S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 21, 2021, 09:06:54 PM

Kyan's eyebrows raised. "Really!? I have but... they dinnae care nothing for regular folk... they only hate Androids and the like. What would they want out here?"

[OCC - EQ]

"That's the big question.  But they may have been responsible for the bombing here at the station.  I pulled some information up about them on my station.  Kal had an image of the potential bomber on his station" the XB replied.

"Fat chance that" he said to Kal.  "All my internal borg parts would not digest well.  It would just spit me out" he said.

[Medbay - Zex]

"Thank you.  But I think all Deltans go threw the same thing.  Probably betazoids and others too" the Deltan said.

Then she returned to listing to Sirol.  She nodded along.  Indicating that she was listening.

"From what you have said, you either are not telepathic or empathic.  Or are ashamed to use your talents.  Am I close to being right?

But either way, I think you would definitely benefit from some one on one therapy.  Someone who can go deep with you interpersonally.  To help you process all of your feelings.

I can help you make an appointment if you like.  Or Dr Xiir can.  Maybe we should aske her.  And see if we can get discharged" Zex added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on April 22, 2021, 07:46:49 PM

[OCC - EQ]

"That's the big question.  But they may have been responsible for the bombing here at the station.  I pulled some information up about them on my station.  Kal had an image of the potential bomber on his station" the XB replied.

"Fat chance that" he said to Kal.  "All my internal borg parts would not digest well.  It would just spit me out" he said.

[Medbay - Zex]

"Thank you.  But I think all Deltans go threw the same thing.  Probably betazoids and others too" the Deltan said.

Then she returned to listing to Sirol.  She nodded along.  Indicating that she was listening.

"From what you have said, you either are not telepathic or empathic.  Or are ashamed to use your talents.  Am I close to being right?

But either way, I think you would definitely benefit from some one on one therapy.  Someone who can go deep with you interpersonally.  To help you process all of your feelings.

I can help you make an appointment if you like.  Or Dr Xiir can.  Maybe we should aske her.  And see if we can get discharged" Zex added.

Xiiv, upon hearing her name and the all-important word 'discharge' joined them for a little bit, though. Her head canted to the side for a moment as she looked at the readouts. Both Zex and Sirol seemed to be doing much better and she nodded slightly.

"If both of you are feeling up to it, you can go. But, I am placing you, both of you, on light duty, so please, remember your limits or you'll wind up right back in here once more. As to therapy, that's something we can definitely book. It's important to process the events you've gone through, especially recently, in order to recover properly without putting yourself in more mental distress that may affect your daily life, not to mention your work. I'm sure we can find you a counselor to suit your needs, if not in person, then via remote session. It's up to you how you'd like to proceed."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


< Katra Station / MedBay >

Sirol just sat there for a moment, thinking of Zex's words, still having both hands each protectively near each pet.
Not even now as she was so far outside of the confines of what once used to be the Romulan Star Empire did she dare to finish her own thoughts"¦ Her own clear conclusions.

There were no other Romulans in the room.
No one to judge her"¦
No one to persecute her...

And still she did not yet manage to overcome her internalised fear of identification"¦
Her internalised fear of admitting to herself, who and what she was"¦

She just took a deep breath and tried to force that thought asise.
For now.
There were more urgent matters...

Instead she looked up again, only to notice Erika suddenly get off the bio bed and head towards one of the terminals.

Quote from: Eydis on April 22, 2021, 06:28:29 PM

Erika Erika had a 3 red slashes going down either side of its upper mandible. Erika looked at the feline miracle once again. It's upper arms twitching reflexively.

Uropygi will extremely tough. Able to survive in multitude of environments. And could lose entire limbs and still be 75 percent combat efficient. So having a small lattice crystal inserted into its head was nothing. So upon Eydis promoting the little uropygi would head over to the nearest touch screen located next to sirols bed. Using its upper scythe like arms surprisingly delicately, it would access a music file.


Now the oddity was not just because the uropygi could access technology and successfully navigate the interface. But that the uropygi had perceived a emotional state in Sirol. And it sought perhaps after promoting by Eydis over the lattice a solution. This simple act would open a Pandora box of possibility. A drone of hive mind species suddenly given a boost of augmented intelligence. Almost like a like borg xenomorph drone.

It could also be disturbing to think of a simple dumb bug suddenly taking a Great Leap Forward in intelligence.

