S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Kirok nodded.  "An equally good use of your time" Kirok agreed.  "The sooner we can assure that the station is safe we can finally welcome new visitors" he added.

"I find it agreeable that you are here.  You have much to teach any new pilot.  That said, Mr. Drake did an excellent job of getting Kyle and I here safety" the half Vulcan said.

"When you are finished with you duties and find that you have some down time, I would find it agreeable if you would seek me out.  So that we could speak in private.  Nothing urgent, of course" Kirok finished.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Kirok on April 07, 2021, 06:48:00 PM


Kirok nodded.  "An equally good use of your time" Kirok agreed.  "The sooner we can assure that the station is safe we can finally welcome new visitors" he added.

"I find it agreeable that you are here.  You have much to teach any new pilot.  That said, Mr. Drake did an excellent job of getting Kyle and I here safety" the half Vulcan said.

"When you are finished with you duties and find that you have some down time, I would find it agreeable if you would seek me out.  So that we could speak in private.  Nothing urgent, of course" Kirok finished.

"Very Good, Captain, I was hoping for a chance to talk with you."  Ser said.  Then looked over to Kimball.  "You had some info  the Captain should hear it."

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast



"I'm looking forward to it" Kirok replied sincerely.  He offered the man a nod.  The news that EQ had information for him resulted in a rise in the half Vulcan's right eyebrow.

"Thank you, Ser.  Don't let me keep you.  I would hate for you to be in hot water with Mr. Ferris on your first day back" the Captain added with an attempt at humor.

Then he turned to the Xborg.  "Mr. Kimball.  Report if you please" he requested.

NBC:  EQ Kimball

EQ had turned toward Ser and Kirok when he heard his name.  He expected the Captain's question.  So he was quick to reply.

"Sir.  I have identified some dna from the explosion site that needs analyzing.  I don't have access to be able to do that on my station" the XB replied. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on April 07, 2021, 05:34:32 PM

[Ready Room]

Kirok looked again at the images to make sure he was not mistaken.  Nope.  Sirol had no hooded jacket with her in either image.

That was when the data came in regarding Sirol and any possible connections to any terrorist groups.  There were no known connection.  Another indication that she might not have had anything to do with the attack on the station.

There was just one piece of data he was mission.  The data from the debris.  So he headed out of his ready room and onto the OCC.

"I'll be back soon" he said to Dillon before leaving the room.  "You stay.  I will return shortly" he added before stepping threw the doorway.


The half Vulcan, of course, saw Eli, Ser, Mr. Drake, and EQ hard at work.  "Gentlemen" Kirok said by way of greeting.  He offed the group a small bow.  "Off to gather some of our visitors, Mr. Conley or is Mr. Drake going alone?" he asked the duo.

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 07, 2021, 06:28:41 PM

Ser almost chuckled out loud.  He'd forgotten what it was like to have people who knew him.  Ser was a flyer.  Their maybe some in starfleet who were better than him, but that was a short list.  A very short list.  Ser knew that as a fact, but what cared about was the flying.  Flying was soul deep to him, and He loved it.  Since the first day he saw a starship he'd known he fly them.

Course Kirok knew Ser would be going crazy doing all this paperwork.  He was probably trying to give an old friend a... friend?  Did Kirok even think of him as a friend.  Kirok was the definition of a Starfleet Captain.   He was Ser's Captain from the moment they met, and yes they had history, but...  It didn't matter.  Ser was his friend at the very least.  Not much else mattered after that.

"Well Captain, the Lieutenant just asked us to go and do a scanner swipe around the station."  Ser said.

Quote from: Kirok on April 07, 2021, 06:48:00 PM


Kirok nodded.  "An equally good use of your time" Kirok agreed.  "The sooner we can assure that the station is safe we can finally welcome new visitors" he added.

"I find it agreeable that you are here.  You have much to teach any new pilot.  That said, Mr. Drake did an excellent job of getting Kyle and I here safety" the half Vulcan said.

"When you are finished with you duties and find that you have some down time, I would find it agreeable if you would seek me out.  So that we could speak in private.  Nothing urgent, of course" Kirok finished.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon was intrigued. What visitors? But what mattered was the next flight assignment. And he was interested in what Lieutenant Conley had to teach him. Especially since Captain Kirok has great deal of praise for his transporting him and Commander Briggs to Katra.

