S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Amarande Xiiv

While the Emergency Medical Doctor was busy kicking people out left and right, Xiiv was beginning countermeasures to ease Sirol's elevated blood pressure, ensuring that a proper mix of drugs was administered to stave off a stroke. Anticoagulants would assure that Sirol would develop any clotting that might induce an embolism, which would necessitate surgery to destroy the clotting vein or artery.

Just rest was sometimes not enough but it would help now. It didn't matter what was going on, Sirol had been through enough for the time being. The last thing she wanted to have to do on anyone was an embolectomy but even that was straightforward these days with Starfleet medicine.

"Thank you," she murmured to the EMH as the last person removed themselves. "Perhaps now we can return to a place a healing instead of a place of pandemonium. If they've not, please give Falleg's children a once over. I also want Sirol moved to a private room so as not to induce any more agitation. I believe there's been enough of that."

Between coordinating search and rescue units, tending to new members with injuries, and trying to figure out exactly what was about to go wrong in her domain, Dr Xiiv found herself incredibly busy doing twenty things at once. Hence, the EMH was going to have to be another set of hands.

"If anyone is staying," she said, raising her voice so Kal could hear her, "it's quiet time. If you're here, you're resting and we, the EMH and myself, are handling your treatment to the best of our abilities."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


@Kirok & Xiiv: I hope it is okay that I try to speed it up a little. I do not want to play an unconscious character for too long, nur do I want to stretch this part too long for everyone else.

< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 12, 2021, 07:27:32 PM

[Medbay: EMH]

The EMH looked down at Sirol.  Was she delirious as well as hyper-tensive?  "Hush child.  Sleep.  No one else will bother you.  You are safe in my care" he promised the ailing Romulan.

Between the polar opposites of medical chaos and soothing noise around her, Sirol could hear Narik"¦ No"¦ The standard issue Starfleet EMH speak to her"¦
To her it was unusual to hear him like this. Her own copy of it had served as a scientific asset for so many years, that she had a hard time truly imagining him interacting with people and taking care of their needs.
It was a surprise, yet a welcome one.
What a smart and versatile AI he was!

She once more blacked out, dreaming"¦ Hearing"¦ She was not entirely sire which of them it was"¦ What she could only describe as violent tinnitus.
A low pitched whistle that felt like digging right into her skull"¦
A part of her remembered Narik"¦ The EMH mentioning high blood pressure"¦
Yes"¦ She had felt this before"¦
Twelve years, three months and twenty-two days ago...
She remembered"¦

His comforting words - him addressing her as child - only partially seeped through to her, yet she half-consciously tried to look up to him and gave him a little nod.
"œI believe"¦ That is my part to say"¦ I am supposed to take care"¦
No one is bothering me. The absence of bothering is the issue"¦"

With that she once more phased out, her tinnitus becoming more and more of a distant echo, shifting in pitch and volume - like redshift itself...

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 13, 2021, 10:48:17 AM


Just rest was sometimes not enough but it would help now. It didn't matter what was going on, Sirol had been through enough for the time being. The last thing she wanted to have to do on anyone was an embolectomy but even that was straightforward these days with Starfleet medicine.

"Thank you," she murmured to the EMH as the last person removed themselves. "Perhaps now we can return to a place a healing instead of a place of pandemonium. If they've not, please give Falleg's children a once over. I also want Sirol moved to a private room so as not to induce any more agitation. I believe there's been enough of that."

[Indefinite time later]

When Sirol opened her eyes she could feel that some of the pressure from her temples had seized. So had the vibrant pain running through her entire body.
She could still feel the exoskeleton around her chest and limbs, yet her body was in a much better state. Regardless of that though she felt"¦. Unspeakably sick and tense...
Sore... Cold... Trapped...

She could swear that she could still hear a remnant of her tinnitus, but maybe that was just wishful thinking"¦

Yes"¦ Wishful"¦

From one moment to another it dawned on her:
The feeling of sickness"¦
What she had interpreted as constant freezing throughout the last weeks"¦
The never-ending pressure on her chest"¦

She was all alone.

Unlike before, she now found herself in a single room.
No voices to be heard and no presence to be sensed"¦
She was isolated and her mind instantly terrified and in an alert state again"¦

She wanted to raise her voice, activate the EMH, yet found her voice cracking and collapsing under her own short breath.
Panicking at the sudden increased isolation all she could do was breathe faster - not on purpose of course - but her mind still worked well enough to take into account that with her hyperventilation she may or not may be fortunate enough to soon pass out again, to not feel her isolation...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Sirol on April 13, 2021, 12:40:53 PM

@Kirok & Xiiv: I hope it is okay that I try to speed it up a little. I do not want to play an unconscious character for too long, nur do I want to stretch this part too long for everyone else.

