S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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[Medbay - EMH]

The EMH lifted the small child onto Sirol's bed.  After he gave out his kisses, it looked back at Kyan.  "Now, can you please get them back to their quarters?" it asked Kyan.

[NPC Zex]

Zex reached for Eydis' pet.  She stoked it smooth part again.  She thought that it liked that.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / MedBay >

[Indefinite time before]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 18, 2021, 10:44:54 AM

"NANTIE SIROL!!" Lamar cried happily when she spoke.  He lifted his arms up and asked politely to Dr. Xiiv, he only being 3 and not able to clamber onto the bed himself and also mindful that this lady... he counted the pips on her collar... only 1 but she seemed to be in charge, was boss here.

"I like your hair!  Can I be on the bed with my Nantie, pwease?" his joy at seeing Sirol alive was making his speech slip again.  "I'm her 'Little Pioneer'..." he said with something akin to pride at the nickname, "...and she needs cuddles, special.  If I can't have special doctor kisses to make my finger better, Nantie Sirol cuddles work!" he said, hopefully.

It was hard to focus, and her body was downright desperate to return to sleep, yet Sirol tried to stay awake; fixate her focus on Lamar for just a few more minutes.
He instantly seemed to be comfortable with approaching Doctor Xiiv - which was good to see. Sirol remembered many children being uncomfortable or even intimidated by Doctors - herself and her brother being among them back in the days"¦
"œ...I need cuddles?" She asked in a weak, whispering tone, repeating his statement and slowly turning her head around to look at him and Doctor Xiiv.
"œ...I think we both do. I will gladly provide"¦" With a little smirk she tilted her head towards the child before she faded out again.

Loosely her eyes followed Ensign Jimrec and the EMH.
His announcement of letting Jimrec return to his duties for now were in any perceivable way soothing to the man with the Klingon sash, and Sirol could not blame him.

There were few joys greater than being able to resume performing the duties one loved.
She only hoped he would not be in too much pain while doing so.

Quote from: Kal on April 17, 2021, 10:21:50 PM

Sirol told Kal he was correct. He would take the compliment. The truth was he was only sharing what he knew.

"Yes. A mentor told life is one long road we travel." He was hearing Sirol out and seemed Miracle had a liking for her.

She quietly nodded.
He was thoughtful, humble and astute. All three qualities Sirol enjoyed.
A part of her was hoping to find the chance to talk to him more often; learn about his perspective, as well as get to know the story that lead to him wearing the Klingon sash...
Quote from: Kal on April 17, 2021, 10:21:50 PM

Miracle was enjoying the attention. "You may I have Miracle," he told Sirol. Miracle was not understanding Kal gave it away. Sooner then Kal would know Miracle would find its way to him.

With an almost even innocent tilt of her head, Sirol gave the security officer a confused look for a few seconds.
Was he proposing to hand over his pet? To her? To the MedBay? To Starfleet as a whole?
The statement surprised her. She had expected for there to be a stronger bond between him and Miracle.
But then again, the Federation-multiculture was a different one after all, with different values and priorities.
Maybe Federation citizens had a different stance on to pets and animals in general.

A topic Sirol considered to come back to and examine more closely as soon as the mandatory things had been taken care of.
Raising one eyebrow she still looked at him.
"œI am certain Miracle will be alright, Ensign." She spoke, not phrasing a statement, yet just signalling her will to make sure his pet was properly taken care of.

Quote from: Kirok on April 18, 2021, 09:41:04 AM

Zex felt a sad for Sirol.  She used her free hand to cover Sirol's hand that was held.  Sandwiching it gently - just like Zex's mother used to do with her.

"I doubt that there is another scientist on the station who knows pocket dimensions better than you.  So you are irreplaceable when it comes to that.  But if you think you need some time off, I'm sure that they can find someone to fill in as a general scientist for a short time while you are here in the Medbay.  Ms. Falleg would be the person to speak to about that, but maybe we should ask Dr. Xiiv how much longer you will be here.  What do you think Doctor" the Deltan said and turned to Dr. X

Sirol appreciated Zex's hands wrapped around hers, and gave the Diplomatics Officer a silent little smirk showing it.
All of a sudden though, Zex's words surprised, almost even baffled her.

