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S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on April 09, 2021, 07:19:53 PM

Or so he thought.  Luckily he had an Engineering Ensign available who might be able to shed more light on the situation.   "Ensign King.  If you wanted to break into the engineering room with no credentials to do so, how would you do it?" he asked curiously?

[Katra Station / OCC]

Serena looked up in surprise and flinched. For the better part of a minute, her face displayed (in no particular order but a combination of) surprise, concentration, annoyance and I need to throw up.

"Captain, you do paint quite a scenario here. I presume deep Engineering speak won't help, so I'll base my analysis not so much on the what happened, but background." She took a deep breath. "They would likely be a Starfleet Engineer themselves. While it is possible for a civilian Engineer or a related field- think Starfleet Operations and Sciences... The fact is Engineers are a subculture in themselves."

Serena gestured to the Captain's chair. "You can make an educated guess about the circuitry inside there. An Engineer can tell you as well the data nodes it connects to, the protocols it initiates for communications channels, as well as the Captain's Level encryption, how much power it takes in each component and which is sub par, among other things."

At this point, Serena turned somber and delivered her professional opinion in a monotone: "Without credentials, this hypothetical person would need to have a lot of technical knowledge. I'd have to look it up, but I suspect the doors themselves have firmware burned into an EEPROM chip, with instructions feeding into it. You can't even bypass it using the LCARS type Operating Systems, you have to literally pry open panels to get to it. Even then it would set off alarms across the board if it's tampered with. If you wanted me to try it, I suspect my first attempt might take a good hour and that's assuming the security cameras don't see me, let alone Engineers or other passersby."

Another deep breath and the same, professionally detached monotone: "Engineers can spot other Engineers. We don't loiter, we don't hang around in our workplace for no reason, we're task oriented. We work methodically and calmly. We know our tasks and what needs to be done in each area. An Engineer at the Master Console would be collecting diagnostic information, another at the EPS taps would be testing the 'purity' of the flow, etc. We would broadly know what another Engineer is doing, even if we don't know the exact details. That and we have sensors everywhere to detect abnormalities.

"What about civilian Engineers, or Starfleet Operations and Sciences? Again, much the same details. Starfleet Officers know how things work. We wouldn't be looking over our shoulders or being in a spot without doing something. Body language and tasks, that simple."

Serena straightened: "I could analyze further, sir, though that is my expert opinion and depends on any number of factors. Though let me say this, based on your scenario: If this hypothetical person is not a Starfleet Engineer... If they're a good person, then we're dealing with someone with a Genius Level IQ and capabilities. If they're not a good person..." She trailed off and looked at her feet.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Arriving in the medbay shortly with skaldyr, who towered over the small and unsuited Eydis. Skaldyr stood in a heavily armored almost Tholian NEWT diving suit clearly reinforced for sustained abuse in combat. Eydis with hir live electric blue "œeyes" first looked at Sirol and kal then at zex. But made no verbal communication. Shi scuttle into the room a unnervingly quick arachnid like gait. Keeping hir arms tucked up against hirself. Shi left skaldyr near the door of the medbay. Heading over to zex although range was not needed for the lattice to work. Eydis felt proximity to hir injured friend would help in some way.

Could Sirol be a unwitting pawn, perhaps a decoy meant to distract attention away from the real threat. Zex I could have my squad guarding the Etain move into the station and begin a search for the mastermind. But such a move might alert the prey to our intentions. If possible we must discover the real threat without alerting it. That way we can take them off guard in a blitz strike. So when my squad of shock troopers does move out it is cut off escape. 

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 10, 2021, 01:00:06 AM

[Katra Station / OCC]

Serena looked up in surprise and flinched. For the better part of a minute, her face displayed (in no particular order but a combination of) surprise, concentration, annoyance and I need to throw up.

"Captain, you do paint quite a scenario here. I presume deep Engineering speak won't help, so I'll base my analysis not so much on the what happened, but background." She took a deep breath. "They would likely be a Starfleet Engineer themselves. While it is possible for a civilian Engineer or a related field- think Starfleet Operations and Sciences... The fact is Engineers are a subculture in themselves."

Serena gestured to the Captain's chair. "You can make an educated guess about the circuitry inside there. An Engineer can tell you as well the data nodes it connects to, the protocols it initiates for communications channels, as well as the Captain's Level encryption, how much power it takes in each component and which is sub par, among other things."

