S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Don Damien Addams


[Katra station - in walls near ready room]

Miracle was muffled by the scent of the dog in the little space it was moving too. It had to move to avoid that smell. Not the kind felines liked. Time to move onward to find the man whom it liked. He would like the dead mole. Yes. Indeed.


( Immediately After Kal's tag to Kyan )

Kyan accepted his dagger back from Kal and put it back in his boot. He then craned his neck to look back up at the Human. "It's happy to meet yous I am, to be sure." he grinned. "And I'm after hearing yer stories, whenever we have some time for it. But now I'm after speakin with Captain Kirok. So I'll leave ye to it Mister Kal, of House Jim'Rec."

Kal nodded his head to the small operations/security officer. The small fellow seemed to be a great warrior. He figured that Kyan knew his size could be to his advantage. A true warrior would know better not to be outwitted. He was challenged by a Klingon child who was bigger than when he was a child. Kal beat him.


< Katra Station / OCC >

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 08:25:36 PM

[Katra - OCC  - Zex]

"Thank you.  You're a life saver.  Told you were irreplaceable" Zex smirked.

She stopped before leaving.  "Definitely.   I hope you are ok with the left bunk.  If not, I can easily move my things over" she said.

[OCC - EQ]

"Its a language I can't make out.  Heard Zex said something about Karemma's.  I think it may be him" EQ said

He sent the open channel to Sirol.  With some adjustments.  And her ability to adapt to new languages she was able to make out the following.

"This is Chief Overseer Hanthar.  I am a guest of Captain Kirok.  I'm requesting transport onto the station so as to not be late for the ceremony" he said, or simply demanded.

Sirol gave Zex a smirk, then did a little bow towards her.
Irreplaceable? Strange but fascinating!
"œI am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."
Towards her agreement to continue the conversation later, as well as her suggestion, Sirol once more nodded.
"œOf course.
Every bunk is acceptable with me. There is no need to move anything.
I do not require much space."

As the newcomer on the bridge explained that he he could not make out the language, yet that it might have been one of the Karemma, Sirol's eyes seemed to widen a little.
Why would the computer not automatically pick up and translate their language?

Applying a manual translation luckily worked, yet"¦ The lack of automatic recognition worried her.
She put the translated message onto the speakers and gave the newcomer [EQ] a little nod.
=/\="This is Chief Overseer Hanthar.  I am a guest of Captain Kirok.  I'm requesting transport onto the station so as to not be late for the ceremony" =/\=
The voice spoke towards the staff in the OCC.

Once it finished playing, Sirol thoughtfully added.
"œThe Karemma are a known staple species to engage in countless contacts and trades with species all over the three quadrants throughout the last thirty years.
Their language recognition should be automatic and instant. I apologise for this.
I assume some of the files might have gotten corrupted duringf the explosion. I will have a look into it and see if there is any other affected language files once we are done here."

An increase in noise behind her caught the scientist's attention and she quickly turned around. A couple of people were leaving the Ready Room, and among them a"¦ Child"¦? Wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant?
Sirol was puzzled for a second, yet then returned her focus to her work again, putting that thought aside for later.

Tapping her com badge she got back to Zex sooner than expected, but keeping everyone involved informed was key.
=/\="œSirol to Ensign Zex.
The translator for ship-to-sip-com did not seem to automatically recognise the Karemma's language. I remedied it from here, but let me know if the same is the case with the communicators upon engaging with them."

She then looked up towards the newcomer again, leaning a little back in her chair.
She could not remember having seen him before, yet Zex and the others on the OCC seem to recognise and flawlessly interact with him, which indicated previous cooperation.
"œAre you one of the new crewmembers?
...What is your department?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

[Katra Station | Promenade]

"Polling, polliiiiiiiiing! Quads and joules are all a flowiiiiiiing!"

Serena, still clad in her utility jumpsuit was strolling along the Promenade in her rapid, mincing steps. The Engineering team had everything in hand and ready for reopening and were effectively down to line items to be completed before the quality and redundancy control checks needed to be done. She'd excused herself to complete her own side project.