"œOf all people on the station"¦ I"¦ Am the one to know the most about pocket dimensions?!"
It had not even been her designated main field, yet merely one of many interests; one of many that had been cultivated and fed by the close bond with her brother. who just so happened to be the one specialised in spacial distortion"¦
All she knew had been information that had seeped through via her brother, hence she never really thought much of it.
It had been such a given part of her; the part of him she had adapted and inherited to keep something of him alive, yet she never considered it to be of legitimate scientific validity for her work with Starfleet.
"œThe knowledge about those things"¦ I admit it may be a lot, but... It is not an official part of my resume"¦
It just"¦ Happened due to my"¦ "˜Closeness' with my brother"¦
He was the phase-bending virtuoso of theoretical physics"¦
I merely carry with me what is left of him and his work"¦
Do you"¦ Really believe that this is"¦ In the eyes of Starfleet and the Federation"¦ Enough to qualify me as irreplaceable?"

She gave the other one a slightly awkward look.
Of course she was willing to help and assist wherever possible, and if it meant that her dormant experience with pocket dimensions, it was a win win for both of them, as well as a validation for the memory of her brother himself"¦

Eventually she continued, looking at Zex again.
"œI"¦ Do not think I will require time off.
I asked for a fellow scientist to assist me, not to replace me"¦
I have a project in mind, and spacial and phasic distortion will be a part of it.
But my primary service will stay with Starfleet, just as my contract as well as my personal decision state it."

Quote from: Kirok on April 18, 2021, 09:41:04 AM

Zex shook her head slightly.  "Now that I am fully awake, my subconscious telepathy would kick in if you were any kind of threat to me.  You would see me as something you fear or love.  But I don't have that tingling feeling in the back of my head so I bet that you are seeing me as my normal, bald self" the Deltan added with a smile.

"But it might do you some good to talk to someone about these feeling.  I know that the previous head counselor is gone.  But I'm sure there is a new counselor on the way if he or she is not already here" she added.

Giving the Diplomatics officer a musing nod, Sirol gently squeezed her hand.
"œI am glad to hear that.
I woud not want to cause anyone distress of any way. These times are behind me.
What I see here in front of me is an intelligent, sensitive, caring and brave mind.
I tend to refrain from calling anything or anyone normal, since this is the probably most subjective and falsely utilised term in the galaxy"¦ However"¦ I can tell you are"¦ Pleasantly akin with your feelings and emotions."

She paused for a moment, taking  little breath and once more nodding, acknowledging Zex's suggestion.
"œIt might prove.. Difficult"¦ To explain my situation.
I do not know if a situation like mine has been documented by starfleet before, which makes me wonder as to whether there is even sufficient reference material to handle my case"¦
My detachment from the anomaly being harmful to me"¦ From what I can extrapolate from everyone else on Katra"¦ Seems to be an insular case.
I can not recall anyone else aboard the station reacting this way"¦ Feeling this way"¦
But if you believe that a counselor may give me new insights as to how to approach my issues, I will gladly follow, and add it to my list of strategies to experiment with."

Quote from: Kal on April 18, 2021, 03:24:32 PM

Before Kal stepped out of sickbay he said without a care in the world. "Miracle will be happy with anyone." Not with me, he thought. Anything to get rid of that feline.

As she heared Ensign Jimrec's words, Sirol raised one eyebrow, looking forth and back between him and Miracle once more.
Gently stroking the cat's head, and giving it a soft node boop with her index finger, the scientist musingly spoke.
"œAre you, Miracle? I would argue that makes you a perfectly adaptable Starfleet officer, will it?"
Quote from: Eydis on April 19, 2021, 03:23:58 AM

Erika would watch zex and hop down off the bed after staring at the furry predator eyeing it. Then it would make its way over to Sirols bed. It would look at the hand blankly but made no move when Sirol extended it.

It's small beady eyes would suddenly take in the arrival of many small childern. Talking and moving around so much the uropygi's attention was fully focused on them. Shifting around a bit into the hand the uropygi would freeze. Having forgotten the hand until it brushed the top of its mandible. Yet the uropygi remain still only its own upper scythe limbs twitched a little. Then it's small beady eyes fixated on sirol. Sirol must be one of the hive that's why zex had told it to go to her.