As her eyes followed the little creature, Sirol slowly got up again into a sitting position.
It navigated this terminal, like any local officer could.
Maybe Commander Eydis or Ensign Zex might have taught it this sort of trick"¦
Sirol thought by herself, remembering her own pets as a child, how she had (unsuccessfully) been trying to teach a young Asiak to fly through her self-made obstacle course"¦ Or how her brother and she had been teaching their Khellid to sneak into places and fetch specific toys"¦ This here however was far more advanced"¦
In utter surprise the scientist witnessed how this little (so far to her unknown) creature navigated through various folders, deliberately selecting a particular file:
A music file.

For a second Sirol looked at Zex, almost even as if silently asking her how she managed to teach it a trick like this, only for her focus to automatically be drawn back onto Erika and the song it had selected.
Listening to the song, Sirol's mimic seemed to slowly but surely turn from surprised into thoughtful and eventually even a little smirk was to be seen on her face.
Just like with music from most cultures, the Lyrics were arranged in an abstract; a poetic way, filled with metaphors and scenery. She could not yet pinpoint the culture of origin, yet the melody; the instrumental harmony, it's clear layers and the lyrical tale of the artist's metaphorical metamorphosis; the concept of gaining strength throughout the darkest possible obstacles resonated with the scientist.
A universal; powerful image.
She did not - yet - find the right words to phrase it, yet Sirol actually enjoyed the song.
Her head once more loosely resting on her bent knees, she just watched Erika, listened to the song and absent-mindedly smiled a little, until Ensign Zex's words eventually pulled her back to the MedBay.

Quote from: Kirok on April 22, 2021, 07:46:49 PM

[Medbay - Zex]

"Thank you.  But I think all Deltans go threw the same thing.  Probably betazoids and others too" the Deltan said.

Then she returned to listing to Sirol.  She nodded along.  Indicating that she was listening.

"From what you have said, you either are not telepathic or empathic.  Or are ashamed to use your talents.  Am I close to being right?

But either way, I think you would definitely benefit from some one on one therapy.  Someone who can go deep with you interpersonally.  To help you process all of your feelings.

I can help you make an appointment if you like.  Or Dr Xiir can.  Maybe we should aske her.  And see if we can get discharged" Zex added.

Sirol tilted her head, musingly looking at the Diplomatics Officer.
Her statement left room for both answering and interpretation, and she seemed to be very well aware of the chance of Sirol not yet daring to admit that she in fact was every bit of a telepath as her brother had been"¦

"œYou are very much correct, Ensign Zex." Sirol calmly spoke, yet did not further elaborate. Instead she folded her arms around her legs again and looked up towards her.
"œ...I would in fact appreciate a - as you phrase it - deep interpersonal briefing.
Someone capable of"¦ Understanding me"¦"

Which would be both technically and statistically speaking everything from unlikely to impossible"¦
How could anyone understand what she felt, if everyone around her was so very"¦ Content with their isolation and memory loss?

She paused for a second, before she continued:
"œ...I admittedly have my doubts that speaking about it might help fix anything.
I truly believe what I need lies out there"¦
Yet I am willing to partake in trying alternatives.
Speaking, mind-melding, hooking my brain up to the station's computer...
I am"¦ At this point.. Honestly open to any alternative approach as long as I can not find a way to reverse the detachment effects"¦
I will obey your and Doctor Xiiv's professional orders."

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 22, 2021, 10:48:53 PM

Xiiv, upon hearing her name and the all-important word 'discharge' joined them for a little bit, though. Her head canted to the side for a moment as she looked at the readouts. Both Zex and Sirol seemed to be doing much better and she nodded slightly.

"If both of you are feeling up to it, you can go. But, I am placing you, both of you, on light duty, so please, remember your limits or you'll wind up right back in here once more. As to therapy, that's something we can definitely book. It's important to process the events you've gone through, especially recently, in order to recover properly without putting yourself in more mental distress that may affect your daily life, not to mention your work. I'm sure we can find you a counselor to suit your needs, if not in person, then via remote session. It's up to you how you'd like to proceed."

Sirol slightly nodded towards the Medic.
Light duty"¦ She was - so far - still on halt and would have to consult security to take care of that, yet, light duty was better than no duty.
"œUnderstood, Doctor." She quietly spoke. "œ...In which intervals will I have to come and get my painkillers?
I will have to rearrange my schedule around my recent medical needs."

Truth was, she was not yet sure whether walking was that much of a good idea. Her legs still felt wibbly wobbly, but then again, Xiiv was the Medic, and she certainly would know better than Sirol.
Hesitantly she rose from her bio bed, then turned around and extended her arm towards Zex, offering her support for the case Zex was wonky on her legs as well.
Looking at the Diplomatics Officer, all of a sudden an odd thought hit Sirol, and she could not help but phrase it.
"œI have"¦ No active research projects"¦ And my laboratory is"¦ Heavily damaged"¦
I will have to outsource"¦ And find me something to do.."

