S3 - M2 The Butterfly Effect Pt. II

Started by Solluk, February 02, 2021, 12:16:37 AM

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Eli Ferris

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 15, 2021, 09:32:14 AM

[Brauhaus Gamma]

[AS NPC Anth McCutcheon - Daystrom Scientist]

Anth had, due to recent events and hold ups on getting reports to and from Earth, plus the wealth of available research on Katra, remained on the station and made it his home.  Since Sally his sister was good friends with the CSO's daughter, and the Sigurdsdottir twins he figured between Hrafn and Ruth wherever she intended spending her vacation she'd be safe from her father in law.

He wandered into the pub remembering the jolly atmosphere they'd had there at Yuletide doing the Julbukking.  That had been fun.  He spotted two members of what he hoped were the Science Team and went over.

"Hi, I don't think we've met yet.  I'm nominally part of the Science Department in that I answer to Lt. Falleg-Tekin, but I'm here undertaking research for the Daystrom Institute.  Am I to understand you're Sciences?  Anth McCutcheon.  May I sit with you?  I'm open to chat about anything, including most scientific subjects."

Anth noticed the Romulan Flight Chief walk in and beckoned him over, it would be good to have another male to talk to and get the opinion of other departments.

"Care to join us, Sir?  We may be a motley crew of diplomats and Scientists but... we're all Starfleet!"

Quote from: Zex on March 15, 2021, 04:43:35 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Would you like a little bailies mixed it.  They call it irish coffee.  Just enough to add flavor.  Not enough to make you dizzy?" Zex asked her new gal pal.

"He's Vulcan too" she relied.  Before she could explain further more people arrive.  "Eli.  Over here" she called out the the Flight Control Officer.

"Oh hi.  I'm Zex.  This is Eli.  And this is Sirol" she said to the newcomer.

Eli headed over, glad to see a familiar face in Zex and he wouldn't lie that he needed the company at the moment, even if his mind was a bit foggy. Maybe getting out of the bay was what the doctor would order. So, he stepped over and sat down.

"Good evening, Zex. Nice to meet you." He made sure to make eye contact around the seating. "You know, I don't think I've been down here in a while. Been too long in the flight bay."  There was a touch of levity to his tone that he didn't quite feel completely.

"So, what's new around here?"


Quote from: Zex on March 13, 2021, 12:43:50 PM


Zex was not a bar fly.  But she was not a teetotaler either.  So when the general invitation to meet up at the bar came, she decided to go.

She had just the dress to wear.  Something that had been custom made for her petit little frame.  It highlighted her size 0 waist with a small belt.

Before she left her quarters she called out to Eydis over the lattis.  "Hello.  Are you coming to the bar?  Please?" she asked.

Then she found her way to the place.  It wasn't very crouded - yet.  So it was easy to spot a friendly face.

"Hi.  Just getting here?  You're Sirol?  Right?  I'm Zex" she said after walking up to her.

Eydis would peek hir head out hir molten pool bath at hearing zex over the lattice

Yes I will be able to join you my friend. I have something to show you. I understand many humaniods have pets.

Shi clambers out of the molten pool the molten hot liquid dripping off hir crystalline body. Hir dark blue crystalline illuminated by the bluish energy inside of hir. Reaching down and petting the head of the mandible of the uropygi who had been waiting there patiently next to hir molten bath and for hir body to cool down some

Thanks to hir hybrid body shi did not need a suit to leave the tholian vessel or did shi generate as much heat as normal tholians.  Shi would watch the uropygi for a second before shi got ready to leave the Etain.
Shi would pick up the uropygi in both of hir arms allowing its spiked limbs to brush against hir crystalline body. Shi felt it safer if shi carried the uropygi off and it might  calm down the humaniods as well.


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Quote from: Eli Ferris on March 14, 2021, 12:19:50 AM

Eli left, heading up to the promenade with the various restaurants. His quarters seemed largely unappealing. So, with a brief turbolift ride he stepped out. He found a nearby eatery, the Gamma Brauhaus, and headed in.

Quote from: Zex on March 15, 2021, 04:43:35 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Would you like a little bailies mixed it.  They call it irish coffee.  Just enough to add flavor.  Not enough to make you dizzy?" Zex asked her new gal pal.

"He's Vulcan too" she relied.  Before she could explain further more people arrive.  "Eli.  Over here" she called out the the Flight Control Officer.

"Oh hi.  I'm Zex.  This is Eli.  And this is Sirol" she said to the newcomer.

For a moment, the slender scientist just stared at the door, almost even as if she was expecting someone in particular. Saqa7 perhaps? Maybe...  But of course it was just her not entirely sure how to react.
So far she was alone with Ensign Zex, and - although the Diplomatics Officer seemed to naturally emit the most friendly and welcoming aura Sirol could imagine - the scientist already worried to be too boring for the other and lose Zex's focus unless finding a worthwhile topic of conversation.

Luckily for Sirol, it had been Zex who took the initiative by offering her to try out a new drink.
Hesitantly, yet noticeable agreeable she nodded.
"œI would very much like to.
I have begun to try out a multitude of food from all various Federation worlds, but I always put more emphasis on personal recommendations.
Is Irish Coffee a specialty from your homeworld?"

Looking towards the barkeeper, Sirol saw them preparing the new beverage, while Zex explained that Sirol reminded her of a former Vulcan crewmember.
"˜He is Vulcan too' she had said to be precise, towards which Sirol tilted her head in surprise.
While she was neither offended or delighted to be associated with another species, (after all studying and establishing deep and functional understanding between cultures was her job, hence Sirol stopped to care about concepts like race and biology  [in a non-culture-related context] years ago) it still surprised her.
Apparently her pragmatic and calm approach was enough to make her appear Vulcan; one of the universally most trusted cultures within the Federation circle. Sirol saw this as a bit of a personal achievement.

As yet another person came and joined the group, Sirol got up again to bid him a polite hailing bow, while hearing Zex introduce both to one another.
With an acknowledging nod Sirol looked at the stranger.
"œI am pleased to meet you"¦" [She quickly checked the rank pins on his uniform]
"œ...Lieutenant Eli.
I am still getting to know all of the senior staff members. I was transferred here as part of the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
...What is your function aboard, Lieut---"

Yet another person entered the small circle and introduced himself"¦.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 15, 2021, 09:32:14 AM

[Brauhaus Gamma]
[AS NPC Anth McCutcheon - Daystrom Scientist]

Anth had, due to recent events and hold ups on getting reports to and from Earth, plus the wealth of available research on Katra, remained on the station and made it his home.  Since Sally his sister was good friends with the CSO's daughter, and the Sigurdsdottir twins he figured between Hrafn and Ruth wherever she intended spending her vacation she'd be safe from her father in law.

He wandered into the pub remembering the jolly atmosphere they'd had there at Yuletide doing the Julbukking.  That had been fun.  He spotted two members of what he hoped were the Science Team and went over.

"Hi, I don't think we've met yet.  I'm nominally part of the Science Department in that I answer to Lt. Falleg-Tekin, but I'm here undertaking research for the Daystrom Institute.  Am I to understand you're Sciences?  Anth McCutcheon.  May I sit with you?  I'm open to chat about anything, including most scientific subjects."

Anth noticed the Romulan Flight Chief walk in and beckoned him over, it would be good to have another male to talk to and get the opinion of other departments.

"Care to join us, Sir?  We may be a motley crew of diplomats and Scientists but... we're all Starfleet!"