Leaning a little back once more, Sirol's eyes came to a rest on Erika again.
By now it seemed to neither be outgoing nor shy around her, but rather cautious and observant. A strategy Sirol herself knew all too well.
Only ever when the trouble around them increased and Erika seemed to latch onto her head a bit more, the scientist leaned a little forward again. She did not move her hand, not wanting to scare it any further - especially not with Miracle on the other side of her bed.
Sirol by now had concluded that Erika was supposedly more intimidated by the cat than by her own person. Yet with animals it was the same as with children: Telling them not not be scared - usually - just did not work.
Instead she focused on Erica again, widening her warm and welcoming aura around it in the same manner she had done with Miracle, Zex and Lamar, and suddenly Erika seemed to notice her surroundings and Sirol's hand.
Not moving, yet attentively looking up to the scientist.
"œHello there, little explorer..." Sirol spoke in a soft voice, still not moving her hand.
Of course she was aware that most animals were not able to understand her, yet she on the other hand had experienced enough life forms instinctively picking up on moods, voices and sounds well enough to assess as to whether the other one was friendly or not. "œ...You enjoy your adventures with Zex so far?"
Quote from: Kirok on April 19, 2021, 07:28:01 PM

Zex reached for Eydis' pet.  She stoked it smooth part again.  She thought that it liked that.

Looking up top Zex again, Sirol tilted her head, then looked back at Erika, gently trying to mimic the Diplomatics Officer's approach to it, yet taking care to not overtax the shy little visotor.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

[Katra - sickbay npc Miracle]

Miracle was like the attention. The eyes of the cat kept on Erika. It was not sure what to think of it. It does not smell like anything it never smelled before by cat senses.

It did see Kal walk out. As he left it gave out a sad meow. Then it laid itself deeper into Zex as it can. Then poked its head up to see  Erika.

Hrafn Falleg

[OOC: I'm a little bit behind so I'm skipping quotes but it will be obvious what I'm referring to!]

[Medbay > Falleg-Tekin Quarters]

[As NPCs Crista, James, Ujosso, Tidu, Nerys and Lamar]

Crista grinned at the EMH... it had got the measure of the kids perfectly handing out lollipops even to Kyan.

"How about,.. Mr Mackenzie, we take you up on that and get our scurvy crew back to Ms. Hrafn's quarters and out of the medical staff's hairs - cool black and white hair or not Master Tidu..." she said giving a playful 'pity the poor lovesick kid' look to him which set Nerys giggling and elbow jabbing her brother teasingly.

"...and you can relax with us for a while, we have plenty room."

Ujosso meanwhile was not quite 'fighting' off the attentions of a nurse.  "No, I'm a Klingon, I do not get 'headaches'!" she was saying quite crossly.  "Yes I'm sure I'm ok.  Oh very well run that thing over me..."  she stood still for a few minutes just to let the nurse check her, then when the nurse nodded, added "In future save yourself the bother, unless I come in here dead or with body parts hanging off, other than my annual review I'm generally hale and hearty.  It's ok, I know you were just doing your job."

James, now slightly more comfortable with the salve and a but of padding on his butt, was shuffling around.

"Don't worry I'll replicate a ring cushion when we get back to Hrafn's quarters, then your butt won't be in contact with anything more than the dressing!" Crista muttered.

"I'm just miffed I didn't get a lollipop!" James teased.

"Here Uncle James, you can have mine.  I got orange and I'm not fond of orange flavoured things, I appreciated the gesture but I prefer other flavours in sweets.  I like oranges if it's the actual fruit of course!" Nerys said proffering her lollipop.

"Well thank you Nerys, that's very sweet, grab Tidu and stop him trying to switch allegiance from Engineering to Medical, and someone get Lamar from making his Nantie Sirol better." James said accepting the lollipop with a smile.

"I'll go!" Crista said with a smile, at the same time making a circular motion with her index finger raised in the military signal for 'wind it up' and pointed at the door.

