S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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[Ready Room]

Kirok stood at his standing desk reviewing more data.  By now it was a far gone conclusion that someone had intentionally caused the engine to blow up.  Likely due to an explosive of some type.

The obvious suspect was Sirol.  She did match the description of the hooded person seen lurking about Engineering before the explosion.  She was the same size and height.  And there was, of course, Zex's outcry that Sirol, a Romulan, had attacker her.

So, the half Vulcan was tracking Sirol's documented movements before the explosion.  Where she was last seen before and after the incident.   The data never lies and he was counting on it to be the figurative nail in the coffin or proof that would absolve the Romulan scientist of this heinous act.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station|OOC

Eli stood at the flight control station in the OOC. His main office was still struggling for power, and he had opted to redirect that to the main bay; priorities. And operations were quite frequent, with auxiliary craft and support vessels coming to the Katra's aid. He had barely made it to the OOC to report in to Kirok before immediately surveying current incoming traffic.

He also was receiving probe telemetry to continue surveys of the damage. He was updating the information and sending along as quickly as he could. Information was needed at this crucial juncture.

Don Damien Addams

[Katra Station - Sickbay]

Kal was fixed up. Good thing he was not a Klingon. He would not be here. That human side of him was a coward. That he learned he had feared death.

Miracle, the cat who seemed had saved his life. He gave the name miracle to the feline. Miracle seemed to want be near Kal when he had not wanted her. "Stop. Now go play or something," he whooshed the cat away.

While he was ordered to stay in bed he had spent a great deal watching over Zex.

Now he was on light duty. He had to do things light as his body was screaming a good workout. The muscles were getting lazy and his mind was like hating it.

"Zex, you need anything before I go on duty?" he asked her.

Gideon Drake

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Cimarron | Shuttle Docking Pad | Katra Station]

Gideon was already imagining the reactions of some of his more distant ancestors if they knew what he was doing right now. Then again, these were people wholeheartedly devoted to RAF single-pilot craft; they regarded passenger liners soft. Here at the turn of the century, transporting passengers is to be expected. Besides, Gideon liked mingling with his passengers whenever he got the chance, as long as he didn't get distracted at critical moments, like landing, taking off, and entering and exiting warp speed.

He had just gotten back to Katra after bringing people back from New Bajor; he liked having to see new planets as he went back and forth; Deep Space Nine and the Bajoran Wormhole tended to be boring after a while; true, it's an amazing feature of the cosmos, but nowadays people tended to look at it as if it was on par with Earth's Autobahn. But all the same, orders were orders.

Of course, whenever he had finished one journey, it was time for another to begin. Now he had an empty runabout to fly to wherever there needed to be people brought back. Once his latest load of passengers was gone, he reported to his departmental head.

"Leftenant Ferris?" he said; coming from almost a millennium's worth of generations of naval and flight officers from a noble family in an ancestral manor, naturally he'd pronounce "lieutenant" as "leftenant." It's expected from every member of the family. "I've just returned from the latest transport of passengers from New Bajor. Where to next, sir?"

Naturally, he was expecting another flight assignment, as he always did in working at a station. He was expecting to pick up passengers either from New Bajor or Deep Space Nine right now, unless Lieutenant Ferris informed him otherwise.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 02, 2021, 01:05:23 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Cimarron | Shuttle Docking Pad | Katra Station]

"Leftenant Ferris?" he said; coming from almost a millennium's worth of generations of naval and flight officers from a noble family in an ancestral manor, naturally he'd pronounce "lieutenant" as "leftenant." It's expected from every member of the family. "I've just returned from the latest transport of passengers from New Bajor. Where to next, sir?"

Ser sat close to Eli as the Ensign enter. Drake that's the man's name.  He looked fairly green, but at least he was eager.  They were going to need all his energy in the next couple of days,  If the amount of paper work they just did was any indication.  The last several hours were spent partially catching up with Eli, and mostly trying to keep his head above an ocean of paperwork.  The Ensign was welcome distraction.

"Drake, How'd the run go?  Any problems?  Any odd things happen?" Ser asked

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast


The admission by the deltan about hir loss of the baby was a alien concept to the tholian. Tholians were very different memories and what made a tholian was given to it my another. There was no pregnancies like humanoids had and so such a loss was unheard of amongst tholians.

