S3 - M3: State of Emergency

Started by Kirok, March 21, 2021, 03:19:50 PM

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Quote from: Kyle Briggs on March 29, 2021, 10:14:04 PM


Kyle was thankful when the shuttle finally landed. Dillon was a really cute dog but the shuttle had been to enclosed and too over crowded for the stench he had released. Kyle was one of the first ones off board as the others collected their gear and EQ released Dillon from the kennel.

"No worries. Give him the time he needs." Kyle replied as he was approached from behind.

Kyle instantly recognized the man. "Mr. President. Commander Kyle Briggs, First Officer of the Katra. We're here to help you and the folks from the Katra. I have several teams here. We're going to put one at your disposal......Yes. One......" Kyle said when he saw the glare in the man's eyes. "That will be more than enough. We will need the rest for search and rescue. Plus anyone here that can assist."

As the President was gathering himself, the rest of Kyle's teams approached and awaited their orders.

[NPC EQ/Dillon]

The XB and dog were the first to approach.  He could see that the man, presumable the president, that Kyle was talking too.  "Ready for your orders, Sir" EQ said to Kyle.

[Katra:  Operations Control Center]

Kirok nodded when Felleg acknowledged his orders.  Then he set about tapping away at his own duty station.  Until he heard the communication come in about the children.

He looked up.  Listened.  Then made the only logical decision.

"Take Kyan.  I'll signal a flight control office to meet you in the shuttle bay" Kiork said.  Then he did just that with a message sent from his duty station.

The half Vulcan tapped his combadge when he heard Mr. Ferris' voice.  -//-Acknowledged.  We will see you momentarily.  Kirok out -\\- he said and then tapped the badge again to end the link.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Medbay >

Although there was no 'verbal' response, Zex would still get the sense of the Tholian's emotions.  Shi made the Deltan feel safe and un-judged - supported even.

So the Deltan continued on.  "Thank you for understanding.  I was so afraid to mention it to anyone before."

The Tholian could feel the personal burden lifting from her.  A bit more hopeful.  A bit less afraid.

"The night of the explosion.  Something was causing me to not be able to be able to sleep.  It was like one of those beeping fire alarms when the battery is dying.  But it was far off but so annoying.

That's not what it is really like.   But I don't have any other way to tell you how my subconscious telepathy works.  I'm a slave to react to it.  That's why we sometime appear nude or like monsters to different people - because a strong emotion or danger sets us off.

That sense lead me to Engineering.  I don't know the area very well after all of these years.  So I didn't really know what type of danger it might be.

I should have just notified someone in the OCC.   But I wanted to wait till I knew what I was reporting.   Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw something.  And then it was too late..." the diplomatic officer said.

Feeling of anxiousness came from the petit woman.  Like she was literally living the experience again.  "No" she called out.  Her hand rose to block her from someone or something.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs



Quote from: Kirok on March 30, 2021, 05:28:11 PM

[NPC EQ/Dillon]

The XB and dog were the first to approach.  He could see that the man, presumable the president, that Kyle was talking too.  "Ready for your orders, Sir" EQ said to Kyle.

"EQ. Perfect timing. This is President Tarin. His daughter is missing. I want you to take Dillon, Ensign Cole and Crewman Ramsay and head the group that President Diseth is providing. Your task is his daughter. Understood?" Kyle asked.

"Everyone else. Let's get into that debris field and rescue some survivors. The locals have already began searching and have found several survivors already. Again. If they can't make a shuttle trip up, get them tagged and beamed up immediately. Move out." he said.

They split into their assigned teams and dug right in. Kyle spoke with the President for a few more seconds before rolling up his sleeves and joining them.


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on March 30, 2021, 07:05:49 PM


"XB. Perfect timing. This is President Diseth. His daughter is missing. I want you to take Dillon, Ensign Cole and Crewman Ramsay and head the group that President Diseth is providing. Your task is his daughter. Understood?" Kyle asked.

"Everyone else. Let's get into that debris field and rescue some survivors. The locals have already began searching and have found several survivors already. Again. If they can't make a shuttle trip up, get them tagged and beamed up immediately. Move out." he said.

They split into their assigned teams and dug right in. Kyle spoke with the President for a few more seconds before rolling up his sleeves and joining them.