While I try to find scientists capable enough to join my research on re-initiating the anomaly passage"¦
"œ...I think"¦ I dislike being without a task"¦ I will have to fix that"¦"
She still seemed somewhat insecure; almost even a little confused without proper direction.
As her eyes feel onto the two pets again though, her thoughts noticeably cheered up a little, and the scientists hunkered down towards Erika and Miracle.

"œMaybe Zex and I should walk you two home first - before we get too enthusiastic about our work.
...What do you think?"
She softly spoke towards the pets and extended her hand towards the both of them to poke, sniff, or whatever else they might decide to do.
Of course she knew that pets could not understand her, although"¦
After Erika's latest demonstration of skills, maybe it was time for Sirol to re-evaluate her assumptions on that matter...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

[Katra - OCC]

Kal stood there hearing out Kyan. The fellow had a story which woke Kal up. He started to see himself in Kyan's shoes. They both had disadvantaged which had never left them. Well. Kyan was more a problem.

Kyan's charisma which was sticking on Kal. That could be good or bad. The fellow indeed got his attention on Klingon. "œYes. We can talk Qo'Nos. You can tell me more about you. And what is a grup?"

Kal took the ceremony dagger by the handle from Kyan. The balance was way off.  He ran his hand over the blade. "œThis could not cut cotton," he told Kyan. "œIt has poor balance. Why would you want to carry it on you?" he asked. He held the dagger handle first as honoring the knife to give back to Kyan.

"œLieutenant, I am going to need to contact my superior to see if you are allowed to carry a non-Starfleet issued weapon," he told Lieutenant Kyan.

Then the conversation of the explosion and possible androids. "œThat would be impossible. Security would have alarms going off if we had androids," he shared. "œThey are illegal and taken to be dismantled."

[Katra Medbay]

Miracle actually leaped at a shadow that someone had made. The cat curiosity had lost on Sirol. The feline ran out of sickbay as the doors opened. The cat took a sharp left and ran down the corridor. Then took a few turns here and there. Found a way in turbolift. It went somewhere but where?


Quote from: Sirol on April 22, 2021, 11:59:26 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

Sirol just sat there for a moment, thinking of Zex's words, still having both hands each protectively near each pet.
Not even now as she was so far outside of the confines of what once used to be the Romulan Star Empire did she dare to finish her own thoughts"¦ Her own clear conclusions.

There were no other Romulans in the room.
No one to judge her"¦
No one to persecute her...

And still she did not yet manage to overcome her internalised fear of identification"¦
Her internalised fear of admitting to herself, who and what she was"¦

She just took a deep breath and tried to force that thought asise.
For now.
There were more urgent matters...

Instead she looked up again, only to notice Erika suddenly get off the bio bed and head towards one of the terminals.

As her eyes followed the little creature, Sirol slowly got up again into a sitting position.
It navigated this terminal, like any local officer could.
Maybe Commander Eydis or Ensign Zex might have taught it this sort of trick"¦
Sirol thought by herself, remembering her own pets as a child, how she had (unsuccessfully) been trying to teach a young Asiak to fly through her self-made obstacle course"¦ Or how her brother and she had been teaching their Khellid to sneak into places and fetch specific toys"¦ This here however was far more advanced"¦
In utter surprise the scientist witnessed how this little (so far to her unknown) creature navigated through various folders, deliberately selecting a particular file:
A music file.

For a second Sirol looked at Zex, almost even as if silently asking her how she managed to teach it a trick like this, only for her focus to automatically be drawn back onto Erika and the song it had selected.
Listening to the song, Sirol's mimic seemed to slowly but surely turn from surprised into thoughtful and eventually even a little smirk was to be seen on her face.
Just like with music from most cultures, the Lyrics were arranged in an abstract; a poetic way, filled with metaphors and scenery. She could not yet pinpoint the culture of origin, yet the melody; the instrumental harmony, it's clear layers and the lyrical tale of the artist's metaphorical metamorphosis; the concept of gaining strength throughout the darkest possible obstacles resonated with the scientist.
A universal; powerful image.
She did not - yet - find the right words to phrase it, yet Sirol actually enjoyed the song.
Her head once more loosely resting on her bent knees, she just watched Erika, listened to the song and absent-mindedly smiled a little, until Ensign Zex's words eventually pulled her back to the MedBay.

