned with a hovering drip stand that held an infusionbag. "Mr. Saxon, I need to roll up your sleeve there to set the IV needle", she explained and would disinfect the spot where she intended to puncture his skin if he allowed.

At the sight of the needle, John's busy, bushy, eyebrows raised in askance, like the dangerous wings of B'rel-class Raider. He wasn't afraid of them, he'd been stabbed by far larger - and smaller - sharp, pointy objects in his time; but after what he'd recently been through, he'd just prefer cup of cold water and a quick hiss of a hypo-spray than being jabbed into the skin. The bag alone would put a crimp in his credibility of being fit for duty.

Still, the nurse was only following her instructions from the posturing stripling, and it didn't seem right to focus his ire upon her just for this. Instead, he huffed lightly and rolled up his Starfleet standard uniform to accommodate, realising he was still in that modern version of habiliment and not the honorary 'throwback' he'd worn during his time on Katra, itself a welcome return to one he had worn during the War. It was not until then did it strike him how he was now an outsider. Not a stranger, for sure, but he was no longer part of the Tenth Fleet, instead one of the wider clockwork of the Service.

Putting that behind him, John looked at the nurse as she administered the IV, and then that Padrini. "This " he raised his arm in demonstration, causing the nurse to tut despite herself and try to ensure the needle stayed in, "comes out the moment Captain Solluk sees me" he announced without room for compromise.

Tess tLhoell

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Quote from: John Saxon on February 11, 2021, 10:03:58 AM

[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

At the sight of the needle, John's busy, bushy, eyebrows raised in askance, like the dangerous wings of B'rel-class Raider. He wasn't afraid of them, he'd been stabbed by far larger - and smaller - sharp, pointy objects in his time; but after what he'd recently been through, he'd just prefer cup of cold water and a quick hiss of a hypo-spray than being jabbed into the skin. The bag alone would put a crimp in his credibility of being fit for duty.

Still, the nurse was only following her instructions from the posturing stripling, and it didn't seem right to focus his ire upon her just for this. Instead, he huffed lightly and rolled up his Starfleet standard uniform to accommodate, realising he was still in that modern version of habiliment and not the honorary 'throwback' he'd worn during his time on Katra, itself a welcome return to one he had worn during the War. It was not until then did it strike him how he was now an outsider. Not a stranger, for sure, but he was no longer part of the Tenth Fleet, instead one of the wider clockwork of the Service.

Putting that behind him, John looked at the nurse as she administered the IV, and then that Padrini. "This " he raised his arm in demonstration, causing the nurse to tut despite herself and try to ensure the needle stayed in, "comes out the moment Captain Solluk sees me" he announced without room for compromise.

Padrini looked at the stubborn man while the nurse had trouble to make Saxon hold still enough so the needle would stay in. "The bag will need about 15 minutes to run through. You couldn't possibly eat and drink enough in that time to get the same effect, so this is the quicker thing for you, short-term." Proper intake of food and drink would be more long-lasting and natural. But there was no doubt John Saxon had no appreciation for that at the moment. He needed to be fit now, though Padrini would stick to his heels to make sure he rested to recover.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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