Sirol looked up towards the human, and - just as she had done towards Zex and Eli - once more got up and politely bowed towards the scientist.
"œ...This meeting has been organised by a member of the science staff, Lieutenant Mountain-Kahn, yes, but it is not restricted to any division.
Please, by all means, the larger the group the more interesting the conversation."

She vaguely pointed at the other two with a nod of her head.
"œEnsign Zex here is part of the Diplomatics Division, and Lieutenant Eli"¦ I have not been informed yet...
I am part of the science staff though. I primarily work as xenologist and cryptologist. And simulation scripter"¦
Let me know if you wish to understand or commune with some subjectively incomprehensible beings and cultures... I might be able to assist you as proxy.
I am Ensign Sirol; Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
What are your scientific fields, Anth McCutcheon?"

< Katra Station Falleg Family Quarters >
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 15, 2021, 09:32:14 AM

[Falleg Quarters]

"Nantie Sirol,..."  Lamar sniffed so loudly that the quantities of mucus would have made about a million snails jealous.  He put his hand out towards the screen as if to touch it, just wanting to be closer.  He did know better so Crista was gentle in taking it before he got finger prints all over it.  She didn't even chide him.

"We'll see you soon, Sirol!" Crista said with a sad smile.  "C'mon kids, your Auntie, sorry Nantie Sirol is coming to see you, let's get this place tidied up a little bit!"

It wasn't particularly untidy but it would take their minds off things for a little while until the young Romulan arrived.

As the slender Romulan eventually arrived at the Falleg Family quarters, she silently inhaled, adjusted her uniform, then eventually leaned a little forward and rang the door.
As the doors - as usually - hissed open automatically, Sirol stiffened up for a second.
She had still not gotten used to the tradition of leaving your door open for people to just come and visit"¦ Even after almost two months, it still felt entirely alien to her"¦

Clearing her throat to announce her presence, the slender scientist then did one step forward into the room, yet stopped, for not making sure whether it was really alright for her to simply walk in as if she lived here"¦

"œ..LePrant? Children?
It is Sirol. ...May I come in?

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Eli Ferris on March 15, 2021, 10:34:15 PM

Eli headed over, glad to see a familiar face in Zex and he wouldn't lie that he needed the company at the moment, even if his mind was a bit foggy. Maybe getting out of the bay was what the doctor would order. So, he stepped over and sat down.

"Good evening, Zex. Nice to meet you." He made sure to make eye contact around the seating. "You know, I don't think I've been down here in a while. Been too long in the flight bay."  There was a touch of levity to his tone that he didn't quite feel completely.

"So, what's new around here?"

Quote from: Zex on March 15, 2021, 04:43:35 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Would you like a little bailies mixed it.  They call it irish coffee.  Just enough to add flavor.  Not enough to make you dizzy?" Zex asked her new gal pal.

"He's Vulcan too" she relied.  Before she could explain further more people arrive.  "Eli.  Over here" she called out the the Flight Control Officer.

"Oh hi.  I'm Zex.  This is Eli.  And this is Sirol" she said to the newcomer.

Quote from: Sirol on March 16, 2021, 04:00:10 AM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

For a moment, the slender scientist just stared at the door, almost even as if she was expecting someone in particular. Saqa7 perhaps? Maybe...  But of course it was just her not entirely sure how to react.
So far she was alone with Ensign Zex, and - although the Diplomatics Officer seemed to naturally emit the most friendly and welcoming aura Sirol could imagine - the scientist already worried to be too boring for the other and lose Zex's focus unless finding a worthwhile topic of conversation.

Luckily for Sirol, it had been Zex who took the initiative by offering her to try out a new drink.
Hesitantly, yet noticeable agreeable she nodded.
"œI would very much like to.
I have begun to try out a multitude of food from all various Federation worlds, but I always put more emphasis on personal recommendations.
Is Irish Coffee a specialty from your homeworld?"

Looking towards the barkeeper, Sirol saw them preparing the new beverage, while Zex explained that Sirol reminded her of a former Vulcan crewmember.
"˜He is Vulcan too' she had said to be precise, towards which Sirol tilted her head in surprise.
While she was neither offended or delighted to be associated with another species, (after all studying and establishing deep and functional understanding between cultures was her job, hence Sirol stopped to care about concepts like race and biology  [in a non-culture-related context] years ago) it still surprised her.
Apparently her pragmatic and calm approach was enough to make her appear Vulcan; one of the universally most trusted cultures within the Federation circle. Sirol saw this as a bit of a personal achievement.

As yet another person came and joined the group, Sirol got up again to bid him a polite hailing bow, while hearing Zex introduce both to one another.
With an acknowledging nod Sirol looked at the stranger.
"œI am pleased to meet you"¦" [She quickly checked the rank pins on his uniform]
"œ...Lieutenant Eli.
I am still getting to know all of the senior staff members. I was transferred here as part of the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
...What is your function aboard, Lieut---"

Yet another person entered the small circle and introduced himself"¦.

Sirol looked up towards the human, and - just as she had done towards Zex and Eli - once more got up and politely bowed towards the scientist.
"œ...This meeting has been organised by a member of the science staff, Lieutenant Mountain-Kahn, yes, but it is not restricted to any division.
Please, by all means, the larger the group the more interesting the conversation."

She vaguely pointed at the other two with a nod of her head.
"œEnsign Zex here is part of the Diplomatics Division, and Lieutenant Eli"¦ I have not been informed yet...
I am part of the science staff though. I primarily work as xenologist and cryptologist. And simulation scripter"¦
Let me know if you wish to understand or commune with some subjectively incomprehensible beings and cultures... I might be able to assist you as proxy.
I am Ensign Sirol; Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program.
What are your scientific fields, Anth McCutcheon?"

[Brauhaus Gamma - Katra Station]

Anth nodded at each then chuckled at Sirol's question.

"Ah, that's a little controversial, but..." he shrugged. "I work on Soong-type android development, cybernetics... currently my research is to observe other species, with special reference to the ones we've not come across in the Alpha Quadrant yet, to see if they would work as androids.  We have no plans to build, but it's more a prevention thing, if we know it is possible, we can prepare ourselves against it, or work with them... whatever the current climate on that is when it happens.  And I think it will be a when rather than an if."

Anth omitted to say that he it was because of losing his wife, and wanting a replica that he'd got into the field in the first place.

Quote from: Sirol on March 16, 2021, 04:00:10 AM

< Katra Station Falleg Family Quarters >

As the slender Romulan eventually arrived at the Falleg Family quarters, she silently inhaled, adjusted her uniform, then eventually leaned a little forward and rang the door.
As the doors - as usually - hissed open automatically, Sirol stiffened up for a second.
She had still not gotten used to the tradition of leaving your door open for people to just come and visit"¦ Even after almost two months, it still felt entirely alien to her"¦

Clearing her throat to announce her presence, the slender scientist then did one step forward into the room, yet stopped, for not making sure whether it was really alright for her to simply walk in as if she lived here"¦

"œ..LePrant? Children?
It is Sirol. ...May I come in?

[Falleg Quarters, SEVERAL DAYS LATER]

Crista beckoned in the Romulan scientist with a grateful smile and a rather distracted wave of the hand.

"NANTIE SIROL!!" Lamar ran at Sirol and wrapped his arms around her knees sobbing his little heart out.

"Hi Nantie!" Nerys smiled, trying to be a big girl and not cry.  Mammy wouldn't want her to, she was a Junior Cadet and she needed to make Mammy and Daddy proud, and crying wasn't going to cut it.

"Do you have any news about Mammy?" Tidu asked, doing his best to be the 'man of the family' and look after his siblings as his parents would wish.  The strain to be anything other than blubbering messes were showing on the faces of the older children.

