S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Don Damien Addams

[Katra - OCC station]

Reply to Ellis Ferris

Lieutenant Ferris placed PADD down. Ferris had asked about components. "œYes. We need to remind ourselves they can adapt. Very fast. We know they got survivors who can disguise themselves to blend in. They are advanced species. We got technology which can detect them. They can learn and go stealth mode."

"œSir. They can create. There was one time when Lieutenant Commander Data," he added. "œThere was the child he had created."

"œSorry. I had got us off track. Lieutenant Shadow had said I can be in charge of the investigation of the explosion. And I am going to find the limp shadow individual map of how she got on Katra. Which  is going to be finding a speck of dust."

"œAnd do you have any other suggestions that can be added," he asked.


Quote from: Sirol on April 24, 2021, 11:08:53 PM

< Katra Station / Turbolift >

Sirol gave Ensign Zex a nod of agreement towards the cat.
From the limited pieces of information on felines Sirol remembered from hearsay, they were smart and independent, hence certainly able to decide whether and when it was time to come out of hiding again.

Folding her arms behind her back and following Zex and Erika, Sirol quietly joined them in the lift, listening with a calm expression.
When Zex suggested sharing quarters though, Sirol could not help, but give the other a surprised face.
What an unexpected yet welcome suggestion!
Tilting her head she looked at Zex, ten slowly nodded.
"œI would.. Very much appreciate that"¦
I do not fear your pheromones, and I consider you a pleasant and positive person to be around."

She did a little bow towards the other, giving her an awkward little smile.

< Katra Station / Turbolift  - OCC - Zex>

"There is a medication you can take to prohibit you from being affected.  But I mostly have it under control.  Unless I get started, then it just comes out like a sneeze" Zex said to her friend.

"Thanks.  I think you are pleasant and positive.  Too" she said.

The lift stopped that at the level of the Tholian emabassy.  "Head on home now" she said to Eydis' pets.   The obey and they continue their trip to the OCC.

[OCC Zex & EQ]

When the female duet entered the OCC, EQ was the first to see them.  The stood and started clapping for them.  "Welcome back" he said to both who had been injured during the explosion.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Ready Room

Kyle could almost feel the CO's dilemma. He had been fortunate enough to be out on the Challenger when the event with the androids took place and hadn't been too effected by it. Now that he was back in a place that had more personnel and even some civilians around, he would have to be more aware of the issues. He stood and walked to the replicator for a cup of hot tea.

"I agree with Hfran." he said, realizing how easy it had been to call her by her first name. They have been friends for a very long time after all. "We can't continue with the experiment." he said as he returned to his seat and sat down. "At least, not openly." he suggested before blowing over the rim of the cup and taking a sip. "I'm sitting in a room with two of the smartest people I know. There's got to be a way to continue them secretly while making them believe they're over."

Serena King

[Katra Station | Engineering]

Serena had disengaged herself from the conversation in the OCC. The simple fact was, she only knew what was in the entertainment and news broadcasts and she kept to herself in Engineering matters. Oh, if anyone asked her for analysis of another being, she'd use the phrase paralysis by analysis, too many variables to consider. So she'd left quietly.

Entering her credentials, she strode into Engineering. The smell of fresh paint, new and gleaming surfaces and panels everywhere, it looked almost showroom new. Waving to the nearest Engineer, she made sure her ring was on display. "Utilities trunk?" The startled Engineer blinked and smiled, directed her around the corner.

Pressing the entry pad, she smiled even more broadly as she entered. In every Engineering section, there was always the same room: lockers and storage. Depending on the Chief Engineer's discretion, the regular duty uniforms may be swapped out for utility uniforms. In addition, for those who wore jewelry (wedding rings etc) or otherwise would often remove them for the duration of their shift. After all, if an Engineer happened to touch a live wire, the current would travel, arc onto the ring and said Engineer would lose a finger!

The Serena that stepped out was a very different one. Dressed in the gold utilities uniform, she held herself and her chin high. Although not quite regulation, her utilities had the cuffs modified to allow rolled up to past her elbows, the crease sharp enough that an angstrom couldn't even measure a variance. In addition, the pockets had been modified, to pouch form specially shaped for a PADD (near her thigh), plus a few other rod shaped ones for a hyperspanner and all the various tools of an Engineer's trade without falling out, or flapping around.

