S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Ser Conley

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 03, 2021, 06:28:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

He was greeted, of course, by Lieutenant Conely, and Gideon replied, "Uneventful, Leftenant. Maybe the most exciting thing to happen were just a bunch of whingeing children at the rear. Nothing odd. Just a normal flight."

"I'll trade you." Ser said with a tried smile.  "All this paper work is dulling my wits."
Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 03, 2021, 06:28:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]
"So, what's going on around here?" he wondered aloud.

"Still trying to get this place up and running.  Im not sure how many more trips you'll have to do." Ser said then leaned into Drake and spoke in loud whisper.  "I'm thinking about joining you, but I not sure the lieutenant will let me."  Ser said motioning him head a little towards Eli.

"One for all and all for one and such." Ser gave dramatic sigh. of course Ser was laying it on thick, but He want a reaction from Eli.  He didn't remember the man  a laugh a minute on the Discovery, but there seemed to be a darkness around the man.  maybe the last couple of weeks had been a bit much for him. 

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Kyle Briggs


Kal had tried to convince Kyle of his readiness to return to duty. Suddenly, the Ensign had started talking about arresting Ensign Sirol.

"Whoa. Whoa. Stand down Ensign. What do you mean she's under arrest?" he asked. "I haven't seen or heard anything about this."

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on April 02, 2021, 10:05:50 AM

[Katra:  OCC]
[NPC EQ Kimball - XB]

EQ entered the large room.  He saw Eli and offered the man a nod.  "Sir" he said by way of greeting.

Eli was the senior officer on the OCC at the moment.  So the greeting was appropriate, but chit chat would have been over the line.  Thus, the XB simply went to a duty station an signed in.

The station pinged that it was ready to work.  "Do you have any orders? Sir" he asked Eli.

"œGood day," Eli said by way of acknowledgement. He was uncertain as to the current day or time, with all that was going on. So, a simple greeting would be better than none. He picked up a PADD and handed it over to EQ. "œIf we can let's analyze what debris

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 03, 2021, 06:28:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

At first, Gideon had gone to Ferris' office to make his report, but he remembered that he'd be found at the OOC, considering his office wasn't working properly. He would know; he must've waited almost half an hour when he first went to the office before the Computer informed him where Lieutenant Ferris would be.

He was greeted, of course, by Lieutenant Conely, and Gideon replied, "Uneventful, Leftenant. Maybe the most exciting thing to happen were just a bunch of whingeing children at the rear. Nothing odd. Just a normal flight."

He looked around the OOC. He could tell this was a major hub of the station. THE major hub of the station, specifically. He recognized the huge Vulcan he transported down to Meridian, but other than that, the OOC was just about as alien to him as Meridian. He wasn't up here much, only to find Lieutenant Ferris for assignments.

"So, what's going on around here?" he wondered aloud.

Eli glanced up from so many readouts and at Drake. He had only a passing familiarity with the officer, which was something Eli felt he needed to rectify. Fortunately, and much to Eli's relief Ser was on hand, both to juggling PADD after PADD and fielding Drake's questions.

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 04, 2021, 08:23:19 PM

"I'll trade you." Ser said with a tried smile.  "All this paper work is dulling my wits."

"Still trying to get this place up and running.  Im not sure how many more trips you'll have to do." Ser said then leaned into Drake and spoke in loud whisper.  "I'm thinking about joining you, but I not sure the lieutenant will let me."  Ser said motioning him head a little towards Eli.

"One for all and all for one and such." Ser gave dramatic sigh. of course Ser was laying it on thick, but He want a reaction from Eli.  He didn't remember the man  a laugh a minute on the Discovery, but there seemed to be a darkness around the man.  maybe the last couple of weeks had been a bit much for him.