[NPC EQ/Dillon]

"Understood, Sir"  EQ replied.  He was just an Enlisted Crewman, but he took point.   He lead his group with the President slightly way.

"Mr. President, Sir.  Do you have anything that might belong to your daughter.  And can you tell us the last time you saw her?" he said.

"Of course I have something of her's" the President relied a bit sharply.  Possibly still upset that only one team had been assigned to him.   He pulled out as doll from a pocket and handed it to EQ.  "She was at the playground near the house" he said.

EQ took the doll.  "Thank you.  Can you lead us there?" he replied.

"Most certainly.  It's just this way" he said.  He lead the group to the spot he had last seen his daughter.

"Good.  Here Dillon.  Smell this" he held down the doll.  Then released the leash.  "Now, find!" he order.

"Woof" Dillon acknowledged.  He sniffed the doll, then the ground.  And then started to lead the group, running then turning back to the group till they caught up.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Medbay >

With the burden of her past revealed, the emotional cocoon that she was trapped in started to unravel.  As she started to 'speak' about the trauma she had experienced over the lattis, it fell away even more.  She was so lucky to have a friend in Eydis.

She did not open her eyes, but started to speak so others could hear what happened.  I was kind of like talking in her self.  Only half way out of coma like state.

"I someone hit me with a needle.  It went deep in my chest over my heart.  I immediately started to feel sleepy.

It must have been a sedative of some type.  But then she plunged a knife into the same spot.  I supposed to try to mask the puncture wound from the needle.

That was when I called out to you Eydis.  Then I started to loose consciousness.  But not before I got a good look at my attacker" she added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kal on March 22, 2021, 10:36:31 PM

[Katra station - unknown deck] (Katra piece on planet)

The soft sticky tongue licked the cheek of the human who was raised by Klingons. The eyes cringed as the heating pain ripped through his chest as he came around. It had been hours (days) since the chaotic explosion had hit Katra.


Kal saw he was impaled with a steel rod which was in his chest. Lucky him it had not killed him. He saw he was not going to be moving cause the rod was through the ceiling, through him and into the floor. He felt that his blue pace maker was dim. That was not good. Something kept him alive.


Little black kitten his ear. Bright green eyes was lit by the dim light in the tunnel...

The kitten he seemed to save from the steel rod which impaled him. He gave his life to a kitten.


"Hey...shh. We. are . safe," he tried to assure the kitten.

He had remembered he was here coming out and in his coma? or injury? He could not move his right arm which was wedge under his body. He screamed as he moved it out under neath him.


"Go get help," he told the cat.

Meow. It stared at him like not knowing what to do.

Why it has to be a kitten?

The kitten had decided to walk on his face and its tail was waving in his eyes. "Oh. Stop. It."

[NPC - the kitten]

The kitten finally moved off of Kal's face.  It licked Kal's face again.  Then turned toward a noise it heard.

"Meow.  Meow.  Meow" it called out.  Maybe some one would hear it.

Luckily the piece of metal was still in Kal's chest.  Yes he was bleeding a bit.  But with the metal in place at least he was not bleeding out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

~ Several minutes later

Kyan had been conducting a threat assessment for what seemed like forever, with the computer taking it's sweet time in reaching out to the database on Kylata II, which was compounded by the security protocals, firewalls, encryptions, etc. etc, that SFI had put in place to keep people from digging around in their database. But he was supposed to be digging around in there since he had the access codes.... and the Chief hadn't told him not to in the course of his temporary re-assignment to Katra... so... yeah.

After a while, the computer had completed its work. The diminutive Onlie missed the chime however, listening in on the com chatter from Falleg's station. After which she requested leave to go and get her children, which made perfect sense. Kyan was about to volunteer his services when the pointy eared grup in charge made it unnecessary.


[Katra:  Operations Control Center]

Kirok nodded when Felleg acknowledged his orders.  Then he set about tapping away at his own duty station.  Until he heard the communication come in about the children.

He looked up.  Listened.  Then made the only logical decision.

"Take Kyan.  I'll signal a flight control office to meet you in the shuttle bay" Kiork said.  Then he did just that with a message sent from his duty station.

The half Vulcan tapped his combadge when he heard Mr. Ferris' voice.  -//-Acknowledged.  We will see you momentarily.  Kirok out -\\- he said and then tapped the badge again to end the link.