Nodding silently, she found the master checklist of tasks that needed to be done and went to work.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Kirok on April 25, 2021, 07:06:13 PM

< Katra Station / Turbolift  - OCC - Zex>

"There is a medication you can take to prohibit you from being affected.  But I mostly have it under control.  Unless I get started, then it just comes out like a sneeze" Zex said to her friend.

"Thanks.  I think you are pleasant and positive.  Too" she said.

The lift stopped that at the level of the Tholian emabassy.  "Head on home now" she said to Eydis' pets.   The obey and they continue their trip to the OCC.

[OCC Zex & EQ]

When the female duet entered the OCC, EQ was the first to see them.  The stood and started clapping for them.  "Welcome back" he said to both who had been injured during the explosion.

< Katra Station / Turbolift >

Sirol gladly acknowledged Zex's advice and added a memo to herself to look into the medication. She remembered reading about precautions like this upon her briefing considering health matters within Federation space.
She - at least according to her subjective observation - could not feel any side effects triggered by Zex's presence. She however - just in case - wanted to be prepared to not cause any inconveniences for either of them.

"œI appreciate your words and kindness. I am glad we met, Ensign Zex." She thoughtfully spoke.
As the lift stopped, she looked outside, only to recognise the corridor leading to the embassies.
She had been here plenty of times when looking after Arrhae, the granddaughter of the Romulan embassy's administrator.
She missed both of them, and hoped that they would return to Katra soon"¦

Hunkering down once more, she gave Erika a soft little pat, before it headed home and the doors of the lift closed again.

< Katra Station / OCC >

As they arrived in the OCC, the first thing Sirol spotted was an unknown new officer welcoming them in a"¦ Surprisingly energetic manner.
Sirol hesitantly nodded towards the stranger, quickly examining his appearance.
Vulcanoid, a bit taller and stronger built than her, civilian clothing, initially hard to read"¦

"œThank you"¦" She hesitantly answered, raising one eyebrow and looking at Zex, trying to extrapolate from her reaction as to whether she knew him or whether he was entirely new to the station.

"œ...What needs to be taken care of most urgently?" She then asked, getting to the point without losing any time.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on April 26, 2021, 06:13:11 AM

< Katra Station / Turbolift >

Sirol gladly acknowledged Zex's advice and added a memo to herself to look into the medication. She remembered reading about precautions like this upon her briefing considering health matters within Federation space.
She - at least according to her subjective observation - could not feel any side effects triggered by Zex's presence. She however - just in case - wanted to be prepared to not cause any inconveniences for either of them.

"œI appreciate your words and kindness. I am glad we met, Ensign Zex." She thoughtfully spoke.
As the lift stopped, she looked outside, only to recognise the corridor leading to the embassies.
She had been here plenty of times when looking after Arrhae, the granddaughter of the Romulan embassy's administrator.
She missed both of them, and hoped that they would return to Katra soon"¦

Hunkering down once more, she gave Erika a soft little pat, before it headed home and the doors of the lift closed again.

< Katra Station / OCC >

As they arrived in the OCC, the first thing Sirol spotted was an unknown new officer welcoming them in a"¦ Surprisingly energetic manner.
Sirol hesitantly nodded towards the stranger, quickly examining his appearance.
Vulcanoid, a bit taller and stronger built than her, civilian clothing, initially hard to read"¦

"œThank you"¦" She hesitantly answered, raising one eyebrow and looking at Zex, trying to extrapolate from her reaction as to whether she knew him or whether he was entirely new to the station.

"œ...What needs to be taken care of most urgently?" She then asked, getting to the point without losing any time.

[Katra - OCC  - Zex]

"Thank you for the warm reception.  But at ease, Mr. Kimball.  We are still on light duty, so let's save the celebration for later.  By the way, this is Ms. Sirol" she said as she approached the XB.