Picking a communications panel, she went to it, logging her credentials in as maintenance. Pulling out a PADD, she put it into reading/data input mode as she accessed a terminal window. The subroutine she had set earlier started coming up on screen, the readouts neatly segmented. She started smiling broadly, trying the next hop to test out her neat little program. She'd have to test it out further, then write up a report to the Captain.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 25, 2021, 09:41:36 PM

Ready Room

Kyle could almost feel the CO's dilemma. He had been fortunate enough to be out on the Challenger when the event with the androids took place and hadn't been too effected by it. Now that he was back in a place that had more personnel and even some civilians around, he would have to be more aware of the issues. He stood and walked to the replicator for a cup of hot tea.

"I agree with Hfran." he said, realizing how easy it had been to call her by her first name. They have been friends for a very long time after all. "We can't continue with the experiment." he said as he returned to his seat and sat down. "At least, not openly." he suggested before blowing over the rim of the cup and taking a sip. "I'm sitting in a room with two of the smartest people I know. There's got to be a way to continue them secretly while making them believe they're over."

[Ready Room]

Hrafn smiled at Kyle.  "Wouldn't know about smartest... I've gone some dumb stuff in my time, but thanks for the compliment!"  Truth be told, Kyle was one of the bravest, best looking and smartest people she knew but she wasn't going to tell him that in front of the Captain.

She considered what he said about secretly continuing the experiments, when the CO spoke again.

Quote from: Kirok on April 26, 2021, 07:54:11 PM

[Ready Room]

Dillion sniffed the CSO's hand.  Then he did what he always does when he smells cat.  He 'huffed' blowing air out of his mouth and nose.

That done, he turned and returned to his bed.  Walked in a circle on it.  Then settled down for a nap.

Then the attention turned back to the trio.  Kirok listened first to Ms. Falleg.  Then to Kyle.

"Just like anyone aboard the station, both the holograms and the XBs can be easily tracked by their sign-ons at their duty stations and padds.  As for the XBs specifically, their transceivers and devices they use to create other borg are routinely removed.  So the risk of them being influenced by outside forces like a borg queen and their ability to create and thus influence any new drones has been mitigated" the half vulcan explained to address Ms. Falleg's concerns.

Turning slightly toward Kyle, he continued.  "I'm no good at subterfuge or lying, but we could honestly report that the explosion has delayed our research efforts.  Then only speak about the experiment publicly or in our reports in the future tense.  Again not a lie" Kirok decided.

"As for the experiment and Mr. McCuteon.  Perhaps he could record his results by paper and pen for a while.  And work in seclusion with only verbal reports to you, Ms. Falleg" the half Vulcan added.

Kirok paused for just a moment, then finished.  "Thank you both for your council.  If there is nothing more, I must start preparing for the ceremony on the promenade.  I'll need you both there should there be any questions about the 'facts' that I will be presenting."

The CSO chuckled.  "OK... so don't lie, but how are you about omitting a few details or rewording the truth to make it sound less like we're going ahead with the experiments?  As for Anth, we can definitely go 'old school' on this.  And to think I used to get teased for this..."

She drew out the things she always kept in the pocket of her teal lab coat [OOC - think what Gates McFadden wore most of the time].  On her palm sat a short graphite pencil a small paper notebook with a cover bearing the medical department logo, a silver cadet pip which had been Nevir's and she used as a sort of talisman and then 3 small animal charms in silver on a chain, each representing an animal - an owl for Nerys, a monkey for Tidu and a lamb for Lamar.

"These..." she said picking out the notebook and pencil with her free hand, "... specifically.  The others are just thinks I keep around as a means of keeping my family near me always."  She held them up in turn, smiling and explained.  "Nevir's cadet pip, Tidu has the other, and the animals for Nerys - the owl, Tidu - the Monkey, and Lamar or 'Lambchops' as we call him... pretty obvious... and all very apt as Kyle will tell you, but the paper and pencil - I never knew when I might be without power for a PADD and needed to jot something down, send a message or otherwise."