But Eydis had relayed as much of zex had said about the explosion while trying to console hir friend. Offering hir the only thing shi could think of, the lattice allowing zex to use all of the nearby tholians to help hir process hir emotions. Zex was no longer alone but could feel the tholians thought spaces. Feel them as they felt hir emotions, her memories now became Eydis memories. But the tholians were circling around the deltan over the lattice.

Each one taking the share of the emotional baggage and ptsd from the deltan. Freeing zex in away allowing her to come to terms with the past. But this left all the tholians including Eydis, scarred unable to themselves to fully compherend the memory.

Eydis would only retire to the Etain after zex had come to and kal found. But now the Tholian crew was despondent. The tholians were frayed and stumbling a little abroad there ship. Not leaving the Etain as they tried to process and get a hold of the new emotion they had taken abroad. It was very strange and had so far escaped being quashed by the tholians. Such sadness was not something the tholians could understand how one being could handle it alone. Strength to bare these sadness was understatement 


Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 01, 2021, 06:41:01 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station|OOC

Eli stood at the flight control station in the OOC. His main office was still struggling for power, and he had opted to redirect that to the main bay; priorities. And operations were quite frequent, with auxiliary craft and support vessels coming to the Katra's aid. He had barely made it to the OOC to report in to Kirok before immediately surveying current incoming traffic.

He also was receiving probe telemetry to continue surveys of the damage. He was updating the information and sending along as quickly as he could. Information was needed at this crucial juncture.

[Katra:  OCC]
[NPC EQ Kimball - XB]

EQ entered the large room.  He saw Eli and offered the man a nod.  "Sir" he said by way of greeting.

Eli was the senior officer on the OCC at the moment.  So the greeting was appropriate, but chit chat would have been over the line.  Thus, the XB simply went to a duty station an signed in.

The station pinged that it was ready to work.  "Do you have any orders? Sir" he asked Eli.

Quote from: Kal on April 01, 2021, 08:22:35 PM

[Katra Station - Sickbay]

Kal was fixed up. Good thing he was not a Klingon. He would not be here. That human side of him was a coward. That he learned he had feared death.

Miracle, the cat who seemed had saved his life. He gave the name miracle to the feline. Miracle seemed to want be near Kal when he had not wanted her. "Stop. Now go play or something," he whooshed the cat away.

While he was ordered to stay in bed he had spent a great deal watching over Zex.

Now he was on light duty. He had to do things light as his body was screaming a good workout. The muscles were getting lazy and his mind was like hating it.

"Zex, you need anything before I go on duty?" he asked her.

[Katra Station - Sickbay]
[NPC Zex]

Since accusing Sirol of the attack, Zex had been moved out of the main area and into a more private spot in Sickbay.  She was slowing regaining her strength.  Her muscle atrophy was improving with exercise.

The link with Tholian's helped more than she could say as it pertained to her mental health.  Eydis and the others continued to support her.  It was better than therapy.  "Thank you all for being part of my chosen family" she sent to Eydis and the others over the lattis just before Kal popped by.

"Hey.  Let me think" the Deltan replied with a playful grim after turning to him.  "A strawberry milkshake would be great!" she added.

"But don't go our of your way to get it?  Are you going back to work already?  I was for sure that you would be here longer than me?  You really feel ok?" she asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Medbay >

Staring into the holographic interface above her wrist, Sirol just browsed through photos.
Snapshots from past missions she had accumulated over the last couple of years. Every now and then some Romulan and Reman faces would be seen within the Pictures. Former crewmates and associates Sirol had served with over the time.
It was nothing elaborate or productive, but it gave her fingers and her eyes something to do, while her mind was highly busy trying to process what exactly had just happened here a few hours ago.

For a while she had been quietly observing Kal and his Cat, and seeing the little pet had helped Sirol calm down and even smirk for a minute despite her dark situation.
While not being overly outspoken about it, the scientist actually loved pets every bit as much as she loved children.
The two things that instantly softened her up, and turned the android-esque scientist into a cheerful and cuddling protector - no matter the circumstances"¦

She had hoped to be able to take care of a pet once she had settled on Katra, yet ever since her arrival, things had been exceptionally chaotic and never really left the time to find a suitable pet that would feel at home with the Romulan.
Back home on Remus - many a year ago when she still had had a home - Sirol and her brother had adopted pet Khellids; small insectoid creatures common and utilised on most Romulan core worlds - much to the disapproval of their horrified mother...
A part of Sirol missed those times.
They had certainly been easier"¦

Yet as the Cat and it's owner left the room, so did Sirol's nostalgic thoughts, only to be replaced again by sheer horror.
She had been accused of attacking a fellow officer; Ensign Zex.
Of all the things Sirol could have predicted to happen to her within Federation company, being accused of attacking someone horrified her the most.