Kyan swiveled his chair around to look at the Captain with a smile. "It's happy I'll be to help!" he chirped, hopping off his seat and onto the deck. Remembering his previous task, he turned back and took a look at the monitor, which was displaying the fruits of his work. What was there made him both wince and grin at once.

The list of local threats included several illicit smugglers and scavengers in the region, including the Vidiians who had recently been trying to get themselves in good with the Orions, who themselves were starting to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant.

"Ms. Falleg." he asked, glancing up at the taller woman. "Does the Munnin-Ra have any weapons on her the now? We may have need of em if there be any scavengers and other such creatures about."


[Katra:  Operations Control Center]

As Kyan and Falleg were preparing to leave, Kirok turned his attention back to his duty station.  It finally pinged with some new information.  Specifically it was video without sound of the Engineering area just before the explosion.

It showed a figure in a hood enter Engineering.  Short in stature and slim.  Likely female.

The figure expertly avoided pointing 'her' face toward any of the cameras.  Used gloved hands to enter the access code.  Then went off camera behind the engine.

Minutes later, Zex could be seen entering the area.  She looked around.  Then the hooded figure attacked the Deltan.

[NPC EQ & Dillon]

Minutes later Dillon led the group to an area just past the playground.  There was a small culvert the drained water away.

"Woof" Dillion barked.  He was pointing to the drain.   "I think she might be in there" EQ told the President.

The man wondered closer to the dark opening.  "Ellie?" he called out.  "Daddy!" a voice cried out.

The child ran out of the opening and into her father's arms.   "Why were you hiding in there?" he asked.  "Cause stuff was falling down on us" she replied.

He hugged his daughter and said thanks to the away team.  Meanwhile EQ tapped his combadge.  -//EQ to Commander Briggs.  We found the girl.  She is safe and sound \\- the XB said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley


[Several days ago - USS Fleetwood, Rhode island class - docked at DS9.]

"œOwens, open a hailing frequencies." Montague said as he sat back in the command chair. The kid tried to look nonchalant, but ruined it by giving Ser a sideways look. Ser stood by the bulkhead off to the side PADD in hand.  The cadets, to there own credit, mainly ignored him and the chief and justdid there jobs. Only when it was their turn in the chair, did they show any sign of nerves. They all took these little exerces a little too seriously according to Ser. It was a serious job, but you could be ridged.

"œUnidentified vessel. This is the USS Fleetwood. Please identify yourself and stat your business." Montague said in his best captains voice. Ser had to hold back a smile as he listen. He was trying to build confidence in these kids not break their fragile littlepsyches.

Ser smiled at thought and then snuff it out the moment he realize what he was doing. He took a quick look around the bridge to see if the cadets noticed. They didn't. Maybe.

"œUnidentified Vessel please respond?" Several second later there was still no response.

"œThe vessel is coming in visual range." Said Peterson. Ser watched with giddy anticipation as every head turned towards the view screen.
It was a glorious wave of emotions. First there was the natural confusion Ser was expecting, then recognition, followed by surprise, and at late sweet sweet laughter.
Ser looked up and the screen to see a floating spaghetti mass with two large meatballs on either side of it body, and eyes standing on stalks for the top of the whole thing.

Owens at tactical snorted into his cheeks. Smith hide under the helm for a moment. And Montague played it be covering his mouth with his hand.
Of course they were all laughting more out of surprise then anything's. But Ser wasn't finished yet. A soft chime come from tactical.

"œWe're being hail" Owens said

Montague just nodded and pointed at the screen. Ser thought the man might not trust his mouth to say words at the moment. Owens opened the channel.

All must pray and worship the great and mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster. Look a my noodles and tremble, Behold the holy the spicy meatballs and weep. And rejoice at sight of my tangy marinara sauce the very life blood of existence. Prepare yourselves for the great marination."

Somewhere around "œspicy meatballs", the bridge at large stop listening and laughing hard. Even Montague chest was heaving as he cover his face with his hand. Which was all part of the point Ser was making for today's exercise.

"œComputer pause simulation." Ser said as he stepped into the center of the bridge. He took the moment to look around and let the laughter die down.

"œWhat do you do?" He asked the room at large.  Again confused face appeared around the room.  A hand went up by the engineering station.

"œSteward." Ser called

"œGet a fork?" She replied. Chuckle lit up around the bridge.