"As for our council..." she gave a kind smile to the Captain, "... we're here to try and make your job easier.  Don't worry, we'll back you up with everything."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 26, 2021, 08:36:11 PM

:: Katra Station | OOC ::

( Immediately After Kal's tag to Kyan )

Kyan accepted his dagger back from Kal and put it back in his boot. He then craned his neck to look back up at the Human. "It's happy to meet yous I am, to be sure." he grinned. "And I'm after hearing yer stories, whenever we have some time for it. But now I'm after speakin with Captain Kirok. So I'll leave ye to it Mister Kal, of House Jim'Rec."

With that, the little Onlie turned on his heel and made for the Ready Room, where Kirok was said to be. After ringing the chime and waiting to be summoned, Kyan strode through the doors as they swished open. There before him was Kirok, Briggs, and Ms. Falleg, to whom Kyan gave a cheerful nod. "Good tae be seeing you again Ms. Falleg." he chirped. "And I'm tae be telling you that your kids are being looked after in your quarters the now, and that Mister Dunbar's arse has been properly seen to, and Lamar's finger." Then to Kirokj "And Merry Met again Captain, as Ms. Falleg has probably already told ye, our mission was successful and we got everyone. Those Slavers won't be giving anyone any trouble for a while either." he smiled at that, the implication evident. "And I hear that the Romulans are the prime suspects in the bombing too. The.. Zhat Vash, the creatures." Kyan shook his head. "So anyway... what d'ya need me tae be doing the now boss?"

Hrafn chuckled, shaking her head slightly at Kal when he mentioned James' posterior.

"I'm sure Mr. Dalton will be fine but thank you for relaying the message.  Methinks you're thinking of Scotland a wee bit too much.  But if you're after a taste of home anytime I have some decent 12 year old malt, and some oatcakes... sometime when you're not on duty in 8 hours maybe!" she said and patted him on the shoulder.

"Later, Captain, I should catch up with Sirol, my department in general.." she gave a significant look, hoping Kirok realised she meant Anth, "...and then my kids and extended family.  Please, work out a night that is good for you, giving 3 days notice so I can prep, for our meal!"

Walking into the OCC she smiled to see Sirol there already working.

Quote from: Sirol on April 27, 2021, 04:02:31 AM

< Katra Station / OCC >

Sirol gave Zex a smirk, then did a little bow towards her.
Irreplaceable? Strange but fascinating!
"œI am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."
Towards her agreement to continue the conversation later, as well as her suggestion, Sirol once more nodded.
"œOf course.
Every bunk is acceptable with me. There is no need to move anything.
I do not require much space."

As the newcomer on the bridge explained that he he could not make out the language, yet that it might have been one of the Karemma, Sirol's eyes seemed to widen a little.
Why would the computer not automatically pick up and translate their language?

Applying a manual translation luckily worked, yet"¦ The lack of automatic recognition worried her.
She put the translated message onto the speakers and gave the newcomer [EQ] a little nod.
=/\="This is Chief Overseer Hanthar.  I am a guest of Captain Kirok.  I'm requesting transport onto the station so as to not be late for the ceremony" =/\=
The voice spoke towards the staff in the OCC.

Once it finished playing, Sirol thoughtfully added.
"œThe Karemma are a known staple species to engage in countless contacts and trades with species all over the three quadrants throughout the last thirty years.
Their language recognition should be automatic and instant. I apologise for this.
I assume some of the files might have gotten corrupted duringf the explosion. I will have a look into it and see if there is any other affected language files once we are done here."

An increase in noise behind her caught the scientist's attention and she quickly turned around. A couple of people were leaving the Ready Room, and among them a"¦ Child"¦? Wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant?
Sirol was puzzled for a second, yet then returned her focus to her work again, putting that thought aside for later.