At this point, Serena turned somber and delivered her professional opinion in a monotone: "Without credentials, this hypothetical person would need to have a lot of technical knowledge. I'd have to look it up, but I suspect the doors themselves have firmware burned into an EEPROM chip, with instructions feeding into it. You can't even bypass it using the LCARS type Operating Systems, you have to literally pry open panels to get to it. Even then it would set off alarms across the board if it's tampered with. If you wanted me to try it, I suspect my first attempt might take a good hour and that's assuming the security cameras don't see me, let alone Engineers or other passersby."

Another deep breath and the same, professionally detached monotone: "Engineers can spot other Engineers. We don't loiter, we don't hang around in our workplace for no reason, we're task oriented. We work methodically and calmly. We know our tasks and what needs to be done in each area. An Engineer at the Master Console would be collecting diagnostic information, another at the EPS taps would be testing the 'purity' of the flow, etc. We would broadly know what another Engineer is doing, even if we don't know the exact details. That and we have sensors everywhere to detect abnormalities.

"What about civilian Engineers, or Starfleet Operations and Sciences? Again, much the same details. Starfleet Officers know how things work. We wouldn't be looking over our shoulders or being in a spot without doing something. Body language and tasks, that simple."

Serena straightened: "I could analyze further, sir, though that is my expert opinion and depends on any number of factors. Though let me say this, based on your scenario: If this hypothetical person is not a Starfleet Engineer... If they're a good person, then we're dealing with someone with a Genius Level IQ and capabilities. If they're not a good person..." She trailed off and looked at her feet.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon could help but glance over at the new engineering girl. He couldn't help it, she was beautiful. But he resisted turning full at her, just letting his eyes look at her, until she began talking to Captain Kirok. Gideon sidled over to listen, looking at her only because she's talking. And he was fascinate, not lovestruck, by what she had to say.

Crikey, she actually is an engineer, he thought to himself. She does have a point, Engineers are a subculture themselves. How often does that explain why they're miracle workers?

Anyway, he only came closer and listened as an excuse to get a better look at her, but he listened as a professional, while in his head, he was smitten. After a bit, he returned over to the Lieutenants.

"Right, how soon do you want the Leftentenant and I," said Gideon, nodding at Lieutenant Conley when he mentioned him, "to get under way with our sensor, Leftenant?"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 09, 2021, 09:02:28 PM

Katra - Med bay

Kyle listened as the security ensign asked his questions. He did well as an interrogator. When he was done, Kyle spoke up.

"Luckily, we're now able to test for Changelings now. I'll get one of the doctors to handle that." Kyle said. "I'll get the computer logs myself to see if there's a record of her locations. If she was working, there will be readings from her bio signature and comm badge."

Kyle walked away to access a wall terminal.

Katra - Med bay

The duty station would respond to Kyle's commands.  It would show the 'Sirol was seen walking around the station just prior to the explosion.  She turned a corner off camera prior to the explosion.  After the explosion she was in one of the docking saucers.  Three minutes lapsed from her turning the corner to the explosion.'

Quote from: Sirol on April 09, 2021, 11:28:31 PM

< Katra Station / Medbay >

Sirol had been pausing; waiting for a response from both, Commander Briggs and Ensign Jimrec, when once more Ensign Zex caught Sirol's attention.
The way she was looking; the thoughtful, observant, almost even curious aura she was flooding the MedBay with...All of a sudden Sirol stopped.
That drink"¦ What was it with her drink and why was Zex so captivated by Sirol it?!
Eventually she decided to act; Sirol's sensing of the right emotions leading her - ironically - to a hypothesis that may or may not have made sense for someone in Zex's situation.

Slowly Sirol turned around towards her, now looking directly at the Diplomatics Officer again and opening Dialogue.
"œ...You feel like someone too well-mannered to spit in a person's drink, but"¦ Considering the circumstances and your focus on me"¦ Did you?!

She then looked back at the milkshake again, taking another sip.
Potential saliva or not, it was too tasty to stop...

[NPC:  Zex]

The polite Deltan was shocked by the question.  She was interested in the milkshake and the Romulan response to it.  But for other reasons.