"œSer's right, sadly. We are trying to figure out what actually happened and put the pieces back together." Eli pulled another PADD with analysis of the debris field. He turned, and finally managed a smile at having an opportunity to brainstorm with some flight officers. Despite working well with his crewmates, Eli found flight to be a different style in thinking. Looking back and forth from each officer Eli noted both Ser's sarcasm, and Drake's earnestness.
"œSer's been itching to leave the station since he got here" Eli  said, with a sarcastic wink. His sense of humor was probably not where it should be, but he wanted to be at least semi light hearted for those in  his charge. A measure of hope, he supposed. "œBut, if you all leave then I'm stuck with all the paperwork."
Eli pulled up the readings from around the station. "œWe've managed to retrieve all the debris, and I am hoping we have power soon and I can reassess the flight bay and what we have available to us. Ser, perhaps we can start some patrol flights around the perimeter since we don't have to do debris runs."
"œMr. Drake, I would you and Ser to take a runabout around the Katra. I want to load that thing up with an extensive sensor package, since we don't have reliable sensors yet. I need to know if we can operate all pads safely for ships coming and going."



< Katra Station / Medbay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 03, 2021, 09:59:10 AM

Then she looked up and across Sickbay to look at Sirol.  The woman was reading quietly.   And the Deltan didn't feel any bad emotions coming from Sirol.

There was no resentment, or anger, or hate.   That was very much opposite of what the Deltan felt when she was attack.  That was full on anger and hate, rage even.

"Has see eaten anything?" Zex asked.  Feeling more sympathy for young scientist.  Not fear or terror.

Sirol could feel Zex's eyes on her, and slowly looked up from her files.
She had not made any attempt to speak to her yet; assuming that Sirol seeking out the Diplomatics Officer might make things worse.
At the moment she appeared safe and stable, but Sirol did not wish to risk it by potentially making her feel unsafe or threatened via approaching her.

She did not have to be a designated trauma psychologist to understand that putting a victim of an assault together with their attacker - especially under unsupervised circumstances - most likely ended up in forcing them to relive the situation.
And while she did have her fair share of psychological expertise aimed at dealing with foreign and largely unknown cultures and their individuals, it was more than easy to extrapolate and project the effects of disturbing a recently attacked group to a recently attacked individual.
Socio-political psychology or individual coping - In this particular case, the outcomes were predictably similar, and the only true differences were the numerical value of affected victim(s).
And that was certainly the last thing Sirol intended.
Instead she just looked at the other and gave her a little nod, before she quietly opened up her PDA again, browsing through recently downloaded news articles.

She already assumed that her security level for the time being was locked and she would have no access to any of her Katra-bound work material, so instead she began to randomly skim through news within the research and development category, until her eyes finally came to a rest on an article about the functionality and advantages/disadvantages of Transwarp conduits.

Quote from: Kal on April 04, 2021, 03:18:31 AM

[Katra - Sickbay]"You know I believe fate has was to make a date with me. Sirol, you do know you need to be under house arrest. You will stay here in my eyesight. Procedures. Now I am going to ask you a few questions...alone," he turned to Zex.

As Kal approached her bio bed, Sirol lowered her PDA again, and focused on the Ensign. A part of her ironically regretted that his cat was not with him anymore"¦
As he spoke though, she got up a little; into a sitting opposition so she could properly look at him while he was addressing her.
"œ...I was actually assuming to be under arrest already. But thank you for relaying the information Ensign."
She spoke in a calm tone, folding her hands on her lap.
"œI am ready for interrogation, and have no intentions to resist Federation jurisdiction."
Quote from: Kal on April 04, 2021, 03:18:31 AM

"You see I am fair. By hearing what you have to say in private be a record you tell me. My info will be secured for nobody else to see. Then you be investigated by another and another to comb the truth. I am sure the other part of Security will be on the scene...And I am going to request you are relieve off duty and be under scrutiny eye of security. Do you understand? And if you feel you need make a statement. By so do it."

Sirol tilted her head, giving the Ensign a confused look.
Hearings in private? Not relaying the information she was willing to share? That sounded"¦ Unprofessional to say the least. She assumed it to be a Starfleet method of either making her feel more or less confident. Either way it had little emotional impact on her. Instead, she just raised an eyebrow.
"œThere is no need for private statements of any sort, Ensign.
I have neither need for-, nor interest in maintaining privacy or withholding any information about my movements and actions aboard.
Absolute Candour is paramount; sufficient communication is key.
I am eager and willing to share whatever I can offer to help solve this situation regardless of the outcome for my person."