< Katra Station / MedBay >

Between the polar opposites of medical chaos and soothing noise around her, Sirol could hear Narik"¦ No"¦ The standard issue Starfleet EMH speak to her"¦
To her it was unusual to hear him like this. Her own copy of it had served as a scientific asset for so many years, that she had a hard time truly imagining him interacting with people and taking care of their needs.
It was a surprise, yet a welcome one.
What a smart and versatile AI he was!

She once more blacked out, dreaming"¦ Hearing"¦ She was not entirely sire which of them it was"¦ What she could only describe as violent tinnitus.
A low pitched whistle that felt like digging right into her skull"¦
A part of her remembered Narik"¦ The EMH mentioning high blood pressure"¦
Yes"¦ She had felt this before"¦
Twelve years, three months and twenty-two days ago...
She remembered"¦

His comforting words - him addressing her as child - only partially seeped through to her, yet she half-consciously tried to look up to him and gave him a little nod.
"œI believe"¦ That is my part to say"¦ I am supposed to take care"¦
No one is bothering me. The absence of bothering is the issue"¦"

With that she once more phased out, her tinnitus becoming more and more of a distant echo, shifting in pitch and volume - like redshift itself...

[Indefinite time later]

When Sirol opened her eyes she could feel that some of the pressure from her temples had seized. So had the vibrant pain running through her entire body.
She could still feel the exoskeleton around her chest and limbs, yet her body was in a much better state. Regardless of that though she felt"¦. Unspeakably sick and tense...
Sore... Cold... Trapped...

She could swear that she could still hear a remnant of her tinnitus, but maybe that was just wishful thinking"¦

Yes"¦ Wishful"¦

From one moment to another it dawned on her:
The feeling of sickness"¦
What she had interpreted as constant freezing throughout the last weeks"¦
The never-ending pressure on her chest"¦

She was all alone.

Unlike before, she now found herself in a single room.
No voices to be heard and no presence to be sensed"¦
She was isolated and her mind instantly terrified and in an alert state again"¦

She wanted to raise her voice, activate the EMH, yet found her voice cracking and collapsing under her own short breath.
Panicking at the sudden increased isolation all she could do was breathe faster - not on purpose of course - but her mind still worked well enough to take into account that with her hyperventilation she may or not may be fortunate enough to soon pass out again, to not feel her isolation...

Xiiv eased into the room, her eyes flicking towards the monitors. An alert had already gone off to tell her Sirol was conscious again and she'd wanted to be in the room as soon as possible. Her hands were gentle as she laid one of them on Sirol's shoulder as carefully and briefly as she could. Hopefully, that would help calm her.

"Easy," she murmured, looking down at her patient with a soft smile. "Everything is alright, now. You're safe and in a private room. I can stay awhile if you'd like. Would you like a warm blanket?"

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 13, 2021, 01:05:03 PM

Xiiv eased into the room, her eyes flicking towards the monitors. An alert had already gone off to tell her Sirol was conscious again and she'd wanted to be in the room as soon as possible. Her hands were gentle as she laid one of them on Sirol's shoulder as carefully and briefly as she could. Hopefully, that would help calm her.

"Easy," she murmured, looking down at her patient with a soft smile. "Everything is alright, now. You're safe and in a private room. I can stay awhile if you'd like. Would you like a warm blanket?"

As she felt a touch on her shoulder, the frail scientist - once again - instinctively flinched.
She was isolated"¦ Detached"¦ Damaged"¦ Vulnerable"¦
And her subconscious, silly and irrational will to survive kicked in in a - to be expected - yet inconvenient way"¦

Staring at the other with sheer terror in her unhealthily light coloured emerald eyes, the scientist shook her head.
"œThat is a lie"¦ It is not not safe"¦ It is isolated"¦ Damaging"¦" Were the only sentence fragments she could bring out, before her mind executed a standard strategy for people affected by a traumatic experience"¦
She physically detached"¦

Her eyes rapidly scanned the room, hoping to find any sedative, yet unsuccessfully"¦
Yes, of course I would like you to stay, what sort of waste-of-time question is that? I did not accept transfer to a station full of aliens and potential xenosociological insights to wither away cut-off and silently"¦
Her mind unintentionaly, yet almost even cynically lamented towards Xiiv"¦