"No' she simply muttered.  She dipped her head though.  "I would never" she added more to herself than anyone else.

Then Eydis came in.  She lifted her head again.  And offered a weak smile.

"You brought your pet!" the Deltan said aloud.  Thought not warm and fuzzy, everyone was happier when they saw a pet.  Even one the looked like a crystal spider.

Eydis loved it.  Then so did Zex.  That's just how it was.

"You may be right.  I'm sure, though, that our defenses are up and everyone is looking into every angle as to who did it.  I just hate being in the middle of it" she admitted.

But the Tholians comment did cause the Deltan to look up again at Sirol.  She didn't stare.  But tried to look at her as a possible victim in this too.


Kirok listened as King gave a very good and detailed answer to his question.  Though he was quite intelligent himself, he was thankful that she used laymen's terms.  "So possibly not a lower ranked officer, but a Captain, or someone higher than a Captain would have easier access to the codes" he summarized.

"Thank you, Ensign" Kirok added.  "Now. I think you should prepare to depart with Mr. Drake and Ser" he added.  "But I will need you back when the engines come fully back online" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on April 10, 2021, 10:24:27 AM

Katra - Med bay

The duty station would respond to Kyle's commands.  It would show the 'Sirol was seen walking around the station just prior to the explosion.  She turned a corner off camera prior to the explosion.  After the explosion she was in one of the docking saucers.  Three minutes lapsed from her turning the corner to the explosion.'

[NPC:  Zex]

The polite Deltan was shocked by the question.  She was interested in the milkshake and the Romulan response to it.  But for other reasons.

"No' she simply muttered.  She dipped her head though.  "I would never" she added more to herself than anyone else.

Then Eydis came in.  She lifted her head again.  And offered a weak smile.

"You brought your pet!" the Deltan said aloud.  Thought not warm and fuzzy, everyone was happier when they saw a pet.  Even one the looked like a crystal spider.

Eydis loved it.  Then so did Zex.  That's just how it was.

"You may be right.  I'm sure, though, that our defenses are up and everyone is looking into every angle as to who did it.  I just hate being in the middle of it" she admitted.

But the Tholians comment did cause the Deltan to look up again at Sirol.  She didn't stare.  But tried to look at her as a possible victim in this too.


Kirok listened as King gave a very good and detailed answer to his question.  Though he was quite intelligent himself, he was thankful that she used laymen's terms.  "So possibly not a lower ranked officer, but a Captain, or someone higher than a Captain would have easier access to the codes" he summarized.

"Thank you, Ensign" Kirok added.  "Now. I think you should prepare to depart with Mr. Drake and Ser" he added.  "But I will need you back when the engines come fully back online" he said.

47"³ tall and 53"³ long inches when fully grown. Setting the house cat sized uropygi down on the beds corner. The uropygi would instinctively know over the lattice who zex was and even kal based on Eydis own memories. It scuttled up to within arms reach of the deltan. Pausing and studying her hand and gauging zex reaction. Ready to scurry off the bed and away if it's appearance or presences alarmed zex in anyway. Although it could hear and understand commands over the lattice the uropygi could not reply with complex thoughts.

Eydis reached out with hir unsuited hand to rub the top of the uropygis crystalline enhanced chitinous carapace ridge over its upper mandible and head. It would not flinch or move as shi did so.

I have named it Erika. It will not harm you in anywa and you can even command it over the lattice as well it will heed commands. But can not form very complex thoughts in return. It often transmits what it visuals back without narration saying all this over the lattice.

Eydis would then look over at Sirol and kal in particular. it is nice to see you on your feet again Ensign Kal, althrough not unexpected for a warrior like yourself. So you have taken sirol into custody for the explosion. The federation is taking responsibility. The assembly assets have been recalled save for my ship and crew. It is far to unstable in this sector for a larger tholian presence. I however do extend tholian involvement and assets to the federations disposal and the eventually resolution of this incident. Shi would look at kal and then look at the others besides Sirol and kal



< Katra Station / Medbay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 10, 2021, 10:24:27 AM

[NPC:  Zex]

The polite Deltan was shocked by the question.  She was interested in the milkshake and the Romulan response to it.  But for other reasons.

"No' she simply muttered.  She dipped her head though.  "I would never" she added more to herself than anyone else.

