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S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Kyle Briggs

Med Bay

Kyle returned just in time to see Sirol fall and Kal attempt to catch her. He rushed over to assist.

"MEDIC!!" he called as he helped lift Sirol back on to the bed and saw the pain in Kal's face as well. "Maybe you should have a seat as well, Ensign. What happened here?" he said.

After Kal filled him in, he told the security Ensign what he had found. "I watched the station logs. Sirol can be seen walking around the station just prior to the explosion.  She turns a corner off camera just prior to the explosion.  After the explosion she was in one of the docking saucers.  Three minutes lapsed from her turning the corner to the explosion. Did you"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 11, 2021, 06:25:20 PM

Med Bay

Kyle returned just in time to see Sirol fall and Kal attempt to catch her. He rushed over to assist.

"MEDIC!!" he called as he helped lift Sirol back on to the bed and saw the pain in Kal's face as well. "Maybe you should have a seat as well, Ensign. What happened here?" he said.

After Kal filled him in, he told the security Ensign what he had found. "I watched the station logs. Sirol can be seen walking around the station just prior to the explosion.  She turns a corner off camera just prior to the explosion.  After the explosion she was in one of the docking saucers.  Three minutes lapsed from her turning the corner to the explosion. Did you"

Med Bay

The EMH appeared and went straight to work without preamble.  "Vitals" he said to the computer.  Though he reached for the woman's wrist to check for a pulse.

It was stead.  And she was breathing.  But her blood pressure you unusually high.

"Out.  All of you.  Out.  She can not stand anymore emotional stress" the EMH said would turning toward the others.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley



"Captain. Ferris." giving them both a nod and a smile as he turned to leave.  "Lets go Drake, we're taking the Allegany.  you drive."

"King!" Ser said.  "Slow down before for you trip over a dangling participle." Ser walked over still smiling.  Some new officers did only what they told and had to be persuaded into going above an beyond.  The other kind thought they could do everything on their own.  King seem to be on the latter end.

"Don't worry, we have time.  Also Drake and I are doing the pre-flight check.  You'll be to busy taking care of the sensor package. This is a team effort we each have are part to do.  now do either need anything before we go?"

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 10, 2021, 02:12:10 PM

Strictly speaking, protocol dictated that the Munnin-Ra should tuck tail and run now, what with an acceptable rate of casualties, and being outgunned and all that. And they were outgunned to be sure, with shields hovering at about thirty five percent... twenty five now that the slavers had given them another salvo. But Kyan couldn't reconcile leaving the four people on the Tigris to be sold off into slavery. And everything in him was dead set against running just on principle.

As he maneuvered the Munnin-Ra out of the way of another blast, the Onlie stole a glance at the scan data on the Freighter. It was Dosi in origin, probably either pirated or picked up out of mothballs, given the age of her. But as the runabout rocked again, Kyan knew for a fact that those weapons weren't Dosi disruptors. And the shields were...Starfleet!? He checked again to be sure, and discovered that they were in fact, Starfleet shield generators, most likely salvaged off an older ship. Which meant that He and Falleg ought to be able to use that to their advantage.

Suddenly and idea took root and Kyan adjusted the sensors to scan the enemy vessel. The scan confirmed what he was hoping.

She's manned by a skeleton crew. Kyan saw, and grinned like the cat that caught the canary. He turned toward Hrafn.

"Ms. Falleg, I've got an idea the now on how we can rescue everyone off the Tigris... AND kick the pirates in the marble sack at the same time so." Before she could reply, Kyan was already out of his seat, headed for the weapons locker. "The Slavers are using an old Starfleet shield generator. They probably swiped it off a ship what was destroyed or captured, or mothballed... or they bought it black market... which we oughtta investigate later... the creatures!" He opened the locker and began removing phasers and power cells, and one of those new "buckler" arm shield things that someone at Starfleet Tactical had dreamed up. "Anyways", he went on... "In two minutes there will be a window in the shield cycle which will let us beam someone or something over through their shields. I'll be wanting you ta beam me onto their bridge, where I will Ki.... err.." he glanced over at Hrafn's kids holding onto their nanny person.. "stun... their bridge crew and give you time to beam the others over. Then when the window opens back up, or I lower their shields, you can beam me back out and we warp out of here."