"Why, thanks much, Captain," said Gideon. "And I look forward to any flight pointers you may have."

As he thought of the next flight assignment, he remembered something and then asked Captain Kirok, "Sir, I was wondering if it will be possible for us to borrow an Engineering officer for this flight? Just to make sure our sensor package will work properly, of course."



< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Kal on April 06, 2021, 12:07:13 AM

"First, Zex offers you a Strawberry milkshake," he told her. Before this drama start.

"You don't understand here, Sirol. The reason I need to ask questions so no-one hears it. How do we know you are not alone here on this station? You might have some other members of attack with you. It is my--" he stopped as Kyle came into the scene.

Quote from: Kirok on April 05, 2021, 07:27:50 PM

Her interest peeked, Zex watched as Kal and Kyle interrogated her.  They were too far a way for her to hear the conversation clearly.  She chided herself for not taking the lip reading class at the Academy.

So she relied on her natural skills.  There was no indication of deception from the Romulan.  She seem to be quite genuine in fact, like she had nothing to hide.  Again unexpected in someone who may have bombed the Katra.

With a hesitant nod Sirol acknowledged the gift and slowly reached out for the Strawberry Milkshake.
Another unexpected gesture, yet Sirol appreciated it.
Ever since she had temporarily gotten out of the MedBay this morning she had not made the time to eat anything, and with every step and physical move being outstandingly painful and twice as exhausting thanks to her exoskeletal support frame, she could tell that her blood sugar was too low. (But not low enough yet to contact Doctor Xiiv and pull her away from more pressing matters...)
Once more she looked over to Ensign Zex.
Even without meeting her eyes, Sirol could tell that she was still watching, and the scientist was perfectly comfortable with it. Anything that helped Zex process what happened was alright with Sirol, even if it meant to attentively watch every of her recent steps.
Tilting her head and pointing at the Milkshake she gave the Diplomatics Officer a silent gesture of appreciation, before she then slowly turned around towards Ensign Jimrec again, began to nibble on the straw and listened to his explanation.
With his further explanation, his motivation behind the tactic he planned to use became more obvious and logical.
With a quick nod the slender scientist hence agreed to the unorthodox procedure.

"œSo you assume me to have collaborators?
Not far fetched considering my lack of proper equipment for such a... Mission"¦
Hacking myself into sensitive areas of Katra may be easy, but obtaining and operating XOs, and withstanding physical combat with a Starfleet Officer is subjectively less so... "

She musingly tilted her head, not realising that she may or may not have made her standing worse by admitting her ease when it came to hacking"¦
Yet one thing was certain: Sirol indeed was not particularly useful in close combat situations - With her lanky, almost even frail and fragile physique entirely reflecting the cerebral nature of her work.
The only way Sirol realistically would be able to cause harm would be by utilising the technology she so easily operated...

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 06, 2021, 10:00:02 PM

Katra Station / Medbay

Kyle listened to the young science officer say something about an officer exchange contract. "Okay. Since she is consenting to your questions, you can go ahead, Ensign.....I'm sorry. I never did get your name before. It was a little chaotic down on the planet." he said to the human in the Klingon sash. "But as First Officer, I think I'll exercise my right to hang around and observe." he said. "And I agree. I''d prefer some questioning before we consider the scan. If the Ensign is ready, please precede."

Quote from: Kal on April 06, 2021, 12:07:13 AM

"Sir, I am putting Sirol here under arrest and investigating as this moment. It is my duty to put the station crew and citizens first," he allowed Sirol explain to Kyle.

"I however like to ask questions first before this scan...which still can cover the real truth or leads to a crime. However you are not guilty yet," he crossed his arms and gave her a stern look.

