S3 - M3: State of Emergency (Discussion)

Started by Kirok, March 21, 2021, 03:15:27 PM

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This is the discussion topic and outline of what happened to get us here and what to expect.

I typically would have polled you and aske for input on the mission.
But I don't want to loose any more time.
So if at the end of the mission we want to consider it a mirrorverse or bad dream, cool with me ;-)

For now, I just want us to get to know each other in mission.
And what better way to do that then when there is high drama.
So let have lots of fun with it!!!

The thing that brought us together is:
13 days ago there was an explosion on the station.
Zex called out to Eydis and anyone who could hear her.  Then went unconscious.
There were deaths and a part of the station broke off and fell to the planet below causing more destruction
Most everyone else was able to escape.  Some have returned already (that would be the existing players)
The Tempest picked up the 'new players' and dropped them off just before the opening post
We are all gathered in the conference room (all players)

We have 3 tasks to accomplish.
1.  Get the station up and running again and figure out what happened
Kirok will lead that part.  He would want Falleg or Eli in the Command area with him.  Others welcome.

2. Go to the planet to help clear the destruction.  Find wounded.  Help restore faith in the katra.
Kyle I would like you to lead that part.  I have an npc who will join you.  But the new FC and Sirol could go.  Others welcome.

3.  Zex is in sickbay in a coma.  She will need tending too.
Dr. Xiiv that is all you.  Eydis would be a GREAT addition to that part of the story.

And away we go!

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Imma gonna assume that somehow Hrafn got home I think... I can't remember exactly how long it would take to get from DS9 to Katra, but it's already been 10 days or so since the Wormhole Fiasco thing of the last mission so I'm thinking she gets back and finds things in a shambles?  Not necessarily on the Healy.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



I'll see that I'll read myself into the new mission quickly.
(I'm still sick and can only sit for short time periods.)
I suppose Sirol might best be used for part 1 - Figuring out what happened, but depending on how fast the pace of this mission goes I might be forced to slow down and have my character stay aboard and lend moral support or help team 3 to not slow down the story any further.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Soft tags at everyone in the briefing

Also I had someone save Sirol in the docking bay.
If any of you wants to be the hero, go for it, I left it open on purpose. ^.^

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Sirol on March 22, 2021, 03:55:29 PM

Soft tags at everyone in the briefing

Also I had someone save Sirol in the docking bay.
If any of you wants to be the hero, go for it, I left it open on purpose. ^.^

I'll bite.  ;D

Don Damien Addams


Kal can be on Katra or broken piece of Katra on planet whatever you want to use


Quote from: Gideon Drake on March 22, 2021, 05:51:09 PM

I'll bite.  ;D

Awesome! Thanks for Saving Sirol's bones! I'll make sure to have her have some fuzzy memory of Drake and a gift basket in preparation. 8)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kal on March 23, 2021, 03:37:07 AM

Kal can be on Katra or broken piece of Katra on planet whatever you want to use

the planet is ok - just be near a water source.
13 days passed since the explosion
we can have the away team find you when they get down there!


tag to those in the meeting - you may now go to your assigned areas

Control Center
Kirok, Falleg, Eli

Dr. Xiiv, Eydis

Away Mission
Kyle, EQ, Dillon,
Kal already on planet so please find him ;-)

Drake & Sirol, you can go where you like unless Kyle says otherwise
Sickbay will be highly focused on Zex with the doc and Eydis
So it would make sense Drake goes to the away team but it welcome in the other teams
Sirol you could come to command center or go on the away team or go to sickbay

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on March 24, 2021, 06:24:06 PM

the planet is ok - just be near a water source.
13 days passed since the explosion
we can have the away team find you when they get down there!


tag to those in the meeting - you may now go to your assigned areas

Control Center
Kirok, Falleg, Eli

Dr. Xiiv, Eydis

Away Mission
Kyle, EQ, Dillon,
Kal already on planet so please find him ;-)

Drake & Sirol, you can go where you like unless Kyle says otherwise
Sickbay will be highly focused on Zex with the doc and Eydis
So it would make sense Drake goes to the away team but it welcome in the other teams
Sirol you could come to command center or go on the away team or go to sickbay

I'd welcome Sirol in OCC... that way Hrafn can handle Ops (as she used to on Healy for Rayek and OCC at times) and Sirol could handle Sciences??

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Sirol said she will likely go to sickbay.
So it will just be us 2 till someone else shows up ;-)

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Posting this here so people don't miss it on Discord

I'm not getting at anyone in particular here, and I know we're all a little fragmented at the moment but am I the only one that reads posts on the mission?! :joy:   Several times lately I've seen people totally glossed over as if they don't even exist ( @DD Adams/cupid I'm not talking about Kal... I'm working on someone noticing the kitten wandering).  I realise it's wonderful having your old friends back, and I know I greeted people but far as I know I included everyone I know was in that Briefing Room.

As an attempt to help alleviate that I'm going to instigate a cut scene later in the day/week whatever to the point where we're appropriating some drinks in Brauhaus Gamma and discussing stuff... I hope everyone will take it as an effort to wind down, get to know people etc, not all of us have been around so long that cobwebs are growing on us (ME!! :P  ) so please take the time to get to know one another and our RPing will be that much more enjoyable.  Thank you

With ref to the cut scene that's now up, I encourage all to get in on that where appropriate (as in if you're on the station) as a means to up the morale a bit of those left on the station... and to get to know your fellow Katra-dwellers!  Feel free to NPC an additional crewmember or a civilian that got left behind!

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


I have been in communication with Kal ;-)
He indicated that he wanted to be found on the planet.
So now that we are in the Control Center, we can likely see a human bio signature on the planet below ;-)
And we can direct the away team to go find him.

Kirok would be working all waking hours on addressing the state of emergency that we are dealing with.
And my goal is to hit those main story line items first.
Because I intend for this to be a short action oriented type mission ;-)

Tags to everyone that I had prior to my last post!

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 26, 2021, 01:34:24 PM

Posting this here so people don't miss it on Discord

I'm not getting at anyone in particular here, and I know we're all a little fragmented at the moment but am I the only one that reads posts on the mission?! :joy:   Several times lately I've seen people totally glossed over as if they don't even exist ( @DD Adams/cupid I'm not talking about Kal... I'm working on someone noticing the kitten wandering).  I realise it's wonderful having your old friends back, and I know I greeted people but far as I know I included everyone I know was in that Briefing Room.

As an attempt to help alleviate that I'm going to instigate a cut scene later in the day/week whatever to the point where we're appropriating some drinks in Brauhaus Gamma and discussing stuff... I hope everyone will take it as an effort to wind down, get to know people etc, not all of us have been around so long that cobwebs are growing on us (ME!! :P  ) so please take the time to get to know one another and our RPing will be that much more enjoyable.  Thank you

With ref to the cut scene that's now up, I encourage all to get in on that where appropriate (as in if you're on the station) as a means to up the morale a bit of those left on the station... and to get to know your fellow Katra-dwellers!  Feel free to NPC an additional crewmember or a civilian that got left behind!

Ok. I know no names were called out but if I happened to miss someone, I apologize. I tend to play my character as the situation calls for. IMO, the current one is a crisis situation so any salutations from me would be a quick nod or "Hi" and then we get the mission on. As far as a get together type thing, I am all for a meet and greet but I think it needs to be a holodeck sort of deal and not in mission



Now lets please get back to the mission ;-)

Sirol - Kirok tagged you before you leave the CC.
It's his attempt to pass down some good wisdom ;-)

Dr X - soft tag back to you

I'm off to be folks - I'll look for you fun posts manjana!

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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