Tapping her com badge she got back to Zex sooner than expected, but keeping everyone involved informed was key.
=/\="œSirol to Ensign Zex.
The translator for ship-to-sip-com did not seem to automatically recognise the Karemma's language. I remedied it from here, but let me know if the same is the case with the communicators upon engaging with them."

She then looked up towards the newcomer again, leaning a little back in her chair.
She could not remember having seen him before, yet Zex and the others on the OCC seem to recognise and flawlessly interact with him, which indicated previous cooperation.
"œAre you one of the new crewmembers?
...What is your department?"

"I hope the CMO cleared you for working but I can see a 'family' trait here... all my staff seem to prefer being 'on the job' rather than stuck in the Sickbay, myself included.  And you're probably safer here than visiting my quarters and having 3 kids and 4 cats all over you... oh yeah, we have 4 now since Dr. Yona left the twin kittens of Sapphire for Lambchops!"  Hrafn said, delighted to see Sirol up and about.

"Did you say Karemma??  Let me know how that goes, are you joining us for the ceremony or not... oh I forgot to ask if this was a dress whites occasion or not."

She turned to Kyle he being the only officer senior to her in the vicinity.  "Kyle, what do you think, as we are or the straight-jackets of torture for the ceremony? Actually mine isn't so bad having been altered to actually fit me by Phara t'Movel at Movel Uniform Care and Repair.  Now I just hate it because it's white which is a colour most mothers dread for the way it can pick up dirt especially with 6 little sticky hands and 16 mucky paws!"

She let Kyan explain his size himself, whispering only "Go easy, she doesn't know you and she's just got out of hospital!  And she's 'family' to me so..."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< Katra Station / OCC >

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 27, 2021, 08:03:04 AM

Walking into the OCC she smiled to see Sirol there already working.

"I hope the CMO cleared you for working but I can see a 'family' trait here... all my staff seem to prefer being 'on the job' rather than stuck in the Sickbay, myself included.  And you're probably safer here than visiting my quarters and having 3 kids and 4 cats all over you... oh yeah, we have 4 now since Dr. Yona left the twin kittens of Sapphire for Lambchops!"  Hrafn said, delighted to see Sirol up and about.

As Sirol heard Hrafn Falleg's voice, she turned around.
It indeed was her. Curious, she just had been thinking about her division leader and as to whether she would be willing to relay a few requests of hers later.
Tilting her head the scientist gave her superior a surprised look.
"œDid"¦ Something positive happen?
You appear"¦ Very vibrant right now..."
She semi-cryptically asked, trying to find the right words for what Hrafn emitted all around her.

Towards her question she however got "˜back to business' and nodded.
"œEnsign Zex and I have been put on light duty for now.
The time in the Med Bay was"¦ Very insightful. I might say, leading into some interpersonal new connections.
I do not dislike being in the MedBay per se. I just"¦ Dislike the silence and stagnation there.
I suppose I was lucky to get to know Ensign Zex and Doctor Xiiv. They have been of great help."

With a musing little smile she then added.
"œI would never mind the presence of children or pets. I think you know me well enough to judge that."
Know how very much I would do and  give to be a parent too"¦

"œ...We even had two pets down there too.
Their names were Erika and Miracle, and they were very"¦"
She paused for a moment, trying to find a word that would properly express her positive experience"¦

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 27, 2021, 08:03:04 AM

"Did you say Karemma??  Let me know how that goes, are you joining us for the ceremony or not... oh I forgot to ask if this was a dress whites occasion or not."

Sirol nodded, and pointed at her terminal.
"œYes. There were some minor difficulties with the automatic recognition of their language, but I currently have the issue under control."
Once more she looked into the Karemma language file, as Hrafn's voice pulled her back into reality.
A ceremony?
"œI"¦ Was not yet briefed that there will be a ceremony. I arrived at the OCC four minutes ago.
I suppose, getting in touch with people and sharing thoughts would be"¦ Healing"¦
If time allows it, I will attend."