Crista and Ujosso almost protectively put their arms around the twins and led them to a settee to sit with them, leaving Sirol to deal with the 'Little Pioneer' as she always called him.

"Can I get you anything Sirol? A drink, snack, small person arm prising implement to de-limpet a small child from your legs?!" James said.

He couldn't say that he was unaffected.  Seeing small children upset wasn't something he ever enjoyed, and he liked the Chief of Science and missed having her bubbly presence around.  His fiancÁ©e, Crista was also extremely worried and that was his job to make better if he could.  However, not being directly one of the family, nor a work colleague, he was less affected and thus could function better in the misery that these people by him were suffering.

"Make yourself comfortable, Sirol... and next time just come in... Hra... Hrafn counts you as family and the kids evidently do so... James and Ujosso do if we know they're coming.  Obviously... don't just walk in say in the middle of the night but if someone has pinged you and we're expecting you... yeah sure come straight in, with 3 kids... our hands might be rather full!" Crista's voice broke a little as she said Hrafn's name.

"Nerys, make some space for Nantie Sirol and Lamar, you can sit on my knee or on the floor between my legs whatever is comfortable for you!" Ujosso said with a sad smile.  Nerys in a rare vulnerable moment scrambled up onto Ujosso's lap not needing a second invitation and wrapped her arms around the Klingon's neck snuggling into her shoulder.  Ujosso quite surprised by this took a moment to react but cuddled the young girl into her looking at the other adults like 'Gods... they're more upset than we thought they were, what we going to do?'

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Reaching the door of the Etain. Eydis would pause and think that the uropygi might cause some alarm. Deciding against causing undue alarm shi would tell the uropygi to stay here on the ship. Easily done over the lattice which overpowered the simple hive mind off the uropygi.

Now shi would head alone to meet with hir friend, shrugging off the chill of the stations area. A minor discomfort Shi experienced as hir crystalline hybrid shell adapted to the cool enivorment. Normally impossible for a tholian but thanks to the crystalline entity fused with hir tholian crystalline body.

Shi made hir way quickly passed the various beings to the turbo lift
Friend zex I will be there shortly


[Brauhaus Gamma]

Zex's strawberry daiquiri arrived.  She stirred it will the straw before drinking. While she did, she turned back to Sirol.

"It's a human thing.  Mostly limited to Earth and her colonies.  There was an Irish pub not far from the academy when I was there.  I fell in love with their Irish stew when I was there.  The coffee was good too.  Come to think of it I think they are celebrating an Irish holiday there now" she said.

"Would you like to take a sip of my drink?  I know Vulcan's are particular about food.  I promise, I haven't drank from it yet" she said.

Eli then arrived.  And he asked the BIG question.  To that she had a ready reply.

"I helped to figure out how the bacteria came to be on the planet below.  So I'm celebrating!  Let me buy you a drink" she offered.

After that, she replied to Eydis over the lattis.  "I look forward to seeing you.  It seems like it has been forever" she sent over the lattis.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 16, 2021, 09:11:03 AM

[Brauhaus Gamma - Katra Station]

Anth nodded at each then chuckled at Sirol's question.

"Ah, that's a little controversial, but..." he shrugged. "I work on Soong-type android development, cybernetics... currently my research is to observe other species, with special reference to the ones we've not come across in the Alpha Quadrant yet, to see if they would work as androids.  We have no plans to build, but it's more a prevention thing, if we know it is possible, we can prepare ourselves against it, or work with them... whatever the current climate on that is when it happens.  And I think it will be a when rather than an if."

Anth omitted to say that he it was because of losing his wife, and wanting a replica that he'd got into the field in the first place.

Sirol could not help it but pause for a second at the other scientist's explanation.
She had prepared herself for all sorts of potential cultural differences; Including the differences in scientific taboos and legalities.
Sirol - in theory - knew that Federation was far more open to explore the ideas and connotations of all sorts of artificial-, virtual- and photonic intelligence. Yet, hearing it live was still unexpected and threw her out of her trail of thoughts for a second"¦
"œThat is"¦ Fascinating"¦" She replied hesitantly, yet honestly.
It was fascinating, whether or not an irrationally terrifying prospect.
And then again, what had it been that had made Romulans even wary and terrified of artificial life to begin with? Sirol and her brother had been asking themself this question years ago, yet none ever came to a satisfactory answer.
In the end it had become one of those ominous dark "˜It is what it is'-matters, where everyone seemed to silently agree; following an ancient - almost even primal - fear that seemed to plague her entire culture"¦

"œ...I understand your reasoning here.
'Learn about a potential danger to prepare yourself against it'. A universal wisdom as old as time.
It is the same words I would use to justify me establishing - for example - contact to the Breeen: By trying to convince a Galae committee to grant me communication and trespassing privileges"¦ I would justify my own scientific curiosity with means of security; attempting to increase my chance of success. Committees councils and decision makers are like this in each culture; lackluster in vision and overly obsessed with subjective security"¦
...You do not need to convince me of anything like this. I am not here to judge.
I am a researcher like you, and I am very aware of the theoretical PI projects of the Daystrom Institute.
After all it is the most prestigious scientific installation of one of the Federation's core worlds, and I like to believe that every scientist - including foreign elements like myself - would be more than eager to set foot in it one day"¦"

With that she gave him a little nod, then tried a little sip of the Irish Coffee the Bartender had placed on the table in front of her.
It had not been the taste she expected, but it was pleasant. Sweet, warm, a tad spicy even; leaving a tickling sensation on her tongue she otherwise only knew from certain sorts of Ale.
Acknowledging the unique taste, she turned around to Ensign Zex and gave her a friendly nod.
"œIt is"¦ Different than expected. But positively so.
I think I might add it to my list of favourites. I learned about coffee as a suitable energizer when starting my shift aboard Katra. This version might bring some variety into my selection of breakfast components."

With that she took yet another sip, before she placed the glass and her hands onto the table again, returning to fidget with the little candle in front of her.
While her nervous cold hands had almost vanished at this point, the candle was still"¦ There"¦ Inviting the otherwise stiff scientist to play with it and wrap her hands around the glowing flame, almost eve as if trying to keep it as calm and steady as possible.

Eventually though she looked up again, and decided to add to one more statement towards Anth McCutcheon; not wanting to leave this particularly unique topic of discussion unfinished.
"œ...So, you are researching foreigners in the Alpha Quadrant to determine which might be a suitable reference for a"¦ Mobile platform to a positronic intelligence, correct?
Why the emphasis on species in particular? This goes for all "˜sides' involved here"¦
In a world where - for Example - Horta exist, why would I need to recreate them?
I could commune with an actual Horta instead.
...Would the prospect of creating a new life form not also invite for going beyond the conventions of genetics and biology? To create something truly new?"

Quote from: Zex on March 16, 2021, 06:03:14 PM

[Brauhaus Gamma]

Zex's strawberry daiquiri arrived.  She stirred it will the straw before drinking. While she did, she turned back to Sirol.

"It's a human thing.  Mostly limited to Earth and her colonies.  There was an Irish pub not far from the academy when I was there.  I fell in love with their Irish stew when I was there.  The coffee was good too.  Come to think of it I think they are celebrating an Irish holiday there now" she said.

"Would you like to take a sip of my drink?  I know Vulcan's are particular about food.  I promise, I haven't drank from it yet" she said.

Eli then arrived.  And he asked the BIG question.  To that she had a ready reply.