Sirol tilted her head, musingly looking at the Diplomatics Officer.
Her statement left room for both answering and interpretation, and she seemed to be very well aware of the chance of Sirol not yet daring to admit that she in fact was every bit of a telepath as her brother had been"¦

"œYou are very much correct, Ensign Zex." Sirol calmly spoke, yet did not further elaborate. Instead she folded her arms around her legs again and looked up towards her.
"œ...I would in fact appreciate a - as you phrase it - deep interpersonal briefing.
Someone capable of"¦ Understanding me"¦"

Which would be both technically and statistically speaking everything from unlikely to impossible"¦
How could anyone understand what she felt, if everyone around her was so very"¦ Content with their isolation and memory loss?

She paused for a second, before she continued:
"œ...I admittedly have my doubts that speaking about it might help fix anything.
I truly believe what I need lies out there"¦
Yet I am willing to partake in trying alternatives.
Speaking, mind-melding, hooking my brain up to the station's computer...
I am"¦ At this point.. Honestly open to any alternative approach as long as I can not find a way to reverse the detachment effects"¦
I will obey your and Doctor Xiiv's professional orders."

Sirol slightly nodded towards the Medic.
Light duty"¦ She was - so far - still on halt and would have to consult security to take care of that, yet, light duty was better than no duty.
"œUnderstood, Doctor." She quietly spoke. "œ...In which intervals will I have to come and get my painkillers?
I will have to rearrange my schedule around my recent medical needs."

Truth was, she was not yet sure whether walking was that much of a good idea. Her legs still felt wibbly wobbly, but then again, Xiiv was the Medic, and she certainly would know better than Sirol.
Hesitantly she rose from her bio bed, then turned around and extended her arm towards Zex, offering her support for the case Zex was wonky on her legs as well.
Looking at the Diplomatics Officer, all of a sudden an odd thought hit Sirol, and she could not help but phrase it.
"œI have"¦ No active research projects"¦ And my laboratory is"¦ Heavily damaged"¦
I will have to outsource"¦ And find me something to do.."

While I try to find scientists capable enough to join my research on re-initiating the anomaly passage"¦
"œ...I think"¦ I dislike being without a task"¦ I will have to fix that"¦"
She still seemed somewhat insecure; almost even a little confused without proper direction.
As her eyes feel onto the two pets again though, her thoughts noticeably cheered up a little, and the scientists hunkered down towards Erika and Miracle.

"œMaybe Zex and I should walk you two home first - before we get too enthusiastic about our work.
...What do you think?"
She softly spoke towards the pets and extended her hand towards the both of them to poke, sniff, or whatever else they might decide to do.
Of course she knew that pets could not understand her, although"¦
After Erika's latest demonstration of skills, maybe it was time for Sirol to re-evaluate her assumptions on that matter...

[Medbay - Zex]

Zex could see that her first question had not gotten any verbal response from Sirol.  But the woman's body language told a story of its own.  So the Deltan left the topic a lone.

"Good.  I think that it will do wonders for you.  If after some time you find that it doesn't then at least you can say you tried it" Zex said.

"Thank you, doctor.  After we are both cleared for full duty, I would very much enjoy it if you came out with Sirol and I at some point.  Food, drinks.  Just us girls" she offered.

"Eydis' pets will follow me.  But I'm picking up the kitty.  Are we dropping him at Kal's or is he going with you?  Or me?" the Deltan asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / outside of the MedBay >

Quote from: Kal on April 23, 2021, 03:12:00 AM

[Katra - OCC]Miracle actually leaped at a shadow that someone had made. The cat curiosity had lost on Sirol. The feline ran out of sickbay as the doors opened. The cat took a sharp left and ran down the corridor. Then took a few turns here and there. Found a way in turbolift. It went somewhere but where?

She had been almost even in the middle of her sentence speaking to both of the pets when Miracle had decided to hop off and scamper away.
She still stood there, hunkered down with her hand extended to the  now sole - Erika, raising her eyebrow in surprise at the cat's spontaneity.

"œI suppose Miracle rather walks home alone"¦"
Sirol knew that even if she tried, she would never be able to catch up on Miracle.
Even without her injuries and without her exoskeleton, she was not as fast and agile as a feline, so she did not even attempt.
She knew well enough when to stop and conserve her capacities.

Instead she turned around towards Zex and Erika again.

Quote from: Kirok on April 23, 2021, 05:57:33 PM

Zex could see that her first question had not gotten any verbal response from Sirol.  But the woman's body language told a story of its own.  So the Deltan left the topic a lone.