Kyan the shrugged and finished with the obvious, "Or if it comes to it, you just leave me there and get back to the station."

[Shuttlecraft Munnin-Ra - Somewhere in the wide expanse of space]

Hrafn listened to Kyan's idea.  It was risky, even a skeleton crew was going to be more people that could overpower the Lieutenant.  He was of equal rank to her, for all he deferred to her as 'point' on this retrieval mission and possibly her age and experience compared to his.  Plus... protocol. However, it wasn't the first time she'd broken protocol.  That her eldest daughter was alive and about to graduate Academy was witness to that.  She wasn't sure how many rules she and Nevir had broken, along with several friends, most of whom were surprisingly in high ranking positions still, to do that!

Making a split decision she turned to James. Of all the men that were not on board he looked the most 'alive', and ready for action.  So despite the fact that there were other crew there, she picked him, he deserved some excitement.

"Mr. Dalton, I've seen you on the ranges with some of the Security crew before, you're a decent shot with a type-2, are you totally well and able to go do some clearance with Mr. Mackenzie?" she asked.

James couldn't stand up quicker.  His ancestors had been in the USMC and as such it was in his blood to serve where he could.  It was only because his skills in other fields - namely magnetics and electronics - that had him teaching rather than joining Starfleet.

"Ready, willing and able Ma'am! Tho' I don't consider myself that good." he said giving both a lop-sided grin and a mock salute.  "You got another of those Mr. Mackenzie?"

Hrafn pre-empted the protest from Kyan.  "He is a) too modest he averages a 96.8 b) a perfectionist and c) I'm not letting you go over there alone nor leaving you.  So it's my way or no way.  Got it?  I'm ready when you are and because of various reasons..." she gave a look towards Tidu and mouthed 'Explain later...' to Kyan, "... I made sure I got the Transporter Chief to teach me how to fine tune to the split second and all manner of tips and tricks for transporters.  OK get yourselves ready, second that I have you out I'll grab those left on the Tigris, and wait for your signal to yank you out.  By the way, I like how your brain works and good luck, gentlemen."

"James Percival Dalton, you get yourself back here in one piece you hear! Mr. Mackenzie, bring him back whole... whole that is not full of holes!" Crista said, standing to give James a quick kiss.

"Take care Uncle James... and Mr. Mackenzie!" Nerys said giving him an encouraging smile.

"Kick ass, Uncle James... Mr. Mackenzie!" Tidu said with a grin.

"TEKIN TIDU!  LANGUAGE!" Crista, Ujosso and Hrafn said automatically then giggled at the fact that the poor kid got it in Dolby Surround Sound!

Lamar just threw himself at James and hugged his legs, then almost comically, but solemnly offered his little, pudgy, 3 year old hand to Kyan. "Good Luck!"

Ujosso nodded at them both.  "Failure isn't an option.  I want to wear a lilac bridesmaid's dress..." she knew that James would fill in Kyan if he wasn't aware with the discourse between Crista and James, that they were engaged.

She waited until the men were on the transporter pad, nodded and sent them off once the cycle came around.

The CSO then quickly cycled and found the life signals of the crewmembers left on the Tigris and yanked them off.

"Is that everyone?" she asked looking around and trying to get a head count.

"Yes Ma'am, we didn't think we were getting out of there alive or... well free at least." the pilot said with a small grin, accepting a drink from Nerys who had nominated herself as waitress/nurse.

"Thanks Nerys, she's a good kid you've got there Ma'am, they all are. But yeah when we saw the slaver we thought we were a gonner.  Where's Mr. Dalton, and Mr. ... Kyan wasn't it you had, Mackenzie?"

"Taking care of some business with our Orion 'friends', then, we're going home."

"Mammy, is Nantie Sirol ok?" Lamar suddenly asked.

"Well she's tired and a little bit hurt, but she's alive.  I packed her off to the Sickbay... me and Captain Kirok that is, soon as we could.  Dr. Xiiv will look after her."

"Captain Kirok? Dr. Xiiv??" Nerys asked.