She paused for a moment, then gave a slow nod acknowledging him explaining that she would be - even if just temporarily - relieved from her duties.
"œI understand and accept my relief of duty, Ensign.
I know that most cultures - my own being no exception - offer the chance for me to make a statement. I however have nothing of particular personal urge to share as of now.
I am however willing to answer questions, and work through your mentioned "˜combing for truth'."
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 04, 2021, 09:00:29 PM


Kal had tried to convince Kyle of his readiness to return to duty. Suddenly, the Ensign had started talking about arresting Ensign Sirol.

"Whoa. Whoa. Stand down Ensign. What do you mean she's under arrest?" he asked. "I haven't seen or heard anything about this."

As Commander Briggs joined them, Sirol slowly looked up to the newcomer, bidding him a hailing nod before she slowly opened her arms again, using them to support her weight and leaning a little forward on her bio bed without too much physical pain.
He seemed to not know yet. Only logical considering the various strings of responsibilities and work to be done in the current situation, hence Sirol did simply acknowledge his reaction towards Ensign Jimrec, then looked the Commander in the face.
"œEnsign Zex has been deliberately attacked and her memories indicate my involvement."
She explained to him, with a lose nod pointing at Zex at the other end of the med bay.
"œThere is no need to console me or attempt protection, Commander.
Just as stated by me signing the contract for the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program, Article 37/ Subsection 12/ points 3 and 4, I am prepared for-, and accepting of the investigative measures, their military repercussions and - if deemed necessary - locally practised punishments....
I recommend in order to speed up the process of investigation to request a telepathic individual run a deep cortex scan on my memories.
I myself have not fully regained them since the incident, but I am positive that I might be able to with assistance of a telepathic investigator or the proper technology."

She was not sure as to whether the Federation even permitted research on brain-mapping.
Considering she had not been able to find anything when she had desperately been searching for methods to prevail her memories from inside the Anomaly, Sirol almost assumed it to be either illegal, outlawed or underdeveloped, yet she still wanted to; had to point out every method of help she could think of.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



[Ready Room]

After Kirok finished eating he took Dillon for a short walk.  Then the mighty duo returned to the Ready Room.  Dillon returned to his bed and Kiorok to his standing desk.

The images showing Sirol before and after the explosion were still up.  But with fresh eyes, he noticed something new.  Sirol was wearing her uniform before and after the explosion - no sign of a hooded jacket or a place to hide them anywhere - let alone a backpack or any storage device big enough to hold a bomb.

Sure it was possible for the Romulan to have transported to a location just prior to going to Engineering in the 3 minutes that elapsed.  But changing and grabbing such a such a storage device before the explosion seemed less probable given the time limit.  Less possible, in fact.

[Katra:  OCC]
[NPC EQ Kimball - XB]

EQ stopped in front on Eli when the man returned his greeting and a project to work on.  He eagerly accepted the PADD.  "I'll get right on it, Sir" EQ replied.  "In additions to traces of explosives, is there anything else you are looking for specifically?" the XB asked curiously.

After he got an answer, the Xborg went to a duty station.  Starting with a look for any explosive reside, he started his analysis.  He also rang an an analysis of any biological material found at or near the blast site.  He immediately pulled out any biological material belonging the the Engineering team.  What was left over was a strand of Deltan dna as well as a Romulan strand of dna.  To get more specific he would need someone else's expertise.  "Lieutenant Ferris, I may have something here" he called out.

Zex saw Sirol look over her way.  She could not help but reply with a nod to the Romulan.  Again she didn't feel any anger or any negative emotion coming off Sirol like she expected to come off a person who had recently attacked you.

Her interest peeked, Zex watched as Kal and Kyle interrogated her.  They were too far a way for her to hear the conversation clearly.  She chided herself for not taking the lip reading class at the Academy.