"œSo you want to eat a sentient being?  Which weight over 500 tons." Ser said with no tract of mocker.  "œWhich begs the question.  How do you eat a 500 ton spaghetti monster?"

"œOne bite at a time." Owens yell out no longer trying to cover his laughter.

"œNo, with 10 tons of Parmesan."  Ser said smiling back.  "œAs ridiculous as this is, there a point to this." He said pointing to the screen.  "œHas anyone spotted it."

The cadets looked at the screen again.  Some eyebrows raised in thought, while others dropped in Contemplation.

"œIt's weird." Smith said.

"œAnd unexpected." Montague continued.  Ser made a keep going gesture with his free hand as he nodded.  Merek picked up the line of thought.

"œWe need to be prepared for the strange and the unexpected." She said with confidence.

"œTrust me there is no way anyone is prepared for sentient pasta, but your close. For every ten mission you go on, for every hundred encounter.  you'll find one like this."   He said pointing to the screen again. "œIt will throw you off.  Dull your wits.  Take seconds you could have use to think.  Case in point.  Computer Resume."  Ser walked back to his spot by the bulk head an the Flying Spaghetti Monster attack his cadets.

Ten short minutes the big red x appeared on the view screen signaling the ships distraction and the end of the simulation.  Ser walked into the middle of the bridge again

"œGood job today I want a detailed report this mission by 1700 hours.  State the reason why you think you the ship was attack and destroyed. Could it have been prevented and how. Your free to visit DS9 only after your reports is in.  Be back on the ship by 2000.  Dismissed. "œ Ser finished and cadet all over the bridge cheered, whooped, and started to trail out

They were good kids the last couple weeks really showed they had what it took to be great officers but, what it meant to work as a team on a starship.  As a test run for his little brain child. Things were looking good.

Dr. Sarah Ziegler came rush out of the turbolift before the student could get on on make a b-line for Ser.

"œLieutenant would you speak to me in the ready room" she asked.  Ser nodded and lead the way in.   He sat behind the deck gesturing for her to take the sit across from him.

"œWhat can I do for you?" He ask her.  She just remain stand.

"œThere was an Explosion at Katra station.   There have been limited Communications coming from the area.  You should already have the report." She replied.  Ser just looked for a long second.  Station disasters were terrible, but she already knew they were not in mission's parameters.  Very strict mission parameters.  Written, in major part, by her.

"œWhat can I DO for you, Sarah?" Ser repeated.  Sarah hedged as she looked at him. Ser wondered what his face must have looked like.

"œMy mother is on Katra station.  She's a botanist.  I want to go find her."  she answered, and Ser felt his shoulders slump.

"Sarah, no."  he replied.

"It's a five day trip,their gonna be under man and need ever doctor they can get.  the ship sensors will be a big help with the search and resuce effort."

"Sarah. you know I would if I could, but I can't.  We aren't an active ship.  "¨Hell the flight plan had been lock in to the computer.  We could go if we wanted to"

"We  have the code for that." sarah said.

"What?" Ser said raising from his seat.

"I can undo the lock." sarah said.  ser moved from behind the desk.  pace back and forth in the small space.

"Ok, forgeting for the moment that you didn't tell me that little detail from the start of our mission.  if you really want to do this I need two thins from you."

"Ok name it."  Sarah said..

"One get premission from the admirls." ser said

"Already done.  you should have permission on your padd." Sarah  said

"And two you have to ask the cadets and chiefs if theyl'll comell . dismissed"

"Thank you ser."

[Present: Katra sapce: USS Fleetwood]

=/\="Kartra station this is the USS Fleetwood. Requesting permission to dock."=/\=

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast


Quote from: Zex on March 31, 2021, 05:30:17 PM

< Katra Station / Medbay >

With the burden of her past revealed, the emotional cocoon that she was trapped in started to unravel.  As she started to 'speak' about the trauma she had experienced over the lattis, it fell away even more.  She was so lucky to have a friend in Eydis.

She did not open her eyes, but started to speak so others could hear what happened.  I was kind of like talking in her self.  Only half way out of coma like state.

"I someone hit me with a needle.  It went deep in my chest over my heart.  I immediately started to feel sleepy.

It must have been a sedative of some type.  But then she plunged a knife into the same spot.  I supposed to try to mask the puncture wound from the needle.