Taking yet another sip from her Milkshake, Sirol closed her eyes for a moment.
The taste reminded her of the sweet drinks Ensign Zex had introduced her to back at the meeting at the Brauhaus Gamma. She enjoyed it. The sweet flavour in itself certainly was nothing she was particularly used to, but it started to grow on her.
Keeping her eyes closed for a moment helped her focus again; focus on the voices of Commander Briggs and Ensign Jimrec, and it was a little remedy helping her with the low-level migraine that came with the light exposure of the MedBay.
For a moment she just idled; sucked in the impressions, the chatter and thoughts around her, mentally preparing herself for the long route"¦

She was not entirely happy with the fact that both, the Commander and the Ensign preferred to "˜manually' ask questions instead of a brain scan.
The Federation had roughly fourty-five telepathic species in its ranks and - unlike the Romulan Free State - was entirely accepting and embracing of their gift, so why not utilise them in investigations like this one?
To Sirol it was yet another illogical obstacle that would cost her and everyone around more time"¦
With a silent sigh she opened her eyes again and focused Ensign Jimrec.

"œBy all means, Ensign. I am ready.
I suppose you will want to know what I did during the time of the attack, correct?
...The answer is: I myself do not know. I have not been able to regain those memories yet and my assigned room mate"¦ Left the station shortly after the attack"¦
Considering that I still struggle with adapting to the Starfleet shift cycles though, there is a likely chance that I might have spent a sleepless night either in my Simulation Lab working, or on the Holodeck.
In either case, there might be logs of my potential activity. The same goes for internal transporters in case I was trying to avoid being seen..."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

[Katra station / docking bay area / personal quarters]

"Mhpf mmphf!"

Serena King stepped back into Katra and felt an odd sense of deja vu... Or perhaps it was heartburn from that lamb kebab. Whatever it was, she clamped a hand onto her mouth as she stepped from the airlock, trying to be dodge past a trio of burly Tellarites. With the nimbleness of a drunk mountain goat and the dignity of a single anchovy on a plate of Caesar Salad, she managed to enter into the nearest restroom and threw up. After a few minutes, she managed to ease herself up, went to a basin and rinsed out her mouth... Then charged back into the booth and threw up again.

"Join Starfleet, you said. Get out and explore new worlds, new civilizations and see the decor of their restrooms, you said!" Serena finally was able to untangle herself and finally cleaned up at a basin. Her left ear's vestibular apparatus was misshaped, causing her to be much more susceptible to balance and motions. Although she took medication to try and suppress this, untuned inertial dampeners turned her into a slumped and partially conscious passenger and yes, it was her head that was spinning, not the room itself.

Although her uniform was untouched, she was somewhat aware it now smelled slightly of... Yes, it was that lamb kebab (but oh, that delicious garlic sauce!). She found her assigned quarters and took a quick sonic shower. Inside her duffel was a spare uniform, a small toolkit (as the saying goes, a real Engineer...) and of course, a sugared lemon (wrapped in keep-fresh plastic). With a quick shake of her head and rubbing her left ring finger absently, she got dressed and made a note to clean her uniform and made her way to the turbolifts.

[Katra station / OCC]

Arriving in the OCC, Serena stepped out. The powerful sense of deja vu took hold again. The last time she did this over a year ago, she was making a tour and was facing the restroom. Making sure this time she was facing towards the ring of consoles, she stepped forward.

"Engineer Serena King, reporting for duty."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 07, 2021, 02:17:56 PM

Since the Tigris was adrift, and unable to manuever on her own, Kyan was forced to adjust the Munnin-Ra's position according to the whims of the Powers themselves. And They often, and especially in this case, weren't wont to play ball, as the grups were fond of saying. It had been several annoying minutes of thrust and adjust before he was finally about to tell Falleg that she could start transporting when a little red indicator on his screen lit up.

With a swipe, the Onlie pulled up the offending indicator and heaved a sigh when the computer informed him of what had triggered the alarm. It was a freighter, which wouldn't generally get the hackles up, but this one was sporting several disruptor mounts and probably a torpedo launcher somewhere.

And of course, she was also running a standard Gamma Quadrant Orion Syndicate transponder, which had been showing up much more often over the past few years.

Kyan turned to the Trill woman. "Well Ms. Falleg, it looks like we're not the only ones out here after all so." he said curtly. "And them's Orion Slavers over there, the which are likely here to pick up our escape pods and runabouts for their markets."

Kyan was reasonably certain that they could save most of the passengers on the Tigris, OR destroy the Freighter, given freedom to be creative, but doing both would require intervention on their behalf by the same Powers that had seen fit to play cat and mouse with the runabout for the past while.