"I helped to figure out how the bacteria came to be on the planet below.  So I'm celebrating!  Let me buy you a drink" she offered.

After that, she replied to Eydis over the lattis.  "I look forward to seeing you.  It seems like it has been forever" she sent over the lattis.

Upon Zex explaining the Origins of Irish Coffee to her, the scientist gave her a warm nod, then took another sip of her glass.
Of course she was not aware yet what the term "˜Irish' stood for yet, so she assumed that the Stew might lie on a similar taste palette as the coffee, yet the mention of an Irish holiday instantly peaked her interest.
"œWhat sort of holiday is it?
I admit Earth is one of the cultural clusters I myself am still learning about...
Outside of my xenolinguistic work and studying "˜true foreign' cultures, I tend to approach one Federation planet at a time, and I am currently within the material regarding Betazed, its History, technological development and most influential houses."

She took another sip and almost even gave the Deltan a little smirk.
"œ...But social gatherings and exchange of information are a particular point of interest to me, and I enjoy learning about holidays of all sorts out there."

As Zex offered Sirol  to try her drink, the scientist stopped for a moment, giving the other an awkward, almost even surprised look.
Of course she understood where Zex was coming from, assuming Sirol to be a Vulcan and hence asking, but what surprised her far more was how open and approachable she was. It was refreshing and welcome to the scientist.
She hesitantly nodded.
"œIf you are alright with it, I will be too.
You do not need to worry about touching anything I might eat and drink.
From what I learned, Starfleet installation biofilters are efficient enough to keep all of us safe from real danger, and as for the rest: You are welcome around me; hence have no reason for worries or reservations.
As far as I am concerned - Please be yourself and do not hold back.
If I would disagree with your or anyone's actions, I would let you know.
...But I am here to gather experience after all."

With that (an an awkward little smile) she gently reached out, willing to accept the drink Zex had offered her.

< Katra Station Falleg Family Quarters >
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 16, 2021, 09:11:03 AM

[Falleg Quarters, SEVERAL DAYS LATER]

Crista beckoned in the Romulan scientist with a grateful smile and a rather distracted wave of the hand.

"NANTIE SIROL!!" Lamar ran at Sirol and wrapped his arms around her knees sobbing his little heart out.

"Hi Nantie!" Nerys smiled, trying to be a big girl and not cry.  Mammy wouldn't want her to, she was a Junior Cadet and she needed to make Mammy and Daddy proud, and crying wasn't going to cut it.

"Do you have any news about Mammy?" Tidu asked, doing his best to be the 'man of the family' and look after his siblings as his parents would wish.  The strain to be anything other than blubbering messes were showing on the faces of the older children.

Crista and Ujosso almost protectively put their arms around the twins and led them to a settee to sit with them, leaving Sirol to deal with the 'Little Pioneer' as she always called him.

"Can I get you anything Sirol? A drink, snack, small person arm prising implement to de-limpet a small child from your legs?!" James said.

He couldn't say that he was unaffected.  Seeing small children upset wasn't something he ever enjoyed, and he liked the Chief of Science and missed having her bubbly presence around.  His fiancÁ©e, Crista was also extremely worried and that was his job to make better if he could.  However, not being directly one of the family, nor a work colleague, he was less affected and thus could function better in the misery that these people by him were suffering.

"Make yourself comfortable, Sirol... and next time just come in... Hra... Hrafn counts you as family and the kids evidently do so... James and Ujosso do if we know they're coming.  Obviously... don't just walk in say in the middle of the night but if someone has pinged you and we're expecting you... yeah sure come straight in, with 3 kids... our hands might be rather full!" Crista's voice broke a little as she said Hrafn's name.

"Nerys, make some space for Nantie Sirol and Lamar, you can sit on my knee or on the floor between my legs whatever is comfortable for you!" Ujosso said with a sad smile.  Nerys in a rare vulnerable moment scrambled up onto Ujosso's lap not needing a second invitation and wrapped her arms around the Klingon's neck snuggling into her shoulder.  Ujosso quite surprised by this took a moment to react but cuddled the young girl into her looking at the other adults like 'Gods... they're more upset than we thought they were, what we going to do?'

As Lamar instantly ran over and glomped her leg crying, the otherwise reserved scientist slowly hunkered down, picked the child up and gently wrapped her arms around him giving him a tight but soft, silent hug.
As it has always been, on Romulus, Remus, it's ships and colonies, and now also aboard Katra: Sirol had a soft spot for every single child out there.
A soft spot and a designated personal nickname based on what she saw in the them. As has been Romulan tradition, and as had become Sirol's adopted mannerism when interacting with children.

Looking towards James, Sirol hesitantly nodded.
It had been a long day, and Sirol was exhausted and freezing. She could surely use something hot and spicy to kickstart both, her body and her soul.
"œYes. Perhaps a pint of Phaal Curry, if that is is not too much to ask for?"
She was obviously referring to the curry sauce.
Ever since her room mate had introduced her to various flavours of her homeworld via tiny sample shots, Sirol had assumed the curry sauce itself to be an exotic, stimulating hot Earth beverage, which somehow managed to become her immediate number one of foreign Federation favours....

Carrying Lamar in her arms she slowly walked over to the others and gave all of them a warm, almost even protective greeting, placing her hand on each one's shoulder and quietly speaking their names, before looking at Crista and Ujosso and giving the two adults a friendly greeting nod as well.

"œThank you very much for relaying the Lieutenant's message to me.
I appreciate you involving me in this.
And I also appreciate you reaffirming Hrafn's words about me being welcome here.
It is good to have a place to come back to. But no worries - I was not making any plans to disrupt anyone's nights."

With Lamar still on her arm, she slowly did as Christa had offered: Making herself comfortable by taking a seat in one of the sofas. A surprising act of balance with the weight of an additional little person, but Sirol managed without it getting too shaky for both of them.

Eventually she looked up towards Nerys and Tidu again, tilting her head and quietly offering them to join her in getting more comfortable, before she began to answer their questions.
"œUnfortunately, children, I have no additional messages or reports to clarify the situation. I am drawing my conclusions based on the same message you three got to see.
I have requested some additional details, but have not yet gotten any feedback.
I suppose the entire senior staff is currently eagerly working on solving the mystery regarding the Healy disappearing.
This and other things.
I wish there was more solid information I could relay, but it seems like we have to wait a little longer.
But your mother, as well as the rest of the staff aboard the Healy is sufficiently smart and resourceful. I am very certain they will find their way back home throughout"¦ Whatever is currently keeping them away"¦"

She took a silent breath then looked at the children.
She could feel their sadness in every atmospheric particle surrounding them; like an aching, electrical sting plaguing everyone's chest"¦
And truth was, it came as no surprise.
Sirols words were not able to offer solace to the children who were just about to deal with the possibility of losing their mother.

Sirol quietly looked at Lamar in her arms, and gently placed a hand on the backside of his head, before she looked at Tidu and Nerys again.
"œIf there was any chance to start a search party, I promise, I would be the first to volunteer;
If I had a ship at hand, I would be the first one to head out and go search for your mother and the others.
Unfortunately, Starfleet bureaucracy exists, currently rendering my personal aspirations inert.
I... I have no Commander to resort to right now.
I have tried using my status as a Romulan citizen by contacting the Romulan Embassy and asking if Commander Tomax and his Nei'rhh are still within reach.
Sadly not."

She paused and let her eyes hover through the room.
"œ...I will continue to try and come up with ways to help, but as for now my resources are limited. But do not let that discourage either of you.
On the contrary:
If any of you has any ideas; anything I might have overlooked, please tell me.
That does especially for aspiring engineers and Junior Cadets.
Every idea is a valid one."