So she relied on her natural skills.  There was no indication of deception from the Romulan.  She seem to be quite genuine in fact, like she had nothing to hide.  Again unexpected in someone who may have bombed the Katra.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 05, 2021, 01:26:33 PM

Eli glanced up from so many readouts and at Drake. He had only a passing familiarity with the officer, which was something Eli felt he needed to rectify. Fortunately, and much to Eli's relief Ser was on hand, both to juggling PADD after PADD and fielding Drake's questions. "œSer's right, sadly. We are trying to figure out what actually happened and put the pieces back together." Eli pulled another PADD with analysis of the debris field. He turned, and finally managed a smile at having an opportunity to brainstorm with some flight officers. Despite working well with his crewmates, Eli found flight to be a different style in thinking. Looking back and forth from each officer Eli noted both Ser's sarcasm, and Drake's earnestness.
"œSer's been itching to leave the station since he got here" Eli  said, with a sarcastic wink. His sense of humor was probably not where it should be, but he wanted to be at least semi light hearted for those in  his charge. A measure of hope, he supposed. "œBut, if you all leave then I'm stuck with all the paperwork."
Eli pulled up the readings from around the station. "œWe've managed to retrieve all the debris, and I am hoping we have power soon and I can reassess the flight bay and what we have available to us. Ser, perhaps we can start some patrol flights around the perimeter since we don't have to do debris runs."
"œMr. Drake, I would you and Ser to take a runabout around the Katra. I want to load that thing up with an extensive sensor package, since we don't have reliable sensors yet. I need to know if we can operate all pads safely for ships coming and going."

"œGood idea, lieutenant." Ser said glad to see hadn't been beaten to all hard edges.  God, Ser know how that felt.  He picked a PADD from the pile they would need just the right ship.   It was sad the Fleetwood had to leave so soon after dropping off the package, but it was good to be back in her deck for that time.

"œI suggest the Allegheny.  It seems to be modified for these types of missions.  And on the plus side I get to see how well Starfleet Academy is teaching my shuttle program."  He said as he patted Drake on the shoulder.

Quote from: Kirok on April 05, 2021, 07:27:50 PM

[Katra:  OCC]
[NPC EQ Kimball - XB]

After he got an answer, the Xborg went to a duty station.  Starting with a look for any explosive reside, he started his analysis.  He also rang an an analysis of any biological material found at or near the blast site.  He immediately pulled out any biological material belonging the the Engineering team.  What was left over was a strand of Deltan dna as well as a Romulan strand of dna.  To get more specific he would need someone else's expertise.  "Lieutenant Ferris, I may have something here" he called out. 

Ser gently grabbed Drake shoulder.  And pulled him back a couple of steps.  Giving Eli the floor.

"œFirst rule of thumb for junior officer," Ser whispered to Drake.  "œAlways listen, without being noticed.  More information is always good.  Especially if it's info you know they don't know you know."

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast


Eydis would acknowledge the deltan like she had belonged to the tholian warrior caste. Something over the lattice told Eydis that hir friend might need some help. And shortly Eydis was leaving the Etain ahead of squad of armored and armed with energy staff weapons. The squad deployed out in front of the airlock to the Etain.

Eydis was out of hir suit but shi was not as cool as shi had been before. Hir emotional state was off balance and hir ability to regulate hir temperature was a little off. So wiffs of vapour shimmered around hir. Hir normal blue eyes were more like crackling lightning balls. Behind hir came skaldyr wielding a staff weapon. Eydis was also searching over the lattice as to what zex might know or emotional state she was in.

What is wrong zex friend. Who caused the explosion

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Sirol on April 05, 2021, 03:08:19 PM

< Katra Station / Medbay >

Sirol could feel Zex's eyes on her, and slowly looked up from her files.
She had not made any attempt to speak to her yet; assuming that Sirol seeking out the Diplomatics Officer might make things worse.
At the moment she appeared safe and stable, but Sirol did not wish to risk it by potentially making her feel unsafe or threatened via approaching her.