Crista walked over to where Sirol was.  "Hi Miss Sirol, I hope Lamar was good, now give your Nantie Sirol a hug and a kiss, and then we can get you back home, there's a surprise for you there, and Mr Mackenzie has promised to tell you a story!"

The other kids had wandered over and gave their own quick hugs and kisses to Sirol, wishing her well soon.  Lamar hanging on just that little bit longer and almost being prised off 'his' Nantie by Crista.  "C'mon littl'un, Nantie Sirol needs to rest.  Be well Sirol, and we'll have a big family meal soon as you're well enough to catch up on everything!"

"Love you Nantie Sirol!"

"Get Better Soon!"

"We Miss You!!!"

the kids called and were ushered out of the Sickbay.

[Falleg-Tekin Quarters]

Crista got back in the quarters with the kids and entourage, immediately crossed to the replicator and got James the promised cushion.

"Sit, stay!" she ordered.

"Do I have to roll over and beg too?" he joked back then puckered his lips raising them towards Crista for a kiss.  She obliged and then ruffled his hair the way one would ruffle the top of a dog's head.  "Good Boy!!" she teased and just dodged a playful slap on the rump from him in return.

"Right kids!" Ujosso said helping Crista marshal them.  "Showers, and into PJs while Crista and I start some food for you.  I believe your Mammy said you could have cheeseburgers, chips and ice cream as a treat so let's get that organised, you can have your storytime then doctors orders... and Mammy orders... sleep!"

"Can we all sleep in the big bed with you and Crista?" Tidu asked, with his best innocent angel look.

"If you're quiet, eat a salad with that burger and fries and promise not to interrupt story time!"

"DEAL!" Tidu said instantly knowing he wouldn't get better!

"Can you help me Auntie Ujo?" Lamar asked holding up his finger.

"Sure...let's go.  Although I think that finger is better now, it's had doctor, Auntie and everyone kisses!  Where's the big brave boy I know?"

Happily munching on their food after the shower, they waited for their story and then full, clean, relaxed and sleepy, fell asleep where they were.

Before long two small... if by 'small' we are talking the size of a West Highland White Terrier dog... blue furry felines found their way onto the bed and snuggled up to Lamar.  Crista in all the dealing with the kids and feeding them had forgotten about Dr. Yona's gift to the children that Hrafn had given the tip off about.  Two kittens rather than one from Sapphire, the doctor's therapy cat that Lamar had loved so well.  The kittens were twins, so unfair to separate them.  The kids had been told about them, but it was so brief while in the midst of the rescue that they'd been forgotten.  Purring loudly they snuggled their way into the pile of bodies, already integrating themselves into the family.

[OCC - Katra Station]

Hrafn nodded at Kyle and Kirok.  "I'll make sure to fix a 'doggie bag'... literally and figuratively,  for Dillon, so he isn't left out!"

She saw Kal walk in and Kyle's comment.  "Yup fine officer and I'd recommend him for any commendation going, saved my butt against a plant that wanted a CSO for a snack once!" she joked.  "That's a story for our dinner party, oh Kal... your fiancÁ©e would be most miffed if you didn't come to the dinner party, I'll let you have the details once a time and date are arranged, and 'Uncle EQ'... you too!" she added to the XB.

Turning back to the CO and XO she said.  "Not serious about the 'fiancÁ©e' thing.  It was a joke that rolled shall we say, and now it's a family 'in joke'.  As for Ruthie, I'll fill you in fully over that dinner!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 19, 2021, 08:54:27 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

"Understood, sir," said Gideon, and he moved the runabout in the distance described. Half a kilometer away. He then moved into the first position described by Ensign King, then moved section by section until they covered all of the station.

He could understand how things are bad when at one point, the Engineer mentioned that a team in EV suits had to be sent out to repair some damage. Getting a closer look at Katra as it is now, Gideon felt a pang of pity.

[Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

Serena bowed her head in silent prayer for a few seconds, hands clasped in front of her, trying to send spiritual comfort to those that had been in the impacted section and also everyone still in recovery. She had arrived after it happened, but she knew it would hang over everyone for some time to come.