Once Hrafn turned around towards Commander Briggs again, Sirol hunkered down over her terminal; her fingers quickly flying over the buttons.
As she heard the term "˜Straight Jacket of Torture' though, the slender scientist once more turned around and gave the two a blank stare.

"œ...What sort of ceremony is this exactly, and will I be required to bring something akin as well? Handcuffs and a ball gag perhaps?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kal on April 25, 2021, 05:55:02 PM

[Katra - OCC station]

Reply to Ellis Ferris

Lieutenant Ferris placed PADD down. Ferris had asked about components. "œYes. We need to remind ourselves they can adapt. Very fast. We know they got survivors who can disguise themselves to blend in. They are advanced species. We got technology which can detect them. They can learn and go stealth mode."

"œSir. They can create. There was one time when Lieutenant Commander Data," he added. "œThere was the child he had created."

"œSorry. I had got us off track. Lieutenant Shadow had said I can be in charge of the investigation of the explosion. And I am going to find the limp shadow individual map of how she got on Katra. Which  is going to be finding a speck of dust."

"œAnd do you have any other suggestions that can be added," he asked.

"Hmm, of course, Ensign." Eli didn't feel like stating the obvious. "But, are there places that are unmonitored like some of the embassies, or more neutral areas?" Katra was a huge station, so trying to track down one individual seemed impossible. Eli couldn't help but feel a bit like the station was cursed.

He looked up as multiple officers joined in the OCC. There was Sirol, going over the comms. Apparently the UT needed a recalibration if it wasn't going to bother to translate one of the races already encountered by the Katra personnel.

Apparently there was a ceremony occurring. Eli had been so wrapped up in the repairs and the investigation he had missed the incoming dignitaries. Sirol's comment, though, took him a bit by surprise. He didn't want to hazard a guess at what a ceremony would require a gag.

"Ensign Sirol, I think we'll ease the dignatires in to the station before introducing more unusual customs." His tone was dry but his eyes had a hint of humor to them that was slowly coming back to life after all the staiton had been through.


Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 26, 2021, 10:13:19 PM

[Ensign Gideon "Griff/Gryphon" Drake | Docking Ring | Docking Saucer Pod| Katra Station]

Griff nodded in understanding. He could understand that. Plenty of members of his family didn't like transporters. Blimey, he even had an aunt on his dad's side who hated transporters enough to fly wherever possible. Slower, but safer.

Griff acknowledged that the Kai definitely needed a means to go somewhere. At least it meant he'd spend more time with the Kai. Blimey, he never pushed anybody in a wheelchair since before he applied for the Academy, he always pushed around Great Uncle Weatherby - "Great Uncle Wyvrn" he used to call him when he was a child of five, "Weatherby" was so hard to pronounce back then. Then again, so were many of his family names. But he appreciated that a lot of his family had flight-based nicknames.

"Sure," he told Zex, and helped her out. "Definitely worth something to tell my family back home. Especially Uncle Boothby."

[Docking ring - Zex]

Thankfully the Kai was light so she was easy to move to the moving chair.  "Thanks for the assistance, Mr. Drake.  You're coming to the ceremony?  Yes?" Zex said to the flight control officer.

While she waited on a reply, she heard from Sirol about the Karemma delegate.  The Romulan had come to the rescue.  She fixed the UT!

-//-Thanks so much, Sirol.  I am on my way to the promenade now.  Can you let him know that I will be there to receive him in just a few minutes please? -\\- the Deltan asked her new friend.


Zex arrived on the promenade in record time with the Kai.  She saw Ms. King.  "Hello.  Can you help me get the Kai up on the stage?" she asked the engineering officer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Cazham and Shazham identical men wearing the blue color of counselor long dress jacket suit.

They followed Bajorian's Kai and her aids. They were indeed blessed to be on her ship as Starfleet officers. They had followed afar to see if she was going to settle down with ease. Their job was not done until the Kai was to settle down.


[Ready Room]

Kirok considered Ms. Falleg's question for a moment.  He nodded as if agreeing with the thought in his head.  Then he replies.