She did not have to be a designated trauma psychologist to understand that putting a victim of an assault together with their attacker - especially under unsupervised circumstances - most likely ended up in forcing them to relive the situation.
And while she did have her fair share of psychological expertise aimed at dealing with foreign and largely unknown cultures and their individuals, it was more than easy to extrapolate and project the effects of disturbing a recently attacked group to a recently attacked individual.
Socio-political psychology or individual coping - In this particular case, the outcomes were predictably similar, and the only true differences were the numerical value of affected victim(s).
And that was certainly the last thing Sirol intended.
Instead she just looked at the other and gave her a little nod, before she quietly opened up her PDA again, browsing through recently downloaded news articles.

She already assumed that her security level for the time being was locked and she would have no access to any of her Katra-bound work material, so instead she began to randomly skim through news within the research and development category, until her eyes finally came to a rest on an article about the functionality and advantages/disadvantages of Transwarp conduits.

As Kal approached her bio bed, Sirol lowered her PDA again, and focused on the Ensign. A part of her ironically regretted that his cat was not with him anymore"¦
As he spoke though, she got up a little; into a sitting opposition so she could properly look at him while he was addressing her.
"œ...I was actually assuming to be under arrest already. But thank you for relaying the information Ensign."
She spoke in a calm tone, folding her hands on her lap.
"œI am ready for interrogation, and have no intentions to resist Federation jurisdiction."

Sirol tilted her head, giving the Ensign a confused look.
Hearings in private? Not relaying the information she was willing to share? That sounded"¦ Unprofessional to say the least. She assumed it to be a Starfleet method of either making her feel more or less confident. Either way it had little emotional impact on her. Instead, she just raised an eyebrow.
"œThere is no need for private statements of any sort, Ensign.
I have neither need for-, nor interest in maintaining privacy or withholding any information about my movements and actions aboard.
Absolute Candour is paramount; sufficient communication is key.
I am eager and willing to share whatever I can offer to help solve this situation regardless of the outcome for my person."

She paused for a moment, then gave a slow nod acknowledging him explaining that she would be - even if just temporarily - relieved from her duties.
"œI understand and accept my relief of duty, Ensign.
I know that most cultures - my own being no exception - offer the chance for me to make a statement. I however have nothing of particular personal urge to share as of now.
I am however willing to answer questions, and work through your mentioned "˜combing for truth'."

As Commander Briggs joined them, Sirol slowly looked up to the newcomer, bidding him a hailing nod before she slowly opened her arms again, using them to support her weight and leaning a little forward on her bio bed without too much physical pain.
He seemed to not know yet. Only logical considering the various strings of responsibilities and work to be done in the current situation, hence Sirol did simply acknowledge his reaction towards Ensign Jimrec, then looked the Commander in the face.
"œEnsign Zex has been deliberately attacked and her memories indicate my involvement."
She explained to him, with a lose nod pointing at Zex at the other end of the med bay.
"œThere is no need to console me or attempt protection, Commander.
Just as stated by me signing the contract for the Fveirrolh'khyi-cultural exchange program, Article 37/ Subsection 12/ points 3 and 4, I am prepared for-, and accepting of the investigative measures, their military repercussions and - if deemed necessary - locally practised punishments....
I recommend in order to speed up the process of investigation to request a telepathic individual run a deep cortex scan on my memories.
I myself have not fully regained them since the incident, but I am positive that I might be able to with assistance of a telepathic investigator or the proper technology."

She was not sure as to whether the Federation even permitted research on brain-mapping.
Considering she had not been able to find anything when she had desperately been searching for methods to prevail her memories from inside the Anomaly, Sirol almost assumed it to be either illegal, outlawed or underdeveloped, yet she still wanted to; had to point out every method of help she could think of.

[Katra station - Sickbay]

"First, Zex offers you a Strawberry milkshake," he told her. Before this drama start.

"You don't understand here, Sirol. The reason I need to ask questions so no-one hears it. How do we know you are not alone here on this station? You might have some other members of attack with you. It is my--" he stopped as Kyle came into the scene.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 04, 2021, 09:00:29 PM


Kal had tried to convince Kyle of his readiness to return to duty. Suddenly, the Ensign had started talking about arresting Ensign Sirol.