"Good.  I think that it will do wonders for you.  If after some time you find that it doesn't then at least you can say you tried it" Zex said.

"Thank you, doctor.  After we are both cleared for full duty, I would very much enjoy it if you came out with Sirol and I at some point.  Food, drinks.  Just us girls" she offered.

"Eydis' pets will follow me.  But I'm picking up the kitty.  Are we dropping him at Kal's or is he going with you?  Or me?" the Deltan asked curiously.

Tilting her head at Zex's initial thought about counselling, Sirol nodded.
"œI agree. Trial and error are the most honest scientific approach. Not necessarily the most logical or economical, but over years and months, the strategy will paint the most precise picture of all existing factors and potential solutions."
All the years?! Did Sirol just hear herself speaking?
Even another week; another day like this felt like guaranteed torture to her"¦

Towards Zex inviting Doctor Xiiv and naming Sirol as existing part of the equation, the scientist could not help but smirk a little.
This is what it must feel like to be essential part of  group or a family"¦
An idea she liked"¦[/i]
"œFood, drinks and girls. That sounds like an appointment I would certainly partake." She spoke with a nod towards Zex and Xiiv, still in her hunkered position next to Erika and Zex's leg.

Looking up at Zex again Sirol raised one eyebrow.
Would Zex be able to catch up with Miracle?
After all there were plenty of exceptionally fast and agile specious out there. Sirol did not recall to learn about Deltans in particular being above average in those regards, but maybe extreme physical fitness was an individual trait of Ensign Zex herself.
Towards her question though, Sirol once again hesitated.
"œ...I do not think I can or should answer that question.
I suggest we might sit down with Ensign Jimrec and properly discuss formalities"¦
I do not think we should just go and"¦ Snatch it due to having the sheer opportunity"¦
But if you manage to catch up with Miracle, I will gladly accompany you taking both of the pets home to their current owners before I head back to find some work myself."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

[katra station]

Somewhere Miracle the cat found a hole to get in between the walls in the station. He scattered about and caught site what it saw. It was a mole! He leaped to pounce it and clawed it. Then fought it to it stop. The cat picked it up in its mouth. Now it has deliver the gift!


< Katra Station / outside of the MedBay  - Zex>

Zex watched as the cat ran away and disappear somewhere inside the station.  "It will come out at some point.  Likely when it gets hungry.

But yes, it belongs to Kal.  So he should decide where it should live.  With him or one of us" she said.

After they got into the turbo, a thought came to the Deltan's mind.  "What would you think about sharing quarters with me?  I don't have a roomie due to the presumed fear that my pheromones might influence a roomie" the Deltan offered.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Ready Room

Kyle stood by the window and listened as Kirok told them about his investigation back at the academy.

"So you think that whoever caused that fiasco found out that you figured out what happened and is now after you?" he asked.


< Katra Station / Turbolift >

Quote from: Kirok on April 24, 2021, 02:15:11 PM

Zex watched as the cat ran away and disappear somewhere inside the station.  "It will come out at some point.  Likely when it gets hungry.

But yes, it belongs to Kal.  So he should decide where it should live.  With him or one of us" she said.

After they got into the turbo, a thought came to the Deltan's mind.  "What would you think about sharing quarters with me?  I don't have a roomie due to the presumed fear that my pheromones might influence a roomie" the Deltan offered.

Sirol gave Ensign Zex a nod of agreement towards the cat.
From the limited pieces of information on felines Sirol remembered from hearsay, they were smart and independent, hence certainly able to decide whether and when it was time to come out of hiding again.

Folding her arms behind her back and following Zex and Erika, Sirol quietly joined them in the lift, listening with a calm expression.
When Zex suggested sharing quarters though, Sirol could not help, but give the other a surprised face.
What an unexpected yet welcome suggestion!
Tilting her head she looked at Zex, ten slowly nodded.
"œI would.. Very much appreciate that"¦
I do not fear your pheromones, and I consider you a pleasant and positive person to be around."

She did a little bow towards the other, giving her an awkward little smile.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 22, 2021, 09:23:38 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Shuttle Docking Module | Katra Station]

"Oh," said Gideon in surprise. Still, if Lieutenant Conely was the superior officer to report to, it made sense; Lieutenant Ferris was the person to look to when there were assignments to be distributed, he being in charge of the Flight Control department.

As much as they were to head to the OCC, they didn't have that far to go. Lieutenant Ferris was informing them to conduct a check on all auxilury craft.

"No problem, Leftenant," said Gideon, responding to Ferris's call. "Anything in particular you want us to look for in our checking?"