"Where's Auntie Tess, Uncle Rayek, Fvienn, Uncle Tali...Uncle Sollluk?" Tidu asked worried

"SAPPHY?! And the kittens!" Lamar wailed.

"Woah, woah, woah.  I'll answer everyone.  Auntie Tess, Uncle Rayek, baby Fvienn, and Uncle Solluk I'm not entirely certain where they've been posted but their pod safely was towed into DS9, I asked Afar and Amar if they'd check they got away to their new postings ok.  I've not heard back yet or well I might have but we were busy and I'd not checked messages.  Uncle Tali, Sapphire and most of the kittens were posted where they needed another Doctor.  Lamar... he left a message, and 2 little blue balls of fur for you!"

"TWO?!" interjected Tidu.  "Nerry and I only have one cat each!"

"Well, I think you will appreciate this tho Tids..." their mother said softly.  "...they're twins and if they weren't gonna have Mammy Sapphire with them, they should have each other.  Besides, you share your cats with Lamar, I'm sure he'll share his cats with you! And they are male and female so..."

"So lots of baby kitties?" Lamar asked hopefully.

"Well, potentially..." Hrafn said with a chuckle.  "And there's two people you might remember, I know you'll remember one.  Captain Kirok certainly knows of the twins but I don't know if you ever met, but his executive officer... is Uncle.... "

"MAMMY!  Stop teasing tell us!!" Nerys said practically shaking her mother.

"Kyle... and Uncle EQ is back too!"

"COOOOOOOL!" Tidu said.

"Now shush, I have to wait for Kyan's signal that they're wanting back."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 11, 2021, 09:24:17 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon snorted quietly but with amusement when Lieutenant Ferris, and Ensign King in turn, referred to him as a lieutenant. He was not a lieutenant himself, not by a bloody longshot. He had only been out of the Academy for almost a month.

"Technically, leftenant..." he left the sentence hanging and pointed subtly at his lone pip, smiling politely. He wasn't offended, of course.

"I'll head down to the shuttlebay to get the preflight checks started, leftenants," Gideon said. "By the way, which runabout is the one with the sensor package?"

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 11, 2021, 10:55:11 PM


"Captain. Ferris." giving them both a nod and a smile as he turned to leave.  "Lets go Drake, we're taking the Allegany.  you drive."

"King!" Ser said.  "Slow down before for you trip over a dangling participle." Ser walked over still smiling.  Some new officers did only what they told and had to be persuaded into going above an beyond.  The other kind thought they could do everything on their own.  King seem to be on the latter end.

"Don't worry, we have time.  Also Drake and I are doing the pre-flight check.  You'll be to busy taking care of the sensor package. This is a team effort we each have are part to do.  now do either need anything before we go?"

[Katra /Shuttlebay]

Serena nodded at Lieutenant Conley, "You aren't familiar with me, Lieutenant, we just met. I have an inner ear condition. The civilian freighter I arrived on had low rated spec and very mistuned inertial dampeners. You might feel a slight vibration in the deck plates, I feel as if the room is moving around like a spinning top. I had barely enough time to shower and change uniforms right after I disembarked and reported in. I ducked off to take a booster for my suppression meds to help."

She gestured broadly. "This station is run by competent professionals, I could tell the moment I arrived. This is a 'working' station, not a Fleet Showboat. The pride and quality of the work I observe speaks more than any spit and polish for visiting dignitaries. Look at how the shuttles are parked precisely on its markers. The soft whine of the shuttle doors tells me even those systems are maintained when they could be overlooked. I could open up a toolkit and see that every tool is in its place and treated with dignity. I'm happy to leave almost everything to the professionals, but the inertial dampeners are the one thing I have to check, for everyones' sake."

Nodding politely to Gideon, she saw that he was, in fact, an Ensign. Turning a slightly darker shade, she nodded collegially to him in turn.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)



Eydis would watch for a second before reaching out to steady zex. Hir crystalline body had the warmth of a hot water bottle, but the hardness of crystal. Eydis would then watch a Ems personal attend to sirol. Then the command for everyone to clear out came Eydis would tilt hir head to the side. In the confusion Erika had scurried off the bed and down under it. Directed by Eydis to remain close to the deltan who could also feel the uropygi presence under the bed.