"Whoa. Whoa. Stand down Ensign. What do you mean she's under arrest?" he asked. "I haven't seen or heard anything about this."

"Sir, I am putting Sirol here under arrest and investigating as this moment. It is my duty to put the station crew and citizens first," he allowed Sirol explain to Kyle.

"I however like to ask questions first before this scan...which still can cover the real truth or leads to a crime. However you are not guilty yet," he crossed his arms and gave her a stern look.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 04, 2021, 08:23:19 PM

"I'll trade you." Ser said with a tried smile.  "All this paper work is dulling my wits."

"Still trying to get this place up and running.  Im not sure how many more trips you'll have to do." Ser said then leaned into Drake and spoke in loud whisper.  "I'm thinking about joining you, but I not sure the lieutenant will let me."  Ser said motioning him head a little towards Eli.

"One for all and all for one and such." Ser gave dramatic sigh. of course Ser was laying it on thick, but He want a reaction from Eli.  He didn't remember the man  a laugh a minute on the Discovery, but there seemed to be a darkness around the man.  maybe the last couple of weeks had been a bit much for him.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 05, 2021, 01:26:33 PM

"œGood day," Eli said by way of acknowledgement. He was uncertain as to the current day or time, with all that was going on. So, a simple greeting would be better than none. He picked up a PADD and handed it over to EQ. "œIf we can let's analyze what debris
Eli glanced up from so many readouts and at Drake. He had only a passing familiarity with the officer, which was something Eli felt he needed to rectify. Fortunately, and much to Eli's relief Ser was on hand, both to juggling PADD after PADD and fielding Drake's questions. "œSer's right, sadly. We are trying to figure out what actually happened and put the pieces back together." Eli pulled another PADD with analysis of the debris field. He turned, and finally managed a smile at having an opportunity to brainstorm with some flight officers. Despite working well with his crewmates, Eli found flight to be a different style in thinking. Looking back and forth from each officer Eli noted both Ser's sarcasm, and Drake's earnestness.
"œSer's been itching to leave the station since he got here" Eli  said, with a sarcastic wink. His sense of humor was probably not where it should be, but he wanted to be at least semi light hearted for those in  his charge. A measure of hope, he supposed. "œBut, if you all leave then I'm stuck with all the paperwork."
Eli pulled up the readings from around the station. "œWe've managed to retrieve all the debris, and I am hoping we have power soon and I can reassess the flight bay and what we have available to us. Ser, perhaps we can start some patrol flights around the perimeter since we don't have to do debris runs."
"œMr. Drake, I would you and Ser to take a runabout around the Katra. I want to load that thing up with an extensive sensor package, since we don't have reliable sensors yet. I need to know if we can operate all pads safely for ships coming and going."

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 05, 2021, 08:23:12 PM

"œGood idea, lieutenant." Ser said glad to see hadn't been beaten to all hard edges.  God, Ser know how that felt.  He picked a PADD from the pile they would need just the right ship.   It was sad the Fleetwood had to leave so soon after dropping off the package, but it was good to be back in her deck for that time.

"œI suggest the Allegheny.  It seems to be modified for these types of missions.  And on the plus side I get to see how well Starfleet Academy is teaching my shuttle program."  He said as he patted Drake on the shoulder.

Ser gently grabbed Drake shoulder.  And pulled him back a couple of steps.  Giving Eli the floor.

"œFirst rule of thumb for junior officer," Ser whispered to Drake.  "œAlways listen, without being noticed.  More information is always good.  Especially if it's info you know they don't know you know."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station ]
Gideon grimaced. Paperwork. He disliked it on instinct, seeing as how the higher-ups in the family freight company had to work with it. But it was bound to be inevitable, having to make reports.

"Ah, well, lefttenant," he said to Lieutenant Conley, "I imagine it's inevitable when you have to make a flight report. But then again, there's no shortage of flight assignments to be expected in a station like this."

He could see both the lieutenants had quite a negative opinion on paper work as he did. Still, paperwork didn't matter now. What matters is what's next.