From one second to another, Sirol could - very physically - feel the mood shift; an 180 degree turn from cautious and careful to pain.
A pain that struck Sirol too; and for a brief second, the scientist hated herself for even speaking up, remembering that there was one thing Federation citizens had in common with the Majority of Romulans: An honest, open inquiry - as innocent as it may be - might cause emotional harm to them...
Sirol did not want to harm anyone; especially not a person who had already been harmed before.
For a second she just sat there, giving the Diplomatics Officer a blank stare; sharing the moment of shock and feeling increasingly crushed by her own projections"¦

Very slowly she forced herself back onto her feet, walking a few steps towards the other - yet maintaining enough distance to not scare or worry her.
"œI"¦ I apologise for this question"¦ It was out of bounds"¦
I did not wish to make any negative assumptions"¦"

For a moment she could feel her legs trying to give in again, and she had to extend her arms to keep proper balance.
"œI am just"¦ Confused"¦ The way you look at me; see me"¦ Is unexpected.
I am not used to being seen aboard this station. Outside of me being an asset to the science division, Lieutenant Falegg and you are the only two persons who care to"¦ See me and acknowledge my existence, even if they do not have to..."

She gave the other one a sad look, her left arm casually reaching out to find something to grab and keep her balance.
Why was Sirol even still here?
Once more she wished the crew would have just left her in the Trialus anomaly"¦
Loneliness and pain wherever she went, and no way out of her senseless struggle to remedy what she could"¦

Once Commander Eydis entered the room and headed towards Zex, Sirol assumed that to be the end of her conversation with the Diplomatics officer.
Sirol by now had noticed that once Zex and Eydis were together, they tended to not really engage with anyone else outside, and - despite this being hurtful - for Sirol that was logical.
Love could cause irrational and counterproductive behaviour.
But it made people happy and gave them purpose.
Hence the scientist did not speak up...

Instead she just gave the Commander a polite hailing nod.
As to be expected, the Commander did not speak to Sirol and even referred to her in third person to Kal - as if she was not even in the room...
As usual...
And once more proof to the statement she had give to Zex.
No one cared to truly engage with the scientist unless they had to.

She just stood there for a moment longer, struggling to find something to hold on to, and curiously looking at the most adorable [at least to someone like Sirol it was in fact adorable] little pet the Commander had brought along, before Sirol's legs eventually caved in and she could not support her own weight any longer.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 08, 2021, 07:58:56 AM

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra... somewhere in the expanse]

"Kyan... I'm hoping we can get the last 4 out but that's all the kids and civilians...."

As she spoke, the Orion slaver ship strafed the Munnin-Ra rocking her, and setting the kids screaming.  The Carters shushed their children as did Crista, James and Ujosso, the cats started fighting in their basket and it was pandemonium.

"Quiet, everyone let Kyan concentrate, we need to take evasive action.  Our shields will only hold so long!"

=/\=Ensign Evans do you have any manoeuvrability at all? =/\=

Strictly speaking, protocol dictated that the Munnin-Ra should tuck tail and run now, what with an acceptable rate of casualties, and being outgunned and all that. And they were outgunned to be sure, with shields hovering at about thirty five percent... twenty five now that the slavers had given them another salvo. But Kyan couldn't reconcile leaving the four people on the Tigris to be sold off into slavery. And everything in him was dead set against running just on principle.

As he maneuvered the Munnin-Ra out of the way of another blast, the Onlie stole a glance at the scan data on the Freighter. It was Dosi in origin, probably either pirated or picked up out of mothballs, given the age of her. But as the runabout rocked again, Kyan knew for a fact that those weapons weren't Dosi disruptors. And the shields were...Starfleet!? He checked again to be sure, and discovered that they were in fact, Starfleet shield generators, most likely salvaged off an older ship. Which meant that He and Falleg ought to be able to use that to their advantage.

Suddenly and idea took root and Kyan adjusted the sensors to scan the enemy vessel. The scan confirmed what he was hoping.

She's manned by a skeleton crew. Kyan saw, and grinned like the cat that caught the canary. He turned toward Hrafn.