"Let's just see" the Deltan said to Sirol.  She logged into her station before sitting.  Good thing that as she was needed in a docking ring to greet an arriving guest.

"I need to be off.  Maybe you could talk to Kal about his cat?  Also we have a Karemma delegate arriving soon.  Can you see if their language has been loaded into the universal translator?  Otherwise I may need you to interpret for me?" she added before heading to the docking ring.

[Katra - OCC  - EQ]

As if on que, a comm channel opened up.  A chatter of an unknown language followed.  "I think this is for you, Sirol" EQ said.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 25, 2021, 10:42:55 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Docking Saucer | Katra Station]

"Understood, Leftenant," he said. He tried to repress a snort at the response, but still smiled anyway. Make sure the ships turn on? He did the exact same thing twenty years ago, turned on the family shuttle. All by himself. Would've flown it out for a joyride if he wasn't stopped in time.

So he went to every auxilury craft, from runabouts to those tiny little Workbees, made sure they turned on. Then he set to work with updating the little buggers, with help from Lieutenant Conely.

[Docking ring]

Minutes later, Zex arrived in the docking ring.  "Oh, hi.  Have you seen a bajoran Kia down here?" she asked Mr. Drake.  But before he could answer a shuttle with the Kia arrived.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 04:52:09 PM

[Katra - OCC  - Zex]

"Thank you for the warm reception.  But at ease, Mr. Kimball.  We are still on light duty, so let's save the celebration for later.  By the way, this is Ms. Sirol" she said as she approached the XB.

"Let's just see" the Deltan said to Sirol.  She logged into her station before sitting.  Good thing that as she was needed in a docking ring to greet an arriving guest.

"I need to be off.  Maybe you could talk to Kal about his cat?  Also we have a Karemma delegate arriving soon.  Can you see if their language has been loaded into the universal translator?  Otherwise I may need you to interpret for me?" she added before heading to the docking ring.

[Katra - OCC  - EQ]

As if on que, a comm channel opened up.  A chatter of an unknown language followed.  "I think this is for you, Sirol" EQ said.

[Docking ring]

Minutes later, Zex arrived in the docking ring.  "Oh, hi.  Have you seen a bajoran Kia down here?" she asked Mr. Drake.  But before he could answer a shuttle with the Kia arrived.

[Ensign Gideon "Griff/Gryphon" Drake | Docking Ring | Docking Saucer Pod| Katra Station]

As Gideon had just finished working on his eighth Workbee - tiny little buggers, but capable of carrying big bulks, like old tugs - he double-taked at the sight of another gorgeous woman. Crikey, this station had no shortage of beauties. First the Romulan bird he saved, then Serena King. Now her. However, the bald head ruined the image a little. Besides, Serena was the top of the lot. The most beautiful woman in the quadrant, in "Gryphon" Drake's opinion. "Gryphon," or "Griff" for short, as he was known at the Academy.

If he was surprised by the sight of a bald beauty, he was even more surprised at her words. He was about to ask "What the bloody hell is a Kia?" in astonishment before a new shuttle came in.

Naturally, he approached the shuttle as it opened and his surprise took a whole new level. Inside was a car. The kind that disappeared with dough, the Dodo and the dinosaur. Prominent was a letter saying "Kia." That must be it. And sitting behind the wheel was a Bajoran Kai.

"Bloody amazing timing, ma'am," he said in astonishment, pronouncing it as "mum" in typical UK fashion. Both to the Kai and the woman. "It just came in...automobile...made on...Bajor? Didn't know automobiles were still around, let alone made on Bajor, Miss...? Kai...?"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 25, 2021, 09:41:36 PM

Ready Room

Kyle could almost feel the CO's dilemma. He had been fortunate enough to be out on the Challenger when the event with the androids took place and hadn't been too effected by it. Now that he was back in a place that had more personnel and even some civilians around, he would have to be more aware of the issues. He stood and walked to the replicator for a cup of hot tea.

"I agree with Hfran." he said, realizing how easy it had been to call her by her first name. They have been friends for a very long time after all. "We can't continue with the experiment." he said as he returned to his seat and sat down. "At least, not openly." he suggested before blowing over the rim of the cup and taking a sip. "I'm sitting in a room with two of the smartest people I know. There's got to be a way to continue them secretly while making them believe they're over."