"Lieutenant?" She prompted, as she finished one final scan. "There's not much more we can do from out here. The sensors we have are large scale and I've already identified what we need to do next. That involves more hands-on work. We can do another circuit, but we're trying to study an ant using a magnifying glass. We should be using a microscope instead. The readings back up the readings and the maths. We've identified everything that needs repair work."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Serena King on April 20, 2021, 07:18:50 AM

[Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

Serena bowed her head in silent prayer for a few seconds, hands clasped in front of her, trying to send spiritual comfort to those that had been in the impacted section and also everyone still in recovery. She had arrived after it happened, but she knew it would hang over everyone for some time to come.

"Lieutenant?" She prompted, as she finished one final scan. "There's not much more we can do from out here. The sensors we have are large scale and I've already identified what we need to do next. That involves more hands-on work. We can do another circuit, but we're trying to study an ant using a magnifying glass. We should be using a microscope instead. The readings back up the readings and the maths. We've identified everything that needs repair work."

[Katra - OCC]

Kal nodded at Lieutenant Hrafn as she approach the center of the universe of the station.


He shot a look of surprise and anger at the news. "œFiancÁ©e what? No. Who started this rumor?" He asked. He was planning to tear their heart out of their chest. His brown eyes had stayed on Hfran.

Then Hrafn claimed it was a family joke. Then he shook his head. "œDon't let it go to far," he warned with a little smug smile.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Serena King on April 20, 2021, 07:18:50 AM

[Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

Serena bowed her head in silent prayer for a few seconds, hands clasped in front of her, trying to send spiritual comfort to those that had been in the impacted section and also everyone still in recovery. She had arrived after it happened, but she knew it would hang over everyone for some time to come.

"Lieutenant?" She prompted, as she finished one final scan. "There's not much more we can do from out here. The sensors we have are large scale and I've already identified what we need to do next. That involves more hands-on work. We can do another circuit, but we're trying to study an ant using a magnifying glass. We should be using a microscope instead. The readings back up the readings and the maths. We've identified everything that needs repair work."

[Lt Ser Conley | Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

"Great. let's head back then.  If you would Mr. Drake."  Ser said. 

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast


Quote from: Kal on April 19, 2021, 07:20:56 PM

[USS Katra - OCC]

The news that EQ mentioned Zhat Vash name. "Good. Now we see if we can make a match. We will Can have Zex view her. Let see we can pull up any visual movement on her. Where is she Now? "Kal had asked EQ (little a would Say (Q Ball)

[USS Katra - OCC - EQ]

"Good find.  I believe she is still in the Medbay.  You could probably send it to some down there.  Have them show Zex the picture" EQ suggested.

Then he wondered back to his station.  The available information about the Zhat Vash as on his screen.  "Captain.  Commander, you will likely want to see this" he announced to the room.


Kirok right eyebrow arched slightly.  "A play on words, but not a joke.  Interesting" he commented.

"Excuse me" the Captain said upon hearing EQ.  "This sounds important" he added.  The walked over to the XBorgs duty station and started to read the information about the Zhat Vash.

It basically said that it was an organization that hated all thing AI.  Specifically androids.   And all other forms of synthetic life forms.

In that moment, the half Vulcan audibly sucked in some air.  He was certain that they had been responsible for the attack on the station and understood their motivation for doing so.  And sadly, he thought that it was possible that he had unintentionally lured them here.

"Kyle.  I need to see you in my ready room.  Ms. Falleg, please join us as well" Kirok said.  Then without preamble he left EQs station and headed directly to his ready room.


"FIANCÁ‰E?  Congrats man.  Include me in your bachelor party.  It will be a night you won't remember" He said after the others left the OCC.

Then he walked over to the man.  Patted him on the back.  "She got a sister?" he asked a bit more quietly. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

[Katra Station - OCC]

Kal had called Zex who was in Sickbay. He had wanted Zex to inform her watch footage to confirm the individual she saw. He had not told her the name. They had not wanted her to go digging around. Some times the criminal would want to silence the witnesses.

Reply to EQ:

Kal jaw tighten as his hands to a fist and he made a small low growl sound. "I am not engage!" He said through gritted teeth. Rumors started that way. Which was to late as a leak went out.


[Medbay - Zex]

Sirol seemed to light up a bit when she talked about her brother.  But there was some sadness there.  So the Deltan decided to leave the topic alone for now.