"Ms. Falleg, I've got an idea the now on how we can rescue everyone off the Tigris... AND kick the pirates in the marble sack at the same time so." Before she could reply, Kyan was already out of his seat, headed for the weapons locker. "The Slavers are using an old Starfleet shield generator. They probably swiped it off a ship what was destroyed or captured, or mothballed... or they bought it black market... which we oughtta investigate later... the creatures!" He opened the locker and began removing phasers and power cells, and one of those new "buckler" arm shield things that someone at Starfleet Tactical had dreamed up. "Anyways", he went on... "In two minutes there will be a window in the shield cycle which will let us beam someone or something over through their shields. I'll be wanting you ta beam me onto their bridge, where I will Ki.... err.." he glanced over at Hrafn's kids holding onto their nanny person.. "stun... their bridge crew and give you time to beam the others over. Then when the window opens back up, or I lower their shields, you can beam me back out and we warp out of here."

Kyan the shrugged and finished with the obvious, "Or if it comes to it, you just leave me there and get back to the station."



With the engineering question out of the way, Kirok finally made his way over to a medical station and logged on.  "Please send me what you have, Mr. Kimball.  I should be able to analyze it from here" he said to the XBorg.

EQ complied and sent the information about the Romulan dna that had been found at the blast site over to him.  The half Vulcan entered commands into the duty station.  The computer started matching all the Romulan dna strand to all known Romulans and half Romulans on the station.  There was no match.

Kirok immediately send the information to Kyle.  He knew the XO was heading up the interrogation.  Hopefully this would help to bring the investigation to an end.

[Medbay - NPC Zex]

Zex know that Eydis had sharp edges.  So she assumed his pet did too.  She she reached out to pet it on a non pointy spot.

"Well hello, Erika.  Your such a precious little thing.  Aren't you" she said.

"It must be nice having a pet.   Something to keep you on your toes.  Does shi eat much?" she replied to Eydis.

Then she saw Sirol stand and approach.  The Deltan got no felling of an intended threat.  Instead the scientist seemed to convey feeling of guilt.

"Its....ok.  I know this is a hard time.  For us both" the Deltan replied softly.

She looked at the woman.  Really seeing her for the first time since before the explosion.  "You seem younger than the Romulan who attacked me" she said, realizing it for the first time herself.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Would watch Erika the uropygi shift it's limbs around a little under the petting of zex. But Eydis was watching the unsteady Sirol with growing concern as she spoke over the lattice to zex.
Sirol looks unwell perhaps there was fail safe if sirol was captured to terminate her before we could discover the true masters of this incident

Looking at kal briefly waiting for him to steady hir. Sirol are you alright perhaps you should take a seat


< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 10, 2021, 03:06:25 PM

[Medbay - NPC Zex]
Then she saw Sirol stand and approach.  The Deltan got no felling of an intended threat.  Instead the scientist seemed to convey feeling of guilt.

"Its....ok.  I know this is a hard time.  For us both" the Deltan replied softly.

She looked at the woman.  Really seeing her for the first time since before the explosion.  "You seem younger than the Romulan who attacked me" she said, realizing it for the first time herself.

Sirol had a hard time focusing on Zex; both, her physical as well as her emotional state becoming noticeably harder to ignore and force aside.
Instead she just nodded at the Diplomatics Officer; with her arms still struggling to find something to hold onto.
"œHard time. Yes. Thirteen weeks, three days and twenty-two hours"¦
...Let me know if I can be of any help."
She muttered, then took a deep breath and forced herself to look Zex in the eye.
"œI know I look young. Not my choice"¦ I am old enough for grandchildren"¦
I suspect it to be a side effect of my treatment"¦
But I"¦ Appreciate your kind words"¦"
Quote from: Eydis on April 10, 2021, 05:48:34 PM

Looking at kal briefly waiting for him to steady hir. Sirol are you alright perhaps you should take a seat

When Commander Eydis addressed Sirol, the Scientist turned around, looking at the other; shaking her head.
"œNo. I am"¦ Not"¦ Alright"¦" She responded almost even out of breath.

Both, the stress of the current situation, as well as her physical pain and the bottled up trauma of the last months visibly wearing down the slender officer...
Looking up towards the Tholian, she then continued:
"œCommander, I think I-"¦"
Yet she did not get to finish her sentence.
Instead she simply lost balance and strength, and collapsed in front of the Commander.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| OCC

Quote from: Kirok on April 08, 2021, 09:55:14 PM


"Good day" Kirok replied to Eli.  The CO listened to the man's explanation for the mission he had given to Ser and Mr. Drake.  He nodded in agreement with the idea.  "Use whatever resources you need" he said.