[Ready Room]

Dillion sniffed the CSO's hand.  Then he did what he always does when he smells cat.  He 'huffed' blowing air out of his mouth and nose.

That done, he turned and returned to his bed.  Walked in a circle on it.  Then settled down for a nap.

Then the attention turned back to the trio.  Kirok listened first to Ms. Falleg.  Then to Kyle.

"Just like anyone aboard the station, both the holograms and the XBs can be easily tracked by their sign-ons at their duty stations and padds.  As for the XBs specifically, their transceivers and devices they use to create other borg are routinely removed.  So the risk of them being influenced by outside forces like a borg queen and their ability to create and thus influence any new drones has been mitigated" the half vulcan explained to address Ms. Falleg's concerns.

Turning slightly toward Kyle, he continued.  "I'm no good at subterfuge or lying, but we could honestly report that the explosion has delayed our research efforts.  Then only speak about the experiment publicly or in our reports in the future tense.  Again not a lie" Kirok decided.

"As for the experiment and Mr. McCuteon.  Perhaps he could record his results by paper and pen for a while.  And work in seclusion with only verbal reports to you, Ms. Falleg" the half Vulcan added.

Kirok paused for just a moment, then finished.  "Thank you both for your council.  If there is nothing more, I must start preparing for the ceremony on the promenade.  I'll need you both there should there be any questions about the 'facts' that I will be presenting."

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 26, 2021, 07:37:39 PM

[Ensign Gideon "Griff/Gryphon" Drake | Docking Ring | Docking Saucer Pod| Katra Station]

As Gideon had just finished working on his eighth Workbee - tiny little buggers, but capable of carrying big bulks, like old tugs - he double-taked at the sight of another gorgeous woman. Crikey, this station had no shortage of beauties. First the Romulan bird he saved, then Serena King. Now her. However, the bald head ruined the image a little. Besides, Serena was the top of the lot. The most beautiful woman in the quadrant, in "Gryphon" Drake's opinion. "Gryphon," or "Griff" for short, as he was known at the Academy.

If he was surprised by the sight of a bald beauty, he was even more surprised at her words. He was about to ask "What the bloody hell is a Kia?" in astonishment before a new shuttle came in.

Naturally, he approached the shuttle as it opened and his surprise took a whole new level. Inside was a car. The kind that disappeared with dough, the Dodo and the dinosaur. Prominent was a letter saying "Kia." That must be it.

"Bloody amazing timing, ma'am," he said in astonishment, pronouncing it as "mum" in typical UK fashion. "It just came in...automobile...made on...Bajor? Didn't know automobiles were still around, let alone made on Bajor, Miss...?"

[Docking ring]

"A Kai.  It the leader to the bajoran religion.  Like a mother superior or head nun if you will" Zex said to Gideon.

She too was surprised to see the vehicle come out of the shuttle.  But the reason for it became obvious.  The Kai was in a leg cast of some type.

"I am Kai Niall" the most ornately adorned woman said from the golf cart like vehicle.  "I came personally despite my injury.  I assume you can accommodate my handicap during the ceremony" said said.

"I am Zex, Diplomatic officer.  This Ms. Drake, one of our new flight control officers.  Your cart should make it threw the corridors, I think" the Delan said.  She turnred to Drake for a 2nd opinion.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / OCC >

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 04:52:09 PM

[Katra - OCC  - Zex]

"Thank you for the warm reception.  But at ease, Mr. Kimball.  We are still on light duty, so let's save the celebration for later.  By the way, this is Ms. Sirol" she said as she approached the XB.

"Let's just see" the Deltan said to Sirol.  She logged into her station before sitting.  Good thing that as she was needed in a docking ring to greet an arriving guest.