=/\= First things first, much sure the ships turn on. Then I need the workbees updated for the current damage done to the station based on your fly over.  =/\=

Eli glanced up as Kal and EQ went back and forth. He found the interaction more than a little annoying, but Kal was a capable officer, if strict adherence to protocol. But, his familiarity with the rules invaluable. How he didn't end up in JAG was beyond Eli's guess. Instead, he updated the possible flight patrols he would need. Each step was being scrutinized for extra security.

He set his PADD down, thinking over what had been mentioned. "Mr. Jimrec, Katra had gotten a lot of different traffic coming through here. Are there components that an android or synth could look like?"

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on April 22, 2021, 05:13:16 PM

[Ready Room]

Kirok had of course preceded the other two into the Ready Room.  He walked directly to the replicator and ordered tepid water.  He drank it down like a man dying of thirst.  "Sit if you wish.  Do either of you require a refreshment before we talk.  You may find you need it given the amount of information I am about to share" he said before turning back to Kyle and Ms. Falleg.

"What I am about to share is more for Kyle's benefit.  But I asked you to join us Ms. Falleg because we currently do not have a SO.  And in the event that I die or am killed in the near future, you can help support Kyle's reports on this matter going forward" he said after turning toward them.

He paused for a moment, determine where best to start.  There was so much to share.  Condensing it and conveying it might be a challenge.

"Prior to this assignment, I was the Academy Commandant on Earth at HQ.  As you know, when mars was destroyed by androids Star Fleet placed a ban on all synthetic lifeforms.  I never bought into the belief that some programming error caused them all to malfunction at the exact same moment in time.

But I was will to test the hypothesis.  In the various classes I taught.  And no simulation or data or research supported that possibility.

In fact, my students were able to provide a variety of other plausible and even likely explanations as to why all of them malfunctioned at the same time.  All of the explanation, as you might imagine, suggested that an outside source had caused them to ack irradicably.  Thus, the concluding was that the ban was not justified.

That conclusion was not popular at HQ.  So I was brought into meeting after meeting about the topic.  But they refused to listen to logic.

So I made a suggestion.  One that may have put a target on the Katra in hindsight.  One that, I now lead to believe, ultimately resulted in the bombing of the station" Kirok explained.

He had managed to remain still while talking.  He paused though and returned to the replicator again and requested another glass of tepid water.  This one he drank a bit slower, unconsciously delaying the telling of the rest of his confession to the two.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 24, 2021, 10:42:50 PM

Ready Room

Kyle stood by the window and listened as Kirok told them about his investigation back at the academy.

"So you think that whoever caused that fiasco found out that you figured out what happened and is now after you?" he asked.

[Ready Room]

Hrafn waited patiently while Kirok got his first glass of water, then replicated a Ratkajino thinking she might need it given that the normally serious Vulcanoid features of the Captain were in her opinion looking more worried than anything, and then sat, for while her knee was better since the operation, she didn't want to fall over in shock if it was something of that nature.

She listened carefully to what he had to say then her mouth fell open, it was rare that the redhead was at a loss for words but, it wasn't that which had stunned her to silence.  Androids? Synthetics?  When she had a Daystrom Scientist in her department at that very moment who was an expert at such things and her friend Ruth Sigurdsdottir, with whom she knew Kyle was very well acquainted, had a brush with some while she'd been fighting ex-Admiral Leyton.

Taking a very large swig of her coffee and gasping at the heat she finally managed to find her voice.

"Firstly, Kirok... I'm honoured and obviously I'm at your and Kyle's disposal to help out wherever and however you think I may best assist you."  she gave a brief smile.  "Also, I've sat because you suggested it and were it good news I don't think you would have said so, but since I had my knee operated on just prior to the year end festivities, it's been fine.  However..."

The Chief of Science licked her lips and took a long steadying breath.  "Are you aware, I don't know how many personnel files you might have had a chance to look at on your way over here, we have a Daystrom scientist by the name of Anth McCutcheon here, in my department.  Now I trust him totally, I don't think he's involved in what Daystrom are trying to say he did and why when he was about to be thrown out Dr. Vaughan suggested to one of her friends at the Institute that they just ship him out here to me to be 'useful'.  But..."

Hrafn sighed heavily, "...he's an expert in androids and synths that's what he was working on and why they wanted him drummed out of the Institute.  It's a far more complicated story than I'm making it sound, but I'm totally convinced of his innocence.  But I'm now worried about that, coupled with your experience and the fact that Sally is at the Academy on Earth... Sally being his sister, is somehow connected with this wrath being brought upon us."