"The compliment was well earned.  But I will allow Mr. Ferris to decide if an engineer should be tasked to go with you.  His mission, his decision" he said.

He started his way over to EQ, but stopped when Ms. King entered the room.  "I am Kirok, CO of the station.  You're time is perfect as there is much to do aboard the station.  Mr. Ferris was just about to determine if an engineer is needed for his mission.  If he has no objections, I can see how an Engineer might help analyze the structural integrity of the station" he said after offering her a small bow.  Then he turned to Eli.

"œThank you, Captain." He glanced at the other pilots, knowing they would be eager to underway. Ensign King's arrival had allowed him a moment to reassess what might be needed.
Quote from: Serena King on April 10, 2021, 01:00:06 AM

[Katra Station / OCC]

Serena looked up in surprise and flinched. For the better part of a minute, her face displayed (in no particular order but a combination of) surprise, concentration, annoyance and I need to throw up.

"Captain, you do paint quite a scenario here. I presume deep Engineering speak won't help, so I'll base my analysis not so much on the what happened, but background." She took a deep breath. "They would likely be a Starfleet Engineer themselves. While it is possible for a civilian Engineer or a related field- think Starfleet Operations and Sciences... The fact is Engineers are a subculture in themselves."

Serena gestured to the Captain's chair. "You can make an educated guess about the circuitry inside there. An Engineer can tell you as well the data nodes it connects to, the protocols it initiates for communications channels, as well as the Captain's Level encryption, how much power it takes in each component and which is sub par, among other things."

At this point, Serena turned somber and delivered her professional opinion in a monotone: "Without credentials, this hypothetical person would need to have a lot of technical knowledge. I'd have to look it up, but I suspect the doors themselves have firmware burned into an EEPROM chip, with instructions feeding into it. You can't even bypass it using the LCARS type Operating Systems, you have to literally pry open panels to get to it. Even then it would set off alarms across the board if it's tampered with. If you wanted me to try it, I suspect my first attempt might take a good hour and that's assuming the security cameras don't see me, let alone Engineers or other passersby."

Another deep breath and the same, professionally detached monotone: "Engineers can spot other Engineers. We don't loiter, we don't hang around in our workplace for no reason, we're task oriented. We work methodically and calmly. We know our tasks and what needs to be done in each area. An Engineer at the Master Console would be collecting diagnostic information, another at the EPS taps would be testing the 'purity' of the flow, etc. We would broadly know what another Engineer is doing, even if we don't know the exact details. That and we have sensors everywhere to detect abnormalities.

"What about civilian Engineers, or Starfleet Operations and Sciences? Again, much the same details. Starfleet Officers know how things work. We wouldn't be looking over our shoulders or being in a spot without doing something. Body language and tasks, that simple."

Serena straightened: "I could analyze further, sir, though that is my expert opinion and depends on any number of factors. Though let me say this, based on your scenario: If this hypothetical person is not a Starfleet Engineer... If they're a good person, then we're dealing with someone with a Genius Level IQ and capabilities. If they're not a good person..." She trailed off and looked at her feet.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 10, 2021, 09:27:47 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon could help but glance over at the new engineering girl. He couldn't help it, she was beautiful. But he resisted turning full at her, just letting his eyes look at her, until she began talking to Captain Kirok. Gideon sidled over to listen, looking at her only because she's talking. And he was fascinate, not lovestruck, by what she had to say.

Crikey, she actually is an engineer, he thought to himself. She does have a point, Engineers are a subculture themselves. How often does that explain why they're miracle workers?

Anyway, he only came closer and listened as an excuse to get a better look at her, but he listened as a professional, while in his head, he was smitten. After a bit, he returned over to the Lieutenants.

"Right, how soon do you want the Leftentenant and I," said Gideon, nodding at Lieutenant Conley when he mentioned him, "to get under way with our sensor, Leftenant?"