"I need to be off.  Maybe you could talk to Kal about his cat?  Also we have a Karemma delegate arriving soon.  Can you see if their language has been loaded into the universal translator?  Otherwise I may need you to interpret for me?" she added before heading to the docking ring

Sirol tilted her head, then gave Zex a nod of acknowledgement towards her letting the other one know they were still on light duty.
The scientist herself had already forgotten about it, and only ever when she looked down on herself, and once again spotted her exoskeletal support frame she remembered that not just her mind, but also her bones had been crushed"¦

Looking up to Zex again, she nodded towards her words and gave her a tiny smirk.
"œI will take care of the Karemma language momentarily, and in either case gladly offer my service as interpreter and proxy."
She folded her arms behind her back, then added:
"œAnd yes. I agree. We should contact Ensign Jimrec soon."
With a few typed commands on the holographic interface of her wrist mounted PDA, she copied her private contact details, and sent them to Zex's communicator, from where she would be able to download and utilise it whenever she would feel like it.
"œWe can continue our conversation and arrange quarters after the shift if you like."
With that she gave the Diplomatics Officer a polite bow, then turned around towards the newcomer.

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 04:52:09 PM

[Katra - OCC  - EQ]

As if on que, a comm channel opened up.  A chatter of an unknown language followed.  "I think this is for you, Sirol" EQ said.

The scientist raised an eyebrow and gave the stranger a blank, confused stare.
"œFor"¦ Me?"
Someone contacting her in particular was highly unlikely.
Upon realising that the message was not picked up and automatically translated, her interest was peaked.

Walking forwards and taking a seat at one of the free terminals she checked for the incoming communication and ran a standard identification protocol on it.
"œWhere is this coming from?" She calmly asked while looking at the screen in front of her and following the progress of the analysis.

[OOC: I have absolutely no idea why this giant gap is in there. I tried all, but can not get rid of it.]

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on April 26, 2021, 08:10:31 PM

< Katra Station / OCC >

Sirol tilted her head, then gave Zex a nod of acknowledgement towards her letting the other one know they were still on light duty.
The scientist herself had already forgotten about it, and only ever when she looked down on herself, and once again spotted her exoskeletal support frame she remembered that not just her mind, but also her bones had been crushed"¦

Looking up to Zex again, she nodded towards her words and gave her a tiny smirk.
"œI will take care of the Karemma language momentarily, and in either case gladly offer my service as interpreter and proxy."
She folded her arms behind her back, then added:
"œAnd yes. I agree. We should contact Ensign Jimrec soon."
With a few typed commands on the holographic interface of her wrist mounted PDA, she copied her private contact details, and sent them to Zex's communicator, from where she would be able to download and utilise it whenever she would feel like it.
"œWe can continue our conversation and arrange quarters after the shift if you like."
With that she gave the Diplomatics Officer a polite bow, then turned around towards the newcomer.
The scientist raised an eyebrow and gave the stranger a blank, confused stare.
"œFor"¦ Me?"
Someone contacting her in particular was highly unlikely.
Upon realising that the message was not picked up and automatically translated, her interest was peaked.

Walking forwards and taking a seat at one of the free terminals she checked for the incoming communication and ran a standard identification protocol on it.
"œWhere is this coming from?" She calmly asked while looking at the screen in front of her and following the progress of the analysis.

[OOC: I have absolutely no idea why this giant gap is in there. I tried all, but can not get rid of it.]

[Katra - OCC  - Zex]

"Thank you.  You're a life saver.  Told you were irreplaceable" Zex smirked.

She stopped before leaving.  "Definitely.   I hope you are ok with the left bunk.  If not, I can easily move my things over" she said.

[OCC - EQ]

"Its a language I can't make out.  Heard Zex said something about Karemma's.  I think it may be him" EQ said

He sent the open channel to Sirol.  With some adjustments.  And her ability to adapt to new languages she was able to make out the following.

"This is Chief Overseer Hanthar.  I am a guest of Captain Kirok.  I'm requesting transport onto the station so as to not be late for the ceremony" he said, or simply demanded.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Katra Station | OOC ::

( Immediately After Kal's tag to Kyan )

Kyan accepted his dagger back from Kal and put it back in his boot. He then craned his neck to look back up at the Human. "It's happy to meet yous I am, to be sure." he grinned. "And I'm after hearing yer stories, whenever we have some time for it. But now I'm after speakin with Captain Kirok. So I'll leave ye to it Mister Kal, of House Jim'Rec."