"So we can either hit them first and slug it out, which gives their friends time to come and help, or we can snatch as many as we can off that runabout and run. Them's your kinfolks on the Tigris so I leave it to you to decide. But whichever you choose, you'll need tae be choosin quickly the now."

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra... somewhere in the expanse]

"Like you even have to ask!  We're getting them out of there!  Starting with the kids.  I know that sounds rather biased but that is why we came out here.  Kids, women, civilians. grab as many as we can.  While I'm dealing with the transporter, put a call out to Katra OCC to tell them about the slavers, they can hopefully put a repeater loop message out to any ships in the area and hopefully they can pick up pods, a lot of the traders that stop in at Katra are friendly to us and may help."  Hrafn said quickly.

"Get ready to move the instant that I have everyone on board and sing out if the situation becomes unstable but hold her at least until I have the kids, our shielding should hold that long at least."

=/\=Tigris, ready to beam, two at a time, children and civillians first! =/\=

Aboard the Tigris, Ensign Meg Evans smiled.

=/\= Yes Ma'am sending now, one adult civilian with one child so they have someone going onto the transporter pads with them. =/\=

Before long the shimmering glow of light formed on the transporter pads and Crista plus Nerys showed up.

"MAMMY!" she screamed and flung herself at her mother.

"Am I glad to see you, Hrafn!" Crista said with a grin, "...and... is that Mr Mackenzie?!"

"Nerys, baby... I love you, but sit quietly with Crista... good to see you safe Crista and yes it is Kyan... for a little while, once we have everyone on board, then you can have all the hugs and kisses you want!"  she dropped a kiss on the top of her daughter's head, fighting the urge to just hold and kiss her, but there was a mission at hand.

Soon enough, Ujosso and Tidu, James and Lamar, Anth McCutcheon and the cats, then the Carter family - the mother with one child and the father with the other, the civilians and Lt. Verso whom they'd sent over with Ping Ja Du since she was injured.

"Kyan... I'm hoping we can get the last 4 out but that's all the kids and civilians...."

As she spoke, the Orion slaver ship strafed the Munnin-Ra rocking her, and setting the kids screaming.  The Carters shushed their children as did Crista, James and Ujosso, the cats started fighting in their basket and it was pandemonium.

"Quiet, everyone let Kyan concentrate, we need to take evasive action.  Our shields will only hold so long!"

=/\=Ensign Evans do you have any manoeuvrability at all? =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 08, 2021, 05:49:14 AM

[Katra station / docking bay area / personal quarters]

"Mhpf mmphf!"

Serena King stepped back into Katra and felt an odd sense of deja vu... Or perhaps it was heartburn from that lamb kebab. Whatever it was, she clamped a hand onto her mouth as she stepped from the airlock, trying to be dodge past a trio of burly Tellarites. With the nimbleness of a drunk mountain goat and the dignity of a single anchovy on a plate of Caesar Salad, she managed to enter into the nearest restroom and threw up. After a few minutes, she managed to ease herself up, went to a basin and rinsed out her mouth... Then charged back into the booth and threw up again.

"Join Starfleet, you said. Get out and explore new worlds, new civilizations and see the decor of their restrooms, you said!" Serena finally was able to untangle herself and finally cleaned up at a basin. Her left ear's vestibular apparatus was misshaped, causing her to be much more susceptible to balance and motions. Although she took medication to try and suppress this, untuned inertial dampeners turned her into a slumped and partially conscious passenger and yes, it was her head that was spinning, not the room itself.

Although her uniform was untouched, she was somewhat aware it now smelled slightly of... Yes, it was that lamb kebab (but oh, that delicious garlic sauce!). She found her assigned quarters and took a quick sonic shower. Inside her duffel was a spare uniform, a small toolkit (as the saying goes, a real Engineer...) and of course, a sugared lemon (wrapped in keep-fresh plastic). With a quick shake of her head and rubbing her left ring finger absently, she got dressed and made a note to clean her uniform and made her way to the turbolifts.

[Katra station / OCC]

Arriving in the OCC, Serena stepped out. The powerful sense of deja vu took hold again. The last time she did this over a year ago, she was making a tour and was facing the restroom. Making sure this time she was facing towards the ring of consoles, she stepped forward.