Everything was better than silence.
Even being accused of a terrorist attack....
Even Ensign Jimrec and Commander Briggs - subjective strangers - touching her...
Even Ensign Zex being disappointed in her...
Even Commander Eydis treating her like a hologram"¦
And even the subjectively two-dimensional holographic doctor himself"¦

Her breath still fast and choppy, Sirol quietly acknowledged the offer of a warm blanket.
Of course"¦ Who would not like to be wrapped up warm and safe?
She lamented before she once more seemed to phase out in front of Xiiv.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Sirol on April 13, 2021, 01:35:16 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

As she felt a touch on her shoulder, the frail scientist - once again - instinctively flinched.
She was isolated"¦ Detached"¦ Damaged"¦ Vulnerable"¦
And her subconscious, silly and irrational will to survive kicked in in a - to be expected - yet inconvenient way"¦

Staring at the other with sheer terror in her unhealthily light coloured emerald eyes, the scientist shook her head.
"œThat is a lie"¦ It is not not safe"¦ It is isolated"¦ Damaging"¦" Were the only sentence fragments she could bring out, before her mind executed a standard strategy for people affected by a traumatic experience"¦
She physically detached"¦

Her eyes rapidly scanned the room, hoping to find any sedative, yet unsuccessfully"¦
Yes, of course I would like you to stay, what sort of waste-of-time question is that? I did not accept transfer to a station full of aliens and potential xenosociological insights to wither away cut-off and silently"¦
Her mind unintentionaly, yet almost even cynically lamented towards Xiiv"¦

Everything was better than silence.
Even being accused of a terrorist attack....
Even Ensign Jimrec and Commander Briggs - subjective strangers - touching her...
Even Ensign Zex being disappointed in her...
Even Commander Eydis treating her like a hologram"¦
And even the subjectively two-dimensional holographic doctor himself"¦

Her breath still fast and choppy, Sirol quietly acknowledged the offer of a warm blanket.
Of course"¦ Who would not like to be wrapped up warm and safe?
She lamented before she once more seemed to phase out in front of Xiiv.

"I'll move you back into the main bay, if that will help," Xiiv said in a soft voice, moving to place a warm blanket over Sirol. "Whatever is best for you. Sirol, you're not alone." Nascent though it was, she reached out with her mind, an open connection if the woman wanted to take comfort from it.

Warmth, kindness, keen intellect mixed with her symbiont's own signature were there waiting for her, should she choose to reach for her.

"I wanted to make sure you could rest properly," Xiiv said, her voice calm and sure as she unhooked the leads and moved the bed back through the doors to where it had been before. Once everything was hooked back up, she found a stool and sat next to Sirol's bedside.

"Better?" she asked gently.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 13, 2021, 01:53:23 PM

"I'll move you back into the main bay, if that will help," Xiiv said in a soft voice, moving to place a warm blanket over Sirol. "Whatever is best for you. Sirol, you're not alone." Nascent though it was, she reached out with her mind, an open connection if the woman wanted to take comfort from it.

Warmth, kindness, keen intellect mixed with her symbiont's own signature were there waiting for her, should she choose to reach for her.

"I wanted to make sure you could rest properly," Xiiv said, her voice calm and sure as she unhooked the leads and moved the bed back through the doors to where it had been before. Once everything was hooked back up, she found a stool and sat next to Sirol's bedside.

"Better?" she asked gently.

Throughout the indefinite, metaphorical soup of impressions, worst-case scenarios and sore open wounds in her mind, she could smell, almost even taste the tingling presence of the Doctor. Like a field of low level electricity surrounding her, she could almost physically identify it as Doctor Xiiv.
Trying to hold on to that sensation, she felt warmth.
For the first time in thirteen weeks, three days and - judging by her feeling - roughly twenty-three hours she felt intentional, aimed and deliberately utilised warmth in the vicinity of her thoughts again"¦

She just remained silent and closed her eyes; desperately attaching herself; sucking in the sense of company like a severely starved animal gormandising food; fearful that each bite might be the last..."¦

While she was still shaking under her blanket, it seemed to slowly seize.
She slowly sat up a little, with her bent knees close to her torso, her arms wrapped around her bent legs and her chin seemingly resting on her knees.
She just sat there under her warm blanket, her eyes flashing through the MedBay.
Most people by now had left and supposedly returned to their work.
The only ones she could still notice and see were Ensign Jimrec, Ensign Zex and the Commander's pet; semi-hidden but in plain sight.