...Everything to give those children a little bit of hope in this uncertain and chaotic situation...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



[Brauhaus Gamma]

"I'm glad you like it.  Just remember to get the virgin version.  We can't have you getting intoxicated before work" Zex replied.

Zex stopped to consider the question.  "Ireland was a place on Earth.  People who are from there or descendants of people who are from there celebrate their heritage on this day.  Typically there are parades, food, and of course drinking."  She said.

"There are similar holidays for other heritages.  I just happen to remember this one because of the Irish pub" she added.   "I hope that helps" she said.

"Oh, by all means.  Same goes for me" she relied.  "What do you think?" she asked after Sirol took a sip.

Then Eydis entered.  "Eydis, friend of Zex.  You are finally here" she said.  She stood and stretched her arms wide open - welcoming a hug.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Quote from: Zex on March 17, 2021, 06:49:12 PM

[Brauhaus Gamma]

"I'm glad you like it.  Just remember to get the virgin version.  We can't have you getting intoxicated before work" Zex replied.

Zex stopped to consider the question.  "Ireland was a place on Earth.  People who are from there or descendants of people who are from there celebrate their heritage on this day.  Typically there are parades, food, and of course drinking."  She said.

"There are similar holidays for other heritages.  I just happen to remember this one because of the Irish pub" she added.   "I hope that helps" she said.

"Oh, by all means.  Same goes for me" she relied.  "What do you think?" she asked after Sirol took a sip.

Sirol's eyes widened as the Ensign mentioned that the drink she was having here contained alcohol. It was sweet and delicious and did not taste alcoholic at all.
And while Sirol did not mind alcohol per say the fact that she did not even notice it made her slow down, before she - indeed - would get intoxicated"¦
"Yes"¦ I agree"¦ We might like to avoid that upon starting a shift...." She hesitantly spoke, then - with a thankful nod - returned the Daiquiri glass to Zex.
"œ...Irish Coffee, Daiquiri, they both taste very good. Sweet, soft and a little tingly on the tongue"¦ The alcoholic component is not immediately obvious, so"¦ I would argue it is a little risky when not aware of it.
But overall, I am very content with the tastes. I think I might return to you when looking for recommendations. If you would not mind of course"¦

She gave Zex a soft little smirk, then pointed at her mug of Raktajino.
"œI assume that you - statistically speaking - are probably no stranger to Raktajino, but in case I am wrong here - please, feel free to try my drink too.
I usually drink mine steamed, with a sprinkle of spicy Ang'Djaq."

She did a little bow, then leaned a little back in her chair, her eyes once more coming to a rest on Anth McCutcheon, with an irrational - almost invisible - cold shudder running down her spine...

Quote from: Eydis on March 17, 2021, 10:25:01 AM

Eydis would approach the table that zex and sirol sat at. Bowing outside of normal encounter suit for a tholian. Hir gleaming crystalline body a little more of a clear purple hue with blobs of bluish energy swirling around hir body and limbs.


Greetings friend zex and Sirol. It seems rather empty here since the healy left. Very few ships remain behind.

Staring at Anth McCutchean's glasses, Sirol just sat there, quietly musing about the moral implications of creating artificial life and the Federation's unique stance on the subject.
But in the end any life was valid life, was it?
While she did not enjoy admitting it: The other scientist had been striking a nerve with Sirol - Yet differently than to be expected.
Sirol quietly exhaled"¦ Maybe this scientific field would have been worth a closer look"¦ Maybe, just maybe"¦ The prospect of creating an artificial life form might help someone like Sirol (someone who had repeatedly been put on hold by adoption agencies of both, Romulan and Federation institutions) to have offspring one day"¦

As yet another newcomer joined the group, Sirol looked up again, spotting - of all things - a Tholian, greeting Ensign Zex and herself.
Sirol tilted her head in a second of confusion.
She was not confused about the fact that the stranger knew her (after all, cultural exchange officers like Sirol were a rarity, so people talking about her was to be expected), but what actually surprised Sirol was the other's appearance.
The stranger did not wear the typical EV-suit, which led Sirol to the conclusion, that it was a holographic avatar, and that the actual person was safely confined in their natural habitat.

Trying not to curiously stare at the other, Sirol got up from her chair again, and did a polite hailing bow just as she had done towards Zex and the others.
The only difference was, that she did not introduce herself this time, since the Tholian seemed to already know her.
Instead she did a welcoming gesture towards the table, inviting the newcomer to join the group.
"œI assume there will be more participants throughout the night.
What is-"

She was about to ask for the stranger's name, yet luckily, Ensign Zex already solved the mystery for Sirol.

Quote from: Zex on March 17, 2021, 06:49:12 PM

[Brauhaus Gamma]Then Eydis entered.  "Eydis, friend of Zex.  You are finally here" she said.  She stood and stretched her arms wide open - welcoming a hug.

Tilting her head, the scientist acknowledged the Newcomer's name.
Yes; another person Sirol had indirectly dealt with.
Back when she had been working at the OCC and Captain Solluk had assigned Sirol to analyse and translate the actions and communiques of the Tholian landing squad during the wanderer attack.
With a friendly nod Sirol once more looked at the newcomer.
"œCommander Eydis - Acrux - Trialus Anomaly Resonance Cascade incident. I remember you...
She spoke - in the same tone and mannerism as she had done when recognising Ensign Zex; Then hesitantly added.
"œ...Pleased to meet you. My condolences regarding your lost crewmembers."
She then slowly took a step back, looking at the others again, before Zex pulled her supposed friend into a hug, which led to Sirol to awkwardly look down; not wishing to disturb the both of them.
With a confused - almost even shy little smirk, she instead took another sip of her Irish Coffee.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Zex on March 17, 2021, 06:49:12 PM

[Brauhaus Gamma]

"I'm glad you like it.  Just remember to get the virgin version.  We can't have you getting intoxicated before work" Zex replied.

Zex stopped to consider the question.  "Ireland was a place on Earth.  People who are from there or descendants of people who are from there celebrate their heritage on this day.  Typically there are parades, food, and of course drinking."  She said.

"There are similar holidays for other heritages.  I just happen to remember this one because of the Irish pub" she added.   "I hope that helps" she said.

"Oh, by all means.  Same goes for me" she relied.  "What do you think?" she asked after Sirol took a sip.

Then Eydis entered.  "Eydis, friend of Zex.  You are finally here" she said.  She stood and stretched her arms wide open - welcoming a hug.

Eydis would tilt hir head a little at the deltan, hir first thoughts were shi could possible injury hir friend without meaning to. A tholians outer shell could literally cook a humaniod being like a toaster oven.

But then hir Analytical mind kicked in, shi has fused body with that the crystalline entity. Hir outer shell was not as hot as normals tholians, now was it as solid as a tholians. Tiny Mirco fractures ran hir entire outer crystalline shell, allowing it to contract and expand easier and still remain relatively rigid. But to ease hi thought space, before shi accepted the offer from hir friend zex. Shi reached out and touched the glass of hir friends. Noticing the cool class permeating from hir digit.