How would"¦ How could she ever even hurt someone?
Was not grasping another person's fear and pain enough to prevent all violence?

At least Sirol thought so. It had been her way ever since she was a child and began to understand how inflicting pain was a two way street for everyone involved...

Yet what truly horrified her was not the fact of the accusation itself, it had been the fact that Sirol herself had no valid counter-argument; no valid alibi"¦
Aside from wanting to give in to the flames, she had no memory"¦ At all"¦
What if she in the end could not trust herself; her own mind and judgement anymore?
Over the last three months she had been so desperate to keep the memories and the consciousnesses her mind had touched within the anomaly"¦
...What if in the end she indeed was not herself anymore?
...What if the thoughts she might have brought with her in her state of painful loneliness were not as benevolent as she originally had assumed?...
...What if she had been the attacker after all?

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyle Briggs


The first thing Kyle had done after his return to the Katra was hit Sickbay to get some minor cuts on his hands taken care of. While he was there, he was able to check in on the Ensign they had brought up with the impalement. They seemed to have removed the rod and he was currently sitting on a bed. As Kyle was getting ready to exit, he would have sworn he heard the young man say something about going on duty. He found it hard to believe that such a thing would be allowed only hours after his surgery. He paused and stepped back inside and addressed the young man.

"Ensign. I'm Commander Kyle Briggs." he said as he approached and offered a handshake. "I'm glad to see your surgery went well. However, I couldn't but help hear you mention going on duty. That seems a bit soon doesn't it?" he asked. "Has Doctor Xiiv cleared you to do so?"

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 02, 2021, 11:16:31 PM


The first thing Kyle had done after his return to the Katra was hit Sickbay to get some minor cuts on his hands taken care of. While he was there, he was able to check in on the Ensign they had brought up with the impalement. They seemed to have removed the rod and he was currently sitting on a bed. As Kyle was getting ready to exit, he would have sworn he heard the young man say something about going on duty. He found it hard to believe that such a thing would be allowed only hours after his surgery. He paused and stepped back inside and addressed the young man.

"Ensign. I'm Commander Kyle Briggs." he said as he approached and offered a handshake. "I'm glad to see your surgery went well. However, I couldn't but help hear you mention going on duty. That seems a bit soon doesn't it?" he asked. "Has Doctor Xiiv cleared you to do so?"

[Katra station sickbay]

Kal smiled to Zex wanting Strawberry Milkshake. She had a sweet tooth that one. As he was heading he cringe as his chest and midsection gave him stabbing feeling. He grimaced and pretend he was okay as he held his side and brushed his hands down to his hips. He could survive this pain, really!

Then he stopped when Kyle mentioned himself. He had not met the officer yet, and he was right he was not dismiss. He was not good taking orders from doctors.

He reached out to shake the commander's hand and squeezed the commander's hand as he was struck with knob of pain. It was no showing much but Kal could feel his own eyes watery and his body was trembling from the pain.

"œGlad to meet you commander. No doctor said nothing.  I just know I can do some work...walking and patrolling should not kill me," he replied. "œGetting a Strawberry Shake too should not kill me." He crossed his arms as he felt a sneeze coming on him. There was a panic look on his face as he quick turned around and holding his sides and the sneeze was half out but never came out but man he felt the pain. "œI can do it sir," he said as his back was turned to the commander. He licked his lips and turned around.

He can see this was a losing battle. He bowed his head.



< Katra Station / Medbay >

Zex looked up when she saw the XO pop his head into the room.  She immediately felt a pang of guilt.  She didn't mean to get Kal into any trouble.

She did want the strawberry shake.  The one make with strawberry puree mixed threw it.  But maybe it would have to wait.

"Sir" Zex said in a whisper.  "Perhaps Kal could be assigned to be stationed in Sickbay.  As a guard of sorts" she added.

Then she looked up and across Sickbay to look at Sirol.  The woman was reading quietly.   And the Deltan didn't feel any bad emotions coming from Sirol.