That was when I called out to you Eydis.  Then I started to loose consciousness.  But not before I got a good look at my attacker" she added.

< Katra Station / Medbay >

Just as Sirol was about to open her PDA again, and skim through her messages for the day [not that there was much to skim through though - due to the recent events...], a voice next to her caught her attention.
She noticed the previously comatose Ensign Zex regaining her consciousness and slowly but surely turning back into an active; a subjectively three dimensional person. Tilting her head Sirol slowly got up from her bio bed and turned around towards Xiiv.
"œThe Ensign is back with us."
She stated calmly, then slowly got back to her feet and made her way towards the Diplomatics officer to see if she needed anything.
She assumed that Xiiv would know best how to treat someone waking up from a coma, but the least thing Sirol could do was offer her help.
After all, medic or not, Sirol was to work with Xiiv, Zex and the others, so cooperation and integration were without question to her.
Also"¦ Zex had been friendly and welcoming to the scientist when few others had been. She deserved to be cared for.

Leaving over a little Sirol gave the Diplomatics officer a polite hailing little bow. She still had her eyes closed, but to Sirol that was no sufficient reason to neglect proper formalities.
"œWelcome back, Ensign. It is good to see you recovering..."
For a moment Sirol paused.
Something was off.
Zex appeared"¦ Distressed. No"¦ Terrified"¦ Like an uncomfortable brown noise filling the room, the situation itself and it's expected positivity did not match Sirol's perception"¦
Once more looking into Xiiv's direction, then back at Zex, Sirol gave her a slightly confused face; assuming what she could sense in Zex to be the a state akin to waking up from a nightmare.
"œEnsign?... It is alright. You are safe now." She quietly spoke.

Yet as Zex continued, Sirol's confusion turned into noticeable worry.
An attacker who sedated her?
The scientist could not (yet) see a valid strategical or generally logical reason in attacking Zex.
Narrowing her eyes she paused and let the Diplomatics officer explain.
Maybe this was part of a comatose dream"¦ Either way though, for Zex it was real, which was what mattered to her well being the most as of now.
"œ...How did your attacker look like?" The slender scientist asked in a calm, neutral tone.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyle Briggs


The rescue mission was going very well. They had come across several sections of the debris that had still been intact and held several crew members that sustained only minor injuries that had been cared for on the spot. Those crew members had been able to assist in the ongoing rescue efforts and they got through it quite quickly. They also found their fair share of injured that needed to be either transported up or shuttled up. Ensign Drake had been one busy pilot. Kyle had made a mental note to be sure and talk to the officer later on. Sadly, they also found more bodies then Kyle cared to think about. They had just hauled out the last two corpses they had discovered and were about to call it quits when Kyle heard a noise.

Quote from: Kirok on March 31, 2021, 05:56:56 PM

[NPC - the kitten]

The kitten finally moved off of Kal's face.  It licked Kal's face again.  Then turned toward a noise it heard.

"Meow.  Meow.  Meow" it called out.  Maybe some one would hear it.

Luckily the piece of metal was still in Kal's chest.  Yes he was bleeding a bit.  But with the metal in place at least he was not bleeding out.

"Did you hear that?" he asked Lieutenant Henderson who was walking beside him. A second later, he heard it again. "It sounds like a cat." he added looking around. "This way."

Kyle began walking toward the sound. They had to round several corners and backtrack a couple of times before finding the origin of the noise. It was indeed a feline and it was in a room that had been throwing off it's meow's with echoes. As Henderson bent to pick it up, she spotted a foot off to the side. They moved a mangled cabinet to discover another body that had been pierced through the chest.

"Damn it. Another one." Kyle said sadly as he squat down to check the body. It moaned as he reached to check for a pulse that he was sure wouldn't be there. "Holy shit. He's alive." Kyle exclaimed. He slapped his comm badge for back up.

=/\= I need medical at my location right now. And a gurney.  =/\=

As Kyle waited for the others, he began accessing the situation.

"Hey buddy. You're gonna be alright. Can you tell me your name?" he asked trying to gather information.

The steel rod was a couple of centimeters in diameter and from what Kyle could tell, it went straight through the Ensign. He heard the commotion of the others arriving. Doctor Brinkman knelt down next to him.

"What do we got, Commander?" he asked.