Over the lattice You are safe Erika will watch over you . I' m being kicked out. I will Skladyr by the door as well. I will attend to finding the mastermind of this attack.

Turning to speak the XO and kal. I will have the Etain placed on alert then. What else do you need at this time


@Kal & Zex - I had to change the order of the quotes a bit to keep things chronological. Hope that's okay with you. ^.^

< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 11, 2021, 04:17:56 PM

She could hear Eydis over the lattis.  'Sirol looks unwell' echoed in the back of her mind.  But she was so focused on the Romulan face to look beyond it.

Sirol was much younger than her attacker.  She had not wrinkles.  No gray in her hair.

The feeling she was getting from Sirol was distress.  Tension.  That was running high.

"No.  You misunderstand you.  You are too young to be my attacker.  It is not you.  I'm sure of that now" the Deltan replied.

And as if the retraction of the accusation had stuck a pin in Sirol's balloon of tension.  It burst.  And Sirol feel to the floor.

"Someone help her" Zex said.  Half getting out of the bed herself.  "EMS activate" she called out.

She half-aware registered Ensign Jimrec's and Ensign Zex's words, acknowledging them with a nod.
Jimrec was noticeably trying to bring this investigation to a conclusion; which Sirol appreciated. Zex seemed to be more and more sure that it might not have been Sirol. A theory towards which Sirol was entirely indifferent. After all, she did not remember. But willingly accepted whatever consequence lay ahead.
And she - at least for now - did not even feel like caring as to what would happen to her in the future...
"œNo need for apologies"¦" She mumbled towards both of them.
Quote from: Kal on April 11, 2021, 02:06:52 PM

[Katra - Sickbay]"Help me with her please," he said. Then his own body was crying in pain. So he was no unfit on duty and physical duty. Crap. He could work on this investigation.

She could feel Jimrec trying to catch her, and had to fight her own instinct to push him away.
She could tell that he had been in pain himself, and that catching another adult would certainly increase said pain... Yet the bigger threat would have been for Sirol to push him away to protect him - and by that maybe even cause more damage...
Even in her foggy mental and physical state she remembered that vulcanoids were significantly stronger than humanoids, and - despite his taller and stronger physique - she was not sure how much he would have been able to take, so she - in a second of resignation - made the strategic decision of a small inflicted pain over a bigger one, and simply flopped into his arms like a loosely wrapped bag...
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 11, 2021, 06:25:20 PM

"MEDIC!!" he called as he helped lift Sirol back on to the bed and saw the pain in Kal's face as well. "Maybe you should have a seat as well, Ensign. What happened here?" he said.

I just want to go home"¦
The thoughts circled in her mind, constantly being chased by the addendum that there was no home.
She could barely notice Commander Briggs joining Jimrec, and for a second Sirol's body flinched.
It was nothing personal - after all, she had no single negative thing to say or even think of Briggs, yet feeling a second stranger holding her oddly stressed her; their sudden close physical presence being almost even too overwhelming for the otherwise detached scientist...
Quote from: Kirok on April 11, 2021, 07:01:45 PM

The EMH appeared and went straight to work without preamble.  "Vitals" he said to the computer.  Though he reached for the woman's wrist to check for a pulse.

It was stead.  And she was breathing.  But her blood pressure you unusually high.

"Out.  All of you.  Out.  She can not stand anymore emotional stress" the EMH said would turning toward the others.

His words echoed in her mind for a second.
Emotional stress? Well"¦ She assumed he was not entirely wrong"¦ She had never thought of herself as much of an emotional being (unless when interacting with children or other protegees), but ever since she had been forcefully ripped out of the anomaly, there was no denying that Sirol was not herself anymore, meaning, emotional might very well be the new description when trying to grasp and describe the slender, miserable little being in the black Starfleet uniform"¦

Looking up at him she tilted her head and gave him almost even a grin.
It was the same face as that of "˜Doctor Navik' - the photonic intelligence Sirol used as a beta testing element for most of her simulations.
(Of cause it was - It was after all an EMH - even though she had repurposed it"¦)
"œNavik..." She spoke absent-mindedly"¦ "œYour polygons"¦ I appreciate what they have done to your graphic"¦"
With that she eventually just (even if just temporarily) blacked out.
Her body forced itself into a soft reset while her aimless mind was lamenting about 212 planets that could have become her new homes as well as the fact that she really felt like she could use a new research project...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



[Ready Room to Captain's Quarters]

With his part of the investigation regarding Sirol's possible involvement in the bombing of Katra concluded, Kirok returned to his Ready Room.  He had done all that he could do.  Now it was in Kyle's hands to wrap up the investigation.