"Thank you for the suggestion, Captain. I believe that Ensign King would be a good addition to this mission and locate some details we might have overlooked." Eli pulled another PADD and handed it to King. "œEnsign, Lt. Drake and Lt. Conley will be conducting a reconnaissance flight to determine priorities in repairs and damage. We don't have a complete sensor picture yet. So, a runabout will give us a thorough analysis, and hopefully we can restore functionality with much issue."

He paused a moment catching the eye of each of the three.

"Fly safe, Ser. You are cleared to head out."

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 10, 2021, 09:27:47 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon could help but glance over at the new engineering girl. He couldn't help it, she was beautiful. But he resisted turning full at her, just letting his eyes look at her, until she began talking to Captain Kirok. Gideon sidled over to listen, looking at her only because she's talking. And he was fascinate, not lovestruck, by what she had to say.

Crikey, she actually is an engineer, he thought to himself. She does have a point, Engineers are a subculture themselves. How often does that explain why they're miracle workers?

Anyway, he only came closer and listened as an excuse to get a better look at her, but he listened as a professional, while in his head, he was smitten. After a bit, he returned over to the Lieutenants.

"Right, how soon do you want the Leftentenant and I," said Gideon, nodding at Lieutenant Conley when he mentioned him, "to get under way with our sensor, Leftenant?"

Quote from: Kirok on April 10, 2021, 10:24:27 AM


Kirok listened as King gave a very good and detailed answer to his question.  Though he was quite intelligent himself, he was thankful that she used laymen's terms.  "So possibly not a lower ranked officer, but a Captain, or someone higher than a Captain would have easier access to the codes" he summarized.

"Thank you, Ensign" Kirok added.  "Now. I think you should prepare to depart with Mr. Drake and Ser" he added.  "But I will need you back when the engines come fully back online" he said.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 10, 2021, 11:53:38 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| OCC

"œThank you, Captain." He glanced at the other pilots, knowing they would be eager to underway. Ensign King's arrival had allowed him a moment to reassess what might be needed.
"Thank you for the suggestion, Captain. I believe that Ensign King would be a good addition to this mission and locate some details we might have overlooked." Eli pulled another PADD and handed it to King. "œEnsign, Lt. Drake and Lt. Conley will be conducting a reconnaissance flight to determine priorities in repairs and damage. We don't have a complete sensor picture yet. So, a runabout will give us a thorough analysis, and hopefully we can restore functionality with much issue."

He paused a moment catching the eye of each of the three.

"Fly safe, Ser. You are cleared to head out."

[Katra Station / OCC]

To the Captain, she nodded, thinking a little more about it. "Correct, Captain. You could try name about twenty of Starfleet Engineering best Chief Engineers, past and present to try it and I'd only give us less than 0.1% chance of success, whereupon the Engineering team would probably crash tackle the intruder a few seconds after they walked in because it's unannounced in that sense. Using Operating System and software to do it would less likely set off alerts for this hypothetical person to do what they want and exit without being detected."

Turning her attention to Drake and Conley, she half bowed from her shoulders. "If you'll excuse me, Lieutenants, I'll... Go help the shuttle with preflight." Serena logged off her access to the Engineering console. First she had to pick up her meds to ensure the shuttle flight didn't wipe her out and check the inertial dampeners before they took off.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Eli Ferris on April 10, 2021, 11:53:38 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| OCC

"œThank you, Captain." He glanced at the other pilots, knowing they would be eager to underway. Ensign King's arrival had allowed him a moment to reassess what might be needed.
"Thank you for the suggestion, Captain. I believe that Ensign King would be a good addition to this mission and locate some details we might have overlooked." Eli pulled another PADD and handed it to King. "œEnsign, Lt. Drake and Lt. Conley will be conducting a reconnaissance flight to determine priorities in repairs and damage. We don't have a complete sensor picture yet. So, a runabout will give us a thorough analysis, and hopefully we can restore functionality with much issue."

He paused a moment catching the eye of each of the three.

"Fly safe, Ser. You are cleared to head out."

Quote from: Serena King on April 11, 2021, 07:53:44 AM

[Katra Station / OCC]

To the Captain, she nodded, thinking a little more about it. "Correct, Captain. You could try name about twenty of Starfleet Engineering best Chief Engineers, past and present to try it and I'd only give us less than 0.1% chance of success, whereupon the Engineering team would probably crash tackle the intruder a few seconds after they walked in because it's unannounced in that sense. Using Operating System and software to do it would less likely set off alerts for this hypothetical person to do what they want and exit without being detected."