There was no resentment, or anger, or hate.   That was very much opposite of what the Deltan felt when she was attack.  That was full on anger and hate, rage even.

"Has see eaten anything?" Zex asked.  Feeling more sympathy for young scientist.  Not fear or terror.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 02, 2021, 01:47:48 AM

Ser sat close to Eli as the Ensign enter. Drake that's the man's name.  He looked fairly green, but at least he was eager.  They were going to need all his energy in the next couple of days,  If the amount of paper work they just did was any indication.  The last several hours were spent partially catching up with Eli, and mostly trying to keep his head above an ocean of paperwork.  The Ensign was welcome distraction.

"Drake, How'd the run go?  Any problems?  Any odd things happen?" Ser asked

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

At first, Gideon had gone to Ferris' office to make his report, but he remembered that he'd be found at the OOC, considering his office wasn't working properly. He would know; he must've waited almost half an hour when he first went to the office before the Computer informed him where Lieutenant Ferris would be.

He was greeted, of course, by Lieutenant Conely, and Gideon replied, "Uneventful, Leftenant. Maybe the most exciting thing to happen were just a bunch of whingeing children at the rear. Nothing odd. Just a normal flight."

He looked around the OOC. He could tell this was a major hub of the station. THE major hub of the station, specifically. He recognized the huge Vulcan he transported down to Meridian, but other than that, the OOC was just about as alien to him as Meridian. He wasn't up here much, only to find Lieutenant Ferris for assignments.

"So, what's going on around here?" he wondered aloud.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kirok on April 03, 2021, 09:59:10 AM

< Katra Station / Medbay >

Zex looped up when she saw the XO pop his head into the room.  She immediately felt a pang of guilt.  She didn't mean to get Kal into any trouble.

She did want the strawberry shake.  The one make with strawberry puree mixed threw it.  But maybe it would have to wait.

"Sir" Zex said in a whisper.  "Perhaps Kal could be assigned to be stationed in Sickbay.  As a guard of sorts" she added.

Then she looked up and across Sickbay to look at Sirol.  The woman was reading quietly.   And the Deltan didn't feel any bad emotions coming from Sirol.

There was no resentment, or anger, or hate.   That was very much opposite of what the Deltan felt when she was attack.  That was full on anger and hate, rage even.

"Has see eaten anything?" Zex asked.  Feeling more sympathy for young scientist.  Not fear or terror.

[Katra - Sickbay]

Kal had not a big fan to be staying put in sickbay. However that had given him an opportunity. "Zex I get you a Strawberry milkshake at the replicator," he told her as he went to the replicator.

The machine made Zex Strawberry Milkshake and Kal was feeling he needed to be here in the sickbay. Zex was after a witness and accused Sirol for a crime. A Terrorist attack on the Katra. That needed to be investigated.

He took the Milkshake and brought to Zex. "Here you go, Zex," he said to her.

"You know I believe fate has was to make a date with me. Sirol, you do know you need to be under house arrest. You will stay here in my eyesight. Procedures. Now I am going to ask you a few questions...alone," he turned to Zex.

"You see I am fair. By hearing what you have to say in private be a record you tell me. My info will be secured for nobody else to see. Then you be investigated by another and another to comb the truth. I am sure the other part of Security will be on the scene...And I am going to request you are relieve off duty and be under scrutiny eye of security. Do you understand? And if you feel you need make a statement. By so do it."

Hrafn Falleg

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra, approaching the Tigris - Somewhere 'out there' A few hours after leaving Katra]

"Kyan, that's them..." Hrafn said pointing through the window where the Tigris was finally in sight.  "I'll hail them and then if you can hold the Munnin-Ra steady, I'll go back to the transporter pad and make sure everyone gets over safely.  Ever since we lost Tidu for 2 months thanks to a transporter accident I've been a little paranoid about my kids... but needs must!" she grinned.