So he returned to his Ready Room, fully prepared to start on his next task.  Moving from one thing to another without a break as had been his custom for years.  In fact, he intended to approve the invitation list for the re-opening ceremony that was waiting in his emails and then arranging for transportation as needed - a project that should only take another 63 minutes or so.

Dillon, though, had different plans.  The canine stood when doors slid open.  Then he walked up to Kirok and pressed his body against the Vulcan's leg - toward their quarters.

"Time for bed?" Kiork asked aloud.  He looked down at the padd in his hand.  "Of course" he replied after seeing the time.

Kirok had not sleep since arriving at the station.  So he took the canine's lead.  "Very well" he acquiesced.

The duo walked to the room they shared.  It was known as the Captain's quarters.  But Dillon had full access to the suite.

Even the bed.  So it was really the Catain's and the Captain's dog's quarters.  Details????

After Kiork changed into his off duty clothes, he meditated.  Then it was lights off.  Then into bed they went.

Sleep, though, did not come quickly or easily.  Instead the half Vulcan ruminated on the days events.  More specifically he ruminated about how his decisions had affected his crew.

How Ms. Falleg must have felt when he told her to report to the OCC instead of immediately flying away to find her children.  How Sirol must have felt when he authorized the investigation against her.  And so on.

So instead of drifting off to blissful sleep, he tossed and turned.  Muscle tension kept him awake.  Specifically his jaw.

[Flashback - 4 years ago - Earth]

Kirok had gone to visit an old friend.  Dr Jelos, the Mugato doctor he had served with on the Discover.  For an office visit.

Jelos had opened a private practice.  And there was no rule against Kirok seeing a private doctor.   Not technically.

"Standard meditation does not seem to be working for me any longer.  I am having... break threw... thoughts after I have prepared for bed.  I also recently broke a tooth due to grinding" he said.  "This is not normal for a Vulcan who has completed the kohlinar" he added.

"It sound like you may be suffering from a social anxiety disorder.  I could refer you to a psychiatrist.  He or she may suggest adding medication before bed to treat you" Jelos replied.

"Vulcans do no suffer from such disorders, nor do they take medication before bed to help them sleep.   Not those how have completed the kohlinar, at least.  So, medication is clearly out of the question" he replied definitely.

"But Kirok, you are only half Vulcan.  Little is know about how they, half Vulcans, react to repeated stress over long periods of time.  It is somewhat common in Betazeds.   A psychiatrist would know more about this type of thing' the Mugato said.

Kiork shook his head.  "No.  No Vulcan's do not go to psychiatrists" he replied.

"Ok then, if you are no willing to meet with a psychiatrist, then I have one other possible solution.  Get a pet -  preferably a dog - but a basic canine without telepathy.

Something that you will need to take care of - you personally - not an aide.  Something that will make you kept to its schedule - not the other way around.  Do that and you may learn how to sleep again - but it will take time" Jelos said.

[Present day]

Dillon had already fallen asleep.  His chect rose and fell steadily.  He breathed in and out audibly.

The half Vulcan, still awake, placed his hand on the dogs side.  He started focusing his thoughts on the dogs breathing.  And only on his breathing.  Breathing in when Dillon did and out too.

In and out.  He started to relax.  in and out.  The tension leaving his body.  In and out.....(sleep, blissful sleep).

[Medbay:  NPC:  Zex]

"Thank you, Eydis.  I will take good care of it.  As good of care it will take of me" she said.

"But I know now, for certain.  She is not the person who attacked me.  She is not the person who bombed the station" she said.

"But it was definately a Romulan.  Someone older than Sirol.  Much much older with hate in her heart" he added.