Shi then mimicked hir friend zex's hug and gave it to her happily. Taking note of sirol

Eydis paused and looked at the glass and then hir friend zex It would appear that friend zex has proven to be a most capable humaniod full of surprises once again. I felt some the emotion and I believe you are deservedly celebrating. I would offer more lavish praise on friend zex. But I think you are very competent and it is expected that you should be successful. Denial of that is foolishness  Eydis tried to word out the praise but perhaps zex could also feel a bit of emotion from the physical touch. A sense of pride in the tholian at seeing hir friend celebrating a accomplishment of hir own

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on March 17, 2021, 02:41:19 AM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

Sirol could not help it but pause for a second at the other scientist's explanation.
She had prepared herself for all sorts of potential cultural differences; Including the differences in scientific taboos and legalities.
Sirol - in theory - knew that Federation was far more open to explore the ideas and connotations of all sorts of artificial-, virtual- and photonic intelligence. Yet, hearing it live was still unexpected and threw her out of her trail of thoughts for a second"¦
"œThat is"¦ Fascinating"¦" She replied hesitantly, yet honestly.
It was fascinating, whether or not an irrationally terrifying prospect.
And then again, what had it been that had made Romulans even wary and terrified of artificial life to begin with? Sirol and her brother had been asking themself this question years ago, yet none ever came to a satisfactory answer.
In the end it had become one of those ominous dark "˜It is what it is'-matters, where everyone seemed to silently agree; following an ancient - almost even primal - fear that seemed to plague her entire culture"¦

"œ...I understand your reasoning here.
'Learn about a potential danger to prepare yourself against it'. A universal wisdom as old as time.
It is the same words I would use to justify me establishing - for example - contact to the Breeen: By trying to convince a Galae committee to grant me communication and trespassing privileges"¦ I would justify my own scientific curiosity with means of security; attempting to increase my chance of success. Committees councils and decision makers are like this in each culture; lackluster in vision and overly obsessed with subjective security"¦
...You do not need to convince me of anything like this. I am not here to judge.
I am a researcher like you, and I am very aware of the theoretical PI projects of the Daystrom Institute.
After all it is the most prestigious scientific installation of one of the Federation's core worlds, and I like to believe that every scientist - including foreign elements like myself - would be more than eager to set foot in it one day"¦"

With that she gave him a little nod, then tried a little sip of the Irish Coffee the Bartender had placed on the table in front of her.
It had not been the taste she expected, but it was pleasant. Sweet, warm, a tad spicy even; leaving a tickling sensation on her tongue she otherwise only knew from certain sorts of Ale.
Acknowledging the unique taste, she turned around to Ensign Zex and gave her a friendly nod.
"œIt is"¦ Different than expected. But positively so.
I think I might add it to my list of favourites. I learned about coffee as a suitable energizer when starting my shift aboard Katra. This version might bring some variety into my selection of breakfast components."

With that she took yet another sip, before she placed the glass and her hands onto the table again, returning to fidget with the little candle in front of her.
While her nervous cold hands had almost vanished at this point, the candle was still"¦ There"¦ Inviting the otherwise stiff scientist to play with it and wrap her hands around the glowing flame, almost eve as if trying to keep it as calm and steady as possible.

Eventually though she looked up again, and decided to add to one more statement towards Anth McCutcheon; not wanting to leave this particularly unique topic of discussion unfinished.
"œ...So, you are researching foreigners in the Alpha Quadrant to determine which might be a suitable reference for a"¦ Mobile platform to a positronic intelligence, correct?
Why the emphasis on species in particular? This goes for all "˜sides' involved here"¦
In a world where - for Example - Horta exist, why would I need to recreate them?
I could commune with an actual Horta instead.
...Would the prospect of creating a new life form not also invite for going beyond the conventions of genetics and biology? To create something truly new?"

Upon Zex explaining the Origins of Irish Coffee to her, the scientist gave her a warm nod, then took another sip of her glass.
Of course she was not aware yet what the term "˜Irish' stood for yet, so she assumed that the Stew might lie on a similar taste palette as the coffee, yet the mention of an Irish holiday instantly peaked her interest.
"œWhat sort of holiday is it?
I admit Earth is one of the cultural clusters I myself am still learning about...
Outside of my xenolinguistic work and studying "˜true foreign' cultures, I tend to approach one Federation planet at a time, and I am currently within the material regarding Betazed, its History, technological development and most influential houses."

She took another sip and almost even gave the Deltan a little smirk.
"œ...But social gatherings and exchange of information are a particular point of interest to me, and I enjoy learning about holidays of all sorts out there."

As Zex offered Sirol  to try her drink, the scientist stopped for a moment, giving the other an awkward, almost even surprised look.
Of course she understood where Zex was coming from, assuming Sirol to be a Vulcan and hence asking, but what surprised her far more was how open and approachable she was. It was refreshing and welcome to the scientist.
She hesitantly nodded.
"œIf you are alright with it, I will be too.
You do not need to worry about touching anything I might eat and drink.
From what I learned, Starfleet installation biofilters are efficient enough to keep all of us safe from real danger, and as for the rest: You are welcome around me; hence have no reason for worries or reservations.
As far as I am concerned - Please be yourself and do not hold back.
If I would disagree with your or anyone's actions, I would let you know.
...But I am here to gather experience after all."

With that (an an awkward little smile) she gently reached out, willing to accept the drink Zex had offered her.

[Brauhaus Gamma - DAY TREE - NIGHT]
[As NPC Anth McCutcheon]

Anth chuckled nervously.

"Therein is the rub... and why Daystrom has sent me out here.  I'm not sure if you're familiar with the term 'black sheep of the family'... or in this case the faculty.  Basically, I was doing the research mostly on humanoid ... as far as that is possible, androids, there is a sad story behind that which I won't bore you with unless you want to hear."

Anth's eye's misted over as he thought of Louise, but he forced a bright smile on his face and continued.  "However, the reason I'm being kept an eye on is actually no real fault of my own.  My research was stolen - by ex-Admiral Leyton and he ended up having a lot of clones made, which in turn formed a large part of his forces which caused havoc.  I was honoured to meet Commander Sigurdsdottir who was - with the crew of the Challenger and friends, the ones who eventually brought him down.  But... because of that research being leaked, while the powers that be haven't actually come right out and said that they suspect me, I'm under restrictions that I can't build while here but I can conduct research, and it's kinda loosely being connected to my research so that they can keep me away from my lab, 'out of trouble' while acting as a gopher for them... getting loads of info about species first hand, rather than just the reports that filter through slowly.  Obviously, I trained as a normal scientist so I can turn my hand to help out the Science department when the CSO is away or you're working on a large project...so if I can help out... let me know!"

[OOC for more info on Anth McCutcheon

Quote from: Sirol on March 17, 2021, 02:41:19 AM

< Katra Station Falleg Family Quarters >

As Lamar instantly ran over and glomped her leg crying, the otherwise reserved scientist slowly hunkered down, picked the child up and gently wrapped her arms around him giving him a tight but soft, silent hug.
As it has always been, on Romulus, Remus, it's ships and colonies, and now also aboard Katra: Sirol had a soft spot for every single child out there.
A soft spot and a designated personal nickname based on what she saw in the them. As has been Romulan tradition, and as had become Sirol's adopted mannerism when interacting with children.

Looking towards James, Sirol hesitantly nodded.
It had been a long day, and Sirol was exhausted and freezing. She could surely use something hot and spicy to kickstart both, her body and her soul.
"œYes. Perhaps a pint of Phaal Curry, if that is is not too much to ask for?"
She was obviously referring to the curry sauce.
Ever since her room mate had introduced her to various flavours of her homeworld via tiny sample shots, Sirol had assumed the curry sauce itself to be an exotic, stimulating hot Earth beverage, which somehow managed to become her immediate number one of foreign Federation favours....

Carrying Lamar in her arms she slowly walked over to the others and gave all of them a warm, almost even protective greeting, placing her hand on each one's shoulder and quietly speaking their names, before looking at Crista and Ujosso and giving the two adults a friendly greeting nod as well.