Slowly the scientist then turned her head towards Doctor Xiiv again, and - after what felt like a subjective eternity - gave the medic on the chair next to her a nod of acknowledgement.
Yes, this was better"¦ She thought by herself.
It was not fully sufficient yet, but its chances of success were rising again; scenarios and potential soon-to-be outcomes of their situation flashing through her imagination like a wild, unregulated firework...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Erika the uropygi would peer now at the one who had been the source of all the attention of the others. It's small black beady eyes seemingly possessing something greater then the simplistic mind behind those eyes.

Once the hatchling matured it would be 26 inches tall and nearly 53 inches. And a thought materialized off its own accord in that small mind. Like a flash of lighting through a dark storm cloud

Pain and confusion

Tilting its head a little to side as it ponder what that meant when it looked at Sirol. Then it would look at Kal noticing it had been spotted and scurry under the bed a little more.

HIDE BE STILL Another jolt of lightning like thought lanced through the primitive mind of the uropygi.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Sirol on April 13, 2021, 02:44:07 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

Throughout the indefinite, metaphorical soup of impressions, worst-case scenarios and sore open wounds in her mind, she could smell, almost even taste the tingling presence of the Doctor. Like a field of low level electricity surrounding her, she could almost physically identify it as Doctor Xiiv.
Trying to hold on to that sensation, she felt warmth.
For the first time in thirteen weeks, three days and - judging by her feeling - roughly twenty-three hours she felt intentional, aimed and deliberately utilised warmth in the vicinity of her thoughts again"¦

She just remained silent and closed her eyes; desperately attaching herself; sucking in the sense of company like a severely starved animal gormandising food; fearful that each bite might be the last..."¦

While she was still shaking under her blanket, it seemed to slowly seize.
She slowly sat up a little, with her bent knees close to her torso, her arms wrapped around her bent legs and her chin seemingly resting on her knees.
She just sat there under her warm blanket, her eyes flashing through the MedBay.
Most people by now had left and supposedly returned to their work.
The only ones she could still notice and see were Ensign Jimrec, Ensign Zex and the Commander's pet; semi-hidden but in plain sight.

Slowly the scientist then turned her head towards Doctor Xiiv again, and - after what felt like a subjective eternity - gave the medic on the chair next to her a nod of acknowledgement.
Yes, this was better"¦ She thought by herself.
It was not fully sufficient yet, but its chances of success were rising again; scenarios and potential soon-to-be outcomes of their situation flashing through her imagination like a wild, unregulated firework...

"There we are," Xiiv said with a soft smile, twisting her hair into a knot at the base of her neck, her fingers moving deftly to secure it. "Welcome home."

She kept her mind open, receptive, and compassionate as it usually was, but more so now. Sirol's possible traitor status had nothing to do with Xiiv. Sirol was a patient, a comrade, and whatever the evidence found, she would not be disappointed or angry with the woman, no matter what. She let that thought stay at the forefront of her mind in case Sirol wanted to feel it. Amarande believed in her innocence and would continue to believe in it for as long as she remained in Starfleet.

There was nothing she'd seen except circumstantial evidence at best and there was no other proof that entangled her with some sort of plot. But Amarande wasn't Security and didn't have access to go snooping around even if her hands weren't already tied by search and rescue operations or the regular patients who had appointments with her.

She hoped Sirol would be acquitted quickly and returned to her duties as her medical condition allowed. Placing her on medical leave might be the worst of ideas until she healed but that could place an isolating factor, one which she had just seen, in effect. Light work only, she thought, if it came down to someone asking her opinion. Right now, after a near risk of stroke, she was going to recommend rest -- even if that rest might be boring. No one liked being a patient or being restricted.

"I'll be close if you need or want me," Xiiv said quietly, not moving from her stool as she picked up a PADD. Sirol felt a little better, she could tell that on an emotional level and that was a beginning.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 13, 2021, 03:17:40 PM

"There we are," Xiiv said with a soft smile, twisting her hair into a knot at the base of her neck, her fingers moving deftly to secure it. "Welcome home."

She kept her mind open, receptive, and compassionate as it usually was, but more so now. Sirol's possible traitor status had nothing to do with Xiiv. Sirol was a patient, a comrade, and whatever the evidence found, she would not be disappointed or angry with the woman, no matter what. She let that thought stay at the forefront of her mind in case Sirol wanted to feel it. Amarande believed in her innocence and would continue to believe in it for as long as she remained in Starfleet.