With that, the little Onlie turned on his heel and made for the Ready Room, where Kirok was said to be. After ringing the chime and waiting to be summoned, Kyan strode through the doors as they swished open. There before him was Kirok, Briggs, and Ms. Falleg, to whom Kyan gave a cheerful nod. "Good tae be seeing you again Ms. Falleg." he chirped. "And I'm tae be telling you that your kids are being looked after in your quarters the now, and that Mister Dunbar's arse has been properly seen to, and Lamar's finger." Then to Kirokj "And Merry Met again Captain, as Ms. Falleg has probably already told ye, our mission was successful and we got everyone. Those Slavers won't be giving anyone any trouble for a while either." he smiled at that, the implication evident. "And I hear that the Romulans are the prime suspects in the bombing too. The.. Zhat Vash, the creatures." Kyan shook his head. "So anyway... what d'ya need me tae be doing the now boss?"


Erika had been following the pair as directed by zex and them Eydis. Scampering along as it's little spiked limbs touched the floor making a faint clicking like noise.

Erika would always hide behind zex when they encounter new people. Staring around zex ankles at the new people

Eydis would have made her way first to hir vessel. Reporting the situation to the tholian assembly before shi would send a response back to Kirin. It is acceptable to meet whenever you are free conmand caste Kirok

And shi would wait on the bridge of hir ship the Etain. Looking over at the other 2 uropygis one had blue marking on its mandible and the other yellow. The blue one was Nyx and the blue one was Eos. The tholian would look at the uropygi and ponder maybe Sirol could be of help in unlocking the potential of this uropygi and make them more then what they were.

Since the accident all of hir thoughts had been focused on zex getting better, but now shi wanted answers to what happen and why. But hir mind did clear enough to think of Sirol being of help now.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 07:54:11 PM

[Docking ring]

"A Kai.  It the leader to the bajoran religion.  Like a mother superior or head nun if you will" Zex said to Gideon.

She too was surprised to see the vehicle come out of the shuttle.  But the reason for it became obvious.  The Kai was in a leg cast of some type.

"I am Kai Niall" the most ornately adorned woman said from the golf cart like vehicle.  "I came personally despite my injury.  I assume you can accommodate my handicap during the ceremony" said said.

"I am Zex, Diplomatic officer.  This Ms. Drake, one of our new flight control officers.  Your cart should make it threw the corridors, I think" the Delan said.  She turnred to Drake for a 2nd opinion.

[Ensign Gideon "Griff/Gryphon" Drake | Docking Ring | Docking Saucer Pod| Katra Station]

"Ah. Apologies, Ma'am," "Gryphon" Drake said to the Kai. "We weren't expecting you..."

Looking at the car, and then turning back to Ms. Zex, "Griff" blinked and then replied, "Well, sometimes the corridors can be wide enough, but there may be plenty that may get plenty narrow."

Bloody hell. If I'd have known I'd be meeting a Bajoran Kai, I'd get my dress uniform. Now this will be news to tell Dad and Uncle Boothby. How often have they run into a bloody old Bajoran Kai?

Then he noticed the leg, and realized why the Kai was driving. Still, a bloody car was overkill. A wheelchair would've sufficed...unless it was too undignified.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 26, 2021, 08:36:11 PM

:: Katra Station | OOC ::

( Immediately After Kal's tag to Kyan )

Kyan accepted his dagger back from Kal and put it back in his boot. He then craned his neck to look back up at the Human. "It's happy to meet yous I am, to be sure." he grinned. "And I'm after hearing yer stories, whenever we have some time for it. But now I'm after speakin with Captain Kirok. So I'll leave ye to it Mister Kal, of House Jim'Rec."