Gideon listened with interest at the idea of an extensive sensor package on a runabout. He could understand if sensors were still damaged. And he'd have help from Lieutenant Conley. Gideon was especially interested to know he was behind a shuttle program.

"Understood, sir," Gideon said to Ferris. Turning to Conley, he said, "I'm up for it. Sounds like it'll be perfect for this sort of mission. And that's also good advice," he added at Conley's advice.

Then a thought just occurred to him: If he was going to be piloting with a sensor array, he realized he was going to need an engineer to make sure it works properly. On the other hand, if it's working fine, then they'll be good to go, and besides, engineers are most likely going to be needed on Katra more than with two pilots.

Hrafn Falleg

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra, approaching the Tigris - Somewhere 'out there' A few hours after leaving Katra]

The minutes seemed to stretch to hours for Hrafn as she longed to hold her kids and make them feel safe again.  She knew they were probably perfectly ok, but with pirates and Thinkers and all out there, she wouldn't feel safe until they were back at Katra and checked over by Dr. Xiiv.

She knew at least that Lamar would be happy, he had 2 kittens to go back to that Dr. Yo-Na had left now that they were weaned from Sapphire.  He'd left 2, knowing that the twin kittens would have pined for each other had one been left.  Since he'd been posted elsewhere, he had promised to keep in touch, the note had been left for Hrafn and the children in her quarters.

In her mind she paced, she didn't do it physically as she didn't want to unnerve Kyan, and there wasn't that much room in a shuttlecraft.

So she waited, hoping every second that Kyan would say it was time.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Eydis on April 05, 2021, 09:02:22 PM

Eydis would acknowledge the deltan like she had belonged to the tholian warrior caste. Something over the lattice told Eydis that hir friend might need some help. And shortly Eydis was leaving the Etain ahead of squad of armored and armed with energy staff weapons. The squad deployed out in front of the airlock to the Etain.

Eydis was out of hir suit but shi was not as cool as shi had been before. Hir emotional state was off balance and hir ability to regulate hir temperature was a little off. So wiffs of vapour shimmered around hir. Hir normal blue eyes were more like crackling lightning balls. Behind hir came skaldyr wielding a staff weapon. Eydis was also searching over the lattice as to what zex might know or emotional state she was in.

What is wrong zex friend. Who caused the explosion

< Katra Station / Medbay >
[NPC Zex]

The Delta heard Eydis over the lattis thanks to the crystal crown.  It also helped her to know that the Tholian was worried about her.   What more could she hope for in a friend.

She had been focusing on Sirol and the interview, but she stopped for a moment to answer Eydis.  "Physically I am fine.  And they have started the interview.  So far she appears to be being cooperative and open with them.  Which is a bit unexpected.  If she is the attacker, would she be defensive, confrontational, or off putting?" the Deltan asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Katra Station / Medbay

Quote from: Sirol on April 05, 2021, 03:08:19 PM

As Commander Briggs joined them, Sirol slowly looked up to the newcomer, bidding him a hailing nod before she slowly opened her arms again, using them to support her weight and leaning a little forward on her bio bed without too much physical pain.
He seemed to not know yet. Only logical considering the various strings of responsibilities and work to be done in the current situation, hence Sirol did simply acknowledge his reaction towards Ensign Jimrec, then looked the Commander in the face.
"œEnsign Zex has been deliberately attacked and her memories indicate my involvement."
She explained to him, with a lose nod pointing at Zex at the other end of the med bay.

Kyle listened to the young science officer say something about an officer exchange contract. "Okay. Since she is consenting to your questions, you can go ahead, Ensign.....I'm sorry. I never did get your name before. It was a little chaotic down on the planet." he said to the human in the Klingon sash. "But as First Officer, I think I'll exercise my right to hang around and observe." he said. "And I agree. I''d prefer some questioning before we consider the scan. If the Ensign is ready, please precede."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 06, 2021, 07:36:04 AM

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra, approaching the Tigris - Somewhere 'out there' A few hours after leaving Katra]

The minutes seemed to stretch to hours for Hrafn as she longed to hold her kids and make them feel safe again.  She knew they were probably perfectly ok, but with pirates and Thinkers and all out there, she wouldn't feel safe until they were back at Katra and checked over by Dr. Xiiv.