For a little while longer, Sirol just sat there, curled up under her blanket, latching onto Doctor Xiiv's presence; her face seemingly frozen with a neutral, absent minded expression, while her mind was eagerly at work.
There had to be a way to make this work.
In fact, there were at least three potentially successful -, and two generally-worth-to-be-further-reflected-upon strategies to remedy the damage caused.
All of them however alarmingly above her privileges and clearances as a current Starfleet Ensign"¦

A ship"¦
A sufficiently modified deflector...
And at least one fellow scientist"¦
She needed similarly keen minds, to network...
...Yet with the thinned out staff, the sort of allies Sirol needed might be hard to obtain"¦

Eventually she slowly looked up to Xiiv, bidding her a hesitant nod.
"œI am not at home. I have no home."
The slender scientist calmly explained.
"œBut"¦ I appreciate you reaching out for me"¦
The Romulan language has no sufficient terminology for... This here, and I am still learning to utilise Federation standard without a translator to increase my linguistic precision, but"¦ I grasp; I see what you are doing around my mind"¦ And I welcome it."

Quote from: Eydis on April 13, 2021, 02:59:30 PM

Erika the uropygi would peer now at the one who had been the source of all the attention of the others. It's small black beady eyes seemingly possessing something greater then the simplistic mind behind those eyes.

Once the hatchling matured it would be 26 inches tall and nearly 53 inches. And a thought materialized off its own accord in that small mind. Like a flash of lighting through a dark storm cloud

Pain and confusion

Tilting its head a little to side as it ponder what that meant when it looked at Sirol. Then it would look at Kal noticing it had been spotted and scurry under the bed a little more.

HIDE BE STILL Another jolt of lightning like thought lanced through the primitive mind of the uropygi.

When Sirol once more noticed the Commander's pet from the corner of her eye, she slowly turned around, giving it a curious look; only to see it seek shelter and go into hiding again.
It was adorable and instantly triggered protective feelings within Sirol (as to be logically expected from her when around children and small animals"¦), but also a fair share of new thoughts.

The poor little thing must have been overwhelmed with all the strange occurrences and faces on the MedBay"¦
"œWill it be alright?" Sirol quietly asked in Zex's direction, yet with her eyes still following the small animal.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 13, 2021, 03:17:40 PM

"I'll be close if you need or want me," Xiiv said quietly, not moving from her stool as she picked up a PADD. Sirol felt a little better, she could tell that on an emotional level and that was a beginning.

Sirol hesitantly nodded, her eyes slowly returning her focus towards the medic.
"œAcknowledged. Thank you"¦"
She spoke calmly, rubbing her cold hands on her ankles, before she eventually added:
"œHow do I determine if I need you, Doctor?"
The question was almost even ironically childish; hinting towards Sirol's lack of chance to reflect; lack of someone to give her the proper feedback she needed to assess herself and her own situation. Yet her question was genuine...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station| OCC

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 11, 2021, 09:24:17 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Gideon snorted quietly but with amusement when Lieutenant Ferris, and Ensign King in turn, referred to him as a lieutenant. He was not a lieutenant himself, not by a bloody longshot. He had only been out of the Academy for almost a month.

"Technically, leftenant..." he left the sentence hanging and pointed subtly at his lone pip, smiling politely. He wasn't offended, of course.

"I'll head down to the shuttlebay to get the preflight checks started, leftenants," Gideon said. "By the way, which runabout is the one with the sensor package?"

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 11, 2021, 10:55:11 PM


"Captain. Ferris." giving them both a nod and a smile as he turned to leave.  "Lets go Drake, we're taking the Allegany.  you drive."

"King!" Ser said.  "Slow down before for you trip over a dangling participle." Ser walked over still smiling.  Some new officers did only what they told and had to be persuaded into going above an beyond.  The other kind thought they could do everything on their own.  King seem to be on the latter end.

"Don't worry, we have time.  Also Drake and I are doing the pre-flight check.  You'll be to busy taking care of the sensor package. This is a team effort we each have are part to do.  now do either need anything before we go?"