Turning her attention to Drake and Conley, she half bowed from her shoulders. "If you'll excuse me, Lieutenants, I'll... Go help the shuttle with preflight." Serena logged off her access to the Engineering console. First she had to pick up her meds to ensure the shuttle flight didn't wipe her out and check the inertial dampeners before they took off.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon snorted quietly but with amusement when Lieutenant Ferris, and Ensign King in turn, referred to him as a lieutenant. He was not a lieutenant himself, not by a bloody longshot. He had only been out of the Academy for almost a month.

"Technically, leftenant..." he left the sentence hanging and pointed subtly at his lone pip, smiling politely. He wasn't offended, of course.

"I'll head down to the shuttlebay to get the preflight checks started, leftenants," Gideon said. "By the way, which runabout is the one with the sensor package?"

Don Damien Addams


[Katra - Sickbay]

Sirol considered that Zex spitted in her milkshake was quiet surprising. He unfolded his arms to look at Zex reaction. Zex seemed sad for the accusation which Deltans seem to be a peacful folk.

"Ahem!" Kal had tried Sirol hurting Zex feelings. It could be a reasonable doubt cause Zex accused Sirol. A small bitter war between these two was not going to be an easy wound to heal.

They need to look at all the angles even they need to test blood for changelings. Put your guard would be consider dangerous. That when the enemy could strike.

Sirol had mentioned her lab partner. "Good. We will question Chris Ch'Talvin and his family too," he shared. He was going to be sure nobody was left out in the investigation. "Your room mate Aurora Murphy," he unfolded one arm and pointed to Sirol. "If she talks about this to anyone in her 'gossip' she will find herself in the wrong shoes. You can see me to that!"

Eydis mention that Sirol could been a pawn. Kal turned to Eydis. "Perhaps but a possible," Kal listened that Eydis would have Tholians assist. "That will be helpful. However that would be command team. I recommend not to many individuals get involve. Don't want snow ball get bigger."

Sirol seemed to be getting weaker through out this. Then he was observing her to see she will get her self lean against something or sit down at least.

"And yes its nice seeing you Eydis," he had answered the Tholian. It was hard not see there was some caring relationship between Eydis and Zex. That was good.

Sirol had brought up that she was targeted. "True. We assume by Zex had mentioned. No. Its not your Romulan. Then we would have to bring in all Romulam and commander  Rayek trLhoel, and the other members and residents of Katra. Playing species card will not be played here. If so. There would be a no fair investigation."

"I apologize you are not feeling well, that could be a possible be the healing from your injury or a side effect of something your system," he said.

Sirol was drop to the ground and Kal was close to try to help her from falling on the floor. He was no pro of catching patients like Sickbay staff. He had try to catch her as not let her head hit anything.

"Help me with her please," he said. Then his own body was crying in pain. So he was no unfit on duty and physical duty. Crap. He could work on this investigation.



Kirok nodded in response to Eli.  The man was a seasoned officer with a good head on his shoulders.  Still the half Vulcan was impressed with the idea of checking for structural damage before being in visitors to the station.

"Thank you, Ensign.  It has given me much to think about.  Possible more that is apparent at this moment in time.  Go" Kirok said to Ms. King.

"Fly safe" Kirok repeated Eli's word.  Said to Mr. Drake.  But intended for all 3.


"Ohh" Zex said to the pet.  It was slick on its soft spot.  So that is where the Deltan kept her finger.

She could hear Eydis over the lattis.  'Sirol looks unwell' echoed in the back of her mind.  But she was so focused on the Romulan face to look beyond it.

Sirol was much younger than her attacker.  She had not wrinkles.  No gray in her hair.

The feeling she was getting from Sirol was distress.  Tension.  That was running high.

"No.  You misunderstand you.  You are too young to be my attacker.  It is not you.  I'm sure of that now" the Deltan replied.

And as if the retraction of the accusation had stuck a pin in Sirol's balloon of tension.  It burst.  And Sirol feel to the floor.

"Someone help her" Zex said.  Half getting out of the bed herself.  "EMS activate" she called out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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