She looked between Kirok and Kyle and suggested "Should we get Anth in on this?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 24, 2021, 10:42:50 PM

Ready Room

Kyle stood by the window and listened as Kirok told them about his investigation back at the academy.

"So you think that whoever caused that fiasco found out that you figured out what happened and is now after you?" he asked.

[Ready Room]

Besides the sound of his heart thumping in his chest, the room was silent for a moment.  It was as if time was standing still.  Until he heard Kyle and them Ms. Falleg.

Still facing the wall.  The half Vulcan nodded.  "Yes.  That is what I think" he admitted.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 25, 2021, 06:34:44 AM

[Ready Room]

The Chief of Science licked her lips and took a long steadying breath.  "Are you aware, I don't know how many personnel files you might have had a chance to look at on your way over here, we have a Daystrom scientist by the name of Anth McCutcheon here, in my department.  Now I trust him totally, I don't think he's involved in what Daystrom are trying to say he did and why when he was about to be thrown out Dr. Vaughan suggested to one of her friends at the Institute that they just ship him out here to me to be 'useful'.  But..."

Hrafn sighed heavily, "...he's an expert in androids and synths that's what he was working on and why they wanted him drummed out of the Institute.  It's a far more complicated story than I'm making it sound, but I'm totally convinced of his innocence.  But I'm now worried about that, coupled with your experience and the fact that Sally is at the Academy on Earth... Sally being his sister, is somehow connected with this wrath being brought upon us."

She looked between Kirok and Kyle and suggested "Should we get Anth in on this?"

Kirok returned the glass to the replicator.  Then he turned.  His face was just a bit paler.

"Just us for now please.  McCutcheon seems to be a pawn in this game.  Moved here because of what I did" he said.  He swallowed hard.  He could hear his heart pounding his his chest.    A movement from his rightcaught his eye.

It was Dillon.  He had finally stirred from his nap.  Some guard dog he was; letting people enter the room with Kirok.

He sniffed the air and bared his teeth.  Possible as a result of any negative scent the half Vulcan was emitting.  But more likely it was the cat dander on the CSO.

"Hold a fist down and let him sniff you.  He may lick you, but he will not bite.  Then he will know you in the future" he said mostly to Ms. Falleg as the dog had already met Kyle.

He waited for this task to be completed before moving on - taking all of 3 minutes.  Which allowed his heart rate to return to normal.  Kirok made a mental note to give Dillon an extra treat as a reward later on.

Then he took a small breath and forged on.  "Given that there was no empirical data or reason for the androids to all malfunction at one time, the only logical conclusion was that the ban on androids was unjust.

So I suggested that a limited and isolated and controlled experiment be done to prove that AIs could be used safely.  On the farthest station from Earth.  The Katra.

Stepwise, I proposed that we allow sentient holograms to help staff the station.  They are the closest thing to an android without being an android.  In addition, I proposed that we allow XBs find refuge on the station - the next being that is know to be similar to androids in some ways.

Neither was a direct violation of the ban so it was approved.  But with the condition that I, myself, be present on the station during these experiments.  I, of course, accepted and set off for the Katra.

McCutcheon was moved from Daystome to head up the research time.  He arrived before the explosion.  On schedule.

I also was due to arrive the day before the explosion.  So it is possible that it was meant to kill me or destroy the station.  Ultimately and likely resulting in the same outcome, the experiment proving that AI could be used safely never getting done" the half Vulcan said.

He paused for a moment.  He looked from Kyle to Ms. Falleg.  Hoping they saw the connections that he did.

"So now the question is how do we proceed?  Do I move forward with the experiment knowing that there may be other attacks?  Or do we take the safe path and allow them to believe that experiment will never be done?" he asked his two advisors.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on April 25, 2021, 08:07:07 AM

[Ready Room]

Besides the sound of his heart thumping in his chest, the room was silent for a moment.  It was as if time was standing still.  Until he heard Kyle and them Ms. Falleg.

Still facing the wall.  The half Vulcan nodded.  "Yes.  That is what I think" he admitted.

Kirok returned the glass to the replicator.  Then he turned.  His face was just a bit paler.

"Just us for now please.  McCutcheon seems to be a pawn in this game.  Moved here because of what I did" he said.  He swallowed hard.  He could hear his heart pounding his his chest.    A movement from his rightcaught his eye.

It was Dillon.  He had finally stirred from his nap.  Some guard dog he was; letting people enter the room with Kirok.

He sniffed the air and bared his teeth.  Possible as a result of any negative scent the half Vulcan was emitting.  But more likely it was the cat dander on the CSO.