"œThank you, Conley. Fly well, Drake. Nice to meet you Ensign King."
Eli turned back to his console, assembling all possible data variables the crew would need to make sure each data point was updated. The retrieval of the damaged parts of the station would allow them to determine the safest flight path. It was an ongoing process for Eli trying to determine  flight patrols, whenever they would be available. His priority was getting stable power so they could get the workbees out and moving.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 13, 2021, 09:20:48 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon watched as Ensign King made her assessment. He didn't dare interrupt the log she's making as she made her checks, and clearly missed his offer for a chin-wag. Of course, when she was done, she asked him.

"Just thought we'd chin-wag as we worked," said Gideon. "I never mind talking when I work, or as I fly, passes the time...with exception when I need to work on complicated manoeuvres."

He continued his pre-flight check as he talked. "Seems you definitely know your work, Ensign," he said. "Didn't want to interrupt you as you went on, of course."

Serena swivelled around in her chair and blinked. "Well... Vulcans have I-D-I-C, Engineers have I-T-I-L." She mused at her own joke and thought for a second. All her life, she'd been somewhat of a loner. Maybe it was the fact she was raised by a single mother, never knowing her father. And of course, there was that reason her surname was King. Or maybe it was that independent streak with a healthy mix of efficiency and getting-to-the-point-ness that Hong Kongers were pretty famous for.

For another few seconds, she thought what she could say in response. Oh, she got along well with people overall, but was she exactly friendly? Did she have anyone who she could consider a true friend? A confidante? Someone to... Make small talk with? She looked at Gideon in a new light. Yes, he was a bit of a dashing rogue and she sensed in him a kindhearted person overall. She applied Engineering principles: things would run more efficiently with a stronger working relationship.

Serena steepled her fingers in front of her and leaned back in the chair. "Small talk. Well... I'm from Earth. If you really want to be more specific, Taikoo, Hong Kong Island. My family has lived in that area for the past few hundred years. Growing up there, I... I won't say grandmaster, but I'm pretty good at Xiangqi and as you can imagine, logic puzzles for the most part. I'm not particularly athletic due to my ear condition, but I can hold my own, though I do enjoy walking around the neighbourhood, as a way to keep circulation flowing. I am very partial to fried fish skin, beef brisket noodle soup and Hong Kong style Borscht, although they say I ruin it by adding a dollop of butter to it. How... About you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Sirol on April 13, 2021, 06:37:57 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

For a little while longer, Sirol just sat there, curled up under her blanket, latching onto Doctor Xiiv's presence; her face seemingly frozen with a neutral, absent minded expression, while her mind was eagerly at work.
There had to be a way to make this work.
In fact, there were at least three potentially successful -, and two generally-worth-to-be-further-reflected-upon strategies to remedy the damage caused.
All of them however alarmingly above her privileges and clearances as a current Starfleet Ensign"¦

A ship"¦
A sufficiently modified deflector...
And at least one fellow scientist"¦
She needed similarly keen minds, to network...
...Yet with the thinned out staff, the sort of allies Sirol needed might be hard to obtain"¦

Eventually she slowly looked up to Xiiv, bidding her a hesitant nod.
"œI am not at home. I have no home."
The slender scientist calmly explained.
"œBut"¦ I appreciate you reaching out for me"¦
The Romulan language has no sufficient terminology for... This here, and I am still learning to utilise Federation standard without a translator to increase my linguistic precision, but"¦ I grasp; I see what you are doing around my mind"¦ And I welcome it."

When Sirol once more noticed the Commander's pet from the corner of her eye, she slowly turned around, giving it a curious look; only to see it seek shelter and go into hiding again.
It was adorable and instantly triggered protective feelings within Sirol (as to be logically expected from her when around children and small animals"¦), but also a fair share of new thoughts.

The poor little thing must have been overwhelmed with all the strange occurrences and faces on the MedBay"¦
"œWill it be alright?" Sirol quietly asked in Zex's direction, yet with her eyes still following the small animal.

Sirol hesitantly nodded, her eyes slowly returning her focus towards the medic.
"œAcknowledged. Thank you"¦"
She spoke calmly, rubbing her cold hands on her ankles, before she eventually added:
"œHow do I determine if I need you, Doctor?"
The question was almost even ironically childish; hinting towards Sirol's lack of chance to reflect; lack of someone to give her the proper feedback she needed to assess herself and her own situation. Yet her question was genuine...

"I'm glad it helps," she said in a gentle voice. She smiles, then, and hums. "If you feel panicky, or just need someone who doesn't judge you, or if you'd like my mind to be close to yours, those are good starting criteria for needing me. I'll be here or somewhere else in the bay. Right now, I can just sit with you doing final report checks. I just want to make sure you're as alright and comfortable as I can accommodate, Sirol."