[Medbay: EMH]

The EMH looked down at Sirol.  Was she delirious as well as hyper-tensive?  "Hush child.  Sleep.  No one else will bother you.  You are safe in my care" he promised the ailing Romulan.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

[Katra - Sickbay]

As Kyle was asking how Kal was feeling. The stubborn security man grunted. "I will survive," he tapped the blue pace heart on his chest. "Hell I met more then once!"

Kal had went to the computer terminal. He put the code in and date of the event of the explosion. The scene was about three minutes lapse. That was a good amount of time. Then Sirol was at docking saucer away from the explosion as Zex explained. Even the videos had confirmed. Then he closed the video.

The EMH the one with lack of bed manners had appeared to car for Sirol. Kal held his hands up. "Rather not, Doctor. I can't leave Sirol out of my sight!"

A moment of a second, or less. "I am a patient myself," that was a good excuse not to be kick out.

"Commander Briggs I would like to relay to security we get Chris Ch'Talvin and his family as well Aurora Murphy to be question to see what they have to say," he told Kyle.

Then Zex pipped up. Kal turned to look at her as he relax his arms on the side of his own body. Zex shared a better statement that Sirol had not attacked her after all. "Are you sure, Zex? Are you sure the cloak figure was a female? And how sure it was a Romulan? Perhaps we can try find sample scans at the crime scene. And perhaps in detail description we can attempt run a holo guide to get a clearer match. The computer would be able to un-mask some of the images we don't see. That could be a possible an edge to help us."

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 11, 2021, 10:55:11 PM


"Captain. Ferris." giving them both a nod and a smile as he turned to leave.  "Lets go Drake, we're taking the Allegany.  you drive."

"King!" Ser said.  "Slow down before for you trip over a dangling participle." Ser walked over still smiling.  Some new officers did only what they told and had to be persuaded into going above an beyond.  The other kind thought they could do everything on their own.  King seem to be on the latter end.

"Don't worry, we have time.  Also Drake and I are doing the pre-flight check.  You'll be to busy taking care of the sensor package. This is a team effort we each have are part to do.  now do either need anything before we go?"

Quote from: Serena King on April 12, 2021, 06:46:10 AM

[Katra /Shuttlebay]

Serena nodded at Lieutenant Conley, "You aren't familiar with me, Lieutenant, we just met. I have an inner ear condition. The civilian freighter I arrived on had low rated spec and very mistuned inertial dampeners. You might feel a slight vibration in the deck plates, I feel as if the room is moving around like a spinning top. I had barely enough time to shower and change uniforms right after I disembarked and reported in. I ducked off to take a booster for my suppression meds to help."

She gestured broadly. "This station is run by competent professionals, I could tell the moment I arrived. This is a 'working' station, not a Fleet Showboat. The pride and quality of the work I observe speaks more than any spit and polish for visiting dignitaries. Look at how the shuttles are parked precisely on its markers. The soft whine of the shuttle doors tells me even those systems are maintained when they could be overlooked. I could open up a toolkit and see that every tool is in its place and treated with dignity. I'm happy to leave almost everything to the professionals, but the inertial dampeners are the one thing I have to check, for everyones' sake."

Nodding politely to Gideon, she saw that he was, in fact, an Ensign. Turning a slightly darker shade, she nodded collegially to him in turn.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC >- Shuttle Docking Pad | Deck One >- Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"No, sir," said Gideon. "Don't have anything else to take care of. I'll get the Allegheny ready."

He nodded back at Ensign King with a polite and kind smile. Then he got onto the turbolift and made his way to the shuttle dock. It wasn't a long ride, of course. And the Allegheny wasn't hard to find. It was one of the new runabouts, and it had an interesting look. He wondered if they'll run out of room in the docking saucers if they kept up getting new runabouts.

He then got to work making the preflight checks and was quite surprised to see Ensign King so soon.

"Ah, Ensign," he said. "Earlier than expected, but so much the better. Early bird gets the worm," he added with a smile.

"So, how's the sensor package?" he said. "Also, I won't mind a chin-wag as we work, we got time and pre-flight checks to do in the meantime. Might I ask where you from?" he asked as he worked.