"Engineer Serena King, reporting for duty."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon looked over at the new arrival and double-taked. Stepping into the OOC was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Besides Nira Said, who graduated just as he entered the Academy but was nonetheless talked about by half the lads who regarded her, in their opinion, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. As a ladies' man, Gideon naturally had a sort of crush on her, him and the rest of the lads at the Academy who fell for her, having seen images of her.

But the girl who entered would definitely tie with her, in Gideon's opinion. Those eyes, that hair...

He resisted staring and just gave a momentary once-over before he turned back to his superiors. She wore a yellow uniform, but judging by the kit on her, she must be an Engineer. Inwardly, he realized he couldn't believe his luck. He was thinking professionally that there needed to be an engineer to make sure the sensor package would work, and here she came.

Gideon, of course, as a ladies' man, also knew the limits and also knew perfectly well enough to stay out of trouble. Besides, this was Starfleet, not to mention he came from almost a millennium's worth of generations of Drakes who were first naval officers, then pilots, whether of big balloons or planes. Duty came first.

As the new engineer approached the Captain, Gideon nodded professionally and courteously.

Eli Ferris


Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station| OCC

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 05, 2021, 08:23:12 PM

"œGood idea, lieutenant." Ser said glad to see hadn't been beaten to all hard edges.  God, Ser know how that felt.  He picked a PADD from the pile they would need just the right ship.   It was sad the Fleetwood had to leave so soon after dropping off the package, but it was good to be back in her deck for that time.

"œI suggest the Allegheny.  It seems to be modified for these types of missions.  And on the plus side I get to see how well Starfleet Academy is teaching my shuttle program."  He said as he patted Drake on the shoulder.   

"œThank you, Ser." Eli pulled up the Allegheny's stats on his console to refresh his old memory. "œGood point on this ship, I would suggest updating the most recent station debris picked up. That will give us an idea of what goes where."
Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 06, 2021, 12:18:42 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station ]
Gideon grimaced. Paperwork. He disliked it on instinct, seeing as how the higher-ups in the family freight company had to work with it. But it was bound to be inevitable, having to make reports.

"Ah, well, lefttenant," he said to Lieutenant Conley, "I imagine it's inevitable when you have to make a flight report. But then again, there's no shortage of flight assignments to be expected in a station like this."

He could see both the lieutenants had quite a negative opinion on paper work as he did. Still, paperwork didn't matter now. What matters is what's next.

Gideon listened with interest at the idea of an extensive sensor package on a runabout. He could understand if sensors were still damaged. And he'd have help from Lieutenant Conley. Gideon was especially interested to know he was behind a shuttle program.

"Understood, sir," Gideon said to Ferris. Turning to Conley, he said, "I'm up for it. Sounds like it'll be perfect for this sort of mission. And that's also good advice," he added at Conley's advice.

Then a thought just occurred to him: If he was going to be piloting with a sensor array, he realized he was going to need an engineer to make sure it works properly. On the other hand, if it's working fine, then they'll be good to go, and besides, engineers are most likely going to be needed on Katra more than with two pilots.

"œExcellent." Eli pulled up the latest sensor logs. From what he was gathering there was still a lot of information to bring in. The sensor data that he had was being updated constantly by all the various sensors. "œI believe we can tie directly to the OCC monitors to boost the onboard equipment."
He turned to great Kirok as he entered the OCC. "œGood day, Captain." Eli pulled up the potential flight plan. "œI have them pursuing any additional hull damage or strain in as much detail as possible. That way we can coordinate the work bees for more specific repairs.
Quote from: Serena King on April 08, 2021, 05:49:14 AM

[Katra station / OCC]

Arriving in the OCC, Serena stepped out. The powerful sense of deja vu took hold again. The last time she did this over a year ago, she was making a tour and was facing the restroom. Making sure this time she was facing towards the ring of consoles, she stepped forward.

"Engineer Serena King, reporting for duty."

Eli turned at the entrance and gave a smile and a nod to the ensign. She looked nervous, if Eli was reading her expression correctly.




"Good day" Kirok replied to Eli.  The CO listened to the man's explanation for the mission he had given to Ser and Mr. Drake.  He nodded in agreement with the idea.  "Use whatever resources you need" he said.