Kyle gave his assessment. "I also think it would be too risky to attempt a beam out. I say we cut the beam down as close as possible and then get his ass on the shuttle."

Kyle tapped his badge once more.

=/\= Briggs to Drake. Keep that engine running, Ensign. We've got a tricky one headed your way that is gonna need your fastest ride ever.  =/\=

Brinkman agreed and they set to work cutting the steel rod. Once they had shortened the rod, they carefully placed the young man onto the gurney and easily evacuated him out to the shuttle. They got him aboard and secured.

"Go up with him Doctor." Kyle said to Brinkman before turning to the pilot. "Quick but steady, Ensign. I don't want us to lose another one."

As the shuttle lifted off, the others all gathered together.

"Good work everyone. When we get back to the Katra, I want you all to take some down time. You've more than earned it." Kyle said before hearing steps behind him. He turned to see EQ and Dillon walking up with the President who was now carrying a little girl. "You found her. Great work EQ. You too Dillon." Kyle said as he reached down to scratch the canine behind his ear. Standing once again, he extended his hand to the President Tarin. "Mister President. I'm glad you found her safe and sound. It appears that we've recovered all of our personnel and any of your citizens that were caught in the debris. With that done, we're gonna return to the Katra. If there's anything else you need, please feel free to contact us."

Some had boarded the remaining shuttles and others had began beaming up. Kyle stepped back and took a look at EQ. "Can we beam Dillon up or do you need to take him on a shuttle? His crate is still on Drake's shuttle and he had to take off with a major emergency patient."

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on March 31, 2021, 11:13:11 PM


The rescue mission was going very well. They had come across several sections of the debris that had still been intact and held several crew members that sustained only minor injuries that had been cared for on the spot. Those crew members had been able to assist in the ongoing rescue efforts and they got through it quite quickly. They also found their fair share of injured that needed to be either transported up or shuttled up. Ensign Drake had been one busy pilot. Kyle had made a mental note to be sure and talk to the officer later on. Sadly, they also found more bodies then Kyle cared to think about. They had just hauled out the last two corpses they had discovered and were about to call it quits when Kyle heard a noise.

"Did you hear that?" he asked Lieutenant Henderson who was walking beside him. A second later, he heard it again. "It sounds like a cat." he added looking around. "This way."

Kyle began walking toward the sound. They had to round several corners and backtrack a couple of times before finding the origin of the noise. It was indeed a feline and it was in a room that had been throwing off it's meow's with echoes. As Henderson bent to pick it up, she spotted a foot off to the side. They moved a mangled cabinet to discover another body that had been pierced through the chest.

"Damn it. Another one." Kyle said sadly as he squat down to check the body. It moaned as he reached to check for a pulse that he was sure wouldn't be there. "Holy shit. He's alive." Kyle exclaimed. He slapped his comm badge for back up.

=/\= I need medical at my location right now. And a gurney.  =/\=

As Kyle waited for the others, he began accessing the situation.

"Hey buddy. You're gonna be alright. Can you tell me your name?" he asked trying to gather information.

The steel rod was a couple of centimeters in diameter and from what Kyle could tell, it went straight through the Ensign. He heard the commotion of the others arriving. Doctor Brinkman knelt down next to him.

"What do we got, Commander?" he asked.

Kyle gave his assessment. "I also think it would be too risky to attempt a beam out. I say we cut the beam down as close as possible and then get his ass on the shuttle."

Kyle tapped his badge once more.

=/\= Briggs to Drake. Keep that engine running, Ensign. We've got a tricky one headed your way that is gonna need your fastest ride ever.  =/\=

Brinkman agreed and they set to work cutting the steel rod. Once they had shortened the rod, they carefully placed the young man onto the gurney and easily evacuated him out to the shuttle. They got him aboard and secured.

"Go up with him Doctor." Kyle said to Brinkman before turning to the pilot. "Quick but steady, Ensign. I don't want us to lose another one."

As the shuttle lifted off, the others all gathered together.

"Good work everyone. When we get back to the Katra, I want you all to take some down time. You've more than earned it." Kyle said before hearing steps behind him. He turned to see EQ and Dillon walking up with the President who was now carrying a little girl. "You found her. Great work EQ. You too Dillon." Kyle said as he reached down to scratch the canine behind his ear. Standing once again, he extended his hand to the President Tarin. "Mister President. I'm glad you found her safe and sound. It appears that we've recovered all of our personnel and any of your citizens that were caught in the debris. With that done, we're gonna return to the Katra. If there's anything else you need, please feel free to contact us."