"œThank you very much for relaying the Lieutenant's message to me.
I appreciate you involving me in this.
And I also appreciate you reaffirming Hrafn's words about me being welcome here.
It is good to have a place to come back to. But no worries - I was not making any plans to disrupt anyone's nights."

With Lamar still on her arm, she slowly did as Christa had offered: Making herself comfortable by taking a seat in one of the sofas. A surprising act of balance with the weight of an additional little person, but Sirol managed without it getting too shaky for both of them.

Eventually she looked up towards Nerys and Tidu again, tilting her head and quietly offering them to join her in getting more comfortable, before she began to answer their questions.
"œUnfortunately, children, I have no additional messages or reports to clarify the situation. I am drawing my conclusions based on the same message you three got to see.
I have requested some additional details, but have not yet gotten any feedback.
I suppose the entire senior staff is currently eagerly working on solving the mystery regarding the Healy disappearing.
This and other things.
I wish there was more solid information I could relay, but it seems like we have to wait a little longer.
But your mother, as well as the rest of the staff aboard the Healy is sufficiently smart and resourceful. I am very certain they will find their way back home throughout"¦ Whatever is currently keeping them away"¦"

She took a silent breath then looked at the children.
She could feel their sadness in every atmospheric particle surrounding them; like an aching, electrical sting plaguing everyone's chest"¦
And truth was, it came as no surprise.
Sirols words were not able to offer solace to the children who were just about to deal with the possibility of losing their mother.

Sirol quietly looked at Lamar in her arms, and gently placed a hand on the backside of his head, before she looked at Tidu and Nerys again.
"œIf there was any chance to start a search party, I promise, I would be the first to volunteer;
If I had a ship at hand, I would be the first one to head out and go search for your mother and the others.
Unfortunately, Starfleet bureaucracy exists, currently rendering my personal aspirations inert.
I... I have no Commander to resort to right now.
I have tried using my status as a Romulan citizen by contacting the Romulan Embassy and asking if Commander Tomax and his Nei'rhh are still within reach.
Sadly not."

She paused and let her eyes hover through the room.
"œ...I will continue to try and come up with ways to help, but as for now my resources are limited. But do not let that discourage either of you.
On the contrary:
If any of you has any ideas; anything I might have overlooked, please tell me.
That does especially for aspiring engineers and Junior Cadets.
Every idea is a valid one."

...Everything to give those children a little bit of hope in this uncertain and chaotic situation...

[Hrafn's Quarters - A few days later]

James laughed.  "A whole pint?  Well ok if that's what you want, I've never heard of people drinking Curry sauce but right now the Universe is a bit upside down."

Crista nodded back and looked at Lamar in Sirol's arms.  "I think that sort of proves a point and while I probably shouldn't be saying this, I think Hrafn considers you as a sort of adopted daughter, a bit like her eldest, Ruthie, or as a younger sister.  Either way you're definitely family and that's why we decided that you should see the other part of the message.  I understand why Ops split it, in case there were things in the part to you that was purely departmental."

Crista nodded her head at the console.  "It's on there but I can give you the bare bones rather than having the kids have to watch that again.  I don't know about that one, but the twins will have observed how distraught Hrafn looked, they might even have caught the look on Rayek's face as his faded out and Hrafn's faded in.  Both looked worried.   In short she asked me and James, with Ujosso to look after the kids a bit longer.  Mentioned that the USS Healy was damaged... I think that was to let us know that they might have to stay there for a while to get things repaired, but... there's nothing come there or back, we've had no further messages so I can only assume that their communications at DS9 are down."

Crista paused as James came and handed Sirol her curry sauce.

"Enjoy!" he said passing it over and returned momentarily with a cocoa for Crista, and small bowls of ice cream for the children.  Tidu and Nerys took theirs with a grateful smile.

"Thank you Uncle James, you remembered my Targ Blood and chocolate log!"

"Cardassian Vole Blood you mean!" Tidu corrected his twin.

The other he put on a side table beside Sirol for if and when Lamar might eat it.  His had mini brightly coloured chocolate beans in, the way he normally asked for if they went to the ice cream parlour on the Promenade.

"What would you like Ujo?" he asked.

"Just a Ratkajino and some choc chip cookies please Jimbo!" the Klingon teacher said with a grin.  It was her private nickname for him that not even Crista used, they all knew it was just in fun, and she was trying to keep the mood light when really she wanted to go kill something in a holodeck with her late husband's Bat'leth.

"Otherwise she just says that they're alive, and asking the kids to work hard and behave.  So... what went down at Bajor that they can't get messages in or out and she's not home yet because there's enough people on the DS9 and Bajor that could have given them a ride home, we're about a week to 10 days away, I'm trying to remember what the date stamp was on this message.  But if they're sending messages via probe, there's something very wrong happened there.  I don't suppose you can get any info from Ops... I assume you're as clueless as we are."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Yes.  That is a good idea" she echoed as the comment about not drinking before work.  "The fact they are both on the sweet side is my fault.  I tend to prefer sweets over salty or sour things" the Deltan explained.

"I like mine with extra sweetener, but I don't want to have the coffee taste on my tongue right now.   It would distract from the strawberry taste in my drink.  But thanks though, that's very generous of you" she added.

"Eydis your praise is welcome.  And encouraged.  Please go on" she joked after greeting the Tholian properly  "I wish I could offer you a beverage.  Is there anything that you can have?  I'm buying" she said.

"Oh.  And this is Anth McCutcheon.  Visiting scientist" she said pointing out the newcomer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Zex on March 16, 2021, 06:03:14 PM

[Brauhaus Gamma]

Zex's strawberry daiquiri arrived.  She stirred it will the straw before drinking. While she did, she turned back to Sirol.

"It's a human thing.  Mostly limited to Earth and her colonies.  There was an Irish pub not far from the academy when I was there.  I fell in love with their Irish stew when I was there.  The coffee was good too.  Come to think of it I think they are celebrating an Irish holiday there now" she said.

"Would you like to take a sip of my drink?  I know Vulcan's are particular about food.  I promise, I haven't drank from it yet" she said.

Eli then arrived.  And he asked the BIG question.  To that she had a ready reply.

"I helped to figure out how the bacteria came to be on the planet below.  So I'm celebrating!  Let me buy you a drink" she offered.

After that, she replied to Eydis over the lattis.  "I look forward to seeing you.  It seems like it has been forever" she sent over the lattis.

"Why thank you, Zex. I'll let you order and trust your good judgement. Eli said with a smile. Already in the energetic company there was a lift to his mood. So simple a thing, compared to the constant workload he insisted upon pouring on himself. It was a difficult thing to leave things that he felt were undone.

He glanced at the other members of the conversation. Sirol seemed most interested in each person's job. "I'm Lt. Eli Ferris, flight control chief. I keep the shuttles running best I can."

Eli turned his attention to Anth whose tale regarding a rogue admiral were quite interesting and sounded like something straight out of a holonovel. Of course, he had been a part of some strange missions as well but still...

"So how do you make your work work with all the species out here? Seems like an interesting way to utilize your skill set."



[OOC: Sorry everyone. I'll have to keep it short today any probably throughout the weekend.
My sickness got worse and staying awake for long is hard atm. :/
@ Hrafn: I'll get to the scene in the Family quarters a bit later. I hope that is okay with you.]

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >
Quote from: Eydis on March 18, 2021, 12:30:26 AM

Eydis would tilt hir head a little at the deltan, hir first thoughts were shi could possible injury hir friend without meaning to. A tholians outer shell could literally cook a humaniod being like a toaster oven.