She knew at least that Lamar would be happy, he had 2 kittens to go back to that Dr. Yo-Na had left now that they were weaned from Sapphire.  He'd left 2, knowing that the twin kittens would have pined for each other had one been left.  Since he'd been posted elsewhere, he had promised to keep in touch, the note had been left for Hrafn and the children in her quarters.

In her mind she paced, she didn't do it physically as she didn't want to unnerve Kyan, and there wasn't that much room in a shuttlecraft.

So she waited, hoping every second that Kyan would say it was time.

Since the Tigris was adrift, and unable to manuever on her own, Kyan was forced to adjust the Munnin-Ra's position according to the whims of the Powers themselves. And They often, and especially in this case, weren't wont to play ball, as the grups were fond of saying. It had been several annoying minutes of thrust and adjust before he was finally about to tell Falleg that she could start transporting when a little red indicator on his screen lit up.

With a swipe, the Onlie pulled up the offending indicator and heaved a sigh when the computer informed him of what had triggered the alarm. It was a freighter, which wouldn't generally get the hackles up, but this one was sporting several disruptor mounts and probably a torpedo launcher somewhere.

And of course, she was also running a standard Gamma Quadrant Orion Syndicate transponder, which had been showing up much more often over the past few years.

Kyan turned to the Trill woman. "Well Ms. Falleg, it looks like we're not the only ones out here after all so." he said curtly. "And them's Orion Slavers over there, the which are likely here to pick up our escape pods and runabouts for their markets."

Kyan was reasonably certain that they could save most of the passengers on the Tigris, OR destroy the Freighter, given freedom to be creative, but doing both would require intervention on their behalf by the same Powers that had seen fit to play cat and mouse with the runabout for the past while.

"So we can either hit them first and slug it out, which gives their friends time to come and help, or we can snatch as many as we can off that runabout and run. Them's your kinfolks on the Tigris so I leave it to you to decide. But whichever you choose, you'll need tae be choosin quickly the now."


[Ready Room]

Kirok looked again at the images to make sure he was not mistaken.  Nope.  Sirol had no hooded jacket with her in either image.

That was when the data came in regarding Sirol and any possible connections to any terrorist groups.  There were no known connection.  Another indication that she might not have had anything to do with the attack on the station.

There was just one piece of data he was mission.  The data from the debris.  So he headed out of his ready room and onto the OCC.

"I'll be back soon" he said to Dillon before leaving the room.  "You stay.  I will return shortly" he added before stepping threw the doorway.


The half Vulcan, of course, saw Eli, Ser, Mr. Drake, and EQ hard at work.  "Gentlemen" Kirok said by way of greeting.  He offed the group a small bow.  "Off to gather some of our visitors, Mr. Conley or is Mr. Drake going alone?" he asked the duo.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Kirok on April 07, 2021, 05:34:32 PM


The half Vulcan, of course, saw Eli, Ser, Mr. Drake, and EQ hard at work.  "Gentlemen" Kirok said by way of greeting.  He offed the group a small bow.  "Off to gather some of our visitors, Mr. Conley or is Mr. Drake going alone?" he asked the duo.

Ser almost chuckled out loud.  He'd forgotten what it was like to have people who knew him.  Ser was a flyer.  Their maybe some in starfleet who were better than him, but that was a short list.  A very short list.  Ser knew that as a fact, but what cared about was the flying.  Flying was soul deep to him, and He loved it.  Since the first day he saw a starship he'd known he fly them.

Course Kirok knew Ser would be going crazy doing all this paperwork.  He was probably trying to give an old friend a... friend?  Did Kirok even think of him as a friend.  Kirok was the definition of a Starfleet Captain.   He was Ser's Captain from the moment they met, and yes they had history, but...  It didn't matter.  Ser was his friend at the very least.  Not much else mattered after that.

"Well Captain, the Lieutenant just asked us to go and do a scanner swipe around the station."  Ser said.

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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