"I will not need to omit anything if I am not informed of progress on the experiments.  In fact, the only time I will need an update is when the experiment is complete and it's outcome.  If it proves that android can be used safely then I inform HQ.  If it proves otherwise, we drop the topic.

So, it is best if I am left blind as to the day to day progress.  You can update Kyle if you feel the need.  As long as you,Kyle, do not update me.  Thus, no need to omit anything in my report to HQ" the half Vulcan said.

He went silent for a moment.  Then nodded again.  "Perhaps I am better skilled at this than I initially thought" he said out loud.

[Promenade - Zex]

"Welcome to the Katra" Zex said to the pair.  "The Kai will be on the stage.  You can stand behind her if you wish.  Or remain off stage" the Deltan added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Sirol on April 27, 2021, 04:02:31 AM

< Katra Station / OCC >

"œAre you one of the new crewmembers?
...What is your department?"

If he hadn't been looking at Sirrol when she'd spoken to him, Kyan would have missed her questions entirely, as he was already two spent phaser power cells deep in far fetched, and not so far fetched fantasies about what could happen with the Bajaran Kai ceremony, for which he'd been assigned to do a head up a security sweep. Needless to say, in the little Onlie's head at least,  there were already bodies hitting the floor.

.....And the bulkhead. And the ceiling, because of the gravity being knocked out, and also airlocks....half airlocks, which was very messy... and even a targ... with it's fangs sharpened just that day.

But Kyan shook himself mentally free of the free range scenario generator that was his brain at the moment and focused on Sirrol.

"Hiya." he replied cheerfully. "Kyan Mackenzie's me name, from the place you grups are after calling "Miri's World", although I never got tae have a vote one sure and I didn't. I'm assigned here for a whole because I think the fat admiral at Starfleet Intelligence was tired of getting yelled at by other fat admirals whenever I... " the ancient boy searched for the Admiral's word and then snapped his fingers before continuing. "got too creative!" He nodded. "Yup. That's what the fat admiral said. So now I'm here tae be helping with Katra and tae be makin sure that whoever did that attack doesn't do it again."

"Oh yea..." Kyan spoke up after a brief silence. "And it's nice tae be meeting you."

Don Damien Addams


[OOC Station - Security]

Kal nodded his head. "I will attempt to scan over the recordings later. And yes many places are not under surveillance. I wish every nook of the station has it."

His attention was caught by a surveillance with the Kai. "Our visitor is here. Excuse me. I am going to watch from the surveillance camera. The incident from Deep Space Nine with the Kai incident. My eyes will be sure nothing happens to the Kai."

[Katra in the walls]

Miracle was staying hidden with its dead mole in its mouth. It laid low to one of the openings it could squeeze in. It spied Zex. Not the person it wanted. She was nice like the woman who had pointy ears. And there was people. Not sure. See what happens and an opportunity to drop the ....

Miracle dropped the dead mole on the floor as it saw another living mole scatter up inside the wall it was in. Its eyes watched it as its tail was waving back and forth. Should it get it or deliver the dead mole?

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on April 27, 2021, 04:54:40 PM

[Docking ring - Zex]

Thankfully the Kai was light so she was easy to move to the moving chair.  "Thanks for the assistance, Mr. Drake.  You're coming to the ceremony?  Yes?" Zex said to the flight control officer.

While she waited on a reply, she heard from Sirol about the Karemma delegate.  The Romulan had come to the rescue.  She fixed the UT!

-//-Thanks so much, Sirol.  I am on my way to the promenade now.  Can you let him know that I will be there to receive him in just a few minutes please? -\\- the Deltan asked her new friend.


Zex arrived on the promenade in record time with the Kai.  She saw Ms. King.  "Hello.  Can you help me get the Kai up on the stage?" she asked the engineering officer.