But then hir Analytical mind kicked in, shi has fused body with that the crystalline entity. Hir outer shell was not as hot as normals tholians, now was it as solid as a tholians. Tiny Mirco fractures ran hir entire outer crystalline shell, allowing it to contract and expand easier and still remain relatively rigid. But to ease hi thought space, before shi accepted the offer from hir friend zex. Shi reached out and touched the glass of hir friends. Noticing the cool class permeating from hir digit.

Shi then mimicked hir friend zex's hug and gave it to her happily. Taking note of sirol

Eydis paused and looked at the glass and then hir friend zex It would appear that friend zex has proven to be a most capable humaniod full of surprises once again. I felt some the emotion and I believe you are deservedly celebrating. I would offer more lavish praise on friend zex. But I think you are very competent and it is expected that you should be successful. Denial of that is foolishness  Eydis tried to word out the praise but perhaps zex could also feel a bit of emotion from the physical touch. A sense of pride in the tholian at seeing hir friend celebrating a accomplishment of hir own

Sirol hesitantly raised her glass towards Commander Eydis pointing out Ensign Zex's competence in problem solving.
It was good to see seemingly everyone around this table agreeing on that, and as it was custom to most people Sirol had met, such an agreement tended to be the reason to raise one's glass.
When she took yet another sip from her Irish Coffee, she eventually made herself comfortable in her seat again, still looking at Zex and Eydis.

It did not escape Sirol, that Commander Eydis had been completely ignoring her and everything she had said. For a moment, Sirol was not sure what to think of that.
Had she said or done anything wrong?; anything to upset or offend the newcomer?
Had it something to do with Sirol stating her condolences for the Commander?

With a tad of insecurity and disappointment in her eyes she focused the candle in front of her again, before finally silently exhaling, and looking up to Anth McCutcheon again.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 18, 2021, 10:49:49 AM

[Brauhaus Gamma - DAY TREE - NIGHT]
[As NPC Anth McCutcheon]

Anth chuckled nervously.

"Therein is the rub... and why Daystrom has sent me out here.  I'm not sure if you're familiar with the term 'black sheep of the family'... or in this case the faculty.  Basically, I was doing the research mostly on humanoid ... as far as that is possible, androids, there is a sad story behind that which I won't bore you with unless you want to hear."

The scientist slowly nodded.
"œI am familiar with that term. My language has a similar metaphor, referring to a child being given the wrong name."
She did not do any further explanation of it.
Yet according to Romulan culture and tradition the name given to a child was supposed to reflect the destiny the parents hoped to bring upon their child. Just the way Sirol's first name was "˜Dvenn', which translated to "˜unifier' and was supposed to lead her into galvanising both of her parent's clans.
A child with a wrong name; an incompatible destiny to say so, would be seen as a strange oddity at best, a sad coincidence at worst, and it was one of the colloquial prie examples of a black sheep in Romulan culture"¦

"œ...You do not bore me. Please, go ahead. I appreciate every new scientific perspective." She spoke with a soft voice, loosely folding her hands around the little candle again, which at this point, Sirol seemed to have metaphorically adopted as hers...

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 18, 2021, 10:49:49 AM

Anth's eye's misted over as he thought of Louise, but he forced a bright smile on his face and continued.  "However, the reason I'm being kept an eye on is actually no real fault of my own.  My research was stolen - by ex-Admiral Leyton and he ended up having a lot of clones made, which in turn formed a large part of his forces which caused havoc.  I was honoured to meet Commander Sigurdsdottir who was - with the crew of the Challenger and friends, the ones who eventually brought him down.  But... because of that research being leaked, while the powers that be haven't actually come right out and said that they suspect me, I'm under restrictions that I can't build while here but I can conduct research, and it's kinda loosely being connected to my research so that they can keep me away from my lab, 'out of trouble' while acting as a gopher for them... getting loads of info about species first hand, rather than just the reports that filter through slowly.  Obviously, I trained as a normal scientist so I can turn my hand to help out the Science department when the CSO is away or you're working on a large project...so if I can help out... let me know!"

[OOC for more info on Anth McCutcheon

With a surprised, almost even shocked look Sirol's eyes widened a little.
Sure, in her own society the means of getting rid of "˜uncomfortable individuals' tended to involve military police and secret service, and usually ended in vanishing of the subject in question.
But for some odd reason Sirol had always assumed the Federation to be more"¦ Considerate"¦ With its "˜black sheep'. The pinnacle of legal inconvenience she had ever heard of had been penal colonies for criminals, but this here"¦
Defaming an innocent scientist?
Stealing his work and holding him responsible for the - well documented - fallout following it?

It was humiliating, and Sirol could not help but spare him a sympathetic look.

"œIt is"¦ Very unfortunate"¦ How your situation has been tampered with.
Is there no way to circumvent your current penalty with actual physical proof that you were not involved?"

Quote from: Zex on March 18, 2021, 05:35:28 PM

< Katra Station / Gamma Brauhaus >

"Yes.  That is a good idea" she echoed as the comment about not drinking before work.  "The fact they are both on the sweet side is my fault.  I tend to prefer sweets over salty or sour things" the Deltan explained.

"I like mine with extra sweetener, but I don't want to have the coffee taste on my tongue right now.   It would distract from the strawberry taste in my drink.  But thanks though, that's very generous of you" she added.

"Eydis your praise is welcome.  And encouraged.  Please go on" she joked after greeting the Tholian properly  "I wish I could offer you a beverage.  Is there anything that you can have?  I'm buying" she said.

"Oh.  And this is Anth McCutcheon.  Visiting scientist" she said pointing out the newcomer.

Sirol tilted her head and gave Ensign Zex a friendly, yet awkward little smirk.
"œDo not worry. Nothing is your fault.
It is a bar after all, so alcoholic beverages are to be expected.
I was just not aware of how difficult to identify it can be when overshadowed by sweeter tastes.
I enjoy sweet tastes too. Alcohol inside sweets is a new concept for me, but I am not opposed"¦"

She once more took a sip from her glass, eventually emptying her first drink for the night, and loosely waving towards the Barkeeper, intending to order yet another one.
"œ...Would you like to try a sweet, berry flavoured drink from one of my homeworlds?" She ten asked towards Zex, giving the Ensign a warm, inviting smirk.
Quote from: Eli Ferris on March 18, 2021, 06:12:35 PM

"Why thank you, Zex. I'll let you order and trust your good judgement. Eli said with a smile. Already in the energetic company there was a lift to his mood. So simple a thing, compared to the constant workload he insisted upon pouring on himself. It was a difficult thing to leave things that he felt were undone.

He glanced at the other members of the conversation. Sirol seemed most interested in each person's job. "I'm Lt. Eli Ferris, flight control chief. I keep the shuttles running best I can."

Eli turned his attention to Anth whose tale regarding a rogue admiral were quite interesting and sounded like something straight out of a holonovel. Of course, he had been a part of some strange missions as well but still...

"So how do you make your work work with all the species out here? Seems like an interesting way to utilize your skill set."

As Lieutenant Eli introduced himself and his fielt of work to her, Sirol gave him yet another friendly bow.
"œPleased to meet you, Lieutenant.
I think I have not yet had the chance to speak to anyone working in flight control. I can imagine it might be occasionally challenging to keep track of all the traffic around Katra."

She paused for one moment, then leaned a little forward.
"œ...Do you and your team sometimes get the chance to actually fly the shuttles you are managing?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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