Kyle Briggs

[Katra - Sickbay]

Things were starting to come to a head all at once. Sirol was fainting. Kal wasn't feeling well. His PADD chimed and he received a message from the Captain that exonerated Sirol. Zex remembered part of the attack and realized that it wasn't Sirol that attacked her. And the EMH was kicking him out.

"Okay." he said to Kal. "You get better. I'm gonna head up to the command center and talk with Captain Kirok. He has DNA evidence that clears Sirol. Between that and Zex remembering, that should be plenty. Now we can actually get to work on finding the real culprit. I'll be sure to let you know what else we discover, Ensign. Just get better."

He exited Sickbay and headed for a lift.


So eydis would give zex a nod and then depart leaving behind Skaldyr by the door of the medbay. And with Erika the uropygi position out of sight from all but zex. Erika was genderless drone and just a few days old once Erika matured would be the size of large dog. But now the little biological bundle of blades and points was the size of smallish housecat. Peering around the corner of the bed that zex was in. The little uropygi would observe the others, but possessing only enough iq to know how to walk bite and eat.

What Erika observed simply meant nothing to it. The only thing that matter was to stay near the deltan. Any hostile action would trigger its command to attack. It's tiny black beady eyes fixated on whatever individual in the room moved last.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Eydis on April 12, 2021, 11:33:31 PM

So eydis would give zex a nod and then depart leaving behind Skaldyr by the door of the medbay. And with Erika the uropygi position out of sight from all but zex. Erika was genderless drone and just a few days old once Erika matured would be the size of large dog. But now the little biological bundle of blades and points was the size of smallish housecat. Peering around the corner of the bed that zex was in. The little uropygi would observe the others, but possessing only enough iq to know how to walk bite and eat.

What Erika observed simply meant nothing to it. The only thing that matter was to stay near the deltan. Any hostile action would trigger its command to attack. It's tiny black beady eyes fixated on whatever individual in the room moved last.

With things settle down in Sickbay Kal had to let Sirol rest. To be off duty was a punishment to Kal. The man turned to Zex. "œYou doing better?" He asked her. He walked to her side. "œWe will sort this out soon. If we don't. I will vow to figure out before my last breath!" He gave her a smile.

The guy was hurting and it take time. Kal had not like sitting and waiting. Patients was something he had in parts of his life. Waiting for wounds to heal was not one of them.

His eyes spotted the Tholian pet. "œEydis gave you that? Does security aware of it? We like pets to be register so we are aware of them. When they runaway. We know who it belongs," he told her.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 12, 2021, 10:50:19 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC >- Shuttle Docking Pad | Deck One >- Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"No, sir," said Gideon. "Don't have anything else to take care of. I'll get the Allegheny ready."

He nodded back at Ensign King with a polite and kind smile. Then he got onto the turbolift and made his way to the shuttle dock. It wasn't a long ride, of course. And the Allegheny wasn't hard to find. It was one of the new runabouts, and it had an interesting look. He wondered if they'll run out of room in the docking saucers if they kept up getting new runabouts.

He then got to work making the preflight checks and was quite surprised to see Ensign King so soon.

"Ah, Ensign," he said. "Earlier than expected, but so much the better. Early bird gets the worm," he added with a smile.

"So, how's the sensor package?" he said. "Also, I won't mind a chin-wag as we work, we got time and pre-flight checks to do in the meantime. Might I ask where you from?" he asked as he worked.

Serena listened somewhat distractedly as she pulled up to the third console of the Runabout. Pulling out a PADD, she set it down on the console, tapped it on and had her fingers ready on the console. Taking her customary deep breath, she began her Professional Assessment Rapid Monologue: "Begin log, sensor package appears to be based on standard GCS-SSPFF encompassing functions and elements of Type 4, Type 5 and Type 6. Stop. Ingeniously designed pathways and shielding ensure no cross bleed or feed between elemental functions. Stop. Sensor clusters in right upper quadrant, enhanced optical zoom mounted within a resonance platform feed. Stop, new paragraph. Cluster of quad high speed data nodes and subprocessors with FTL core.