Serena whirled around so quickly she almost got whiplash. Her eyes widened in considerable surprise, but recovered. Turning back, she logged out of maintenance mode, stored her PADD, and stood at parade attention. Suddenly aware she wasn't in dress uniform, or even the standard duty uniform, but in utilities, with pockets full of tools, there was nothing she could do about that. At least this is freshly laundered. "Ensign Serena King, Engineering. I would be honoured, madam. And also uh, Ensign, proud to serve."

Recalling (the family legend), that one of her maternal ancestors had been a Chief Superintendent of the then Royal Hong Kong Police Force who had been received and honoured by the British Queen at the time, she summoned the spirit of duty and determination. With precise formation and gait, she took hold of the wheelchair, propelling it with dignity, but also trying to be as smooth and in a straight line as possible while also maintaining speed.

The ramp itself wasn't too high, but Serena paused for a second near the bottom to flex her hands and take a deep breath. It wouldn't do any good to dump one of the most revered persons in Bajoran culture now! Although the ascent was a bit rushed, it was done without ruffling the Kai too much, nor without so much as a yeet. Wheeling her to her spot, she bowed ceremoniously to the Kai and went to stand offstage, thankful she didn't throw up.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 28, 2021, 05:39:48 AM

Serena whirled around so quickly she almost got whiplash. Her eyes widened in considerable surprise, but recovered. Turning back, she logged out of maintenance mode, stored her PADD, and stood at parade attention. Suddenly aware she wasn't in dress uniform, or even the standard duty uniform, but in utilities, with pockets full of tools, there was nothing she could do about that. At least this is freshly laundered. "Ensign Serena King, Engineering. I would be honoured, madam. And also uh, Ensign, proud to serve."

Recalling (the family legend), that one of her maternal ancestors had been a Chief Superintendent of the then Royal Hong Kong Police Force who had been received and honoured by the British Queen at the time, she summoned the spirit of duty and determination. With precise formation and gait, she took hold of the wheelchair, propelling it with dignity, but also trying to be as smooth and in a straight line as possible while also maintaining speed.

The ramp itself wasn't too high, but Serena paused for a second near the bottom to flex her hands and take a deep breath. It wouldn't do any good to dump one of the most revered persons in Bajoran culture now! Although the ascent was a bit rushed, it was done without ruffling the Kai too much, nor without so much as a yeet. Wheeling her to her spot, she bowed ceremoniously to the Kai and went to stand offstage, thankful she didn't throw up.

[Ensign Gideon "Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Promenade | Katra Station]

Wheeling the Kai along felt to Griff like he was wheeling the Queen. She even looked old enough. Nonetheless, he was careful. By the time they got to the Promenade, he was definitely thinking...How many centuries has it been since any member of the Drake family had been with somebody this important?

He was certainly surprised at the sight of Serena at the Promenade. Astonished at seeing her again in the same day, Griff allowed her to take the wheelchair up. And the way Serena did it...well, Griff could understand.


[Promenade - Zex]

"Thank you both for your assistance" Zex said to Mr. Drake and Ms. King.  Then she tapped her com-badge.  -//Zex to Ops.  I'm ready to receive the delegate from Karemma now \\-she said.

A swirl of light was the response she got. "Chief Overseer Hanthar, I am Zex.  The Captain will arrive shortly.  Let me please escort you to the stage" she offered.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / OCC >

The new person [EQ] had not yet answered her question, so Sirol took that as him being busy with more relevant matters and she decided to do the same, looking back at her terminal and searching for more potentially corrupted language files as she heard a voice behind her addressing her.

Looking at him she raised an eyebrow.
They had not met before, yet he was instantly familiar.
She memorised his face from the staff roster, and identified him as Lieutenant Ferris, the flight control chief of Katra.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 27, 2021, 03:51:25 PM

Apparently there was a ceremony occurring. Eli had been so wrapped up in the repairs and the investigation he had missed the incoming dignitaries. Sirol's comment, though, took him a bit by surprise. He didn't want to hazard a guess at what a ceremony would require a gag.

"Ensign Sirol, I think we'll ease the dignatires in to the station before introducing more unusual customs." His tone was dry but his eyes had a hint of humor to them that was slowly coming back to life after all the staiton had been through.