She pauses for a moment or two, signing off on this or that.

"I suppose I consider Katra as much a home as I might any other. I hope you will, one day, call it home as well."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 14, 2021, 05:47:24 AM

Serena swivelled around in her chair and blinked. "Well... Vulcans have I-D-I-C, Engineers have I-T-I-L." She mused at her own joke and thought for a second. All her life, she'd been somewhat of a loner. Maybe it was the fact she was raised by a single mother, never knowing her father. And of course, there was that reason her surname was King. Or maybe it was that independent streak with a healthy mix of efficiency and getting-to-the-point-ness that Hong Kongers were pretty famous for.

For another few seconds, she thought what she could say in response. Oh, she got along well with people overall, but was she exactly friendly? Did she have anyone who she could consider a true friend? A confidante? Someone to... Make small talk with? She looked at Gideon in a new light. Yes, he was a bit of a dashing rogue and she sensed in him a kindhearted person overall. She applied Engineering principles: things would run more efficiently with a stronger working relationship.

Serena steepled her fingers in front of her and leaned back in the chair. "Small talk. Well... I'm from Earth. If you really want to be more specific, Taikoo, Hong Kong Island. My family has lived in that area for the past few hundred years. Growing up there, I... I won't say grandmaster, but I'm pretty good at Xiangqi and as you can imagine, logic puzzles for the most part. I'm not particularly athletic due to my ear condition, but I can hold my own, though I do enjoy walking around the neighbourhood, as a way to keep circulation flowing. I am very partial to fried fish skin, beef brisket noodle soup and Hong Kong style Borscht, although they say I ruin it by adding a dollop of butter to it. How... About you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon looked with interest as Ensign King talked. His interest doubled when she mentioned where she's from. Then when his turn came to talk, he replied, "I'm the latest of a long line of my family of naval officers and air pilots. Almost a millennium's worth of generations. That doesn't necessarily mean we're descended from Francis Drake, the naval officer and sanctioned pirate. It's also interesting that you should mention Hong Kong, some members of my family used to work there when it used to be a British Colony. Though even when it's long given back to China, we still come whenever possible.

"As I said," he continued, "we were all naval officers in my family, but since the origin of the planes and the Royal Air Force, we've been flying ever since. Though since the Warp Programs and the Romulan Wars, we've often considered it a bit of both. A naval officer and a pilot.

"As for me, myself," he added, "I'm downright wizard with anything that flies. Not a wizard with magic, mind," he added with a chuckle. "That's what my family's always told me. I've had more ambitions to join Starfleet rather than take on work in my family's shipping company. I too also enjoy a good constitutional; it's one thing I like about working on a station, besides the fact that there's no shortage of flight assignments. After all, if you choose the right place to be in, a station looks like a city.

"Food-wise," he continued, "I like chocolates, fish'n'chips, toad-in-the-hole (which technically doesn't have toads, by the way), and the occasional pudding."

He smiled at her as he spoke and as he worked. He didn't want to mention he liked both kinds of birds, he was very careful on that subject. In no time at all, the pre-flight checks were eventually complete. All they needed now was Lieutenant Conely to show up.



< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 14, 2021, 08:53:46 AM

"I'm glad it helps," she said in a gentle voice. She smiles, then, and hums. "If you feel panicky, or just need someone who doesn't judge you, or if you'd like my mind to be close to yours, those are good starting criteria for needing me. I'll be here or somewhere else in the bay. Right now, I can just sit with you doing final report checks. I just want to make sure you're as alright and comfortable as I can accommodate, Sirol."

She pauses for a moment or two, signing off on this or that.

"I suppose I consider Katra as much a home as I might any other. I hope you will, one day, call it home as well."

Sirol tilted her head, quietly following the Doctor's words and every now and then acknowledging them with a little nod.
What an odd way to comfort her, but she could receive Xiiv's good intentions like a comforting breeze.
"œIt"¦ Is alright"¦ I do not mind being judged.... Everyone judges in one way or another. It is a crucial part of independent and critical thinking, and - as long as it does take real and valid facts into consideration too - perfectly healthy."
She adjusted the blanket a little, so it covered her back and her legs, yet would hive her hands and arms relative freedom of movement.
"œIs there anything I can help you with for the final report? Or"¦ In general?
My mind is still working. For the most part that is...