With that, the little Onlie turned on his heel and made for the Ready Room, where Kirok was said to be. After ringing the chime and waiting to be summoned, Kyan strode through the doors as they swished open. There before him was Kirok, Briggs, and Ms. Falleg, to whom Kyan gave a cheerful nod. "Good tae be seeing you again Ms. Falleg." he chirped. "And I'm tae be telling you that your kids are being looked after in your quarters the now, and that Mister Dunbar's arse has been properly seen to, and Lamar's finger." Then to Kirokj "And Merry Met again Captain, as Ms. Falleg has probably already told ye, our mission was successful and we got everyone. Those Slavers won't be giving anyone any trouble for a while either." he smiled at that, the implication evident. "And I hear that the Romulans are the prime suspects in the bombing too. The.. Zhat Vash, the creatures." Kyan shook his head. "So anyway... what d'ya need me tae be doing the now boss?"

[Ready Room]

Kirok turned to Kyan.  Luckily he had finished talking before the man entered, so the the secret between the 3 could be kept quiet.

"That will be all" he said to Kyle and Ms. Falleg.  Then he addressed Kyan.  "The ceremony at the promenade is due to start shortly.  Can you please do a security sweep of the promenade and ask the staff to start making their way down there?  Once the ceremony is over we can talk about the Zhat Vash" Kirok said.

Quote from: Eydis on April 26, 2021, 08:44:00 PM

Erika had been following the pair as directed by zex and them Eydis. Scampering along as it's little spiked limbs touched the floor making a faint clicking like noise.

Erika would always hide behind zex when they encounter new people. Staring around zex ankles at the new people

Eydis would have made her way first to hir vessel. Reporting the situation to the tholian assembly before shi would send a response back to Kirin. It is acceptable to meet whenever you are free conmand caste Kirok

And shi would wait on the bridge of hir ship the Etain. Looking over at the other 2 uropygis one had blue marking on its mandible and the other yellow. The blue one was Nyx and the blue one was Eos. The tholian would look at the uropygi and ponder maybe Sirol could be of help in unlocking the potential of this uropygi and make them more then what they were.

Since the accident all of hir thoughts had been focused on zex getting better, but now shi wanted answers to what happen and why. But hir mind did clear enough to think of Sirol being of help now.

[Ready Room]

The half Vulcan tapped his badge.  -//-Eydis.   I was hoping to ask if you would consider become more of a permanent part of our defenses.  If you agree, we would call upon you when a fighter squadron is needed.  I'm hoping to announce this at the upcoming ceremony and would like you on the stage with me and a few other delegates.  Again if you agree-\\- Kirok said over the open com.

[Docking ring - Zex]

The half vulcan nodded in agreement to Mr. Drake.  "So, it may be difficult to get you from her to the ceremony in you're vehicle.  On time at least.   So, maybe we could transport you or take you there in a smaller cart with wheels" the Deltan said.

"No transporters.   A smaller cart will have to do" Kai Niall replied.   "Ok" Zex said.  She found a wheel chair and retuned with it.  "Can you help me move her over?" she asked Mr. Drake.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 09:28:28 PM

[Docking ring - Zex]

The half vulcan nodded in agreement to Mr. Drake.  "So, it may be difficult to get you from her to the ceremony in you're vehicle.  On time at least.   So, maybe we could transport you or take you there in a smaller cart with wheels" the Deltan said.

"No transporters.   A smaller cart will have to do" Kai Niall replied.   "Ok" Zex said.  She found a wheel chair and retuned with it.  "Can you help me move her over?" she asked Mr. Drake.

[Ensign Gideon "Griff/Gryphon" Drake | Docking Ring | Docking Saucer Pod| Katra Station]

Griff nodded in understanding. He could understand that. Plenty of members of his family didn't like transporters. Blimey, he even had an aunt on his dad's side who hated transporters enough to fly wherever possible. Slower, but safer.

Griff acknowledged that the Kai definitely needed a means to go somewhere. At least it meant he'd spend more time with the Kai. Blimey, he never pushed anybody in a wheelchair since before he applied for the Academy, he always pushed around Great Uncle Weatherby - "Great Uncle Wyvrn" he used to call him when he was a child of five, "Weatherby" was so hard to pronounce back then. Then again, so were many of his family names. But he appreciated that a lot of his family had flight-based nicknames.

"Sure," he told Zex, and helped her out. "Definitely worth something to tell my family back home. Especially Uncle Boothby."

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