Tilting her head she just looked at him for a second, obviously not immediately picking up on the humorous aspect of his remark.
Slowly nodding at him she rubbed her cold hands.
"œIn that case I would hope for a timely briefing so I can do proper preparation, Lieutenant."
Her tone was neutral and serious, giving a hint of the fact that outright no sort of strange custom could or would bewilder the scientist...

Eventually though, Ensign Zex's response to her call pulled Sirol out of the hypothetical scenarios of how obscure ceremonies could be.

Quote from: Kirok on April 27, 2021, 04:54:40 PM

While she waited on a reply, she heard from Sirol about the Karemma delegate.  The Romulan had come to the rescue.  She fixed the UT!

-//-Thanks so much, Sirol.  I am on my way to the promenade now.  Can you let him know that I will be there to receive him in just a few minutes please? -\\- the Deltan asked her new friend.

=/\="œOf course. I am on it."=/\=
She calmly responded towards Zex, then turned around in her chair, opening a channel and hailing the ship that had been determined as the origin of the initially cryptic message.
=/\="œChief Overseer Hanthar, this is Katra. Our Diplomatics Officer will meet with you in..."=/\=
She paused for a split second, hesitating at relaying the vague statement.
=/\="œ...A few minutes at the Promenade. I will send you the coordinates of the closest transporter room momentarily."=/\=
With that she had a quick look into the deck plans to find the closest transporter room and - together with the fastest estimated route to the Promenade - sent the information to the Karemma.

Once her work was done, she looked up again, only to spot one of the newcomers she had been pondering about standing in front of her.
He was a child, wasn't he?
Even though the rank pins on his collar seemed to state otherwise...

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 27, 2021, 10:52:04 PM

"Hiya." he replied cheerfully. "Kyan Mackenzie's me name, from the place you grups are after calling "Miri's World", although I never got tae have a vote one sure and I didn't. I'm assigned here for a whole because I think the fat admiral at Starfleet Intelligence was tired of getting yelled at by other fat admirals whenever I... " the ancient boy searched for the Admiral's word and then snapped his fingers before continuing. "got too creative!" He nodded. "Yup. That's what the fat admiral said. So now I'm here tae be helping with Katra and tae be makin sure that whoever did that attack doesn't do it again."

"Oh yea..." Kyan spoke up after a brief silence. "And it's nice tae be meeting you."

"œI am pleased to meet you, Lieutenant Mackenzie.
Sirol. Science Department. Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program."

She spoke in a calm, neutral manner, giving him a polite, hailing bow.

She was neither familiar with the meaning of grups nor Miri's World. Yet.
After all there were countless of Federation worlds, and - so far - Sirol had started to learn about them in the chronological order of them joining.
(After all she had to start somehow, and with their member count being in a constant flux, the alphabetical approach seemed a tad too prone to accidentally missing a new member for her..)

"œ...Fat Admiral?"
[Fatmiral! A random, silly part of her mind suddenly interjected...]
She eventually slowly repeated his words in a manner of obvious confusion while adding a note into her holographic wrist PDA to prioritise research on Miri's World to  - hopefully - fill her obvious gaps.
She was not yet sure as to whether that was said Admiral's specific position (akin to that of a Counter Admiral perhaps?), their name or"¦ Whether their body weight was truly remarkable enough to have everyone just recall them by this trait
(The fact that someone could and would make fun of an Admiral - or any superior for that matter - did not even occur to her, since it was so far out of her realm of imagination...)
His explanation though was both, cryptic and revealing.
He certainly did not seem like a prankster in a uniform. The tone in his voice was genuine and the mood surrounding him was clear and keen.
"œIt is good to see experienced security personnel joining our ranks, Lieutenant.
You can never have too many of those - especially considering the recent events"¦
...And I would argue that creativity might be of help with these sorts of"¦ Obstacles.
Welcome aboard Katra. I hope you will find your stay here productive."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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