Her words were quiet and still a little weak, signalling the toll the recent weeks, yet especially the chain of events on the MedBay today had taken on her.
While appearing quiet and timid for now, with her senses and thoughts latched onto the presence of the Doctor - and finding some almost therapeutic remedy in her presence, her mind was still - as usual - hyperactive. Willing; craving to be of use; to do her part"¦

Upn Xiiv's statement regarding her stay on the station though, the scientist paused for a second, just raising one eyebrow.
"œThat is one"¦ Exceptionally reactionary outlook on your place; and a pleasantly accepting one too.
Maybe I might"¦"

Depending on how my next project and the acquiring of suitable equipment and assistance may go"¦

"œ...My work as an exchange officer though suggests that - at any time - I might be transferred to a different place; into a new society the Romulan Free State sees fit to conduct research on.
I have been among Remans, Klingons, Nimbosians and... Ensign Murphy... Throughout the last four years"¦ Each culture has its merits and downsides"¦
I for example never expected to enjoy my time aboard a Klingon Vessel as much as I did"¦
But their level of"¦ Legitimacy"¦ Their genuine presence and honesty"¦ Whether for or against my person... Was remarkable..."

For a moment Sirol thoughtfully stared into the air, fondly remembering her time aboard the Gor'veng.
Had she been part of the crew? Of course not. But Captain K'Langa and his crew had been unconditionally honest with her, even the ones who hated her for her heritage"¦
No good or bad word from them had ever been masked in a vague indication or entirely hidden behind a wall of silence"¦
It had been the second closest thing to a real experience Sirol had had the honour to make"¦

"œ...But I digress.
What I mean to say here is, that - unless I decide to marry into a family somewhere, which is statistically seen unlikely due to my inadequacies"¦ Chances are, I will be assigned to an entirely different faction eventually.
My role as a xenologist and even my function as mediator do not exactly offer the privilege of a fix home, and the escapist fantasy of suddenly getting accepted for the cross culture adoption program and being assigned to a child and by extension a permanent faction"¦ Would be"¦ Counterproductive for this and any other future temporary assignment.."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kal on April 12, 2021, 10:06:23 PM

[Katra - Sickbay]

As Kyle was asking how Kal was feeling. The stubborn security man grunted. "I will survive," he tapped the blue pace heart on his chest. "Hell I met more then once!"

Kal had went to the computer terminal. He put the code in and date of the event of the explosion. The scene was about three minutes lapse. That was a good amount of time. Then Sirol was at docking saucer away from the explosion as Zex explained. Even the videos had confirmed. Then he closed the video.

The EMH the one with lack of bed manners had appeared to car for Sirol. Kal held his hands up. "Rather not, Doctor. I can't leave Sirol out of my sight!"

A moment of a second, or less. "I am a patient myself," that was a good excuse not to be kick out.

"Commander Briggs I would like to relay to security we get Chris Ch'Talvin and his family as well Aurora Murphy to be question to see what they have to say," he told Kyle.

Then Zex pipped up. Kal turned to look at her as he relax his arms on the side of his own body. Zex shared a better statement that Sirol had not attacked her after all. "Are you sure, Zex? Are you sure the cloak figure was a female? And how sure it was a Romulan? Perhaps we can try find sample scans at the crime scene. And perhaps in detail description we can attempt run a holo guide to get a clearer match. The computer would be able to un-mask some of the images we don't see. That could be a possible an edge to help us."

[Medbay: Zex]

Zex grabbed Ka's arm.  More to help him understand just how certain she was of Sirol's innocence.  "I'm positive that it was not her" she said.

"When I first woke up, she looked similar to the person who attacked me.  She was a woman.  A Romulan.  But much older than Sirol.  She had wrinkles and some grey hair.  I'm 100% certain.  You need to believe me, right?" she added.

As Eydis was leaving, Zex made sure to say goodbye.  "Thanks for coming to visit.  And thanks for leaving your pet to guard me.  I will let you know when visitors can return or more preferably when I can leave, whichever comes first" she said.

"I am feeling better" Zex said to Kal after Eydis left.  "Shi is just here to guard me.  I wasn't aware of the police, but I will tell Eydis.  I'm sure shi would want assistance if it ever went missing" she said.

"Yes.  Shi will be fine" the Deltan said to Siro.  "Would you like for me to sit with you?  Hold your hand until you are better?" she offered.


"Aya, Sir" the EMH said to Dr. X.   Then it went off to check over Ms. Falleg's children.   It cleared everyone and cleared the Medbay as much as possible.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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