=/\=Tigris this is Lt. Falleg-Tekin from the Munnin-Ra.  Please start making ready to beam personnel across starting with the children and civilians. We then plan to tractor the Tigris behind us.  =/\=

=/\=Acknowledged Lt. Falleg-Tekin, we're all ready for you.  I'm supposed to tell you that Junior Cadets Tekin Tidu and Nerys have been organised and ready since you sent your first messages from Katra! =/\=

Hrafn let out a joyful snort.   =/\=Yes that sounds like them!  Soon as Mr. Mackenzie is in position we can start beaming... =/\=

"On your mark Kyan, let me know when you're in a good position, we're in transporter range now but I'd prefer we were holding steady and able to move should we be caught unawares.  I have been running scans in the area and haven't seen anything but wouldn't be the first time we'd had a sneak attack."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


[Ready Room]

Kirok continued looking over the data.  Sirol was seen walking around the station just prior to the explosion.  She turned a corner off camera prior to the explosion.  After the explosion she was in one of the docking saucers.

Three minutes lapsed from her turning the corner to the explosion.  If a transporter was used, she could have easily been able to get to Engineering.  So he started a search of the transport logs.

Meanwhile, enhanced imaging showed that she has some burn marks on her clothing after the explosion.  So did many others.  Thus not helpful in exclusively ruling her in or ruling her out as a suspect.

He moved that piece of data to a corning on him big desk screen.   Looking down at it, he opened another query to search her name in reference to any connection to the Tal Shair or any other known 'terrorist' group.  As that search ran he opened he personnel file and set about reading it yet again.

Dillon had been sleeping on his bed in a corner.  He woke and stared at Kirok for a moment.  The he wandered over to the Vulcan and whimpered.

Kirok looked down at the boxer.  "Dinner?" he asked.   "Yes, of course, it's dinner time" the Vulcan added.

So, he stopped what he was doing to take a break.  He walked to the replicator and got a bowl of kibble for Dillon.  And and some food for himself.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 03, 2021, 06:28:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

At first, Gideon had gone to Ferris' office to make his report, but he remembered that he'd be found at the OOC, considering his office wasn't working properly. He would know; he must've waited almost half an hour when he first went to the office before the Computer informed him where Lieutenant Ferris would be.

He was greeted, of course, by Lieutenant Conely, and Gideon replied, "Uneventful, Leftenant. Maybe the most exciting thing to happen were just a bunch of whingeing children at the rear. Nothing odd. Just a normal flight."

He looked around the OOC. He could tell this was a major hub of the station. THE major hub of the station, specifically. He recognized the huge Vulcan he transported down to Meridian, but other than that, the OOC was just about as alien to him as Meridian. He wasn't up here much, only to find Lieutenant Ferris for assignments.

"So, what's going on around here?" he wondered aloud.

[OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]
[NPC:  EQ Kimball - XBorg]

EQ looked up when Gideon came in & Ser came in.  He offed both a nod.  Then went back to monitoring the activity on his duty station.

At the question, the XB looked up again.  "Most of the debris has been collected from Meridian.  Repairs are underway.  The new engine that the Fleetwood brought should be coming online soon.  So, we should be able to change from auxiliary power to main power soon.  Ms. Falleg and Mr. Mackinzie are still off station" he said.

Quote from: Kal on April 04, 2021, 03:18:31 AM

[Katra - Sickbay]

Kal had not a big fan to be staying put in sickbay. However that had given him an opportunity. "Zex I get you a Strawberry milkshake at the replicator," he told her as he went to the replicator.

The machine made Zex Strawberry Milkshake and Kal was feeling he needed to be here in the sickbay. Zex was after a witness and accused Sirol for a crime. A Terrorist attack on the Katra. That needed to be investigated.

He took the Milkshake and brought to Zex. "Here you go, Zex," he said to her.

"You know I believe fate has was to make a date with me. Sirol, you do know you need to be under house arrest. You will stay here in my eyesight. Procedures. Now I am going to ask you a few questions...alone," he turned to Zex.

"You see I am fair. By hearing what you have to say in private be a record you tell me. My info will be secured for nobody else to see. Then you be investigated by another and another to comb the truth. I am sure the other part of Security will be on the scene...And I am going to request you are relieve off duty and be under scrutiny eye of security. Do you understand? And if you feel you need make a statement. By so do it."

[Katra - Sickbay]
[NPC Zex]

Zex lightly chuckled as Kal found a solution to the situation.  He could not leave Sickbay, but wanted to get Zex the milkshake.   "Thank you" she replied.

She saw him turn toward Sirol.  Expecting the he might be going to interview her.  "Kal.  Offer this one to her, please.  She is after all innocent until proven guilty" she said quietly.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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