"Why, of course.   I've met a lot of people in Star Fleet.  But no-one like you.  You do remind me a lot of Kiork though.  Have you gotten the chance to meet him one on one yet?" she asked curiously.

She then listened to Sirol speak.  The woman was obviously intelligent.  There was no doubt about that.

"You mean that thing that put us all in a shared psych space around the first of the year?  I think that people reacted differently to it.  It didn't affect me much.  But if it made you feel a certain way that is still lingering, then yes, talking to someone might be good for you" Zex added.

While Sirol started to get to know Eydis' pet, she softly stroked Miracles side.  "Don't you worry. If Kal or Sirol don't want you, you can come home with me" she whispered to the cat.

"Sure I'll look at the footage.  Just send it to my padd.  By the way, you weren't serious about giving your cat away, were you?" she typed back after hearing a ding on her padd.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 20, 2021, 07:18:50 AM

[Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

Serena bowed her head in silent prayer for a few seconds, hands clasped in front of her, trying to send spiritual comfort to those that had been in the impacted section and also everyone still in recovery. She had arrived after it happened, but she knew it would hang over everyone for some time to come.

"Lieutenant?" She prompted, as she finished one final scan. "There's not much more we can do from out here. The sensors we have are large scale and I've already identified what we need to do next. That involves more hands-on work. We can do another circuit, but we're trying to study an ant using a magnifying glass. We should be using a microscope instead. The readings back up the readings and the maths. We've identified everything that needs repair work."

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 20, 2021, 03:29:30 PM

[Lt Ser Conley | Katra Station | Runabout Allegheny]

"Great. let's head back then.  If you would Mr. Drake."  Ser said.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny >- Docking Saucer Pod | Katra Station]

"Yes, sir, Leftenant," he said. He opened comms with the station, given standard procedure, and Lieutenant Conely was merely along for the ride, a flight instructor, of sorts.

"Allegheny to OCC," he said, "we're heading back in. Requesting permission to dock."

Once he got permission to get in, he flew back in, going the usual docking speed. He spoke as he did so.

"So, Leftenant, how did I do?" he asked. "True, I'd be saying it'd be a stretch to fly circles around a Galaxy-class, or even the Healy, for that matter, but I'm confident I did well."

Of course, he was beginning to be curious about the Healy. If it was small, being an antique notwithstanding, it's bound to be fast.

Once docked, he looked over at Ensign King and asked, "Ensign...well, what may your first name be...? Anyway, how would you fancy a dinner or at least a drink later when we're off duty? There's plenty of places in the Promenade to choose from if you fancy one. Do you fancy the Brauhaus Gamma, the Blue Belles, the Alpha And Omega, Angela's or the Sweet Tooth?'

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 20, 2021, 11:04:09 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny >- Docking Saucer Pod | Katra Station]

"Yes, sir, Leftenant," he said. He opened comms with the station, given standard procedure, and Lieutenant Conely was merely along for the ride, a flight instructor, of sorts.

"Allegheny to OCC," he said, "we're heading back in. Requesting permission to dock."

Once he got permission to get in, he flew back in, going the usual docking speed. He spoke as he did so.

"So, Leftenant, how did I do?" he asked. "True, I'd be saying it'd be a stretch to fly circles around a Galaxy-class, or even the Healy, for that matter, but I'm confident I did well."

Of course, he was beginning to be curious about the Healy. If it was small, being an antique notwithstanding, it's bound to be fast.

Once docked, he looked over at Ensign King and asked, "Ensign...well, what may your first name be...? Anyway, how would you fancy a dinner or at least a drink later when we're off duty? There's plenty of places in the Promenade to choose from if you fancy one. Do you fancy the Brauhaus Gamma, the Blue Belles, the Alpha And Omega, Angela's or the Sweet Tooth?'