Some had boarded the remaining shuttles and others had began beaming up. Kyle stepped back and took a look at EQ. "Can we beam Dillon up or do you need to take him on a shuttle? His crate is still on Drake's shuttle and he had to take off with a major emergency patient."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Araguaia | Back and Forth between Katra and Meridian ]

Gideon took in Meridian's smashing beauty for the ever so briefest of times before people the rescue teams found were brought to the runabout, either wounded or dead. And there were plenty of bodies to bring back up.

In any case, Gideon had been very busy. He had been going back and forth between Meridian and Katra Station like a tube line with only two stops. Or, more accurately, medical transport between the sight of a disaster to the hospital; he was, after all, still the pilot.

Gideon had been piloting the wounded or dead up to the station at normal speeds, but then one came across as requiring that he get the bloody blazes up to Katra as fast as possible. He wore a sash like a Klingon and was accompanied by a cat. The urgency required Gideon to transport the poor bloke, along with Doctor Brinkman, up to the shuttle so fast he was quite worried he was going to crash into the hangar if he didn't slow down in time. He thought of Great-Uncle Melchette Drake, who mastered the art of fast landing until he died in an explosion from coming in too fast.

Well, I'm not Great-Uncle Melchette, Gideon thought. He'd probably call me a spineless arse for slowing down this close to the hangar...IF he was still alive, the stupid reckless Great-War-brained git.

"Right, doctor, need any help bringing this poor fellow to the infirmary?" Gideon asked. He never had time to help bring wounded or dead to the Infirmary, but this one looked so urgent, he was sure he could spare some time.

Don Damien Addams



Kal would call the cat Miracle for a cat had saved his life. As he was slowly coming out he was not all there. There was a foggy image in his head. He felt he was a sandwich. One of those Zex sandwiches. He swear he was in the middle and the tooth pick was gone. Finally. There was a little grin on Kal's face.

"I make a terrible Klingon," he sighed.

He felt the feline on his legs. What was with this cat? Was this sign his time was near by? He recalled hearing that cats had sense of death near by.

He was not sure he ever was going to make it.

However every grown man who was in pain does one thing. "Mom?" he cringed saying her name at Drake, Gideon. "Mom?" he was mistaken a fellow Starfleet member for his mother. 

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on March 30, 2021, 05:28:11 PM

[NPC EQ/Dillon]

The XB and dog were the first to approach.  He could see that the man, presumable the president, that Kyle was talking too.  "Ready for your orders, Sir" EQ said to Kyle.

[Katra:  Operations Control Center]

Kirok nodded when Felleg acknowledged his orders.  Then he set about tapping away at his own duty station.  Until he heard the communication come in about the children.

He looked up.  Listened.  Then made the only logical decision.

"Take Kyan.  I'll signal a flight control office to meet you in the shuttle bay" Kiork said.  Then he did just that with a message sent from his duty station.

The half Vulcan tapped his combadge when he heard Mr. Ferris' voice.  -//-Acknowledged.  We will see you momentarily.  Kirok out -\\- he said and then tapped the badge again to end the link.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on March 31, 2021, 06:52:32 PM

~ Several minutes later

Kyan had been conducting a threat assessment for what seemed like forever, with the computer taking it's sweet time in reaching out to the database on Kylata II, which was compounded by the security protocals, firewalls, encryptions, etc. etc, that SFI had put in place to keep people from digging around in their database. But he was supposed to be digging around in there since he had the access codes.... and the Chief hadn't told him not to in the course of his temporary re-assignment to Katra... so... yeah.

After a while, the computer had completed its work. The diminutive Onlie missed the chime however, listening in on the com chatter from Falleg's station. After which she requested leave to go and get her children, which made perfect sense. Kyan was about to volunteer his services when the pointy eared grup in charge made it unnecessary.

Kyan swiveled his chair around to look at the Captain with a smile. "It's happy I'll be to help!" he chirped, hopping off his seat and onto the deck. Remembering his previous task, he turned back and took a look at the monitor, which was displaying the fruits of his work. What was there made him both wince and grin at once.