"The compliment was well earned.  But I will allow Mr. Ferris to decide if an engineer should be tasked to go with you.  His mission, his decision" he said.

He started his way over to EQ, but stopped when Ms. King entered the room.  "I am Kirok, CO of the station.  You're time is perfect as there is much to do aboard the station.  Mr. Ferris was just about to determine if an engineer is needed for his mission.  If he has no objections, I can see how an Engineer might help analyze the structural integrity of the station" he said after offering her a small bow.  Then he turned to Eli.

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[npc Zex]

Zex saw Sirol indicate her thanks for the milkshake.  The Deltan could not help but offer a small smile.  Weak though as it was.

She saw Sirol take a sip.  So trusting.  Yeah trusting.

The thought struck Zex funny.  If Sirol was the attacker who hated them why was she so trusting.  Unless...

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 08, 2021, 08:41:13 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon looked over at the new arrival and double-taked. Stepping into the OOC was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Besides Nira Said, who graduated just as he entered the Academy but was nonetheless talked about by half the lads who regarded her, in their opinion, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. As a ladies' man, Gideon naturally had a sort of crush on her, him and the rest of the lads at the Academy who fell for her, having seen images of her.

But the girl who entered would definitely tie with her, in Gideon's opinion. Those eyes, that hair...

He resisted staring and just gave a momentary once-over before he turned back to his superiors. She wore a yellow uniform, but judging by the kit on her, she must be an Engineer. Inwardly, he realized he couldn't believe his luck. He was thinking professionally that there needed to be an engineer to make sure the sensor package would work, and here she came.

Gideon, of course, as a ladies' man, also knew the limits and also knew perfectly well enough to stay out of trouble. Besides, this was Starfleet, not to mention he came from almost a millennium's worth of generations of Drakes who were first naval officers, then pilots, whether of big balloons or planes. Duty came first.

As the new engineer approached the Captain, Gideon nodded professionally and courteously.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 08, 2021, 03:42:48 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station| OCC

Eli turned at the entrance and gave a smile and a nod to the ensign. She looked nervous, if Eli was reading her expression correctly.

Quote from: Kirok on April 08, 2021, 09:55:14 PM


He started his way over to EQ, but stopped when Ms. King entered the room.  "I am Kirok, CO of the station.  You're time is perfect as there is much to do aboard the station.  Mr. Ferris was just about to determine if an engineer is needed for his mission.  If not, I can find something for you to do" he said after offering her a small bow.  Then he turned to Eli.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena bowed to the Captain and turned a shade darker. He had already moved off. It wasn't thoughtless, it was just simple efficiency. The Captain of a Station was busy, nor were Vulcans prone to small talk. So there she was, standing there as if invited to a party where she didn't know anyone else and there was no buffet or drinks table to distract herself with.

Resisting the urge to throw her arms to the side and twirl like Maria von Trapp in The Sound of Music, she made a small circuit of the OCC, nodding and exchanging pleasantries, smiling back at the one Lieutenant near the entrance a little shyly, though she somehow missed the red haired Ensign's long look in her direction.

Still a little uncertain of what to do, although she quite clearly heard the Captain's earlier comments as she came in, she chose discretion and conservatism. Without a "directly addressed comment", she decided to wait for further instruction. Seeing the Engineer's console empty, she slid into the seat and started pulling up some Engineering logs and familiarised herself with a few systems, then opened up a coding window and started transcribing code she had developed in her head and waited for someone else to take the next steps.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Sirol on April 08, 2021, 12:10:11 AM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

With a hesitant nod Sirol acknowledged the gift and slowly reached out for the Strawberry Milkshake.
Another unexpected gesture, yet Sirol appreciated it.
Ever since she had temporarily gotten out of the MedBay this morning she had not made the time to eat anything, and with every step and physical move being outstandingly painful and twice as exhausting thanks to her exoskeletal support frame, she could tell that her blood sugar was too low. (But not low enough yet to contact Doctor Xiiv and pull her away from more pressing matters...)
Once more she looked over to Ensign Zex.
Even without meeting her eyes, Sirol could tell that she was still watching, and the scientist was perfectly comfortable with it. Anything that helped Zex process what happened was alright with Sirol, even if it meant to attentively watch every of her recent steps.
Tilting her head and pointing at the Milkshake she gave the Diplomatics Officer a silent gesture of appreciation, before she then slowly turned around towards Ensign Jimrec again, began to nibble on the straw and listened to his explanation.
With his further explanation, his motivation behind the tactic he planned to use became more obvious and logical.
With a quick nod the slender scientist hence agreed to the unorthodox procedure.