[Katra Station | Shuttlebay]

Serena nodded collegially at Lieutenant Conley as Gideon addressed her. Keeping her expression neutral, she turned to him. "Josephine, or Jo for short." For a few seconds, she managed to keep it together, but then turned into a fit of giggles. "No, no. Sorry. That's an old joke. Or rather Jo-King. I'm Serena." She decided then and there it was time to move on and get on with her life. "Agreed in principle, but let's not plan too far ahead. Look me up when we're off duty. Thanks for the flight, that was pretty smooth. Didn't throw up this time." Sketching a small bow, she headed for the turbolifts.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Smoothing down her uniform before entering the OCC, Serena wanted to present her report to the Captain, but saw him entering his Ready Room. Shrugging, she went to the Engineering Console and filed the report, flagging it into the Captain's queue. Checking her own logs, she discovered no new work that needed her attention, with everything running smoothly. She pulled up the code she saved earlier and started working on that again.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 21, 2021, 05:29:45 AM

[Katra Station | Shuttlebay]

Serena nodded collegially at Lieutenant Conley as Gideon addressed her. Keeping her expression neutral, she turned to him. "Josephine, or Jo for short." For a few seconds, she managed to keep it together, but then turned into a fit of giggles. "No, no. Sorry. That's an old joke. Or rather Jo-King. I'm Serena." She decided then and there it was time to move on and get on with her life. "Agreed in principle, but let's not plan too far ahead. Look me up when we're off duty. Thanks for the flight, that was pretty smooth. Didn't throw up this time." Sketching a small bow, she headed for the turbolifts.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Smoothing down her uniform before entering the OCC, Serena wanted to present her report to the Captain, but saw him entering his Ready Room. Shrugging, she went to the Engineering Console and filed the report, flagging it into the Captain's queue. Checking her own logs, she discovered no new work that needed her attention, with everything running smoothly. She pulled up the code she saved earlier and started working on that again.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Docking Saucer Pod | Katra Station]

Gideon smiled at the joke Serena made. He wondered how often she made it. And he nodded in understanding when she asked him to look her up when she got off duty...though it'd be ideal to look her up when he was also off-duty.

"I will," he said. "And you're welcome. Short as it is, it certainly is an exceptionally smooth flight."

That, in point of fact, is true. He did smooth as much as he could, but for the most part, he enjoyed being at the helm at high speeds. Exhilarating, but he was always careful.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 21, 2021, 08:30:14 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Docking Saucer Pod | Katra Station]

Gideon smiled at the joke Serena made. He wondered how often she made it. And he nodded in understanding when she asked him to look her up when she got off duty...though it'd be ideal to look her up when he was also off-duty.

"I will," he said. "And you're welcome. Short as it is, it certainly is an exceptionally smooth flight."

That, in point of fact, is true. He did smooth as much as he could, but for the most part, he enjoyed being at the helm at high speeds. Exhilarating, but he was always careful.

"Ensigns are just too darn cute sometimes."  Ser thought as he nodded to King walked out of the runabout, for the most part, he'd stayed out of the conversation.  He didn't chuckle, smirk or coo at the two of them.  The last one being the hardest of all.  Ser was very proud of himself.

"Very nicely done, Mr Drake.  You're do your 'Flyboy' ancestors proud."  Ser said finally letting the mask slip, when they were alone.  "Oh, and to answer your earlier question.  I'm your superior officer, not your instructor.  Your in that seat because you know how fly.  I'm here to get to know you, and kid your doing real good."

Ser got up from his seat and motioned to the exit.  "Let''s head back to ops and see what Ferris has for us."

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast


Quote from: Kal on April 20, 2021, 09:50:45 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Kal had called Zex who was in Sickbay. He had wanted Zex to inform her watch footage to confirm the individual she saw. He had not told her the name. They had not wanted her to go digging around. Some times the criminal would want to silence the witnesses.

Reply to EQ:

Kal jaw tighten as his hands to a fist and he made a small low growl sound. "I am not engaged!" He said through gritted teeth. Rumors started that way. Which was to late as a leak went out.

[USS Katra - OCC - EQ]

EQ cocked his head.  "How can you have a fiancÁ©', but not be engaged?" he asked like the wiseguy he was.  He smirked as the obviously embarrassed Sec/tac officer.

"Is it Zex?  You do when to follow her around a lot.  She's pretty, don't ya think?" he added.

The XB noticed Ms. King come in.  She went straight into work mode.  "Welcome back.  How does the station look structurally?" he asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
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