The list of local threats included several illicit smugglers and scavengers in the region, including the Vidiians who had recently been trying to get themselves in good with the Orions, who themselves were starting to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant.

"Ms. Falleg." he asked, glancing up at the taller woman. "Does the Munnin-Ra have any weapons on her the now? We may have need of em if there be any scavengers and other such creatures about."

[OCC > Shuttlebay]

"Looks like you're with me Mr. Mackenzie..." as they entered the Shuttlebay she answered his question about weapons.

"Not entirely certain on the answer to that one I'm afraid, but I would imagine so, I don't think they'll have had time to strip them out since it's been all hands on deck to sort out the station and they were fully ordinanced upon leaving DS9... we didn't encounter anything on our way over here so in theory... should still be 100%.  As for scavengers... trust me the Thinkers are the ones you're gonna want to not bump into.  Regular pirates and rogues, mostly they want goods not your lives."

She smiled and slipped into the co-pilot's seat.  "I can fly her, but if you're better or had more recent practice I'm happy to defer to you, just let's go get my kids hmm?!"

The CSO logged into the terminal and started doing her pre-flight checks.  "Buckle up and let's get this show on the road!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


[Katra:  Operations Control Center]

Kirok stopped what he was doing when the hale came in from the Fleetwood.  It was carrying some supplies to help with the repairs on the station.  As well as another one of Kirok's old friends.

-// Permission granted, Fleetwood.  Please advise Mr. Conley to report to duty as soon as you dock.  Kirok out \\- he said and then closed the channel.

[NPC EQ & Dillon]

The XB considered the question.   "We can beam up.   I'll collect his cage after you return.  Safe travels, Sir" he said.

Then he tapped his combadge.   -//Two to beam up\\- he said.  Then the duo was wisped away in a swirl of blue light.

Quote from: Sirol on March 31, 2021, 10:06:30 PM

< Katra Station / Medbay >

Just as Sirol was about to open her PDA again, and skim through her messages for the day [not that there was much to skim through though - due to the recent events...], a voice next to her caught her attention.
She noticed the previously comatose Ensign Zex regaining her consciousness and slowly but surely turning back into an active; a subjectively three dimensional person. Tilting her head Sirol slowly got up from her bio bed and turned around towards Xiiv.
"œThe Ensign is back with us."
She stated calmly, then slowly got back to her feet and made her way towards the Diplomatics officer to see if she needed anything.
She assumed that Xiiv would know best how to treat someone waking up from a coma, but the least thing Sirol could do was offer her help.
After all, medic or not, Sirol was to work with Xiiv, Zex and the others, so cooperation and integration were without question to her.
Also"¦ Zex had been friendly and welcoming to the scientist when few others had been. She deserved to be cared for.

Leaving over a little Sirol gave the Diplomatics officer a polite hailing little bow. She still had her eyes closed, but to Sirol that was no sufficient reason to neglect proper formalities.
"œWelcome back, Ensign. It is good to see you recovering..."
For a moment Sirol paused.
Something was off.
Zex appeared"¦ Distressed. No"¦ Terrified"¦ Like an uncomfortable brown noise filling the room, the situation itself and it's expected positivity did not match Sirol's perception"¦
Once more looking into Xiiv's direction, then back at Zex, Sirol gave her a slightly confused face; assuming what she could sense in Zex to be the a state akin to waking up from a nightmare.
"œEnsign?... It is alright. You are safe now." She quietly spoke.

Yet as Zex continued, Sirol's confusion turned into noticeable worry.
An attacker who sedated her?
The scientist could not (yet) see a valid strategical or generally logical reason in attacking Zex.
Narrowing her eyes she paused and let the Diplomatics officer explain.
Maybe this was part of a comatose dream"¦ Either way though, for Zex it was real, which was what mattered to her well being the most as of now.
"œ...How did your attacker look like?" The slender scientist asked in a calm, neutral tone.

[NPC Zex]

Zex heard a voice.  The question that was posed.  What did her attacker look like?

"Romulan" she replied groggily.  But the outside voice helped her to come even closer to consciousness.  And finally, the Deltan opened her eyes.

The first person she saw was Sirol.  "Romulan!?!" she called out in fear.  She tried to lift her right arm to protect her from another attack.

"Her.  Romulan" the diplomatic officer repeated.  She lifted her left hand slightly.  Then pointed...to Sirol.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
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