"œSo you assume me to have collaborators?
Not far fetched considering my lack of proper equipment for such a... Mission"¦
Hacking myself into sensitive areas of Katra may be easy, but obtaining and operating XOs, and withstanding physical combat with a Starfleet Officer is subjectively less so... "

She musingly tilted her head, not realising that she may or may not have made her standing worse by admitting her ease when it came to hacking"¦

With his arms still folded over his chest. "œSpies or terrorist can act low level as they want. A custodian would be good cover up. And may I remind you the Dominion war we had Changelings all over Starfleet," he replied sternly.

Yet one thing was certain: Sirol indeed was not particularly useful in close combat situations - With her lanky, almost even frail and fragile physique entirely reflecting the cerebral nature of her work.
The only way Sirol realistically would be able to cause harm would be by utilising the technology she so easily operated...

Taking yet another sip from her Milkshake, Sirol closed her eyes for a moment.
The taste reminded her of the sweet drinks Ensign Zex had introduced her to back at the meeting at the Brauhaus Gamma. She enjoyed it. The sweet flavour in itself certainly was nothing she was particularly used to, but it started to grow on her.
Keeping her eyes closed for a moment helped her focus again; focus on the voices of Commander Briggs and Ensign Jimrec, and it was a little remedy helping her with the low-level migraine that came with the light exposure of the MedBay.
For a moment she just idled; sucked in the impressions, the chatter and thoughts around her, mentally preparing herself for the long route"¦

She was not entirely happy with the fact that both, the Commander and the Ensign preferred to "˜manually' ask questions instead of a brain scan.
The Federation had roughly fourty-five telepathic species in its ranks and - unlike the Romulan Free State - was entirely accepting and embracing of their gift, so why not utilise them in investigations like this one?
To Sirol it was yet another illogical obstacle that would cost her and everyone around more time"¦
With a silent sigh she opened her eyes again and focused Ensign Jimrec.

"œBy all means, Ensign. I am ready.
I suppose you will want to know what I did during the time of the attack, correct?
...The answer is: I myself do not know. I have not been able to regain those memories yet and my assigned room mate"¦ Left the station shortly after the attack"¦
Considering that I still struggle with adapting to the Starfleet shift cycles though, there is a likely chance that I might have spent a sleepless night either in my Simulation Lab working, or on the Holodeck.
In either case, there might be logs of my potential activity. The same goes for internal transporters in case I was trying to avoid being seen..."

Kal narrowed his eyes as he was trying to see through her. Which he was unable to do so. "œThen can you recall who were with before and where were you?"

Then the next question was, "œWe're you on duty? And was anyone in the working area you were? And please try to remember," he said.

"œAnd who is your room mate. We need to contact them as well," he added.



As Kirok was waiting for a reply from Eli, his padd dinged.  He looked down at it.  It indicated that the transport logs had finally come in.

He open the file.  Sadly though is showed a disruption from just before the explosion to just after it.  To him, that indicated that someone had found a way to stop the logs from recording anything for a period of time.  Only a person with command codes could have managed that.

Or so he thought.  Luckily he had an Engineering Ensign available who might be able to shed more light on the situation.   "Ensign King.  If you wanted to break into the engineering room with no credentials to do so, how would you do it?" he asked curiously?

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Katra - Med bay

Quote from: Kal on April 09, 2021, 05:43:00 PM

With his arms still folded over his chest. "œSpies or terrorist can act low level as they want. A custodian would be good cover up. And may I remind you the Dominion war we had Changelings all over Starfleet," he replied sternly.

Kal narrowed his eyes as he was trying to see through her. Which he was unable to do so. "œThen can you recall who were with before and where were you?"

Then the next question was, "œWe're you on duty? And was anyone in the working area you were? And please try to remember," he said.