"Stop, aside, interesting, this would maximize data resolution but would reduce the limit of analysis. Stop, aside, suspicion, given the impressive but limited capabilities, this implies either sophisticated AI logic for results, or offload to larger computational platform. Stop, continuing aside, implies use as larger, multimission capable sensor probe with larger bandwidth and signal-noise ratio.

"Stop, new paragraph, unknown, nonstandard configuration node in upper left quadrant of package. Stop, believe to be combination attenuated tachyon/neutrino beam. Stop, aside, holy crap how did they manage that?! Stop, aside, from Engineering standpoint, consider implications for EW and FTL sensor spoof through inverse reticulating spline projection.

"Stop, new paragraph, inclusion of narrow band EM sensor implies short range work by designers, potentially in the form of orbital studies analysis. Stop, newly designed power distribution network with octuple redundant transtator based MOSFET allows for sufficient power and minimized thermal bloom and drowning out instrumentation.

"Stop, new paragraph, initial POST-BIST shows all circuits operating at optimal performance with no degradation. Stop, self diagnostics and boilerplate flush shows nominal capabilities, ready to go.

"Stop, conclusions, mighty fine piece of design work, cannot wait to test it out. Stop, aside, note to self: requisition to Captain for package for birthday may result in Vulcan Captain having emotional response similar to bemused and benevolent parent while respectfully declining request. Stop analysis, recording ends."

Stretching from her chair, she switched off the PADD and pocketed it. "Apologies, Ensign Drake, I got a little distracted there. Can you repeat your question?"

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 13, 2021, 06:41:02 AM

Serena listened somewhat distractedly as she pulled up to the third console of the Runabout. Pulling out a PADD, she set it down on the console, tapped it on and had her fingers ready on the console. Taking her customary deep breath, she began her Professional Assessment Rapid Monologue: "Begin log, sensor package appears to be based on standard GCS-SSPFF encompassing functions and elements of Type 4, Type 5 and Type 6. Stop. Ingeniously designed pathways and shielding ensure no cross bleed or feed between elemental functions. Stop. Sensor clusters in right upper quadrant, enhanced optical zoom mounted within a resonance platform feed. Stop, new paragraph. Cluster of quad high speed data nodes and subprocessors with FTL core.

"Stop, aside, interesting, this would maximize data resolution but would reduce the limit of analysis. Stop, aside, suspicion, given the impressive but limited capabilities, this implies either sophisticated AI logic for results, or offload to larger computational platform. Stop, continuing aside, implies use as larger, multimission capable sensor probe with larger bandwidth and signal-noise ratio.

"Stop, new paragraph, unknown, nonstandard configuration node in upper left quadrant of package. Stop, believe to be combination attenuated tachyon/neutrino beam. Stop, aside, holy crap how did they manage that?! Stop, aside, from Engineering standpoint, consider implications for EW and FTL sensor spoof through inverse reticulating spline projection.

"Stop, new paragraph, inclusion of narrow band EM sensor implies short range work by designers, potentially in the form of orbital studies analysis. Stop, newly designed power distribution network with octuple redundant transtator based MOSFET allows for sufficient power and minimized thermal bloom and drowning out instrumentation.

"Stop, new paragraph, initial POST-BIST shows all circuits operating at optimal performance with no degradation. Stop, self diagnostics and boilerplate flush shows nominal capabilities, ready to go.

"Stop, conclusions, mighty fine piece of design work, cannot wait to test it out. Stop, aside, note to self: requisition to Captain for package for birthday may result in Vulcan Captain having emotional response similar to bemused and benevolent parent while respectfully declining request. Stop analysis, recording ends."

Stretching from her chair, she switched off the PADD and pocketed it. "Apologies, Ensign Drake, I got a little distracted there. Can you repeat your question?"

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon watched as Ensign King made her assessment. He didn't dare interrupt the log she's making as she made her checks, and clearly missed his offer for a chin-wag. Of course, when she was done, she asked him.

"Just thought we'd chin-wag as we worked," said Gideon. "I never mind talking when I work, or as I fly, passes the time...with exception when I need to work on complicated manoeuvres."

He continued his pre-flight check as he talked. "Seems you definitely know your work, Ensign," he said. "Didn't want to interrupt you as you went on, of course."

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