"Hold a fist down and let him sniff you.  He may lick you, but he will not bite.  Then he will know you in the future" he said mostly to Ms. Falleg as the dog had already met Kyle.

He waited for this task to be completed before moving on - taking all of 3 minutes.  Which allowed his heart rate to return to normal.  Kirok made a mental note to give Dillon an extra treat as a reward later on.

Then he took a small breath and forged on.  "Given that there was no empirical data or reason for the androids to all malfunction at one time, the only logical conclusion was that the ban on androids was unjust.

So I suggested that a limited and isolated and controlled experiment be done to prove that AIs could be used safely.  On the farthest station from Earth.  The Katra.

Stepwise, I proposed that we allow sentient holograms to help staff the station.  They are the closest thing to an android without being an android.  In addition, I proposed that we allow XBs find refuge on the station - the next being that is know to be similar to androids in some ways.

Neither was a direct violation of the ban so it was approved.  But with the condition that I, myself, be present on the station during these experiments.  I, of course, accepted and set off for the Katra.

McCutcheon was moved from Daystrom to head up the research time.  He arrived before the explosion.  On schedule.

I also was due to arrive the day before the explosion.  So it is possible that it was meant to kill me or destroy the station.  Ultimately and likely resulting in the same outcome, the experiment proving that AI could be used safely never getting done" the half Vulcan said.

He paused for a moment.  He looked from Kyle to Ms. Falleg.  Hoping they saw the connections that he did.

"So now the question is how do we proceed?  Do I move forward with the experiment knowing that there may be other attacks?  Or do we take the safe path and allow them to believe that experiment will never be done?" he asked his two advisors.

[Ready Room - Katra Station]

"It's fine, Kirok... I'm used to dogs.  Who's a good boy, Dillon?" she said putting her hand down for the dog to sniff around as he wished.  "I know you can smell cat, but with 4 of them I can't avoid that and your nose is a lot more sensitive than ours isn't it?!" she said, finding that the dog finally accepted her, giving her hand a good wash with his tongue, so gave his head and ears a bit scratch with affection.

"As for your dilemma, I'll hold off calling for Anth for the time being, I just wanted you fully aware that he was there and his expertise and potential part in all this.  As for next steps..."

She shrugged and looked almost helplessly at Kyle then seemed to make up her own mind.

"I think if we don't let the experiment go ahead, that may trigger them to knowing we're 'on to them'... and thus bring even more danger to Katra.  However, knowing we might be able to pre-empt some things and control the situation more, get innocents out of the way.  We could get something programmed so that we would know exactly where each hologram was, as for the XBs..."

The CSO paused, well aware that her next suggestion might seem a little unpopular, and being friends with an XB she didn't want him to seem like an outcast.

"With regards to the XBs... I think you realise that I know Mr. Kimball, so I'm sensitive that these are sentient beings and should be treated with respect, so what I'm about to suggest might not be wholly popular and I'd suggest some discussion with EQ as to how the subject may be broached sensitively... but most will have some Borg implants remaining, if there were some way of programming those or having something like they used on Earth several centuries ago, a sort of ankle bracelet they used for criminals who weren't dangerous enough to need a formal prison but needed to be indoors for a curfew time and so on... again so we could track movements.  All log ins to any terminals including things like replicators would be monitored.  Or least flag if they ordered something out of the ordinary.  I don't mean if they are Bajoran originally and just fancied a bowl of fresh gagh... that might seem out of the ordinary but unless there's some medical thing I don't know about where the Bajoran digestive system turns certain types of gagh into TNT if you drink it with Springwine or something that is just something akin to a pregnancy craving and nothing to worry about.  I mean if they started replicating weapons or parts of weapons."

She sipped at her coffee.

"I don't mean that they are criminals... I want to have these records to put them entirely above reproach... So that when the experiment is over we have a wealth of records and can say 'Look... it wasn't them' and at the same time if it is... we know where to look!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 25, 2021, 01:28:36 AM

=/\= First things first, much sure the ships turn on. Then I need the workbees updated for the current damage done to the station based on your fly over.  =/\=

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

"Understood, Leftenant," he said. He tried to repress a snort at the response, but still smiled anyway. Make sure the ships turn on? He did the exact same thing twenty years ago, turned on the family shuttle. All by himself. Would've flown it out for a joyride if he wasn't stopped in time.

So he went to every auxilury craft, from runabouts to those tiny little Workbees, made sure they turned on. Then he set to work with updating the little buggers, with help from Lieutenant Conely.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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