"œAnd who is your room mate. We need to contact them as well," he added.

Kyle listened as the security ensign asked his questions. He did well as an interrogator. When he was done, Kyle spoke up.

"Luckily, we're now able to test for Changelings now. I'll get one of the doctors to handle that." Kyle said. "I'll get the computer logs myself to see if there's a record of her locations. If she was working, there will be readings from her bio signature and comm badge."

Kyle walked away to access a wall terminal.


< Katra Station / Medbay >

Sirol had been pausing; waiting for a response from both, Commander Briggs and Ensign Jimrec, when once more Ensign Zex caught Sirol's attention.
The way she was looking; the thoughtful, observant, almost even curious aura she was flooding the MedBay with...

Quote from: Kirok on April 08, 2021, 09:55:14 PM

[npc Zex][/color]

Zex saw Sirol indicate her thanks for the milkshake.  The Deltan could not help but offer a small smile.  Weak though as it was.

She saw Sirol take a sip.  So trusting.  Yeah trusting.

The thought struck Zex funny.  If Sirol was the attacker who hated them why was she so trusting.  Unless...

All of a sudden Sirol stopped.
That drink"¦ What was it with her drink and why was Zex so captivated by Sirol it?!
Eventually she decided to act; Sirol's sensing of the right emotions leading her - ironically - to a hypothesis that may or may not have made sense for someone in Zex's situation.

Slowly Sirol turned around towards her, now looking directly at the Diplomatics Officer again and opening Dialogue.
"œ...You feel like someone too well-mannered to spit in a person's drink, but"¦ Considering the circumstances and your focus on me"¦ Did you?!

She then looked back at the milkshake again, taking another sip.
Potential saliva or not, it was too tasty to stop...

Quote from: Kal on April 09, 2021, 05:43:00 PM

With his arms still folded over his chest. "œSpies or terrorist can act low level as they want. A custodian would be good cover up. And may I remind you the Dominion war we had Changelings all over Starfleet," he replied sternly.

Sirol tilted her head almost even in surprise at the mention of changelings.
Surely he could not have suspected her to be one, considering that there were sufficient methods to spot changelings. Instead she assumed his question to be of rather general speculative nature.
"œI am aware of that. The Empire was dealing with them too.
...What I would have given to meet one of them and learn about their culture"¦ They are so unlike anything found in the Beta and Alpha quadrant"¦ But I digress"¦"

Quote from: Kal on April 09, 2021, 05:43:00 PM

Kal narrowed his eyes as he was trying to see through her. Which he was unable to do so. "œThen can you recall who were with before and where were you?"

Then the next question was, "œWe're you on duty? And was anyone in the working area you were? And please try to remember," he said.

"œAnd who is your room mate. We need to contact them as well," he added.

At the next set of more concrete questions, the scientist calmly nodded, then began to structure a proper reply to him.
"œNo, I was not on duty when the accident happened. I was, and still am assigned to Alpha Shift, meaning that the nights are free lab time for me.
There is a slim chance that - if I was in the lab - my "˜lab partner'... Well, the person who occupies this lab despite my presence"¦ Might have interacted with me.
His name is Chysik ch'Talvin. He is a civilian scientist and resident of the Station. He and his family should be easy to find.
As for my former room mate, her name was Aurora Murphy. She was an Ensign working in the Astrometrics Lab.
The way I got to know her, she would be delighted to"¦ Swap gossip"¦ Although I also have not spent particularly much time with her due to out different shifts."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 09, 2021, 09:02:28 PM

Katra - Med bay

Kyle listened as the security ensign asked his questions. He did well as an interrogator. When he was done, Kyle spoke up.

"Luckily, we're now able to test for Changelings now. I'll get one of the doctors to handle that." Kyle said. "I'll get the computer logs myself to see if there's a record of her locations. If she was working, there will be readings from her bio signature and comm badge."

Kyle walked away to access a wall terminal.

In surprise, Sirol looked at Commander Briggs.
They would try and determine as to whether she was a changeling? That was certainly unexpected, but in an almost even welcome way"¦ It was something"¦ New"¦
Giving the Commander a calm nod, she signaled her cooperation to him, while once again folding her hands on her lap, and letting her view wander through the MedBay.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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